Tantra Yoga
in Practice
Maithuna Publications
Tantra Yoga in Practice
Copyright ©2016 by Leigh Hurley and Phillip Hurley
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ISBN: 978-0-9837847-9-1
Authors’ website:
We are currently living in the age called Kali Yuga. The
Vishnu Purana describes the Kali Yuga as an age “...where
property confers rank, wealth is a virtue, falsehood is the
source of success, and outer trappings are confused with
inner religion.”
Note to the reader
This book includes a lot of Sanskrit terms. We have
tried to be as explanatory as possible without over-burden-
ing the text.
While not strictly necessary, it is a very worthwhile en-
deavor for the sadhaka, the Tantric practitioner, to learn
some of these terms. Sanskrit is a very sophisticated lan-
guage in the realm of the exploration of human conscious-
ness and the practice of yoga, and many words for impor-
tant concepts have no real equivalents in English.
Indra’s Net
It has been said that Indra, who lives at the summit of
Mt. Meru (the center of the universe), cast his net out-
ward into infinity and created the whole of the universe
in all its dimensions. At each knot in the net is a jewel of
many facets. The number of jewels is infinite, and each
reflects and contains the image from every other jewel in
the net.
The net and the jewels represent, among other things,
maya or illusion.
The threads of the net are vectors of energy. Each
knot/jewel is a point where different energy vectors come
together. Each is a unique combination of lines of force,
and a unique location in space-time.
The Sanskrit word for both Indra’s net, and magic and
illusion, is indrajala; and, the word indriya (literally “belong-
ing to Indra”) is Sanskrit for the five senses. We are part of
Indra’s net, and as sentient creatures we are aware of our
movement within it by indriya. But, as part of Indra’s net,
we ourselves and our senses are also illusions, so it is diffi-
cult for us to perceive beyond the edge of the net.
For instance, even though we are composed of atoms
and subatomic particles, when we use our sense of vision
to look at our hands, we do not see whirling atoms spin-
ning like dervishes before our eyes. Instead we see what
we consider to be very solid appendages. Our physical
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Air Earth
Anandamayakosha (bliss)
Svar Karana sharira
Vijnanamayakosha (wisdom)
Bhur Physical
Sthula sharira
Annamayakosha (food)
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Observe and study. The maya that you see before you
consists of objects and events that are really dream sym-
bols. What we perceive as past, present or future is only a
matter of perspective, our angle of observation. Through
the practice of raising kundalini one becomes the knower
of past, present and future, a time lord or trikala jnani.
The Tantric works with the eternal now (akasha, bin-
du, sushumna), which is at the very center of past and
future. In bindu, your past no longer defines your future,
and your future does not define your present. Past, pres-
ent and future are all occurring at the same time. You
can refine and redefine yourself in each new moment.
The energy patterns from the past that want to manifest
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Eye stillness
Relaxing your eyes to stillness is a gentle way to release
tensions and move into a deeper state of awareness. Eye
movement is directly connected to mental activity, emo-
tional states and breathing patterns. Relaxing the eyes to
stillness calms an agitated mind and emotions, and ex-
pands your consciousness.
As the movement in your eyes slows down, so will your
thoughts until they completely cease. At that point, your
consciousness can turn inward and upward to more subtle
states of awareness.
Preparation for eye stillness
These eye movement exercises will ready the eyes
to relax.
Lie down or sit in a comfortable position with your
eyes open.
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Proceed as follows:
`` Move your eyes to the left to the edge of the eye
sockets and rotate them clockwise several times;
then, reverse the motion and move them counter-
clockwise several times.
`` Move your eyes as far up and as far down as you
can several times
`` Move your eyes diagonally from top right to bot-
tom left several times; then, from top left to bot-
tom right several times
`` Move your eyes to the far left and then to the far
right several times.
Preparatory Practices
Most of us have a hard time relaxing. If you are an ex-
ceptionally active and fidgety person who cannot sit down
or lie down and relax, you may have difficulty practicing
the kundalini techniques given in this book. In this case
it may help if you engage in relaxation or other physical
exercises of some sort before you lie or sit down to prac-
tice kundalini techniques. Hatha Yoga asanas, and other
exercise routines are very good for this purpose.
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Physical flexibility
Keeping the physical body flexible helps to balance us,
and helps us to be comfortable in our meditation positions.
Physical flexibility allows prana/chi to move more
readily through the body, which in turn balances the gu-
nas, doshas, and elements. This establishes equipoise or
balance at the physical level, which creates a solid foun-
dation for equipoise at the emotional and mental levels.
If your life-style is fairly sedentary, then you may want
to incorporate a moderate exercise routine if you have not
already done so. Remember, the key is not so much to de-
velop strength, but flexibility, in order to be able to bend
and stretch, and maintain a comfortable meditation posi-
tion. Hatha Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong and other disciplines
that incorporate physical movement with breathing and
meditation are all very suitable for this purpose.
Following are two simple exercises to stretch and relax
the body.
Practice: Rag doll
From a standing position stretch your
arms upward as far as you can reach.
Take a deep breath, and as you exhale,
drop the upper part of your body gently
forward and down toward the ground like
a limp rag doll. Simply hang there for a
half a minute or so; then slowly resume
your standing position with arms at your sides. Repeat as
you wish.
Preparatory Practices
Mudras are gestures, a ritual sign language. They cre-
ate a circuit for energy, and direct the energy as it becomes
earthed. Thus, they affect the physical and prana body,
and the etheric body (aura) strongly, and help establish a
firm spiritual foundation for kundalini practice. The two
following mudras are widely used.
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Anjali mudra
Palms of the hands held together
and pointing upward (as in prayer) bal-
ances ida and pingala, which puts you
into sushumna. This can be done be-
fore and after each practice, for open-
ing and closing.
In its most common form, the
hands are held at the level of the ana-
hata chakra.
A more elaborate variation is to put the palms of the
hands together above the head at the sahasrara, lower
the hands and pause at the forehead (in front of the ajna
chakra), lower the hands and pause at the throat (in
front of the vishuddha chakra), then lower the hands to
the level of the anahata chakra. The fingers point upward
throughout this movement.
Chin mudra
This mudra also balances ida
and pingala in each chakra and
creates an unobstructed path
through sushumna for kundalini to rise. It is often prac-
tised while sitting or lying down for meditation.
Put the index finger and thumb together on both
hands, with the palms facing upward.
Chin mudra closes off the aura, which is useful to keep
negative and distracting influences out of your aura as you
meditate, and also as you go about your daily activities.
Lifestyle Suggestions to
Support Your Kundalini Practice
We are bombarded throughout our waking hours with
physical plane phenomena that want to hold our atten-
tion. Most of us are by default, in our waking conscious-
ness, entrained by the physical plane. For this reason, it
is very helpful to have a physical environment populated
with things and people that remind us to look beyond,
and to tune in to other states of consciousness. Surround
yourself with physical objects, and participate in activi-
ties, that promote expansion of consciousness.
For instance, putting up photo posters of outer space
on the walls of your home helps to carry your conscious-
ness away from everyday concerns and puts you into a
state of mind that promotes an expansion of conscious-
ness. Ritual objects such as paintings, statues, jewelry,
yantras, etc. also will help to constantly remind you of
other realms and the awakening of kundalini.
Read as many books about kundalini as you can. Read-
ing about kundalini will sensitize your aura and create a
vibration that will move you closer to your goal.
In this way you build up in your consciousness an
awareness and acceptance of different dimensions of time
and space.
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Standing back
Try to generally stand back in your own mind from
yourself and your own thoughts. Try to see yourself and
your activities from the viewpoint of an impartial ob-
server. If you cultivate this perspective it will help to de-
centralize your ego, which in turn will foster expansion
of your consciousness. If you have a good sense of humor
about yourself, you will be better able to stand back from
your own emotions and ideas. The keyword here is non-
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Lie down, close your eyes and relax your body and mind
for a minute or two. Then, imagine yourself floating above
yourself on the ceiling of your bedroom. This is an exercise
of the imagination, so do not be overly concerned about
the quality of your visualization in the process - just do
the best you can.
Now look down on your physical body and the sur-
rounding environment of the room you are in. For in-
stance, imagine that you are looking at yourself lying on
the bed and that you can see your dresser and the items
on it.
Visualize from the perspective of the ceiling what you
and your room look like. You might notice your socks on
the floor by the bed and your hairbrush or change on the
dresser. Try to get a good picture in your mind’s eye of
your body and your surroundings. Don’t worry about the
quality of your visualization. At first it will probably be
pretty poor, but just do it and don’t be concerned.
Once you feel that you have the best visual image pos-
sible of your body and your surrounds, imagine floating
through the ceiling to the top of your home, and a little
above the roof, so that you can look down on it. Pause
there and imagine what it looks like from this perspective.
Then, rise up a little further into the air and visualize look-
ing down on your yard or block. From there, keep moving
upward in stages and stop for a few moments at each point
to visualize in as much detail as you can: your town or city,
your county, your state, your country. Keep going until you
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
are above the Earth and can look down upon our rotating
sphere and all of the land masses and bodies of water that
make up the surface features of our Earth.
Next place yourself on the Moon, and view the Earth
from that perspective. Then, move toward the outer parts
of our solar system, stopping at a planet to look inward
towards the center at our Sun. Proceed outward into the
galaxy among other planetary star systems and look back
towards our solar system. Go beyond our galaxy and move
out into deep space to look back at it, now just one out of
millions upon millions of other galaxies. If you wish you
can go further and further. Whenever you feel you have
had enough of this exercise, return back to your body.
At each stopping point in the technique, you get a
bird’s eye view of your life, and the objects and people
that surround you and intimately affect you for good or
ill. For instance, a good look at the items that surround
you in your bedroom can tell you a lot about yourself. As
you proceed further, you will feel how you are connected
to those in your immediate neighborhood, town, state,
country, and planet, and how the goings-on at each level
affect you personally, socially, politically and otherwise.
The intent of the exercise is to decentralize the ego
and to begin to identify yourself on a more cosmic level.
There is an old occult axiom that wherever you put
your consciousness is where you are, and where you put
you attention is where you can expect to go in the future.
If our attention is not at least somewhat aimed above and
beyond ourselves, we can never expect to experience any-
Lifestyle Suggestions
thing above and beyond our physical selves. Our egos are
intertwined with what we give our attention to.
We perceive, act and function greatly limited by our
perception of ourselves as our physical bodies; and, by
our perception of our environment as what immediately
surrounds us, what we can perceive through our physical
senses. We are caught in the web of the gravity of this
limited perception of our selves and our surroundings.
We have many roles to play in life. Each has its energy
tension pulling on us even when we are not functioning
in these roles. The electromagnetic fields that make up
matter, people, ideas and places, have a powerful draw on
us. Every thing or thought that we give attention to has a
certain amount of power over us, and our attention feeds
it. People, thoughts, ideas and events compete for our at-
tention and at times try to dominate and manipulate us.
But, we are much more than the limited roles we play
out on this planet. To realize this, we need to be able
to step out of our web of circumstances and develop a
perspective free of the tyranny of obligations, mass me-
dia, jobs, schools, national and international politics and
whatever else we are locked into.
Our mind and our consciousness are not limited by the
physical environment that surrounds us. As you decen-
tralize your ego and move toward your more universal self,
you will be progressively freed from the constraints of your
web of circumstances and your physical body; and you will
ease into an expanded awareness.
Yoga Nidra
× ×
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
First, inhale and draw your conscious-
ness into the muladhara chakra.
Then, transfer your consciousness to
each of the chakras in sequence, begin-
ning with the muladhara (la) at the base
of the spine. In each chakra, intone the
bija mantra once for the chakra, then
ya rise up to the next:
la va ra ya ha om
After you complete the cycle with om
ra in the sahasrara, return to la in the mu-
va ladhara chakra and begin another cycle.
Repeat as many times as you can, and
practice this routine on a daily basis.
You can use any breathing technique
that is comfortable for you - at first you
my want to go slowly, for instance, one
breath per chakra, and rise to the next chakra on the next
inhalation. Or, you can rise up all the way from mulad-
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
la va ra ya ha om
Place your conscious-
la va ra ya ha om ness in the sushumna of
your muladhara chakra.
la va ra ya ha om
Breath in and out 10 times.
la va ra ya ha om As you breath in, store the
prana in the muladhara.
Then, breathe in and
la va ra ya ha om hold you consciousness in
muladhara, and on the out-
breath intone aloud
la va ra ya ha om la va ra ya ha om.
la va ra ya ha om
On the in-breath, rise
up sushumna to swadhista-
la va ra ya ha om na, and on the out-breath
intone aloud
la va ra ya ha om.
Repeat this process from chakra to chakra, going up
the sushumna channel to sahasrara. The sequence is mu-
ladhara, swadisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddha,
chandra, ajna, sahasrara (as shown at left).
From sahasrara, return to the muladhara and begin an-
other cycle up through sushumna. Repeat the cycle about
twenty times.
Although chanting out loud affects all of your koshas, it
has very strong and more specific effects on the annamaya
and pranamaya koshas (physical and etheric vehicles).
Next, repeat the same cycle, but chant in a whisper,
twenty times.
Variations and Similar Techniques
Vishnu/Krishna mantra
Another practice for raising kundalini is the monosyl-
labic monotone version of the Vishnu-Krishna mantra
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, rendered as:
om na mo bha ga ba te ba su de ba ya
Begin in the muladhara, and gather energy there for
the duration of ten in-breaths.
On the eleventh in-breath, chant the
ya following, all in one breath:
de om in the muladhara,
su na in the swadhistana,
te mo in the manipura,
bha in the anahata,
ga in the vishuddhi,
ba in the sahasrara.
ga On the outbreath, rise above sahas-
rara and continue moving upward with
te ba su de ba ya,
bha one above the other, as far as you can
go from yourself. After ya, come back
to muladhara, repeat the ascension and
mo continue as many times as you care to.
Strengthening the aura
The word upavestana literally means wrapping up or
swathing the body, similar to the way ancient Egyptians
wrapped mummies. In Tantra, Upavestana is a practice
for building up the aura surrounding our physical body.
It is sometimes referred to as kosha (casing or covering)
wrap or mummy wrap.
There are many ways to apply Upavestana for differ-
ent effects. Here we present the most fundamental form,
which will balance, earth, and impart strength to the pra-
na body, the etheric aura.
The aura is an energy field that is one of our most im-
portant interfaces with the environment, especially as we
become more conscious through our kundalini practice.
It is a transformer of energies that come to us from out-
side; and is developed by the Tantric to act as a kavaca
(shield, armor, shell). A strong aura keeps out influences
that affect us mentally, emotionally and physically in ways
that we do not want.
On a daily basis our aura is colored by the thoughts,
emotions and physical actions of others as we interact
with them. Some of this influence is intentionally aimed
at us; and some occurs simply because our auras are in-
teracting with someone’s relatively stronger auric field.
Places also have energy fields which influence us and can
be beneficial or harmful.
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Upavestana is best performed in a standing position.
1. To begin, put your consciousness in your feet, and
feel a ball of energy radiating from the centers of your feet.
Intone, first silently, then in a whisper, and then in full
voice the bija
then draw the energy and your consciousness up to your
loins and intone (again - silent, whisper, aloud) the bija
Proceed upward in the same manner as shown in the
diagram at left on the facing page.
4. Exhale, drawing the band down from
above your head out to your right front and
down to below your feet. Inhale, drawing the
band upward from below your feet, behind you
to your left and up to above your head.
ÖAjna (solar)
(lunar) ×
Mercury Akasha - Vishuddi
Venus Air - Anahata
Mars Fire - Manipura
Jupiter Water - Svadisthana
Saturn Earth - Muladhara
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Bija - l - La Prthivi / Earth
Ü Saturn
The earth element limits consciousness to
form but also gives us the ability to use objects
and form to transcend our limitations, as in the
use of ritual objects. The qualities of earth are
gravity, weight, density, and cohesion. It is yin,
magnetic and in-drawing. The color of earth var-
ies from one region to another, so for visualiza-
tion, imagine whatever color of soil you are famil-
iar with, and a feeling of heaviness and gravity.
You can transfer your consciousness to the deep-
est caverns of the earth and become one with the
earth element.
Asana to stimulate muladhara:
tadasana (mountain pose).
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Bija - v - Va Apas / Water
Û Jupiter
The water element rules emotions and feeling. It is yin,
magnetic, receptive, in-drawing and attractive. Visualize the
color blue-green and feel the coolness of the element in your
imagination. You can transfer your consciousness into a lake,
pond, river or ocean and immerse
yourself. You can also meditate
upon the power of great waterfalls
like Niagara, or the Moon and the
Asana to stimulate svadhisthana:
trikonasana (triangle pose)
Details of the Elemental Chakras
Bija - r - Ra Tejas / Fire
Ú Mars
The fire element is yang, electric in nature and outgoing. It
is action and energy; light and vision; color and visualization.
Imagine the color red and the brightness of the light given off by
fire. Feel heat and expansion; or transfer your consciousness to
the center of the sun, or to any fire such as a candle flame, and
become one with it.
Bija - y - Ya Vayu / Air
Ù Venus
The air element is yang, electric in nature and outgoing; re-
lated to the divine quality of omniscience and wisdom. Visualize
a light sky-blue color, and imagine your body becoming very
light. One form of air meditation is to look up at the sky, close
your eyes and rise up into the sky and become one with it. Feel
the breeze, the wind, the hurricane, the tornado. Feel light as
air and imagine there is no gravity.
¥ ¤
Bija - h - Ha Akasha / Ether
Ø Mercury
Akasha is timeless and spaceless, and called the fifth pow-
er. Its active symbol is the five-pointed star or pentagram, and
its meditation symbol is the bindu or point. It
is the element from which the other four are
derived, and the essence of everything which is
nothing, and which contains all. The Tantric
phrase, “What is here is there, what is not here
is not there,” is the foundation of understanding
akasha. Visualize the color violet or ultraviolet
and imagine that you are the center of, and con-
nected to every point in infinite space.
chakra mantra color offering
For the most part Govinda is correct, but there are current
lineages that carry and pass on the secret living traditions.
Our guru’s guru Shellji (Shelly Trimmer) was a direct
disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, but Shellji also grew
up in a subculture that carried on hereditary Western
and Native American occult traditions, in which he was
trained. He quite often stated, “I am a Magician!”
Goswami Kriyananda (our guru) and Shellji taught
techniques from the esoteric systems of both the East and
the West; and both often stated that techniques for work-
ing with kundalini currents have come down to us not
only from India, but also ancient Egypt, and other cul-
tures (such as Hopi) as well.
The occult keys to the secrets of the Egyptian hiero-
glyphs are not readily apparent to most people (includ-
ing Egyptologists), however Jean Houston in The Passion
of Isis and Osiris has mentioned that even certain schol-
ars such as Joseph Campbell “..believed that the ancient
Egyptians may have known and worked with a system
Siddhis, Astrology and Kundalini
õ ö
ô ×Ö ÷
ó ø
þ Ú ù
ý Ü ú
ü û
Circle-point mandala version of the ladder of the planets
Much ado has been made of siddhis, but after the first
blush, as with many things in life, siddhis become part
of the usual state of affairs for us. Some siddhis will be
intermittent, some will come just once and never be ex-
perienced again, and others will remain with you for the
rest of your present incarnation. Expect your horizons to
be widened and your experiences to be above the norm,
that is, supernormal.
Raising kundalini always comes with advanced psychic
perceptions and capabilities that are, to the average per-
son’s understanding, nothing short of miraculous. To the
Tantric they are not miracles, but simply skills to be used
on the path to enlightenment. Every human being has
these capabilities, but they usually lie dormant, as repre-
sented by the coiled kundalini serpent in the muladhara
chakra. When you practice the techniques given in this
book, you will discover that your latent abilities are awak-
ened; and you should prepare for them psychologically.
You will need to understand them and put them in their
proper place in the scheme of things.
As a reader of this text, you are aware that kundalini as
a phenomenon exists, and that as you work with it, events
of a supernatural nature will occur as a matter of course.
Some people, however, have experienced kundalini with-
out any kind of a framework within which to understand
the experience. A case in point:
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Personal experiences
X-ray vision
Many years ago, when I first learned to work with kun-
dalini, I had an interesting experience with what I call
x-ray vision.
It was a very sunny and pleasant day, and I was feel-
ing particularly good. I was extremely eager to work with
a newly learned kundalini technique as I lay down in bed
to meditate. A few minutes after I had closed my eyes, an
image began to form. I was seeing a series of thin boards in
front of me within the ceiling. Between the slats was mold,
and I presumed that since I was living in a top floor apart-
ment, that the moisture from the flat roof had seeped in
and created the moldy condition around the wood plaster
slats. After a while I was satisfied that I had seen enough
of moldy slats and decided to open my eyes and see if the
x-ray vision would linger. I opened my eyes quickly and
found the ceiling as usual, a very smooth plaster and no
slats were visible.
I lay there for a while wondering if indeed there were
plaster slats in the ceiling. How could I find out, short
of tearing the ceiling down? As I gazed upward, I soon
noticed dust lines running across the ceiling at the same
distance as the slats. Here, in faint outline, was proof that
I actually did see the moldy slats.
For the next few days I was quite entranced by this
experience of x-ray vision. What was happening was that
I was seeing with my etheric eyes at just the wavelength
where I could see through the dense plaster completely.
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Remote viewing
One night while sleeping, I awoke in my etheric body.
I found myself in a dimly lit part of the etheric standing
over a bin. Inside this bin were many hats. They were the
type of hats that uniformed people wear, with shiny leath-
er bills on the front. The odd thing was that all the bills
were cut off the caps. As I stared into the bin, I could not
help but think that this was really stupid. I tried to figure
out why the bills would be cut off and was very perplexed
and amused. I came back to my body, opened my eyes,
laughed, shook my head and went to sleep.
During the next few weeks I thought often about the
bin with the silly-looking caps. This projection was par-
ticularly interesting to me because I intuitively knew that
it was a physical plane projection at a certain wavelength
where everything would more or less be seen as it is with
the physical eyes, but I could not understand how or why
the bills would be cut off the caps. This part of the etheric
is a region that relates closely to physical plane actualities,
and where symbolism is uncharacteristic.
Kundalini: Tantra Yoga in Practice
Circle-Point Mandala
A meditation tool, and mandala of an entire phi-
Coagula Coagulation, formation, form, condensation.
Devas Celestial beings. Entities that exist in another di-
mension of time and space.
Dharma Laya Technique to raise kundalini.
Dharma What you think you should be doing according to
your lights.
Dhyani Buddhas
Five aspects of Buddha in time and space; or ac-
cording to Buddhist doctrine, what Buddha does to
purify the five aggregates.
Diksha Initiation
Djed (Tet) Ancient Egyptian symbol of the cerebro-spinal sys-
tem representing the 5 elements and the elemental
Ego Our composite sense of self on all levels.
Egregores Group thought-forms that feed on your energy, cre-
ated and fueled by groups of people, intentionally
or not. They are entities with definite personalities.
Elements Specific movements of energy often called fire, air,
earth, and water.
Etheric Plane Another dimension of time and space directly above
the physical. It is the matrix for physical form.
Garuda Mythical bird similar to the phoenix which arises
out of ashes reborn and renewed.
Ghee Clarified butter.
Gobar Cow dung used as fuel for ritual fires.
Granthis Knots, or blockages in the chakras, where kundalini
is diverted horizontally.
Guru Inner or outer, a teacher of what is.
Visvasara Tantra
Tantric Agama.
Yajna Fire sacrifice.
Yantra Diagram representing a cosmic force or principle to
be meditated upon. Literally means instrument or
machine that holds a concept (force/form) within it.
Yoga Nidra Dream yoga.
Yoga Union, a practice which leads to liberation, moksha.
Zen Koan An utterance to become one with and to see its con-
text in relation to everything else as well as the fact
that it is also everything else. Why do you ask?
Recommended Reading
Leigh Hurley, Phillip Hurley. Tantra Yoga Of Ecstasy: The
Sadhaka’s Guide to Kundalini and the Left-Hand Path.
Maithuna Publications, Wheelock VT, USA, 2012.
Phillip Hurley, Leigh Hurley. Namarupa: The Magic of Tan-
tra Mantra. Maithuna Publications, Wheelock VT,
USA, 2012.
Phillip Hurley, Leigh Hurley. Just to the Purpose: the Yoga of
Ethics. c.1996.
The Bhagavad Gita. Translated and introduction by Juan
Mascaro. Penguin Books, Baltimore MD, 1962.
Swami Lakshmanjoo. Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret
Supreme. Universal Shaiva Fellowship, Culver City CA,
USA, 1985.
Tantrasara of Abhinavagupta. Translated and introduc-
tion by H.N. Chakravarty; edited by Boris Marjanovic.
Rudra Press, Portland OR, 2012.
Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati. Sri Vijnana Bhairava
Tantra: the Ascent. Yoga Publications Trust, Munger, Bi-
har, India, 2003.
Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati. Tattwa Shuddhi. Yoga
Publications Trust, Munger, Bihar India, 1984.
Herbal Alchemy
by Phillip Hurley
When originally published in 1977, Herbal Alchemy broke
new ground as the first straight-forward written presentation of
Alchemy in a complete, practical form - as science, art, tech-
nique, philosophy, magic and spiritual practice. In this revised