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Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

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Chemical Engineering Science

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Data driven robust optimization for handling uncertainty in supply chain

planning models
Kapil M. Gumte, Priyanka Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala, Kishalay Mitra ⇑
Global Optimization and Knowledge Unearthing Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Kandi, Sangareddy, Telangana
502285, India

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Accurate transcription of uncertain Data driven robust optimization for handling uncertainty in supply chain planning models
parameter space using novel
clustering algorithm.
 More reliable estimation of statistical
ANN assisted clustering
moments with less number of
 Machine learning based data driven
robust optimization for sparse data
sets. Handling of learning
Multi-site, Multi- MILP SC DDRO
echelon, Multi- Uncertainty Model
 Capability to handle large number of Uncertain based product, Multi-
Parameter clustering of
for cost
uncertain parameters. Space
period Supply
parameter chain network
‘ u’

Robust Optimization Algorithm

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: While addressing supply chain planning under uncertainty, Robust Optimization (RO) is regarded as an
Received 16 December 2020 efficient and tractable method. As RO involves calculation of several statistical moments or maximum
Received in revised form 1 May 2021 / minimum values involving the objective functions under realizations of these uncertain parameters,
Accepted 18 June 2021
the accuracy of this method significantly depends on the efficient techniques to sample the uncertainty
Available online 21 June 2021
parameter space with limited amount of data. Conventional sampling techniques, e.g. box/budget/ellip-
soidal, work by sampling the uncertain parameter space inefficiently, often leading to inaccuracies in
such estimations. This paper proposes a methodology to amalgamate machine learning and data analytics
Uncertainty modelling
Supply chain management
with RO, thereby making it data-driven. A novel neuro fuzzy clustering mechanism is implemented to
Data driven robust optimization cluster the uncertain space such that the exact regions of uncertainty are optimally identified.
Neuro fuzzy clustering Subsequently, local density based boundary point detection and Delaunay triangulation based boundary
Multi-layered perceptron construction enable intelligent Sobol based sampling to sample the uncertain parameter space more
accurately. The proposed technique is utilized to explore the merits of RO towards addressing the uncer-
tainty issues of product demand, machine uptime and production cost associated with a multiproduct,
and multisite supply chain planning model. The uncertainty in supply chain model is thoroughly anal-
ysed by carefully constructing examples and its case studies leading to large scale mixed integer linear
and nonlinear programming problems which were efficiently solved in GAMSÒ framework.

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: kishalay@che.iith.ac.in (K. Mitra).

0009-2509/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

Demonstration of efficacy of the proposed method over the box, budget and ellipsoidal sampling method
through comprehensive analysis adds to other highlights of the current work.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction with multiple time periods and hence planning horizon variations
due to stochastic parameter can be resolved (Georgiadis et al.,
Supply Chain (SC) Planning aims at predicting optimal future 2011). Novel versions of established algorithms such as Bender’s
requirements through effective coordination among key business decomposition (Keyvanshokooh et al., 2016), L-shaped algorithm
units and successful integration of activities undertaken by the (Rajgopal et al., 2011), Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition approach
enterprises, to balance supply and demand over a time horizon (Dantzig, 1998), fix-and-relax coordination (Abdelaziz et al.,
(Simchi-Levi et al., 2004). Several issues in today’s fierce competi- 2007) and LR algorithm (Aghezzaf, 2005) have been developed to
tion, such as shrinking resources, rising cost, short product life, handle difficult instances of stochastic programming problems.
customer’s changing preference with demand variability, technol- The limitation to this approach is the exponential increase in prob-
ogy obsoleteness and market globalization are causing threat to lem size with the increase in number of uncertain parameters and
many companies leading them to invest in SC. It becomes more their assumed scenarios of realizations, leading to immense com-
realistic to consider the presence of uncertainty during planning putational expense and suboptimal solution within the given time
a SC owing to the volatile market conditions, where enterprises frame. Even the decomposition of the problem into multiple stages
must meet customer satisfaction under such changing environ- might be quite difficult at times.
ments (Santoso et al., 2005). Mathematically, this can be expressed When relaxation of one or more constraints are allowed due to
as an optimization problem i.e. min f½f ðx; uÞ : gðx; uÞ  0g, where f the presence of uncertainty, constraints having uncertain parame-
represents objective function and g represents the set of con- ters can be modified defining some probability of constraint satis-
straints and both these objective and constraints can be functions faction associated with them and thereby introducing reliability of
of u, showing uncertain parameter and x, showing the decision the obtained solutions (Govindan et al., 2017). Here, the original
variable. Examples of uncertain parameters in SC include price, chance constraints, having uncertain parameters, are transformed
cost of raw material, interest rate, currency exchange rates, penal- into their deterministic equivalent forms using probability con-
ties, demands, machine uptime, safety stock level at inventories, cepts. CCP can be joint or individual based on the nature of corre-
delivery time between echelons, rate of production and process lation exists among the uncertain parameters. The deterministic
conversion etc.(Reid and Sanders, 2019). Conventionally, uncer- equivalent form can be non-linear in nature due to the involve-
tainty in industrial supply chains is handled by overestimation or ment of mean and variance terms of the uncertain parameters,
over-design of the capacities so that disturbances due to uncertain- where the property of convexity can be restricted (Mitra et al.,
ties can be absorbed (Chernobai et al., 2006). Another popular 2008). The size of the equivalent deterministic problem is gener-
approach in industry is to make use of nominal values of the uncer- ally manageable even in the presence of a large number of uncer-
tain parameters and solve the deterministic formulation (Long tain parameters unless the probability of constraint satisfaction is
et al., 2012). However, the former leads to a very costly design set to be very high (i.e. very close to unity). However, going by the
whereas the latter, though relatively agile, either tends to miss definition of a robust solution, which is a fixed decision variable
opportunity or over produces during uncertain parameter values vector that should remain feasible irrespective of the realization
higher and lower than the assumed nominal value, respectively. of the uncertainty in the parameters (Rajgopal et al., 2011), the
Most popular software providing solutions to supply chain prob- solutions obtained by CCP may not be robust always. So, robust
lems neglect the effect of uncertainties in parameters for the ease optimization is an alternate way to handle optimization under
in analysis of the results and solve a deterministic model. Hence, uncertainty (OUU) problems and might be extremely important
there is a need for development and usage of efficient uncertainty under situations where the cases of constraint violation are highly
handling methods while solving SC planning problems. restricted.
Several uncertainty handling methods e.g. Stochastic Program- In RO formulation, generally, the stochastic nature of the
ming (SP) (Guillén et al., 2005), fuzzy programming (FP) (Mitra, parameters is made available in terms of data collected over a
2009), Chance Constrained Programing (CCP) (Mitra, 2009), Robust broad period of time and the stochastic optimization problem is
Optimization (RO) (Vallerio et al., 2016), etc., are in popular use in converted into an equivalent deterministic problem, known as
academics and research to perform optimization under uncer- the robust counterpart (RC), where the stochastic objective func-
tainty. Scenario based stochastic programming approach has been tions and constraints are computed for various realizations of
utilized to model Supply chains having discrete as well as contin- uncertain parameters. As this needs sampling from the uncertain
uous uncertain parameters with known probability distribution parameter space, a significant RO based research was focused on
(Hammami et al., 2014). In one variant of this algorithm, namely how to sample the uncertain space more effectively. The earliest
scenario based two stage stochastic programming (TSSP), decision attempts by Soyster provided a computationally tractable
variables are divided into two sets: variables that are independent approach with guaranteed feasibility, where the uncertain space
of uncertain parameters (‘‘here and now”) and the variables that is approximated by the box defined by the bounds of the uncertain
are dependent on the uncertain parameters (‘‘wait and see”). In set (Soyster, 1973). To improve upon the nature of over-
the first stage, ‘‘here and now” variables are decided before the conservative decisions in the box approach, ellipsoidal uncertainty
realization of the uncertain parameters (Guillén et al., 2005; sets have been introduced (El Ghaoui et al., 1998), that simplifies
Shapiro, 2011). To deal with infeasibility due to stochastic nature the robust counterpart model into a conic quadratic problem with
of uncertain parameters, the ‘‘wait-and-see” variables are selected linear constraints. Further improvements include the combination
in recourse manner. The combined effect of the first stage costs and of interval, ellipsoidal and adjustable polyhedral uncertainty sets
the expected value of stochastic second stage cost is minimized to that can help a decision maker to obtain solutions better than
find the ‘‘here and now” variables. Recourse function can include the box uncertainty (Bertsimas and Sim, 2004; Gregory et al.,
uncertainty as binary, integer, non-linear variable or parameter 2011). Data driven RO based supply chain network design (SCND)

K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

for large scale waste water sludge to biodiesel conversion is devel-  The DDRO algorithm uses a new parameter free Fuzzy C-Means
oped by Mohseni and Pishvee (Mohseni and Pishvaee, 2020) for clustering algorithm along-with RO, which amalgamates the
case study based in Iran. Utilizing support vector clustering ideas of machine learning and RO to solve Supply Chain Plan-
(SVC), the uncertainty sets are constructed in this work that ning problems under Uncertainty (see section 3.2 for detailed
yielded more realistic results compared to that of the conventional technique). In DDRO algorithm, compact and flexible uncer-
uncertainty set. SVC has been used in another network planning tainty sets are constructed for sampling. The proposed tech-
model (Shang et al., 2017) based on piece wise linear kernel func- nique is utilized to explore the merits of RO towards
tions. Here, the geometry of uncertain data was captured by solv- addressing the uncertainty issues of product demand, machine
ing quadratic programming and the resultant convex uncertainty uptime and production cost associated with a multiproduct and
set has been shown to result in solutions with less conservatism. multisite supply chain planning model. Comprehensive com-
Instead of SVC, Ning and You (Ning and You, 2018) applied princi- parison among the box, budget and ellipsoidal sampling
pal component analysis (PCA) for the uncertain data to extract dis- method and the proposed technique adds further value to the
tributional information of uncertainties using kernel density proposed work.
estimation techniques. Applicability of this algorithm was checked  Even if the uncertain data is sparse and discrete, the proposed
against applications involving model predictive control, batch pro- data driven technique fills those gaps by generating the data
duction scheduling and process network planning. A Bayesian non points within the engulfed uncertain boundaries providing high
parametric Dirichlet process mixture model (Ning and You, 2017) accuracy.
combined with variational inference algorithm has been developed  As the number of samples generated from the uncertainty set is
through four level optimization framework. The conservatism is one of the important factors that impacts the quality of the
reduced by accounting the data’s correlation, asymmetry and mul- solution in RO, the effect of sample size in the uncertain param-
timodality. To solve this multi-level model, column and constraint eter space has been studied systematically and compared with
generation algorithms are proposed and applied to batch process conventional budget, box and ellipsoidal uncertainty set based
scheduling and SC network planning. RO to find the variation in cost for the SC.
Thus, from the aforementioned literature study, the specific
knowledge gap can be identified as follows: In this paper, section 2 describes the midterm planning model
of McDonald and Karimi (McDonald and Karimi, 1997), which is
 The combination of machine learning concepts, RO for uncer- then followed by the detailed explanation of the technique and
tainty handling and application to supply chain is rare to find. algorithm used for the data driven robust optimization in section
 Moreover, the existing uncertainty sets such as box, budget, 3. The results and discussion section describes the considered
ellipsoidal, etc. have fixed geometric shapes and may not be flex- examples and its case studies and presents elaborate analysis of
ible enough for handling sparse and discontinuous uncertain effect of data-driven sampling on supply chains under uncertainty
data. Further, the prevailing studies based on reducing the con- in section 4. Finally, the work is summarized and concluding
servatism of RO solutions, are specific to the case studies consid- remarks are enlisted in section 5.
ered and may or may not work for all the supply chain models.
 The techniques that are used to analyze the uncertain data
(such as SVC, PCA, etc.) are applicable for handling only non- 2. Formulation and model used
overlapping data sets, which is not always the case and most
of these techniques by themselves suffer with some major 2.1. Midterm supply chain model and optimization problem
drawbacks such as fixing the cluster number beforehand, less formulation
interpretable features of given data and so on, which make
the overall algorithm less efficient. Particularly, in supply chain Supply Chain networks generally comprise several entities
models, there are high chances that the uncertain data is over- beginning with raw material supplier, production or manufactur-
lapping, owing to the varying cost components, sudden change ing facilities, inventories or warehouse with distribution centers
in demand or other external factors. and customers or end users. Given the architecture of the network
 From the studies done till now, it is evident that there is a sig- among these entities, a planning model is supposed to estimate the
nificant need of accurate data based sampling strategies that variables such as raw material procurement, downstream mass
can provide true representation of uncertain space, which is supply for inventories and customer, inventory needed to mitigate
generic in nature and devoid of heuristics to maximize the stock-outs, transport to be used etc. over a planning horizon. The
efficiency. model has two Supply Chain (SC) layers e.g. Manufacturing site
 Moreover, for application in Supply Chain Models (SCMs) which and Customer Market. This example of SC (Fig. 1) manufactures
host significantly large number of uncertain parameters, these 34 products p1 to p34. Products p1 - p23 are produced at facility site
methods should work without constraints on dimensionality s1 having demands only from market 1, whereas the products p24 -
of the problem. p34 are produced at facility site s2 having demands from market 2.
Each facility has single unit for manufacturing with separate
The current work addresses the issues mentioned above and source of raw material suppliers and delivers products at two dif-
fills the knowledge gap by presenting a techno-economic SC model ferent markets as shown in Fig. 1. The inventory layer is not sepa-
with better uncertainty handling capability via supervised and rate and is combined with the manufacturing unit. Out of 23
unsupervised machine learning concepts. The contribution and products from facility s1, 11 products namely p1, p4, p6, p8, p10,
novelties of the work are listed below: p12, p14, p16, p18, p20 and p22 act as resource materials for products
p24 - p34 respectively. Products p1 - p23 from facility s1 form 11 sets
 Utilizing the worst-case scenario out of several realizations of of product families F1 – F11 as shown in Fig. 1. The planning horizon
uncertain parameters that are obtained by efficiently sampling is considered for one year with 12 periods, with each period repre-
the uncertain parameter space using a new methodology called senting one month.
Data-Driven RO (DDRO), the overall formulation provides an The planning model formulates a linear cost function involving
envelope of resilient and feasible SC operation under the costs of raw material consumption, production, inventory and
uncertainty. transportation along with loss functions such as the revenue loss
K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

Fig. 1. Supply chain diagram with raw material, intermediate and finished product flow.

Table 1 products and FP is finished products. Up;f is cross set indicating

Notations of the parameters present in Planning model.
product p is member of family f. bp0 ;p;l is yield adjusted amount
S. Symbol Name Definition of raw or intermediate product p that must be consumed to pro-
No duce a unit of intermediate or finished product p’ at site l.
1 FCf;u;l;t Fixed Fixed cost of producing unit quantity of Cost function:
Production product family f using machine u at site l X X X
Cost during time period t. FCf;u;l;t Bf;u;l;t þ VCp;u;l Pp;u;l;t þ RCp;l Cp;l;t
2 VCp;u;l Variable Variable cost of producing product p f;u;l;t p;u;l;t p;l;t
Production manufactured by machine u at site l. X X X
Cost þ HCp;l;t Ip;l;t þ TCl;c Sp;l;c;t þ TCl;l0 CIP 0
p;l;l ;t
3 RCp;l Raw material Unit cost of Raw material p consumed at p;l;t p;l;c;t p;l;l ;t
Cost site l. X X
4 HCp;l;t Inventory Inventory Cost associated with storing þ PCp;l IDp;l;t þ lp;c Ip;c;t ð1Þ
Holding Cost unit quantity of Product p at site l during p;l;t p;c;t
time period t.
5 TCl;c Transportation Cost associated with transporting the Eq. (1) represents the cost function to be minimized, which is
Cost products from a site l to market / the sum of fixed cost, variable cost, raw material cost, inventory
customer c. holding cost, transportation cost, penalty cost and revenue lost
6 TCl;l0 Transportation Cost associated with transporting the
Cost products from a site l to another site l .
Manufacturing constraints:
7 PCp:l Penalty Penalty for dipping below safety target of
product p at site l.
Pp;u;l;t ¼ Rp;u;l;t Tp;u;l;t ; 8p 2 P PRM ð2Þ
8 lp;c Revenue Revenue per unit product p sold to
customer c. X
9 Rp;u;l;t Rate of Effective rate of producing product P on Tp;u;l;t  MTu;l;t  0 ð3Þ
production machine u at site l during time period t. p
10 MTu;l;t Machine Time for which machine u can be made
Uptime available at site l during time period t. X
11 Dp;c;t Product Demand for product p at market / Tf;u;l;t  MTu;l;t  0 ð4Þ
Demand customer c during time period t. f
12 ILp;l;t Safety stock Safety stock target for product p at site l
target during time period t.
Tf;u;l;t ¼ Tp;u;l;t ð5Þ
13 MRLf;u;l;t Minimum Run Minimum Time for which machine u may
length be run at site l to produce product family f
during time period t.
Cp;l;t ¼ bp0 ;p;l Pp0 ;u;l;t ; 8p 2 P PFP ð6Þ
0 u
p 2b 0
p ;p;l–0
due to missing demand. The cost function needs to be minimized
with respect to several constraints in form of linear inequalities, X
CIP 0 ; 8p 2 P
representing the limitations of supply chains in real world. The Cp;l;t ¼ p;l;l ;t
notations used are defined in Tables 1 and 2 while the Supply l

Chain Model (SCM) is described by equations 1–19. The indices Eq. (2) calculates the production as the product of production
used in the SCM are defined as follows: p – product, f – family of rate and machine run time. The total run time of machine will
products, u – machine, l – site / site, c – customer / market and t always be less than machine available time as given by Eqs (3)
– time period. P signifies the product set such that, and (4). As per Eq (5), the run time for family of product can be rep-
n o
P ¼ PRM [ PIP [ PFP ;where RM is raw materials, IP is intermediate resented by sum of run time for single products. Eq (6) models the
K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

Table 2
Notations in Planning model which serve as decision variables in MILP formulation.

S. No Symbol Name Type Definition

1 Bf;u;l;t Binary Variable Integer {0, 1} i.e. Whether unit quantity of product family f using machine u at site l during time
period t is produced or not.
2 Pp;u;l;t =Pp0 ;u;l;t Production Variable Real Amount of final/ intermediate product p manufactured by machine u at site l during time
period t.
3 Cp;l;t Consumption Variable Real Amount of Intermediate Product / Raw material p consumed at site l during time period t.
4 Ip;l;t Inventory Variable Real Amount of Product p stored at site l during time period t.
5 Sp;l;c;t Supply Variable Real Amount of Product p supplied from a site l to market / customer c during time period t.
6 CIP 0
p;l;l ;t
Consumption Variable Real Amount of Intermediate Product p which was brought from site l and consumed at site l
during time period t.
7 IDp;l;t Inventory Variable Real Amount of Product p which needs to be added to Inventory so as to reach the safety stock
target ILp;l;t at site l during time period t.
8 I
p;c;t Inventory Variable Real Amount of product p by which the agglomerated supply from all sites at the inventory
missed the demand in market c during time period t.
9 Tp;u;l;t Run Length Variable Real Time for which machine u was run at site l to produce product p during time period t.
10 Tf;u;l;t Run Length Variable Real Time for which machine u was run at site l to produce family f during time period t.

consumption of raw or intermediate material using the bills of IDp;l;t  ILp;l;t ð17Þ
material. Raw materials from external supplier are taken for
consumption and are assumed to be available based on demand. X
Sp;l;c;t  Dp;c;t0 ð18Þ
Intermediate product consumed at site l supply must come from 0
t t
same site or another site l‘ in the same time period as represented
by Eq. (7). X
Supply chain constraints:
Ip;c;t  Dp;c;t0 ð19Þ
X X X t t
Ip;l;t ¼ Ip;l;t1 þ Pp;u;l;t  CIP 0
p;l;l ;t
 Sp;l;c;t ; 8p ¼ P PRM ð8Þ
u 0 c
The quantity produced will always be less than machine avail-
able time (which is always more than the actual machine run time
X as Eq. (14) and (15)) multiplied by the production rate as given by
Ip;c;t  Ip;c;t1 þ Dp;c;t  Sp;l;c;t ; 8p 2 IFP ð9Þ
Eq. (13). Eq. (16) shows that the time run by the machine should be
greater that minimum run time for family of products. Eq. (17)
X X states that the inventory safety level should be greater than safety
Sp;l;c;t0  Dp;c;t0 ; 8t 2 T ð10Þ
0 0 stock shortage. As given by Eq. (18) and (19) for model feasibility,
l;t t t t
the demand should be greater than supply and demand missed.
In the aforementioned deterministic model, uncertainty is
IDp;l;t  ILp;l;t  Ip;l;t ; 8p 2 IFP ð11Þ
introduced at two levels by considering the stochastic nature of
Eq. (8) shows the basic material flow balance where the inven- parameters present in constraint functions and objective function.
tory at current time period is sum of inventory at the previous time The uncertainty in product demand influences the constraint equa-
period plus the production happened in the current time period tions (9), 10, 18 and 19, while the uncertainty in machine uptime
minus outflow of intermediates to other plants minus shipments parameter influences the constraint equations (3), 4, 13, 14 and
of finished product to the customers at the same time period. Eq. 15. Finally, the uncertainty in objective function (equation (1)) is
(9) shows the cumulative customer shortfalls between demand introduced by considering the variable production cost to be
and supply, where shortfall from previous time period is carried stochastic. In the present work, data driven RO (DDRO) technique
to the next time period. Cumulative demand for the current time is adopted to solve the optimization problem under uncertainty.
period can be fulfilled by the supply from previous time periods In the next section, details on DDRO is presented. The data used
also as per Eq. (10). Eq. (11) gives the inventory constraint, indicat- for solving the mid-term SC model can be found in the supplemen-
ing that current inventory at production site Ip;l;t should always by tary file attached.
equal to or less than the inventory safety level ILp;l;t , such that safety
stock shortage value IDp;l;t should be positive or zero. 3. Data-driven robust optimization (DDRO)
Lower bound constraints:
3.1. Overview of robust optimization formulation
Pp;u;l;t ; Tp;u;l;t ; Tf;u;l;t ; Cp;l;t ; Sp;l;c;t ; Ip;l;t ; Ip;c;t ; CIP 0 ;I
p;l;l ;t p;l;t
0 ð12Þ
A generic form of stochastic optimization can be presented by
Eq (12) clearly indicates the decision variables to be either pos- Eq 20, where f is the objective function and g represents the set
itive or zero, due to model physicality in real time. of constraints and both of these objective and constraints can be
Upper bound constraints: functions of u and x, where u corresponds to the vector of uncer-
Pp;u;l;t  Rp;u;l;t MTu;l;t ð13Þ tain parameters (bounded), x denotes the decision variable set
(bounded). This is opposed to the deterministic formulation where
Tp;u;l;t  MTu;l;t  0 ð14Þ variability in the uncertain vector u is not considered and assumed
the vector u as constant. In RO, the presence of uncertain vector u
Tf;u;l;t  MTu;l;t Bf;u;l;t  0 ð15Þ in objective and constraint functions is treated in two stages. First,
the constraints are handled by defining a robust feasible solution. A
Tf;u;l;t  MRLf;u;l;t Bf;u;l;t  0 ð16Þ solution, which remains feasible under all realizations of uncertain
vector u, is called as the robust feasible solution. Next, among the
robust feasible solutions, one can find a solution, called the worst-
K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

case, where the maximum value of the objective function under For calculating the respective supremum and infimum values
several realizations of uncertain parameters is minimized as pre- efficiently in Eq. 21 and Eq. 22, the cardinality of the uncertainty
sented by the Eq 21. This is called the equivalent deterministic set needs to be sufficiently large, which demonstrates the impor-
robust counterpart (RC), where supremum among feasible set is tance of chosen uncertainty set and the ability to generate samples
calculated first in the uncertain space and then minimized across efficiently from the uncertain parameter space. Box, budget, ellip-
the decision variable space (Gorissen et al., 2015). soidal and polyhedral sets are commonly deployed uncertainty
sets in literature. However, none of them ensures complete
min f½f ðx; uÞ : gðx; uÞ  0g ð20Þ
x removal of regions, where the original uncertain data is not pre-
  sent. Such type of inaccurate sampling from uncertain space leads
sup to loss of accuracy and deviation in solution of Eq 21 and 22,
min ½f ðx; uÞ : gðx; uÞ  0 ð21Þ
x u thereby generating over conservative results, especially when the
data given is less in number and scattered in the entire uncertain
The supremum in Eq. 21 is calculated using the samples drawn
space (Gorissen et al., 2015). Moreover, the given uncertain data
from the uncertainty set u, which contains all possible realizations
may not necessarily follow any well-behaved statistical distribu-
of uncertain parameters.
tion and the data set might be discontinuous in nature. Another
The algorithm of the worst-case RO formulation has been
practical problem when this data set is coming from real life,
shown in Fig. 2. First the value of x is initialized randomly. Now,
mostly, the number of data points present in this set is relatively
keeping the decision variables x fixed, various instances of u are
less in number. Owing to these drawbacks and issues existing with
considered from the uncertainty set to calculate the constraint
the existing uncertainty sets, there is a need to design a new algo-
and objective function values. If all the constraints are satisfied,
rithm, which has the capability of efficient identification of the
then from the set of robust feasible solutions, the maximum or
right uncertain parameter set and sampling accurately from the
the worst objective function value is chosen. Next, an optimization
identified uncertain parameter space. In this regard, a novel frame-
solver (e.g. CPLEXÒ or DICOPTÒ) improves the overall objective
work called Data-driven RO (DDRO), which is proposed for han-
with respect to the decision variable set x over several iterations
dling the optimization under uncertainty in SC models is
till the termination criteria (e.g. maximum number of iterations)
presented in the next section.
are satisfied. Even after trying different values of x, if constraints
are found violated, then solution is termed as infeasible. In this
study, the uncertainty is assumed in one of the cost components 3.2. Data-Driven RO (DDRO)
e.g. production cost (Eq (1)), which makes the objective function
stochastic in nature. Other uncertain parameters considered in this This section explains the novel methodology for constructing
study include demand (Eq (9), 10, 18, 19) and machine uptime (Eq flexible and compact uncertainty set followed by efficient sampling
(3), 4, 13, 14, 15). from the engulfed uncertain parameter space as described below.
Analogously, the best-case RO formulation corresponding to Eq. A. The sparse, scattered and discrete data is clustered using an
(20) can be defined as shown in Eq. 22, where the infimum of the effective unsupervised machine learning algorithm, called Neuro
robust feasible set is computed using several instantiations of Fuzzy C-means clustering (NFCM) (Pantula et al., 2020). By map-
uncertain parameters obtained from the uncertainty set. ping the input data to the membership function using artificial
  neural network (ANN), NFCM converts large scale optimization
min ½f ðx; uÞ : gðx; uÞ  0 ð22Þ problem in Fuzzy C-means clustering (FCM) to small scale. This
x u enables the usage of global optimization algorithms such as,

Fig 2. Schematic of solution procedure for Robust Counterpart formulation (worst-case: Eq. 21).

K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

genetic algorithm (GA) for clustering the data efficiently. Further, regions inside the uncertainty set (dotted lines). On the other hand,
the NFCM algorithm enables the estimation of optimal number of the uncertainty set designed in DDRO (Fig. 3 (d)) ensures drawing
clusters by optimizing an internal cluster validation index of samples only from the regions where the given uncertain data is
(Pantula et al., 2020). present.
B. After the data in the uncertain space is clustered, the follow-
ing steps are performed for each of the cluster.
4. Results & discussion
1 The local density (LD) of all the points is calculated by identify-
This section presents several case studies. The first case (case 1)
ing the number of points that lie within a threshold radius.
is an instance of a multi-production site, multi-market supply
2 The boundary points are detected using LD such that the points
chain planning model, where demands of products produced from
having relatively less LD lie in the outer space of cluster.
one of the markets are assumed to be uncertain. Considering the
3 Next, the boundary points are linked using Delaunay triangula-
deterministic demand values as their means, a ± 20% deviation in
tion (Fortune, 1992) for creating a continuous boundary of the
demand values is assumed to generate the ranges of the uncertain
parameters and within this hyperspace, the uncertain data has
4 Subsequently, a hypercube is generated using the maximum
been created synthetically in 3 different clusters using combina-
and minimum points along each dimension of the cluster
tion of several Gaussian distributions. This represents that the data
is not present everywhere in the uncertain space i.e. it is scattered
5 New sample points are generated within the hypercube by
and limited in number in the uncertain space symbolizing the nat-
means of Sobol sampling (Sobol et al., 2011) for ensuring uni-
ure of realistic data. Accurate transcription of the uncertain data
form sampling within the uncertain space.
space is going to be the key differentiating factor among several
6 The Sobol points that are inside the boundary are preserved
uncertainty sets (box, budget, ellipsoidal and the proposed
while those lying outside the boundary are eliminated.
approach) used. Similar approach has been followed for generating
uncertain data in other cases as well. In the next case (case 2),
C. The samples thus generated using B1 – B6 for each cluster
demands of products produced from both the markets are sub-
thus forms the new uncertain data set, which is used in worst
jected to uncertainty. The extent of uncertainty has been further
and best-case RO formulations as mentioned in Section 3.1.
intensified in case 3, where along with demand, machine uptimes
Therefore, in case of DDRO, the unnecessary regions of sampling
at both the sites are considered uncertain. Lastly, case 4 oversees
are eliminated intelligently by combining unsupervised machine
the effect of uncertainty in objective function by considering the
learning (i.e., NFCM) with density-based boundary point detection
production cost as uncertain variable along with demand and
and Delaunay triangulations such that the unnecessary regions of
machine uptime. In all these cases, the number of data points used
sampling are eliminated to a maximum possible extent.
for sampling the uncertain space has been varied from 500 to
The pictorial representation of data-driven, box, budgeted (with
10,000 to show the effect of sampling on the final results whereas
budget ¼ 1) and ellipsoidal uncertainty sets is shown in Fig. 3. The
the ideal case used for comparison has been generated using
black colored points in Fig. 3 represent the given data for two
20,000 data points only inside the clusters. Each case study is elab-
uncertain parameters ðu1 and u2 Þ and the dotted lines signify the
orated in the following sections.
boundary of the uncertainty set within which the sampling has
to be performed. It can be observed that in case of box, budgeted
and ellipsoidal uncertainty sets (Fig. 3 (a), (b) and (c)), the regions 4.1. Example 1-Case 1
of sample picking include some unnecessary regions, that is, empty
First, the case of the supply chain facing uncertainty in demands
from the products p1 - p23 of only market 1 is considered. This
brings in modifications in Eqs (9), 10, 18 and 19 as several
instances of uncertain parameter i.e. demand realizations are to
be incorporated in them. After modifying the above equations,
new Eqs. 28, 29, 30 and 31 are obtained, where the subscript k rep-
resents the instances of uncertain realizations for demand data.
Representing a scenario of cyclical demand, the demands values
of all products as reported in the original work (McDonald and
Karimi, 1997) are modified by 300% for the 6th and 12th time peri-
ods and by 20% for the rest of the time periods. This kind of sudden
hike in demand might be helpful in simulating Bullwhip effect of
supply chains, which is about storing inventory up the supply
chain to handle sudden hike in demand in future. Keeping the
demand values of products p24 - p34 as deterministic, only the
demand values of products p1 - p23 are perturbed as mentioned
in the beginning of this section. Also, the machine uptime is kept
70% of the deterministic values presented in the original work.
Since the demand parameter in every month is considered uncer-
tain, 12 sets (12 months) of 23 dimensional (23 products) uncer-
tain parameters were considered. The formulated MILP problem
consisting of Eqs. (1)–(8), 28, 29, 11 to17, 30 and 32 was solved
in GAMSÒ using CPLEXÒ solver and the objective function values
Fig. 3. Comparison of box, budgeted and DDRO uncertainty sets where black are shown in Table 3 for varying number of sampling points k in
colored points represent the given data for 2 uncertain parameters and the dotted
lines denote the boundary of the uncertainty set within which sampling would be
the uncertain parameter space. The problem has 132 binary vari-
performed (a) Box uncertainty set (b) Budgeted uncertainty set (Budget = 1) (c) ables, 8,163,154 single equations and 23,298,505 non zero ele-
Ellipsoidal uncertainty set (d) DDRO uncertainty set. ments. The computational time taken for clustering using NFCM
K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

Table 3
Comparison of cost function values obtained through box, budget, ellipsoidal and proposed method with respect to ideal value for case study 1.

Data Box Box absolute Budget Budget absolute Ellipsoidal Ellipsoidal absolute DDRO DDRO absolute Ideal
points deviation deviation deviation deviation value
500.00 19159.67 196.97 19157.75 195.05 19138.65 175.95 18398.17 564.53 18962.70
1000.00 19241.95 279.25 19222.81 260.11 19197.49 234.79 18550.08 412.62
3000.00 19524.00 561.30 19537.67 574.97 19485.11 522.41 18731.62 231.08
5000.00 19626.57 663.87 19651.25 688.55 19598.32 635.62 18779.87 182.83
10000.00 19667.15 704.45 19701.25 738.55 19628.68 665.98 18822.74 139.96

algorithm is 0.98 s (for a fixed architecture of Artificial Neural Net- When the objective values for box, budget, ellipsoidal and
work). For the entire proposed uncertainty set in Data-driven RO, proposed DDRO are compared for various number of uncertain
the computational time is 3.4 s (along-with clustering) while that data points i.e. from 500 to 10,000 in Table 3, it is observed
of box, budget and ellipsoidal uncertainty sets are 1.64, 2.1 and that initially DDRO is under-estimating the ideal value and sub-
2.26 s respectively. The times reported here correspond to genera- sequently, it approaches the ideal value as the number of data
tion of fixed number of sample points. However, the computational points increases. However, other approaches, like box, budget
time differs by very minimal amount (~milliseconds) on variation and ellipsoidal uncertainty set based RO, over-estimate the
of sample sizes from 500 to 10000. Thus, it can be observed that desired ideal solution irrespective of the sample size considered.
the difference in computational times is not quite large on compar- The reason underlying this phenomenon lies is the way uncer-
ing the existing uncertainty sets with the proposed uncertainty set. tain data realizations are being sampled from these sets. In case
X of box, budget and ellipsoidal uncertainty sets, the sampled
Ip;c;t  Ip;c;t1 þ Dp;c;t;k  Sp;l;c;t ; 8p 2 IFP ð28Þ
data points either consider unnecessary regions or miss out
the regions, where the original or given uncertain data exists.
X X Specifically, it is observed that the existing uncertainty sets
Sp;l;c;t0  Dp;c;t0 ;k ; 8t 2 T ð29Þ
0 0 have less ability to deal with non-uniform, uneven sparse
l;t t t t
uncertain data, which in turn increases the respective solution
X variance and deviation from ideal values. On the contrary, in
Sp;l;c;t  Dp;c;t0 ;k ð30Þ
case of DDRO, the Neuro Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm
t t
used, ensures better identification of the regions to be sampled
X through clustering the given uncertain data efficiently, along-
Ip;c;t  Dp;c;t0 ;k ð31Þ with estimation of cluster number. Further, owing to the law
t t

a demand pattern b inventory pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

c inventory below safety pattern d production pattern

100 100


50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

e runlength pattern f intermediate pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

Fig. 4. a) Uncertain demand with 300% hike at 6th and 12th time periods and 20% at other time periods. The effect of uncertain demand parameter is shown on 5 sets of
decision variables (moving left to right) – b) inventory c) inventory below safety d) production e) run-length f) intermediate pattern over horizon for product p1, for 500 data
points in Case study 1. The blue, orange, indigo, grey and yellow bars represent the results for box, budget, ellipsoidal, proposed methodology and ideal solution respectively.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

of large numbers, with the increase in data points, the accuracy is maintained. Despite the fact that penalty is added for the 12th
of RO solution was found to be improving on implementation of month for not meeting the safety level of inventory, the optimal
DDRO. plan suggested clearing the 12th month inventory and surged pro-
Also the point to be notice here that the RO problem solved in duction only to meet the unusually high demand in 12th month.
the paper is of minimization worst case in nature, where worst Fig. 5 shows the trends for product p24 for 500 data points. The
case scenarios results are shown in table and figure. Here, first effect of demand increase at the 6th and 12th time period can be
the supremum value of objective function is selected from various observed clearly. Inventory patterns for product p1 and p24 are
uncertain instances and then sent to the optimization solver for quite different. Since the cost for inventory going below safety
minimization. For the box, budget and ellipsoidal sets, the variance level for p24 is higher than that of p1 and storage cost of p24, the
is already increasing with data points and effect of finding the strategy adopted by the optimizer in this case is to maintain the
supremum among the various instances further aggravates the sit- inventory at the safety level starting from beginning till 11th
uation providing over estimated values. month and then let the inventory be released completely to avoid
The patterns of decision variables in response to the variations higher production cost at the 12th time period. To meet the surge
in demands can be seen in Fig. 4. Out of 23 products from site s1 , in demand of p24 at 6th time period, the inventory is insufficient,
product p1 is chosen to show the trend, when the uncertain param- and this additional load is taken up by production which is visible
eter space of 23 dimensions is sampled with 500 points. It can be by the corresponding production profile. Rest of the profiles are fol-
observed from Fig. 4 that apart from being the finished product, lowing the expected patterns expressed in the constraint equations
p1 is also the raw material for producing the product p24 at site and as described for the product p1.
s2 : In this case study, the demand of products produced at s2 is con- Fig. 6 presents the supply chain predictions for product p18
sidered to be certain. Responding to the unusual surge in demands when 500 points were sampled in the uncertain space. A notewor-
at 6th and 12th month, no production is observed till the 7th thy point here is the difference between the trends of box, budget,
month. The trend of production continues till the 12th month ellipsoidal and the proposed uncertainty handling algorithm.
where a surge in production is observed again. The reason for no The anomalous trend in bars is clearly visible in inventory, pro-
production at the initial time periods can be attributed to the fact duction and run length patterns at times t11 and t12 in Fig. 6. If one
that the production cost is substantially higher than the inventory observes closely for inventory pattern, production pattern and run
cost. Because of this reason, the optimizer opted to clear the initial length pattern in Fig. 6, the blue bar (box set) seems to be closer to
inventory first rather than going for fresh production. However, ideal solution at 11th month time period. The main reason for this
since there is a penalty associated with the inventory going below is consideration of less number of data points i.e. 500. For less
safety level, optimal plan recommended production in time period number of data points, box, budget, ellipsoidal were giving less
between 7th to 11th month such that the safety level of inventory deviation from the ideal values, but the results become more

a demand pattern b inventory pattern

100 100


50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

c inventory below safety pattern d production pattern

100 100


50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

e runlength pattern f intermediate pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

Fig. 5. a) Uncertain demand with 300% hike at 6th and 12th time period and 20% at other time periods. The effect of uncertain demand parameter is shown on 5 sets of
decision variables (moving left to right) – b) inventory c) inventory below safety d) production e) run-length f) intermediate pattern over horizon for p24, for 500 data points
in Case study 1. The blue, orange, indigo, grey and yellow bars represent the results for box, budget, ellipsoidal, proposed methodology and ideal solution respectively. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

a demand pattern b inventory pattern

100 100


50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

c inventory below safety pattern d production pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

e runlength pattern f intermediate pattern

100 Amount 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

Fig. 6. a) Uncertain demand with 300% hike at 6th and 12th time periods and 20% at other time periods. The effect of uncertain demand parameter is shown on 5 sets of
decision variables (moving left to right) –b) inventory, c) inventory below safety, d) production, e) run-length and f) intermediate pattern over horizon for product p18, for 500
data points in Case study 1. The blue, orange, indigo, grey and yellow bars represent the results for box, budget, ellipsoidal, proposed methodology and ideal solution
respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

reliable and prominent only on consideration of more instantia- the objective value increases showing its effect on worst-case
tions of uncertain parameters, as per the law of large numbers in analysis.
probability theory, i.e. approximately 10,000 sample points in this From Table 4, one can observe that the proposed DDRO objec-
case study (see Table 3). With such a high number of uncertain tive values are moving closer to ideal values with increase in num-
samples, it was observed that DDRO generated better solutions ber of data points. However, for box, budget and ellipsoidal sets,
(closer to that of ideal solution) as compared to other techniques. the objective values are moving away from ideal values. The reason
The anomalous trend is further justified when it is observed in for this trend is similar to the previous case study 1.
Fig. 7, which plots the trends for p18 for 3000 sample points, where Fig. 8 presents the predictions for product p18 for 3000 data
the solution for box deviates more with respect to ideal value. Also points. Behavior of most of the products remains the same except
from Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, the proposed DDRO bar shows values close to few, which are affected by the uncertainty at the site 2. Due to
ideal, which indicates the working efficiency of proposed DDRO surge in demand at 6th month, and insufficient inventory, the pro-
even when the sample points are less (500 with respect to 3000 duction also jumps maintaining inventory at safety level to avoid
data points) and is able to manage with spare data points. penalty. Run-length pattern follows trend similar to production.
At 12th month, when demand is the highest, all the inventory is
4.2. Example 1- case 2 used, and to meet the left over demand, the productions at 11th
and 12th month are used. In order to avoid the situation, where
This is the second case study for SC uncertainty, where uncer- supply might not meet the market demand, the production might
tainty is inculcated in product demand for all the products from happen ahead in time at 11th in anticipation of a sudden surge in
p1 to p34, for both sites as given by Eqs 28, 29, 30 and 32. The demand at 12th time period. One can see inventory below safety
uncertain space now is of 34 dimensions (34 products) spanned for 12th month similar to previous cases. It is interesting to note
over 12 months. The MILP problem was solved in GAMSÒ using here that when the sample size is increased from 500 to 3000, pro-
CPLEXÒ solver and the cost function values are shown in Table 4 posed methodology corrects its solution and emulates very closely
for varying number of sample points k in the uncertain parameter the trend predicted by the ideal solution, whereas the solution
space. The problem has 132 binary variables, 8,163,154 single obtained by box, budget and ellipsoidal sets-based RO, deviates
equations and 23,298,505 non zero elements and takes 46.594 from the ideal values. Compared to the blue (box) and orange (bud-
sec of execution time to find the optimized solution. One can get) bars, the closeness of grey bars (proposed method) to yellow
observe from Table 4 that with increase in uncertain parameters bar (ideal) can be easily seen for inventory, production, run length,
from 23 to 34 in the system compared to case study 1 (Table 3), supply and intermediate patterns.

K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

demand pattern b inventory pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

c inventory below safety pattern d production pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

e runlength pattern f intermediate pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

Fig. 7. a) Uncertain demand with 300% hike at 6th and 12th time periods and 20% at other time periods. The effect of uncertain demand parameter is shown on 5 sets of
decision variables (moving left to right) –b) inventory, c) inventory below safety, d) production, e) run-length and f) intermediate pattern over horizon for product p18, for
3000 data points in Case study 1. The blue, orange, indigo, grey and yellow bars represent the results for box, budget, ellipsoidal, proposed methodology and ideal solution
respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 4
Comparison of cost function values obtained through box, budget, ellipsoidal and proposed method compared to the ideal value for case study 2.

Data Box Box absolute Budget Budget absolute Ellipsoidal Ellipsoidal absolute DDRO DDRO absolute Ideal
points deviation deviation deviation deviation value
500.00 23489.96 202.57 23447.80 160.41 23421.96 134.58 22577.46 709.92 23287.38
1000.00 23568.84 281.46 23580.97 293.58 23489.75 202.37 22789.78 497.61
3000.00 23927.12 639.74 23934.14 646.76 23889.47 602.09 22991.68 295.70
5000.00 23976.00 688.62 23991.79 704.41 23907.98 620.60 23064.59 222.79
10000.00 23992.44 705.06 24021.86 734.48 24002.44 715.06 23487.89 200.51

4.3. Example 1-Case 3 Tf;u;l;t  MTu;l;t;k  0 ð33Þ
In this case, machine uptime is also considered uncertain along
with the demand uncertainties. There are two machines, one at
each manufacturing site. Along with the 34 products of the previ-
Pp;u;l;t  Rp;u;l;t MTu;l;t;k ð34Þ
ous case (case 2), 2 more uncertain parameters one each for two of
the machine uptimes give a total of 36 uncertain parameters
Tp;u;l;t  MTu;l;t;k  0 ð35Þ
spanned over 12 months. Eqs. (32) to (36) are added in the deck
of equations by modifying the Eqs (3), 4, 13, 14 and 15 with sub
script k indicating instances of uncertain parameter realizations. Tf;u;l;t  MTu;l;t;k Bf;u;l;t  0 ð36Þ
The MILP problem formed is solved in GAMSÒ using CPLEXÒ solver.
Further, the problem size is now increased to 132 binary variables, The results are presented in Table 5. The differences among box,
13,082,170 single equations and 31,396,885 non zero elements and budget, ellipsoidal and the proposed algorithm for sampling uncer-
is executed in 53.11sec to find the optimized solution. tain space are clearly visible as the objective values obtained using
X the proposed sampling is found relatively closer to the ideal values.
Tp;u;l;t  MTu;l;t;k  0 ð32Þ The proposed method is shown to underestimate the objective
function in a minimization setup whereas the other methods are
K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

a demand pattern b inventory pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

c inventory below safety pattern d production pattern

100 100


50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

e runlength pattern f intermediate pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

Fig. 8. a) Uncertain demand with 300% hike at 6th and 12th time periods and 20% at other time periods. The effect of uncertain demand parameter is shown on 5 sets of
decision variables (moving left to right) –b) inventory, c) inventory below safety, d) production, e) run-length and f) intermediate pattern over horizon for product p18, for
3000 data points in Case study 2. The blue, orange, indigo, grey and yellow bars represent the results for box, budget, ellipsoidal, proposed methodology and ideal solution
respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 5
Comparison of cost function values obtained through box, budget, ellipsoidal and proposed method compared to ideal value for case study 3.

Data Box Box absolute Budget Budget absolute Ellipsoidal Ellipsoidal absolute DDRO DDRO absolute Ideal
points deviation deviation deviation deviation value
500 23611.2 210.3946 23578.5 177.6496 23411.8 10.91358 22855.4 545.39 23400.84
1000 23664.5 263.6146 23647.9 247.0326 23598.9 198.0126 23071.9 328.96
3000 24054.8 653.9336 24001.2 600.3786 23955.8 554.9816 23075.4 325.47
5000 24249.09 848.2526 24109.75 708.9136 24002.42 601.5816 23168.92 231.92
10,000 24275.09 874.2526 24129.53 728.6906 24001.16 600.3196 23198.78 202.06

consistently shown to overestimate the solution. The reason for period. No inventory and production at the 12th month have
this trend remains the same as explained in the previous case been observed to avoid unnecessary extra inventory and produc-
study 1. tion cost. The inventory pattern for 5th time period shows the
The patterns of decision variables in response to the variations effectiveness of proposed method (grey bar) compared to budget
in machine uptime and demands combined can be seen in Fig. 9. (red bar) and box (blue bar) as grey bar is almost equal to yellow
This figure shows the effect of adding machine uptime uncer- bar (ideal solution). Higher values appearing at the 5th and 11th
tainty with respect to the previous case study where there is no month for the budget (orange bar) and the box (blue bar)
machine uptime consideration. The product p18 is an intermediate approach indicate lack of accuracy in those methods for sampling
product. Hence the inventory pattern becomes valuable feature the uncertain parameter space. These differences in production
for final product formation from p18. In response to the demand and inventory patterns visible in Fig. 9 compared to Fig. 8 are
increase at 6th time period, inventories till 5th time period are due to consideration of additional uncertainty in machine uptime.
used to meet the demand and hence no production can be seen Inventory below safety can be seen at 12th time period as it was
till 4th time period as inventory cost is less compared to the pro- in the previous cases, but for 6th to 10th time periods, values are
duction cost. Optimizer suggested some production at 5th time shown prominently large for the box approach. This action
period, in case inventory is insufficient. Further, to meet the increases the penalty cost resulting in higher objective function
demand surge at 12th month, inventory till 11th month is used values for this approach compared to the budget and the pro-
completely along with additional production at the same time posed DDRO method.

K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

demand pattern inventory pattern

100 100


50 60
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

inventory below safety pattern production pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

runlength pattern intermediate pattern

100 100

50 50

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
months months

Fig. 9. a) Uncertain demand with 300% hike at 6th and 12th time periods and 20% at other time periods. The effect of uncertain demand parameter is shown on 5 sets of
decision variables (moving left to right) –b) inventory, c) inventory below safety, d) production, e) run-length and f) intermediate pattern over horizon for product p18, for
3000 data points in Case study 3. The blue, orange, indigo, grey and yellow bars represent the results for box, budget, ellipsoidal, proposed methodology and ideal solution
respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

4.4. Example 1- case 4 FCf;u;l;t Bf;u;l;t þ VCp;u;l;k Pp;u;l;t þ RCp;l Cp;l;t
f;u;l;t p;u;l;t p;l;t
The final case study involves uncertainty in objective function þ HCp;l;t Ip;l;t þ TCl;c Sp;l;c;t þ TCl;l0 CIP 0
p;l;l ;t
by considering the production cost VCp;u;l;k as uncertain (see Eq p;l;t p;l;c;t 0
p;l;l ;t
37 obtained from Eq (1) with k instances of uncertain data points). X X
Product demand and machine uptime uncertainties are also þ PCp;l IDp;l;t þ l 
p;c Ip;c;t ð37Þ
p;l;t p;c;t
included in the constrain functions. Hence, 34 uncertain parameter
values are added due to uncertainty in production cost for all prod- Table 6 indicates that the cost function values obtained
ucts along with 34 uncertain parameters from demand and 2 through the DDRO method are closer to the ideal values com-
uncertain parameters for machine uptime at two production sites pared to those obtained by the box and the budget approach
making a total of 70 uncertain parameters. There are 132 binary showing a similar trend as obtained in the previous case studies.
variables, 13,082,170 single equations and 31,396,885 non-zero The proposed algorithm gives value closer to the ideal value with
elements in this formulation and it takes 54.67 sec to find the opti- increase in the number of data points used to sample the uncer-
mal solution. The entire model follows MILP formulation, but due tain space. The values of cost function are increased gradually
to the usage of inbuilt functions smin for the worst-case implemen- from case 1 to case 3 (see Table 3–5), but decreased for case 4
tation under GAMSÒ environment, non-linearity gets introduced due to the consideration of uncertainty in the production cost.
during implementation and this is solved using DICOPTÒ solver The figures involving the SC parameters have similar patterns as
in GAMSÒ. those presented earlier.

Table 6
Comparison of cost function values obtained through box, budget, ellipsoidal and proposed method compared to ideal value for case study 4.

Data Box Box absolute Budget Budget absolute Ellipsoidal Ellipsoidal absolute DDRO DDRO absolute Ideal
points deviation deviation deviation deviation value
500 21390.0 190.4482 21354.8 155.3212 21247.2 47.65423 20460.5 739.0068 21199.5
1000 21485.7 286.2452 21502.8 303.3442 21356.4 156.8512 20668.3 531.2178
3000 21860.9 661.4022 21858.4 658.8652 21741.2 541.7012 20907.3 292.2298
5000 22042.86 843.3612 22017.47 817.9682 21894.46 694.9532 20982.37 217.1328
10,000 22079.74 880.2372 22047.18 847.6732 22004.26 804.7552 21009.86 189.6428

K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

4.4.1. Effect of uncertain data points and parameters on computation 19  x1  12 ½42
From Table 7 one can observe that across the columns, as num- 16  x2  0 ½43
ber of uncertain parameters are increased for each case study, the
computation time also increase. Also, across the row, as number of 3  x3  0 ½44
data points increases from 500 to 10,000 the computational time
increases. Hence both i.e. number of data points and number of 4.6. Example 3
uncertain parameter have effect on computational time.
Here, a supply chain warehouse inventory problem is solved
4.5. Example 2 (Dantzig, 2016), where items are stocked to sell at a later date.
The uncertainty u is kept in initial stock units inistockt which can
Next, a continuous variable optimization under uncertainty vary between zero to hundred units. The warehouse can store
problem expressed in terms of a set of algebraic equations (Eq. maximum hundred units in each quarter indicating profit is to be
38 to 41) has been used to study the effect of proposed DDRO tech- gained when buying at low price and selling at higher price at
nique with respect to the box, budget and ellipsoidal sets. Here, appropriate time in four quarters annually. The objective function
there are three decision variables x1 ; x2 andx3 in the decision vari- here is to minimize the total cost, by identifying the decision vari-
able set  and the uncertain parameter set u is composed of able  i.e. number of buying buyt , stocking stockt and selling sellt
u1 andu2 with 20% variance. The minimization objective with con- units at each quarter. The storage cost storecost is kept $1 per quar-
straint equations are solved using CPLEXÒ solver in GAMSÒ. The ter per unit, with selling price pricet of $ 10, 12, 8, 9 in each quarter
Table 8 shows the objective values for different uncertainty sets per unit. The problem is solved in GAMSÒ using CPLEXÒ solver.
and various sampling points from 500 to 10000. It can be observed From Table 9, it is observed that as the data points increases from
that for the proposed DDRO, the objective values are moving close 500 to 10000, the DDRO gives values closer to ideal values com-
to ideal value with increasing number of data points, whereas for pared to the box, budget and ellipsoidal methods. The nature of
box, budget, ellipsoidal sets, the values are deviating away. The solution obtained is similar to previous examples.
reason for such behavior is same as explained in example 1 case
study 2. stockt ¼ stockt1 þ buyt  sellt þ inistockt ½45
Cost function : 5x1 þ 3x2 þ 4x3 [38] X
cost ¼ pricet ðbuyt  sellt Þ þ stockt storecost ½46
ð1 þ u1 þ 2u2 Þx1 þ ð1  2u1 þ u2 Þx2 þ ð2 þ 2u1 Þx3  18 ½39 t

ðu1 þ u2 Þx1 þ ð1  2u1 Þx2 þ ð1  2u1  u2 Þx3  16 ½40 0  inistockt ; stockt  100 ½47

1  u1 ; u2  1 ½41 0  buyt ; sellt  1000 ½48

Table 7
Computational time for simulation runs for DDRO.

Case 1 demand uncertainty at Case 2 demand uncertainty at both Case 3 demand + machine Case 4 demand + machine
market 1, p1 to p23 (sec) markets, p1 to p34 (sec) uptime uncertainty (sec) uptime + production cost uncertainty (sec)
500 5.30 4.94 4.41 9.19
1000 7.88 7.78 9.75 13.77
3000 23.45 24.52 29.59 29.61
5000 42.88 46.59 53.11 54.67
10,000 97.80 100.09 124.78 131.39

Table 8
Comparison of cost function values obtained through box, budget, ellipsoidal and proposed method with respect to ideal value for case study example 2.

Data Box Box absolute Budget Budget absolute Ellipsoidal Ellipsoidal absolute DDRO DDRO absolute Ideal
points deviation deviation deviation deviation value
500 1428.25 89.598 1469.87 47.973 1498.17 19.678 2161.27 643.421 1517.85
1000 1400.88 116.962 1414.38 103.465 1420.38 97.465 1821.74 303.89
3000 1329.18 188.662 1358.75 159.095 1372.37 145.475 1739.45 221.605
5000 1319.63 198.218 1339.76 178.083 1363.42 154.425 1647.86 130.018
10,000 1314.47 203.38 1328.21 189.635 1348.78 169.065 1597.85 80.009

Table 9
Comparison of cost function values obtained through box, budget, ellipsoidal and proposed method with respect to ideal value for case study example 3.

Data Box Box absolute Budget Budget absolute Ellipsoidal Ellipsoidal absolute DDRO DDRO absolute Ideal
points deviation deviation deviation deviation value
500 288.20 12.61 289.36 11.45 290.36 10.45 315.39 14.58 300.81
1000 285.69 15.12 285.94 14.87 286.76 14.05 313.56 12.75
3000 284.47 16.34 284.73 16.08 284.82 15.99 312.13 11.33
5000 280.98 19.83 281.54 19.27 281.84 18.97 309.95 9.14
10,000 278.62 22.19 278.85 21.96 279.83 20.98 306.68 5.87

K.M. Gumte, P. Devi Pantula, Srinivas Soumitri Miriyala et al. Chemical Engineering Science 246 (2021) 116889

5. Conclusion Acknowledgements

In this work, the mid-term supply chain planning problem Authors like to acknowledge the support provided by the SPARC
under various SC parameter uncertainty has been solved using project (SPARC/2018-2019/P1084/SL) funded by the Ministry of
data driven robust optimization. The slot-based planning model Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India,
of McDonald and Karimi (McDonald and Karimi, 1997) is for this work.
adopted for constructing various uncertain scenarios and ana-
lyzing the effect of uncertain parameters on the planning
Appendix A. Supplementary data
model. The model has three echelons i.e. supplier, manufacturer
and the market. Few products from one manufacturing unit acts
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
as intermediate material for product generation at another
manufacturing site. Supplier has two nodes supplying two
manufacturing units and these two manufacturing units finally
satisfy demand of two different market units respectively. Over- References
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