Honey LP
Honey LP
Honey LP
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
II. Content
Body Movements
a. Reference
1. MAPEH 7 Teacher’s Guide page 231
b. Other Learning Resources
1. https://study.com/academy/ lesson/components-of-body-movements-
2. https://www.reference.com/science/axial-movement-a9ef623121f46cca
3. https://youtu.be/FQOKP-uYD3I
4. https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/jenildonatorianzamoises/locomotor-
c. Materials
1. Laptop
2. Extension wire
3. White Board Marker
4. Masking Tape
5. LCD Projector
6. Speaker
7. Cartolina
IV. Procedure
1. Teaching/Learning Strategies
a. Class discussion
b. ICT
c. Cooperative Learning
d. Demonstration/ Modelling
e. Groupings
2. Preparatory Activity
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review
e. Motivation
•teacher will demonstrate the moves.
•students should follow the steps given.
•student’s needs to do it properly.
•lastly, while doing the steps/moves student should sing the song "sampung
mga daliri".
B. During the Lesson
1. Discussion about the meaning of body movements and the two types
of body movements.
Body Movements
Axial Movements are movements done by a several parts of the body in stationary
a. Bend or Flex to move the body or part of the body around a wide axis.
b. Lift, Raise to elevate a part of the body or the whole body to a desired level.
c. Stretch, Extend, Straighten to lengthen a part of the body.
d. Twist to move a body around a long axis.
e. Circle to move a body around a point.
f. Swing to move continuously from one point to the other.
g. Turn, Rotate to change direction to move around an axis.
Loco motor Movements are movements that bring the performer from one place to
a. Generalization
1. What is body movement?
2. The two types of body movements.
3. Enumerate the examples of axial and loco motor movements.
b. Application
Let’s Move It!
Bring out a 1/4 sheet of paper and answer the following question. Answers only!
1. It is the act or process of moving.
2. These are the movements done by a several parts of the body in stationary
3. These are the movements that bring the performer from one place to another.
What are the 2 types of body movements?
2 examples of axial movements
9. 3 examples of loco motor movement
Answer Key:
1. Movements
2. Axial movement
3 Loco motor movement
4. Axial movement
5. Loco motor movement
6. Flex, Raise, Stretch, twist
7. Circle, Swing, turn
8-10. Run, walk, hop, leap, jump, skip
d. Assignment
Read about Nationalistic and Philippine love song.
Name and identify composition of prominent Filipino composer.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection