Kofc Opening of New Council

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Knights of Columbus

Growth &

Shortly after the founding of the Order, Father Michael J. McGivney wrote
a letter to every pastor in the diocese of Hartford, which at that time
encompassed all of Connecticut, and asked them to “exert your influence in
the formation of a council in your parish.” This demonstrated that Father
McGivney saw new councils as the best viable means of growth and
expansion for the Order, and that new councils should be parish-orientated.
Today, we are still pursuing Father McGivney’s goal of one Knights of Columbus
council in every parish, and as shown by the excellent record the Order has
enjoyed over the past years, we are closer today than ever before. However,
there is still a long way to go, and every state and province can contribute.
During his first address to the state deputies, Supreme Knight Carl
Anderson stated that “we have nothing less than a moral obligation to offer
every eligible Catholic man the opportunity and the privilege of membership
in our Order.” He also stated, “We must have a Knights of Columbus
presence in every parish.”
With that in mind, the guidelines in this booklet have been designed to assist
in the development of new councils, college councils and parish round tables,
as well as with the retention of councils in your jurisdiction.
Table of Contents
Council Growth:
New Council Development Guidelines .......................................2
New Council Development Expenses ..........................................9
Presentation of Charter Ceremony .............................................10
Reinstitution of Dissolved Councils ...........................................12
College Councils:
Development of College Councils ..............................................13
Round Tables:
Benefits of a Parish Round Table .................................................16
Guidelines for Establishing a Parish Round Table....................16
Operating a Parish Round Table .................................................17
Using the Name of the Parish Round Table ..............................18
Communication .............................................................................18
Round Table Reporting ................................................................19
Guidelines to Reactivation of a Council ....................................20
Reactivation Expenses & Correspondence ................................25
Procedures for Merging Two or More Councils .......................25
Sample Resolution for a Merger...................................................26

APPENDIX A – Notice of Intent (Form #133) ......................................28

APPENDIX B – Notice of Institution (Form #136)...............................29
APPENDIX C – Application for Charter (Form #137).........................30
APPENDIX D – Guidelines for Selecting Names for Councils .........31
APPENDIX E – Report of Round Table Coordinator (Form #2629) ........32
APPENDIX F – Annual Report of Round Table (Form #2630) ..........33


New Council
Development Guidelines
The development of new councils is primarily the responsibility of
the district deputy, with the assistance of his state’s new council
development chairman and the insurance agent. To assist him, the
following procedures have been developed.
The district deputy should determine the potential of both the initial
and future membership in the specific area under consideration. Are
existing councils attracting the vast majority of Catholic men in the
area, or are they “hitting and missing” in their efforts to do this?
Always remember Father McGivney’s dream of a Knights of Columbus
council in every parish. This is still our goal and you should strive to
achieve it within your district. Each priest deserves his own council —
and our job is to make sure he gets one.
After determining that the potential for a new council exists within the
district, the district deputy’s next step is to contact the pastor of the
parish where the council will exist. A letter of introduction is a good
idea, but it is by no means sufficient. The district deputy must
personally visit the pastor before beginning his efforts.
During this meeting, his first priority is to establish a good relationship
with the pastor. He should explain the Order at length and specifically
explain the benefits of having a Knights of Columbus council in his
parish. The district deputy should be prepared to leave some literature
with the priest for his perusal. It may also be wise to supply the priest
with the name of another pastor in the community that has a council in
his parish. The support of the pastor is essential if the council is to be
established. The district deputy should explain that he would like to do
most of his recruiting following Masses on a specific Sunday and that
pulpit announcements made by the pastor would be appreciated. If the
pastor wishes, these announcements can be made by the district deputy
or by a member of his committee.

From this meeting, the district deputy should attempt to get a list of
parish members and their addresses from the pastor. In addition, ask
for a list of names that Father would consider “good leaders.”
This should only be one of many meetings that the district deputy
has with the pastor; he will truly be one of the new council’s key
support persons.
If the pastor gives his permission for the formation of a new council,
the district deputy should contact the state deputy and inform him of
the current progress with the council. A Notice of Intent form (#133)
(see APPENDIX A) should now be completed and forwarded to the
state deputy for his signature, and subsequent forwarding to the
Department of Membership Development. The state new council
development chairman will also be advised when he receives his copy
of this form.
Upon receipt of this form at the Supreme Council office, a New
Council Canvasser’s Kit, containing a variety of recruitment materials
and informational aids designed to assist in the establishment of a
council, will be forwarded to the district deputy.
If the district deputy has not already done so, he should contact his
general insurance agent and inform him of the plans to establish a new
council. The agent will either assign a field insurance agent to work
with the district deputy or choose to do the work himself. The agency
staff is comprised of professional salesmen — salesmen who sell
membership as well as insurance. A wise district deputy will take
advantage of this professional assistance.
A date for the initial recruitment drive at the parish should be set.
The district deputy should also have ready the date and time of the first
organizational meeting. It is suggested that the district deputy provide
the parish priest with a pulpit announcement which would point out


that a Knights of Columbus council is being established at the parish

and where/when interested candidates should meet. It is also suggested
that a notice to this effect be placed in the parish bulletin.
From the district deputy’s contacts with the pastor and from the results
of his initial recruitment efforts, he should be prepared to select key
men interested enough to form a steering committee, which will assist
in the formation of a council at their parish. The district deputy and
the insurance agent should meet with them to prepare plans for the
organizational meeting. This may be a good time for the district deputy
to select a temporary chairman and temporary financial secretary —
the former to act as membership chairman and the latter to take notes
at the meeting, in addition to acting as temporary financial secretary.
These men, as the process continues, will be looked upon by their peers
as men of responsibility and will become the council’s first grand
knight and first financial secretary. Therefore, great care must be
taken in their selection.
The district deputy and temporary financial secretary should open a
bank account under the interim name of “New Council, (Town or
City), Knights of Columbus.” Checks should be signed only by those
two individuals, although the responsibility of these funds rests with
the district deputy. (Once the council number is assigned by the
Supreme Council office, this should be added to the checks.)
Advance notice should have been given to the parishioners regarding
the district deputy’s initial organizational meeting. This meeting should
be short and to the point. It is strongly suggested that wives attend the
meeting to get them and families involved early in the council and the
Knights of Columbus.
The district deputy presides over the meeting and welcomes the group
— he is not there to ask the group if they want a council — he is there
to organize a council. Remember to “accentuate the positive.”
The district deputy introduces the representative of the state council

(a state officer or new council development chairman) to promote the
overall program of the Order. His remarks should be tailored to the
group he is addressing. The important thing is that he knows what he
is talking about, that he is positive and upbeat, and that he covers all
aspects of the Order that the group is interested in.
The district deputy also introduces the insurance representative to
briefly explain the insurance benefits available for members, including
the “New Member Insurance Plan” for candidates and their wives. The
insurance representative will no doubt mention that he will personally
contact each prospect at his home to further discuss the Order’s
insurance features in greater detail.
Of course, the pastor and any members of the clergy in attendance
should be invited to address the gathering. The pastor will later be
asked to take on the role of council chaplain.
The district deputy and other members present should answer any of
the group’s questions before the meeting adjourns. Also, if the district
deputy did not have an opportunity to select a temporary chairman
or temporary financial secretary, they should now be selected.
If initiation fees and council dues have not been determined, they
should be finalized at this meeting.
The most important part comes when the meeting adjourns. Tables
should be set within the meeting hall so that assistance can be offered
to prospective members in completing their membership documents.
Membership Documents (#100) should not simply be handed out to
those present — prospects must be assisted in completing the
documents, and initiation fees and dues must be collected.
Chances are that after the first meeting, the required thirty members
needed to start a council will not have been met. The membership
committee (district deputy, temporary officers and the insurance
representative) should hold recruitment meetings at regular intervals
to review progress and hold additional membership drives. Additional
organizational meetings should be held to a necessary minimum, but
scheduled promptly so not to lose the enthusiasm of new members.
Candidates will want action — not discussion.



Do not hold candidates for a large Admission Degree class. The district
deputy should arrange for candidates of the new council to receive their
Admission Degree as they are enrolled. These candidates may be included
in classes being held by other councils within the district. The district
deputy can also arrange for a nearby Admission Degree team to exemplify
the ceremonial for a small group of candidates from time to time.
One Admission Degree class should be designated as the “Institution
Class.” The date of this degree can be used as the institution date of the
new council. However, the actual selection of the date is up to the
district deputy and the new council.
It is recommended that Candidate Kits (#531) be ordered six weeks
prior to the degree, either online through Knightsgear.come, or from
the Supreme Council Supply Dept. using a Requisition Form (#1).
These are chargeable items and normally assumed by the district
deputy’s council until such a time that the new council can reimburse
them — usually from initiation fees or when they receive the $200
institutional allowance from the Supreme Council. (Refer to the section
on New Council Development Expenses.)
Immediately following the institution date, the district deputy’s
records should indicate that a total of at least 30 men have completed
membership documents, and those who are new members have
been initiated into their Admission Degree.
The final figure includes new members, former members, and transfers,
although transfers should be held to a minimum.
The district deputy now completes the Notice of Institution (#136)
(see APPENDIX B) and forward one copy to the Department of
Membership Development, along with the membership documents for
the charter members of the new council. The form should indicate the
number of new members, the number of members who transferred into
the council, and the number of former members who renewed their
membership in the new council. A copy is provided for the state deputy
and should be forwarded to his office. Upon receipt of this form and
the required 30 membership documents at the Supreme Council office,
a number will be issued, and the council will be notified immediately.
Upon receipt of the Notice of Institution (#136), a Council Outfit Kit,
containing all the necessary supplies and materials for the operation of
a properly functioning council, will be forwarded to the new grand
knight. Included are accounting supplies, administrative and
ceremonial guidelines, and informational literature.
A Council Seal will be ordered by the supreme secretary’s office when
the Notice of Institution is received and the name selected for the new
council is listed on the form.
The district deputy may arrange for the election of the council’s first
officers prior to the institution, following the Admission Degree, or at
a meeting held at an early date after the degrees. Formal installation of
officers may be held at the district deputy’s preference, but should be
scheduled soon.
The Application for Charter (#137) (see APPENDIX C) should be completed
and forwarded to the Supreme Council office within 90 days of when
the council was issued a number. Names must be printed in alphabetical
order by last name, with members of the hierarchy and clergy first.
If an Application for Charter (#137) form is not received after 90 days, the
roster will be pulled and the charter will be produced. Any changes
made by the council after the charter has been processed will be
charged to the council in order to produce a new charter.
Charter members are only new members who signed applications or
members that transferred their membership into the new council on or
before the date of institution. If in the event that candidates failed to
take their Admission Degree for a valid reason the application may be
held until they receive their Admission Degree, but this must be a
reasonable length of time.
If the council is to be named after an individual, the district deputy
includes a short biography, along with the date of death, since the laws
of the Order provide that no council can be named after a living person
(Section 97). (See APPENDIX D for more information.)

If the district deputy does not designate a council name on the application,
the charter will reflect the city in which the council was established.
Upon receipt of the application at the Supreme Council office, the
charter will be engrossed and forwarded to the charter grand knight,
unless otherwise requested.
Upon receipt of the charter, it is up to the district deputy to make a
formal presentation of the charter to the grand knight on behalf of the
supreme knight and the board of directors. The charter gives evidence
of the right to exist as a council and authority to confer degrees in
accordance with the Charter, Constitution and Laws of the Order.
The presentation of the charter ceremony should be conducted by
the district deputy. Refer to the Charter Presentation Ceremony
After the institution of a new council it is essential that the district
deputy maintain a close personal contact with the new council officers
and the program directors to see that all are properly trained and
instructed in their respective duties and to assure the continued and
successful operation of the new council. Leadership development and
training resources can be found by logging onto the Fraternal Training
Portal. New council officers and program directors should be urged to
take an active role in all phases of council activity.
Service Program materials will be sent to the new grand knight
following the institution process at the Supreme Council office. The
grand knight should complete and return the Service Program Personnel
Report (#365) to the Fraternal Mission Department. This and other
reporting forms can be found at kofc.org/forms.
The council should begin immediately to make plans for the initiation
of its first class of candidates. Growth potential is greatest when
enthusiasm of the membership is at its peak. An early emphasis on
recruitment is encouraged at a time when the continuing excitement
of the members to the new venture is happening and will more easily
attract other eligible Catholic men to the new council’s ranks.
New Council
Development Expenses
The following should be noted regarding expenses in starting new
1. The necessary expenses of the state deputy (in the jurisdiction)
and the district deputy (in the district) for work performed in
new council development will be paid by the Supreme Council
and will not be chargeable to the state budget. Properly
chargeable items are lodging, meals, transportation and
telephone. These should be put through on regularly submitted
expense accounts forms (#267) and noted as NCD.
2. At the institution of the new council, after all forms have been
submitted [Membership Documents — 30 minimum, Notice of
Institution (#136), and the Application for Charter (#137)], the
Supreme Council will pay jointly to the district deputy and the
new council the sum of $200 for payment of expenses incurred
in the development of the new council. These would be expenses
other than those normally allowed. Examples would be:
a. Ceremonial teams
b. Candidate Kits
c. Printing or Postage
d. Incidentals — advertisements, coffee and doughnuts, etc.
3. After the district deputy takes what is due to him, the balance
is deposited in the new council’s account.
4. If the new council is not instituted, none of these extra expenses
will be allowed.
5. Candidate Kits (#531) are chargeable items and should be
ordered by the district deputy through his own council. The
district deputy will reimburse the council following receipt of
the $200 payment from the Supreme Council.
Questions relating to the “institutional allowance” should be referred to
the state deputy, the state new council development chairman, and/or
the Supreme Council Department of Membership Development.

Presentation of
Charter Ceremony
The presentation of the charter ceremony should be conducted by
the district deputy.
(District deputy invites grand knight to podium.)
D.D.: By order of the supreme knight and the supreme board of
directors, I have been commissioned to entrust this Charter into
your care and custody. I commit the same with full assurance that
the judgment and discretion of your brother knights of this council,
in placing you in the leadership position, is sufficient guarantee that
you will steadfastly adhere to and carry on the principles for which
this instrument is granted.
This Charter is evidence of your right to exist as a council and is the
credential of your authority as a council to confer degrees and perform
all functions of a council in accordance with the Charter, Constitution
and Laws of the Knights of Columbus. It is the certificate of your
affiliation and fellowship with the entire membership of our Order.
Its presentation to this council is a recognition of you by the Supreme
Council and a granting of powers to you by it and its acceptance by
you — a submission to the Supreme Council.
It is granted to you under the corporate powers given by the legislative
act creating this Order and the same power of granting includes the
power of revoking it for cause at any time. Let me remind you that the
four great principles upon which our Order was founded are essentially
necessary to mankind. The cultivation of our social amenities we owe
to our eternal faith, without giving way from any of the duties or
obligations, enables us to attract to our various councils the pleasurable
circle of brotherly love with malice for none but with charity for all; we
can contemplate with pride and admiration the good we can do, linked
together in crystallized purpose to promote each other’s welfare. In this
world of uncertainties, where honest want and grasping wealth jostle
each other where the nakedness of the indignant world might be
clothed from the trimmings of the vain, should the hour of necessity
present itself, the abiding satisfaction remains that we have a

brotherhood to aid and assist us, and to lift with willing hands the
weary traveler, that fate ordains should falter on the way.
May your council long continue to flourish and set a good example
for its members. May you all enjoy every blessing and satisfaction that
true exemplification of our principles of charity, unity, fraternity and
patriotism can bestow, and may the success of our Order be transmitted
through your council in this second century of our existence and many
years beyond.

Reinstitution of
Dissolved Councils
Only councils that have been officially dissolved by the Supreme
Council Board of Directors, need to be reinstituted. Councils that
have been dormant for years and still remain “on the books,” only

need to be reactivated. (Refer to reactivation guidelines in this

All reinstitutions of dissolved councils must be presented to the
board of directors for their approval. Once a completed Notice of
Reinstitution (#136) is received by the supreme secretary, along with
the necessary membership documents, it will then be presented to the
board of directors for their approval. Not until all the paperwork
required for the reinstitution (membership documents and the Notice
of Institution) is filed at the Supreme Council, will the supreme
secretary present this to the board of directors.
Upon notification of the board’s approval, an Application for Charter
(#137) should be submitted. Only names of members who have joined
the council by the date of reinstitution shall appear on the application
for charter. These names, along with the original charter members (if
available), will appear on the new charter.
Questions pertaining to the re-establishment of a dissolved council
should be directed to the state deputy, the state new council development
chairman, and/or the Supreme Council Department of Membership

Development of
College Councils
The advice below offers guidance in developing a college council;
however, active communication with the College Councils Department
is needed to best guide students and local knights who are developing
the council.
The development of new college councils and the redevelopment of
inactive college councils is important for the continued growth and
success of the college council program. Students, chaplains, and local
Knights wishing to develop college councils should first contact the

College Councils Department (203-752-4671 or college@kofc.org)
for further details. Our College Coordinators will be in touch to
discuss next steps, review the formation process, and answer questions.
Following an initial phone conference, the College Councils
Department will send a development packet to aid in starting a college
council. This kit will include brochures, posters, and other support
materials that have proven useful in past council developments.
The State Deputy should assign a district deputy or state college
coordinator to continue planning and development from the
local level. This appointed individual will receive a New Council
Development Kit which will contain materials to continue the process
of college council development. The College Councils Department will
continue to coordinate with this individual throughout the council
development process.
Students and local leaders will need to reach out to the campus
ministry office and connect with the campus chaplain or ministers
about starting a Knights of Columbus council. Supreme Council
staff can send materials to share with them and our coordinators are
available by phone and email to answer any questions regarding how
Knights of Columbus college councils operate. Students may also want

to gather information from the university’s student affairs offices
on how to become an officially recognized campus organization.
The best way to gather interest in forming a council is to make an
announcement at any weekend student Masses. The Chaplain’s
permission should be obtained for this; if possible having him
encourage men to join is helpful. Ideally a student should make the
announcement, but if no students have taken the lead in council
development yet, a local Knight or member of the State Council
should speak. The announcement should briefly explain the Knights of
Columbus as an international Catholic fraternity focused on charitable
works, faith formation, and support of the local campus community.
An organizational meeting should be planned for the following week

and the time and place of their meeting should be mentioned during
the announcement. The College Councils Department can provide
materials to assist with the pulpit announcement and informational
For the first informational meeting, a member of the College
Councils Department or the State Council leadership team should be
in attendance. Additionally, the campus Chaplain and other campus
ministers should be present. All interested men (including members who
are transferring) should fill our Membership Document (#100) at this
meeting and a date for an Admission Degree Ceremonial should be set.
All interested men should join the Order as soon as possible. It is
important to continue the momentum started by the informational
meeting and to continue to engage the prospective council leadership
and members. The council development organizer assigned by the State
Deputy should connect the students with an established local council
to host a new member initiation ceremony. Additionally, the local
council can begin to mentor the new members who show interest
in officer positions.

Following the Admission Degree, interested men should continue
to meet and invite others to join. Meetings should discuss how the
council will operate — who will be the first group of officers; how will
the council live out the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity on
campus; when and where will the council meet. Continue to include
the campus Chaplain and state leaders in these meetings.


In order to be instituted as a new college council, the following
requirements must be made:
• Completed Notice of Institution (#136) APPENDIX B.
• 30 men must have taken their Admission Degree and have their

Membership Documents (#100) sent to the Supreme Office.
• Election of Officers — Complete Report of Officers Chosen for
the Term (#185) and Service Program Personnel Report (#365).
• Appointment of Financial Secretary — Complete Application for
Appointment as Financial Secretary (#101) and Nomination for
Appointment as Financial Secretary (#103). Please note that the
Financial Secretary cannot be a student but should be a faculty
or staff member of the campus or member of the community.
• Appointment of Chaplain, ideally one associated with the
university/campus ministry.
All these materials should be scanned and sent to the College Councils
Department at college@kofc.org.

Benefits of a Parish
Round Table
A parish round table serves a parish in any number of ways. However,
the ultimate aspiration of any parish round table remains the same:
To actively engage Knights of Columbus members in order
to aid the parish and sustain visible Catholic action through
works of charity in every parish and mission throughout the
Order, and in sustainable parishes to form the round table
into a fully functioning council.
There are many benefits in establishing a parish round table for the
parish, its priest, and Knights. Having a Knights of Columbus parish
round table creates a unique and effective support structure within the
parish. Whether it’s fundraising for a new roof, or actively participating
in the parish’s ministry, devoted Knights serve as invaluable resources
for realizing the needs of the parish.
The benefits of a round table for local councils and its members are also
evident. Through personal service to our respective parishes, the Order
is able to truly fulfill its commitment to serving the Catholic Church,
as well as our communities. And, as Knights, being active in our own

parishes helps strengthen our personal faith and often helps create a
better place for our families to grow theirs in spirituality and service.

Guidelines for Establishing a

Parish Round Table
• Parish round tables are ideal to provide a Knights of Columbus
presence and be of service to smaller parishes and missions, and
to file needs for ethnic development. In general, parishes with
more than 150 families should first explore the possibility of
forming its own council.
• The grand knight and his officers make lists of council members
who belong to those area parishes. All will automatically
become part of that parish round table. New parishioners of
the parish may be recruited, as well.
• The grand knight, with the help of his officers and insurance
agents, informs all council members who belong to the
designated parish, that the Order would like to set up a
parish round table and then explains the benefits to them.
• The grand knight and a Knight parishioner call on the pastor
to offer help.
m Since the pastor assigns the projects, there will be no
conflict with existing groups.
m The grand knight presents the priest with a list of Knights
who are parishioners.
• The grand knight appoints only one parish round table
coordinator for each designated parish.
• The grand knight completes the Report of the Parish Round
Table Coordinator (Form #2629) APPENDIX E, mails it to the
Department of Membership Development and sends copies to
the State Deputy, District Deputy, State Round Table
Chairman, and keeps a copy for council files.
• Formation of the parish round table and appointment of
the coordinator are announced to those involved, and

announcements are published in the parish and council bulletins.
• Once a round table grows and exceeds 30 members and still has
potential to grow, the paperwork should be submitted to form
a new council.

Operating a Parish
Round Table
• There are no elective offices in the Knights of Columbus
round table. The grand knight appoints a coordinator as
the designated leader of the round table and its members
and acts as liaison between the round table and the council.
• Meet as necessary to aid the pastor and parish community.
• The parish round table has no dues. Members continue to meet
their financial obligation to their council, and the parish round
table projects are council projects. The parish round table
coordinator must communicate with the grand knight and
the council to ensure the project’s success.
• The coordinator should visit the pastor frequently (monthly is
suggested) to ask what the Knights of this parish can do to help
and offer assistance.
• The pastor should only be as involved as he wants it to be. The
parish round table should lighten his workload, not add to it.
• The coordinator should call on those parish round table
members best qualified to carry out a specific project(s) and
provide project leadership from start to finish.
• When a project requires more support than the parish round
table members can provide, the coordinator solicits the whole
council for support and assistance.
• The grand knight and the pastor annually review activities of
the parish round table and the effectiveness of the coordinator.
• If the pastor desires a change of coordinator, or if the
coordinator resigns during the fraternal year, the pastor selects a
new coordinator and the grand knight makes the appointment.

• If there is a change of pastor, the grand knight and the

coordinator call on the new pastor, explain the program and
seek his continued support.

Using the Name of the

Parish Round Table
For simplicity, the parish name and city should be used in conjunction
with the parish round table (for example: St. Mary’s Knights of
Columbus Parish Round Table of New Haven).

• Each round table coordinator should regularly report on the
activities of the parish round table at the business meetings of
18 the sponsoring council.
• The parish round table projects should be announced in parish
and council bulletins.
• Articles and pictures of parish round table projects should be
forwarded to the state Knights of Columbus newspaper, the
diocesan newspaper and to Columbia magazine.
• The state parish round table chairman should select the
most outstanding “Parish Round Table of the Year” for that
jurisdiction and arrange for appropriate honors to be awarded
at the state convention.

Round Table Reporting

To minimize paperwork, only two forms are used —
• Report of the Parish Round Table Coordinator (Form #2629)
This form is used to report the Round Table Coordinator
assigned to each parish and is signed by the grand knight’s
signature. Only one coordinator can be assigned to a parish.
This report is mailed to the Department of Membership

Development for processing and also a copy will go to the
State Round Table Coordinator.
• Annual Report of the Knights of Columbus Round Table
(Form #2630) DUE: JUNE 30 APPENDIX F
This form is used to report the growth and activity of the
established parish round table and is signed by the round
table coordinator. This report is mailed to the Department of
Membership Development for processing and also a copy will
go to the State Round Table Coordinator. Make sure your
numbers have been reported to the council to be included in
the council’s Annual Fraternal Survey (#1728).
When the parish round table coordinator is changed, the grand
knight notifies the Department of Membership Development, state
and district deputies, and the outgoing coordinator with an updated
Form #2629.

Guidelines to Reactivation
of a Council
A council becomes suspended if it does not pay its bills to the Supreme
Council within 90 days of the billing date. Should that occur, there are
two ways in which it can exit suspension and become active:
• If the council pays its arrears to the Supreme Council, it is taken
off of suspension and becomes active.
• If the council is unable to pay its arrears for an extended period
of time, its arrears may be forgiven in a one-time debt
forgiveness under the Council Reactivation Program.
In order to have this debt forgiven, the steps included in the following
section must be performed.


Personally contact the pastor of the parish in which you are trying to
reactivate the council, and request an appointment. Be cordial and
very attentive. Highlight the positive aspects of the Order. Address
his concerns; do not attempt to answer a question that you are not
100 percent sure of the answer. It is better to get back to him with
a correct answer than to give him an incorrect answer immediately.

Some positive aspects for having a council in his parish are:

1. A Knights of Columbus council will help enrich the spiritual lives
of the men in the parish.

2. It will provide additional manpower and support for the parish and
will help people in need.
3. It will give families the opportunity to be financially protected via
our top-rated Insurance Program.
4. A council will allow the men with their families to be active in their
parish and community.
5. Being part of the council will help men to be better Catholics,

fathers and husbands through various programs that they will
participate in.

Please record the following information; it will be part of the council

reactivation file on the council.
1. Council Number_______________________________________
2. Council Name ________________________________________
3. Location_____________________________________________
4. Date/Time Pastor Called ________________________________
5. Appointment Date _____________________________________

Pastor’s Comments (please summarize the pastor’s comments)

__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________

Date and time of the

initial Church Drive ______________________________________

Date and time of the


informational meeting _____________________________________

(Sundays between Masses might be your best bet.)

Fill out the Notice of Intent to Reactivate a Suspended Council
(See APPENDIX A) form and forward it to the state deputy for his
approval and signature. Make sure that everything is legible. Notify
the field agent that is responsible for the suspended council. Once
the form is received by Supreme Council Membership Growth
Department, an acknowledgment letter will be sent to you with the
roster of the current members and an additional Report of Officers
Chosen for the Term (#185), Service Personnel Report (#365),
Application for Appointment as Financial Secretary (#101) and
Nomination for Appointment as Financial Secretary (#103).


Intend to have a minimum of 13 new/transfer members. These new
Knights should be the officers of the reactivated council. While
the prospects are completing their Membership Document (#100),
inform them of the date and time of the informational meeting.
Please note: A council must register a gain of at least one new
member to qualify for the reactivation program.


Hold an informational meeting with all your prospects; explain to
them the workings of a council. At this time, have a degree team ready
to exemplify the Admission (First) Degree Ceremonial to all present
or use the First Degree Video Production.


Complete Report of Officers Chosen for the Term (#185) (All Officers
have to be elected).


Complete the Nomination for Appointment as Financial Secretary
(#103) and assist in completing the Application for Appointment

as Financial Secretary (#101).

Chaplain Preferably
Program Director Required
Membership Director Required
Recruitment Committee-1 Required
Recruitment Committee-2 Preferably
Recruitment Committee-3 Preferably
Retention Chairman Required (Deputy Grand Knight)
Insurance Promotion Preferably (Insurance Agent)

• Complete the Service Personnel Report (#365).


• Mail all the forms including Membership Documents (#100)
to the Department of Membership Development. Notify
the state deputy of your progress. Once the Supreme Council
receives all the documentation, it will take two to three weeks
for the reactivation process to be completed. For the council
to be reactivated the total number of members cannot be
less than 30.

During the reactivation process the new officers should review the
roster and perform the following:
1. Contact the remaining members on the roster and setup a time to
visit with them outlining the vision and goals of the officers for the
reactivated council. Encourage them to become active members in
the council. The following are some examples of situations that you
may encounter with the roster:

a) If a member is deceased, complete a Membership Document (#100)
including the date of death.
b) A member may be adamant about not being a part of the Knights
of Columbus. In this case, express your regrets and tell the member
that he will be taken off the roster. If the member is already an
inactive insurance member nothing needs to be done.
c) A member may be enthusiastic about being an active member of
the council. Notify him of the meeting day, location and time and
ask him to complete a Member/Prospect Interest Survey (#1842).
If the member has an inactive status, then a Membership Document
(#100) needs to be completed.
d) Please make sure that the number of members in the council
does not fall below 30.


At this time, request the state deputy to write a letter to the supreme
secretary. The letter should address the following:
1. A statement of reactivation.
2. If there are debts, the state deputy needs to ask for forgiveness
of the debt. Please explain how the State Council handled the
indebtedness of the council.
3. If a new name for the council is requested, the state deputy must
approve this in his letter.
4. If a new location for the council is desired, the state deputy must
approve this in his letter.

Reactivation Expenses &
Depending on the time it takes to reactivate the council, and following
the above steps may qualify for $200 to help the council and/or a
Council Outfit Kit.
Please have all the correspondence sent to the address below as they are
completed. All Membership Documents (#100) that add a new member
or suspend a member should also be sent to the same address.

Knights of Columbus
Council Reactivations
1 Columbus Plaza
New Haven, CT 06510-3326

Procedures for Merging

Two or More Councils
Under the Order’s guidelines, the merging councils must complete the
following steps independently in order to merge:
1. Draft a resolution calling for the Merger.
2. Read the resolution at one (1) meeting.

3. Publish the resolution to each of the council’s members.

4. Vote on, and approve, the resolution at the following meeting.
5. Once the councils approve the merger the District Deputy will then
write a request for the merger and sends it to the State Deputy for
his Approval. A copy of the resolution form the merging councils
with the vote result should be attached.
6. If the State Deputy approves the merger, he will forward the request
with all the attachment it to the Regional Program Consultant
7. Once the Membership Program Consultant approves the merger,
he in turn forwards the request and all the attachments to the
supreme secretary for his action.
8. The supreme secretary will present the request to the Board of
Directors for their approval or rejection at their next meeting.

A Few Notes:
1. A new name could be adopted for the new council.
2. We recommend keeping the lower council number.
3. All members, liabilities, debt etc. become the responsibility of the
new council.

The past grand knights of each council shall retain all rights and
privileges that pertain to past grand knights, and the grand knight of
the council ceasing to exist by reason of the merger shall be entitled to
the title, right and privileges of past grand knights without regard to
the length of time served in such office. (SEC 249.2 Laws &

Sample Resolution
for a Merger

Presented to Trinity Council 4618

April 7, 2011
Whereas the members of St. John Neumann Council 8271 hereafter
referred to as 8271 have expressed a desire to merge with Trinity
Council 4618, hereafter referred to as 4618, and
Whereas 4618 believes that its pursuit of Charity, Unity, Fraternity,
and Patriotism would be enhanced by such merger, and
Whereas such merger could benefit the Parishes of St. Joseph's and
Holy Spirit in addition to the existing parishes served by 4618, and
Whereas all members of 8271 in good standing, who desire to transfer
to 4618, would automatically transfer to 4618, and
Whereas members of 8271 would be fully entitled to all benefits of
membership in 4618, and
Whereas 4618 would retain the name of Trinity Council and the same
council number, and
Whereas Council 4618 has considered the implications of such merger
at a Special Meeting of 4618 on February 3, 2011 and
Whereas Council 4618 has as voted upon the resolution of said merger
in Special Meeting on April 7, 2011,
Be It Resolved that the members of 4618 welcome such merger, and
Be It Resolved 4618 willingly and fully accept the liabilities and assets
of 8271.
Be It Resolved that 4618 agrees that the PGK’s and the GK of the
council ceasing to exist by reason or merger shall be entitled to the title,
right of privileges of PGK without regard to length of service in such
office as written in sec 249.2 of the constitution/laws of the Order.

Be It Now Resolved that on this date of April 7, (fill in year) that 4618
accepts merger with 8271.

Joseph D. Kozelsky, David Uerz,

Grand Knight Trustee

Edward Wynne Donald Bell

Financial Secretary Trustee

David McCoy Robert Keown

Chancellor Trustee
Appendix A

Form 133 — Notice of Intent

Appendix B

Form 136 — Notice of Institution

Appendix C

Form 137 — Application for Charter

Appendix D
Sections 97 and 98 of the Charter Constitution & Laws of the Order
outline the general rules regarding the naming of Knights of Columbus
councils. A council shall not bear the name of a living person and the
approval of the name of the council rests with the Committee on
To assist in the selection of a council name, these guidelines are
provided for your consideration.
Religious Names: ex: Holy Family, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Holy Trinity,
All Saints
Saints or Parish Names: ex: St. Mary’s, St. Patrick’s, St. Stanislaus,
St. Aedan’s, St. Francis
Hierarchy or Clergy Names: ex: Cardinal O’Connor, Pope Paul IV,
Father Michael McGivney, Father John Doe (Names proposed in this
category require the approval of the Ordinary of the Diocese and a
biography submitted with the request to the supreme secretary.)
Deceased Knights, Prominent Catholic Laymen Names: ex: Luke E.
Hart, John H. Reddin, Al Smith, R. Sargent Shriver
Council Location Names: ex: Harrisburg, New Haven, Denver,
Whispering Pines
Colleges or Universities: It is preferred that the name of the college
or university is the name of the council, or it is included somewhere
in the name.
The Committee on Charters considers the changing of the name of the
council an important action and should not be taken lightly, especially
considering the historical significance to the council. Maintaining a
religious name is generally preferred to a secular name. Each request
will be handled on an individual basis.
Appendix E

Form 2629 — Report of Round Table

Appendix F

Form 2630 — Annual Report of Round Table









1 Columbus Plaza • New Haven, CT • 06510-3326

10506 5-17

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