The Working World: Mllarobot Tae MV Jop

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8 The working world

ANGUAGE mynid mghtfor predietioni o
A he utue of womk

fashion designer farmer journalist model
polire rt,
eptont saepersonn sugeon tour gude wantet iwa tre:s

abulary practe

t d r , tirik that m i e s ill do

S0, should we be
History shows we
new joDs
us the

exist for us in them

I'm at the Henn-na Hotel the
three predictions future
well-dressed lapanese woman welcomes
me and asks if I have a reservation But this 1 Drone controller
IS no ordinary receptionist She i5, in fact, a Drones will deliver our
robot-one of several at the hotel that can our trash, and go
carry your bags to your room, and even give officers. But peaple willeven
you travel tips these tlying devices tromstil n
2 Vertical farmer
Robots and computers are taking our jobs
According to experts, ninety years from Transporting tood will
now, machines will replace 70% of today's more expensive, ànd with
OCcupations. Accountants and telephone there will onily be one c
and vegetables-upward Way
salespeople may be the first to lose their
will grow all their food
jobs. In restaurants, robots might replace abnas
waiters and waitresses. Models might also special glass buildings
disappear, fashion designer, Ralph Lauren, is 3 Space tour guide
already experimenting with holographic In the future, peoplewon't wat
models for his clothes. And in the future, around the world on vaca
when you go to the hospital for an operation, tourism will create thouSands
even the surgeon probably won't be real. space pilots and tour guides a
out of this world!

3 Match the two columns to make complete sentences. Check your answers in the text
1 Ninety years from now, machines will abecome moreexpenaive
2 Accountants and telephone salespeople ma b also disappear
3 Models might want to travel around tne word o

4 The surgeon probably won

t replace 70% of today s occuoatos
5 Transporting food will be the fhirst to lose their jocs
6 People won't be real

4 A Answer theuestions about the predictions in exercise

1 Which two sentences are about things that are likely? 2 1
2 Which two sentences areabout things that are possible?S.
3 Which two sentences are about things that are unlikely? 3 , 4
BChoose the correct words to complete the rule. Then read the Grammar oox

When we use probably. it comes before/after will and before /after wont

curcuuS JoDs
Predictions that are
will, may, and
might for
predictions 8A
sure/very likely Predictions that are
less sure/possible: Predictions that are very
Ihe trafth will be ve'y bad
tonight unlikely
t might iain tomorrow
Ihe tram Chelsea won't win the FA
may be late cup next
Look! We can use
probably with will and won't:
'l probably fal the exam/i
probably won't pavs the exam

Go to Grammar practice: will tnay dmlt otpudu tro 0

5A C)8.4 Pronunciation: want/won't Listen and
words repeat the sentence frorn the
bold with the sournds /a/ and
tezt Match the
the future people won't want to travel around the
world on vacation
C)8.5 How do you
say the sentences? Pay attention to want and
1 He might want to look for a won't. Listen, check, and repeat
new job 3 My boss will
probably want to travel
2 Robots won't replace politicians 4 In the future, you won't have to
by boat

Go to Communication practice: Student

go to school
A, page 112, Student B,.
page 118
6 A Work in pairs and look at the topics below. What do you think will
Make nine predictions happen in the future?

Students won't go to school.

Computers will probably replace teachers.


OStudents/ go to school/college.
OComputers/ replace/ teachers.
Students/ study/ different subjects.


Cars/need/ drivers.
There/ be / more traffic.
6We/use/ electricity as fuel


There / be / more healthcare johs.
Robots/ replace/doctors.
HEALTH We/see the doctor/ when we are sick.

B8.6 Listen to an expert talking about the topics. What predictions does she make? How sure
is she?

Did you agree with the expert? Can you think of any other predictions about these topics?

Inpairs, make predictions about the topics. Say ifyou agree or disagree with your partner

the weather tomorrow next English exam

your country winning the World Cupu

the town or city where you live tomorrow at work/school/college

your trip home tonight

alBest Write predictions about how five different jobs will change
in the future. 67
8B I'm so bored can you see? Discu Uss the questior
69 Which
tures on page
boredom is aa bad thi
bad thing'
the prc
T Look at the
ttle and

often do you
Do you
What Ccan you do to stop Why/Wh
being bo ed at work
thunk a r e
2 What jobs do you

a text
S k i l l skimming understand
the main ideas.

to text is about
text, we read it quickly wnat the
When we skim a and predict
tutle, pic tures, and any
1nese dle topic sentences" andnd aare usually
at the
each paragraph
sentence in
R e a d the hrst
is about.
of what the paragraph to
understand the
understand the general meaning
general m eani.
of the
a summary sentences
Irom all the topic
T h i n k about the

sentences in
the text and ch

the highlighted topIC the t

box. Then read
Read the Skill
the text.
description of quickly.
bored more
us feel
1 Modern technology makes activities.
better ideas after they do boring
can have
2 People companies.
is a serious
problem for
3 Boredom in offices
and check your answers.
Answer the questions
in pairs. Read the text again
1 What do most people do
when they are
cups to test people's
use the plastic
2 How did the scientists bored?
to make themselves be
3 What activity did some people do first
What ideas did they have?
in the experiment?
was more creative
4 Who
himself ideas for new songs?
White do to give
5 What does Jack
more/less creative?
activities make us
6 What kinds of
about being bored? Why/Why
4Has the text changed your opinion

at the extract from the

text. Who or what does They refer to?
A Look
making a mistake. They believe
that boring activities can be coo
Some scientists think we're
1-8 in the text and say what they refer to.
B Read the Text builder. Find pronouns

Text Text builder pronoun referencing

to avoid repeating nouns:
We pronouns and possessive adjectives
Sharon had a fantastic idea yesterday It was really
works late. I saw him in the office at 8:00 last night
My parents earn a lot of money, but I think their jobs are very boring.

What do the
bA Complete the text with the pronouns in the box.
pronouns refer to?

his it he them

Karl Duncker was a German psychologist.he is most

famous for developing a way to test creativity. In2 h
experiment, he gave students a candle, a book of matches, and
a box of thumbtacks. He asked hem_to stick the candle
to a wall and light without dripping any wax on the

B In pairs, try to solve Duncker's problem. Explain your solution to the clas

skimming a text a
pronoun reterencing READING SKIULS

We all hate being bored, particularly at work

tact, most of us try hard to avoid it and, thanks

to modern technology, there are now hundreds of
ways to keep ourselves entertained People watch PASSHOLDERSs
VIdeos oI play games on the way to work, check ONLY
their phones when they re in boring meetings,
and talk with friends or listen to music while they
do dull administrative tasks. But some SCientists
thnk we re making a mistake. They believe that
boring activities can be good for us, and a recent
psychology experiment tests this idea.

n 2013, Dr. Sandi Mann and Rebekah Cadman did an experiment to test people's
creativity, i.e, how good we are at coming up with new ideas Their idea was to
see f boredom had an effect on how creative we are. They gave 140 people some
plastic cups and asked them to think of differentways to use them. However, half of
the people spent 15 minutes doing some very boring activities first. They had to read
t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r s from a long list a n d c o p y " them on a p i e c e o f papber.

The results of the experiment were very interesting. The people who did
the boring activities first were much more creative and thought of lots of
deas. Some people suggested wearing the cups as party hats or filling
them with fruit juice and freezing them to make popsicles. Whereas,
the people who didn't do any boring tasks found it hard to think of many
ways to use the cups

Dr. Mann says a little boredom can be positive for us. She doesn'tthink
we should be afraid of "doing nothing" Many very successful people
do "boring" activities in their free time. For example, rock musician Jack
White, repairs furniture. His hobby helps him relax and think of ideas for
new songs. At work, some successful people do similar things to be more
creative, like cleaning out their desk or deleting old e-mails
However, there are good and bad ways to be bored. You should only do
boring activities for a short time. And you should avoid physical activities
that make you feel tired, as this can make you less creative. So, if you
usually listen to music, read the news, and send messages to friends when
you're bored at work, why not try doing less? Make yourself a cup of
coffee, organize your paperwork, or look out the window-maybe
it will change your life . and you can always tell your boss that you re

being creative

Write about a time you 69

thought of a creative solution to a problem.
pas 330ul Work

y ant Thurndar sh wrking a d

a n tn the it with Eu
ayhgnc totell(oge Carla Pine
Katie R
Katie R
complete the sentences Kead the test again and e
three ot her restaurants next week
neraopearanceODinion VOCe S0 oeople dont
ke to work as a nair stylist à boss an employee
recggnze her
n g esday she s working as a managing director waitress/ kitch.

neda ang Tnuriaay snesworkingwithLucyMendez George

George Nowak
Nowak IaKatie
3Aswer the Questions about the sentences in exercise2 Ihen read the Grammar hau

1 Do tme sentences refer to the past, the present, or the future? t u o e

c n sentences say when and/or where shewill do things?
use the present continuous?in9 Which use be going to?
UGrammar begoing to and present continuous
Future plans Future arrangements (with a hxed time
and pla
m going to take a traning course He's working in Seattle on Monday
The companyisn'tgoing to open a new office What are you doing this even1ng?
Look! We can also use be going to with arrangements
He s going to travel to Seattle on Monday What are going to do this
you even1ng

Go to Grammar practice: De gong to and present continuous page 91

4 A8.9 Pronunciation: going to and want to Listen to Carla speaking quickiy

HOw are going to and want to pronounced?
want to hnd out what it s like to work for my company, so lm going to visit two of my
restaufants in secret

B8.10 In pairs, say the conversation quickly. Listen, check, and repeat
A What are you going to do tonight?
B im going to try that new Chinese restaurant. Doyou want to come?
A Icant Im going to work late tonight. Im free tomorrow. if you want toget togetner
B Yes, that's great I want to hear all your news!
De going to and present continuous phraes about work ANGUAGE

tne things you have done from the box tielow feil yrnat iartier vwtien a t tsy
pply tor a job take a trainting course get a promotin u t a job vwrite a u r n e


Goto thethart
6 AO813 LIsten
ste to the conversation between (arla ucy and (eorge orpietn
fehen wasnt cfear a e yo.
fur h
we don have enough nc l caner
wote V.lchen.

George Nowak
Head chef have
has been weking
Ya Se Salart
Aucy Mendez
LuCy Pcmol.on for 'he new

or five Years and stl

Head wartess manage of all orono
has the Same Salary
Y estaurantS.

a n s w e r s in Dars
B Cnec your

solve them.
way to
ioOk at the
problems and think ofthe best

house, but your

but You want to buy a
no work,
Your boss does same as when you
vacation, the salary is the
is going on you to
work on
started work ten years ago
Your colleague he wants
complicated project.
have to use a to hnish a
so you ll weekends
at work.
new computer

class your plans

the rest of the a b o u t the new program
B Tell course
training 118
(o take a B, page
Student A, page
future times
in the boxes

with the
C o m m u n i c a t i o n

Go to doing...?
What are you
the question
In pairs,
ask and
to have
are you dong
toig were going
A at Ome trends
next year
B mee
in two weekSthe day after tomorrow
n e x t weekend next summer

tonight tomorrow


the future.
work plans for
Write a b o u t your


leave a
8D Can I r
Can you think of
lor n a k i n g
Learning the

Look at
7 work ask for technical heln
call in siIck to
speak to a colleague call a store for informa
call a taxi make an appointment
at a
reserve a table

DiscUss the question In
call people?
1 How
often doyou
the phone?
usually talk t0
2 Who do you
know on the phone
speak to someone you dont
How do you
feel when you
3 in English on the phone?
4 What problems can you have when you speak
Learning Curve. Who called these
33 8.14 Watch or listen to the first part of people, and i

Penny Mo

the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

4 8.14 Watch or listen again. Are
easier with modern technology.
1 Penny thinks that communication is
video conference call with Simon
and Kate at 10:00.T
2 Penny and Ethan have a 9:50.
3 Ethan makes an appointment with the dentist for
the Internet connection.
4 Mo says it will take ten minutes to fix
to call Simon and Kate.
5 Moays he will bring Penny a telephone

Conversation builder telephone language

Person being called:
Good morning,. How can I help you?
Hello, thisSis.
CouldIspeak to.? Hello, this is.. (speaking/calling)
'm afraid he/she's not available at the moment.
Canyou tell him/her that..?
Could you ask him/her to call Can I take a message?
I think you have the wrong numbe.
me back, please?
Thank you, goodbye. Thanks/Thank you for calling.

5 AC815 Read the Conversation builder. In pairs, order the conversation from 1-9. Listen arta

a Thanks for ealling

bA Yes, can you ask her to call Fiona when she can?
cHello, Mo Bensallem speaking.
d Yes, of course.
eHello, could Ispeakto Julia, please?
f I'm afraid she's not at her desk at the moment.
g Sorry, I don't know. Can I take a message?
h 6 Do you know when she will be back?
i Thank you, goodbye.

B in pairs, practice saying the conversation. You can change the names and any dEo
dealing with
ditficulties sPEAKING
Watch or listen to the secondpart
CheCk Y)
t problens Penny
ha, Watr hor
ow De,
Pety b, K.jle
1 She dials the WIOng number rter arja
2 Simon forgot dDOut t e conference call

3 Kate doesntaIswer the phone n tume

A Chalotte cant her Penny very well
5 Chalotte doesnt understand English well
6 Penmy forgot toleave her number

817 Listen and repeat the

phrases whei you hear the
HOw do thhe speakeTs deal with difficults beep

Skill dealing with difficulties

It sometimes diffhcult to understand
people when they speak,
especially on the telephone.
.Ash the speaker politely to speak louder or
repeat what he/she said
Ask the speaker tospell any difficult words.
.Repeat what the speaker says to make sure it is correct
Stress any words Or
phrases you want to check

9 Read the Skill box. Put the phrases in the correct column.

afraid didn't catch that. Did you

say..? And was that...or .
Sorry, could you speak louder?
Can you spell that for me, please? Could
you speak more slowly, please? Could you repeat that,
You don't hear something You need to check or confirm
Yo specific information
Sorry, Coo
Sor osld you s eak loudex? Tm afad ddn cateh hat.
COuld You S tak move s lew ly, pleage ? n d was that+
Cocld Can you s pell Fhot
you re pe hectJ please te me pease
10 A )8.18 Listen to five conversations and
underline the information the speaker wants to check.
Sorry, did you say you needed three blue shirts2
2 And you bought the
producton June 5, 2010?
3 So your flight is at 5:00 p.m. on
Wednesday of next week?
4 did you say you wanted to reserve
Sorry, a double
5 Was that vegetable soup for table 12?
room for next week?

B In pairs, repeat questions 1-5. Pay attention to the words you stress.
Go to Communication practice: Student A. page 111, Student B.
page 117
11 A PREPARE In pairs, look at the situations below. Decide which role you will
what you will say.
play and think about

Situation 1 Situation 2
You have arranged to meet with
Student A a colleague. Call to You are going on vacation to Acapulco. Make a hotel
cancel the meeting reservation for your trip.
Answer the phone. The person the speaker wants to You are a receptionist at a hotel Write down details
Student B
talk to is not in the office. Take a of the reservation. It is very noisy, and you can't hear
the speaker well.

PRACTICE Sit back to back with your partner so you can't see him/her. Practice the telephone
pERSONAL BEST Are you more confident at speaking on the telephone in English? How could you
nprove Change partners and practice the conversations again.

Write down one of the conversations from exercise 11 73

PRACTICE correct option, oc

and 3 (hi0"
7 8

The i-Aid
G r a m u 1 . 1 1

t l )
II t r |



i thue sto
Canadian Alex Deans hed wa

ti.annt i e In 2009, cross the
J i l e ' r
blind person
1 s in
h a v i n g a great hen
help blinddpeople ealized t
t o m o r r o w
could use

to hel
0eople knovww
obaby are,
e things
t tormorrow

s t u d i e d l wa
/n e
hot he still till studyin
Even though
f o u n d / wa vas finding
VOu do
week high
school, he time to
3re you
his idea.
Four years later, he
b . to donext d e v i c e that makes it!
going a
are you college the i-Aid,
hat in on around obier
while I was
for blind people
to move
won an
award for the 6beto..
n 2010 colege he
In 2013, gained a qrea Deg
Canada and

invention in
tech c o m p a n i e s . In fact. he
ery impressed. Can
met Jerry while l interest from
in 2010, ver
Jerry the Blind w a s

in collegpe

Institute for
people at the institute immedia
diately started te The
friend at the the device, and the resuitS were very positi
She s not meeting
8 a
meet her friend
to have to
b Shes not going
Deans will 'might/ probably wa a coup
the theater i-Aid in stores, but he ie
with her
friend tonight.
of years to
s e e the just
She doesn t
meet before. Right now, he
sentences 8busy/ busier as is
the as
to Complete to engineering in colle
in parentheses hrst studying/ going stuay
2 project he'S working on, it 10
2Use the sentence

the same as the and whichever

as exCiting as the i-Aid
definitely be just

Madrid may
London isn t as hot as
Madrid HoHtest London.
pass the
2 Idont think I will
(probably / pass)
Iv:proeothe exam.
than Nicki.
3 Kelly is shorter definitions
(as / tall in the bOx with the
loll Nicki Match the words
Kelly hon dinner.
while I was cooking
4 My phone rang souvenir modern sunbathe resort
When my phone rang. expensive crowded pack
He's arriving at
6.00 p.m.
He's 9 0 g a t 6:00 p.m. 1 to put things in a bag for a trip
6 The store may be reminds you of a vacationu
2 Something that
open. (might)
Thestoreyould 3 known and recognized by many
on the phone when I missed my train.
7 Iwas talking 4 to relax in the sun
wh. l e (while)
I missed my train

8 What are you going to do on Saturday?

5 full of people
6 up to date
What Joioon Saturday? (doing)
costing a lot of money
8 an area where tourists stay and do
frefliter f
Write w
sentencus about
frree your friends predeeties
using (not)


t h the f, tl1 bex esson A

trfashion designer Write two
ch news reporter sentences a e thres
about where

AQ but his clothes are really you live using three poosessivs
comparatives and djactives
ntwear them for long
appy vhen the team Non It was a
Jgh They only won by one goal
e e t you in the main square l t S very Lesson 78 esson e&c
9ontshe flew to 50 different foreign Name three
Name five
things you things an
r He knows lots of famous usually do on employee
usually does

sa eTor or my city s radio station I talk

as a
nterestng events in the area
Lesson 7c
the conversation
with the verbs in the box. esson 8c

go x2)
Start see book Think of
wite get
Write what you three plans or
vsit quit apply
were doing at this arrangements
time yesterday. you have for
Did you ceokthe job ad in yesterday's tomorrow

Nuria No, I didn't.

Royal Airlines is looking for new flight esson &0
attendants. You said you wanted to 2 get
Lesson zc
Give three
your job. Write a
Nuria Do you think I should aplfor the job? expressions
sentence using you can use if
Omar Yes, it's perfect for you! Didn't you want to the simple past someone calls
abroad more often? and the past you on the
Nuria Yes, but on vacation. I don't think you have telephone.
much time to O sightseeing or

golocalattractions. esson 80
Omar Not when you're working, but you'll probably Lesson o
get a discount when you Sec flights,
so you can travel more on vacation! Give three
Describe expressions you
Nuria Hmm, maybe. What's the salary? three things you can use when you
Omar work, but did yesterday
It'sfairly low when youqie using adverbs
have problems
you might lar a pay raise after a year or understanding
of manner. something.
two. I'l help you 10 wte a résumé, if you
Nuria OK, T'll do it!

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