Human Geography - Nature and Scope

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CHaptir 0) & Human enya S Natwet and Scope | Tomes ee) dua field of study which a crtrgratiw (eget), erepoilea’ Chee on amit) ) sand aera Ths, ei arn Lh extemdive and each ond hes ered tho vats over Spack and eh cae re studied geopraphically | , , , b ‘ ' 5 Physical mae studies physital envivonmest, and Human | “Gu relationship between Lhe physical Vy we natural world 4 Human world: » the spatial dist bution b of wwuman — phenomena and bo th comt about , tre p | Socte and ceomemit differ b different parts , , ’ ' > , , , r ' ’ ’ ’ treo ch the world | 4 (treeapag > | fs om sna oh Necture 4 Human Beng, eee as sa i of Duabism © Whether as a discipline should Ricayae inaking 1 "+ [amend (Wortehee) on. ducripitve [dtographic), 4: water tycle process . Decription oT red h tees which Human soci ee Bt al dover world | wa ts not otis o whet study sapproack —shoutd ke gral penal o Whether geegraphical plunomina be nbiputed themptealty se thug Hidorit natitutonel approach P RU fi you voll appreciate het ty Diels biolwen prypieeh 4 Human fs net a valid one becaude nature 4 Vunan arr inseparable Llemindy 4 showlol be seen Holster ( yd) “Human Greopraphy is Hie synthutic. shualy of suladiouhi between Human societies fearthy surface .” \ - Reiteel - | , nei is He kepwerd here . tombini Humans ‘ _——_ toring oy erat 4 tot Human Creo ds fre study of re henge salad ip between Ahe servis man and dans nteble — Fovuth »” — Ellen + Semple hi, Dynamism (Change) in Hee reuloctionlip vs fe k hurt + “Y Creegraplieat Phenomeria art dtdribed in metaphor using Symbols from Fae Humen anatomy - 4: Rivecis mouth , eye of tye » Neck of Zsthmes { A novew pea of land which ‘FS swrrourided | by wate on ity sides 4 connect twee, large land bodies. ~ Cruvman ‘bree Ward Pha te state /courd esa living organism 4 Networks a rood, seailways as Santeried of Aiveatation? end wahrways te 5 Uing prom mare knowledge of : rea rat tnt “Govern! Bt ee the e " Dk 7 bi + * Hl ” | gulationt between Hu lini beings whith inhabit it” — fuk videl de la Bache 6 i egrapl offs a new Aonetption Ce Hu "cbavletinthpd between earth 4 Humen being. a te sled Ft besa lecionahip bel w ern Mu Physieal envionment and socioa twa! envi vonment orcahed Humon brings fluor mutual sixturaction with 4 a * Cork ofr’ 77-3 Exnain OX, | Elemewcta sf thepieal ———» | Flementy of Socrocultiveal Envivonnwnd 4 Environment = Enterrelation Ship , soils climate, wotur ynahoret vegedad” 4 diveree flora farina Hovis, villages, rr yall networks y ind utleres forms porta , items of daily mee punfle Physital Envfronment hes been medificd by Rumen belngs, i hes ole, tn Tun , inVpaeted human Jisits- Nodwrelisation of Humans ond Humanisadion ef Natwee i fu thei itl environment | oer “a uv . To product 4 sreals something « al oct Flumeun beings produce of cyeatt a “important “ott” tht it od oud duct L coeate 7, id any Ture A tay pes . Gas rot important wh Technology , indiecte sa loel af, Aultwral devcleprecat spovcety ingy werd able te develop Aedhnolo ee te of nosh Tous ° 4 wvwvvvIuwv7vwveuwsevwvVwewevvwvwvewwwwvvT FT FFT TTT 7T 7 | | | Sa aa tli a aml ee an alt ia wv in tht Farly stagu. heel of Recon wend very lew. Stage of Human social development wos also primitive « Tntvaction between prtmtive Humen society 4 strong forces of, Noche was stumed at Environmental Determinism, worun Tht activities of Human buings are’ dutermired by the ster envivonmental forced ane ef Environmental Determinism , Enviyonmental Determinism Enviyenmusct determines Human actions - lew Auchrologiel development Natwrrlised Humans —» iskned Be Natures 4 was afraid 4 wees fey (4419) and worshipped it. Erne + (SRG da) — Benda lives in Ah mood ara » Central Dndlia . — wears a hoindoth (orm) d swureyr tee Ponda (foreet). — Practiced Shi suttivation - — He thinks he Su happy, as ke sees Mahuey Polos 4 Sal Du which shelterd him from childhood - — As We dainks water from the river she thanks hoi hupi spook ot Apust > for ala ae As yurncl a “to Barter(erchowgs) spreiak burbs at ihe Moshe or Tribak Farr - Necalisation ef Humans. 1 Humanisation of Noort ) How @*. De pope in to understand Lhuir envivonmend { the ' forces of mature ree seh pos eae of time: i With Soria 4. Cltwral development Humans develop better b mow tetent Aechrelogy « t AG, ay tmpacT OA Haman activites ant crated ereryoWie, en wi ds y huge urban, orchards » fields 4 pasture in placns end rolling hills s ports on the coasts » ocranic routs on oceanic surfaces and satellites in the Space - large land arg ssiBILism : Notun providas opportunities and Human beings Possiul and slowly nahure qs Humenteed imprints ef Homan Endeavour - cata) 1 (Eoinmeyins oFteamme Vs (ae ey ad ' Gavi ffith Taylor intredueed anotrer concept whith reffeots a middle path (Madhyam mi between the two ideas - ‘neo Det euninism? OR ‘Mtep 4 Gro Detewntnism? Ld 1 eThis concept shows that melt ss there & siltation absolute necessi (Envivonmentat Determinism) ner is thurea vonditien of absolut om Chossibiltsm). oe G means Human bei can_te: netwrr bey obi : at hawt Je suspond Ae the vid slonaly and Can proc ee: puuuity ef development when yechure eo athe medi fications Eee E . The fue Jun whith tht dunwloped economi ts attempted te tabs has abuady sutatted in Lhe grunhoutl effect » agene layer deptetion global running afucttng aglacivrd and digrading lands (Te neo- dekerminism soncepturtt attempts DB briny a | | botomrer men the Wither? or dichotomy . Human Greegrape hy through the Corridors of dime e The process of adaptation , adjustment with and mode fication of te environment started vol th the appearance of teman 5 over Nu swrpece of earch ‘in diffoend ecological Ly niches: = Human Gr hos its novts is 4 k penny dep in eee Tus , 2A coneont of Human gee have a | Aumnpora aontinuwm, Hhough Ant approaches He artthlate thom have thawged over time a ents of Ag set mi , Laut "iS vou Aiferrerct from “Ane 4fout- ¥ Evin tw was Little Srtnacton between societies and the Knowledge about each other wad limited + Travellos 4 explores used to disseminate (speed) Jnfoumation about the wad he visit. Jue Aocte, 15" cont witnessed ocbtempte of explorations in Furope and soy myths } rrysteries abouttountriey cud people started cto opin up! jhe tolonial puried provided impetus Catarer) te wether arplovections in rd. Ae access the recorees of the sugiond and te obtarn inverttorised cnformation ¥ sts EVOLUTION OF HOMAN Crt OCR A PHY “4 a | Approaches | Broad Feats “4 E | Exploration [Tempo ial 4trade inkursaty prom pled at, Colon on Poriod | Deeviption [tater | Region lolonioR | pxiod | ets | ie 4 exploration of mew wads, [An enty lopedic tei ef WS arta ime an important aspect of ts geographers Atcourt » eee coe ate dtaviption | ih opty ren aig al agar was thet afk Hit sergiend wor poo awhole.fe-earth 5 6, tiated {Sou putts in ee a | | | | xe aon tht whole. me | freak Ne ee a tet i siation eaijeten ha Toten Ht ong ye Ware Period and cand why it was spd “| fen acta teas Tepaatat 3 te nis action LoL IXb04 oy Tanke tht 1k ef pts art raf statistink Lae Laws of praaies wer oftin applied te map Human phinomin’ + This — Vs called Quantitative Revolution The matn objective was te idewctify may parle pattrrt fox difppunt T aoe Thiscorterdment with tht parktative Mee pegs revolution hy Zh dehumend seq manne sadieaR 4 te pats It de UL ign eT ea ae schools ct ef burner oe un ht i Huumaw Cress “tg Ue rralde rape solevarc Ae the om Vitter oe by Tue ew cant schools mm Jaoegedt Post modernis Te grand nation and the (9904 ost modernism ih geet tM ~ Nicabilt in Grenpraphy applic uP Vejaaass tondifent pastioned. It importance mr dnt— qv wach loo corte van its aright was nip Hunn Creegropley and difforet school of Thought ). eLyare / ishe Sch Le srouget Ww Humanistic Schoo 7 rn ee @ Mav concerted with the diffrent adpl well fbung of Ant people» Thede included aspects such 24 Howaing , Healt 4 clucation - o Creo hawe inhoduted an exam ad | heoyeaphy af Sa a ain re fost -brvedlirale | Cwurieulum | )kedical School of Thougus ie Radical: school &} Hougrt employed moulin te explain (the badic tase of poverty , diprivatton 4 social inegpality 1 Contemp j soriak problems wer ruloted to the | dereloprnenct of Capitation « (@Behewiowrel School of Thowglat _ Beowinwah — school ef thougect mid grat amprasis on liv of | expartente fale om tht pereeption of space ky social | tategeries bud en climteity jrace and religion, ce - Fields and Subfields of Human G1 wt H fegnap he AS hig | enter disciplin wumon > Deg a rhea wy, : Yt dele close untirfacr with oth sicher ductpline in Sothal sereneee in ord te arnduvutend , + enplain druman elements om the surface of he Forth: Ip ImpacT@e. ! x) Emongence vf Sakbjell of Homan Greegraphy ft fields © Sub- Fields di'seiplineso-f Social Se/ences pLeopeephy t Loctal tn Sociol ne cogeh ay oviologes | Behwviowral Creopraphy Psychole, , | Soerat Creogeapiny eg welfare —“Eromomics | Greegrep ¢ breography of Kelowwee Seciolopy Cultwuak Creoprapky as el bender Creogrea py ee ene enad * Historleal Ga History ia et bree} E pid emology Leonie fica] on Creo Urban Studies 4. Plann ¢ a # eee d foliticad Foliticad « Creopraphy Politica Seiemee ne [Fleciora Creography Feepho logy (study ef € leetions) | Military Creogeaphy | Military Sciewee ) foputation foputation trengrapy Demnigaphiy | | | reopen -| Settement | Stlement reo Wiban|Rwrek Planni lee. 4 yeep un] es | Etonomic Creoprapry Economics Creograply of Resources Resource Economics Etonomic [Greayraphy of Agricul | Agurltirak Scfences ) | Creognapy breeyrophy ef Industrres [ Creograpy of mark etry Creoyraphy of Tourism Indushiat Feonomres 1 Business studies, Commerce y Ono Towrism 4 Traveh rm Pieters ly apenas? — ‘+ Tetonnatiiond 1. le

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