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Name : ……………………………………………………………
Roll No. : ………………………………………………………..
Invigilator’s Signature : ………………………………………..

CS/MBA/SEM-4 (FT/PT)/MB-401/2013
Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

( Multiple Choice Type Questions )

1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following :

10 1 = 10

i) DPR stands for

a) Detailed Planning Report

b) Decent Project Report

c) Deal for Project Report

d) Detailed Project Report.

25011 (MBA) [ Turn over

CS/MBA/SEM-4 (FT/PT)/MB-401/2013

ii) A profitability index of 0·85 for a project means that

a) the present value of benefits is 85% greater than

the project costs

b) the project’s NPV is greater than zero

c) the project returns 85 per cent in present value

for each current dollar invested

d) the payback period is less than 1 year.

iii) Entrepreneurship training is imparted in

a) Banks

b) Financial institutions

c) National Small Industries Corporation


iv) Programme Evaluation and Review Technique ( PERT )


a) Multiple cost estimates

b) Multiple time estimates

c) Multiple time and cost estimates

d) Resource smoothing.

v) McClelland’s Need model consists of

a) need for achievement

b) need for power

c) need for affiliation

d) all of these.

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CS/MBA/SEM-4 (FT/PT)/MB-401/2013

vi) The first step in the process of Project Audit is

a) initiation and stuffing

b) planning

c) data collection

d) none of these.

vii) The most important trait of an Entrepreneur is

a) Innovation

b) Money

c) Labour

d) none of these.

viii) Which software is not used in Project Management ?





ix) Which of the following instruments is used for Financial

Appraisal and selection of Projects ?

a) Payback period

b) ROI

c) IRR

d) Margin.

25011 (MBA) 3 [ Turn over

CS/MBA/SEM-4 (FT/PT)/MB-401/2013

x) ‘Resource Levelling’ is synonymous with

a) Resource smoothing

b) Limited resource allocation

c) Levelling the quality of resources of a similar


d) None of these.

xi) For a critical activity, relationship between total float,

free float and independent float is

a) Total float Free float Independent float

b) Total float > Free float > Independent float

c) Total float = Free float = Independent float

d) Total float < Free float < Independent float.

xii) The term ‘Entrepreneurship’ means

a) Synonym to entrepreneurship

b) An entrepreneur who fails in venture

c) A manager who leaves the company to start his


d) Entrepreneurs within a corporate.

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CS/MBA/SEM-4 (FT/PT)/MB-401/2013

( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 5 = 15

2. State the differences between PERT and CPM.

3. What are the costs included in project life cycle costing ?

4. Discuss the role of a project auditor.

5. Discuss the McClelland’s Ni-Ach theory. Why is this theory

important for the study of entrepreneurship ?

6. Briefly discuss the role of industrial associations for the

development and promotion of entrepreneurship.

7. ‘Entrepreneurship is influenced by Risk Taking Behaviour

and Innovation’. Do you agree with this statement ? Briefly

justify your assertions.

( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 15 = 45

8. Enumerate the advantages of Computer aided Project

Management. Show different components of a Web based

Enterprise-wide Project Management and explain briefly its

functioning system. 5 + 10

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9. a) I propose to make an initial investment of

Rs. 1,20,00,000 for a particular project A. After
4 years. I except to have an inflow of Rs. 75,00,000
every year for three years. There is another alternative
proposal B for investment. The same initial investment
will fetch me Rs. 2,20,00,000 at the end of 6 years.
Assuming a discounting factor of 10%, use the NPV
method to decide which proposal is better.

b) Discuss briefly any three cost reduction methods in

project management. 8+7

10. A small project consisting of eight activities has the following

characteristics :

Time-estimates ( in weeks )
Activity Preceding Most Most likely Most
activity optimistic (tm) pessimistic
(to) (tp)

A None 2 4 12
B None 10 12 26
C A 8 9 10
D A 10 15 20
E A 7 7·5 11
F B, C 9 9 9
G D 3 3·5 7
H E, F, G 5 5 5
a) Draw the PERT network for the project.
b) Determine the critical path and expected time required
to complete the project.

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c) Prepare an activity schedule showing the ES, EF, LS,

LF ( i.e. Earliest Start, Earliest Finish, Latest Start and

Latest Finish ) and total float for each activity,

d) If a 30 weeks deadline is imposed, what is the

probability that the project will be finished within the

time limit. 1+4+7+3

11. a) Explain how an entrepreneur helps in economic

development of a country like India.

b) Explain Psychological and Social factors of

entrepreneurship. 6+9

12. Case study : You are the founder of a fuel cell company that

makes special batteries for electric cars. Your company has

77 employees. The company is down to three weeks of cash.

If the company does not bring in enough money before then,

the company will go out of business. You have a working

product and are just starting to attract customers. A large

company has offered to purchase your company for a

fraction of what it is worth. What do you do ?

a) Analyze the case from the perspective of Project


b) As an entrepreneur what do you do to get out of this

situation ? 5 + 10

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CS/MBA/SEM-4 (FT/PT)/MB-401/2013

13. Write short notes on any three of the following : 3 5

a) Different methods of Project Appraisal

b) Gantt chart

c) Dummy activity


e) Entrepreneurship Development Programme

f) Value Engineering.

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