The document provides nutritional information and health benefits for various foods consumed over 4 days. It lists the calories, fat, carbohydrate, protein and other nutrient contents of foods like wheat bread, milk, rice, tilapia, eggs, pancit, chicken tinola, chop suey. These foods promote digestion, heart health, weight management, bone health and provide important nutrients and antioxidants. Carbohydrate-rich foods like rice provide energy while proteins foods support muscle growth.
The document provides nutritional information and health benefits for various foods consumed over 4 days. It lists the calories, fat, carbohydrate, protein and other nutrient contents of foods like wheat bread, milk, rice, tilapia, eggs, pancit, chicken tinola, chop suey. These foods promote digestion, heart health, weight management, bone health and provide important nutrients and antioxidants. Carbohydrate-rich foods like rice provide energy while proteins foods support muscle growth.
The document provides nutritional information and health benefits for various foods consumed over 4 days. It lists the calories, fat, carbohydrate, protein and other nutrient contents of foods like wheat bread, milk, rice, tilapia, eggs, pancit, chicken tinola, chop suey. These foods promote digestion, heart health, weight management, bone health and provide important nutrients and antioxidants. Carbohydrate-rich foods like rice provide energy while proteins foods support muscle growth.
The document provides nutritional information and health benefits for various foods consumed over 4 days. It lists the calories, fat, carbohydrate, protein and other nutrient contents of foods like wheat bread, milk, rice, tilapia, eggs, pancit, chicken tinola, chop suey. These foods promote digestion, heart health, weight management, bone health and provide important nutrients and antioxidants. Carbohydrate-rich foods like rice provide energy while proteins foods support muscle growth.
Fat: 1 g digestion, boost heart WHEAT BREAD Carbohydrate: 13 g health, helps with weight Protein: 2 g management, and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Calories: 42 It can help you to prevent Total fat: 1 g osteoporosis and bone Saturated fat 0.6 g fractures and even help MILK Cholesterol: 5 mg you maintain a healthy Sodium: 44 mg weight Potassium: 150 mg Total Carbohydrate: 5 g Sugar: 5 g Protein: 3.4 g LUNCH Calories: 130 rich source of Total fat: 0.3 g carbohydrates, the body's Saturated fat: 0.1 g main fuel source. Cholesterol: 0 mg Carbohydrates can keep 1 CUP OF RICE Sodium: 1 mg you energized and Potassium: 35 mg satisfied, and are Total Carbohydrate: 28 g important for fueling Dietary fiber: 0.4 g exercise Sugar: 0.1 g Protein: 2.7 g
Calories: 129 Tilapia is packed with
Total fat: 2.7 g vitamins and minerals like Saturated fat: 0.9 g choline, niacin, vitamin Cholesterol: 57 mg B12, vitamin D, selenium, TILAPIA Sodium: 56 mg and phosphorus. It is also Potassium: 380 mg a good source of omega- Total Carbohydrate: 0 g 3 fatty acids, which are Sugar: 0 g healthy fats that your Protein: 26 mg body needs to function. DINNER Calories: 75 good source of protein Fat: 5 g (both whites/yolk). They EGG Saturated fat: 1.6 g also contain heart-healthy Protein: 7 g unsaturated fats and are a great source of important nutrients, such as vitamin B6, B12 and vitamin D DAY 2: MONDAY BREAKFAST Calories: 426 Has most of its calories Total fat: 11 g coming from carbs and Saturated fat: 1.9 g proteins so it can actually PANCIT Cholesterol: 61 mg be a great meal to eat Sodium: 1474 mg when dieting. Potassium: 524 mg Total Carbohydrate: 54 g Dietary Fiber: 5.2 g Sugar: 4.8 g Protein: 28 g LUNCH Calories: 130 rich source of Total fat: 0.3 g carbohydrates, the body's Saturated fat: 0.1 g main fuel source. Cholesterol: 0 mg Carbohydrates can keep 1 CUP OF RICE Sodium: 1 mg you energized and Potassium: 35 mg satisfied, and are Total Carbohydrate: 28 g important for fueling Dietary fiber: 0.4 g exercise Sugar: 0.1 g Protein: 2.7 g Calories: 219 provides an excellent Total fat: 6 g source of protein and is Total Carbohydrate: 7 g considered a complete TINOLANG MANOK Protein: 35 g protein as it contains all of the essential amino acids the body needs to build muscle mass, body cells and tissue. DINNER Calories: 78 Lutein and zeaxanthin, Total fat: 5.3 g which are found in boiled Saturated fat: 1.6 g eggs, have antioxidant Polyunsaturated fat: 0.7 g and anti-inflammatory BOILED EGG Monounsaturated fat: 2 g properties that help Cholesterol: 187 mg maintain your eye health Sodium: 62 mg Potassium: 63 mg Total Carbohydrate: 0.6 mg Sugar: 0.6 g Protein: 6.3 g DAY 3: TUESDAY BREAKFAST Calories: 91 It contain several Total fat: 3.9 g nutrients that can provide PANCAKE Saturated fat: 0.9 g number of benefits to a Polyunsaturated fat: 1.8 g person to improve the Monounsaturated fat: 1 g health. Cholesterol: 24 mg Sodium: 176 mg Potassium: 53 mg Total Carbohydrate: 11 g Protein: 2.6 g Calories: 0 It helps enhance energy, Total fat: 0.1 g reduce body fat, Saturated fat: 0 g increased physical Cholesterol: 0 mg activity, enhance heart COFFEE Sodium: 4.7 mg health and etc. Total Carbohydrate: 0 g Potassium: 116 mg Protein: 0.3 g LUNCH Calories: 130 rich source of Total fat: 0.3 g carbohydrates, the body's Saturated fat: 0.1 g main fuel source. Cholesterol: 0 mg Carbohydrates can keep 1 CUP OF RICE Sodium: 1 mg you energized and Potassium: 35 mg satisfied, and are Total Carbohydrate: 28 g important for fueling Dietary fiber: 0.4 g exercise Sugar: 0.1 g Protein: 2.7 g Calories: 167 rich in magnesium, which Total fat: 7.8 g helps regulate the Saturated fat: 1.2 g heartbeat and muscles in Trans fat: 0.2 g functioning. This makes it Polyunsaturated fat: 4 g a good meal for those CHOP SUEY Monounsaturated fat: 2 g who might have a heart Cholesterol: 36 mg condition. This is Sodium: 556 mg because it has lower Potassium: 545 mg sodium levels. Total Carbohydrate: 9.1 g Dietary fiber: 2.5 g Sugar: 3.8 g Protein: 16 g DINNER Calories: 78 Lutein and zeaxanthin, Total fat: 5.3 g which are found in boiled Saturated fat: 1.6 g eggs, have antioxidant Polyunsaturated fat: 0.7 g and anti-inflammatory Monounsaturated fat: 2 g properties that help BOILED EGG Cholesterol: 187 mg maintain your eye health Sodium: 62 mg Potassium: 63 mg Total Carbohydrate: 0.6 mg Sugar: 0.6 g Protein: 6.3 g DAY 4: WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST Calories: 130 Good source of protein, Total fat: 0.3 g relatively rich in vitamins Saturated fat: 0.1 g and minerals, and also Cholesterol: 0 mg good source of fiber. CHAMPORADO Sodium: 1 mg Potassium: 35 mg Total Carbohydrate: 28 g Dietary fiber: 0.4 g Sugar: 0.1 g Protein: 2.7 g Calories: 42 It can help you to prevent Total fat: 1 g osteoporosis and bone Saturated fat 0.6 g fractures and even help Cholesterol: 5 mg you maintain a healthy MILK Sodium: 44 mg weight Potassium: 150 mg Total Carbohydrate: 5 g Sugar: 5 g Protein: 3.4 g LUNCH Calories: 130 rich source of Total fat: 0.3 g carbohydrates, the body's Saturated fat: 0.1 g main fuel source. Cholesterol: 0 mg Carbohydrates can keep 1 CUP OF RICE Sodium: 1 mg you energized and Potassium: 35 mg satisfied, and are Total Carbohydrate: 28 g important for fueling Dietary fiber: 0.4 g exercise Sugar: 0.1 g Protein: 2.7 g Calories: 54 help the body convert Total fat: 2.4 g food into energy SINIGANG NA BANGUS Cholesterol: 19 mg (metabolism), create new Sodium: 26 mg blood cells, and maintain Potassium: 106 mg healthy skin cells, brain Total Carbohydrate: 0 g cells, and other body Protein: 7.3 g tissues DINNER Calories: 130 rich source of Total fat: 0.3 g carbohydrates, the body's Saturated fat: 0.1 g main fuel source. 1 CUP OF RICE Cholesterol: 0 mg Carbohydrates can keep Sodium: 1 mg you energized and Potassium: 35 mg satisfied, and are Total Carbohydrate: 28 g important for fueling Dietary fiber: 0.4 g exercise Sugar: 0.1 g Protein: 2.7 g Calories: 369 a good source of calcium Total fat: 12 g and phosphorous for Saturated fat: 6 g strong bones and teeth. It ADOBONG SITAW Cholesterol: 0 mg is also a good source of Sodium: 5200 mg protein, vitamin A, Total Carbohydrate: 59 g thiamin, riboflavin, iron, Dietary fiber: 2 g phosphorous and Protein: 6 g potassium. It is also a very good source of vitamin C, folate, magnesium and manganese DAY 5: THURSDAY BREAKFAST Calories: 105 as part of a balanced Total fat: 0.4 g meal may help promote Saturated fat: 0.1 g satiety and aid digestive Polyunsaturated fat: 0.1 g health. Bananas contain Cholesterol: 0 mg several important BANANA Sodium: 1.2 mg micronutrients, including Potassium: 422 mg potassium and vitamin C Total Carbohydrate: 27 mg Dietary fiber: 3.1 g Sugar: 14 g Protein: 1.3 g Calories: 149 Calcium: Builds healthy Total fat: 8 g bones and teeth; Saturated fat: 5 g maintains bone mass. Cholesterol: 24 mg Protein: Serves as a FRESH MILK Sodium: 105 mg source of energy; Potassium: 0 mg Total Carbohydrate: 12 g builds/repairs muscle Sugar: 12 g tissue. Protein: 8 g Potassium: Helps maintain a healthy blood pressure. Phosphorus: Helps strengthen bones and generate energy. Vitamin D: Helps maintain bones LUNCH Calories: 130 rich source of Total fat: 0.3 g carbohydrates, the body's Saturated fat: 0.1 g main fuel source. Cholesterol: 0 mg Carbohydrates can keep 1 CUP OF RICE Sodium: 1 mg you energized and Potassium: 35 mg satisfied, and are Total Carbohydrate: 28 g important for fueling Dietary fiber: 0.4 g exercise Sugar: 0.1 g Protein: 2.7 g Calories: 180.3 Pork is a high source of Total fat: 9.1 g magnesium, zinc, Saturated fat: 2.8 g potassium, iron, niacin, ADOBONG BABOY Polyunsaturated fat: 0.7 g vitamin B 12 and Monounsaturated fat: 4.7 g Thiamin. These nutrients Cholesterol: 59.7 mg help in the growth of Sodium: 649.2 mg blood cells, repairing Potassium:323 mg muscles, promotes eye Total Carbohydrate: 2.4 g and skin health. Dietary fiber: 0.2 g Soysauce is a source of Sugar:1.4 g niacin, which helps in the Protein: 21.6 g reduction of fats in the blood. DINNER Calories: 77 Bread contains a wide Total fat: 1 g range of vitamins and Saturated fat: 0.2 g minerals including B BREAD Cholesterol: 0 mg group vitamins thiamine Sodium: 142 mg (B1), Niacin (B3) which Potassium: 37 mg are important for Total Carbohydrate: 14 mg releasing energy from Dietary fiber: 0.8 g food and maintaining Sugar: 1.6 g healthy skin, eyes and Protein: 2.6 g nails. DAY 6: FRIDAY BREAKFAST Calories: 198 It helps to prevent Total fat: 1.3 g cancer, heart disease, Saturated fat: 0.3 g and eggplants is high in Polyunsaturated fat: 0.5 g fiber, that makes it great EGGPLANT Monounsaturated fat: 0.1 g for a heart-healthy diet. Cholesterol: 0 mg High fiber diets may Sodium: 5.7 mg reduce the risk of heart Potassium: 696 mg disease. Total Carbohydrate: 49 g Dietary fiber: 14 g Sugar: 18 g Protein: 4.7 g Calories: 69 Protects your cells from Total fat: 0.2 g damage, helps your body Saturated fat: 0 g make collagen, a protein Cholesterol: 0 mg that heals wounds and ORANGE Sodium: 1.4 mg gives you smoother skin, Potassium: 232 mg makes it easier to absorb Total Carbohydrate: 18 g iron to fight anemia, Dietary fiber: 3.1 g boosts your immune Sugar: 12 g system, your body's Protein: 1.3 g defense against germs slows the advance of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss, helps fight cancer- causing free radicals LUNCH Calories: 130 rich source of Total fat: 0.3 g carbohydrates, the body's Saturated fat: 0.1 g main fuel source. Cholesterol: 0 mg Carbohydrates can keep 1 CUP OF RICE Sodium: 1 mg you energized and Potassium: 35 mg satisfied, and are Total Carbohydrate: 28 g important for fueling Dietary fiber: 0.4 g exercise Sugar: 0.1 g Protein: 2.7 g Calories: 377 Provides protein, easy to Total fat: 21 g digest, low in cholesterol. Saturated fat: 5.7 g Polyunsaturated fat: 4.8 g FRIED CHICKEN Monounsaturated fat: 8.2 g Cholesterol: 126 mg Sodium: 118 mg Potassium:328 mg Total Carbohydrate: 4.4 g Dietary fiber: 0.1 g Protein: 40 g DINNER Calories: 77 Bread contains a wide Total fat: 1 g range of vitamins and Saturated fat: 0.2 g minerals including B BREAD Cholesterol: 0 mg group vitamins thiamine Sodium: 142 mg (B1), Niacin (B3) which Potassium: 37 mg are important for Total Carbohydrate: 14 mg releasing energy from Dietary fiber: 0.8 g food and maintaining Sugar: 1.6 g healthy skin, eyes and Protein: 2.6 g nails. DAY 7: SATURDAY BREAKFAST Calories: 91 It contain several Total fat: 3.9 g nutrients that can provide Saturated fat: 0.9 g number of benefits to a PANCAKE Polyunsaturated fat: 1.8 g person to improve the Monounsaturated fat: 1 g health. Cholesterol: 24 mg Sodium: 176 mg Potassium: 53 mg Total Carbohydrate: 11 g Protein: 2.6 g Calories: 149 Calcium: Builds healthy Total fat: 8 g bones and teeth; Saturated fat: 5 g maintains bone mass. FRESH MILK Cholesterol: 24 mg Protein: Serves as a Sodium: 105 mg source of energy; Potassium: 0 mg builds/repairs muscle Total Carbohydrate: 12 g tissue. Sugar: 12 g Potassium: Helps Protein: 8 g maintain a healthy blood pressure. Phosphorus: Helps strengthen bones and generate energy. Vitamin D: Helps maintain bones LUNCH Calories: 130 rich source of Total fat: 0.3 g carbohydrates, the body's Saturated fat: 0.1 g main fuel source. Cholesterol: 0 mg Carbohydrates can keep 1 CUP OF RICE Sodium: 1 mg you energized and Potassium: 35 mg satisfied, and are Total Carbohydrate: 28 g important for fueling Dietary fiber: 0.4 g exercise Sugar: 0.1 g Protein: 2.7 g Calories: 13 1-cup serving of the dish Total fat: 0.4 g contains about 180 Saturated fat: 0.1 g calories and 16 grams of Cholesterol: 6.7 mg lean tissue-building MENUDO Sodium: 165 mg protein. With 6 grams of Potassium: 28 mg fat per cup and 16 grams Total Carbohydrate: 1.9 g of carbohydrates, Dietary fiber: 0.6 g menudo fits into a healthy Sugar: 0.2 g meal plan Protein: 0.8 g DINNER Calories: 130 rich source of Total fat: 0.3 g carbohydrates, the body's Saturated fat: 0.1 g main fuel source. Cholesterol: 0 mg Carbohydrates can keep 1 CUP OF RICE Sodium: 1 mg you energized and Potassium: 35 mg satisfied, and are Total Carbohydrate: 28 g important for fueling Dietary fiber: 0.4 g exercise Sugar: 0.1 g Protein: 2.7 g Calories: 98 Eggplant supports the Total fat: 5.5 g reduction of causes of Saturated fat: 1.5 g heart disease. Green Monounsaturated fat: 2.8 g beans help to keep your PINAKBET Cholesterol: 8.4 mg digestive system healthy Sodium: 161 mg and running smoothly. Potassium: 375 mg Squash is high in beta- Total Carbohydrate: 11 g carotene, which our body Dietary fiber: 3.6 g turns into vitamin A that Sugar: 4.7 g can strengthen our Protein: 2.7 g immune system and promote healthy eyesight