International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
Keywords: In this study, the effects of open-die cold forging on corrosion behavior of pressure vessel sheet (A516 GR70)
Cold forging were investigated. To reduce the effect of the spring back a die with high radius was used and three passes were
A516 GR70 selected and employed. The variations in the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of
Mechanical properties
the sheets were investigated after each pass. Microstructural analysis showed a strong anisotropy of rolling grains
Corrosion behavior
due to the fact that the orientation of the first grains change greatly by performing the pressing process. By
increasing the number of passes, the orientation of the grains become more uniform and this produce a conse
quent enhancement of mechanical properties. In detail, due to the Bauschinger effect, the tensile strength and
yield stress and hardness are reduced to 331 MPa and 155 HB at the first step of the pressing process, respec
tively. In the following steps, the mechanical properties such as tensile strength are increased by repeating the
pressing process in 2 and 3 passes up to 520 and 528 MPa, respectively. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
and potentiodynamic polarization tests evidence that forging process has a positive effect on the corrosion
resistance. The highest corrosion resistance was obtained by forging after 3 passes.
1. Introduction forged and of forging conditions are required. Due to different causes,
forging of high-strength steels may lead to failure. The inappropriate
Today, low carbon steels had been extensively used in various ap flow of metals due to poor design or metallurgical properties and die
plications such as buildings, transportation, machines, and other in fracture due to increasing forging load are the main reasons of failure
dustries. ASTM A516 Gr70 is one of the most used low carbon steels, [5–7]. So, it is important to study the forged materials and forging
employed in several industrial applications. In particular this steel is conditions as well as the design of forging processing. Simulation tech
used for pressure vessels and other devices that requires high toughness nology can greatly overcome the design problems of forging dies [8–10].
in mild and low temperatures [1,2]. The pressure vessels are produced For instance, Lee et. al. [11] simulated the forging die and predict the die
with A516 GR70 sheet in 1, 2 and 3 classes. However, the most common wear condition. Therefore, there are a few problems in the design of the
sheet in the construction of pressure vessels is A516 GR70. Due to the forging process. Accordingly, mechanical and corrosion behaviors of the
high-pressure condition, the wall of pressure vessels has to satisfy some forged materials and forging conditions have been investigated in this
specific standards in order to avoid incidents. Based on ASME SEC VIII study.
standard, these tanks are usually characterized by cylindrical or spher Due to high ductility and relatively good strength, Mild steels are
ical shape. The cold forging is the main method for fabrication of pres more used than high strength steels in the construction of tanks by
sure vessels [3]. forging method. Gawne et al. [12] have claimed that strain hardening
During forging, sheets are subjected to complex deformation process exponent decreases with increasing strength for different type of steels.
[4]. Because of this reason, deep investigation of the material to be Because of this reason, a load of cold forging has to be kept below a
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Esmailzadeh).
Received 3 March 2021; Received in revised form 12 March 2022; Accepted 26 March 2022
Available online 4 April 2022
0308-0161/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Esmailzadeh et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 198 (2022) 104659
certain level. It should be noted that this material is usually deformed Fig. 2, specimen was immersed in the electrolyte for about 30 min to
such as rolled, drawn, etc. before being cold forged. The deformation reach a stable open circuit potential (OCP). Then, potentiodynamic
processes rely on plastic deformation under tension. Then, the deformed polarization test was performed under scan rate 1 mV/s from − 350 mV
materials are subject to the next plastic deformation under a subsequent relative to the OCP up to 1 V. The same condition was selected for
cold forging process. Therefore, the Bauschinger effect appears in the corrosion test of carbon steel [23] and austenitic stainless steel [24].
final deformed materials [13]. This test has been repeated twice for each samples. In order to obtain
The Bauschinger effect mainly appear in double-phase alloys and corrosion current (icorr), the slopes of cathodic and anodic branches of
composites [14]. In these materials, because of the presence of two polarization curves were plotted. The corrosion current density (icorr)
different phases and creation of back stress, the Bauschinger effect is and corrosion potential (Ecorr) were obtained drawing vertical and
produced [15]. The Bauschinger effect can have different effects on the horizontal lines from the intersection point of two slopes. The electro
material. From one side it reduces the forging load and prevent from die chemical impedance spectroscopy measurements (EIS) were performed
fracture but from the other a reduction of the strength of materials occur at the open circuit potential in a frequency range of 100 kHz to 10 mHz,
[16–18]. using a perturbation amplitude of 5 mV. An AUTOLAB PGSTAT-30
Because the working environment, evaluation of the corrosion potentiostat/galvanostat was used for the tests using the same cell
behavior of A516 GR70 forged steel is a technologically relevant prob described for PDP tests. The data coming from EIS tests were also fitted
lem. However, evaluation of the corrosion behavior of forged steel is not with the software Zview using proper equivalent circuit. All the corro
widely studied in literature. The effects of forging on corrosion prop sion tests were performed in triplicate in order to assure reproducibility
erties of 18Cr-18Mn stainless steels were investigated by Hernandez of the tests.
et al. [19]. They concluded that increasing corrosion resistance was
observed for steel that was forged. Some researchers reported also that 3. Results and discussion
the type of distribution of strain and surface changes after deformation
produce relevant effects on corrosion behavior of deformed steel alloys 3.1. Microstructures
[20,21]. It was also observed that in the dual-phase alloy, reducing or
solving one of the phases by deformation processes can greatly reduce The OM images of A516 GR70 before and after cold working are
the corrosion rate of the alloy [22]. shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 4 shows instead the microstructure at SEM of as
However, in literature few researches have been done on forged rolled A516 GR70 steel plate. The microstructure is similar to other low
A516 GR70. This study investigated the effect of cold forging on the carbon steels. In particular, it can be observed the presence of pearlite
mechanical and corrosion properties of A516 GR70 steel, investigating and ferrite phases in white and black colors, respectively. Furthermore,
also the effect of different forging passes. the elongation of grains in the rolling direction can be observed in Fig. 4.
Also, colonies of pearlite have a regular arrangement in the as rolled
2. Experimental sample.
The SEM microstructures of the samples after different passes of cold
In this study, the A516 GR70 steel plates are used. The material was forging deformation are reported in Fig. 5. It can be clearly observed that
obtained in rolled condition and normalized in the form of a plate of size the grains arrangement is broken due to deformation process. After first
2000 mm × 400 mm × 45 mm. The chemical composition of this steel is pass (Fig. 4a), the rolled microstructure is partially removed. In addi
listed in Table 1. A hydraulic press (with force of 600 T) was used to tion, an aggregation of pearlite colonies can be observed. Further, the
deformation process of A516 GR70 steel plate. The pressing is done by colonies gathered heavily in the second pass (Fig. 4b). In third pass,
the mandrel and a die (of 4500 mm radius) was employed in open die uniform distribution and loss of accumulation of colonies can be instead
method. To compensate the deflection, the cold pressing process was noted (Fig. 4c).
repeated three times. It should be noted that, sampling was done at each From SEM observation it can be noted that the arrangement of
step to better investigation. The scheme of specimen, mandrel and die pearlite colonies changed significantly with the amount of applied
and of the different forging passes is reported in Fig. 1. deformation, and so with the different cold forging passes. The same
Microstructure of all specimens was examined by optical microscopy results are reported in literature for SWRH82B pearlitic steel [25]. The
(OM IM7200 Meijitechno) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM LEO difference in the orientation between ferrite grains and colonies of
1455VP). The metallographic preparation consisted of grinding with pearlite phase is the most important reason of this phenomenon [26].
abrasive papers and water and polished with clothes and alumina so For a better understanding, the morphology of colonies of pearlite are
lution. Then, samples were etched by Nital 2%. In order to investigate shown at higher magnification in Fig. 6 for all specimens. It can be seen
the mechanical properties, tensile and impact tests were performed for that the morphology of pearlite colonies changed significantly after each
all specimens according to ASTM E8 and ASTM A370, respectively. pass.
Charpy impact test were performed at − 49 ◦ C. To obtain this tempera After first pass of forging, the cementite layers are narrowed and the
ture, a mix of liquid nitrogen and methanol was used. The fracture interlamellar spacing is increased (Fig. 6(b)) as compared to pre-forging
surfaces of specimens after charpy tests were also investigated by SEM as rolled samples (Fig. 6 (a)). Moreover, the cementite layer has been
observation to better understanding the mechanical behavior. Also integrated and the interlamellar spacing is non-homogeneous. In some
Brinnell Hardness tests were performed on all the samples. Each of positions, this interlamellar spacing sharply increased, as can be
mechanical tests have been repeated three times. observed after the second forging pass (as shown in Fig. 5(c)). Then,
The corrosion properties of the samples were evaluated by means of after third pass, this heterogeneity is largely overcome (Fig. 6(d)). The
potentiodynamic polarization tests (PDP) in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution observed and reported microstructural changes can lead to change in
using Auto-lab potentiostat. Specimen, saturated calomel electrode mechanical and corrosion properties of the steel.
(SCE) and platinum were used as a working electrode, reference elec
trode and counter electrode, respectively. Before each test, according to
Table 1
Chemical composition of A516 GR70 steel plate.
Element Al Cu Mo Cr Ni Mn P S Si C
Percent% 0.03 0.12 0.01 0.02 0.18 1.10 0.012 0.03 0.23 0.24
M. Esmailzadeh et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 198 (2022) 104659
Fig. 2. OCP measurement of A516 Gr70 after third pass in 3.5 wt% NaCl Solution.
3.2. Mechanical properties several dislocations that builds up in the nodes of the barriers and finally
causes the formation of some cells. When loading is reversed, the bar
Fig. 7 shows engineering stress-strain curves of A516 GR70 speci riers are behind dislocations, as a result, dislocations move easily at low
mens in different deformation conditions. It can be seen that the yield stress. In fact, this phenomenon causes the fact that the initial yield
point change after forging process. The yield point phenomenon can be occurs in lower stress when loading is reversed [12].
clearly observed in the as rolled sample. In this sample at the upper yield In the third pass, the yield and tensile strengths are 354 MPa and 528
point Lüder bands were observed. This phenomenon was typically MPa, respectively. These values are higher than the ones obtained at one
observed in low carbon steels [27,28] such as C35 [29]. The yield point (331 and 506 MPa respectively) and two passes (335 and 520 MPa
phenomenon is not clearly observable in specimens after first and sec respectively). On the other hand, the Bauchinger effect decreased by
ond pass of forging. The heterogeneous microstructure can be one of the applying more forging passes. The same results are reported for cold
most important reasons for this result. In accordance with this hypoth drawn pearlitic steels [30]. The microstructural changing is the main
esis, after three passes of forging, the yield point phenomenon appeared reason of this phenomenon.
again. The same results were reported by Ref. [27]. The fractured surfaces of the specimens are shown in Fig. 8. It can be
For more accurate evaluation, the mechanical properties extrapo observed the presence of fine and uniform dimples in the fracture sur
lated from of all the curves were listed in Table 2. As can be seen, yield face of the as rolled sample microstructure. As a result, this specimen
stress, tensile strength and failure strain were reduced after the pressing had a full ductile behavior. This behavior is different from the one of the
process in comparison by the initial plate (rolled plate). The Bauchinger samples after forging where also partial brittle behavior can be noted.
effect, together with the microstructural changes, are the main reason of With the addition of passes of forging, the failure mode of the specimens
this phenomenon. In fact, during the plastic deformation, there are tends to return more ductile with a reduction in the brittle zones in the
M. Esmailzadeh et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 198 (2022) 104659
Fig. 3. OM Images of A516 GR70 before and after forging a) As rolled without forging b) after first pass forging c) after second pass and d) after third pass.
fracture surfaces. The results of the observation of the fracture surfaces (also listed in Table 2) were similar to those of the impact test. Average
are in accordance with the ones of the impact and hardness tests, listed Brinell hardness values are also listed in Table 2. Due to microstructural
in Table 2. It can be observed that the highest impact energy can be changes, average values of hardness decrease in the first forging passes
found in the un-pressed as rolled specimen, that is characterized by a and increase with further passes. The same results are reported for
uniform microstructure, as evidenced by SEM and OM observations. deformation of high carbon steels [31], pearlitic steels [32,33] and
Thus, with the non-homogenization of the structure, caused by the 80CrSiV steel [34].
forging process, the impact toughness halved in first forging pass.
Increasing the number of forging passes produce an increase in the 3.3. Corrosion behavior
uniformity of the microstructure, and so a subsequent increase in the
impact toughness. In addition, it can be found that the hardness results The corrosion tendency is inversely related to corrosion potential
M. Esmailzadeh et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 198 (2022) 104659
Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of forged A516 GR70 after a) first pass b) second pass and c) third pass.
(Ecorr). In other words, the lowest electrochemical corrosion tendency is pearlite phase, and consequent high heterogeneity of the microstruc
obtained in the highest corrosion potential due to the fact that higher is ture, in the second pressed pass (see Fig. 5), the corrosion resistance was
the corrosion potential, more noble is the metal. Considering instead the reduced and the corrosion current reached the value of the as rolled
corrosion current density, lower corrosion current indicates lower sample. With the uniform distribution of the pearlite phase in the third
corrosion rates and so higher corrosion resistance. pressed pass, the corrosion resistance is instead increased and became
PDP curves are shown in Fig. 9. The corrosion potentials seem more higher than the corrosion resistance of un-pressed base metal.
or less the same for all the samples whereas some small variation in the In order to deeply studied the corrosion properties of the various
corrosion current density can be noted between the different samples. samples EIS tests were also performed. The Nyquist plots of all the
From qualitative observation it can be observed an increase in the samples can be observed in Fig. 9. In general, it can be observed that the
corrosion resistance after first and third pass of forging compared to the results obtained through EIS measurement are in good agreement with
as rolled sample. For accurate evaluation, comparison of corrosion the ones obtained from the potentiodynamic polarization test mea
current of all samples is shown in Table 3. According to the obtained surement (Tafel plot). Both measurements in fact evidence that the
results, it could find, the Jcorr of specimens after three passes are 0.07 sample with the best corrosion performances is the one after three passes
μA/cm2. The results, generally, indicate that the highest corrosion of forging, due to the more homogenous distribution of the pearlite
resistance is obtained after the third pass. colonies. EIS data were also fitted using the equivalent circuit shown in
The investigations that can be found in literature have shown that Fig. 10. As depicted in Fig. 9, a diffusion-controlled charge transfer is
the corrosion resistance of deformed specimens is predominantly observed at low frequencies for all samples. Such a diffusion process may
determined by the multiple effect of microstructure characteristic such indicate that the corrosion mechanism is controlled not only by a charge
as texture, phase distribution and phase composition etc. [33,35–37]. transfer step but also by the diffusion process. Accordingly, it was
The phases distribution refers mainly to the deformation technique, decided that an equivalent circuit that consists of: Warburg impedance
temperature of process and intensity of deformation. Generally, the (Ws), solution resistance (Rs), constant phase element (CPEf) and film
phases distribution is described as homogeneous and heterogeneous. On resistance (Rf) due to film formation, constant phase element (CPEdl)
the other hand, the heterogeneous distribution may lead to agglomer and charge transfer resistance (Rct) due to double layer that should be
ation of one or more phases in the microstructure. This phenomenon can considered to model the reactions between metal and corrosive solution.
have a significant effect on the corrosion behavior of metal alloys. Their values were determined by fitting the experimental data in the
In this research, the distribution of pearlite differs significantly be Nyquist plots and are reported in Table 3. In order to obtain a more
tween the as rolled specimen and the forged specimens and also between accurate fit, the constant phase element (CPE) was employed instead of
the samples after different forging passes. Due to agglomeration of double layer capacitance (Cdl) due to the fact that the measured
M. Esmailzadeh et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 198 (2022) 104659
Fig. 6. SEM images of pearlite colonies a) before forging b) one pass forging c) two passes forging and d) three passes forging.
M. Esmailzadeh et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 198 (2022) 104659
Table 2 demonstrated that the corrosion rate has reduced to 0.07 μA/cm2
Mechanical properties of the sheet before and after deformation. after the third pass of the forging.
Sample Name Yield Tensile Failure Impact Hardness 5 The improved corrosion properties of the sample after three pass of
stress strength Strain% Energy (HB) forging can be linked with the increaser in the homogeneity of the
(MPa) (MPa) (J) pearlite colonies, evidenced by SEM and OM observation.
Initial Plate 396 ± 2 539 ± 2 30 ± 1 95 ± 3 163 ± 1
(As rolled Authorship contributions
After first 331 ± 2 506 ± 2 26 ± 1 40 ± 3 155 ± 1
forging Pass Conception and design of study: M. Esmailzadeh; acquisition of
After second 335 ± 2 520 ± 2 `28 ± 1 63 ± 3 159 ± 1 data: M.M. Esfahani, E. Karimi; analysis and/or interpretation of data:
forging Pass M. Esmailzadeh, R. Mousavi, L. Peazzato; Drafting the manuscript:
After third 354 ± 2 528 ± 2 29 ± 1 73 ± 3 161 ± 1 M. Esmailzadeh, R. Mousavi;revising the manuscript critically for
forging pass
important intellectual content: M. Esmailzadeh, R. Mousavi, L. Peaz
zato. Category 3 Approval of the version of the manuscript to be pub
However, an increase in the number of passes produce an increase in lished (the names of all authors must be listed): Mojtaba Esmailzadeh1,
the mechanical properties (and so a decrease in the Bauchinger ef Rouhollah Mousavi, Mohammad Mehdi Esfahani, Luca Pezzato, Esmaeil
fect), with the sample forged with three passes characterized by Karimi.
similar mechanical properties than the as rolled one.
4 EIS and polarization measurements indicated that forging deforma Declaration of competing interest
tion process improves corrosion behavior of A516 GR70 steel. It was
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Fig. 8. SEM image of the fracture surface after tensile test before and after pressing, A) initial sheet, B) after first pass, C) after second pass, D) after third pass.
M. Esmailzadeh et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 198 (2022) 104659
Fig. 9. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of A516 GR70 in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution.
Table 3
Electrochemical data extrapolated from PDP tests and from the fitting of the data coming from EIS tests.
Specimens Ecorr Jcorr Cathodic Anodic Rs (Ω. CPEf n Rf (Ω. CPEdl n Rct (Ω. Ws-R Ws-T Ws-P
(mV) (μA. Slope (mV/ Slope (mV/ cm2) cm2) cm2) (Ω) (s)
cm− 2) decade) decade)
0 pass − 590 0.1 − 894 490 83.71 0.00072 0.55 30.62 0.0099 0.56 60.63 18.49 15.28 0.597
1 pass − 595 0.08 − 1070 614 82.34 0.0032 0.55 30.68 0.0056 0.64 84.12 1.34 1 0.9
2 pass − 600 0.15 − 878 1074 82.32 0.00021 0.73 17.93 0.008 0.71 37.64 0.004 25 1
3 pass − 600 0.07 − 912 493 84.11 0.0023 0.56 37.28 0.0045 0.74 115 6 25.5 0.8
Fig. 10. Nyquist plots obtained from EIS tests performed on the samples with different state of deformation.
Fig. 11. Equivalent Circuit used to fit the data coming from EIS tests.
M. Esmailzadeh et al. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 198 (2022) 104659
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