Online Voting Using Block Chain

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For some years, online voting has emerged as a substitute for paper-based
elections to reduce redundancies and anomalies. The recent point of view adopted in
the past two decades shows that it has not been as successful for some period
because of the cloud encryption and privacy observed. This paper suggests a
framework with the use of practicable hashing methods to maintain information
protection. In this paper we present the idea of square creation and square fixing.
Presenting a square repair concept let’s make the block chain agile when addressing
the problem of the survey process. This is recommended to use cooperative
blockchain, which means that an administrating entity owns the block chain (e.g.,
election commission), so therefore no unapproved access may be created from
outside. The method presented in this paper discusses the feasibility of the survey
process, the usefulness of hashing calculations, the development and initialization of
blocks, the collection of knowledge and the declaration of findings by the use of the
modular block chain technique. This paper professes to catch the protection and
details the problems confronting the executive in block chain, and gives an better
explanation of the online voting process.

Existing System:

This is the current voting system used in India. In this system vote is cast using
electronics ballet. In this we cast our vote in an electronics machine. This is a group
of some counter and registers. This voting system is quite easy, simple. It has
advantage like mobility, secure, flexibility for election commission. But in today
world all people are so much busy that they don’t have time to vote. This paper
presents a perspective in the electronic voting process. That includes but not limited
to identifying the polling process, The polling process the actual voting process used
on the polling day

Proposed System:

The proposed system is the Biometric online voting system with biometric
fingerprint using aadhaar card. It determines the particular voter by his/her
fingerprint whether he/she is a valid voter or not. It allows particular voter to cast
the vote online. The polling process continues until the voting time ends and update
the database in the server. Biometric online voting system uses aadhaar card to
retrieve the complete details about the voter. And the votes are stored in a
blockchain server and viewed to the public this ensure a trustworthy environment.


Processor : Intel Pentium IV

Clock speed : 1.8 GHz

RAM : 256 MB

HDD : 80 GB

FDD : 1.44 MB

CD Drive : 52x Reader

Pointing device : Scroll Mouse

Keyboard : 101 Standard Key-board


System Architecture : Java

Core Language : Jsp , Servlet

Operating System : Windows Xp

Database : My Sql

Server : Apache Tomcat

Block Chain:

A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, distributed public ledger that acts as a

shared and synchronized database that records cryptocurrency transactions. While
blockchains are essentially decentralized databases, there is no primary ownership
of the data. Through collaboration, users decide which data are added to the
blockchain while ensuring that identical copies of the data are received and
automatically updated . E-Voting, in any setting, generates abundant complex and
rich data, ranging from sensitive patient-identifiable data to operational analytics.
The dissemination and essential actions of exchanging these Vote-related data mean
that they remain at risk of privacy breaches . Blockchain technologies have been
proposed to respond to this challenge . Once granted permission, verified users gain
access to blockchain systems. This allows them to share relevant data with other
verified users, guaranteeing accountability, scalability, and efficiency . While this
innovation has shown promise in various sectors, to ensure successful
implementation in E-Voting, various challenges need to be addressed first . Because
Vote-related data are numerous and sourced from many areas, the integration and
linkage of data have the potential to generate valuable population-level insight . A
key consideration with the greater integration of Vote data sources is the need for
strategies that safeguard access control to sensitive patient data. Additionally, as
there is an expansion of Vote- and lifestyle-related data resulting from, for example,
mobile apps and wearable devices, blockchain technologies may be exploited by
patients, providers, and researchers through the enablement of novel mechanisms
for consent and access . As blockchains utilize cryptographic techniques to
authenticate and verify users, their application may be used to control access to
sensitive data . While the adoption of electronic medical records in E-Voting has
become the de facto standard, most data within electronic medical records cannot be
shared and exchanged between users appropriately . Blockchain technologies,
therefore, have the potential to increase interoperability between patients, carers, E-
Voting professionals, and researchers through the enablement of novel methods for
data linkage of disparate sources . As data can be sourced from one location,
blockchains have the potential to tackle storage issues. By recording patient consent,
blockchains could be a patient-empowering platform .Information flow and
exchange between users may only take place once the patient has consented .
Consent also allows E-Voting providers to trust the data they access, thereby
enabling them to treat their patients accordingly . In addition to ensuring access
security, scalability, and data privacy , blockchains also have the potential to
enhance medical research through various use cases. Via implementation of Vote
record blockchains, data sourced from medical records, Vote apps, and wearable
devices could be stored and made accessible to users throughout their lives , thereby
facilitating the conduct of longitudinal studies and pharmacovigilance applications.
Each time a patient obtains a new prescription or test results, a patient could be
notified that new data have been encrypted, sent for storage, and added to an
automated system . Moreover, patients would be able to add data sourced from
wearable devices and Vote apps into this system . Once the data are encrypted and
stored, researchers can trust the data will not be altered . Patients and participants
may consent and revoke access, remaining in control of their information . In
addition to facilitating the collection of longitudinal data such as heart rate, diet, and
exercise frequency, blockchains may store genomic data . Blockchain technology
may also be used to counter prescription drug fraud . For example, Nuco, a
blockchain company, addresses prescription duplication and “doctor shopping,”
whereby individuals visit numerous physicians to obtain as many prescriptions as
they can . According to Nuco, the problem lies in the inadequate communication
between physicians and pharmacists, and blockchains have the capacity to tackle
this issue through the verification of prescription authenticity . These
implementation scenarios show the strengths of implementation of a secure
distributed data technology and the benefits they could make for individual and
population data analysis.
Before adopting blockchains to empower patients, advance personalized
medicine, accelerate research and development, and engage with populations that
are considered “hard-to-reach” , challenges restricting their implementation need to
be addressed. While broader access to Vote records may be achieved through
blockchains, there is limited information on the costs required to establish and
operationalize this decentralized framework . Vote systems spend large monetary
sums on designing and maintaining traditional information system frameworks .
Additionally, various resources are required to troubleshoot issues, update
parameters, and extract data .

Since blockchains do not require frequent troubleshooting, updates, or third-

party involvement in financing, it is predicted that implementing blockchain
technologies in E-Voting may reduce costs. To ensure adequate performance,
organizations and institutions adopting blockchain technologies need to select
specific frameworks to establish the size and format of the data that may be added to
the system . It may also prove to be a challenge to incentivize those in the E-Voting
sector to adopt novel blockchain technologies , thus expanding networks and
scalability, owing to the unfamiliarity of the distribution authentication technology
and concerns regarding ethics and privacy. A potential benefit, however, is that in
addition to allowing clinicians access to real-time data, thereby enabling nationwide
interoperability and the delivery of more coordinated patient care, researchers will
be able to access and monitor nationwide data that could potentially aid in national
surveillance and public Vote. Because using national programs to encourage digital
data adoption have been successful , it is envisaged that if similar approaches are
applied, the uptake of blockchains may also be achieved.

To the best of our knowledge, there are currently no systematic reviews on

the strategies utilized to implement block chains in E-Voting. Nevertheless, a few
reviews have been published focusing on specific aspects of block chains in E-
Voting, such as its applications in E-Voting , its potential to finance universal Vote
coverage , and its potential to tackle counterfeit medicines . The nature of a public
distributed ledger also means that while block chains could be used for a form of
authentication and data access, the E-Voting data would not be suitable for storage
on a public ledger due to privacy implications. These considerations surround the
application and trade-offs in implementation and require further research and
potential standards for their use.

The proposed system consists of modules,
1. User Module
2. Administrator Module
3. Cloud Server Module
4. Attribute based Access Policy Module
5. Block Chain Module

User interface consists of a login name and unique password using which
he/she can login into the online E-Voting system. This will be supplied by the
administrator to the user. Once the user has logged in, he has the privilege to view
the names of the candidates listed by the administrator, view the results after the
termination date of the election. The user module constitutes only one sub module:
This facilitates of voter view the register form are enter the details and finally
submit the details within check the details in administrator so your particular details
are true accept the registration. Otherwise cross check the details, this details are
false immediately reject your registration.
Each voter is provided with unique username and password manually by the
administrator. The voter uses the username and password for login and exercise the
fundamental right of E-Voting.
If incorrect username and password entered, the access to is denied to the
user. And also voter is allowed to vote only once. This is the security feature
provided against external access of the system.
After login the voter enters the voter home page, which provides the links.

This provides the voter with a list of candidate with in his/her constituency
along with selection option (radio button) to select the preferred candidate from the
list. If the E-Voting date is before termination date, the vote goes valid else goes
This provides graphical and user friendly representation of the votes obtained
by each candidate. It includes the percentage of the votes obtained by each
candidate. But the result can be viewed only after the termination date of the
This provides an option for the voter to quit the session, while in the voter home

Administrator interface consists of a login name and unique password using
which admin can login into the online E-Voting system. Administrator has the main
control of the system. By logging into the page it can perform the following tasks.
Here the election to be conducted is selected. To add an election the
constituency should be selected and termination date of election should be specified.
Here we can view the voters list. Each constituency will be having separate
voters list.
The list of candidates participating in the election can be seen. It includes the
candidates name, party name and party symbol.
The sub-modules of administrator are:
1. E-Voting Structure
2. Voters Registration
3. Candidate Registration
4. Counting & Categorization of Results

Here the eligible voters who are permitted to login to the system can utilize
the right to vote. Each voter can register a single vote to a candidate’s favour in
his/her constituency. The security measures taken within the system prevents them
from exercising their votes again i.e. the second vote by the same user goes invalid.
The starting and ending dates of the election are specified by the administrator. The
user must have an identity card and he must be in voters list.
The registration procedure of all the eligible voters .This registration process
is done by the administrator. According to voters database each voter is provided
with a unique identification codes which includes username and password.
The details of the voters include username, password, name, address, gender,
constituency, image etc. With the voter registration, thus producing the voter list
with the given information of the voters. The voter list can be viewed by anyone
accessing the webpage. The admin can view the voter list with in his homepage.
The registration of the candidates in each constituency is done by the
administrator. The details of the candidate includes name, address, gender, his/her
constituency, party and image. With the candidate registration, thus producing the
candidate list with the given information of the candidates. The candidate list can be
viewed by admin and the vote within their respective homepages.
According to candidates database (manual) each details of the candidates are
stored in database controlled by the admin including candidates details.
When the voter votes, the number of votes obtained by the selected candidate
is incremented by 1.The result is published only after the E-Voting process is over.
It is accessible from the next day after the termination date. Here we depict the
result in the graphical representation according to the percentage of vote obtained by
the candidate. Result can be viewed by everyone who visits into the site without any
authentication problem. A link to view the result is kept in the index page and both
admin and voter can view the result in their respective homepages. When the user
clicks the result link, before the termination date of the election, “Result not
Published yet” Message will be displayed. The result comes with their party symbol
on the top of the graph representing the percentage of vote obtained by each

3. Cloud Server Module

In this paper, we consider the server to be semi-trusted, i.e., honest but curious as
those in [28] and [15]. That means the server will try to find out as much secret
information in the stored voting information as possible, but they will honestly
follow the protocol in general. On the other hand, some users will also try to access
the files beyond their privileges. For example, a pharmacy may want to obtain the
prescriptions of patients for marketing and boosting its profits. To do so, they may
collude with other users, or even with the server. In addition, we assume each party
in our system is preloaded with a public/private key pair, and entity authentication
can be done by traditional challenge-response protocols.

4. Attribute based Access Policy Module

In our framework, there are multiple SDs, multiple owners, multiple AAs, and
multiple users. In addition, two ABE systems are involved. We term the users
having read and write access as data readers and contributors, respectively.
5. Block Chain Module

In this Block chain module, block chain is implemented for all login form, Vote
information , and for Candidate information. The time stamp and block chain is
implemented for all the histories

3.3.1 Features of Java Programming Language

Java technology is both a programming language and a platform

independent language.

 Write less code: Comparisons of program metrics (class counts, method

counts, and so on) suggest that a program written in the Java programming
language can be four times smaller than the same program in C++.

 Write better code: The Java programming language encourages good coding
practices, and its garbage collection helps you avoid memory leaks. Its object
orientation, its JavaBeans component architecture, and its wide-ranging,
easily extendible API allow reuse other people’s tested code and introduce
fewer bugs.
 Develop programs more quickly: Development time is as much as twice as
fast versus writing the same program in C++.
 Avoid platform dependencies: Program portable avoiding the use of libraries
written in other languages.
 Write one, run anywhere: Because java applications are compiled into
machine-independent byte codes, they run consistently on any Java platform.
 Distribute software more easily: With Java Web Start technology, users will
be able to launch your applications with a single click of the mouse. An
automatic version check at startup ensures that users are always up to date
with the latest version of your software.


A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a
program runs. The most popular platforms are Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris
OS, and MacOS. Most platforms can be described as a combination of the
operating system and underlying hardware. The Java platform differs from most
other platforms in that it’s a software-only platform that runs on top of other
hardware based platforms.

The Java platform has two components:

 The Java Virtual Machine

 The Java Application Programming Interface(API)

The API is a large collection of ready-made software components

that provide many useful capabilities. Such as graphical user interface (GUI)
widgets. It is grouped into libraries of related classes and interfaces; these libraries
are known as packages. As a platform-independent environment, the Java platform
can be a bit slower than native code. However, advances in compiler and virtual
machine technologies are bringing performance close to that of native code without
threatening portability.

 The general-purpose, high-level Java programming language is a powerful

software platform.
 Development Tools: The development tools provide following facilities for
applications like compiling, running, monitoring, debugging, and
documenting, the main tools using in all applications are the Java compiler
(javac), the Java launcher (java), and the Java documentation tool (javadoc).
 Application Programming Interface (API): The API provides the core
functionality of the Java programming language. It offers a wide array of
useful classes for develop the applications. It spans everything from basic
objects, to networking and security, to XML generation and database access.
The core API is very large; to get an overview of what it contains, consult the
release documentation liked to at the bottom of this page.
 Development Technologies: The JDK provides standard mechanisms, such
as Java Web Start and Java Plug-In, for deploying your applications to end
 User Interface Toolkits: The Swing and Java 2D toolkits make it possible to
create sophisticated Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).
Integration Libraries: Integration libraries such as IDL, JDBC, JNDL,RMI,
and RMI-IIOP, enable database access and manipulation of remote objects.


 Database (server):
The client sends a request to the server. The server being a more
powerful machine does all the fetching and processing and returns only the desired
result set back to the client for the finishing touches.

In effect, weaker machines virtually have a shared access to the

strength of the server at the back-end. Faster execution at the server side results in
less network traffic and increased response time for the program to fetch and
process the data.

 However the client/server architecture also had certain disadvantages: Any

change in the business policies required a change in the business logic. To
change the business logic, either the presentation logic or database
connectivity code has to be changed, depending on the location of the
business logic.
 Applications developed using 2-Tier architecture might be difficult to scale
up because of the limited number of database connections available to the
client. Connections requests beyond a particular limit are simply rejected by
the server.
Java 2 Enterprise Edition provides more flexible, secure and allow high
density of data transaction through its powerful implicit middleware services. J2EE
Architecture facilitates system to execute under multi-tier client server architecture
and distributed environment, enhancing the functional approach of the systems

 Client Script : HTML, DHTML, JavaScript

 Middleware : JSP Features of Server-Side Programming (JSP)

Java Server Pages (JSP) technology enables mix regular, static HTML
with dynamically generated content from servlets. Many Web pages that are built
by CGI programs are primarily static, with the parts that change limited to a few
small locations.

For example, the initial page at most on-line stores is the same for all visitors,
except for a small welcome message giving the visitor’s name if it is known. But
most GCI variations, including servlets, make you generate the entire page via your
program, even though most of it is always the same.

JSP lets you create the two parts separately. Most of the page consists of
regular HTML, which is passed to the visitor unchanged. Parts that are generated
dynamically are marked with special HTML like tags and mixed right into the page.

3.3.4 JSP (Java Server Pages) Features

 High quality tool support

The Write Once, Run Anywhere properties of JSP allows the user to
choose best-of-breed tools. Additionally, an explicit goal of the Java Server
Pages design is to enable the creation of high quality portable tools.

 Separation of dynamic and static content

The Java Server Pages technology enables the separation of static

content from dynamic that is inserted into the static template. This greatly
simplifies the creation of content. This separation is supported by beans
specifically designed for the interaction.

 Support of scripting and action

The Java Server Pages technology supports scripting elements as well
as actions. Action permits the encapsulation of useful functionality in a
convenient form that can also be manipulated by tools; scripts provide a
mechanism to glue together this functionality in a per-page manner.
 Web access layer for N-tier enterprise application architecture
The Java Server Pages technology is an integral part of the Java 2
Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE), which brings Java technology to
enterprise computing. We can now develop powerful middle-tier server
applications, using a Website that uses Java Server Pages technology as a
front end to Enterprise JavaBeans components in a J2EE compliant

MySQL is an open-source database system with which we can do the

following things:

 design the structure of the tables (called schema) and how they relate to one
 add, edit and delete data
 sort and manipulate data
 query the database (that is, ask questions about the data)
 produce listings based on queries

To interact with MySQL, we enter commands on a command line. These

commands, such as CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, etc. are based on a more general
language called SQL (Structured Query Language).

It is used in many places throughout the world. Lately, however, it has begun
to permeate the business world as a reliable and fast database system MySQL is
often confused with SQL, the structured query language developed by IBM. It is not
a form of this language but a database system that uses SQL to manipulate, create,
and show data. MySQL is a program that manages databases, much like Microsoft's
Excel manages spreadsheets. SQL is a programming language that is used by
MySQL to accomplish tasks within a database, just as Excel uses VBA (Visual
Basic for Applications) to handle tasks with spreadsheets and workbooks.


 Apache Tomcat is a server container developed by apache software

 Apache tomcat 6.0 implements servlets 2.5 and JSP 2.1 specification for
unified expression language.
 Apache tomcat includes tools for configuration and management.

Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design

in the turned into a working system and is giving confidence on the new system for
the user that it will work effectively. It involves careful planning, investigation of
the current system and its constraints on implementation, design of methods to
achieve the change over, an evaluation, of change over methods.

Apart from planning major task of preparing the implementations are

education and training of users. The more complex the system begin effort, required
just for implementation. An implementation coordination committee based on
policies of individual organization has been appointed. The implementation process
begins with preparing a plan for the implementation of the system. After the system
is implemented successfully, training of the user is one of the most important
subtasks of the developer . For this purpose user manuals are prepared and handled
over to the user to operate the developed system. Thus the users are trained to the
operate the developed system. Both the hardware and software securities are made
to run the developed systems successfully in future.

The implementation stage involves following Tasks.

 Careful planning.
 Investigation of system and constraints.
 Design of methods to achieve the change over.
 Training of the staff in the change over phase.


Evaluation of the change over method.

The maintenance phase of the software cycle is the time in which a
software product useful work. After a system is successfully implemented, it should
be maintained in a proper manner. System maintenance is an important aspect in the
software development life cycle.

The need for the system maintenance is for it to make adaptable to

change in the system environment. There may be social, Technical and other
environmental changes, which affect a system, which is being implemented.

Software product enhancements may involve providing new functional

capabilities, improving user displays and mode of interaction, upgrading the
performance characteristics of the system. So only throw proper system
maintenance procedures, the system can be adapted to cope up with these changes. 

The maintenance activity occur because it is unreasonable to assume that

software testing will uncover all errors in large software system. During the use of
any large program, errors, will occur and be reported to the Developer.

  The process that includes the diagnosis and correction of one or more
errors is called Corrective maintenance

6.1.1 Validation Testing

Software validation is achieved through a series of tests that demonstrates

conformity with requirements. Thus the proposed system under consideration has
been tested by validation and found to be working satisfactorily.

6.1.2 Black Box Testing

This testing method considers a module as a single unit and checks the unit
at interface and communication with other modules rather getting into details at
statement level. Here the module will be treated as a block box that will take some
input and generate output. Output for a given set of input combinations are
forwarded to other modules.

6.1.3 Unit testing

  Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software i.e.
the module. Using the detailed design and the process specifications testing is done
to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. All modules must be
successful in the unit test.

6.1.4 User acceptance Testing

The system under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly

keeping in touch with the prospective system users at the time of developing and
making changes whenever required. This is done in regard to the following points.


After performing the validation testing , the next step is output testing of
the proposed system since no system could be useful if it does not produce
the required output in the specific format. The outputs generated or displayed
by the system under consideration are tested asking the users about the format
required by them. Here, the output is considered into two ways: one is the
screen and the other is printed formatted. The output format on the screen is
foind to be correct as the format designed according to user needs. For the
hard copy also, the output comes out as specified by the user. Hence output
testing does not result in any correction in the system.


Validation succeds when the software functions in a manner that can be

reasonably expected by the customer. Once the application was made free of
all logical and interface errors, inputting data to ensure that the software
developed satisfied all the requirements of the normal input did validation
testing. If invalid data is given in data field then invalid data entry message
must show to user. However , the data are created with the intent of
determining, whether the system will process them correctly.
Screen ID: VS001 Screen Name: Login Screen
Field Mandatory Characteristics Status
Name Field
Username Yes 1. Should not blank 1. Success
2. Should not accept more 2. Success
than 15 character. 3. Success
3. Should not be zero
Password Yes 1. Should not blank 1. Success
2. Should not accept more 2. Success
than 15 character. 3. Success
3. Should not be zero

Screen ID: VS001 Screen Name: Customer Registration

Field Name Mandatory Characteristics Status

1.Should not blank 1. Success
Username Yes 2.Should not accept more than 2. Success
15 character
3. Success
3. Should not be zero
Password Yes 1. Should not blank. 1. Success.
2. Should not accept more than 2. Success.
15 Character.
3. Success.
3. Should not be zero.
Conformed Yes 1. Should not blank. 1. Success.
Password 2. Should not accept more than 2. Success.
15 Character.
3. Success.
3. Should not be zero.
Name Yes 1. Should not blank. 1. Success.
2. Should not accept more than
25 Character. 2. Success.
3. Should not be zero. 3. Success.
Occupation Yes 1. Should not blank. 1. Success.
2. Should not accept more than 2. Success.
20 Character.
3. Success.
3. Should not be zero.
Qualificatio Yes 1. Should not blank. 1. Success.
2. Should not accept more than 2. Success.
15 Character.
3. Success.
3. Should not be zero.
Age Yes 1. Should not blank. 1. Success.
2. Should not accept more than 2 2. Success.
3. Success.
3. Should not be zero.

Address Yes 1. Should not blank. 1. Success.

2. Should not accept more than 2. Success.
25 Character.
3. Success.
3. Should not be zero.
Phone No Yes 1. Should not blank. 1. Success.
2. Should not accept more than 2. Success.
10 Character.
3. Success.
3. Should not be zero.
Email Id Yes 1. Should not blank. 1. Success.
2. Should not accept more than 2. Success.
20 Character.
3. Success.
3. Should not be zero.


Online Voting

Figure 4.3.1: Level 0 DFD




By doing this project we were able to bring a new system for online national
E-Voting for our country. With the advent of technology and Internet in our day to
day life, we were able to offer advanced E-Voting system to voters both in the
country and outside through our online E-Voting system.
Top 4 Reasons to Move to the Online E-Voting Platform
1. Efficient and Cost Effective: The system offers significant cost benefits over
paper elections in a vote to vote comparison. It saves an organization the cost of
creating, printing and postage, since everything can be handled electronically.
Online elections reduce the use of paper and the amount of work for both the
organization, as well as voters.
2. Intelligent: The Online E-Voting Platform offers intelligent ballots, smart
checklist features, vote tallying, tabulation and reporting. These functions are
automatic and do not need to be assigned to personnel in-house. Additionally, it
allows administrators to create rules on ballots so that voters cannot cast invalid
votes, nor do they need to be checked while counting.
3. Easy and convenient: The Online E-Voting Platform offers the easiest and most
convenient method for administrators and voters alike. For administrators, the
process of setting up a ballot and conducting an election is simple and manageable.
The other advantages that the system offers are:
• Efficient data storage and Intelligent Management.
• Accuracy, real-time response and user friendliness.

In future we can add an SMS query we will get the result updates at the
time of counting. To receive the SMS we need to register with our mobile number
in the site.

For the documentation and programming references

the following have been extensively referred:


1. “Software Engineering Concepts” - Richard Fairley, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd,

Forth Edition.
2. “Java 2 Complete Reference” - Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd,
Forth Edition.
3. “JSP 2.0 The Complete Reference” - Patric, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd,
Second Edition.
4. “The Complete Reference J2EE” - Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd,
Fifth Edition.

Web References


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