Abhorrent Piper
Abhorrent Piper
Abhorrent Piper
11 (+0)
14 (+2)
10 (+0)
15 (+2)
16 (+3)
14 (+2)
Master of Beasts. An Abhorrent Piper can choose to play its flute pipe. All creatures within a 30
foot region with the beast monster type and ability to hear must succeed a DC 15 wisdom check
or be charmed. Additionally, the piper can control 5 CR worth of creatures, to a maximum of 30
creatures. Controlled creatures will obey the Piper's commands and remain charmed, even if
injured. If a controlled creature leaves the effected region, it will attempt to complete whatever
its last task was, though it will abandon the task if given ample reason.
Create Masterwork Flute Pipe. The Abhorrent Piper can magically construct a Masterwork
Flute Pipe if given access to wood and a days time to craft. The Flute is required to for the Piper
to charm animals, but it is not innately magical.
Shadowless. Abhorrent Pipers cast no shadow as they have been cursed to wear their shadows.
Pipers often wear layers of clothing to hide their shadowy form.
Spellcasting. The Abhorrent Piper is a 8th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence
(spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The Abhorrent Piper has following Wizard spells
Cantrips (at will): Dancing Lights, Light, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation
1st level (# slots): Color Spray, Disguise Self, Mage Armor, Magic Missile
Multiattack. The Abhorrent Piper makes two melee attacks or one ranged attack.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., range 20/60., 1 target. Hit: 4
(1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
A short figure stands before you, artfully playing a sad and melodious tune on an ornately carved
flute. The being is wrapped in layers of tattered leather clothing and its face is obscured by its
hood, though two yellow points of light denote eyes. As the playing continues, the sound of
scuffling movements and growls build up around you from the surrounding forest.
In ages long past, a minor fey deity, whose identity has been lost to time, attempted to create a
race of fey with talents that rivaled the artistry and ingenuity of the gnomes. The deity made a
race in the gnomes' image but gave them glowing gold eyes and the inability to grow facial hair
as to not blemish their fey beauty. Uninterested in the gnomes gadgets however, the deity gave
the race of master wood workers and musicians known as the Pipers.
The Pipers' playing became legendary throughout the Fey land. Their music was so perfect, it
possessed an innate magical quality which the Pipers learned to harness and used to influence
and control other beings. This power lead to the Pipers becoming covetous of power and control
to a point where they actually attempted a coup against the ruling archfey by raising up
magically compelled armies of fey. After the coup attempt failed, the archfey punished the Pipers
by stripping them of much musical prowess, their playing only able to entice simple animals
now, and cursed the race to forever wear their own shadows in shameful memory of their hubris.
Now, the Abhorrent Pipers wander as sullen outcasts of the fey world. Most have resorted to to a
lifetime of malicious trickery in an attempt to find some form of solace in their existence.