Retdem Checklist: Abdomen Lopez, Marjorie Joy C.: Refer To Picture in
Retdem Checklist: Abdomen Lopez, Marjorie Joy C.: Refer To Picture in
Retdem Checklist: Abdomen Lopez, Marjorie Joy C.: Refer To Picture in
Gather equipment (pillow/towel, This allows you to work efficiently by eliminating the need to go
centimeter ruler, stethoscope, to the supply room for items you have overlooked. Also, it
marking pen). prevents the stress to your patient that occurs when you
interrupt a procedure to go get a needed item.
Explain procedure to client. Explanation helps to alleviate anxiety, promotes cooperation,
and facilitates the examination
Ask client to put on a gown. They can be easily identified as a “patient” and remain safe in
the hospital.
Inspect the skin, noting color, Abdominal skin may be paler than the general skin tone
vascularity, striae, scars and lesions because this skin is seldom exposed to the natural elements,
(wear gloves to inspect lesions). scattered fine veins may be visile.
Inspect the umbilicus, noting color, The umbilicus should be centrally located and may be flat,
location, and contour. rounded, or concave. The abdomen should be evenly rounded
or symmetric, without visible peristalsis. In thin people, an
upper midline pulsation may normally be visible
Inspect the contour of the The normal contour of the abdomen is typically flat or rounded.
abdomen. A concave contour (inward curve of the abdomen that looks
sunken in) is concerning because it can be associated with
dehydration and malnutrition, and sometimes with anorexia
nervosa and cancer.
Inspect the symmetry of the The abdomen should be symmetrical and the umbilicus should
abdomen be midline. Note the location of any asymmetry. If you suspect
asymmetry, you can ask the client to take a deep breath in and
out; this can accentuate any asymmetry or potential bulges.
Inspect abdominal movement,
noting respiratory movement, REFER TO PICTURE IN PPT
aortic pulsations, and/or peristaltic
Auscultate for bowel sounds, Performing auscultation before percussion or palpation
noting intensity, pitch and prevents percussion and palpation techniques from interfering
frequency. with findings.
Deep palpation is CONTRAINDICATED for patients with suspected abdominal aortic aneurysm,
appendicitis, a tender spleen, a kidney transplant.
A normal liver, spleen, and kidneys are often not palpable. Palpation helps detect enlarged organs.