Scale 2741
Scale 2741
Scale 2741
Scale 2741
Also known as: Khmer Hepatatonic 4, Dheerasankarabaranam, DS2, Dastgah-e Rast Panjgah, Zè, Dhirashankarabharanam, That
Bilaval, Medieval Hypolydian, Greek Lydian, Thang Phiang Aw Bon, 29th Melakarta raga, IONian
Analysis Modes
Cardinality 7 (heptatonic) Scale 2741: Major
Pitch Class Set
Interval Structure
Forte Number 7-35
Generator 5 Scale 1709: Dorian
Rotational Symmetry
Reflection Axes
[2] 2.
Ridge Tones [4]
Palindromicity no Scale 1451: Phrygian
Chirality no
Hemitonia 2 (dihemitonic) 3.
Cohemitonia 0 (ancohemitonic)
Imperfections 1
Prime Form no
Scale 2773: Lydian
Deep Scale yes 4.
Interval Vector <2,5,4,3,6,1>
Intervallic Analysis p6m3n4s5d2t
Distribution Spectra <1> = {1,2} Scale 1717: Mixolydian
<2> = {3,4}
<3> = {5,6}
<4> = {6,7}
<5> = {8,9} Scale 1453: Aeolian
<6> = {10,11}
Spectra Variation 0.857
Saturation Vector <0,0.75,0.5,0,1,0>
Maximal Evenness yes Scale 1387: Locrian
Interior Area 2.665
Polygon Perimeter 6.035 7.
Myhill Property yes
Centrifuge Balance no
Propriety Proper
Coherence Quotient 0.993 Tertian Harmonic Chords
Sameness Quotient 0.556
Heteromorphic Profile (0,1,56)
Hierarchizability (k = 2) 3
Hierarchizability (k = 4) 3
Maximal Area yes
Ian Ring: An Exhausting Yet Necessarily Incomplete Study Of The Properties Of Musical Scales, Volume 2 © 2022
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