Sail Isp
Sail Isp
Sail Isp
Optimization of Ferro Alloy usage in Steel Making Steel Melting Shop (SMS)
Prediction of Roll Life in Mills Mills
Analysis of data for prediction of failures for critical equipment viz. ID Fans, Exhausters, SAIL-ISP
Waste Gas Fans, MAC, BAC etc.
Capturing data for Condition Monitoring of critical equipment using loT/lloT based smart SAIL-ISP
Cobble detection in mills (WRM, Bar Mill, USM)
Mills area
Detection of slag in empty Ladle at Caster
8. Steel Melting Shop (SMSS)
Demurrage control at T & RM
Analysis of Generation and Consumption RMHP, Traffic
CO,BF,CBM,LD gases and their optimization Energy Monitoring Centre