Antivirus Configuration

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Antivirus Configuration Guide

August 2020 | 215-11140_2020-08_en-us

Updated for ONTAP 9.7

Antivirus Configuration Guide ii


Deciding whether to use the Antivirus Configuration Guide...................................... 4

Understanding NetApp virus scanning.......................................................................... 5

Virus scanning workflow................................................................................................................................................ 6
Antivirus architecture..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Vscan server installation and configuration..................................................................9

Configuring scanner pools............................................................................................ 10

Creating a scanner pool on a single cluster.................................................................................................................. 10
Creating scanner pools in MetroCluster configurations............................................................................................... 11
Applying a scanner policy on a single cluster.............................................................................................................. 13
Applying scanner policies in MetroCluster configurations.......................................................................................... 14
Commands for managing scanner pools.......................................................................................................................15

Configuring on-access scanning....................................................................................16

Creating an on-access policy........................................................................................................................................ 16
Enabling an on-access policy........................................................................................................................................17
Modifying the Vscan file-operations profile for a CIFS share..................................................................................... 18
Commands for managing on-access policies................................................................................................................18

Configuring on-demand scanning................................................................................ 20

Creating an on-demand task......................................................................................................................................... 20
Scheduling an on-demand task..................................................................................................................................... 21
Running an on-demand task immediately.................................................................................................................... 22
Commands for managing on-demand tasks..................................................................................................................23

Enabling virus scanning on an SVM............................................................................24

Resetting the status of scanned files............................................................................. 25

Viewing Vscan event log information...........................................................................26

Troubleshooting connectivity issues............................................................................. 27

Potential connectivity issues involving the scan-mandatory option............................................................................. 27
Commands for viewing Vscan server connection status.............................................................................................. 27
Antivirus Configuration Guide iii

Copyright and trademark............................................................................................. 28

Copyright...................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Antivirus Configuration Guide 4
Deciding whether to use the Antivirus Configuration Guide

Deciding whether to use the Antivirus Configuration Guide

This guide describes how to use NetApp virus scanning, called Vscan, to protect data from being
compromised by viruses or other malicious code. It shows you how to use on-access scanning to
check for viruses when clients access files over CIFS, and how to use on-demand scanning to
check for viruses immediately or on a schedule.
You should use this guide if you want to work with Vscan in the following ways:
• You want to use the ONTAP command-line interface (CLI), not ONTAP System Manager or
an automated scripting tool.
Vscan is not supported by System Manager.
If this guide is not suitable for your situation, you should see the following documentation instead:
• ONTAP 9 commands
• NetApp Documentation: OnCommand Workflow Automation (current releases)
Related information
NetApp Technical Report 4286: Antivirus Solution Guide for Clustered Data ONTAP McAfee
NetApp Technical Report 4304: Antivirus Solution Guide for Clustered Data ONTAP Symantec
NetApp Technical Report 4309: Antivirus Solution Guide for Clustered Data ONTAP Sophos
NetApp Technical Report 4312: Antivirus Solution Guide for Clustered Data ONTAP Trend
Antivirus Configuration Guide 5
Understanding NetApp virus scanning

Understanding NetApp virus scanning

You can use integrated antivirus functionality on NetApp storage systems to protect data from
being compromised by viruses or other malicious code. NetApp virus scanning, called Vscan,
combines best-in-class third-party antivirus software with ONTAP features that give you the
flexibility you need to control which files get scanned and when.
How virus scanning works
Storage systems offload scanning operations to external servers hosting antivirus software from
third-party vendors. The ONTAP Antivirus Connector, provided by NetApp and installed on the
external server, handles communication between the storage system and the antivirus software.
• You can use on-access scanning to check for viruses when clients open, read, rename, or close
files over CIFS. File operation is suspended until the external server reports the scan status of
the file. If the file has already been scanned, ONTAP allows the file operation. Otherwise, it
requests a scan from the server.
• You can use on-demand scanning to check files for viruses immediately or on a schedule. You
might want to run scans only in off-peak hours, for example. The external server updates the
scan status of the checked files, so that file-access latency for those files (assuming they have
not been modified) is typically reduced when they are next accessed over CIFS. You can use
on-demand scanning for any path in the SVM namespace, even for volumes that are exported
only through NFS.
You typically enable both scanning modes on an SVM. In either mode, the antivirus software takes
remedial action on infected files based on your settings in the software.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 6
Understanding NetApp virus scanning

Virus scanning workflow

You must create a scanner pool and apply a scanner policy before you can enable scanning. You
typically enable both on-access and on-demand scanning on an SVM.
Important: You must have completed the CIFS configuration.

Antivirus architecture
The NetApp antivirus architecture consists of a Vscan server and a set of ONTAP configurables.
Vscan server components
You must install the following components on the Vscan server.
ONTAP Antivirus Connector
The ONTAP Antivirus Connector provided by NetApp handles communication between
ONTAP and the Vscan server.
Antivirus software
ONTAP-compliant third-party antivirus software scans files for viruses or other malicious
code. You specify the remedial actions to be taken on infected files when you configure the
Antivirus Configuration Guide 7
Understanding NetApp virus scanning

ONTAP configurables
You must configure the following items on the NetApp storage system.
Scanner pool
A scanner pool defines the Vscan servers and privileged users that can connect to SVMs. It
also defines a scan request timeout period, after which the scan request is sent to an
alternative Vscan server if one is available.
Note: It is a best practice to set the timeout period in the antivirus software on the Vscan
server to five seconds less than the scanner-pool request timeout period, to avoid
situations in which file access is delayed or denied altogether because the timeout period
on the software is greater than the timeout period for the scan request.

Privileged user
A privileged user is a domain user account that a Vscan server uses to connect to the SVM.
The account must be included in the list of privileged users defined in the scanner pool.
Scanner policy
A scanner policy determines whether a scanner pool is active. A scanner policy can have
one of the following values:
• Primary specifies that the scanner pool is active.
• Secondary specifies that the scanner pool is active only if none of the Vscan servers
in the primary scanner pool is connected.
• Idle specifies that the scanner pool is inactive.
Scanner policies are system-defined. You cannot create a custom scanner policy.
On-access policy
An on-access policy defines the scope of an on-access scan. You can specify the maximum
size of the files to be scanned, the extensions of the files to be included in the scan, and the
extensions and paths of the files to be excluded from the scan.
By default, only read-write volumes are scanned. You can specify filters that enable
scanning of read-only volumes or that restrict scanning to files opened with execute access:
• scan-ro-volume enables scanning of read-only volumes.
• scan-execute-access restricts scanning to files opened with execute access.
Note: "Execute access" is not identical with "execute permission." A given client will
have "execute access" on an executable file only if the file was opened with "execute

You can set the scan-mandatory option to off to specify that file access is allowed when
no Vscan servers are available for virus scanning.
On-demand task
An on-demand task defines the scope of an on-demand scan. You can specify the maximum
size of the files to be scanned, the extensions and paths of the files to be included in the
scan, and the extensions and paths of the files to be excluded from the scan. Files in
subdirectories are scanned by default.
You use a cron schedule to specify when the task runs. You can use the vserver vscan
on-demand-task run command to run the task immediately.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 8
Understanding NetApp virus scanning

Vscan file-operations profile (on-access scanning only)

The -vscan-fileop-profile parameter for the vserver cifs share create
command defines which operations on a SMB share can trigger virus scanning. By default,
the parameter is set to standard, which is the NetApp best practice.
You can adjust this parameter as necessary when you create or modify a SMB share:
• no-scan specifies that virus scans are never triggered for the share.
• standard specifies that virus scans can be triggered by open, close, and rename
• strict specifies that virus scans can be triggered by open, read, close, and rename
The strict profile provides enhanced security for situations in which multiple clients
access a file simultaneously. If one client closes a file after writing a virus to it, and the
same file remains open on a second client, strict ensures that a read operation on the
second client triggers a scan before the file is closed.
You should be careful to restrict the strict profile to shares containing files that you
anticipate will be accessed simultaneously. Because the profile generates more scan
requests than the others, it may affect performance adversely.
• writes-only specifies that virus scans can be triggered only when a file that has
been modified is closed.
Note: If a client application performs a rename operation, the file is closed with the
new name and is not scanned. If such operations pose a security concern in your
environment, you should use the standard or strict profile.
Because writes-only generates fewer scan requests than the other profiles (except
no-scan), it typically improves performance.
Keep in mind, though, that if you use this profile for a share, the scanner must be
configured to delete or quarantine an unrepairable infected file, so that it cannot be
accessed by clients later. If, for example, a client closes a file after writing a virus to it,
and the file is not repaired, deleted, or quarantined, any client that accesses the file
without writing to it will be infected.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 9
Vscan server installation and configuration

Vscan server installation and configuration

You must set up one or more Vscan servers to ensure that files on your system are scanned for
viruses. Follow the instructions provided by your vendor to install and configure the antivirus
software on the server. Follow the instructions in the readme file provided by NetApp to install and
configure the ONTAP Antivirus Connector.
Note: For disaster recovery and MetroCluster configurations, you must set up separate Vscan
servers for the local and partner clusters.

Antivirus software requirements

• For information about antivirus software requirements, see the vendor documentation.
• For information about the vendors, software, and versions supported by Vscan, see the NetApp
Interoperability Matrix.
ONTAP Antivirus Connector requirements
• You can download the ONTAP Antivirus Connector from the Software Download page on the
NetApp Support Site. NetApp Downloads: Software
• For information about the Windows versions supported by the ONTAP Antivirus Connector,
see the NetApp Interoperability Matrix.
Note: You can install different versions of Windows servers for different Vscan servers in a
• .NET 3.0 or later must be installed on the Windows server.
• SMB 2.0 must be enabled on the Windows server.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 10
Configuring scanner pools

Configuring scanner pools

A scanner pool defines the Vscan servers and privileged users that can connect to SVMs. A
scanner policy determines whether a scanner pool is active.
Important: If you use an export policy on a CIFS server, you must add each Vscan server to the
export policy.

• Creating a scanner pool on a single cluster on page 10
• Creating scanner pools in MetroCluster configurations on page 11
• Applying a scanner policy on a single cluster on page 13
• Applying scanner policies in MetroCluster configurations on page 14
• Commands for managing scanner pools on page 15

Creating a scanner pool on a single cluster

A scanner pool defines the Vscan servers and privileged users that can connect to SVMs. You can
create a scanner pool for an individual SVM or for all of the SVMs in a cluster.
Before you begin
• SVMs and Vscan servers must be in the same domain or in trusted domains.
• For scanner pools defined for an individual SVM, you must have configured the ONTAP
Antivirus Connector with the SVM management LIF or the SVM data LIF.
• For scanner pools defined for all of the SVMs in a cluster, you must have configured the
ONTAP Antivirus Connector with the cluster management LIF.
About this task
The list of privileged users must include the domain user account the Vscan server uses to connect
to the SVM.
1. Create a scanner pool:
vserver vscan scanner-pool create -vserver data_SVM|cluster_admin_SVM -scanner-pool
scanner_pool -hostnames Vscan_server_hostnames -privileged-users privileged_users

• Specify a data SVM for a pool defined for an individual SVM, and specify a cluster admin
SVM for a pool defined for all of the SVMs in a cluster.
• Specify an IP address or FQDN for each Vscan server host name.
• Specify the domain and user name for each privileged user.
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command creates a scanner pool named SP on the vs1 SVM:

cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool create -vserver vs1 -scanner-pool SP -hostnames,vmwin204-27.fsct.nb -privileged-users cifs\u1,cifs\u2
2. Verify that the scanner pool was created:
vserver vscan scanner-pool show -vserver data_SVM|cluster_admin_SVM -scanner-pool
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command displays the details for the SP scanner pool:
Antivirus Configuration Guide 11
Configuring scanner pools

cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool show -vserver vs1 -scanner-pool SP

Vserver: vs1
Scanner Pool: SP
Applied Policy: idle
Current Status: off
Cluster on Which Policy Is Applied: -
Scanner Pool Config Owner: vserver
List of IPs of Allowed Vscan Servers:,
List of Host Names of Allowed Vscan Servers:, vmwin204-27.fsct.nb
List of Privileged Users: cifs\u1, cifs\u2

You can also use the vserver vscan scanner-pool show command to view all of the
scanner pools on an SVM. For complete command syntax, see the man page for the command.
Related tasks
Applying a scanner policy on a single cluster on page 13
A scanner policy determines whether a scanner pool is active. You must make a scanner pool
active before the Vscan servers that are defined in the scanner pool can connect to an SVM.
Commands for managing scanner pools on page 15
You can modify and delete scanner pools, and manage privileged users and Vscan servers for a
scanner pool. You can view summary and details for a scanner pool.

Creating scanner pools in MetroCluster configurations

You must create primary and secondary scanner pools on each cluster in a MetroCluster
configuration, corresponding to the primary and secondary SVMs on the cluster.
Before you begin
• SVMs and Vscan servers must be in the same domain or in trusted domains.
• For scanner pools defined for an individual SVM, you must have configured the ONTAP
Antivirus Connector with the SVM management LIF or the SVM data LIF.
• For scanner pools defined for all of the SVMs in a cluster, you must have configured the
ONTAP Antivirus Connector with the cluster management LIF.
About this task
MetroCluster configurations protect data by implementing two physically separate mirrored
clusters. Each cluster synchronously replicates the data and SVM configuration of the other. A
primary SVM on the local cluster serves data when the cluster is online. A secondary SVM on the
local cluster serves data when the remote cluster is offline.
This means that you must create primary and secondary scanner pools on each cluster in a
MetroCluster configuration, corresponding to the primary and secondary SVMs on the cluster. The
secondary pool becomes active when the cluster begins serving data from the secondary SVM.
The following illustration shows a typical MetroCluster configuration.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 12
Configuring scanner pools

Note: The list of privileged users must include the domain user account the Vscan server uses to
connect to the SVM.

1. Create a scanner pool:
vserver vscan scanner-pool create -vserver data_SVM|cluster_admin_SVM -scanner-pool
scanner_pool -hostnames Vscan_server_hostnames -privileged-users privileged_users

• Specify a data SVM for a pool defined for an individual SVM, and specify a cluster admin
SVM for a pool defined for all the SVMs in a cluster.
• Specify an IP address or FQDN for each Vscan server host name.
• Specify the domain and user name for each privileged user.
Important: You must create all scanner pools from the cluster containing the primary SVM.

For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following commands create primary and secondary scanner pools on each cluster in a
MetroCluster configuration:
cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool create -vserver cifssvm1 -
scanner-pool pool1_for_site1 -hostnames scan1 -privileged-users cifs

cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool create -vserver cifssvm1 -

scanner-pool pool1_for_site2 -hostnames scan1 -privileged-users cifs

cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool create -vserver cifssvm1 -

scanner-pool pool2_for_site1 -hostnames scan2 -privileged-users cifs

cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool create -vserver cifssvm1 -

scanner-pool pool2_for_site2 -hostnames scan2 -privileged-users cifs
2. Verify that the scanner pools were created:
vserver vscan scanner-pool show -vserver data_SVM|cluster_admin_SVM -scanner-pool
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command displays the details for the scanner pool pool1:
cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool show -vserver cifssvm1 -scanner-pool pool1_for_site1

Vserver: cifssvm1
Scanner Pool: pool1_for_site1
Antivirus Configuration Guide 13
Configuring scanner pools

Applied Policy: idle

Current Status: off
Cluster on Which Policy Is Applied: -
Scanner Pool Config Owner: vserver
List of IPs of Allowed Vscan Servers:
List of Host Names of Allowed Vscan Servers: scan1
List of Privileged Users: cifs\u1,cifs\u2

You can also use the vserver vscan scanner-pool show command to view all of the
scanner pools on an SVM. For complete command syntax, see the man page for the command.

Applying a scanner policy on a single cluster

A scanner policy determines whether a scanner pool is active. You must make a scanner pool
active before the Vscan servers that are defined in the scanner pool can connect to an SVM.
About this task
• You can apply only one scanner policy to a scanner pool.
• If you created a scanner pool for all of the SVMs in a cluster, you must apply a scanner policy
on each SVM individually.
• For disaster recovery and MetroCluster configurations, you must apply a scanner policy to the
scanner pools for the local cluster and partner cluster.
In the policy that you create for the local cluster, you must specify the local cluster in the
cluster parameter. In the policy that you create for the partner cluster, you must specify the
partner cluster in the cluster parameter. The partner cluster can then take over virus scanning
operations in case of a disaster.
1. Apply a scanner policy:
vserver vscan scanner-pool apply-policy -vserver data_SVM -scanner-pool scanner_pool -
scanner-policy primary|secondary|idle -cluster cluster_to_apply_policy_on

A scanner policy can have one of the following values:

• Primary specifies that the scanner pool is active.
• Secondary specifies that the scanner pool is active only if none of the Vscan servers in the
primary scanner pool are connected.
• Idle specifies that the scanner pool is inactive.

The following example shows that the scanner pool named SP on the vs1 SVM is active:

cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool apply-policy -vserver vs1 -scanner-pool SP -

scanner-policy primary
2. Verify that the scanner pool is active:
vserver vscan scanner-pool show -vserver data_SVM|cluster_admin_SVM -scanner-pool
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command displays the details for the SP scanner pool:
cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool show -vserver vs1 -scanner-pool SP

Vserver: vs1
Scanner Pool: SP
Applied Policy: primary
Current Status: on
Cluster on Which Policy Is Applied: cluster1
Scanner Pool Config Owner: vserver
List of IPs of Allowed Vscan Servers:,
List of Host Names of Allowed Vscan Servers:, vmwin204-27.fsct.nb
List of Privileged Users: cifs\u1, cifs\u2
Antivirus Configuration Guide 14
Configuring scanner pools

You can use the vserver vscan scanner-pool show-active command to view the
active scanner pools on an SVM. For the complete command syntax, see the man page for the
Related tasks
Commands for managing scanner pools on page 15
You can modify and delete scanner pools, and manage privileged users and Vscan servers for a
scanner pool. You can view summary and details for a scanner pool.

Applying scanner policies in MetroCluster configurations

A scanner policy determines whether a scanner pool is active. You must apply a scanner policy to
the primary and secondary scanner pools on each cluster in a MetroCluster configuration.
About this task
• You can apply only one scanner policy to a scanner pool.
• If you created a scanner pool for all of the SVMs in a cluster, you must apply a scanner policy
on each SVM individually.
1. Apply a scanner policy:
vserver vscan scanner-pool apply-policy -vserver data_SVM -scanner-pool scanner_pool -
scanner-policy primary|secondary|idle -cluster cluster_to_apply_policy_on

A scanner policy can have one of the following values:

• Primary specifies that the scanner pool is active.
• Secondary specifies that the scanner pool is active only if none of the Vscan servers in the
primary scanner pool is connected.
• Idle specifies that the scanner pool is inactive.

Important: You must apply all scanner policies from the cluster containing the primary

The following commands apply scanner policies to the primary and secondary scanner pools
on each cluster in a MetroCluster configuration:
cluster1::>vserver vscan scanner-pool apply-policy -vserver cifssvm1
-scanner-pool pool1_for_site1 -scanner-policy primary -cluster cluster1

cluster1::>vserver vscan scanner-pool apply-policy -vserver cifssvm1

-scanner-pool pool2_for_site1 -scanner-policy secondary -cluster cluster1

cluster1::>vserver vscan scanner-pool apply-policy -vserver cifssvm1

-scanner-pool pool1_for_site2 -scanner-policy secondary -cluster cluster2

cluster1::>vserver vscan scanner-pool apply-policy -vserver cifssvm1

-scanner-pool pool2_for_site2 -scanner-policy primary -cluster cluster2
2. Verify that the scanner pool is active:
vserver vscan scanner-pool show -vserver data_SVM|cluster_admin_SVM -scanner-pool
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command displays the details for the scanner pool pool1:
cluster1::> vserver vscan scanner-pool show -vserver cifssvm1 -scanner-pool pool1_for_site1

Vserver: cifssvm1
Scanner Pool: pool1_for_site1
Applied Policy: primary
Current Status: on
Antivirus Configuration Guide 15
Configuring scanner pools

Cluster on Which Policy Is Applied: cluster1

Scanner Pool Config Owner: vserver
List of IPs of Allowed Vscan Servers:
List of Host Names of Allowed Vscan Servers: scan1
List of Privileged Users: cifs\u1,cifs\u2

You can use the vserver vscan scanner-pool show-active command to view the
active scanner pools on an SVM. For complete command syntax, see the man page for the

Commands for managing scanner pools

You can modify and delete scanner pools, and manage privileged users and Vscan servers for a
scanner pool. You can view summary and details for a scanner pool.

If you want to... Enter the following command...

Modify a scanner pool vserver vscan scanner-pool modify

Delete a scanner pool vserver vscan scanner-pool delete

Add privileged users to a scanner pool vserver vscan scanner-pool privileged-

users add

Delete privileged users from a scanner pool vserver vscan scanner-pool privileged-
users remove

Add Vscan servers to a scanner pool vserver vscan scanner-pool servers add

Delete Vscan servers from a scanner pool vserver vscan scanner-pool servers remove

View summary and details for a scanner pool vserver vscan scanner-pool show

View privileged users for a scanner pool vserver vscan scanner-pool privileged-
users show

View Vscan servers for all scanner pools vserver vscan scanner-pool servers show

For more information about these commands, see the man pages.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 16
Configuring on-access scanning

Configuring on-access scanning

You can use on-access scanning to check for viruses when clients open, read, rename, or close
files over CIFS. Your setting in the -vscan-fileop-profile option for the vserver cifs
share create command defines which operations on a CIFS share can trigger virus scanning.

• Creating an on-access policy on page 16
• Enabling an on-access policy on page 17
• Modifying the Vscan file-operations profile for a CIFS share on page 18
• Commands for managing on-access policies on page 18

Creating an on-access policy

An on-access policy defines the scope of an on-access scan. You can specify the maximum size of
the files to be scanned, the extensions of the files to be included in the scan, and the extensions and
paths of the files to be excluded from the scan. You can create an on-access policy for an
individual SVM or for all the SVMs in a cluster.
About this task
By default, ONTAP creates an on-access policy named "default_CIFS" and enables it for all the
SVMs in a cluster.
You can set the scan-mandatory option to off to specify that file access is allowed when no
Vscan servers are available for virus scanning. Keep in mind that any file that qualifies for scan
exclusion based on the paths-to-exclude, file-ext-to-exclude, or max-file-size
parameters is not considered for scanning even if the scan-mandatory option is set to on.
Note: For potential issues related to the scan-mandatory option, see Potential connectivity
issues involving the scan-mandatory option.
By default, only read-write volumes are scanned. You can specify filters that enable scanning of
read-only volumes or that restrict scanning to files opened with execute access.
1. Create an on-access policy:
vserver vscan on-access-policy create -vserver data_SVM|cluster_admin_SVM -policy-name
policy_name -protocol CIFS -max-file-size max_size_of_files_to_scan –filters [scan-ro-
volume,][scan-execute-access] -file-ext-to-include extensions_of_files_to_include -
file-ext-to-exclude extensions_of_files_to_exclude -scan-files-with-no-ext true|false -
paths-to-exclude paths_of_files to exclude -scan-mandatory on|off

• Specify a data SVM for a policy defined for an individual SVM, a cluster admin SVM for a
policy defined for all the SVMs in a cluster.
• The -file-ext-to-exclude setting overrides the -file-ext-to-include setting.
• Set -scan-files-with-no-ext to true to scan files without extensions.
The following command creates an on-access policy named Policy1 on the vs1 SVM:

cluster1::> vserver vscan on-access-policy create -vserver vs1 -policy-name Policy1 -

protocol CIFS -filters scan-ro-volume -max-file-size 3GB -file-ext-to-include
“mp*”,"tx*" -file-ext-to-exclude "mp3","txt" -scan-files-with-no-ext false -paths-to-
exclude "\vol\a b\","\vol\a,b\"
2. Verify that the on-access policy has been created:
Antivirus Configuration Guide 17
Configuring on-access scanning

vserver vscan on-access-policy show -instance data_SVM|cluster_admin_SVM -policy-name

For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command displays the details for the Policy1 policy:
cluster1::> vserver vscan on-access-policy show -instance vs1 -policy-name Policy1

Vserver: vs1
Policy: Policy1
Policy Status: off
Policy Config Owner: vserver
File-Access Protocol: CIFS
Filters: scan-ro-volume
Mandatory Scan: on
Max File Size Allowed for Scanning: 3GB
File Paths Not to Scan: \vol\a b\, \vol\a,b\
File Extensions Not to Scan: mp3, txt
File Extensions to Scan: mp*, tx*
Scan Files with No Extension: false

Related tasks
Enabling an on-access policy on page 17
You must enable an on-access policy on an SVM before its files can be scanned. If you created an
on-access policy for all the SVMs in a cluster, you must enable the policy on each SVM
individually. You can enable only one on-access policy on an SVM at a time.
Commands for managing on-access policies on page 18
You can modify, disable, or delete an on-access policy. You can view a summary and details for
the policy.

Enabling an on-access policy

You must enable an on-access policy on an SVM before its files can be scanned. If you created an
on-access policy for all the SVMs in a cluster, you must enable the policy on each SVM
individually. You can enable only one on-access policy on an SVM at a time.
1. Enable an on-access policy:
vserver vscan on-access-policy enable -vserver data_SVM -policy-name policy_name

The following command enables an on-access policy named Policy1 on the vs1 SVM:

cluster1::> vserver vscan on-access-policy enable -vserver vs1 -policy-name Policy1

2. Verify that the on-access policy is enabled:
vserver vscan on-access-policy show -instance data_SVM -policy-name policy_name
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command displays the details for the Policy1 on-access policy:
cluster1::> vserver vscan on-access-policy show -instance vs1 -policy-name Policy1

Vserver: vs1
Policy: Policy1
Policy Status: on
Policy Config Owner: vserver
File-Access Protocol: CIFS
Filters: scan-ro-volume
Mandatory Scan: on
Max File Size Allowed for Scanning: 3GB
File Paths Not to Scan: \vol\a b\, \vol\a,b\
File Extensions Not to Scan: mp3, txt
File Extensions to Scan: mp*, tx*
Scan Files with No Extension: false
Antivirus Configuration Guide 18
Configuring on-access scanning

Related tasks
Creating an on-access policy on page 16
An on-access policy defines the scope of an on-access scan. You can specify the maximum size of
the files to be scanned, the extensions of the files to be included in the scan, and the extensions and
paths of the files to be excluded from the scan. You can create an on-access policy for an
individual SVM or for all the SVMs in a cluster.
Commands for managing on-access policies on page 18
You can modify, disable, or delete an on-access policy. You can view a summary and details for
the policy.

Modifying the Vscan file-operations profile for a CIFS share

The Vscan file-operations profile for a CIFS share defines which operations on the share can
trigger scanning. By default, the parameter is set to standard. You can adjust the parameter as
necessary when you create or modify a CIFS share.
About this task
For more information on the available values for a Vscan file-operations profile, see "Vscan file-
operations profile."
Vscan file-operations profile (on-access scanning only) on page 8
Note: Virus scanning is not performed on a CIFS share for which the continuously-
available parameter is set to Yes.

Modify the value of the Vscan file-operations profile for a CIFS share:
vserver cifs share modify -vserver data_SVM -share-name share -path share_path -vscan-
fileop-profile no-scan|standard|strict|writes-only
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command changes the Vscan file operations profile for a CIFS share to strict:

cluster1::> vserver cifs share modify -vserver vs1 -share-name SALES_SHARE -path /sales -
vscan-fileop-profile strict

Commands for managing on-access policies

You can modify, disable, or delete an on-access policy. You can view a summary and details for
the policy.

If you want to... Enter the following command...

Modify an on-access policy vserver vscan on-access-policy modify

Disable an on-access policy vserver vscan on-access-policy disable

Delete an on-access policy vserver vscan on-access-policy delete

View summary and details for an on-access policy vserver vscan on-access-policy show

Add to the list of paths to exclude vscan on-access-policy paths-to-exclude


Delete from the list of paths to exclude vscan on-access-policy paths-to-exclude

Antivirus Configuration Guide 19
Configuring on-access scanning

If you want to... Enter the following command...

View the list of paths to exclude vscan on-access-policy paths-to-exclude

Add to the list of file extensions to exclude vscan on-access-policy file-ext-to-exclude


Delete from the list of file extensions to exclude vscan on-access-policy file-ext-to-exclude

View the list of file extensions to exclude vscan on-access-policy file-ext-to-exclude


Add to the list of file extensions to include vscan on-access-policy file-ext-to-include


Delete from the list of file extensions to include vscan on-access-policy file-ext-to-include

View the list of file extensions to include vscan on-access-policy file-ext-to-include


For more information about these commands, see the man pages.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 20
Configuring on-demand scanning

Configuring on-demand scanning

You can use on-demand scanning to check files for viruses immediately or on a schedule. You
might want to run scans only in off-peak hours, for example, or you might want to scan very large
files that were excluded from an on-access scan.
You can use a cron schedule to specify when the task runs:
• You can assign a schedule when you create a task.
• You can create a task without assigning a schedule, and use the vserver vscan on-
demand-task schedule command to assign a schedule.
• You can use the vserver vscan on-demand-task run command to run a task
immediately, whether or not you have assigned a schedule.
Only one task can be scheduled at a time on an SVM.
Note: On-demand scanning does not support scanning of symbolic links or stream files.

• Creating an on-demand task on page 20
• Scheduling an on-demand task on page 21
• Running an on-demand task immediately on page 22
• Commands for managing on-demand tasks on page 23

Creating an on-demand task

An on-demand task defines the scope of an on-demand scan. You can specify the maximum size of
the files to be scanned, the extensions and paths of the files to be included in the scan, and the
extensions and paths of the files to be excluded from the scan. Files in subdirectories are scanned
by default.
1. Create an on-demand task:
vserver vscan on-demand-task create -vserver data_SVM -task-name task_name -scan-paths
paths_of_files_to_scan -report-directory report_directory_path -report-expiry-time
expiration_time_for_report -schedule cron_schedule -max-file-size
max_size_of_files_to_scan -paths-to-exclude paths_of_files_to_exclude -file-ext-to-
exclude extensions_of_files_to_exclude -file-ext-to-include
extensions_of_files_to_include -scan-files-with-no-ext true|false -directory-recursion

• The -file-ext-to-exclude setting overrides the -file-ext-to-include setting.

• Set -scan-files-with-no-ext to true to scan files without extensions.
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command creates an on-access task named Task1 on the vs1 SVM:

cluster1::> vserver vscan on-demand-task create -vserver vs1 -task-name Task1 -scan-
paths "/vol1/","/vol2/cifs/" -report-directory "/report" -schedule daily -max-file-
size 5GB -paths-to-exclude "/vol1/cold-files/" -file-ext-to-include "vmdk?","mp*" -
file-ext-to-exclude "mp3","mp4" -scan-files-with-no-ext false
[Job 126]: Vscan On-Demand job is queued. Use the "job show -id 126" command to view
the status.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 21
Configuring on-demand scanning

Note: You can use the job show command to view the status of the job. You can use the
job pause and job resume commands to pause and restart the job, or the job stop
command to end the job.
2. Verify that the on-demand task has been created:
vserver vscan on-demand-task show -instance data_SVM -task-name task_name
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command displays the details for the Task1 task:

cluster1::> vserver vscan on-demand-task show -instance vs1 -task-name Task1

Vserver: vs1
Task Name: Task1
List of Scan Paths: /vol1/, /vol2/cifs/
Report Directory Path: /report
Job Schedule: daily
Max File Size Allowed for Scanning: 5GB
File Paths Not to Scan: /vol1/cold-files/
File Extensions Not to Scan: mp3, mp4
File Extensions to Scan: vmdk?, mp*
Scan Files with No Extension: false
Request Service Timeout: 5m
Cross Junction: true
Directory Recursion: true
Scan Priority: low
Report Log Level: info
Expiration Time for Report: -

After you finish

You must enable scanning on the SVM before the task is scheduled to run.
Enabling virus scanning on an SVM on page 24
Related tasks
Scheduling an on-demand task on page 21
If you have created an on-demand task without assigning a schedule, or if you want to assign a
different schedule to a task, you can use the vserver vscan on-demand-task schedule
command to assign a schedule to the task.
Running an on-demand task immediately on page 22
You can run an on-demand task immediately, whether or not you have assigned a schedule.
Commands for managing on-demand tasks on page 23
You can modify, delete, or unschedule an on-demand task. You can view a summary and details
for the task, and manage reports for the task.

Scheduling an on-demand task

If you have created an on-demand task without assigning a schedule, or if you want to assign a
different schedule to a task, you can use the vserver vscan on-demand-task schedule
command to assign a schedule to the task.
About this task
The schedule assigned with the vserver vscan on-demand-task schedule command
overrides a schedule already assigned with the vserver vscan on-demand-task create
1. Schedule an on-demand task:
Antivirus Configuration Guide 22
Configuring on-demand scanning

vserver vscan on-demand-task schedule -vserver data_SVM -task-name task_name -schedule


The following command schedules an on-access task named Task2 on the vs2 SVM:

cluster1::> vserver vscan on-demand-task schedule -vserver vs2 -task-name Task2 -

schedule daily
[Job 142]: Vscan On-Demand job is queued. Use the "job show -id 142" command to view
the status.

Note: You can use the job show command to view the status of the job. You can use the
job pause and job resume commands to pause and restart the job, or the job stop
command to end the job.
2. Verify that the on-demand task has been scheduled:
vserver vscan on-demand-task show -instance data_SVM -task-name task_name
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command displays the details for the Task 2 task:
cluster1::> vserver vscan on-demand-task show -instance vs2 -task-name Task2

Vserver: vs2
Task Name: Task2
List of Scan Paths: /vol1/, /vol2/cifs/
Report Directory Path: /report
Job Schedule: daily
Max File Size Allowed for Scanning: 5GB
File Paths Not to Scan: /vol1/cold-files/
File Extensions Not to Scan: mp3, mp4
File Extensions to Scan: vmdk, mp*
Scan Files with No Extension: false
Request Service Timeout: 5m
Cross Junction: true
Directory Recursion: true
Scan Priority: low
Report Log Level: info

After you finish

You must enable scanning on the SVM before the task is scheduled to run.
Enabling virus scanning on an SVM on page 24
Related tasks
Creating an on-demand task on page 20
An on-demand task defines the scope of an on-demand scan. You can specify the maximum size of
the files to be scanned, the extensions and paths of the files to be included in the scan, and the
extensions and paths of the files to be excluded from the scan. Files in subdirectories are scanned
by default.
Commands for managing on-demand tasks on page 23
You can modify, delete, or unschedule an on-demand task. You can view a summary and details
for the task, and manage reports for the task.

Running an on-demand task immediately

You can run an on-demand task immediately, whether or not you have assigned a schedule.
Before you begin
You must have enabled scanning on the SVM.
Enabling virus scanning on an SVM on page 24
Antivirus Configuration Guide 23
Configuring on-demand scanning

Run an on-demand task immediately:
vserver vscan on-demand-task run -vserver data_SVM -task-name task_name

The following command runs an on-access task named Task1 on the vs1 SVM:

cluster1::> vserver vscan on-demand-task run -vserver vs1 -task-name Task1

[Job 161]: Vscan On-Demand job is queued. Use the "job show -id 161" command to view the

Note: You can use the job show command to view the status of the job. You can use the job
pause and job resume commands to pause and restart the job, or the job stop command to
end the job.

Related tasks
Creating an on-demand task on page 20
An on-demand task defines the scope of an on-demand scan. You can specify the maximum size of
the files to be scanned, the extensions and paths of the files to be included in the scan, and the
extensions and paths of the files to be excluded from the scan. Files in subdirectories are scanned
by default.
Commands for managing on-demand tasks on page 23
You can modify, delete, or unschedule an on-demand task. You can view a summary and details
for the task, and manage reports for the task.

Commands for managing on-demand tasks

You can modify, delete, or unschedule an on-demand task. You can view a summary and details
for the task, and manage reports for the task.

If you want to... Enter the following command...

Modify an on-demand task vserver vscan on-demand-task modify

Delete an on-demand task vserver vscan on-demand-task delete

Unschedule an on-demand task vserver vscan on-demand-task unschedule

View summary and details for an on-demand task vserver vscan on-demand-task show

View on-demand reports vserver vscan on-demand-task report show

Delete on-demand reports vserver vscan on-demand-task report delete

For more information about these commands, see the man pages.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 24
Enabling virus scanning on an SVM

Enabling virus scanning on an SVM

You must enable virus scanning on an SVM before an on-access or on-demand scan can run. The
Vscan configuration must exist.
1. Enable virus scanning on an SVM:
vserver vscan enable -vserver data_SVM

Note: You can use the vserver vscan disable command to disable virus scanning if

The following command enables virus scanning on the vs1 SVM:

cluster1::> vserver vscan enable -vserver vs1

2. Verify that virus scanning is enabled on the SVM:
vserver vscan show -vserver data_SVM
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command displays the Vscan status of the vs1 SVM:
cluster1::> vserver vscan show -vserver vs1

Vserver: vs1
Vscan Status: on
Antivirus Configuration Guide 25
Resetting the status of scanned files

Resetting the status of scanned files

Occasionally, you might want to reset the scan status of successfully scanned files on an SVM by
using the vserver vscan reset command to discard the cached information for the files. You
might want to use this command to restart the virus scanning processing in case of a
misconfigured scan, for example.
About this task
After you run the vserver vscan reset command, all eligible files will be scanned the next
time they are accessed.
Attention: This command can affect performance
adversely, depending on the number and size of the files
to be rescanned.

Reset the status of scanned files:
vserver vscan reset -vserver data_SVM

The following command resets the status of scanned files on the vs1 SVM:

cluster1::> vserver vscan reset -vserver vs1

Antivirus Configuration Guide 26
Viewing Vscan event log information

Viewing Vscan event log information

You can use the vserver vscan show-events command to view event log information about
infected files, updates to Vscan servers, and the like. You can view event information for the
cluster or for given nodes, SVMs, or Vscan servers.
Before you begin
Advanced privileges are required for this task.
1. Change to advanced privilege level:
set -privilege advanced
2. View Vscan event log information:
vserver vscan show-events
For a complete list of options, see the man page for the command.
The following command displays event log information for the cluster cluster1:
cluster1::*> vserver vscan show-events

Vserver Node Server Event Type Event Time

----------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- -----------------
vs1 Cluster-01 file-infected 9/5/2014 11:37:38
vs1 Cluster-01 scanner-updated 9/5/2014 11:37:08
vs1 Cluster-01 scanner-connected 9/5/2014 11:34:55
3 entries were displayed.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 27
Troubleshooting connectivity issues

Troubleshooting connectivity issues

You can use the vserver vscan connection-status show commands to view information
about Vscan server connections that you might find helpful in troubleshooting connectivity issues.

Potential connectivity issues involving the scan-mandatory option

By default, the scan-mandatory option for on-access scanning denies file access when a Vscan
server connection is not available for scanning. Although this option offers important safety
features, it can lead to problems in a few situations.
• Before enabling client access, you must ensure that at least one Vscan server is connected to an
SVM on each node that has a LIF. If you need to connect servers to SVMs after enabling client
access, you must turn off the scan-mandatory option on the SVM to ensure that file access is
not denied because a Vscan server connection is not available. You can turn the option back on
after the server has been connected.
• If a target LIF hosts all the Vscan server connections for an SVM, the connection between the
server and the SVM will be lost if the LIF is migrated. To ensure that file access is not denied
because a Vscan server connection is not available, you must turn off the scan-mandatory
option before migrating the LIF. You can turn the option back on after the LIF has been
Each SVM should have at least two Vscan servers assigned to it. It is a best practice to connect
Vscan servers to the storage system over a different network from the one used for client access.
Related tasks
Creating an on-access policy on page 16
An on-access policy defines the scope of an on-access scan. You can specify the maximum size of
the files to be scanned, the extensions of the files to be included in the scan, and the extensions and
paths of the files to be excluded from the scan. You can create an on-access policy for an
individual SVM or for all the SVMs in a cluster.

Commands for viewing Vscan server connection status

You can use the vserver vscan connection-status show commands to view summary and
detailed information about Vscan server connection status.

If you want to... Enter the following command...

View a summary of Vscan server connections vserver vscan connection-status show

View details for Vscan server connections vserver vscan connection-status show-all

View details for connected Vscan servers vserver vscan connection-status show-

View details for available Vscan servers that are not vserver vscan connection-status show-not-
connected connected

For more information about these commands, see the man pages.
Antivirus Configuration Guide 28
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Copyright and trademark

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