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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493

Change Document to Accompany the 2022

Consolidated Standards for Inspection
Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs

Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................... 2
1. Operational Methods and Personnel Practices ................................................................... 3
2. Maintenance for Food Safety ............................................................................................. 18
3. Cleaning Practices ............................................................................................................. 25
4. Integrated Pest Management ............................................................................................. 29
5. Adequacy of Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs ....................................................... 32

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493

Regulatory developments and other industry best practices impacting the food industry
worldwide, created a need for a thorough update of the AIB International Consolidated
Standards for Inspection.

For the 2022 update, we have implemented several sets of changes:

• AIB International reviewed the whole content of the Standard regarding

regulations on a global extent, industry trends, and best practices, so that
requirements are streamlined, easily understood, and current.
• New standards have been added and others have been eliminated to ensure that
the content is on the leading edge of the industry.
• AIB International moved all program related requirements to the Adequacy
section. This resulted in the merging and elimination of requirements, and to
this end, many standard numbers have changed.
• AIB International made minor changes to headings, or changes to numbering,
that are not changes to the criteria evaluated in the previous version of the

The purpose of the Change Document is to highlight the changes, identify additional criteria
and changes to content, and outline expectations during an inspection. Minor changes,
referred to in the fourth bullet point above, are not described in the document. As always,
AIB International wants to provide transparency regarding the reasons behind the changes to
the Prerequisite and Food Safety Standards, and the necessary clarification to understand
and implement them. By doing so, together we can continue to ensure the ongoing
successful implementation of food safety programs worldwide.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493

1. Operational Methods and Personnel Practices

1.1 Receipt/Rejection of Dry Goods Critical - Damaged, infested, or dirty transports-containers or materials vehicles and

their contents are rejected and reasons for rejection are documented.

• Explanation of the change: The requirement from former was

combined with this requirement to streamline the Standard and make it clear
that this is related to the vehicle conditions.

• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical - Materials shipped in d Damaged, infested, or dirty materials are rejected
and reasons for rejection are documented.

• Explanation of the change: The requirement from former was

combined with this requirement to streamline the Standard and make it clear
that this is related to materials condition.

• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical - The facility maintains documentation of rejected shipments that includes
defect specifications and reasons for rejection.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement combined with the

requirements for and to streamline the Standard. Critical - Raw materials, ingredients, processing aids, packaging, finished products,
returned goods, as well as equipment and/or returned containers, pallets and trays are
inspected during receipt.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement was added to ensure that all
inbound materials, equipment, and reusable containers are inspected at the
time of receipt to prevent bringing problems into the facility.

• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will check

that all inbound materials and equipment are included for inspection at the
time of receipt.

1.2 Receipt/Rejection of Perishable Materials Critical - Damaged, infested, or dirty transports-containers or materials vehicles and their
contents are rejected and reasons for rejection are documented.

• Explanation of the change: The requirement from former was combined with
this requirement to streamline the Standard and make it clear that this is related to the
vehicle conditions.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical - Materials shipped in d Damaged, infested, or dirty materials are rejected and
reasons for rejection are documented.
• Explanation of the change: The requirement from former was combined
with this requirement to streamline the Standard and make it clear that this is
related to materials condition.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical - If critical to food safety, continuous temperature monitoring is in place in

temperature-controlled vehicles and the facility maintains documentation of temperature
during transport.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was elevated to critical and moved
to Critical - Shuttle vehicles are in good condition, clean, free of holes and infestation,
and capable of maintaining food safe temperatures.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was edited to clarify that all shuttle
vehicles used for transfer of perishable materials must be able to maintain food
safe temperatures.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety professional will check to
determine if shuttle vehicles used for perishable items have refrigeration
capabilities. Critical – Perishable materials are inspected during receipt.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement was added to clarify that all
perishable materials are included in inbound materials inspections
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will check that
perishable materials are included in the inspection protocols.

1.3 Storage Practices Critical - Systems to facilitate stock rotation are present.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement was removed since stock rotation
is covered under Critical - If materials are stored outside, they are adequately protected against
deterioration, pest activity and contamination.
• Explanation of the change: Pest activity was added to the list to ensure that
materials stored on the outside are not damaged from this specific risk. This
was formerly
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical - Dates used for stock rotation are on a permanent part of the raw material
packaging (i.e., not the stretch wrap), where applicable.
• Explanation of the change: This was formerly This minor requirement
was elevated to a critical requirement.
Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will evaluate
this practice as a critical requirement.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Minor – There are at least 14 in or 35 cm of space between pallet rows.

• Explanation of the change: This prescriptive minor requirement was removed.
Adequate spacing is covered under and will be evaluated by the Food
Safety Professional based on the conditions observed during the inspection.

1.4 Storage Conditions Critical – All chemicals, including cleaning and maintenance compounds, and non-
product materials, including equipment and utensils, are stored in a separate area.
Chemicals are labeled and secured as defined in the chemical control program.
• Explanation of the change: The requirement to ensure that chemicals are labeled
and secured a defined in the chemical control program was added.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will observe if
these elements of the chemical control program are being followed. Critical - Research and Development items, and infrequently used raw materials,
packaging supplies and finished products are regularly inspected for signs of infestation and
properly maintained.
• Explanation of the change: The addition of “and properly maintained” further
defines that these materials must be kept free of debris and spillage.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will observe the
storage conditions for these areas. Minor - Packaging is stored away from raw materials and finished product in a
designated area or in a way that will not be negatively impacted by raw materials and
finished product.
• Explanation of the change: The addition further defines the criteria for storage
of packaging materials.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will observe the
storage conditions for these areas.

1.5 Raw Material/Packaging/Finished Product Inventory

Raw materials, packaging, and finished product inventories are maintained at reasonable
volumes to avoid excess age and insect infestation.
• Explanation of the change: Packaging was added this section to further define
the intent that this includes how all product related inventories are required to be
maintained. Critical - Food contact containers are covered or inverted while in storage to protect
against contamination from overhead structures.
• Explanation of the change: “From overhead structures” was deleted. Food
contact containers in storage must be protected against contamination from all
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will observe the
storage conditions for these materials.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493

1.6 Pallets Critical - When pallets are stored outside, they are inspected for evidence of
contamination (i.e., insects, mold, chemicals) before being brought into the facility for use.
• Explanation of the change: Examples were added to clarify the intent of the
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed. Critical – Clean slip-sheets are placed between pallets and bags of ingredients, and
between double-stacked pallets to protect ingredients from damage by the pallet.
• Explanation of the change: The requirement was elevated to a critical
requirement from a minor requirement to enhance food safety. “Clean” was
added to ensure that slip-sheets do not pose a food safety risk.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Follow critical rating guidance.

1.7 Carry-over and Rework Critical – There is a designated rework storage area that is segregated from usable
• Explanation of the change: The requirement for segregation of the rework
storage area from was merged with this requirement for consolidation.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: There is no need for additional guidance. Critical – The rework area is segregated from usable materials.

• Explanation of the change: Combined with Critical – Rework and carry-over materials are lot traceable.

• Explanation of the change: Previous version used term “blended materials”.
Terminology was changed to “carry-over materials” for clarification.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – Rework or blended materials are strained or sifted prior to use, as
applicable, based on a risk assessment.
• Explanation of the change: The term “blended” was removed to help clarify the
intent of this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required.

1.8 Dust Collection Filtering Devices Critical- Dust collection and filtering devices are stored in a dust-free environment
and protected from contamination.
• Explanation of the change: Added requirement to store these product zone
contact parts to protect them from contamination.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will check
storage to ensure this requirement is met.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493

1.9 Bulk Material Handling Critical – Bulk systems and unloading areas are installed and maintained to prevent
adulteration of raw materials and finished product.
• Explanation of the change: Moved this requirement to 2.21 Bulk Systems,
Unloading Areas, and Loading Areas because it is a maintenance issue.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical – Tanker wash tags or other documentation of cleaning/washing and/or prior
load verification are reviewed and records are maintained.
• Explanation of the change: Added language to clarify that any document that
shows the bulk vehicle was washed or cleaned is acceptable.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required.

1.10 Sampling Procedures Critical - All openings created for sampling in bags, boxes, or containers are
properly resealed and identified as such having been sampled.
• Explanation of the change: The language was modified to clarify the intent of
this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required.

1.11 Processing Aids Critical – All processing aids are evaluated to determine if they contain allergens.
If the processing aid contains an allergen, control procedures consistent with the Allergen
Control Program are followed.

• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to ensure that
processing aids are checked to ensure that allergens in processing aids are
identified and controlled.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Processing aids may cause inadvertent
allergen cross contact if not identified. Food Safety Professionals will rate
based on risk using critical rating guidance.

1.12 Raw Material Transfer Critical - The facility follows procedures for transferring and handling materials
and includes a system to provide traceability information at all times throughout the process.
• Explanation of the change: Language was modified to clarify the intent.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed. Critical - Containers are always kept off the floor at all times and other walking
surfaces and are covered when not in use.
• Explanation of the change: The language was modified to include other walking
surfaces to clarify the intent.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will evaluate
how raw material containers are managed.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical - Raw material, work-in-process, and finished product ingredient storage
containers are properly identified to maintain the materials' integrity and traceability.
• Explanation of the change: The language was modified to clarify that all
containers must be identified for traceability purposes.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will check
identification of containers to determine how identify and traceability are
maintained. Critical – Conveying tubes or hoses used to transfer raw materials, ingredients, and
product are on supports off the ground or floor to prevent contamination or submersion in
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to ensure that tubes
and hoses used to convey any materials are not allowed to contact the ground or
floor and prevent submersion in water.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate any
issues with the facility conveying tubes and hoses that are found in direct
contact with the ground or floor. Critical – All containers used for raw materials, work-in-process, and finished
product are properly labeled or color coded to identify contents.
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to ensure that all
containers including those used for transfer and secondary containers for use are
properly labeled as to content.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate any
unlabeled or unidentified containers found in the site. Critical - Materials selected for transport to processing areas are visually inspected
and cleaned prior to transport.

• Explanation of the change: The former requirement was elevated from
minor to critical.
Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will evaluate
this practice as a critical requirement. Critical – Drums, barrels, bags, pails, and boxes are cleaned prior to opening.
Observation demonstrates that raw material containers are opened in a manner that prevents
the introduction of foreign material.
• Explanation of the change: The former requirement was elevated from
minor to critical and expanded to include cleaning of all raw material containers
prior to opening.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate any
issues pertaining to cleaning of containers and how they are opened that
represent a risk to product safety based on critical rating guidance.

1.14 Receiving Filters and Strainers

• Explanation of the change: The title of the clause was modified to limit this
section to filters and strainers used for the receipt of materials. Inline strainers
and filters for product protection are covered under 1.15 Foreign Material

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493

Control Devices. Strainers used in CIP systems are covered under 3.10 CIP
Systems. Critical - Inline filters and strainers are inspected for integrity as part of the
CIP process.
• Explanation of the change: Checking of CIP strainers was moved to 3.10 CIP
Systems. Checking of inline filters and strainers for processing are covered in
section 1.15 Foreign Material Control Devices.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed. Critical – Strainer mesh sizes are sufficiently restrictive to remove foreign
material from liquid materials handled. Strainers are properly installed in the housing
without gaps to prevent bypass.
• Explanation of the change: The last sentence was added to ensure that the
strainers are installed properly and do not allow foreign material to bypass the
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate any
deficiencies noted, as applicable.

1.15 Foreign Material Control Devices Critical – Foreign material control devices such as metal detectors, strainers, X-
Ray devices, etc. are appropriate to the product or process, and detect metal wear or other
physical contamination from the processing equipment.
• Explanation of the change: Examples of foreign material control devices were
added to enhance understanding of the intent of this clause. Additionally, “from
the processing equipment” was removed to expand the intent that foreign
material control devices are there to remove all physical contaminants and not
just those that are equipment wear related.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical - For continuously extruded product, a mark is used to identify the location
of contamination if automatic rejection or identification is not possible, or if a simple line
stop is not acceptable.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was removed since it has never
been cited. Any issues related to continuously extruded product can be
explained under Critical - Magnets, where present, are tested for strength on a defined frequency.
Deviations from manufacturer requirements or specifications are addressed.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved to Equipment

1.16 Waste Material Disposal Critical - Waste is managed to prevent pest and microbial issues. Management
techniques may include cleaning, covering and emptying containers regularly.
• Explanation of the change: The word “can” was replaced with “may” to clarify
the intent of the requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed.

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical - Human food by-products for use as animal food are stored in clean,
labeled, and covered containers to protect against contamination.
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to ensure that
human food by-products intended for use as animal food are properly managed
to maintain food safety integrity.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will evaluate how
human food by-products designated for animal food use are managed and rate
and deficiencies using critical rating guidance.

1.17 Ingredient Containers, Utensils, and Tools Critical – All in-use ingredient containers have individual transfer scoops, as
needed based on risk assessment, to prevent cross-contamination and/or cross-contact.
• Explanation of the change: “Cross-contact” was added to address allergen
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will evaluate and
rate potential for cross-contamination and cross-contact issues caused by
scoops. Definition of this term is found in the glossary. Critical – Ingredient scoops, tools, and utensils are color-coded or otherwise
identified, in a manner that does not allow cross-contamination and/or cross-contact.
• Explanation of the change: “Cross-contact” was added to address allergen
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate issues
with the identification of ingredient scoops based on product risk for cross-
contamination and cross-contact.

1.18 Allergen Handling Critical - Product packaging and labels should be correct for the specific product
batch to eliminate mislabeling issues. Product labels or primary packaging materials are
verified as correct for the specified production run.
• Explanation of the change: The language was modified to clarify the intent of
this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will check that
the facility has a system in place to verify that product labels and/or packaging
are correct for the specific batch of production being run.

1.19 Workspace Arrangement Critical - Routine housekeeping activities are ongoing throughout operating hours
in production and support areas to maintain a sanitary environment.

• Explanation of the change: This element was moved to under Cleaning
Practices. Minor Critical - Production equipment and supplies are neatly arranged and
installed maintained to protect against potential contamination sources.
• Explanation of the change: The language was modified to add clarity. This
minor requirement was elevated to a critical requirement. This was formerly

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493

• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed. Minor Critical - Adequate workspace and storage areas are provided to enable
operations to be performed in safe food-safe, hygienic conditions.
• Explanation of the change: Food-safe was added to clarify that the intent is for
food safety and not referencing employee safety. This minor requirement was
elevated to a critical requirement. This was formerly
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed. Minor - Operational debris is kept at a minimum.

• Explanation of the change: The requirement was deleted from this section. This
is covered under Operational Cleaning.

1.20 Single-Service Containers Critical - Single-service containers are not reused without a risk assessment and
procedures to maintain food safety.
• Explanation of the change: The requirement was modified to allow for reuse of
single-use containers as long as there is no risk. Sites must assess risk and
implement steps such as cleaning, removal of old label, identification of new
use, etc.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Reuse of single service containers such as
buckets and pails is a common practice in the food industry. Food Safety
Professionals will challenge the program to ensure that appropriate cleaning,
sanitizing and removal of labels is conducted. Critical All single-service containers are crushed, punctured or otherwise disposed
of so that they cannot be reused.
• Explanation of the change: Removed this requirement from the Standard.

1.22 Controlled Temperature for Food Safety Critical - Temperature limits for food safety, based on science and regulation as
applicable, are defined and followed, including but not limited to storage, thawing,
tempering, and holding of hot or cold food.
• Explanation of the change: Added “or cold” to requirement to ensure that the
same controls are managed when handling cold food.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will assess
how temperature controls for hot and cold food are managed to maintain food
safety throughout the process. Critical - Corrective actions are defined, implemented, and documented for
materials affected by controlled temperature storage failures that could affect food safety.
• Explanation of the change: Added requirement to document corrective actions
for failures of storage temperatures to maintain food safety.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate any
storage temperature issues with lack of corrective action documentation.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical - Continuous recording thermometers or other monitoring systems are

provided inside coolers, freezers, and other temperature-controlled storage areas. are placed
in all rooms or areas where perishable foods are stored and handled.
• Explanation of the change: Combined with former and edited for
clarity. Requirement was elevated from minor to critical because it relates to
food safety. (Formerly
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed.

1.23 Cross-contamination Prevention Critical – Systems are set up and operating procedures are implemented to reduce
any potential physical, chemical, or microbiological contamination risks.
• Explanation of the change: Added “operating procedures are implemented” in
addition to the systems to cover how cross-contamination prevention is
managed under this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

1.24 Cans, Bottles, and Rigid Packaging Critical -Filtering systems or air-water traps are provided for cleaning systems used
with rigid packaging.
• Explanation of the change: Deleted stand-alone requirement and combined with
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed. Critical –The f Filtering systems or air/water traps are provided on cleaning
systems used with rigid packaging and are regularly monitored and maintained as part of the
Preventive Maintenance Program.
• Explanation of the change: Consolidated the requirement to provide these
systems from former with this former
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed. Critical - After cleaning, rigid packaging is maintained in an inverted position,

covered, or overhead structures are maintained to prevent foreign material contamination
through the conveying, filling, and capping processes. until filled and capped.
• Explanation of the change: Added maintaining the overheads free of
contaminants (i.e., flaking paint, dirt, condensation) as an alternative to
inverting or covering cleaned rigid packaging prior to filling and capping.
Consolidated from former
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will evaluate
overhead conditions if inverting or covers are not provided. Critical - Rigid packaging is covered or inverted, or overhead structures are

maintained, to prevent contamination prior to filling.
• Explanation of the change: Consolidated with
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical - Single-service containers that are not washed, air-rinsed, or water-rinsed
prior to use, are received with a tight-fitting protective cover that protects them from
• Explanation of the change: Added language to clarify the intent of this
requirement. (Formerly
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed.

1.25 Finished Product Transportation – Legible code marks that are easily seen by consumers are placed on all
finished products.
• Explanation of the change: Moved to Traceability. Critical – Code marks satisfy regulatory packaging requirements and lot definitions
and are used in the Recall Program.
• Explanation of the change: Moved to Traceability. Critical – Distribution records identify the initial point of distribution as per
regulatory requirements.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement is already under 5.18 Recall
Program, so it was deleted under this requirement. Critical – Finished products are loaded or transferred in covered bays or canopies
to protect the products from weather damage.
• Explanation of the change: Moved to Bulk Systems, Unloading
Areas, and Loading Areas. Critical – The staging and loading of perishable materials does not pose a food
safety risk. are conducted in a manner that maintains temperature control for food safety.
• Explanation of the change: Added language to clarify the intent of the
requirement. Formerly
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – Documentation validates that temperature-sensitive products are loaded

into pre-cooled vehicles that are designed to sustain required Temperatures during delivery.
• Explanation of the change: Moved to Receiving/Shipping Program. Critical - Temperatures of vehicles, for Temperature-controlled transports, are

checked and recorded before loading.
• Explanation of the change: Moved to Receiving/Shipping
Program. Critical - The facility enforces transportation breakdown procedures.

Explanation of the change: Moved to Receiving/Shipping Program. Critical – Prior to loading, all shipping vehicles and products are inspected for
cleanliness, damage, or defects that could jeopardize the product. Shipping vehicle
inspections are documented.
• Explanation of the change: Combined former with former
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical - Security seals or padlocks are provided, and their use is documented as
per facility or customer requirements. Security measures in the form of seals, padlocks, or
other devices are provided on shipping vehicles and documentation of their use is
• Explanation of the change: The use of security measures on shipping vehicles
was made a mandatory requirement of the standards and not just based on
facility or customer requirements.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate as a
critical requirement unless they can otherwise explain with a risk assessment
(i.e., vehicle travels 5 minutes to another site). Critical – Shipping vehicle inspections are documented.

• Explanation of the change: Requirement combined with Critical – Adequate free air circulation is provided all around the load during
perishables transportation. Pallets with slip-sheets or other ways to allow adequate air
circulation are in place unless the transport has a channeled floor to maintain air circulation.
• Explanation of the change: Requirement was elevated to critical. (Formerly
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required.

1.26 Hand Washing Facilities Critical – Hand sanitizers that require mixing are routinely monitored for proper
concentration to ensure effectiveness.
• Explanation of the change: Added language to clarify that this only applies to
hand sanitizers that are mixed in the facility and not those that are purchased as
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical –Wash hands signs appear above sinks and entries to production areas.
• Explanation of the change: Combined with so requirements for “wash
hands” signs are in one requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

1.27 Washrooms, Showers, Locker Rooms, and Other Welfare Areas Critical – All washrooms, showers, locker rooms, and other employee welfare
areas are maintained in a sanitary condition.
• Explanation of the change: Added other employee welfare areas.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical- There are no open food, drinks, or items that pose a risk to food safety in
lockers or locker rooms.
• Explanation of the change: Eliminated “open” to state that no food or drinks
should be stored in lockers or locker rooms.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria; No additional guidance is required.

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical – “Wash hands” signs are displayed in all restrooms, lunchrooms, and
smoking areas. “Wash hands” signs appear above sinks and entries to production areas.
• Explanation of the change: Combined with
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Minor - Company-owned personnel lockers are inspected and cleaned on a defined
frequency as allowed by national or local regulations.
• Explanation of the change: Added “and cleaned” to expand on the requirements
for locker conditions.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

1.28 Personal Hygiene Critical – Trained supervisors are responsible for ensuring that all personnel are
complying with facility policies regarding personnel practices.
• Explanation of the change: Moved required to Accountability.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Personnel are required to always practice good personal hygiene at all
times as verified through observation.
• Explanation of the change: Added “as verified through observation” to combine
elements from former
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will document
any deviations noted under this clause. Critical - Handwashing practices are checked periodically for effectiveness (e.g.,
visual inspection, swabbing, observation, etc.)
• Explanation of the change: Deleted and combined visual inspection intent with

1.29 Work Clothes, Changing Facilities, and Personnel Areas Critical - Personnel wear suitable, clean outer garments or uniforms, and footwear.
• Explanation of the change: Added footwear from former
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical - Personnel wear suitable footwear.

• Explanation of the change: Combine requirement with Critical - Work clothes and shoes are stored separately from outdoor clothing,
shoes, and personal items in changing facilities as applicable to the site.
• Explanation of the change: Added shoes to this requirement and as applicable to
the site so the site may determine risk.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will evaluate this
requirement based on the program established by the facility.

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical - Changing facilities, where provided, are located near or with direct access
to production, packaging, and storage areas.
• Explanation of the change: Moved this requirement from1.30.1.3 to apply to all
changing facilities when they are provided. The intent is to ensure that once
personnel have changed into uniforms or outer garments, they have close access
to operations that keeps the clothing clean.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will evaluate this
requirement based on the facility’s provisions. Critical - There are no pockets above the waist on outer garments worn around
exposed product where product contamination is likely.
• Explanation of the change: Elevated requirement to critical and added “worn
around exposed product where product contamination is likely” to identify the
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

1.30 High-Risk Clothing Management Critical - Changing facilities are located to allow direct access to production,
packaging, and storage areas.
• Explanation of the change: Requirement modified and moved to to
apply to all changing facilities, where provided. Minor - All high-risk protective clothing is regularly cleaned on-site or by a

contract laundry.
• Explanation of the change: Added “high-risk” to requirement to further define
this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

1.31. Personal Items and Jewelry Control Critical - Plain wedding bands are acceptable if permitted by the Personnel
Practices Program.
• Explanation of the change: Removed this requirement. If a facility allows plain
wedding bands, it can be written into their exceptions under
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

1.32 Health Conditions Critical – All exposed cuts and grazes are covered by a facility issued metal
detectable strip bandage. Exposed cuts and grazes are required to be covered by a bandage
under gloves or otherwise secured to prevent loss. If applicable, metal detectable strip
bandages are provided by the facility.
• Explanation of the change: Edited to require that all exposed cuts and grazes are
covered and made use of metal detectable strip bandages only as applicable.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - A written policy specifies the procedures for handling/disposition of food
or product contact surfaces that have come into contact with blood or other bodily fluids.
• Explanation of the change: Since this is a written program, it was moved to Microbial Control Program.

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Minor – Each lot of detectable strip bandage is verified as being detectable with the
facility’s foreign material detection device.
• Explanation of the change: Combined with former Minor - If appropriate, the facility uses metal detectable bandages, gloves, ear
plugs, or other detectable protective equipment. If used, detectable equipment is regularly
tested and documented.
• Explanation of the change: Edited to add metal detectable bandages and
removed requirement to test each lot.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

1.34 Multiple-Service Shipping Containers Critical - Dry or wet cleaning process or an inspection program are in place to
identify and remove contaminants so that multiple-service shipping containers are
maintained in a clean and satisfactory condition.
• Explanation of the change: Deleted this stand-alone standard and moved this
single requirement to COP Systems because it relates to a cleaning
process rather than operations.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

1.34 Glass Container Breakage Critical – Procedures are defined to address glass container breakage in
manufacturing, packaging, and storage areas.
• Explanation of the change: Moved to 5.10 Glass, Brittle Plastics, and
Ceramics Program because it is part of this program. Critical - Effective glass container breakage procedures are demonstrated by the
lack of broken glass in manufacturing, packaging, and storage areas.

• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to allow for
observation of how effectively the glass breakage procedures are implemented.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professionals will observe
glass handling in manufacturing, packaging, and storage areas and evaluate how
effectively broken glass is managed. Deficiencies will be rated using critical
rating guidance.

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2. Maintenance for Food Safety

2.4 Floors Critical - All elevated platforms, cross-over stairs or walking surfaces located over
product zones are constructed (i.e., solid base surface, kick plates) and maintained to prevent
potential contamination.
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to define how
elevated platforms and cross-over stairs must be constructed and maintained to
prevent contamination.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will observe
how walking surfaces above floor level are maintained and managed.

2.5 Drains Critical - Floor drains are installed, accessible, maintained and operational in all wet
processing or wash areas. Grates are easily removable for cleaning and inspection.
• Explanation of the change: Added requirement from former to ensure
that drains are accessible for cleaning and inspection activities.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical - Floor drain grates are easily removable for cleaning and inspection.
• Explanation of the change: Combined this requirement with Critical - Drainage is designed and maintained to minimize the risk of product
contamination. Drainage flows away from high-risk areas (e.g., raw vs. cooked).
• Explanation of the change: Combined former requirement for drainage
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical - For high-risk operations, drainage flows away from the high-risk areas
(e.g., raw vs. cooked).
• Explanation of the change: Combined with Minor - Floor drains can be easily accessed for cleaning and inspection.
• Explanation of the change: Combined with

2.7 Ceilings and Overhead Structures Critical - Overhead fixtures, ducts, pipes, and overhead structures are installed and
maintained so that drips, leaks, and condensation do not contaminate foods, raw materials,
or food contact surfaces.
• Explanation of the change: Added “overheads” to clarify that this element
applies to all fixtures, ducts, pipes, and structures located in the overheads of the
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will observe
conditions in the overheads and document any noted deficiencies under this

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical - There is no flaking paint or rust on equipment or overhead structures. Only
normal mild oxidation on nonfood contact surfaces is acceptable.
• Explanation of the change: Removed “equipment” to apply this element to
overhead structures only. Equipment condition is covered under
Equipment and Utensils Construction.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

2.8 Glass, Brittle Plastics, and Ceramics Control Critical – Light bulbs, fixtures, windows, mirrors, skylights, and other glass
suspended over product zones, product areas, raw material storage areas, and any other
exposed product areas, are of the safety type or are otherwise protected to prevent breakage.
• Explanation of the change: Added “raw” to indicated this applies to raw
material storage areas and “any other exposed product areas” to identify the
areas where unprotected glass represents a food safety risk.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Unprotected lighting will be evaluated
based on risk of product contamination, including inadvertent transfer of
broken glass from storage areas to exposed product areas. Critical rating
guidance will be used.

2.9 Air Makeup Units Critical – Air blowing equipment is located, installed, maintained, and operated in a
way that does not contaminate raw materials, work-in-progress, packaging materials, food
contact surfaces, and finished products.
• Explanation of the change: Added installed and maintained to capture how these
attributes impact the proper function of these units for food safety.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Filters are capable of removing particles of 50 microns/Minimum

Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 4 equivalent or larger.
• Explanation of the change: Added “or equivalent” to allow for global
application of this element.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will challenge the
site to provide proof of the equivalency of the filters. Minor - Ventilation is provided in product storage and processing areas to minimize
odors, fumes, steam, and vapors.
• Explanation of the change: Added “steam” to this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required

2.10 Pest Prevention Critical - Windows, doors, and skylights that must be kept that are open for
ventilation are screened to prevent pest entry.
• Explanation of the change: Removed “that must be kept open for ventilation”
and added “are open” to cover all unscreened openings to the exterior.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate any open
doors, windows, and skylights without screens under this clause.

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2.11 Leaks and Lubrication Management

Equipment lubrication is managed so it does not contaminate food products.

• Explanation of the change: The title of this section was modified to describe the
content of these requirements more accurately. Critical - Catch pans, deflector plates, or other means of control are provided in areas
where drive motors, gearboxes, and bearings are mounted over product zones, and where
conveyors cross or run parallel at different levels.
• Explanation of the change: Added “other means of control” to address any steps
a site may take to protect the product zone from leaks. Added “bearings” since
these may also be lubricated and represent a risk.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

2.13 Cross-contamination Prevention Critical – Clean-In-Place systems meet the following design requirements to
prevent contamination -Allow proper drainage - No dead ends -No cross-connections -
Contain line disconnects for cleaning access
• Explanation of the change: Added for cleaning access to explain the reason for
line disconnects.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Dust, dirt, and microorganisms Airborne contaminants in the air and
condensation are controlled in filling and sealing areas. to prevent product contamination.
• Explanation of the change: Replaced “dust, dirt, and microorganisms” with
“airborne contaminants” to clarify intent.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Minor - Control measures include the enclosures around the filling and sealing
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was removed from this standard.

2.14 Equipment and Utensil Construction Critical - All equipment and utensils are designed and made of materials that are
easily cleaned and maintained. Equipment and utensils are maintained so there is no risk of
• Explanation of the change: The original requirement was similar to
This requirement was edited to make it clear that the intent for maintenance of
equipment and utensils is for food safety.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will rate any
equipment or utensils maintenance issues under this clause. Examples include
but are not limited to flaking paint, condensation, rust, metal to metal wear,
damaged plastic conveyor belts, damaged scoops, etc.

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical - Ingredient, product-holding, packaging, conveying, processing, and bulk

equipment are designed and made of materials that are easily cleaned, inspected, and
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was deleted and replaced with the
former edit from Design Standards. See new that follows. Critical – Observation demonstrates that the facility has an effective mechanism in
place to ensure that sanitary design principles are considered as part of all structural and
equipment designs, repairs, modifications, or purchases to reduce the potential for
contamination, cross-contact, and pest infestations, and to facilitate cleaning efforts.
• Explanation of the change: Former requirement Design Standards.
The requirement was modified to make this an observation rather than a review
of a written program specific to design standards.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will rate any
observed issues pertaining to design flaws under this clause. Critical - Pipelines, mixing tanks, and holding tanks are free of defects, and have
smooth seams, and are self-draining.
• Explanation of the change: Edited and combined with former to clarify
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Pipelines, mixing, and holding tanks are self-draining.

• Explanation of the change: Combined with to streamline Standards. Critical - Processing equipment for exposed raw materials, work-in-process, and
unwrapped finished product is not made of wood wherever possible and practical. If
processing equipment is made of wood, it is maintained.
• Explanation of the change: Formerly Requirement was elevated to
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. – Critical - Equipment is maintained to prevent leaks or product overflow outside

the product zone.
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added for the control of
equipment leaks and overflow.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will rate all
product leaks and overflow of product under this clause.

2.15 Temporary Repair Materials Critical – The facility maintains a record of work orders or repair requests, which
include progress and status.
• Explanation of the change: Moved to 5.12 Preventive Maintenance. Critical – The facility follows temporary repair procedures, which include a list of
materials approved for use as temporary repairs.
• Explanation of the change: Moved to 5.12 Preventive Maintenance.

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical –Temporary repair issues are resolved as soon as possible and practical.
• Explanation of the change: Formerly This requirement was elevated to
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

2.16 Equipment Calibration Critical - Temperature measuring devices, including thermometers, regulating and
recording controls are installed on any equipment that sterilizes, pasteurizes, or otherwise
prevents pathogenic microorganism growth. These devices are routinely calibrated based on
risk assessment, regulatory requirements, or manufacturer’s recommendations, as applicable.
• Explanation of the change: Added “based on risk assessment, regulatory
requirements, or manufacturer’s recommendations” to further define what is
meant by routine calibration.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed. Critical - Temperature and other measuring devices critical to product safety are
monitored on a frequency defined by risk assessment. Temperature and other measuring
devices (i.e., flowmeters, pressure gauges, foreign material detection equipment, pH-meters,
manometers, etc.) critical to product safety are calibrated on a frequency defined by risk
• Explanation of the change: Combined with former and edited for
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical – Thermometers are located inside coolers, freezers, and other
Temperature-controlled storage areas. Monitoring systems are in place.
• Explanation of the change: Combined with new and edited for clarity.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical – Devices critical to food safety i.e., pH-meters, manometers, metal
detectors and x-ray machines, are routinely calibrated.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was combined with Critical - Magnets, where present, are tested for strength on a defined frequency.
Deviations from manufacturer requirements or specifications are addressed.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from as a
better fit in this section. Minor – Temperature measuring devices used in processes not critical to food
safety are calibrated to a national standard.
• Explanation of the change: Deleted this requirement since is does not relate to
food safety.

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2.17 Compressed Air/Product Contact Gases Critical - Other gases used for product contact are of suitable purity to protect the
finished material or are filtered to remove contaminants, as applicable.
• Explanation of the change: Added “as applicable” since some gasses may not be
able to have filters at point of use.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

2.19 Parts Storage Maintenance Shop/Parts Storage

Improperly maintained or dirty repair parts may pose a risk of product contamination from
improper storage or cleaning Maintenance shops and parts are properly maintained to
prevent a risk of product contamination from improper storage or cleaning.
• Explanation of the change: Expanded category to include expected conditions in
maintenance shops. Critical - Used and soiled conveyor belts are discarded and not stored for future
use. Only clean repair parts, equipment, conveyor belts, motors, etc. are stored in parts
storage areas.
• Explanation of the change: Combined and edited former with this
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – Only clean repair parts and equipment are stored in parts storage areas.
• Explanation of the change: Combined and edited with Critical - The maintenance shop is organized and maintained to prevent the transfer
of foreign material into production or storage areas.
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to define that the
maintenance shop must be organized and clean, so foreign material is not
transferred out into the plant areas.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will inspect
the maintenance shop to verify that conditions do not lead to potential product
risks. – Critical - The maintenance shop perimeter access is maintained to facilitate

cleaning and inspection activities.

• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to ensure that
perimeters of the maintenance shop are properly maintained for cleaning and
inspection access.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will inspect
the maintenance shop to verify that perimeters are accessible. Minor – Small items such as nuts, bolts, washers and other, are properly stored to
prevent contamination of product or damage to equipment.
• Explanation of the change: Requirement was removed since it is addressed
under Preventive Maintenance Program.

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2.20 Hand Washing Facilities Design Critical – An adequate supply of hot and cold running water with mix valves is
provided in all washrooms, hand sinks, and locker rooms.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement combined the adequate water
supply from and mix valves from
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Hand washing facilities have an adequate water supply.

• Explanation of the change: Combined with
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Hands-free hand washing equipment and paper towel dispensers or air
dryers are provided in production area locations where essential to product safety.
• Explanation of the change: Added air dryers as an alternative to paper towel
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Minor - Mix valves are provided so that water Temperatures can be adjusted.
• Explanation of the change: Combine requirement for mix valves under

2.21 Bulk Systems, Unloading Areas, and Loading Areas

• Explanation of the change: Added loading areas to include conditions for this
important activity. Critical - Bulk systems, unloading areas, and loading areas are maintained to
prevent contamination of raw materials and finished product (e.g., roof, covering, canopy,
umbrella, inclement weather procedures, etc.).
• Explanation of the change: Added “loading” areas to this requirement to cover
shipping conditions. Added “of raw materials and finished product” to clarify
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Minor - Dock cushions, canopies, or other covers are provided, as applicable, to
protect raw materials and finished products during loading and unloading activities.
• Explanation of the change: New minor requirement for providing dock cushions
and canopies on doors to help maintain barrier controls and protect product
when trailers are staged at the dock.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

2.23 Wastewater Treatment and Sewage Disposal Critical - Sewage disposal systems are adequate and maintained to prevent direct or
indirect product contamination.
• Explanation of the change: Combined with to consolidate these

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• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Sewage disposal systems are maintained to prevent direct or indirect
product contamination.
• Explanation of the change: Combined intent with to consolidate.

3. Cleaning Practices
3.2 Cleaning Compounds and Sanitizers Critical - The facility follows verification procedures and maintains records of
chemical sanitizer concentration testing, retesting, and Corrective Actions corrections.
• Explanation of the change: “Chemical” was replaced with “sanitizer” because
sanitizer solution concentration is critical to achieve the desired benefits. The
terminology for correcting a problem was changed to be consistent with the
intent of this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed.

3.3 Cleaning Tools and Utensils Critical – Appropriate cleaning tools and utensils are available for use.
• Explanation of the change: Added appropriate to further define this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – Only clean tools and utensils are used for cleaning purposes. All cleaning
tools and utensils are cleaned and properly stored after use. Proper storage includes
segregation to ensure that cross-contamination does not occur.
• Explanation of the change: Added requirement for use of clean tools and
utensils for cleaning from former intent.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Clean tools and cloths are used on product zones.
• Explanation of the change: Combined intent with to consolidate

3.4 Cleaning Methods/Equipment

Cleaning methods and cleaning equipment are properly managed to prevent product
• Explanation of the change: The category was broadened to include the methods
for the use of water and air that were already included in this section.
Comments received stated that water and air are NOT cleaning equipment.

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical – Designated ladders and cleaning equipment are used in contact with
interior product contact surfaces and bulk transport vessels (e.g., rail cars, tankers). This
equipment is stored in a clean and sanitary manner.
• Explanation of the change: Combined intent from former
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – Designated ladders and cleaning equipment used in contact with interior
product contact surfaces and bulk transport vessels (e.g., rail cars, tankers) are stored in a
clean and sanitary manner.
• Explanation of the change: Intent of this clause was combined with to
consolidate requirements. Critical – Suitable clothing, head coverings, and foot coverings are worn when
entering rail cars, storage tanks, product contact equipment, or other vessels for cleaning,
repair, or other purposes to prevent contamination of internal product contact surfaces with
hair or foreign material.
• Explanation of the change: Added more examples of where this requirement
will apply.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Auxiliary equipment (e.g., forklifts, pallet jacks, aerial lifts, and similar
equipment) are is cleaned on a defined frequency and well maintained.
• Explanation of the change: Removed maintenance element from this cleaning
requirement and added that it must be completed on a defined frequency.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will rate any
auxiliary equipment cleaning deficiencies under this clause.

3.5 Daily (Housekeeping) Cleaning Critical – Daily cleaning tasks are completed in a way that prevents contamination.
Routine housekeeping activities are ongoing throughout operating hours in production and
support areas to maintain a sanitary environment.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved here from
because it is a cleaning requirement rather than an operational requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will evaluate and
rate housekeeping requirements under this clause.

3.6 Operational Cleaning Critical - Operational cleaning tasks are completed in a way that keeps equipment
and production lines clean and free of debris during working hours.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was edited to add further definition
to the expectation
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed.

3.7 Periodic Cleaning Tasks / Product Zone Cleaning Critical – Periodic cleaning tasks, scheduled, on a Master Cleaning Schedule or

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• Explanation of the change: The intent was consolidated into because it
is part of the written program requirements. Critical – Periodic cleaning tasks are assigned and completed.
• Explanation of the change: The intent was consolidated into because it
is part of the written program requirements Critical – Air blowing equipment, ventilation equipment, air extracting ducts and
vent grids are dismantled and cleaned on a defined frequency to prevent contamination
• Explanation of the change: The requirement was expanded to include any
equipment that blows air such as fans.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – Food contact surfaces, product zones and equipment that require sanitizing
are cleaned and then sanitized.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was edited to clarify that
equipment must first be cleaned before it is sanitized.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical –Sanitary Product contact trays and dollies are cleaned and maintained in a
way that prevents product adulteration.
• Explanation of the change: Language was modified for more universal
understanding of this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Pipelines, mixing tanks, and holding tanks can be are flushed, cleaned,
and sanitized, as needed.
• Explanation of the change: Language was modified for clarification of this
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

3.9 Non-Product Zone and Support Area Cleaning Critical – Non-sealed Electrical panels and boxes located in areas that are
susceptible to insect development are cleaned and inspected every four weeks frequently
enough to prevent product accumulations or insect development.
• Explanation of the change: The requirement was modified to allow the site to
determine the frequency necessary to maintain electrical panels free of product
accumulations and insect development.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will assess
electrical panels’ cleanliness and rate any findings under this requirement. Critical - Non-production areas used for the storage of equipment, raw materials,
finished products, packaging, or product contact utensils and dock/staging areas are cleaned
and maintained to prevent contamination of product, materials, or equipment.
• Explanation of the change: The requirement was expanded to include docks and
staging areas for cleaning assignment.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will include dock
and staging areas assessment under this clause.

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical - Recoup, Damaged product storage and salvage areas are cleaned on a
frequency to control spillage and damaged product to prevent development of sanitation
issues that could lead to product contamination or pest activity.
• Explanation of the change: “Damaged product storage” was added to further
clarify the intent of this requirement. Recoup was removed since it is not
universally understood.
Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical - Nonfood contact surfaces outside of product zones such as floors,
processing equipment, walls, and other product areas are cleaned regularly and as needed
routinely to maintain hygienic conditions.
• Explanation of the change: This former requirement was elevated to
critical and further defined as to the intent for cleaning of nonfood contact
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate any
cleaning deficiencies of nonfood contact surfaces that do not fit under other
requirements under this requirement.

3.10 Clean in Place (CIP) Systems Critical –CIP records (paper or electronic) and/or recording charts are maintained
and current.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was edited to explain that all types
of CIP records are acceptable to meet this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – CIP records and/or recording charts are reviewed to determine if defined
time/temperature, flow rate, and chemical concentration requirements, as applicable to the
process, are being met.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was edited to explain that all CIP
records are reviewed.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – Filters and strainers are opened, inspected, and cleaned on a regular
basis. CIP strainers are opened, inspected, and cleaned as part of the CIP process.
Documentation of strainer condition, findings, and corrective actions is maintained.
• Explanation of the change: Modified requirement to limit this to CIP strainers
and documentation of their condition, findings, and corrective actions. Inline
product strainers are managed under 1.15 Foreign Material Control Devices.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will evaluate how
CIP strainers are checked and how documentation is maintained.

3.11 Clean out of Place (COP) Systems Critical – Reuse of COP solutions does not pose a risk to product safety due to
excessive residue, allergens, debris, etc.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was expanded to better explain the
intent by providing examples.

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• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate the reuse
of cleaning chemical (COP) solutions with respect to cross-contamination and
cross-contact issues. Critical – Dry or wet cleaning processes or an inspection program are in place to
identify and remove contaminants so that multiple-service shipping containers are
maintained in a clean and satisfactory condition.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from because
it is a cleaning practice.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

4. Integrated Pest Management

4.1 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program
• Explanation of the change: This entire section was moved to 5.5 under
Adequacy of Food Safety programs.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will use this
section to tie any IPM findings back to this program under Adequacy.

4.1 Facility Assessment (formerly 4.2) Critical – The assessment evaluates all areas inside and outside the facility, and
includes, but is not limited to:
-Historical data from prior 12 months at a minimum
-Identification of pest species present including extent and distribution of presence
-Assessment of the environment that could provide opportunity for pest harborage
and proliferation
-Previously applied corrective actions and their effectiveness
• Explanation of the change: The phrase “but is not limited to” was added to
allow for other criteria that may be used in the assessment and align with similar
language in the Standard.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

4.4 Pesticide Documentation (formerly 4.5) Minor - The language of the country is taken into consideration when providing
technical Safety data sheets and labels.
• Explanation of the change: “Safety” was deleted because this was not the intent
of this requirement. Some countries use technical data sheets instead of labels
for pesticides.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

4.5 Pesticide Application Documentation (formerly 4.6) Critical - Documented pesticide application activities include: -Product name of

materials applied-The EPA, PMRA, or national product registration number (e.g., EPA,
PMRA) as required by law-Target pest-Rate of application or percent of concentration-

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Specific location of application-Method of application-Amount of pesticide used at the

application site-Date and time of application- Printed name and signature of applicator.
• Explanation of the change: The word “national” was added to make the
reference global and EPA and PMRA were listed as examples.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

4.9 Exterior Rodent Monitoring Devices (formerly 4.10) Critical – The placement of exterior rodent monitoring devices (including remotely
monitored devices) is based on the detailed facility survey and activity history or as required
by country or local regulatory requirements. In the absence of an assessment, devices are
placed at intervals of 15-30 m or 50-100 ft.
• Explanation of the change: Added “including remotely monitored devices”
since these are being used more commonly in the industry.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – All exterior monitoring devices are inspected at least monthly or more
often if activity levels dictate. All exterior monitoring devices are inspected at least
monthly, or as otherwise defined in the IPM program based on the detailed facility
assessment if the facility can demonstrate the consistent performance of the equipment and
effectiveness of the IPM program.
• Explanation of the change: The language was modified to allow for monitoring
frequency other than monthly if the facility can demonstrate that what they are
doing is effective.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical – Where prohibited by regulations, rodenticides are not used for regular
routine monitoring.
• Explanation of the change: The language was modified for clarification.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

4.10 Interior Rodent Monitoring Devices Critical – Toxic bait is not used for routine interior monitoring.
• Explanation of the change: The word “routine” was added to ensure that toxic
bait is not routinely used internally. Toxic bait may be used only in instances
where control is needed for rodent population when legal to do so.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – Facilities in countries that prohibit the use of mechanical traps may
consider the use of alternative devices on a case-by-case basis. Alternative devices may be
used to monitor for rodent activity. These devices may include: -Gassing traps (e.g., CO2)
traps-Live catch traps-See-saw tubes-Electrocution traps-Extended trigger -Remotely
monitored traps that send alert e-mails or text messages
• Explanation of the change: The language was modified to more accurately
reflect updated IPM practices.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

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4.11 Insect Light Traps (formerly 4.11) Critical - Insect light traps are installed in a way that does not attract insects to into
the facility or near open food.
• Explanation of the change: Language was edited to clarify intent of the
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Service checks are routinely performed on all units on a weekly basis
during the active season and on a monthly basis during colder seasons or as dictated by
climate and activity rate including remotely monitored devices on a risk-based frequency. In
the absence of an assessment, devices are checked weekly during the active season and a on
monthly basis during colder seasons or as dictated by climate and activity rates. These
checks include:-Emptying collection devices-Cleaning the units-Repairs-Checks for light
• Explanation of the change: The frequency for service checks was changed to a
risk-based time frame. In the absence of a risk-based assessment, the service
frequency is prescriptive as in the previous standard.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will assess the
conditions of the insect light traps to determine if they are being serviced
appropriately to collect information and prevent secondary infestation of the
units. Minor – Insect light trap tubes lights are changed at least annually at the beginning of the
active season or based on the manufacturer’s recommendations.
• Explanation of the change: “Tubes” was replaced with “lights” to reflect the
technology changes that not all insect light traps use tube style lights.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

4.12 Pheromone Monitoring Devices (formerly 4.13) Critical – When used, pheromone monitoring devices When appropriate for the
targeted pest species, pheromone traps are installed, maintained, and replaced according to
label requirements and the annual IPM assessment.
• Explanation of the change: The language was modified to clarify that the use of
pheromone monitoring devices is optional and not automatically required.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Pheromone monitoring devices are inspected on a defined frequency

based on risk assessment and threshold levels.
• Explanation of the change: The language was modified to clarify that their
inspection frequency is based on risk assessment and established threshold
levels of accumulation.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

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4.13 Bird Control Management

Bird control management is addressed as part of the IPM Program to prevent contamination
of food products.
• Explanation of the change: The word “control” was replaced with
“management” to be consistent with the terminology of Integrated Pest
Management. Critical - Birds are controlled managed by exclusion with:-Nets-Traps-Appropriate

structural modifications- Hazing and misting devices - Lasers and optical deterrents - Other
approved legal methods
• Explanation of the change: The word “controlled” was replaced by “managed”
to be consistent the section name change. The management examples were
updated with the newest technologies.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.
4.14 Wildlife Control Management
• Explanation of the change: The word “control” was replaced with
“management” to be consistent with the terminology of Integrated Pest
Management. Minor - Wildlife management measures are considered where appropriate.
Optional devices include: -Wire-Netting -Distracting devices-Repellents-Materials that
prevent entry
• Explanation of the change: The word “control” was replaced by “management” to
be consistent the section name change.

4.15 Identified Pest Activity Critical - Implementation of an effective pest management program is
demonstrated through the lack of identified pest activity. This applies only to pest activity
whose identification and control is managed as part of the IPM program and not related to
other program gaps (i.e., cleaning gaps, stock rotation, receiving inspection gaps, etc.).
• Explanation of the change: A statement was added to clarify that this
requirement relates only to pest management activities
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will rate
identified pest activity that should have been eliminated by the IPM program
under this requirement. Any observed pest activity that should have been
controlled using cleaning, stock rotation, and receiving inspection programs will
be rated under the other applicable requirements.

5. Adequacy of Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs

5.1 Accountability Critical – Trained management and supervisory personnel monitor the effectiveness
of the implementation of the Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs.
• Explanation of the change: Added the word “trained” to include criteria from
former This includes responsibility of supervisors to ensure policies
are implemented effectively.

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• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – The facility has a documented procedures to keep the Prerequisite and
Food Safety Programs current and accurate, which includes accountability and compliance
to statutory and regulatory laws and guidelines pertaining to food safety and legality.
Important new information could include: -Legislation -Food safety issues -Scientific and
technical developments -Industry codes of practice - Current registration with appropriate
government agencies
• Explanation of the change: Added “current registration with appropriate
government agencies” from former
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will check the
documented procedures and accountability. Critical – Companies define written procedures to identify new food safety
regulations. Facilities register with appropriate Government Agencies based on site location
and countries of export.
• Explanation of the change: Combined this requirement with to
consolidate requirements. Critical – Procedures define: -Job description that identify responsibilities related to
Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs -Alternates/Deputies that are designated to cover for the
absence of key personnel
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was deleted to consolidate the
Adequacy section.

5.2 Support Critical –Adequate resources are provided to support effective implementation,
maintenance, and improvement of the Prerequisite and Food Safety Program.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was enhanced to include
maintaining and improving the facility’s programs.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

5.3 Training and Education Critical - There are written procedures for developing and delivering regulatory
training and education to all personnel that could include, but is not limited to: -Prerequisite
Food Safety -Food Defense -Allergens

If mandatory training is not required by regulation, food safety training is implemented

annually to develop the food safety culture.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was enhanced to include training
and education required by regulations. If training is not a regulatory
requirement it is still required by this Standard for food safety culture
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

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to the procedure and job description requirements.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement was enhanced to include training

on job descriptions and maintenance of training records.
• Guidance of evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

5.4 Self-Inspections Critical – Self-inspections include down time assessments to ensure in-depth
inspection of equipment and structures.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was elevated to critical.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Minor – Follow-up inspections ensure that findings are addressed.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement was removed since follow up is
already required under

5.5 Written Procedure Audits Critical – The scope and frequency of the audit is based on risk assessment or
importance of the activity. Audits are conducted at least annually and assess the execution of
the program.
• Explanation of the change: This section was removed to streamline the
inspection process.

5.5 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program (Formerly 4.1)

• Explanation of the change: This section was moved to Adequacy to be

consistent with other programs in Adequacy. None of the requirements were
changed. Critical - The facility has a written Integrated Pest Management Program. Critical - The IPM Program incorporates the requirements of the facility's other
written Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs. Critical - The IPM Program is written and implemented by trained in-house
personnel, or by registered, trained, or licensed contractors. Critical - If the IPM Program development and implementation is outsourced to

contractors, the program includes responsibilities for both in-house personnel and
contractors. An in-house, technically responsible person is appointed to monitor the
execution of the program. Critical - Corrective actions for identified issues on service records, pest sighting
logs, and trend reports are applied and documented as complete.

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• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to consolidate the
need for correction actions on all IPM related reports.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will rate any
lack of corrective actions for identified issues under this requirement.

5.6 Customer Complaint Program Critical - The facility has a written Customer Complaint Program. Complaint
information is used to implement ongoing improvements to ensure product safety.
• Explanation of the change: The requirement from former was combined
to include implementation of ongoing improvements for food safety.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical - Complaint information is used to implement ongoing improvements to

avoid issue recurrence, and to ensure product safety.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was combined with

5.8 Microbial Control Program Critical - Based on risk assessment and/or regulatory requirements, the Microbial
Control Program includes monitoring that may include, but is not limited to, procedures to
address: -Sanitation/hygiene practices -Harborage site detection -Corrective/preventive
actions -Raw materials -Finished product -Laboratory practices
• Explanation of the change: Laboratory practices were added to this part of the
program for those facilities that have an onsite micro laboratory.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Any issues relating to poor laboratory
practices that would jeopardize product safety will be rated under this
requirement. Critical – On-site laboratory facilities, if present, do not jeopardize product safety.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was removed. Laboratory
practices are covered under Critical – Contract labs maintain appropriate accreditation to carry out the analyses
• Explanation of the change; This requirement was removed. Critical - A written policy specifies the procedures for handling/disposition of food
or product contact surfaces that have come into contact with blood or other bodily fluids.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved here from former
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Products that test positive (or above set legal limits) for pathogens are
appropriately reprocessed or destroyed. Documentation of the disposition of these materials
is maintained.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement has been moved to Non-
conforming Products.

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5.10 Glass, Brittle Plastics, and Ceramics Program Critical - Procedures are defined to address glass container breakage in

manufacturing, packaging, and storage areas.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from because it is
part of this written program.

• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed.

5.11 Cleaning Program Critical - The Master Cleaning Schedule addresses periodic cleaning assignments
for all equipment, structures, and grounds that impact food products. The MCS is current
and accurate, and includes the following:-Frequency of activities-Personnel responsible -
Post-cleaning evaluation techniques, which could include:-Visual inspections -Allergen
testing -Preoperative inspections - triphosphate (ATP) -Equipment swabs-Documented
corrective actions
• Explanation of the change: Combined the intent from with this
requirement to ensure that periodic cleaning assignments are managed on the
Master Cleaning Schedule.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed. Critical – Equipment cleaning procedures address as applicable: - Chemicals-
Chemical concentration-Tools-Disassembly instructions.
• Explanation of the change: Added “as applicable” to clarify that not all
procedures require all the steps listed.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

5.12 Preventive Maintenance Program Critical – Records indicating compliance are maintained.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was removed because it is already
covered in Critical - The facility maintains a record of work orders or repair requests, which
include progress and status.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical - The facility follows temporary repair procedures, which include a list of
materials approved for use as temporary repairs.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical - Back siphonage and backflow prevention units are identified in the
Preventive Maintenance Program.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from

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• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical - Routine checks verify that back siphonage and backflow prevention units
are functioning properly. Results are documented.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from

5.13 Receiving and Shipping Program

The Receiving and Shipping Program ensures that inbound and outbound vehicles and materials are
inspected to prevent product contamination.
• Explanation of the change: This section was expanded to include shipping
procedures and programs that were previously included under 1.25 Finished
Products. Critical - The facility has a written Receiving Program. The facility has written
programs for handling Receiving and Shipping operations. This includes written procedures
for inspecting incoming and outgoing materials and vehicles.
• Explanation of the change: Requirements for the shipping program were added
and combined with the requirement from former
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will assess the
written programs for both receiving and shipping under this requirement. Critical - Trained personnel using appropriate equipment inspect all incoming
ingredients, packaging, and vehicles. Trained personnel using appropriate equipment
inspect all incoming/outgoing materials and vehicles.
• Explanation of the change: Language was modified to clarify that inspection of
all ingoing and outgoing materials and vehicles is required.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - The facility has written procedures for inspecting incoming raw materials
(ingredients and packaging).
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was combined with Critical - Procedures for tractor trailer, lorry, or rail car inspection include steps for
evaluation of: -Raw material- Finished product condition-Presence of pest evidence-
Presence of other objectionable materials-Trailer or rail car condition -Temperatures, as
applicable for food safety
• Explanation of the change: Language was modified include shipping
requirement to inspect finished product condition and temperatures for food
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Procedures for bulk material deliveries vehicle inspection include steps as
applicable for:-Presence of pest evidence-Presence of other objectionable materials-Visual
inspection of ports, hatches, hoses, and transport interiors before and after bulk deliveries
-Collection of current wash tickets or supplier proof of prior load guarantees if inspection of
the top hatches is not possible-Installation of receiving strainers, and inspection after each

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delivery-Inspection of portable strainers (if used) before and after delivery -Inclement
• Explanation of the change: Language was to clarify that this applies for inbound
and outbound vehicle inspections.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical - Incoming and outgoing vehicle procedures include handling Less Than
Load (LTL) vehicles.
• Explanation of the change: Language was to clarify that this applies for inbound
and outbound LTL vehicle inspections.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required Critical - The results of inspections are documented.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement was removed because it is covered
under Critical - The facility has written procedures for mycotoxin and pathogen-
susceptible raw materials.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement was removed. Critical - Documented results of inspections include: -Date of receipt-Carrier-Lot

number -Temperatures (if required)-Amount-Intact and verified seal numbers/padlocks (if
used)-Product condition-Trailer, lorry, or transport condition
• Explanation of the change: The use of padlocks was added as a means of
securing the load and “if used” was removed since the use of seals or padlocks
is now a critical requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will assess the
inspection documents to verify that seals or padlocks are part of the inspections. Critical - Documentation validates that temperature-sensitive products are loaded

into pre-cooled vehicles that are designed to sustain required temperatures during delivery.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from Critical - Temperatures of vehicles, for temperature-controlled transports, are

checked and recorded before loading.

Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from Critical– If critical to food safety, continuous temperature monitoring is in place in

temperature-controlled vehicles and the facility maintains documentation of temperature
during transport. An alternate method on delivery routes is to check and document the
temperature at each delivery point.
• Explanation of the change: This element was elevated to critical status to
address the need for continuous or other routine temperature monitoring
during transport and the associated records, when critical to food safety.

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• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will rate lack of

temperature monitoring during transport as a critical finding for refrigerated
loads due to food safety concerns. Critical - The facility enforces transportation breakdown procedures to maintain

load integrity and temperature control, as applicable.

• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from

Language was modified to ensure that breakdown procedures apply to all

5.15 Food Defense Program Critical – The facility has a written Vulnerability Assessment which is conducted
by person(s) trained in Food Defense. The Vulnerability Assessment is reviewed on a
defined frequency or when significant changes occur.
• Explanation of the change: Since this is not regulated, the addition of “or when
significant changes occur is in line with review of other programs.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Food
Safety Professionals will take this Standard out of scope if the company must
comply with 5.16 Regulated Food Defense. Critical – The Food Defense Plan includes defines mitigation measures based on
the Vulnerability Assessment that may include as applicable: -Monitoring for identified
risks-Monitoring frequencies - Corrective actions -Plan-reassessment on a defined frequency
-Record keeping
Records indicate that the plan is executed as written.

• Explanation of the change: The requirement was expanded to be more

prescriptive as a response to FSP and Client requests.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will review the
food defense plan and the records to assess if it is being executed as written. Critical – All food defense team members receive documented food defense
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to ensure that the
food defense team members have food defense training.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will review
training records. Critical – All site employees receive documented annual food defense awareness
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to ensure that
everyone has been trained in food defense awareness to support the program.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will review
training records.

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5.16 Regulated Food Defense Program (NEW)

The regulated Food Defense Program is required for those operations that must comply
with US 21 CFR Part 121 Subpart C and considers intentional adulteration to include
biological, chemical, physical, and radiological contaminants.
• Explanation of the change: This new section was added to evaluate food defense
plans for companies that must comply with US 21 CFR Part 121 Subpart C.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will take this
section out of scope if it does not apply. Critical – A written Food Defense Plan is in place where required by regulation.
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added specifically for US
based companies and exporters that must also comply.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – For products that are required to have a regulated Food Defense Plan, the
plan includes the following: - Documented Vulnerability Assessment (developed or
overseen by a Food Defense Qualified Individual or FDQI) -Mitigation Strategies for
Actionable Process Steps/significant vulnerabilities - Application of Mitigation Strategies,
where required – Food Defense Monitoring and Food Defense Verification overseen by
Food Defense Qualified Individuals - Record Keeping Procedures.
Records indicate that the plan is executed as written.
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement is specific to the US regulated
Food Defense Plan or Intentional Adulteration Rule.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will review food
defense plan and records indicating it is being executed as written. Critical – Only qualified individuals overseen by a Food Defense Qualified

Individual who has defined responsibility for program compliance authorize the following: -
Amendments to records-Food Defense corrective actions-Food Defense Verification of
corrective actions.
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to meet the
regulation that only FDQI may oversee the plan.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will review
training records for these individuals. Critical – Food Defense Plans and procedures are re-analyzed when changes occur
or at least every three years per regulation.
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to ensure that the
plan is reviewed as required.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will review the
plans to ensure that they are current under these requirements.

5.17 Traceability Program (formerly 5.16) Critical - All finished products are coded with legible code marks that are easily
seen by consumers. Code marks satisfy regulatory packaging requirements and lot
definitions and are recorded.

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• Explanation of the change: This requirement is combined from former

• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed. Critical – Agricultural products (e.g., fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.) that are
received identify the grower location and picking date for traceability.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved from former
Specifications and edited to clarify that the requirement is for
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – Traceability tests are conducted one step backward to identify
components (i.e., ingredients, processing aids, packaging) and one step forward to identify
initial point of distribution of the finished product.
• Explanation of the change: This new requirement was added to be more specific
in how traceability tests must be conducted.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will review
traceability testing records to ensure these criteria are met. Minor – The facility maintains country of origin information for materials as
required by regulations.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was removed since it is not food
safety related.

5.19 Non-conforming Product Program (formerly 5.18) Critical – Procedures address: -Investigation of the cause of non-conformity and
whether there is a food safety risk-Time-sensitive corrective actions based on the seriousness
of the risk identified-Documentation of actions taken-Handling and disposal according to the
nature of the problem and/or the specific requirements of the Customer-Personnel authorized
to determine product disposition-Traceability information for dispositioned product for
recall or withdrawal-Inventory adjustments for damaged or destroyed materials
• Explanation of the change: Combined requirement from former to
ensure that traceability records are maintained for dispositioned non-conforming
product. Combined into this requirement to ensure that damaged and
destroyed materials are removed from inventory.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will review non-
conforming product procedures with respect to the above-mentioned elements. Critical - Disposition of nonconforming material is traceable for recall or

• Explanation of the change: Combined requirement with Critical - Products that test positive (or above set legal limits) for pathogens are
appropriately reprocessed or destroyed. Documentation of the disposition of these materials
is maintained.
• Explanation of the change: Moved from 5.8 Microbial Control because it is an
action taken for non-conforming product. This was formerly
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Minor - Disposition can include: -Rejection-Acceptance with restrictions-

• Explanation of the change: Added reprocessing and destruction as other
possible disposition for non-conforming product.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Minor - The facility documents damaged or destroyed materials and adjusts
inventories as necessary.
• Explanation of the change: Combined requirement with
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

5.20 Approved Supplier Program (formerly 5.19) Critical – Procedures address:-A current and accurate list of approved and non-
approved suppliers based on food safety and economically motivated adulteration risks
(food fraud)-Evaluation, selection, and maintenance of approved suppliers-Actions to take
when inspection or monitoring have not occurred (exception handling)-Standards of
performance and criteria for initial and ongoing assessment of suppliers-Supply chain
control program as required by regulations--Importers have risk-based activities to verify
that imported human and/or animal food has been produced in a manner that meets
national/local regulation and is not adulterated or misbranded with respect to allergen
labelling, as applicable (Example: Foreign Supplier Verification Program).
• Explanation of the change: Added requirement specific to importers if
regulations require.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will review and
evaluate the supplier approval program for conformance to regulated importer
requirements, as applicable. – Laboratories used for analyses are independently accredited by a competent body.
Labs can be internal or external.
• Explanation of the change: The requirement was removed.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. – Supplier performance monitoring can include: -In-house checks -Third-party
audits -Certificates of analysis (COA)-Supplier inspection -Evaluation of HACCP
Programs-Product safety information-Legislative requirements.
• Explanation of the change: The requirement was removed.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – Documentation from the supplier states that bag or box materials were
sifted or liquid ingredients were strained prior to packaging. In the case that sifting or
straining is not the appropriate or recognized method of foreign material control for the
product, documentation from the supplier is provided stating the method of foreign material
control used.
• Explanation of the change: Requirement moved from former 5.20
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is needed.

5.20 Specification Program

• Explanation of the change: This whole section was removed.

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical – The facility has written specifications for raw materials, food contact
packaging materials, processing aids, work-in-progress, and finished product.
• Explanation of the change: Requirement removed. Critical – The specifications and procedures include adequate and accurate
information related to: -Food Safety Information -Compliance with regulation -Agreements
between relevant parties -Defined review frequencies
• Explanation of the change: Requirement removed. Critical – Documentation from the supplier states that bag or box materials were
sifted or liquid ingredients were strained prior to packaging. In the case that sifting or
straining is not the appropriate or recognized method of foreign material control for the
product, documentation from the supplier is provided stating the method of foreign material
control used.
• Explanation of the change: Requirement moved to 5.20 Approved Supplier

5.21 Letters of Guarantee or Certifications

• Explanation of the change: This whole section was removed. Critical – Letters of Guarantee or Certifications provide the following: -A
statement of compliance to regulations-Records of examinations and certifications that
verify compliance
• Explanation of the change: Requirement removed. Critical – Agricultural products (e.g., fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.) that are
received identify the grower location and picking date as part of the certification process.
• Explanation of the change: Requirement moved to 5.17 Traceability.

5.21 Regulated Processing Records (formerly 5.22) Critical – The facility has identified all applicable regulated process steps. Written
procedures are in place for all identified regulated process steps. Records demonstrate
compliance with the regulated process steps.
• Explanation of the change: Requirements for,, and
were consolidated into one clause.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed. Critical –Written procedures are in place for all regulated process steps.
• Explanation of the change: Combined with Critical –Records demonstrate compliance with regulated process steps.

• Explanation of the change: Combined with

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AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493

5.22 Food Safety Plan Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plan
The food safety plan HACCP plan evaluates hazards associated with the raw materials and
process steps related to a product or product category. It includes a Hazard Analysis which
typically assesses risk by determining the severity of a hazard and its likelihood of
occurrence. The goal of a food safety HACCP plan is to prevent, eliminate, or reduce
hazards to an acceptable level.

• Explanation of the change: The term Food Safety Plan has been replaced by two
distinct plans. This section covers HACCP. The next section covers HARPC.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: Food Safety Professionals will assess which
plan or both that apply to the site. The plan that does not apply will be taken out
of scope. Critical – The facility has identified all applicable regulatory requirements for the
food safety HACCP plan.
• Explanation of the change: Requirement has been made specific to HACCP.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical – Written food safety plans are in place where required by regulation. A
written HACCP plan is in place where required by regulation. Personnel responsible for
regulated HACCP plans have the required training credentials, as applicable.
• Explanation of the change: The requirement has been made specific to HACCP
and has addition for regulated HACCP required training.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will review
training records, as applicable. Critical – For products that are not required to have a regulated food safety
HACCP plan, a HACCP Program, based on Codex Alimentarius, must be written and
implemented. The HACCP Program includes the 5 preliminary tasks and 7 HACCP
principles as defined by FAO: -Assemble the HACCP Team and identify the scope-Describe
the product-Identify the product's intended use and users-Construct the flow diagram -
Conduct on-site confirmation of the flow diagram-Conduct a hazard analysis and identify
control measures-Determine the critical control points-Establish validated critical limits for
each CCP-Establish a monitoring system for each CCP-Establish corrective actions for
identified deviation-Validate the HACCP Plan and verification procedures - Establish
documentation and record keeping
• Explanation of the change: Requirements specific to the updated 2020 Codex
Alimentarius HACCP were added.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical – Records demonstrate compliance with the food safety plans HACCP
• Explanation of the change: Updated requirement to be specific to HACCP.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is needed.

5.23 Hazard Analysis Risk-Based Preventive Controls (HARPC) Plan

The HARPC plan applies to products that are required to have a regulated HARPC plan
under US 21 CFR Part 117 Subpart C and Subpart D.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493

• Explanation of the change: This is a new section specific to HARPC. This

applies to food manufacturers in the United States and those who export to the
United States if not already covered by a US mandated HACCP program.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: The Food Safety Professional will evaluate
the HARPC plan for companies that must comply with US 21 CFR Part 117
Subpart C and Subpart D, as applicable. If this does not apply to the company,
this section will be taken out of scope. Critical – The facility has identified all applicable regulatory requirements for
HARPC plans.
• Explanation of the change: This is a new requirement specific to HARPC.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical – Written HARPC plans are in place where required by regulation.
Personnel responsible for HARPC plans have the required training credentials, as applicable.
• Explanation of the change: This is new requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical – The HARPC food safety plan includes the following -Documented
Hazard Analysis to include biological, chemical, physical, radiological, and economically
motivated adulteration hazards -Preventive Controls for reasonably foreseeable hazards
- Application of Process Preventive Controls, Food Allergen Preventive Controls,
Sanitation Preventive Controls, Supply Chain Preventive Controls, where required -
Verification and Validation Procedures overseen by PCQI- Record Keeping Procedures -
Recall plan for products with identified Preventive Control(s)
• Explanation of the change: This is a new requirement specific to HARPC.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical - Records demonstrate compliance with the HARPC plan.

• Explanation of the change: This is a new requirement specific to HARPC.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required. Critical - Only qualified individuals overseen by a Preventive Control Qualified

Individual who have defined responsibility for program compliance authorize the following:
-Amendments to records-Corrective actions -Verification of corrective actions
• Explanation of the change: This is a new requirement specific to HARPC.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required. Critical – The HARPC plan and procedures are re-analyzed when changes occur or
at least every three years per regulation.
• Explanation of the change: This is a new requirement specific to HARPC.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No additional guidance is required.

5.24 Specialized Testing

• Explanation of the change: This section was removed.
• Guidance on evaluation of criteria: No guidance is required.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –
AIB INTERNATIONAL ● PO Box 3999 ● Manhattan, KS 66505-3999 ● USA ● Email: ● Phone: 785-537-4750 ● Fax: 785-537-1493 Critical – The facility has a defined and implemented testing program to meet
country requirements, where applicable.
• Explanation of the change: Requirement removed. Critical – Where required by country, the facility maintains current records of raw
material testing, which may include, but are not limited to: - Pesticide residues -Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMO) -Heavy metals - Radioactivity -Allergens - Mycotoxins
• Explanation of the change: Requirement removed.

5.24 Positive Hold and Release Procedures

The facility defines and follows hold and release procedures for materials placed on positive hold.
Examples could include but are not limited to pending receipt of food safety testing results, document
review or other protocols.
• Explanation of the change: The title of this Standard was updated to better
reflect the intent that this applies only to those materials that are managed
through a positive hold and release system. Critical - The facility defines and follows procedures for materials put on positive
hold pending receipt of results, time frames or other criteria for shipment release.
• Explanation of the change – The additional text provides clarification regarding
the intent for this requirement.
• Guidance on evaluation criteria: No guidance is required. Critical - Products are not released unless all release procedures have been
• Explanation of the change – The intent of this requirement was combined with

5.26 Design Standards.

• Explanation of the change: This section was removed from Adequacy. Critical – The facility has an effective mechanism in place to ensure that sanitary
design principles are considered as part of all structural and equipment designs, repairs,
modifications, or purchases to reduce the potential for contamination, cross-contact, and pest
infestations, and to facilitate cleaning efforts.
• Explanation of the change: The intent of this requirement was edited and moved

5.25 Water Quality (formerly 5.27) Critical – Routine checks verify that back siphonage and backflow prevention units
are functioning properly. Results are documented.
• Explanation of the change: This requirement was moved to PM program. Critical – Back siphonage and backflow prevention units are identified in the
Preventive Maintenance Program.
• Explanation of the change: Requirement to PM Program.

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– Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs –

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