BSR BHPR - Systemic Sclerosis 2016
BSR BHPR - Systemic Sclerosis 2016
BSR BHPR - Systemic Sclerosis 2016
Guidelines doi:10.1093/rheumatology/kew224
Introduction Each recommendation is graded for level of evidence and
strength (A: at least one meta-analysis, systematic review
Background or randomised control or randomised trial as I to D:
SSc is a heterogeneous autoimmune rheumatic disease Evidence level III with non-analytic trial or IV expert opi-
that falls within the SSc spectrum of disorders. It is char- nion) by the working group (
acterized by fibrosis of the skin and internal organs to- uk/projects/concise-guidelines).
gether with vascular manifestations including secondary
Need for guidelines
RP, digital ischaemia, pulmonary arterial hypertension
(PAH) and renal crisis. Within the UK, SSc has an annual SSc is a complex, multi-organ disease associated with a
incidence of 3.7 per million and a prevalence of 3188 per high morbidity and mortality, and a comprehensive multidis-
million, with a peak age of onset of 4050 years. Recent ciplinary guideline is therefore required. This guideline will
classification criteria have been developed and major dis- therefore provide advice and rationale for health profes-
ease subsets are recognized, notably limited (lcSSc) or sionals in making choices and decisions in the management
diffuse cutaneous (dcSSc) subsets [1]. SSc can occur
concurrently with other autoimmune rheumatic diseases. 1
Centre for Rheumatology, Royal Free Hospital, London,
Rheumatology Department, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, The
University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Science
Centre, Manchester, 3Department of Rheumatology, Freeman
Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, 4Leeds Institute of Musculoskeletal
and Rheumatic Medicine, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds,
Rheumatology Department, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton,
Pharmacy Department, 7Centre for Rheumatology, Royal Free
Hospital, London, UK, 8Rheumatology and Immunology, UMC Utrecht,
Utrecht, The Netherlands and 9Primary Care, Telford and Wrekin NHS
Trust, Telford, Shropshire, UK
NICE has accredited the process used by the BSR to produce its Submitted 11 January 2016; revised version accepted 12 April 2016
treatment of systemic sclerosis guidance. Accreditation is valid for 5 years Correspondence to: Christopher P. Denton, Centre for Rheumatology
from 10 June 2013. More information on accreditation can be viewed at and Connective Tissue Diseases, Royal Free Hospital and UCL For full details on our accreditation visit: Medical School, Pond Street, London NW3 2QG, UK. E-mail:
! The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: 1
Christopher P. Denton et al.
of this disease. EULAR has published a summary of evi- guidance. From 16 years of age, patients should be tran-
dence-based recommendations for management of SSc [2]. sitioned into adult SSc clinics and the present guideline
applies for treatment.
Target audience
The target audience is rheumatologists, dermatologists, Part A: general approach to
general physicians and organ-based specialists treating SSc management
complications of SSc, including nephrologists, cardiolo-
gists, gastroenterologists, respiratory physicians and car- The heterogeneous nature of SSc is an important consid-
diologists as well at trainees, specialist nurses and other eration in management, because the timing and frequency
health-care professionals. of the development of specific features of SSc varies.
Operationally, the key issues are the diagnosis of SSc,
Methodology the classification into major subsets based upon the
extent of skin sclerosis, the potential use of other criteria
This guideline was developed in accordance with the cur- to subgroup patients with SSc in meaningful ways and the
rent British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) Standards definition of onset of the disease, which has particular
Audit and Guidelines working group protocol for develop- relevance for clinical research and trial recruitment. SSc
ing evidence-based guidelines. A comprehensive litera- can be divided into distinct subsets of disease. The major
ture review was undertaken using the PubMed and subsets of limited and diffuse cutaneous SSc are based
MEDLINE databases for English-language papers (up to upon the extent of skin thickening. Overlap SSc cases
and including 30 June 2014) using the search terms SSc account for up to 20% of cases in many published cohorts
or scleroderma in combination with additional terms ac- and can be classified as limited or diffuse SSc but more
cording to each topic within the guideline. Further relevant often fit into the limited skin subset. Figure 1 summarizes
papers were identified from the reference lists of retrieved a general approach to management of SSc that is in-
articles. Two reviewers independently extracted informa- formed by this guideline.
tion from each study.
The literature reviews were used to inform and underpin Importance of early diffuse SSc: current
discussion during a series of face-to-face meetings and priorities and approach
telephone conference calls as the guideline was de- Management of early dcSSc must occur within the frame-
veloped and drafted. Designated members of the group work of a multidisciplinary team, and this permits a broad
took the lead on each section of the guideline, which was approach, with education and both medical and non-
then refined and approved by consensus. An associated medical aspects of the disease being addressed. In gen-
executive summary represents a summary of the full eral, there needs to be a baseline assessment of internal
guideline document. The recommendations were graded organ function and attention to symptomatic treatment of
for level of evidence and strength (A: At least one meta- common or universal symptoms, such as RP, gastro-
analysis, systematic review, or randomised controlled trial oesophageal reflux and pruritus. Most important, however,
rated as I to D: Evidence level III with non-analytic studies is consideration of the initiation of immunosuppressive
or IV expert opinion) by the working party according to the therapy that may modify skin and internal organ manifest-
Royal College of Physicians’ Concise Guidance to Good ations. Any patient with dcSSc of less than 3 years’ dur-
Practice [3]. Based on the level of evidence and the ation should be considered for treatment with a broad-
strength of the recommendation, each recommendation spectrum immunosuppressive agent, although the evi-
was subjected to a vote, and a minimal 75% agreement dence base for this approach is weak [2]. The currently
was considered as consensus. It is expected that the used agents include MMF, MTX and CYC. There is some
guideline will be updated after 5 years or earlier if there evidence base to support the use of these agents, but few
is significant development in key areas in management of controlled trials and other agents are under evaluation.
SSc. Observational cohort studies and retrospective case
series have been published [4]. Outcome assessment is
Eligibility and exclusion criteria confounded by the natural history of dcSSc, and this is
Patients are classified as having a diagnosis SSc based variable. Nonetheless, it is clear that there is substantial
on current classification criteria (ACR/EULAR 2013 [1]), capacity for spontaneous improvement in skin disease, be-
including those with overlap with other CTDs, including cause this has been observed in many patients enrolled
inflammatory arthritis, SLE, myositis and vasculitis. The into the placebo arm of randomized controlled trials [5].
statements made in this guideline should therefore be Early identification of suspected cases of dcSSc is import-
considered in conjunction with the guidelines on manage- ant, and all of these patients should be seen in a specialist
ment of these other associated diseases. Localized SSc, SSc centre, although shared care with local specialists is
juvenile SSc and SSc mimics (e.g. scleroedema, sclero- usually the most appropriate strategy and is central to the
myxoedema, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and eosino- long-term management plan of these patients.
philic fasciitis) were not included in this document. Care
of children with SSc below 16 years of age should be led Recommendations in management of early SSc
by a Paediatric Rheumatology service, who may wish to (i) Early recognition and diagnosis of dcSSc is a pri-
involve adult Rheumatology colleagues as needed for ority, with referral to a specialist SSc centre (III, C).
BSR and BHPR guideline for the treatment of systemic sclerosis
The principles of current management of SSc are summarized. Once a confirmed diagnosis is established, all patients
can be designated as either lcSSc or dcSSc subset based upon the extent of skin thickening. Proximal skin involvement
involving skin of trunk or proximal limbs is designated diffuse. Cases with overlap disease should be identified so that
overlap features may be treated concurrently with SSc. All patients require symptomatic treatment, and both limited and
diffuse cases should be treated for vascular manifestations. Active, early dcSSc requires immunosuppressive treatment.
In all cases of SSc, vigilant follow-up to determine significant organ-based complications is mandatory. dcSSc: diffuse
cutaneous SSc; lcSSc: limited cutaneous SSc.
(ii) Patients with early dcSSc should be offered an im- or emotional stressors, leading to acral ischaemia [9].
munosuppressive agent: MTX, MMF or i.v. CYC (III/ The attacks typically present with triphasic colour
C), although the evidence base is weak. Some pa- changes, initially with pallor attributable to vasocon-
tients might later be candidates for autologous hae- striction, evolving to the cyanotic blue phase and, fi-
matopoietic stem cell transplant (ASCT; see below). nally, the painful reactive hyperaemic phase [10]. It is
(iii) D-Pen is not recommended (IIa/C) [6]. clinically important to differentiate primary RP, in
(iv) ASCT may be considered in some cases, particu- which there is no underlying medical condition, from
larly where there is risk of severe organ involve- RP secondary to another disease. Among the rheum-
ment, balancing concerns about treatment toxicity atic diseases, SSc has the highest frequency of RP
(IIa/C) [7]. and it often precedes the onset of other features of
(v) Skin involvement may be treated with either MTX SSc. The interval between RP and onset of other
(II, B) or MMF (III, C). Other options include CYC (III, SSc-specific symptoms is generally longer for lcSSc
C), oral steroid therapy (in as low a dose as pos- than for dcSSc [11].
sible to suppress symptoms, and with close moni- Digital ulcers (DUs) typically occur as a result of poor
toring of renal function; III, C) and, possibly, tissue perfusion over the digital pulps, around the nailfold
rituximab (III, C) [8]. and on extensor surfaces of the fingers or toes (in particu-
(vi) AZA or MMF should be considered after CYC to lar, over the small joints) but may also occur in relation to
maintain improvement in skin sclerosis and/or calcinosis. Around half of patients with SSc [12] report a
lung function (III, C). history of digital ulceration, often occurring within the first
year of the disease [13]. DUs are associated with signifi-
cant impact on function and quality of life [14] and impact
Part B: key therapies and treatment of
negatively on occupation [15], with greater requirement for
organ-based disease for RP and digital paid and unpaid help [16]. Severe DUs are those causing
ulcers (DUs) or threatening tissue destruction or when three or more
occur in 1 year. These need advanced therapy, such as
RP is characterized by vasospasm affecting the extre-
mities on exposure to change in ambient temperatures 3
Christopher P. Denton et al.
Recommendations for RP in SSc within 5 years of the first non-RP manifestation. Steen
(i) Although there is no evidence base to support gen- et al. [19] found in their historical cohort that after 3
eral measures, most clinicians believe that patient years, >50% of patients with SSc had developed a forced
education, specifically general/lifestyle measures, vital capacity of < 55% predicted.
including keeping warm, the avoidance of cold Recommendations for lung fibrosis in SSc
ambient environments and smoking cessation, are
(i) All SSc cases should be evaluated for lung fibrosis.
key aspects of management. Final consensus 100%.
Treatment is determined by the extent and severity
(ii) First-line treatments are calcium channel blockers
and the likelihood of progression to severe disease
(Ia, A) and angiotensin II receptor antagonists
(I, A). Final consensus 90%.
(Ib, C). Final consensus 100%.
(ii) CYC by i.v. infusion is recommended (I, A/B), and
(iii) Other treatments that may be considered if these
MMF may also be used as an alternative or follow-
are either ineffective or not tolerated are: selective
ing CYC (II, B). Final consensus 90%.
serotonin reuptake inhibitors, a-blockers and statin
therapy (III, C). Final consensus 100%.
(iv) Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors are being used Pulmonary arterial hypertension
increasingly for SSc-related RP (IIa, C). Intravenous Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is defined as a
prostanoid (e.g. iloprost; Ia, B) and digital (palmar) mean pulmonary arterial pressure 525 mmHg with a pul-
sympathectomy (with or without botulinum toxin monary capillary wedge pressure of <15 mmHg. Over the
injection) should be considered in severe and/or last 15 years, there have been significant advances in the
refractory cases (III, D). Final consensus 100%. treatment of PAH. Several classes of drugs have shown a
beneficial effect in randomized controlled trials for the
Recommendations for DUs in SSc treatment of PAH, including prostaglandins (e.g. iloprost,
(i) DUs require integrated management by a multidis- epoprostenol), ERAs including the dual receptor antago-
ciplinary team; management includes local and sys- nist bosentan, and the more selective ETA receptor
temic treatment. Final consensus 100%. antagonist ambrisentan and phosphodiesterase type 5
(ii) Oral vasodilator treatment should be optimized and inhibitors (sildenafil, tadalafil). In the UK, these therapies
(for those patients progressing to DU) analgesia are approved for the treatment of SSc PAH provided the
should be optimized and any infection promptly patient fulfils the specified criteria defined by the NHS.
treated (III, C). Final consensus 100%. The process varies slightly between the devolved nations.
(iii) Sildenafil should now be used before considering For patients living in England, the treatments are initiated
i.v. prostanoids and bosentan, in line with the cur- through one of the designated Pulmonary Hypertension
rent National Health Service (NHS) England Clinical Centres (see NHS England A11/S/a) and according to
Commissioning policy [17]. the national commissioning policy for targeted therapies
(iv) In severe active digital ulceration, patients should for the treatment of PAH in adults (NHS England/A11/P/b
receive i.v. prostanoid (Ia, B). In patients with recur- and NHSCB/A11/P/a). Patients should also receive sup-
rent, refractory DUs, a phosphodiesterase type 5 portive medical treatment, such as diuretic therapy,
inhibitor (IIa, B) or i.v. prostanoid (Ia, B), an including a loop diuretic and/or spironolactone, and
endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) including oxygen (if they are hypoxic with an arterial partial pressure
bosentan; Ia, B) should be considered. Final con- of O2 < 8 kPa or experience exertional desaturation).
sensus 100%. Routine anticoagulation with warfarin is not recommended
(v) Digital (palmar) sympathectomy (with or without in patients with PAH and SSc unless the underlying aetiol-
botulinum toxin injection) may also be considered ogy is thromboembolic. Sometimes, patients with SSc
in severe and/or refractory cases (III, D). Final con- PAH will also have other manifestations of disease, such
sensus 90%. as lung fibrosis, or features of overlap CTD, such as SLE,
and may benefit from immunosuppressive therapy, for
example, i.v. CYC or MMF.
Lung fibrosis
Pulmonary complications are the commonest cause of Recommendations for PAH in SSc
death related to SSc [18]. SSc interstitial lung disease (i) All SSc patients should be evaluated for possible
may affect patients with dcSSc or lcSSc in equal fre- PAH in line with current recommendations from the
quency. Those with certain subtype antibodies, including UK Pulmonary Hypertension Centres and referred
anti-Scl70 antibodies, anti-U11/U12 RNP antibodies or for specialist management (I, A). Final consensus
anti-Th/To RNP antibodies, are more likely to develop 100%.
interstitial lung disease. Up to 80% of SSc patients will (ii) Diagnosis should be based upon results of full eva-
develop interstitial lung disease, and it is clinically signifi- luation of PAH, including right heart catheterization
cant in approximately a third of patients. Deterioration in and evaluation of concomitant SSc-related cardiac
lung function tends to occur early in the disease, that is, or lung disease (I, A). Final consensus 100%.
BSR and BHPR guideline for the treatment of systemic sclerosis
(iii) Therapies licensed for PAH based upon pivotal clin- (ii) Prompt recognition of SRC and initiation of therapy
ical trials that included a significant proportion of with an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhi-
SSc-associated PAH should be used in line with bitor offers the best opportunity for a good out-
current practice within the UK Pulmonary come (III, C). Final consensus 90%.
Hypertension Centres, taking account of the (iii) Other anti-hypertensive agents may be considered
agreed commissioning policies for PAH therapy (I, for management of refractory hypertension in con-
A/B). Final consensus 100%. junction with ACE inhibitor in SRC (III, C). Final con-
sensus 90%.
Gut disease
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the most frequent internal Cardiac disease
organ system affected by SSc and is responsible for sub-
Clinically evident cardiac involvement is associated with a
stantial morbidity. This guideline focuses on the evidence
poor prognosis [25, 26], and a large proportion of SSc-
for the drug treatment of gut disease and not its screening,
related fatalities are attributable to cardiac causes [27,
investigation or overall management (which is covered by
28]. Although fibrosis is a central feature of SSc, clinical
the UK Scleroderma Study Group consensus best practice
and pathological evidence suggests that microvascular
recommendation on GI involvement [20]).
dysfunction is a primary process and one of the earliest
Recommendations for GI manifestations in SSc features of disease. Myocardial fibrosis can affect the
The following therapeutic approaches and drugs are con- endocardium, myocardium and pericardium, explaining
sidered by experts to be of value in treatment of GI tract the varied clinical presentations [29, 30]. Of note, these
complications of SSc. recommendations relate to primary myocardial involve-
ment as opposed to right heart involvement and PAH,
(i) Proton pump inhibitors and histamine H2 receptor which are discussed elsewhere in this guideline.
antagonists are recommended for treatment of Although the published evidence base is limited,
gastro-oesophageal reflux and dysphagia and experts have recommended the following treatment
may require maintenance therapy (III, C). Final con- approach for cardiac complications of SSc.
sensus 100%.
(ii) Prokinetic dopamine antagonists may be used for Recommendations for systolic heart failure in SSc
dysphagia and reflux (III, C). Final consensus 90%. (i) Consider immunosuppression with or without a
(iii) Parenteral nutrition should be considered for pacemaker (IV, D). Final consensus 90%.
patients with severe weight loss refractory to ent- (ii) Consider the potential benefit of an implantable
eral supplementation (III, C). Final consensus cardioverter defibrillator (III, D). Final consensus
100%. 90%.
(iv) Intermittent broad-spectrum oral antibiotics (e.g. (iii) ACE inhibitors and carvedilol. Selective b-blockers
ciprofloxacin) are recommended for intestinal over- may be considered, but consider aggravation of RP
growth, and rotational regimes may be helpful (IV, D). Final consensus 90%.
(III, C). Final consensus 100%.
(v) Anti-diarrhoeal agents (e.g. loperamide) or laxatives Recommendations for diastolic heart failure with pre-
may be used for symptomatic management of diar- served left ventricular ejection fraction in SSc
rhoea or constipation, which often alternate as clin-
ical problems (III, C). Final consensus 100%. (i) Diuretics, including spironolactone and furosemide
(IV, D). Final consensus 100%.
(ii) Calcium channel blockers have been shown to
Renal complications reduce the frequency of systolic heart failure in
SSc renal crisis (SRC) is a severe and life-threatening SSc with investigational evidence of cardiac
complication of SSc, estimated to affect 510% of all abnormalities (III, D). Final consensus 90%.
patients [19], predominantly in the diffuse subset [21].
Several studies identified a number of risk factors that
predict the occurrence of SRC [22, 23]. Among these Skin manifestations
are SSc duration <4 years, diffuse and rapidly progressive Management of skin disease is an intrinsic aspect of man-
skin thickening, new anaemia, new cardiac events (e.g. agement of SSc. Pruritus is common and particularly trou-
pericardial effusion or congestive heart failure), anti- blesome in early stage dcSSc and becomes less intrusive
RNA-polymerase III antibodies and CS therapy (predniso- once the disease plateaus. Cutaneous telangiectasia may
ne >15 mg/day; III, C). Final consensus 80% [24]. be widespread, especially over the hands and face, and
may present as a major cosmetic problem [31, 32].
Immunosuppression that aims to modify the disease is
Recommendations for treatment of SRC
also likely to impact on skin involvement, but it is also
(i) Patients at risk of SRC should be followed closely important to consider the evidence-based management
and their blood pressure monitored at least weekly. for cutaneous manifestations of SSc per se. The evidence 5
Christopher P. Denton et al.
base and treatment options for individual skin manifesta- in widespread use for treatment of other forms of inflam-
tions are outlined below. matory musculoskeletal disease.
BSR and BHPR guideline for the treatment of systemic sclerosis
occurrence of death or development of major organ secondary and tertiary level care. Management should
failure. follow the evidence-based approach that is outlined in this
With a median follow-up of 5.8 years, 53 events had guideline, and the main and the key source references are
occurred: 22 in the Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell summarized for individual classes of treatment in Table 1 to
Transplantation (HSCT) group (19 deaths and irreversible provide a framework for management of key disease mani-
organ failures) and 31 in the control group (23 deaths and festations. Within secondary care, it is important to have
eight irreversible organ failures). Eight deaths (10%) in the involvement of appropriate organ-based specialists and
HSCT group were considered treatment related by the inde- also relevant surgical disciplines, including plastic surgery,
pendent data-monitoring committee, and none died from orthopaedics and lower GI surgeons. In addition, there
treatment-related causes in the control group; most deaths should be input from allied health-care professionals, includ-
in this group occurred because of progressive disease. ing clinical nurse specialists, physiotherapy, podiatry, occu-
Despite 10% treatment-related mortality, long-term pational therapy and psychological support. Care should be
event-free survival and overall survival were significantly delivered as close to a patient’s home as possible but
better in the HSCT group than in the group treated with i.v. include the essential level of SSc expertise. The principle
pulse CYC. The Scleroderma: Cyclophosphamide Or of excellent and equitable specialist care is a goal of NHS
Transplantation (SCOT) randomized, controlled phase 3 England, and SSc requires integrated care from a managed
trial in North America is ongoing [44]. network that may include outreach clinical services from
specialist SSc centres. Education, clinical nurse specialist-
Recommendation for ASCT in SSc led clinics for rapid access and availability of telephone help-
(i) Current evidence supports the use of ASCT in poor- lines form part of a recommended template for high-quality
prognosis diffuse SSc that does not have severe care of SSc. Additional support, including self-management
internal organ manifestations, which render the treat- advice and social support, should also be offered through
ment highly toxic (Ib, B). Final consensus 80%. liaison with patient-based organizations, such as the
(ii) Definitive statements regarding relative safety and Scleroderma and Raynaud’s UK. Any system that support
efficacy compared with other immunosuppressive stra- patients with SSc needs to tailor to their needs and respond
tegies and definition of appropriate cases for ASCT will promptly because uncontrolled disease can lead to accrual
require further data (III, C). Final consensus 90%. of organ damage and, in some cases, these crises may be
life threatening. Such systems may be available at different
levels in primary or secondary care, provided by clinical
Non-drug interventions nurse specialists or consultants as appropriate. Some ser-
Although the main focus of this guideline is pharmacolo- vices that are required are already commissioned within spe-
gical treatment for SSc, it is clear that other approaches to cialist centres, including PAH, home parenteral nutrition,
management are also used and that these may be com- haematopoietic stem cell transplantation and dialysis ser-
plementary to drug therapy. There is evidence to support vices for renal failure. These provide a template for delivery
the use of physical therapy and connective tissue mas- of care, but it is important that specialist centres are familiar
sage and also other formal programmes to increase exer- with the particular challenges posed by SSc and its multi-
cise capacity. These may be delivered in the hospital system nature and high burden of complications and co-
setting or within the community. Although the formal evi- morbidity.
dence base is limited, there was strong feeling from
patient representatives and those professionals involved
Quality standards and audit tool
in delivering such interventions that they have merit and SSc is an uncommon, condition and the heterogeneous
are generally well tolerated. nature of the disease with multisystem involvement poses
significant challenges in management of these patients.
Recommendation for non-drug interventions in SSc This guideline aimed to focus on key elements in assess-
(i) Although there are very few studies, the opinion of ment and treatment of both specific complications and
the group was that non-drug interventions may be general aspects of the disease. The quality standards
helpful in SSc and are generally not detrimental. and audit tool therefore relates to these core elements
(ii) Specialist experience of SSc cases is likely to make of patient care and service delivery.
non-drug interventions more effective, and these
approaches are popular with patients and can be
Key quality standards
expected to impact positively on the disease. More
research is needed in this area (III, D). Final consen- (i) Suspected SSc cases should be assessed by a
sus 100%. specialist physician to confirm diagnosis and clas-
sify disease subset.
(ii) All SSc cases should have baseline assessment of
Part C: service organization and internal organ function, including cardiorespiratory,
renal, GI tract and musculoskeletal and skin
delivery within NHS England
SSc must be diagnosed promptly, investigated appropriately (iii) People with SSc require access to a multidisciplin-
and managed within an integrated system of primary, ary team either based locally or as part of a 7
TABLE 1 Evidence summary for drugs included in this guideline with specific recommendation for use in SSc
Summary of pub-
lished evidence
[text citation Links to policies and
Drug class Examples of agents Mechanism of action Indication Comments indicated] recommendations
Immunosuppressive CYC Alkylating agent targeting Lung fibrosis Usually given by Tashkin et al. [45]EULAR SSc recommendations
Christopher P. Denton et al.
DNA replication; broad- Severe skin monthly i.v. infu- Hoyles et al. [46]
spectrum involvement sion. High doses van Laar et al. [7] 68/5/620
immunosuppressive used in ASCT Kowal-Bielecka UKSSG best practice recom-
protocols et al. [2] mendations http://www.scler-
Immunosuppressive MMF Inhibits de novo purine Lung fibrosis Used for skin and Nihtyanova EULAR SSc recommendations
pathway for DNA synth- Severe skin lung fibrosis et al. [47]
esis in lymphocytes involvement based upon Mendoza et al. [48] 68/5/620
cohort studies UKSSG best practice recom-
and small trials mendations http://www.scler-
Immunosuppressive MTX Inhibits folic acid metabo- Musculoskeletal Two randomized van den Hoogen EULAR SSc recommendations
lism for de novo thymi- and skin trials and cohort et al. [49]
dine synthesis and involvement studies suggest Pope et al. [8] 68/5/620
inhibits DNA, RNA and benefit for skin Kowal-Bielecka UKSSG best practice recom-
protein metabolism disease in SSc et al. [2] mendations http://www.scler-
Proton pump inhibitor Lansoprazole, omepra- Inhibits the final step in Gastro-oesopha- Strong evidence Pakozdi et al. [50] EULAR SSc recommendations
zole, etc. gastric acid secretion by geal reflux base outside SSc,
parietal cells but few disease- 68/5/620
specific studies. UKSSG best practice recom-
Generally, mendations http://www.scler-
immediate symp-
tomatic benefit UKSSG.html
Angiotensin-converting Ramipril, captopril quina- Inhibits reninangiotensin SRC Casecontrol study Steen et al. [22] EULAR SSc recommendations
enzyme inhibitor pril, etc. system by blocking con- and cohort analy- Steen et al. [51]
version of angiotensin I sis confirm Hudson et al. [52] 68/5/620
to II unequivocal ben- UKSSG best practice recom-
efit for SRC, with mendations http://www.scler-
improved survival.
No evidence of UKSSG.html
prophylactic ben-
efit for SRC or
benefit for RP
TABLE 1 Continued
Summary of pub-
lished evidence
[text citation Links to policies and
Drug class Examples of agents Mechanism of action Indication Comments indicated] recommendations
Selective phosphodies- Sildenafil, tadalafil Facilitates nitric oxide PAH Licensed therapy Avouac et al. [53] EULAR SSc recommendations
terase type 5 inhibitor vasodilator activity by Digital ulcers for PAH based on Galiè et al. [54]
inhibiting cGMP break- Severe RP pivotal trial Badesch et al. [55] 68/5/620
down by phosphodies- including SSc Tingey et al. [56] UKSSG best practice recom-
terase type 5 cases. Emerging Galiè et al. [57] mendations http://www.scler-
support for treat-
ment of digital UKSSG.html
ulcers and RP. NHS England SSc DU policy:
Included in NHS bosntn-sildnfl-syst-sclerosis-
England SSc digi- pol.pdf
tal ulcer policy
Endothelin receptor Bosentan, ambrisentan, Blocks endothelin 1 sig- PAH Licensed therapy Liu et al. [59] EULAR SSc recommendations
antagonist macitentan nalling by inhibiting spe- Digital ulcers for PAH based Avouac et al. [53]
cific cell surface on pivotal trials Denton et al. [59] 68/5/620
receptors including SSc Denton et al. [60] UKSSG best practice recom-
cases. Pulido et al. [61] mendations http://www.scler-
Bosentan is Korn et al. [62]
licensed for pre- Matucci-Cerinic UKSSG.html
vention of new et al. [63] Galiè et al. J Am Coll Cardiol.
digital ulcers in Galiè et al. [58] 2013;62:D60-72.
SSc http://www.pulmonaryhyperten-
NHS England SSc DU policy:
Prostacyclin analogue Iloprost, epoprostenol, Stimulates prostanoid sig- PAH Licensed therapy Badesch et al. [64] EULAR SSc recommendations
treprostinil nalling via IP receptor Digital ulcers and for PAH based on Tingey et al. [56]
and raises cAMP levels vasculopathy pivotal trial Galiè et al. [57] 68/5/620
in target cells including SSc UKSSG best practice recom-
cases. Support mendations http://www.scler-
for treatment of
digital ulcers and UKSSG.html
RP. Included in Galiè et al. J Am Coll Cardiol.
NHS England SSc 2013;62:D60-72.
digital ulcer policy http://www.pulmonaryhyperten-
BSR and BHPR guideline for the treatment of systemic sclerosis
Christopher P. Denton et al.
ASCT: haematopoietic stem cell transplant; cAMP: cyclic adenosine monophosphate; cGMP: cyclic guanosine monophosphate; DU: digital ulcer; NHS: National Health Service; PAH:
Please see full guideline text for citation details for references listed above. The guideline is available as supplementary material at Rheumatology Online (
regional network. A shared care approach with
comprehensive care plan that outlines advice
about sudden complications and long-term
approaches to living with the disease, including
patient support groups and specialist nurse
advice. Patients should be empowered to be
involved in self-management, and access to spe-
cialized helplines or local support groups should be
made available for discussions and advice through-
Summary of pub-
including SSc
Service delivery
(i) Time to assessment in a specialist SSc clinic after
cGMP is a downstream
Standard 100%.
Patient-specific audit
(i) Documented management plan for each patient.
Standard 100%.
(ii) Documentation of explanation of risks of immuno-
suppressive and other SSc therapies for child-
bearing in appropriate cases. Standard 100%.
(iii) Proportion of patients having phosphodiesterase
cyclase agonists
Standard 1050%.
(iv) Proportion of patients referred for invasive investiga-
Drug class
BSR and BHPR guideline for the treatment of systemic sclerosis
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itoring of efficacy. Standard 100%. controlled trial of methotrexate versus placebo in early
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The authors thank the BSR audit and guidelines working scleroderma patients with or without prior or current is-
group and the BSR office for help, support and encour- chemic digital ulcers: post-hoc analysis of a nationwide
agement in developing this guideline. multicenter cohort (ItinérAIR-Sclérodermie). J Rheumatol
Funding: No specific funding was received from any
13 Hachulla E, Clerson P, Launay D et al. Natural history of
bodies in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors ischemic digital ulcers in systemic sclerosis: single-center
to carry out the work described in this manuscript. retrospective longitudinal study. J Rheumatol
Disclosure statement: C.P.D. has been a consultant to 2007;34:242330.
Actelion, GlaxoSmithKline, Bayer, Inventiva, Takeda and 14 Mouthon L, Mestre-Stanislas C, Bérezné A et al. Impact
Roche and received research grants from CSL Behring, of digital ulcers on disability and health-related quality of
Novartis and Actelion. J.v.L. has been a consultant for life in systemic sclerosis. Ann Rheum Dis
MSD, Pfizer, Roche, BMS and Eli Lilly. A.L.H. has been a 2010;69:2147.
consultant to Actelion and Apricus, has spoken at meetings 15 Bérezné A, Seror R, Morell-Dubois S et al. Impact of
sponsored by Actelion and received research funding from systemic sclerosis on occupational and professional ac-
Actelion. All other authors have declared no conflicts of tivity with attention to patients with digital ulcers. Arthritis
interest. Care Res 2011;63:27785.
16 Guillevin L, Hunsche E, Denton CP et al. Functional im-
pairment of systemic scleroderma patients with digital ul-
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