DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q3 - W9
DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q3 - W9
DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q3 - W9
Grade Level/Subject: V-MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates: April 10-14, 2023
Quarter and Week: Quarter 3 Week 9
A.Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of polygons, circles and solid figures
B.Performance Standards The learner is able to construct and describe polygons, circles and solid figures
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Derives a formula in finding the Finds the circumference of a circle Find the circumference of a circle Finds the circumference of a
circumference of a circle Code: M5ME-IIIi-70 Code: M5ME-IIIi- circle
Code: M5ME – IIIg Code: M5ME-IIIhi-
II.CONTENT Deriving a formula in finding the Finding the Circumference of a Circle Measurement Finding the circumference of a
circumference of a circle circle
1.Teacher’s Guide pages CG p. 63 CG p. 63 CG p. 63 CG p. 63
Lesson Guide in Elementary Lesson Guide in Elementary Elementary Mathematics 5 pp. Elementary Mathematics 5 pp.
Mathematics 5 pp. 362-366 Mathematics 5 pp. 366 366-369 366-369
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages Mathematics for Better Life, pp Mathematics for Better Life 5, p. 244 Mathematics for A Better Life
Growing Up with Math 5, p. 242 Gr.5,p.242-243
4.Additional materials from learning DepEd Learning Portal, Math 5
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource metacards, flashcards of different picture cards, picture Cutouts of different sizes of Chart, flashcards
figures, charts, powerpoint circles
presentations, cutouts of circles, real
A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting 1.Drill 1. Drill 1. Drill 1. Drill
the new lesson Directions: Using the illustration, Directions: Flash cards with Mental Computation Group the class into 5. Use
identify the parts of the circle multiplication sentence. Using pupils Aling Meding delivers 200 flashcards. Let the pupils think
named. drill boards, let them solve for the sumang yakap daily to each of and solve.
2. Review product. her The group with the most
What are the different parts of a circle? 2. Review 10 customers in Talipapa. How number of correct answer
Directions: Match Column A with many sumang yakap does she wins.
column B. deliver Directions: Give the diameter
1. The distance around a circle is everyday? of the following circles whose
________. 2. Review on Finding Perimeter radius
2. A line that passes through the Directions: Find the distance are:
center of a circle is ______. around each given figure. a) 4 cm b) 15 m c) 3.5 m d) 18
3. An estimate of the value pi (π) a) A rectangle with a length of cm e) 24 cm
B 12.5 cm and a width of 9.5 cm. 2. Review
a) radius b) A square whose sides is 12.75 How can you compute the
b) area cm circumference, when the given
c) diameter c) An isosceles triangle whose is radius? How about when the
d) circumference base is 25.25 cm and whose legs diameter is given?
e) 3.14 measure 18.5 cm each.
d) A right triangle whose sides are
22.5 cm; 18 cm; and 13.5 cm.
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson Let us sing a song about circles. As you sing, draw what the Present this picture to the class Activity: Acting Out
song tells you to do. Tell the pupils to form circles by
groups of 8, 10 or 12 then let
each group form a straight line
a) How many pupils are there in a
b) How many pupils are the in the
The number of pupils in the line is
the distance around the circle.
Today we are going to study
Who among you love to play about finding the circumference
basketball? of a circle.
Whom do you play with?
Do you have your own ball?
How big is your basketball?
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of the
new lesson
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #1
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F.Developing Mastery
G.Finding Parctical application of concepts
and skills in daily living
H.Making generalization and abstraction
about the lesson
I.Evaluating learning
J.additional activities for application or
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B.No.of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C.Did the remedial work? No.of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to require