Let 150 Items Social Studies Drill Set A
Let 150 Items Social Studies Drill Set A
Let 150 Items Social Studies Drill Set A
35. Which refers to the act of the 41. What law provided for the granting
president to stay the execution of a of independence of the Philippines
convict? upon fulfillment of certain
a. Commutation conditions?
b. Reprieve a. Jones Law
c. Pardon b. Tydings McDuffie Law
d. Amnesty c. Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law
d. Spooner Amendment
36. These are networks of groups which
share attitudes and beliefs in their 42. Who was the famous sculptor who
activist advocacies of certain issues made the Oblation in the University
involving the environment, human of the Philippines and the Bonifacio
rights, welfare of labor, or the status monument in Caloocan.
of women. a. Edgar Doctor
a. Political coalition b. Napoleon Abueva
b. Global coalition c. Elizalde Navarro
c. Nationalist movements d. Guillermo Tolentino
d. Social movements
43. All Filipino citizens have the right to
37. It is a type of group where vote and to be voted upon as
membership is based on birth rather government officials. What is the
than recruitment. Families, tribes, constitutional right called?
clans, and ethnic groups are a. Suffrage
examples of this type of group. b. Electoral right
a. Political group c. Passive right to vote
b. Associational group d. Political franchise
c. Institutional group
d. Communal group 44. Who surrendered Corregidor
including the whole Philippines to
38. What form of immunity is enjoyed the Japanese?
by legislators while the congress in a. Elwell Otis
session? b. Douglas MacArthur
a. Presidential immunity c. Jonathan Wainwright
b. Diplomatic immunity d. Edward King
c. Parliamentary immunity
d. All of the above 45. Who was the president who
launched Philippines 2000 to uplift
39. What was the term office of the the economy of the Philippines so as
president under the 1935 to attain the stats of Newly
Constitution of the Philippines? Industrialized country (NIC)?
a. Six years without re-election a. Fidel V. Ramos
b. Four years without re-election b. Elpidio Quirino
c. Six years with one immediate re- c. Diosdado Macapagal
election d. Ferdinand Marcos
d. Four years with one immediate
re-election 46. What is the right of the state to take
private property for the benefit of
40. What is the procedural and the people but with just
substantive right of citizens to fair compensation to the owner?
a. Sovereign power 53. What building was the only one left
b. Power to tax intact after the destruction of
c. Police power Intramuros during the Battle of
d. Power of eminent domain Manila?
a. Manila Cathedral
47. Who were referred to as the people b. Quiapo Church
who had the opportunity of c. San Agustin Church
acquiring a good education during d. Manila Post Office
the Spanish period?
a. Peninsulares 54. What do you call the trade in which
b. Creoles people exchange goods without
c. Ilustrados using money
d. Insulares a. Mercantilism
b. Barter
48. What do you call the policy of c. Capitalism
extending a nation’s dominance d. Marxism
over other nations for economic and
political advantages? 55. What do you call the policy of the
a. Nationalism Tokugawa Shogunate to close the
b. Imperialism Japanese ports to the westerners to
c. Liberalism prevent the entry of Christianity?
d. Militarization a. Sakoku
b. Harakiri
49. Which of the following is a coastal c. Daimyo
center of trade where the Chinese d. Bakufu
government allowed Westerners to
carry on business? 56. What was the most famous empire
a. Treaty port in Southeast Asia that had adapted
b. Concession Indian influences?
c. Sphere of influence a. Pagan
d. Entrepot b. Funan
c. Ayutthaya
50. What method was used by the d. Angkor
Spaniards Portuguese to fight
Napoleon’s forces where small band 57. What was the basis for the founding
of soldiers made sudden surprise of pueblos or towns in the
attacks? Philippines?
a. Propaganda Warfare a. Situado
b. Guerilla Warfare b. Reduccion
c. Blitzkrieg c. Plaza complex
d. Divide and Rule d. Cedula
51. What is the religious and political 58. What caliphate ruled the Islamic
head of a Muslim state? community for 500 years and was
a. Sultan dubbed as the “Golden Age of
b. Caliph Islam” because Islamic science,
c. Datu literature and philosophy
d. Khanate Sultan flourished?
a. Umayyad
52. What system of writing uses pictures b. Safavid
to symbolize words and sounds? c. Orthodox
a. Papyrus d. Abbasid
b. Hieroglyphics
c. Alibata 59. Which of the following is a reason
d. Calligraphy why less developed countries find it
difficult to raise standards of living?
a. Lack of foreign aid
b. High rates of population growth c. Antarctic Circle
c. Plentiful savings but limited d. Arctic Circle
financial infrastructure
d. Shortage of labor resources 66. What region of the world is located
between the Tropic of Cancer and
60. Which of the following statements the Tropic of Capricorn with a
accurately reflects a strong School generally hot climate?
Culture? a. Polar
a. Has definite organizational core b. Tropics
values c. Mid latitude
b. Has high standards of d. none of the above
c. Has a network communication 67. The 180th Meridian lying opposite
d. Has informal rules behavior the Prime Meridian (180°) and
where one either loses or gains a
61. Which economic system is day when crossing it is called the:
characterized by private ownership a. Special meridian
of capital and considerable state b. Antemeridian
intervention in the allocation of c. International Date Line
resources? d. none of the above
a. Capitalism
b. Welfare state capitalism 68. Which is the best definition of
c. Socialism inclusive education endorsed by the
d. Market socialism DepEd?
a. It is a system to support children
62. If the prices of goods and services and youth in exclusive schools
were set in terms of bags of cacao b. It is a special support for children
beans, then the bag of cacao beans and youth who cannot attend
is: school
a. Quasi-money c. It is a mandate to include all
b. Store of value children and youth in community
c. Unit of account activities
d. A standard of deferred payment d. It is a flexible and individualized
support system for children and
youth with special education
63. Capital flight, divestment of foreign
capital and debt service payments:
a. Has no effect on the economy
b. Decrease the domestic supply of 69. Can the accused waive his right to
money remain silent and to have
c. Affects the economy competent and independent
d. Increases the domestic supply of counsel?
money a. No, it cannot be waived
b. Yes, if he voluntarily does so
c. Yes, if there is no counsel
64. What fixes the permanent position
offering his service
of a place on the surface of the
d. No, except in writing and in the
presence of counsel
a. Location
b. Direction
c. Destination 70. The oceans of the world cover
d. Elevation almost _________ of the earth’s
total surface.
a. Two-fifths
65. What are the lines running around
b. One-fourth
the earth in an east-west direction
c. Four-fifths
maintaining the same distance from
d. Three-fourths
each other?
a. Meridians
b. Parallels
71. A flat landform where the surface is 77. The primary purpose of taxation is
raised above the surrounding land, to:
with a steep cliff on one side is a: a. Make the country a leading
a. Valley industrialized country in the
b. Plateau world
c. Hill b. Raise revenue for the support of
d. plain government
72. What element on the map explains c. Reduce inequalities in wealth
the different symbols/signs used on and incomes
the map? d. Fortify the government against
a. Scale invaders
b. Title
c. Direction 78. The Philippine is composed of
d. Legend _______Island and Islets.
a. 7,641
73. The process of deformation of the b. 8,000
earth’s crust due to tectonic force c. 7,000
which produces mountains, d. 8,107
plateaus, folded, and faulted strata
is called:
79. Which of the following illustrates
a. Erosion
the concept of opportunity costs?
b. Volcanism
a. Cost of regret from not using a
c. Diastrophism
product of service
d. Deposition
b. Foregone alternative of getting a
product or service
74. The location of places in relation to c. Cost of satisfaction from
surrounding bodies of water is acquiring a product or service
referred to it relative ______ d. How fast a product wears and
location. tears.
a. Exact
b. Maritime
80. Which of the following is an example
c. Geographic
of capital as a factor of production?
d. Continental
a. The factory plant of general
manufacturing company
75. The Philippines is located on the
b. Money held by general
track of the typhoons that originate
manufacturing company
on the region of the Marianas and
c. A general manufacturing bond
Caroline Islands of the:
d. All of the above
a. Indian Ocean
b. Pacific Ocean
c. Antarctic Ocean 81. Which of the following is not one of
d. Atlantic Ocean the other things held constant along
a demand curve?
76. What is the teacher’s accountability a. Tastes
in the achievement of quality b. Income
education? c. Price of the good itself
a. Be accountable for the grading d. Price of other goods
performance of learners
b. Be accountable for reporting the 82. The reality that a decline in the price
performance of learners to of a product causes producers to
parents lessen the quantity of the good they
c. Be accountable for the effective plan to produce illustrates:
attainment of specified learning a. A change in supply
objectives and outcomes b. The law of supply
d. Be accountable for reporting the c. The nature of an inferior good
performance of learners to the d. The law of demand
school headend stakeholders
83. Which is an example of a capital c. Gross domestic product
good? d. Gross national product
a. A factory plant
b. A parcel of rice fields 89. Which of the following is an example
c. A businessman profits from his of a real flow from household to
investment firms?
d. A residential subdivision a. Factors of production
b. Goods and services
84. Why do economists set quantitative c. Income from factors of
values on the costs and benefits of production
everything? d. Payment for factors or
a. To make things readily available production
b. Market prices reflect people’s
values and how they ascribe 90. The overall instructional goals of the
value Social Studies are often related:
c. As a rational discipline, a. Encourage students to
economics has no interest in participate in the affairs of
morals and ethics society and to work toward
d. To estimate the relative value of establishing a good society
choices for sound decision- b. Broaden students’ perspective
making and understanding of the
community, state, nation and
85. Which is the largest component of world.
aggregate expenditures? c. Prepare students for a changing
a. net exports world
b. investment spending d. All of the above
c. government spending on goods
and services 91. The Social Sciences share many
d. consumption spending commonalities like the:
a. Faces on understanding and
86. Which of the following might be explaining human behavior
considered to be cost an associated b. Systematic collection and
with economic growth? application of data
a. An increase in unemployment as c. Use of scientific methods
a result of structural changes in d. All of the above
b. The creation of more taxes for 92. The dominant discipline that
the government contributes greatly to the Social
c. A rise in the standard of living of Studies curriculum is:
the population a. History
d. More savings by households b. Geography
c. Sociology
87. Which is unlikely to be consequence d. Anthropology
of increased unemployment?
a. Wide disparity in the distribution 93. The major source of content of
of income in the economy instruction for Civic Education is:
b. Decreased tax in revenue for the a. History
government b. Geography
c. A rise in the death rates due to c. Economics
illness d. Political Science
d. A fall in trade union influence
94. The policy sciences that study
88. The measure of the economic processes and decision-making are:
activity of all the people and a. History and Geography
business within a country is called: b. Sociology and Anthropology
a. National income c. Economics and Anthropology
b. Disposable income d. Political Science and Economics
thing that does not describe the
95. The use of behavioral objectives Japanese people is this kind of
helps the teacher to: character.
a. Measure students learning a. Unity
regarding the fulfillment of their b. Solidarity
goals c. Superiority over nature
b. Identify and select important d. Fortitude
learning goals for students
c. Teach more efficiency toward 102. This replaced the tribute as a
their goals form of taxation in the Hispanic
d. All of the above Philippine colony in 1884.
a. Donavito
96. The institutions and procedures b. Santotum
through which a territory and its c. Diezmosprediales
people are ruled refers to: d. Cedula Personal
a. Government
b. Family 103. One of the following is more
c. Community of a political realist (“might is right”)
d. Church than a political idealist.
a. Martin Luther King
97. Analysis in Bloom’s hierarchy of b. Julius Caesar
cognitive objectives refers to the: c. Mahatma Gandhi
a. Recall level of thinking d. Benigno Aquino
b. Utilizing level of thinking
c. Disassembling level of thinking 104. It is a kind of mentality that
d. Judgmental level of thinking makes Filipinos think that imported
products are superior to Filipino
98. The statement of applicability that products which does not help the
contain two or more concepts and country’s economy at all.
show relationship between them are a. Spendthrift Habits
called: b. Colonial Mentality
a. Facts c. Passivity Attitude
b. Themes d. Luxurious Living
c. Generalizations
d. Main ideas 105. It is an autonomy granted to
Filipinos during the Philippine
99. The process that is best applied to Commonwealth.
questions that can be narrowed to a. Full Independence
choices between alternative b. Freedom in education
possibilities is: c. American Citizenship
a. Creative thinking d. Partial Independence
b. Moral discussion
c. Problem solving 106. It is a religious monarchy and
d. Critical thinking state observer in the United
100. The following are learning a. Kingdom
components of Makabayan b. Holy See
except: c. Caliphate
a. Science d. Holy Faith
b. Social Studies
c. Technology and Livelihood 107. When Christopher Columbus
Education arrived in this place in 1492, he
d. Values Education thought he had reached India. He
therefore called the people he
101. The Japanese rebuild their found there Indians.
communities to show their good a. The America
character after an earthquake. One b. “New World”
c. Cape of Good Hope d. Generalized Assignment
d. India
114. What characterizes logical
108. Data less numerical and reasoning in the thought process?
better adapted for qualitative a. Clarity
analysis. b. Morality
a. Annulments c. Speed
b. Love feeling d. Reasonable
c. Single mothers
d. Divorces 115. What do we call those
people who are for the revival of the
109. On what year did Haiyan or classics in social trends?
Yolanda, one of the strongest a. Reformists
tropical cyclones recorded, b. Humanists
devastated Southeast Asia, c. Existentialists
particularly Philippines. d. Rationalists
a. 2000
b. 2013 116. What characterizes good
c. 1999 thinkers who desire to understand
d. 2014 and search for answers and
110. A teacher shows she knows a. Traditionalists
young learners well by avoiding this. b. Mythmakers
a. Step-by-step- directions c. Crowd followers
b. Active learning d. Innovators
c. Hands-on experience
d. Complex directions 117. It is a fallacy or direct
deception made by a politician who
111. It is the fundamental basis puts an ugly, unfair, and defamatory
for data gathered in the science of label on people, e.g., “Activists are
Sociology, Biology and Physics. all terrorists.”
a. Belief a. Distraction
b. Logic b. Rationalizing
c. Wisdom c. Name-Calling
d. Observation d. Loaded Words
112. Teacher Jill stressed the 118. These are basic needs, and
whole picture of the Philippine not simply related items or
Social System and the application of complimentary goods that
knowledge from different fields, compliment man’s basic needs in
(history, environment, organization, society.
etc.) to understand various aspects a. Bags and shoes
of Filipino behavior. What is the b. Clothing
point of stressed by teacher Jill? c. electricity
a. Universalism d. food and shelter
b. Holism
c. Adaptation 119. What shows the kind of
d. Integration thinking which likes to identify an
idea or dilemma, wherein thinkers
113. To effectively combine may engage in such mental activities
objective and precise assessment of such as careful observation,
learning, this technique can be recalling, imaging, inquiring,
employed. interpreting, evaluating, classifying,
a. Oral Recitation and judging?
b. Observational Performance- a. Doing without knowing
Based b. Following orders
c. Subjective Evaluation c. Reflecting
d. Act on impulse b. Instincts
c. Dreams
120. According to Sociologists, d. Insights
conflicts in society need not be
violent and could be resolved 127. What is the systemic process
through this method. of collecting and analyzing
a. Revolution information to increase
b. Negotiation understanding of the phenomena
c. Coup d’état under study?
d. Putsch a. Discover
b. Research
121. Which of the following is not c. Data collection
one of the three major aspects of d. Experiment
scientific social research?
a. Data Collection 128. What is the branch of
b. Theory philosophy that studies the origin,
c. Data Analysis evolution, and structure of universe,
d. Philosophy especially such characteristics as
space, time, casualty, and freedom?
122. It is a principle that no one is a. Cynicism
above the law and the laws must be b. Consciencism
obeyed by all the constituents. c. Cosmology
a. Social Justice d. Conceptualism
b. Rule of majority
c. Egalitarian rule 129. What type of material is used
d. Rule of law to transfer information from one
person to another?
123. Errors that creep into news a. Constructional
reporting and is shown by a b. Informal
newspaper space. c. Formal
a. News stories d. Instructional
b. Erratum
c. News photos 130. It is the name for the
d. Commentary estimated measurement of the
ground motion that occurs during an
124. It is the basis of scientific earthquake.
theory that can be empirical and not a. Crichter Scale
merely speculative opinionated. b. Reachter Scale
a. Authority c. Richter Scale
b. Tradition d. Homerian Scale
c. Evidence-based
d. Logical reason 131. He was the Greek scholar
and librarian of Alexandria who
125. The role played by introduces the word geography from
assessment that determines the the Greek word which means
extent that objectives of learning “earth” and graphos which means
are met. “to write”.
a. Formative a. Aristotle
b. Placement b. Plato
c. Diagnostic c. Eratosthenes
d. Summative d. Socrates