Learner Guide - BSBPMG513 (Student)
Learner Guide - BSBPMG513 (Student)
Learner Guide - BSBPMG513 (Student)
1 Introduction
Project Stakeholders
Quality metrics
Documentation of quality metrics
Quality criteria
2 Managing project quality
Quality management plans
Project quality: tools and techniques
Quality management methodologies
3 Quality requirements
Project management plan
Quality assurance
Implement quality assurance
4 Quality audits
Quality control
Identify variances
Root cause analysis
Change request
5 Quality management system
Review variations
Project life cycle
Reviewing the project
Lessons learned
6 Further reading and additional videos
Week 1
Project Stakeholders
Quality metrics
Documentation of quality metrics
Quality Criteria
In order for any project to be successful and to meet its goals and outcomes, it needs to
meet all of the identified quality requirements and objectives. The stakeholders within a
project will generally have a major influence on determining quality objectives and
standards; their level of influence will depend upon their level of authority and seniority,
as well as their importance to the project.
The business, stakeholders and relevant personnel and departments will usually work
together to determine and agree on quality standards and objectives.
o Variations that are outside of acceptable tolerances and variation ranges can have
negative effects on the project’s quality
o Where these are given, quality management processes should ensure that the
expectations are
You can have it cheap and fast, but the quality may suffer
You can have it quality and fast, but the cost will be higher
You can have it quality and cheap, but this will take longer
o Managing project quality is about ascertaining what the client values in the
project and managing the project to achieve these objectives and outcomes.
Industry standards
Further Reading
All quality requirements and standards should be discussed, determined, agreed and
communicated to all participants in the project before it begins, in order to manage quality
from the very beginning. Ensuring that all participants are fully aware of quality
requirements before commencing any project work can help to prevent many issues
Agreeing on standards and quality requirements with stakeholders ensures that all parties
are on the same page and allows you to commence work in line with these requirements
and expectations, minimising the likelihood of disagreements and misunderstandings
Project stakeholders
Business owners
As these persons have an interest in the project, they can contribute to setting the
expectations and requirements for quality.
In order for the project to be successful and to be of sufficient quality, all identified
stakeholders must be aware of the quality requirements and how these will be planned,
maintained and achieved. When the project’s quality levels drop or slip, the project can be
at risk of failing to reach its objective(s); this is why all stakeholders must be aware of and
understand the quality requirements and can work towards achieving these together.
All stakeholders must be properly briefed on their role in the project and must understand
exactly what is expected and required of them.
The way you communicate with stakeholders will vary according to organisational
procedures and client requirements and preferences.
Specification paperwork
All communication methods should allow for easy and clear communication so that both
parties can explain their positions and requirements in order to reach a mutual agreement.
Where verbal communication takes place, it is expected that the agreements and
requirements will be provided on paper as proof and confirmation of the agreements and
Quality metrics are a very important component in the quality management plan. Quality
metrics are values and measurements used to benchmark levels of required and expected
quality within a project. These quality metrics define the required and acceptable levels of
quality and can be used to gauge how effective the quality management of the project is
or was.
Quality metrics can also be used for continuous improvement purposes; by identifying
baseline requirements, targets and above-average results, you can assess the quality of
projects, identify areas for improvement and improve quality to be able to attain higher
levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
Included in the quality management plan and covers components of a quality definition
table and identification of tools, techniques and methods used to monitor quality.
These vary project to project but can include any of the following:
- work activities
- benchmarking
- rankings
- definition control
- cost/benefit analysis
- timeframes
- reviewing processes
- monitoring
- engagement of personnel
- resolution of issues
Further Reading:
- items essential to the project (for example specific design features, functionality,
- measurement of items
- a unit of measure and standard for each item identified (these would be
- any items that can be compromised if required.
For example:
Quality criteria
Quality criteria can be used as a framework for working towards achieving quality
requirements. These criteria are given as benchmarks and expectations by which the
actual performance will be measured; results that achieve above and beyond the criteria
can be deemed exceptional, whereas results that do not meet criteria can be deemed
insufficient, below quality and sometimes negligent.
Codes of conduct
Codes of conduct
Codes of conduct can be defined by the organisation or by industry bodies and set out
standards that are expected of organisations undertaking projects. Adhering to codes of
conduct can improve the quality of your project’s deliverables.
Further Reading
Determine the quality standards and criteria, targets, and metrics that would apply to the
Share you answer in the Student Forum and review the answer of other students.
True or False? When identifying quantifiable criteria, you must understand the deliverables of
the project.
Week 2
Despite good project planning and scheduling, poor or absent communication with team
members and stakeholders can bring a project undone. Project managers need excellent
Stakeholders include everyone who has an interest in, can influence or is affected by the
project's implementation or outcomes. To engage stakeholders, identify who they are,
analyse their concerns and what they need to know and then prepare a strategy to
provide the appropriate amount of information and opportunities for involvement.
Early in the process it is important to identify the key outcomes and outputs of the project
and how you will measure whether they have been delivered. Implement processes that
measure progress, both qualitatively and quantitatively, throughout the project at
individual, team and whole project levels. This ensures that problems can be identified
early and successful tactics can be promulgated throughout the project.
Along with good measurement go good review mechanisms. Successful project managers
diligently and regularly review progress against the schedule, budget and quality elements
of the project. Regular review allows problems to be identified early so that corrective
action can be taken to keep the project on track. Review also helps team members to
learn and improve their skills.
Measurement and review are important, but they are only effective if the project manager
takes action on issues identified. Leaving problems to be fixed up later is a recipe for
disaster. Simple issues should be addressed immediately. More complex issues should be
added for action into the project plan and resources allocated to address them.
Different quality management plans work in different ways, but they can all incorporate
quality metrics. The quality metrics must be properly documented within the quality
management plan so that they can be implemented and referenced.
Your organisation may set its own policies and procedures for completing quality
management plans and may use its own templates. You must follow the protocol properly
in order to ensure that the right information is recorded and it is presented in the correct
Further Reading
Share your thoughts in the Student Forum and review the notes from other students.
Quantifiable criteria
Quantifiable criteria can be measured in order to gauge the extent to which project
progress and deliverables are meeting targets and other requirements.
Quantifiable criteria are useful because they provide an identified target, requirement or
goal that can be measured and assessed. Quantifiable criteria allow you to determine just
how well a project or element of the project is doing and to take the appropriate action, if
Control charts
Defining control
Pareto charts
Processes that limit and/or indicate
Root cause analysis
Run charts
Selection criteria
Undertaking cost-benefit analysis.
These methods can be used to identify and resolve issues in project quality management.
For example, you could use a histogram to identify how long different stages of a project
have taken, or the costs of different elements of the project. This would enable you to
After discovering the quality problem, you can take steps to resolve it. This may involve
using one or more additional tools and methods and/or a technique not listed here.
For example, if your histogram revealed that the project was off-track time-wise, then you
could conduct a root cause analysis to identify the problem, such as an insufficient amount
of staff and resolve the problem, such as by assigning more staff to the task(s).
Your organisation may stipulate which methods should and should not be used, in order to
ensure uniformity and understanding.
There are also different types of methodology you can use to monitor a project’s quality.
These can be used as a standalone method or in
conjunction with management tools.
Lean management
Six Sigma
Again, the quality management methodologies you can use will be determined by the type
of project and processes you are managing, as well as your organisation’s policies and
You will need to apply your knowledge and understanding of the different tools and
methodologies as well as the project in order to determine the most suitable and effective
According to Michael L Young, what are the 6 key factors for managing project quality?
Week 3
Quality requirements
Project management plan
Quality assurance
Quality requirements
All team members and stakeholders must be aware of the quality requirements applied to
the project; this is so they can adhere to any requirements and contribute to the success
of the project and the achievement of its goals and deliverables.
Quality requirements are similar to quality policies and criteria, which define the terms and
targets of project work respectively; quality requirements state directly what must be
achieved and undertaken for the correct level of quality to be achieved.
When you are required to develop or help develop quality requirements, you
will have to:
Understand the project
Different stakeholders will be involved in this discussion and will work together to reach an
It is good practice to discuss the quality outcomes and how to meet them with team
members and stakeholders, in terms of quality requirements, strategies and the plan
Information communication:
o To make sure all team members and stakeholders are aware of the quality
o To provide detail
Organisational procedure
Addressing issues
Optimising processes
Communication is very important in project work and indeed all work. Adequate
communication before, during and after a project can ensure that staff are motivated and
problems are addressed as required.
As explained previously, the project’s quality management plan will contain the quality
metrics for the project, which can be used to assess and monitor performance.
These metrics and requirements will be recorded in the project management plan so that
all team members and stakeholders are clearly informed and can refer to the information
as and when required.
As explained previously, these metrics and stated requirements can be used as a way of
measuring the performance levels of current and future projects; if the information is not
included within the plan, then it cannot be referenced and used.
Performance measurement
o Budgets
When you have determined how efficient and effective the project’s processes were, you
can determine how compliant the project was; this information is what will be recorded in
the compliance record.
Forum Activity
Assume that you are organising an end of term party for your class.
What would make the project effective and what would make the project efficient?
Share you answers in the Student Forum and review the answers of other students.
Forum Discussion
Watch the video How Toyota Changed The Way We Make Things
Share your answer in the Student Forum and review the answer of other students.
Maintain records
o Summary sheets
o An electronic file
o Spreadsheets
Project compliance records can also be included in the project’s paperwork, such as the
log, handbook or journal.
Quality assurance
Quality assurance refers to the process of monitoring quality throughout the duration of
the project in order to ensure that it is maintained. Quality assurance allows any issues
and problems to be detected early so that they can be resolved promptly and therefore
minimise impact to the rest of the project.
Conformance to standards
Quality Assurance
Systematic review
This method reviews quality management throughout the project to ensure compliance
with organisational policy and guidelines. This allows any problems to be detected and
dealt with early in an effort to minimise damage to the project’s quality. Establishing a
systematic review is good practice because it means that the
project will be automatically managed.
Continuous improvement
In order to improve future practices, continuous improvement
methods are used by many organisations; continuous
improvement seeks to continually improve practices and methods,
as opposed to repeating past mistakes and allowing processes to
In project quality management terms, this means continually analysing actions and their
results and optimising the current and future processes in order to maintain the quality of
the project and its components.
Lessons learned
Lessons learned are where an organisation identifies a past mistake or ineffective process
and takes steps to improve this process and avoid repeating the mistake.
When you are tasked with implementing quality assurance you will need to have an
understanding of the above elements in relation to your project.
This means:
Reviewing the project’s current progress and methodology, in terms of:
If your organisation uses any additional or different quality assurance processes, you
should ensure that you are aware of these and that you understand how to implement
them effectively and efficiently.
Outline three (3) forms in which staff can be supported in achieving quality
Week 4
Quality audits
Quality control
Identify variances
Root cause analysis
Change request
Quality Audits
Quality audit is the process of systematic examination of a quality system carried out by
an internal or external quality auditor or an audit team. It is an important part of
organization's quality management system and is a key element in the ISO quality system
standard, ISO 9001.
Quality audits are typically performed at predefined time intervals and ensure that the
institution has clearly defined internal system monitoring procedures linked to effective
action. This can help determine if the organization complies with the defined quality
system processes and can involve procedural or results-based assess
Audits are an essential management tool to be used for verifying objective evidence of
processes, to assess how successfully processes have been implemented, for judging the
effectiveness of achieving any defined target levels, to provide evidence concerning
reduction and elimination of problem areas. For the benefit of the organisation, quality
auditing should not only report non-conformances and corrective actions, but also
highlight areas of good practice. In this way other departments may share information and
amend their working practices as a result, also contributing to continual improvement
An audit inspects a system to ensure that it is operating correctly and can be applied to
any part of the project management system. Having a quality assurance plan can actively
support the quality management of a project and should be implemented throughout the
lifecycle of the project.
Why audit?
Auditing your quality management processes allows you to examine the processes and
identify any ineffective and non-compliant areas of the procedures.
To check accuracy
To assess security
To assess risk
To ensure compliance
Some processes may be audited by individuals who are not involved in the project, in
order to ensure that the audit is completed objectively and with no exceptions or
Quality control
Project quality management and control should be documented in line with organisational
requirements and agreed procedures. This allows you to maintain an accurate record of
current and past project information and contributes to continuous improvement
processes and allows you to document lessons learned.
Reporting variances.
Examining whether the project deliverables have been met or are on track to be met
Identify variances
Variances to the quality metrics may be required as the project progresses. Variances may
be caused by events inside or outside of the project; for example, if the project grows or
problems are encountered.
Where a project’s quality is subject to change, it is important to adapt and allow variances
to occur in order to ensure that quality objectives remain achievable.
In projects where the metrics and requirement are fixed and are not subject to change,
then variances may be the result of failings and other problems.
In any case, variances to quality metrics must be identified. This is so you can:
Take remedial action
Understand how the variance occurred
Take preventative action in the future
Minimise effects for this and future projects.
Quantitative measuring can enable you to identify variances in quality metrics; you will
also need to assess the situation to identify whether the variance could have a negative
effect on other elements of the project’s quality. Analysing metrics can provide you with
the tools and information you need to solve the problem and to forecast both the overall
outcome of the project and the potential and/or likely effect of the variance on the
remainder of the project.
A root cause analysis is a process you can follow in order to identify the root cause of a
problem. If the identified problem is indeed the root cause, removing it from the equation
would mean that the problem never occurred. You can identify the root cause of a
problem and take action to tackle this, which should mean that the problem can be
resolved and avoided again in the future.
In the above example, the problem that has occurred was the horse escaping. If you trace
the problem to its root cause, you can identify that the cause was a careless person leaving
the barn door open. By identifying the root cause, you can identify the solution: take more
care and ensure that the door is closed. If everyone made sure the door was closed properly,
then the issue will never reoccur.
A root cause analysis can be applied to many different situations and scenarios and can be
very useful for identifying and resolving problems.
Change requests
A change request is a document that outlines a request for change and is an integral part
of change management. In terms of variations to quality metrics, a change request may
be required in order to handle a change to the project and its quality requirements.
Change request documentation and authorisation are also required in system audits.
Reporting variances
Project managersaudit
Team members.
These personnel will be trained in how to develop and implement plans and resolutions; it
is important that you record all of the relevant and required information clearly and in line
with organisational requirements and standards.
Using compliance records, quality criteria, quality assurance and other methods and tools
covered in this unit will provide you with data on quality performance and will allow you to
identify variances.
Remedial action
Remedial action should be taken in the event of a variation in quality in order to preserve
the project’s quality and deliverables.
The remedial action will vary according to the nature of the project and the nature of the
problem; in any case, the action should seek to minimise damage and disruption and
ensure that project quality objectives and deliverables remain achievable.
Why audit?
A quality management system (QMS) is a system that incorporates several processes that
work together to aid in achieving project quality objectives. A QMS involves working to
eliminate project problems and to maintain quality in a cost-effective manner.
The processes involved in a QMS generally take the form of documents, which are usually
electronic in modern business.
Monitor compliance
Measure compliance
Monitor changes
Improve efficiency
Benchmark performance
Control costs.
The audit data that the QMS produces itself should be recorded and retained; this will
allow you to use it and refer to it as and when required.
Further Reading
Maintain QMS
In order to ensure that the QMS can produce accurate quality audit data, you must take
steps to ensure that it is maintained.
Review variations
Variance management
To avoid branding the project as unsuccessful and outside of the targets and
Review changes
When adjustments and allowances have been made for a project’s quality, you will likely
have to report on the progress of the project as a whole or the elements of the project
that concern the adjustment; this is to determine whether the change was justified and to
manage any additional variances that may occur. By implementing a change and
monitoring the operation of the project after this point,
you can assess how successful the change and
management was, thus developing your quality-
management processes and strategies.
After a project, this means assessing whether the project achieved its outcomes and
quality criteria; if it has, then the quality management can be considered successful.
You can determine the effectiveness of the quality management by using various tools and
methodologies to assess the quality of the project, as explained throughout this unit.
o Fishbone
o Ishikawa
Pareto chart
Run chart
Scatter diagram.
Lean management
Six Sigma
Lessons learned
By reviewing projects thoroughly you can identify lessons learned; this usually involves
identifying things that went well and things that didn’t go so well.
Things that went well should be replicated as far as possible in future projects and even
developed, if appropriate
Things that didn’t go well should be avoided in future projects. The solutions to these
problems should be recorded so that they can be implemented in future projects, if
o Necessary
Once you have identified the lessons learned you should document them so that they are
recorded and can be accessed and implemented by anyone involved in future projects.
How you document lessons learned may depend upon organisational procedure and the
nature of the lesson; simple lessons may not need any documentation at all, while more
significant and complex lessons may require reports and training sessions.
Information on the lessons learned should be recorded and included with the project
documentation as it is finalised. This documentation will be used by project manager to
implement lessons learned in future projects, by training and informing staff and
incorporating it into future project planning.
By documenting this information and reporting on what the problem was, how it was
discovered, how it was resolved and how much time and money it cost, the project
manager and other managers can form a contingency plan to deal with further similar
issues that may occur.
Lessons learned can only benefit future projects if they are recorded and implemented
properly. Where you are able, you should ensure that yourself and others take heed of
lessons learned and use them to improve your quality management.
Improvements are solutions and better practices that are developed from lessons learned
and previous experience in quality management.
Total Quality Management is a management style based upon the notion that all
employees and members are focused on maintaining high standards and quality in all of
their work.
Quality management and continuous improvement are constant efforts, rather than short-
term goals and should be integrated into all aspects of the organisation’s work and
Where your organisation operates a TQM system you should work with it to refine and
improve processes and hence overall project quality.
Read article/s:
Reading ISO quality management principles
Quality Assurance and Testing: A Quick Guide
Project Quality Management https://www.pm4dev.com/resources/free-
Significance of Keeping Documentation in Project Management
Project Status Reports