FBA Unit 1 Impquestions
FBA Unit 1 Impquestions
FBA Unit 1 Impquestions
Subject: FBA
Important Questions
Short Answer Questions:
Q. Questions CO BL
1 Define Accuracy and Precision 1 1
2 Name the various sources of biomedical signals 1 1
3 What are bio-signals 1 1
4 Define Bioelectric potentials 1 1
5 Define Depolarization and Repolarization 1 1
6 Define Cell 1 1
7 What are the features of Instrumentation Amplifier 1 1
8 Draw the waveform of Action potential and explain in brief 1 1
Q.No Questions CO BL
1 1 2
With a neat block diagram explain biomedical nstrumentation
2 Explain Resting and Action potential 1 2
3 Explain Static and Dynamic characteristics of medical 1 2
instrumentation system
4 Explain the problems encountered with measurement from 1 2
human being
5 Derive Nernst equation 1 3
6 Explain the structure of a cell 1 2
7 Explain the propagation of Action Potential 1 2
8 With neat sketch explain nerve tissue and its organs 1 2