AI Project I.Z

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It doesn’t seem too long ago that artificial intelligence (AI) was

mostly the stuff of science fiction. Today it seems to be

everywhere: in our home appliances, in our cars, in the
workplace, even on our wrists.

To some extent, our use of AI is still a matter of personal

choice. But because AI is becoming increasingly universal, we
need to make a lot of conscious decisions.

Regardless of the choices we make, we need to stay educated

on the evolution of this science.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its multiple sub-domains are being
increasingly employed in various industries and businesses to
aid in repetitive processes. But there has been a growing
interest from established tech giants and startups in using AI to
make everyday life a walk in the park.AI has been highly
instrumental in optimizing the way we entertain ourselves,
interact with our mobile devices, to even driving vehicles for us.
We tend to encounter Machine Learning (ML) algorithms and
Natural Language Processing (NLP) in several everyday tasks
more than we know.

Two Categories for AI Usage

We can classify the way AI is utilized to improve the
functionalities of everyday life into two broad streams.


Prominent examples of AI software used in everyday life

include voice assistants, image recognition for face unlock in
mobile phones, and ML-based financial fraud detection. AI
software usually involves just downloading software with AI
capabilities from an online store and requires no peripheral


The hardware side of AI includes its utilization in drones, self-

driven vehicles, assembly-line robots, and the Internet of
Things (IoT). This involves the design of specific devices that are
based on AI capabilities.

10 Applications of AI Capabilities in Everyday Life

AI and ML-powered software and devices are mimicking human

thought patterns to facilitate the digital transformation of
society. AI systems perceive their environment, deal with what
they perceive, solve problems and act to help with tasks to
make everyday life easier.

Here are 10 areas where AI plays an important role in helping

humans with their everyday requirements:

1)Voice Assistants

Digital assistants like Siri, Google Home, and Alexa use AI-
backed Voice User Interfaces (VUI) to process and decipher
voice commands. AI gives these applications the freedom to
not solely rely on voice commands but also leverage vast
databases on cloud storage platforms. These applications can
then parse thousands of lines of data per second to complete
tasks and bring back tailored search engine results.

There is a sweeping change in consumer awareness and an

increase in comfort levels with this technology. Voice assistant
interfaces are rapidly advancing, especially finding use in
healthcare to identify certain diseases through vocal
biomarkers. Voice-based chatbots are also being integrated
into telehealth applications for triage and screening.
2)Entertainment Streaming Apps

Streaming giants like Netflix, Spotify, and Hulu are continually

feeding data into machine learning algorithms to make the user
experience seamless.

Carefully looking at the user's interaction with various media,

these streaming apps recommend custom content. Using AI to
parse through the ever-increasing user data, these apps create
catalogs of music, movies, and TV series suited to each
individual user's liking.

AI also plays an important role in providing uninterrupted

streaming by automating the allocation of servers closest to the
user. Bandwidth allocation also changes automatically based on
the popularity of a particular piece of media.

3) Personalized Marketing

Brands use AI-driven personalization solutions based on

customer data to drive more engagement. A report compiled
by OneSpot Research revealed that 88% of the surveyed
consumers stated that more personalized content makes them
feel better about a brand.

Consumers are more likely to make a purchase when they are

directed to products through personalized marketing via
automated e-mails and feedback forms. Recent innovations
with AI claim to use computer vision to predict an
advertisement’s performance, helping brands reach the right
people and serving those who need those products. AI
marketing apps help both prospects and retargeted customers,
depending on the marketing stage.
2)Modern AI (2008+)
The term “Data science” was coined in early 2008 by two data
team leads from Linkedin & Facebook. (DJ Patel & Jeff
Hammerbacher). This new field in computer science introduced
advanced analytics that leveraged Statistics, Probability, Linear
Algebra & Multivariant Calculus. Later in late 2012, the real
breakthrough happened in Artificial Intelligence when in a
historic ImageNet competition, a CNN based submission called
AlexNet outclassed all other competitors and received a 10.8 %
lower error rate than the runner up. That was the advent of
modern AI and is believed to be the trigger for a new boom in
the AI world. One primary reason for the win was the utilization
of Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) for the training of the neural
network architecture. Later in 2015, Facebook’s leader of AI
Yann LeCun pushed hard on deep learning and its possibilities
along with other “Godfathers of AI.” Today multiple cloud
vendors are offering cloud-based GPUs for “Modern AI”
whereas their adoption was never an option earlier.
The GPU has literally changed the game with the switch from
CPU to GPU. It has revolutionized technology and redefined
computing power and parallel processing. AI requires high-
speed computing power due to advanced mathematical
calculations. Especially because there has been an exponential
increase in the volume of data generated in the last ten years
Consequently, the AI research across the world picked up
exponentially, the time of this writing, the volume of AI
research papers is around 100/day.
Hence we have an answer to our previous question:
“Why in the last 8–10 years (i.e., 2009–2019) when AI has been
around for more than 70 years? ”.
Answer: Enormous growth in Data, faster & cheaper processing
‘GPU,’ and fast-paced AI research.

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