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The human body frequency

Article · March 2020


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1 author:

Khaled Hamlaoui
Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms


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The human body frequency
By: Khaled Hamlaoui.

Everything is based on calorie.

Everything is energy, everything in our existence is connected to a field of electromagnetic
vibrational frequencies, and as we know everything made of atoms which produce, emit and
receive energy which operates at specific frequency, even our emotions and thoughts have
their own electromagnetic fields, as do viruses and bacteria.
According to Bruce Tainio (researcher and founder of Tainio technology) said that the
healthy human body resonates at a frequency of 62-78 MHz, and diseases starts when the
frequency drops to 58 MHz.
When the frequency drops because of physiological or emotional or environmental factors,
the immune system becomes weak, so viruses, bacteria find it easier to do their work, so as
NIKOLA TESLA said «if you could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered with
our bodies, we could have greater resistance toward disease».

Back to Tainio, he developed a highly sensitive sensor to measure different frequencies, and
different researches found this:

-processed / canned food had a zero MHz frequency

- fresh produce measured up to 15 MHz frequency
- dry herbs from 12-22 MHz
- fresh herbs from 20-27 MHz
- Essential oils started at 52 MHz and went as high as 320 MHz, which is the frequency of
rose oil.

And they found this also:

-Genius Brain Frequency 80–82 MHz
-Brain Frequency Range 72–90 MHz
-Normal Brain Frequency 72 MHz
-Human Body 62–78 MHz
-Human Body from Neck up 72–78 MHz
-Human Body from Neck down 60–68 MHz
-Thyroid and Parathyroid glands 62–68 MHz
-Thymus gland 65–68 MHz
-Heart is 67–70 MHz
-Lungs 58–65 MHz
-Liver 55–60 MHz
-Pancreas 60–80 MHz
-Colds and the Flu start at 57–60 MHz
-Disease starts at 58 MHz
-Candida overgrowth starts at 55 MHz
-Receptive to Epstein Barr at 52 MHz
-Receptive to Cancer at 42 MHz
What i noticed during this COVID-19 crisis is the chinese used Tai Chi, this is a Chinese
martial art practiced for both its defence training, its health benefits and meditation, and the
most important thing in Tai Chi is stimulating blood circulation, relaxation, and joints while
promoting mental relaxation and by this the body frequency gets better and better, i
watched many videos of the chinese medical staff who practiced Tai Chi with the patients
every morning and that a very good reason they won against diseases, and i saw by myself
during my stay in China in 2018, every morning you lot of people outside, different ages,
practicing it..

The conclusion is #stay_positive is the key for health...

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