A room or place equipped for the performance of tests, experiments and investigative processes.
Medical Laboratory – tests are done on clinical specimens in order to get information about the health of a
1. Microscope – an optical instrument consisting of a combination of lenses which magnifies the image of the
object seen through it.
Microscopy – the examination of minute objects by means of a microscope
Micro – small Scope – to view
2. Incubator – a device used to grow and maintain microbiological cultures.
3. Autoclave – pressure chamber used to sterilize laboratory equipment and supplies by subjecting them to a
high temperature and high pressure.
4. Oven – a device for sterilization which uses dry heat
5. Laboratory Refrigerator – used to store stock cultures between sub culturing periods.
– maintains hydration of sterile media
– repository for thermolabile solutions, antibiotics and serums
6. Centrifuge – device which rotates at high speed and separates substances of different densities
7. Balance – used to measure object’s mass to a very high degree of accuracy
8. Hot plate/ Stir plate – used to heat and stir liquid substances for a faster and more even reaction
– the hot plate stirrer/ hot plate magnetic stirrer keeps liquids circulating as they
are heated
Magnetic Stirring Bar – the stir bar is the magnetic bar which is immersed in the liquid to provide the
stirring action.
9. Water Bath – maintain water at constant temperature.
– used in the microbiological laboratory for incubations.
10. Logical Safety Cabinet – an enclosed, ventilated laboratory workspace for safety working with materials
contaminated with pathogens
11. Bunsen Burner – a common piece of laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame, which is
used for heating and sterilization.
12. Inoculating Loops and Needles – designed to pick up and transfer a small quantity of inoculum from a
donor culture to the growth medium of choice.
13. Anaerobic Jar/ GasPak – used to create an oxygen-free environment for the growth of anaerobic
14. Glass Slides and Cover Slips
Glass Slide – used to place specimens on to be observed under the microscope.
Cover Slip – used to cover specimens on a microscope slide
15. Petri Dish – used to culture different types of cells, including bacteria and molds.
16. Graduated Cylinder – used to measure liquid volume.
– graduated in mL
17. Beakers – are vessels in which liquid is placed so it can be stirred, mixed or heated.
18. Erlenmeyer Flask – used to contain liquids and for mixing, heating, cooling, incubation, filtration, storage,
and other liquid-handling processes.
19. Funnel – used for guiding liquid or powder into a small opening
20. Test Tube/Rack
Test tube – hold small amounts of substances, usually liquid, which are then manipulated in some
way, such as being placed over the flame of a Bunsen Burner.
Tube Rack – hold multiple test tubes at the same time
21. Wash Bottles – used to rinse various pieces of laboratory glassware, such as test tubes and round bottom
22. Filter Paper – special paper used to separate solids from liquids.
Dissection Microscope
A dissection microscope is light illuminated. The image that appears is three dimensional. It is used
for dissection to get a better look at the larger specimen. You cannot see individual cells because it
has a low magnification. (Also called stereo microscope)
Scanning Electron Microscope – SEM
SEM use electron illumination. The image is seen in 3D. it has high magnification and high
resolution. The specimen is coated in gold and the electrons bounce off to give you and exterior
view of the specimen. The pictures are in black and white.
Transmission Electron Microscope – TEM
TEM is electron illuminated. This gives a 2D view. Thin slices of specimen are obtained. The electron
beams pass through this. It has high magnification and high resolution.
1. Always carry by the base and arm with both hands.
2. Never touch the lenses with your fingers.
3. Make sure all backpacks and materials are out of the aisles and off the tops of desks.
4. Plug your microscope in to the outlet.
a) Ocular Lens – magnifies; where you look through to see the image of your specimen.
– they are usually 10x or 15x power. Our microscopes have an ocular lens power of 10x.
b) Arm – supports the tube and connects it to the base
c) Stage – the flat platform where you place your slides
d) Course Adjustment Knob – moves stage (or body tube) up and down
e) Fine Adjustment Knob – small, round knob on the side of the microscope used to fine-tune the focus of your
specimen after using the course adjustment knob.
f) Base – the bottom of the microscope, used for support
g) Body Tube – connects the eyepiece to the objective lenses
h) Revolving Nosepiece – the part that holds two or more objective lenses and can be rotated to easily change
i) Objective Lenses (adds to the magnification)
Usually you will find 3 od 4 objective lenses on a microscope. They almost always consist of 4x, 10x,
40x and 100x powers.
When coupled with a 10x (most common) eyepiece lens, we get total magnifications of 40x (4x
times 10x), 100x, 400x, and 1000x).
The shortest lens is the lowest power, the longest ones is the lens with the greatest power. Lenses
are color coded.
The high power objective lenses are retractable (i.e. 40XR). This means that if they hit a slide, the
end of the lens will push in (spring loaded) thereby protecting the lens and the slide.
j) Stage Clips – hold the slides in place. If your microscope has a mechanical stage, you will be able to move the
slide around by turning two knobs. One moves it left and right, the other moves it up and down.
k) Diaphragm
Controls the amount of light going through the specimen. Many microscopes have a rotating disk
under the stage.
This diaphragm has different sized holes and is used to vary the intensity and size of the cone of
light that is protected upward into the slide.
There is no set rule regarding which setting to use for a particular power. Rather, the setting is a
function of the transparency of the specimen, the degree of contrast you desire and the particular
objective lens in use.
l) Light – makes the specimen easier to see
Focusing Specimens
1) Always start with the scanning objective
2) Once you’ve focused on Scanning, switch to Low Power
3) Now switch to High Power
4) You can switch to the Oil Immersion but first put a drop of the Cargill’s oil in the center of the
lighted area.
5) Rotate until the OIO makes a click sound.
Clean up! When you have finished for the day, wipe the 100x oil immersion objective carefully
with lens paper to remove all oil. Wipe oil from the slide thoroughly with a Kimwipe. Cleanse
stage should any oil have spilled on it. Recap the immersion oil container securely, replace in
a) Method of preventing unwanted microorganisms from gaining access
The most commonly used device for moving bacteria is the inoculating loop.
This is simply a piece of nichrome (an alloy of nickel and chromium) or platinum wire with a loop at one end
and a handle at the other.
A similar instrument is the inoculating needle, essentially the same as the loop but with just a straight wire
Inoculating loop or needle should be held comfortably , much as you would hold a pencil.
Sterilization of Instruments
1. Sterilize both instruments by holding the wire portion in a flame until they glow red. The instruments should
be allowed to cool in the air for 10-20 seconds before using them to avoid killing the inoculum.
2. In this way all contaminants on the wire are incinerated.
3. Do NOT blow on the instruments to cool them
4. Do NOT touch the instruments to agar to cool them
5. Do NOT lay the loop down once it is sterilized or it may again become contaminated.
Selenite F Broth – for the isolation of Salmonella, Shigella
Alkaline Peptone Water – for vibrio cholerae
The inhibitory substance is added to a solid media
Mc Conkey’s medium – for gram negative bacteria
TCBS – for V.cholerae
LJ medium – M.tuberculosis
Wilson and Blair medium – S.typhi
Potassium tellurite medium – Diphtheria bacilli
These media contain an indicator which changes its colour when a bacterium grows in them.
Eg. Blood sugar, Mac Conkey’s medium, Christensen’s urease medium
A media which has substance incorporated in it enabling it to distinguish between closely related
Examples: Mac Conkey’s medium
Neutral red
Distinguish between lactose fermenters and non-lactose fermenters
Lactose fermenters – pink colonies
Non-lactose fermenter – colourless colonies
Media containing any fermentable substance
E.g: glucose, arabinose, lactose, starch, etc.
Media consists of 1% of the sugar in peptone water
Contain a small tube (Durham’s tube) for the detection of gas by the bacteria
Media used for transporting the samples
Delicate organisms may not survive the time taken for transporting the specimen without a transport
Eg: Stuart’s medium – non nutrient soft agar gel containing a reducing agent
These media are used to grow anaerobic organisms
Eg: Robertson’s cooked meat medium, Thioglycolate medium
They provide additional information for the identification of the bacterium.
The tests include:
- Oxidase test - Citrate utilization
- Triple sugar iron agar (TSI) - Urease test
- Indole test
Oxidase Test
Detects the presence of an enzyme “oxidase” produced by certain bacteria which will reduce the dye
– tetramethyl-p-phenylene diamine dihydrochloride
Positive test is indicated by the development of a purple colour
Oxidase positive – pseudomonas, vibrio, neisseriae
Oxidase negative – Salmonella, Shigella
Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI)
It is a composite media used to study different properties of a bacterium – sugar fermentation, gas
production and H2S production
In addition to peptone, yeast extract & agar, it contains 3 sugars – glucose, lactose, sucrose
The Iron Salt – Ferric citrate indicates H2S production
Phenol red is the indicator
It is an orange red medium with a slant and a butt.
pH of the medium – 7.4
Yellow – Acid
Pink – Alkaline
Yellow slant/ Yellow butt (A/A) – Lactose fermenters
Pink slant/ Yellow butt (K/A) – Non lactose fermenters
Pink slant/ no colour change (K/K) – Non fermenters
Black colour – H2S production
Gas bubbles or crack in the medium – gas production
LF – E.coli, Klebsiella
NLF – Salmonella, Shigella
H2S – Proteus
Indole Test
Used to detect indole production by the organism.
They produce indole from tryptophan present in peptone water.
After overnight incubation, a few drops of indole reagent (Kovac’s reagent) is added
Positive test is indicated by a pink ring
- Positive indole test – pink ring
- Negative indole test – yellow ring
Indole positive – E.coli
Indole negative – Klebsiella, Salmonella
Citrate Utilization
Done in Simmon’s Citrate medium
To detect the ability of certain bacteria to utilize citrate as the sole source of carbon
Contains Sodium citrate and bromothymol blue as the indicator
If citrate is utilized, alkali is produced which turns the medium to blue
- Citrate positive – blue colour
- Citrate negative – green colour
Positive – Klebsiella
Negative – E.coli
Urease Test
Done in Christensen’s urease medium
This test is used to detect organisms that produce urease
Urease produced by the organisms split urea into ammonia and CO2
-Urease positive – pink colour
-Urease negative – yellow colour
Positive – Proteus, Klebsiella
Negative – E.coli, Salmonella
Culture methods employed depend on the purpose for which they are intended
The indications for culture are:
– To isolate bacteria in pure culture
– To demonstrate their properties
– To obtain sufficient growth for the preparation of antigens and for other tests
– For bacteriophage & bacteriocin susceptibility
– To determine sensitivity to antibiotics
– To estimate viable counts
– Maintain stock cultures
Culture Methods include:
Streak Culture
Used for the isolation of bacteria in pure culture from clinical specimens
Platinum wire or Nichrome wire is used
One loopful of the specimen is transferred onto the surface of a well dried plate
Spread over a small area at the periphery
The inoculum is then distributed thinly over the plate by streaking it with a loop in a series of parallel
lines in different segments of the plate
On incubation, separated colonies are obtained over the last series of streaks
Lawn Culture
Provides a uniform surface growth of the bacterium
– For bacteriophage typing
– Antibiotic sensitivity testing
– In the preparation of bacterial antigens and vaccines
Lawn cultures are prepared by flooding the surface of the plate with a liquid suspension of the
Stab Culture
Prepared by puncturing a suitable medium
– Gelatin or glucose agar with a long, straight, charged wire
– Demonstration of gelatin liquefaction
– Oxygen requirements of the bacterium under study
– Maintenance of stoke cultures
Pour Plate Culture
Agar medium is melted (15ml) and cooled to 45°C
1 ml of the inoculum is added to the molten agar
Mix well and pour to a sterile petri dish
Allow it to set
Incubate at 37°C, colonies will be distributed throughout the depth of the medium
– Gives an estimate of the viable bacterial count in a suspension
– For the quantitative urine cultures
Liquid Cultures
Liquid cultures are inoculated by touching with a charged loop or by adding the inoculum with
pipettes or syringes
– Blood culture
– Sterility tests
– Continuous culture methods
– It does not provide a pure culture from mixed inocula
Anaerobic bacteria differ in their requirement and sensitivity to oxygen
CI.tetani is a strict anaerobe – grows at an oxygen tension < 2 mm Hg
a) Production of vacuum
Incubate the cultures in a vacuum desiccator
b) Displacement of oxygen with other gases
Displacement of oxygen with hydrogen, nitrogen, helium or CO2
Eg: Candle jar
c) Chemical method
Alkaline pyrogallol absorbs oxygen
McIntosh – Fikdes’ anaerobic jar
Consists of a metal jar or glass jar with a metal lid which can be clamped air tight
The lid has 2 tubes – gas inlet and gas outlet
The lid has 2 terminals – connected to electrical supply
Under the lid – small grooved porcelain spool, wrapped with a layer of palladinised asbestos
Commercially available disposable envelope
Contains chemicals which generate H2 and CO2 on addition of water
Indicator is used – reduced methylene blue
– Colourless – anaerobically
– Blue colour – on exposure to oxygen
d) Biological method
Absorption of oxygen by incubation with aerobic bacteria, germinating seeds or chopped vegetables
e) Reduction of medium
By using reducing agents – 1% glucose, 0.1% Thioglycolate
Gram Acid-fast Endospore Flagella
(killm preserve,anchor)
Pre-staining procedure
Developed by Dr. Hans Christian Gram in 1884 which first demonstrated the general categories of
bacteria causing pneumonia
Differentiates Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
Pre-staining procedure