Tutorial Session 1

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Date: Fri, 9-Sep-2022


 It is an individual task
 Kindly send your answers in MS Word to dhason@apu.edu.my
 Task duration: 60 minutes
Note: The subject section of your email must have the details below:

1. Discuss the disadvantages of file-based system. Please relate your discussion

to the assignment case study
1. Discuss the advantages of Database and DBMS and functions of DBMS. Please relate your
discussion to the assignment case study

1. The drawback of file-based system is the security problem of the member’s

information because cannot be protected from unwanted access. It may lead
to unauthorized access of data and the information also can easily modify
and change the data that stored in the files by everyone. For instance,
actually the information of member cannot be able to view by other, but the
file-based system, application is added haphazardly by various program.
Hence, the information theft might be occurred in e-bookstore therefore the
information of member personal information may be stolen and used by
third party in order to some negative action.

Besides, the most significant disadvantage is data redundancy. This situation

will happen in e-bookstore because the files and applications are created by
different database from various departments. Therefore, when a field needs
to be updated in more than one tables, it will happen in file-based system.
For example, when the member is purchase more than one, the same
information will be being kept in several different files so that results in
more expensive storage.

The third drawback for file-based system is the lack of a data backup and
recovery method. For example, if a file-based system is compromised by
hackers, all members' data would be lost. As a result, the user must
manually enter data for all members because a file-based system cannot
backup data and has no recovery method.
2. The advantage of DBMS is it can improve data sharing and data security. It
can help users share the data faster, effectively, and securely across the e-
bookstore. By providing quick solutions to database files, a data
management system enables faster access to more accurate data. Besides, a
DBMS has a specialized features that help provide shielding to the data and
information to ensure that the member’s personal information is more

Besides, the benefits of DBMS can recovery and backup. DBMS

automatically takes care of recovery and backup. The users are not required
to take periodical backup as this is taken care of by DBMS. DBMS also
restores a database after a system failure or crash to prevent its precious
condition. For instance, the user is no need to scare about they forgot to save
their information and accidentally delete the information.

In addition to that, data consistency is one of the benefits in DBMS. All data
displays consistently across the database, and the data is the same for all
users that browse the database. Furthermore, any changes made to the
database are promptly reflected to all users, and no data inconsistency
exists. For example, the data of member will not has a repetition value
because it just allowed only the numerical values so that did not have data

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