SSRN Id3455429
SSRN Id3455429
SSRN Id3455429
We have seen developing enthusiasm for approval of a business handle before it is executed due
to the many-sided quality to model business handle. In this paper, we propose a technique for
examining and approving the practical accuracy of a business, procedure shows. In view of our
past work, we display a business procedure in UML action outlines with OCL imperatives, then
we give a formal semantics of the business prepare the show, at long last, we approve the model
by prototyping. We have built up an apparatus—AutoPA to bolster our strategy. At the point when
applying the apparatus, a business procedure demonstrates indicated by UML action outlines with
OCL requirements are changed into an executable model in Java. Both the control stream
measurement also, the data flow measurement of the model is considered. With the model, clients
can approve the practical properties of the business handle shows in an intelligent way. We utilize
a certifiable the case as a contextual investigation: the business procedure of the primary
conveyance of home loan document in a hazard alleviation arrangement of a boycott (Isoda, 2003).
Literature Review
As the software project manager at the bank, I am going to use this work to provide a formalized
banking system’s Object Model and an instance diagram of the model with the head office
In the present Situation according to (Isoda, 2003), the focused environment in managing a
banking sector, worldview is evolving quickly. Different new things can be found in managing a
banking sector, since it is embracing new ideas furthermore, innovation to enhance their business
and to win the fulfillment of their clients. The show paper talks about the part of Unified Modeling
Language (UML) in the Object Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMS) banking
sector. The Object Oriented Database innovation is considered as the fifth era database innovation.
OODBMS can be considered as a mix of two technologies, Database Management Systems and
Object Oriented systems. A contextual investigation in to the banking systems has been taken to
clarify how different accounts and transactions can be arranged. Object oriented Data Modeling
procedure has been used to store the information and it is spoken to with the assistance of UML
Use-Case diagram, Object Model Diagram, Sequence diagram and Instance diagrams
Object Model
The diagram below is as opined by (Simons, A. J. H., 1999), describing a formalized banking
system’s Object Model and an instance diagram of the model with a head office that coordinates
transactions and management activities of the 10 branches and it also show that transactions
involving credit and debit of accounts are done at all branches. The types of accounts at the bank
owned by customers are savings and current accounts of Bank Accounts using
UML generalization sets. Bank accounts could be grouped into UML generalization sets based on
different criteria. Example diagram below shows bank accounts split by savings type and current
account type. These two dimensions also have corresponding branches out of the 10 branches and
it also show that a customer can have two or more bank accounts either for personal or for business
purposes. From the diagram again you can see that all the branches are being supervised and
coordinates by the head office
Head Office Withdrawal Amount
Deposit Amount
* Time
Transaction Type
Branch Identifier Code ist n
Name of Bank
* *
* Credit
Debit from to
Branches (10) 1 1
Accounts Customer
Branch Identifier Code Account Number Customer Number
keeps Owns by
* Account balance *
1 1 Customer Full Name
Address Interest on Account Customer Address
Account Fees Date of Birth
1 Account Type
Belongs to
People open savings account so as to allow them to make savings. The holder of the account can
be making some withdrawals and deposit in a limited options each month and this kind of
accounts provides no cheque books but they usually gives interest on the amount in the accounts
which is mostly higher than that of the current account but also lower than the investment
Current account is a type of account at the bank that uses cheque as the way withdraws or
transfer money from account and also do some transactions like, paying bills, transfer or loans. It
also happens that, holders of current account are allowed to make withdrawals and make deposits
2. Branch (Manager)
3. Headquarters Officer
4. Customer
1. Branch Employee: The Branch employee is an actor who can get, print or change the
branch reports. The branch employee can also check customer balance, debit or credit
customer accounts as depicted by the Use Case Diagram.
2. Branch (Manager): In this instance represents by the Manager or anybody with manager
privileges can charge accounts fees or set up new fees in the system.
3. Headquarters Officer: The headquarters officer can request to get branch report and get it
back by interacting with the system through various faces until the report is displayed and
made available to the Officer.
4. Customer: The customer can perform a transaction on the account and check balance from
the system as depicts by the use case diagram.
The Use Case is very important during documentation of system requirements. It helps the
developer and other stakeholders to understand how various actors can interact with the system. It
also helps stakeholders identify the functions or what business needs the system will solve and at
what level.
Also from the use case, you can determine other areas of the system that can be represented at the
same level of abstraction and other areas that can be represented at lower levels of abstraction. It
also represents external view of the system and help you to understand how interaction will be
done from external sources.
The Sequence Diagram above depicts steps by steps head office officer will follow to get a report
from a branch.
This Sequence diagram above shows how transaction is done from the head office Nyaley Savings
and Loans to the branches on customers accounts. we can see according to the diagram that the
work mostly comes from the head office and they accountant at the head office has to choose the
branch where the customer account is and in reaching out to the branch he has to also select the
type of account that the client is operating, that is either Saving Account or Current Account.
I conclusion I will say that according the diagrams so far I can confidently say that the models
that I have provided above and the explanations shown so far that they can assist the
analysis/design process of the banking systems on Nyaley Savings and Loans in their day to day
banking activities at the head office and also the 10 networked branches. With the model, clients
can approve the practical banking transactions. We utilize a certifiable the case as a contextual
investigation: the business procedure of the primary conveyance of home loan document in a
hazard alleviation arrangement of a boycott in the banking industry.
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