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Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.64.10_Spec_No.1394 on 1 October 1989. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on February 11, 2023 by guest.

Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1989, 64, 1394-1402

Personal practice

Follow up studies: design, organisation, and analysis

*Social Paediatric and Obstetric Research Unit, University of Glasgow, tOxford Region Child Development
Project, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, and *Medical Research Council Dunn Nutrition Unit, Cambridge

The follow up of infants who were exposed to of the other issues and practical problems en-
adverse perinatal events is an important component countered in mounting follow up studies and suggest
of perinatal audit. We need to know whether the some solutions, but our main aim is to stimulate
changes in perinatal care that have undoubtedly further discussion that will eventually encourage
resulted in their improved survival have altered the more effective use of the vast amount of resource
incidence of impairments in their long term health, and expertise expended in the name of 'follow up'.
growth, or neurodevelopmental state. Moreover,

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recent improvements in diagnostic imaging tech- How is the information derived from follow up
niques carried out in the neonatal period may con- studies used?
siderably enhance our ability to predict longer term
outcome.1-3 Their importance lies not only in their Most reported follow up studies based on hospital
use to monitor the eventual outcome for individual
children, but because therein could lie some ex- populations are descriptive or observational; that is,
planation of the mechanisms linking clinical patho- information is collected on the outcome of cohorts
logical entities to the lesions visualised.4 of children with particular characteristics-for
In the absence of reliable validated routine health example birthweight groups, infants who were
surveillance of all children, special studies are ventilated, infants with seizures, and so on. This
required to monitor the effects of rapidly changing information tends to be misused in two ways.
perinatal practice and to evaluate specific com- Firstly, associations between perinatal variables and
ponents of care. Studies from any one centre are outcome are observed, and there is then a tendency
often too small to answer the questions being posed. to ascribe-erroneously-a causal relationship
The purpose of this paper is to discuss ways in which between the two. Descriptive follow up studies can,
the design of following studies could be made however, only generate hypotheses that need to be
compatible to enable multicentre collaboration, and tested in a new cohort. Causal relationships can be
thus provide more rapid feedback to neonatal determined only by a randomised study design.
paediatricians on current issues. Secondly, the information collected is compared
with other similar observations made in previous
Background years or in other centres. Differences in outcome
are ascribed to differences in care, but they may
In 1981, Kiely and Paneth outlined some of the merely reflect differences in the study population
theoretical problems that beset the design and uniformity (either over time or between centres), or a lack of
reporting of follow up studies.5 In the same year, or ascertained. in the way outcomes have been defined
Sinclair et al expanded on the methodological
requirements for a proper evaluation of neonatal
intensive care.6 This included testing of the efficacy How can we improve on study design?
of particular treatments, their effectiveness in the
field, the efficiency of these treatments in relation to The design of the study must be prospective, with
other calls on resources, and the implications the aims, the population, and the outcomes defined
(economic and otherwise) of making them available before collection of data starts. The selection of a
to all who need them. In this paper we discuss some comparison group must also be considered.
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.64.10_Spec_No.1394 on 1 October 1989. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on February 11, 2023 by guest.
Follow up studies: design, organisation, and analysis 1395
DEFINITION OF THE AIMS described by Horwood et al who showed that 28% of
The aim of the study should be defined at the outset the reduction in mortality experienced after the
and usually falls into one of the following categories: opening of a new intensive care centre was
to estimate the incidence of disease, disorder, or accounted for by the transfer in from outside the
impairment in a defined cohort followed up for a geographical region of mothers who had been
specific period; to evaluate the effectiveness or thought, incorrectly, to be at high risk of a poor
otherwise of a particular therapeutic intervention; outcome. 12
or to test a specific aetiological hypothesis. Enrolment in such a study can be on the basis of
A descriptive follow up study of the first type can all births, or all live births. It is, however, important
provide important information on the natural to ensure that a birth is also defined by some other
history and prognosis of a condition, and can variable such as-for example, all births over
identify the presence or absence of associations 500 g-because there is marked variation in the
between perinatal events and outcome. The evalua- definition of live birth both internationally and
tion of specific treatments is best achieved by within countries. 13 For the purposes of international
randomised clinical trials with predefined measure- comparison, it is preferable to use standard cate-
ments of outcome made by investigators who are gories such as those recommended by the World
preferably 'blind' to the original treatment. The role Health Organisation for birthweight groupings.'4
of each type of study is illustrated in the following In the United Kingdom, information on all births
example. to women resident in a defined geographical area
A study of the natural history and prognosis of a can be obtained through statutory birth notifications
group of infants with neonatal seizures identified a that are held by district medical officers in England
subgroup of infants born at full term whose seizures and Wales, and chief administrative medical officers
occurred in the first 48 hours of life and who had sus- in Scotland and Northern Ireland. In most district

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tained an intrapartum insult.7 This gave rise to the general hospitals outside the big conurbations, the
aetiological hypothesis that changes in intrapartum difference between the hospital based population
management might reduce the number of infants and the geographically based one is not large. Those
born at full term with early seizures. It was then infants who are in the geographical cohort, but who
postulated that the rate of such seizures might were not included in the hospital population, can be
provide a useful marker of the quality of intra- easily identified and included. In large cities where
partum care.8 Two case control studies were set up infants could be cared for in a wide range of tertiary
to investigate the relationship between various care centres dictated by the availability of an inten-
adverse outcomes of pregnancy including early sive care cot, it is not possible to evaluate the quality
neonatal seizures and the quality of care in preg- of care from information on the outcome of infants
nancy and labour; both showed that there was a treated in a single unit.
strong association between suboptimal care and In conducting studies to test aetiological hypo-
early seizures.9 10 The hypothesis was sustained in a theses, or intervention studies, it is not necessary to
large randomised controlled trial of intrapartum use a geographically defined population. Once the
electronic fetal heart rate monitoring.11 study cohort has been defined it is important that all
are accounted for in the analysis. In the special case
DEFINITION OF THE STUDY COHORT of an antepartum or intrapartum intervention study,
The criteria by which the study cohort is selected the women entered into the study and all the infants
should be clearly defined and will be determined by born to those women should be included in the
whether the study is investigating prevalence, or the evaluation of the intervention. For example, in a
effects of an intervention, or testing a specific trial of a tocolytic agent to prevent preterm labour,
aetiological hypothesis. the condition of all the infants resulting from all the
In a study of the prevalence of morbidity, the pregnancies being studied needs to be compared,
population should be geographically defined. This whether they are born prematurely or not. It
permits evaluation of care to a total population could-for example-be argued that postponing
whose characteristics can be defined, and hence the delivery might subject the fetus to additional
findings can be compared with other populations for unsuspected hazards.
which reference statistics are available, taking
account of any differences in these variables. DETERMINATION OF SAMPLE SIZE
Results from tertiary referral centres are difficult to The sample should be large enough to provide an
interpret, because they are confounded by the answer, either on its own or in conjunction with
transfer of mothers and infants between units. An other similarly structured studies, to the main
example of the importance of this source of bias was question being asked in the study. The involvement
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.64.10_Spec_No.1394 on 1 October 1989. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on February 11, 2023 by guest.
1396 Mutch, Johnson, and Morley
of parents and children in a follow up study that has have economic implications. Measures such as the
little chance of producing an answer to the question need for hospital admission, length of stay, the need
posed should be regarded as unethical. for increased primary health care contacts, and the
In a study of prevalence in a defined population, use of ancillary services are important factors that
the study size is obviously constrained by the could influence whether recommendations based on
available eligible entrants. In testing a hypothesis it the findings of a particular study are accepted.
is important that the sample size is big enough to
permit identification of enough subjects with the Measuring outcomes
predefined outcome. For example, there is little The tests (tools) used in measuring outcome should
point in examining 100 infants for the incidence of have both reproducibility and validity. These terms
an outcome that occurs in only 1/1000. Furthermore, are illustrated in the figure (JC Sinclair, personal
the sample needs to be large enough to detect communication).
intergroup differences that are also biologically Even with standardised 'tests' inaccuracies, im-
important. precision, and biases can arise. There is a real
It is difficult to give general advice because each chance of interobserver variation-and also intra-
study has a different perspective; a statistician observer variation-and these need to be tested in a
should be consulted to advise on the necessary pilot study. It has been shown that further training
calculations based on the reported frequency of a can help to improve the level of agreement
given dichotomous outcome, or some measure of between observers.'6 The problem is accentuated
central tendency and dispersion such as the mean when non-standardised tests, sometimes devised by
and standard deviation of a continuous outcome the examiner, are used before being subjected to
measure such as growth or a developmental score. 15 rigorous evaluation. There is a large number of
It should be borne in mind that the standard tests currently in use for assessing a wide variety of
deviation for a developmental score is likely to be functions at differing ages and we do not intend to

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greater in a 'high risk' population than in the discuss specific ones here. There is, however, a need
standardisation sample for the test. for some consensus on the optimal ages for testing
In order to study infrequent outcomes (such as children and the most appropriate tests at each age
retinopathy of prematurity) or a limited population in order to achieve comparability between studies.
(such as infants weighing less than 1000 g at birth) Outcome measures that require intensive assess-
within a reasonable time span, multicentre collabor- ment by highly trained personnel are not feasible if
ation is essential to achieve sufficient numbers. For the study population is large. Conversely, smaller
this to be successful, standard methods for identifying studies on their own, or 'nested' in large trials, may
and reporting those outcomes are needed. provide the opportunity for in depth examination of
unsuspected effects of the treatments being com-
The outcomes to be measured will depend on the
aim of the study, but whatever they are they must be Other sources of outcome information
specified and clearly defined before the start of the In addition to data collected in the study there are
study. The outcome should be relevant to the child several other sources which can be used to find out
or family, or likely to improve our understanding of about the longer term health and development of
the aetiology or treatment of the condition being children. Information on deaths in the study cohort
studied. The availability of funds or personnel, or can usually be obtained from routinely collected
both, may impose constraints on the study, making data held by districts on the child health register, as
the choice of the most important and valid outcome the death of a child is entered immediately to ensure
measures even more essential. that parents are not contacted for routine appoint-
Commonly reported outcomes are death, neuro- ments.
developmental state, sensory impairment, mor- Where appropriate, for a small cost, the National
bidity, growth, behavioural attributes, and learning Health Service record of individuals held by the
ability. It is important that the outcome to be Office of Population Censuses and Surveys can be
measured can be defined accurately. In the case of 'flagged' so that the researcher will be informed of
death, for example, the definition is simple, whereas the death or emigration of study children, or their
neurodevelopmental impairment or emotional movement from one family practitioner committee
problems would require careful definition before a area to another.
study was undertaken. Parents, health visitors, general practitioners,
In making a full evaluation of the effects of any community child health doctors, hospital paediatri-
treatment it is important to consider outcomes that cians, and teachers as well as research workers
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.64.10_Spec_No.1394 on 1 October 1989. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on February 11, 2023 by guest.
Follow up studies: design, organisation, and analysis 1397

- ,

0 l

t 0 0 -
.0 0 0

DI. )

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Figure Reproducibility and validity: (a) the shot is valid (it hit the target) and reproducible (it hit the target every
time); (b) one shot is valid, but the others went wide (not reproducible); (c) shots all hit the same spot
(reproducible), but missed the target (not valid); and (d) shots neither valid nor reproducible.

committed to the study can all provide their own physiological or anatomical structure or function'. A
perspectives on the child. The ideal, but expensive, disability resulting from this impairment is '. . any

situation would be to draw on all these sources, restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in
using them to validate each other. The advantages the manner or within the range considered normal
and disadvantages of the various sources are for a human being'. Handicap is the disadvantage
summarised in table 1. There is a need for validation resulting from an impairment or disability that
of inexpensive methods of obtaining information on '. . . limits or prevents the fulfilment of a role that is
children's health and development. Such validation normal (depending on age, sex, and social and
studies should be incorporated in more detailed and cultural factors) for that individual'.
costly studies.
Impairments-Of these three terms, impairments
Reporting outcomes are the most amenable to definition. For example,
In order to compare outcomes of studies from consensus has been reached on the standard descrip-
different centres the diseases, disorders, or impair- tion and reporting of the grades of retinopathy of
ments should be defined in a standard way. prematurity.'l A working group has developed a
It is helpful to consider outcomes in the way standard format for the recording and reporting of
described in the International Classification of the motor deficit in cerebral palsy.19 An attempt to
Impairments, Disabilities and Handicap. 7 A disease provide uniformity in describing and identifying
or disorder causes an impairment, which is defined neurological impairments has been proposed by
as '. . any loss or abnormality of psychological,
. Amiel-Tison and Stewart.20
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.64.10_Spec_No.1394 on 1 October 1989. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on February 11, 2023 by guest.
1398 Mutch, Johnson, and Morley
Table 1 Summary of methods of follow up
Sources of information Advantages Disadvantages
Routinely collected data (available in UK): Inexpensive Lack of uniformity between districts
in child health surveillance
Preschool health (school health) system Accommodate large study populations
Hospital activity analysis Limited detail
Parental questionnaires Inexpensive Inaccuracy of recall
Accommodate large study populations 'Subjectivity' bias
Unique knowledge of child's abilities and Inadequately validated
disabilities and social and behavioural
Health diaries Improved accuracy of recall 'Subjectivity' bias
Inadequately validated
Health visitors:
Assessment No additional funding if part of routine Additional workload
surveillance Unstandardised 'tools'
Can accommodate quite large numbers Interobserver variation
Specific training feasible
Assessment No additional funding if part of routine Additional workload
Can accommodate quite large numbers
Use of standardised tests

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Explores cognitive development
Hospital based personnel:
Routine outpatient No additional visits Lack of uniformity in testing
Interobserver variation
Limited time for assessment
Clinical environment
Special study personnel:
Standard protocol Longer time for assessment Additional appointments
Can be seen in own surroundings Cost
In depth study possible
Multiple observers Larger numbers possible Interobserver variation
Single observer Relative consistency in observation Small numbers only
In depth study possible Cost
Finer discrimination possible between Undetected systematic error

Disability-Assigning grades of severity to the the severity of a disability will depend on his or her
disability arising from impairments is fraught with clinical experience.
problems. In prevalence studies it is important that In a population based study in the Northern
the 'cut off' point for ascertaining the condition region of England a system was developed to cate-
under review is predefined for comparative pur- gorise the degree of disability in a group of children
poses, as children with minimal problems may well with established cerebral palsy in which aspects of
not be universally recognised, and the reader needs mobility, physical dependence, social and economic
to know the threshold of inclusion. implications and resource use were summed to
The description of disability needs to be related to provide an overall measure of disability.22
a particular task and the developmental age of the In a recent study of disabilities in children by the
child and must take account of the use and Social Survey Division of the Office of Population
usefulness of aids.2' In most currently reported Censuses and Surveys, considerable attention was
studies, however, there is a lack of uniformity in paid to all these points; it will be a useful reference
describing disability in children and this is com- source. 23

pounded by the arbitrary categorisation of disabilities One possible way forward would be the develop-
into grades of 'mild', 'moderate', and 'severe', ment of a 'minimum data set' incorporating standard
which may have different meanings in different ways of categorising death, accepted definitions of
studies. Furthermore, a physician's perception of impairments, and guidelines on assigning grades of
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.64.10_Spec_No.1394 on 1 October 1989. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on February 11, 2023 by guest.
Follow up studies: design, organisation, and analysis 1399
severity. This would permit meaningful accurate tive, but this necessarily excludes children not
comparisons between studies. able to attend school who may be represented to a
greater extent in the index group.
Handicap-This is a particularly difficult outcome If a concurrent comparison is carried out between
for comparative use, as it depends heavily on two geographically defined populations with the
subjective factors and is a reflection of the attitudes same ascertainment criteria for measures of out-
within the family and society as a whole to people 'come, observed differences may indeed reflect
with disabilities. It is best avoided in the types of differences in care; these may, however, also be the
study described here. results of known differences in the sociodemo-
graphic structure of the populations, or to some as
CHOICE OF A COMPARISON GROUP yet unidentified confounding factor. Information
In a controlled trial the control group should be should be collected on factors known to be related
randomly chosen from those eligible for entry to the to the outcome being measured, so that adjustment
study and therefore should be comparable with the can be. made in the analysis for any marked
index group in every respect other than the inter- imbalance.
vention being studied.
In an observational study there is no easy answer TRACING CHILDREN
to the choice of a comparison group.5 As previously Tracing children can be time consuming, and several
stated, comparison of the outcome of hospital sources may need to be tapped.27 High ascertain-
populations either over time (historical controls) or ment rates are extremely important, because biases
between centres may result in misleading inferences. arise when follow up rates are low and it should be
The choice of a comparison group depends on the recognised that the lower the follow up rate the
question being asked. The choice must be between more inaccurate the estimate of the true rate of

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matched and 'unmatched' controls; if the preference impairment. There is, furthermore, some evidence
is for matched controls, then subjects could be that children who are difficult to trace may be at a
matched on antecedent factors such as maternal age, higher risk of an abnormal outcome. The extent to
parity, birth weight, or gestational age, depending which this is true has recently been quantified in a
on the design of the study. In considering develop- study of very low birthweight children in the
mental outcomes, however, the over-riding deter- Northern region of England; children not seen on
mining factors are sex, social class,24 and preschool
the first attempt had a sevenfold increased risk of
experience, so there is a rational basis for impairment compared with those who were easily
matching on those variables. Often it is better to traced.28
match for only exceptional factors and adjust for If parents are aware from the time of birth or soon
others in the analysis. Overmatching can introduce after that their children will form part of a study,
difficulties in interpretation by taking out of con- contact can be maintained in a number of ways. In
sideration the very factor being investigated. the 1946 British cohort used to study child health,
In a prevalence study in, for example, a very low birthday cards are used to keep in touch.29 Assess-
birthweight population where the outcome to be
measured is relatively uncommon, more than one
control for each index case may be necessary to
provide more accurate estimates of the increased Table 2 Information required to tap sources helpful in
relative risk experienced by the study subjects. But tracing children
the advantage to be gained by increasing the number Child: Full name, date of birth, last address,
of controls soon falls off15; statistical advice is National Health Service number,
needed on this point. telephone number
The use of siblings as a comparison may have the Mother: Full name, maiden name, National Health
Service number
advantage that socioeconomic variables and experi- Father: First name or initials
ence of parenting are likely to be the same. In some General practitioner: Name, address
families, however, there will be no siblings and any Grandparents: Name, address, telephone number
finding limited to those cases who had a sibling Useful sources:
Child health registers held by districts
would not necessarily be relevant for the one child Family practitioner committees - registration departments
family. Birth order in itself has been shown to have a National Health Service Central Registry in Southport (England),
significant effect on developmental score almost in Edinburgh (Scotland), and in Belfast (Northern Ireland)
equal to that of the sex of the child.26 Telephone directories
Local education authorities for children of school age
At an older age group, classroom controls of the Local post offices and electoral rolls
same sex and social class are an attractive alterna-
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.64.10_Spec_No.1394 on 1 October 1989. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on February 11, 2023 by guest.
1400 Mutch, Johnson, and Morley
ments in the early months of life can help in in the analysis. In an observational study of the
establishing rapport with the family. The informa- developmental outcome of for example, children
tion that can be helpful in tracing children within the whose mothers had had some late onset pregnancy
United Kingdom, and agencies and other sources condition, then the inclusion of a child with a
that can be used, are outlined in table 2. genetically determined syndrome would be inappro-
In most follow up studies there are a few children priate. When language development is a principal
who cannot be traced. Every effort should be made outcome of interest, then children whose first
to restrict their number as much as possible. It is language differs from that of the tester are at a
important to record the number of untraced children disadvantage, and not only in the sphere of language.
and to compare their known characteristics with Decisions about how to deal with these situations
those of the children assessed. should be discussed at the outset of the study.
Analysis and reporting of results DISTRIBUTION OF CONFOUNDING VARIABLES
The first priority is to determine the distribution in
The selected study groups form the basis for the the study group, and in the population from which
analysis. Statistical advice should be sought to the study sample was derived, of characteristics that
ensure that the analysis of the data and interpreta- might affect outcome such as birth weight, gesta-
tion of the results are appropriate, and this should tional age, sex, social class, birth order, and pre-
be a stated part of the initial design of the study. school experience.
There are several circumstances that deserve special
REFUSAL BY PARENTS TO PARTICIPATE The distribution of the outcome variables in the

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Parents may refuse because they suspect the motives whole study group and separately in the comparison
of the assessor, particularly if their child is already groups should be examined first. If the results in
the subject of concern on the part of the welfare each group are normally distributed and have the
authorities. A further explanation of the aims of the same variance, comparison of means and standard
study will often secure their cooperation. In other deviations will be appropriate. Information on the
cases parents may suspect that their child is not number of subjects whose results fall below the
developing normally and do not welcome confirma- 10th centile can be a useful additional way to
tion of their suspicions. It is also understandable describe the results especially if they are variables
that assessments may be unwelcome when family like developmental quotients or anthropometric
dynamics are disturbed, or where a child is severely measures. By itself, comparing groups of children
impaired and already having regular assessments. falling below the 10th centile for a test may be a
Information from general practitioners and paedia- crude measure, and it is analogous to measuring the
tricians may assist in these cases. height of a group of people by placing a bar at the
strategic height and seeing how many people could
REFUSAL OF CHILDREN TO PARTICIPATE walk under it. Nevertheless, using cut off points of
Some children refuse to comply with testing. There this type can also serve to increase the chance of
is evidence that they do so because they are unable data dependent choices to highlight or minimise
to do a test.30 For those testing small children, it is apparent differences.
often difficult to decide whether a child is failing to Where the results are skewed (that is, not
do a test or refusing to try it. Experience gained in a normally distributed) statistical advice on the best
pilot study will help in defining a 'refusal'. Ounsted and most informative approach should be sought. In
et al recommend exclusion of such children from the absence of a comparison group the findings can
the analysis of the variable concerned with a clear be described in terms of both means and standard
statement about their numbers and characteristics, 30 deviations, and the numbers falling below the 10th
and Stewart (AL Stewart, personal communication) centile.
recommends assigning them to a grade above failure
but below pass (for example, the 'suboptimal range' Costing and funding
in the McCarthy test31).
Follow up studies that do not use routine sources of
EXCLUSIONS AFTER ASSESSMENT information are usually costly to mount; they are
It is difficult-to make a general statement about this usually project funded and estimates of their true
issue. In a randomised trial, once subjects have been cost are difficult to come by. It would be valuable
assigned to a treatment they should all be included for future researchers to have information on how
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.64.10_Spec_No.1394 on 1 October 1989. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on February 11, 2023 by guest.
Follow up studies: design, organisation, and analysis 1401
Table 3 Costing a follow up study achieved between fulfilling the needs of individual
patients and meeting the rather stringent require-
Personnel costs: ments of a research study.
Study design, including statistician's time Ethical approval must be sought for follow up
Tracing children
Training of personnel where this is not considered an integral part of
Conducting a pilot study continuing clinical care. This is particularly impor-
Testing interobserver variation tant if a 'normal' control group is enrolled. Parents'
Organising appointments or questionnaires consent should be sought after an explanation of the
Assessing children
Communicating findings to those responsible for clinical care purpose of the study and what is entailed in the
Data entry and processing follow up assessment. This can be done orally or by
Data analysis (with computing and statistical advice) letter, and parents can consent either by opting in or
Writing up time opting out.32 General practitioners should be
Administrative and clerical costs: informed that their patient has consented to take
Preparation of assessment protocols part in a study. Results should be communicated
Stationery promptly so that they are as relevant as possible to
Photocopying, telephone, and postage current practice; parents and general practitioners
Equipment costs: are entitled to receive the reports of assessments.
Weighing and measuring equipment If we are concerned to monitor the effects of
Kits for developmental tests changing perinatal practice, then it must also be
Standard test recording forms appreciated that the effect of follow up studies in
Computer and other office equipment
themselves has never been evaluated fully. On the
Travel costs: one hand, benefits may accrue from the early
Costs for either parents or study personnel identification of-for example-sensory deficit and

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the implementation of treatment; on the other hand
it may be that the identification of other problems of
development, some of which cannot be 'cured',
much a study has cost available as part of an might cause unnecessary anxiety to parents and
appendix to publication. The items to be considered children. It is therefore important that studies
are outlined in table 3. should not be undertaken unless they are properly
Estimates of travel costs depend on local circum- designed and of sufficient size to answer specific
stances and how far removed in age the subjects are questions.33 This counsel of perfection could well
from the age at entry into the study. For example, of limit the number of studies but would undoubtedly
a birth cohort contacted first at the age of 4 years, increase their usefulness.
80% were still living within 25 miles of the district
general hospital in which they were born, 12% were We acknowledge with thanks the helpful advice of Professor E
between 25 and 100 miles away, and 1% were more Alberman and Dr G Escobar who commented on a later draft, and
than 200 miles away25 (unpublished data). colleagues in the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit who read
earlier drafts; also the help of the department of medical illustra-
tion at the University of Edinburgh.
Ethical perspective on follow up studies
It could be said that a physician has a responsibility References
to monitor the outcome of any treatment prescribed Stewart AL, Thorburn RJ, Hope PL, Goldsmith M, Lipscomb
as part of routine health care: to ensure-for AP, Reynolds EOR. Ultrasound appearance of the brain in very
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example-that a child's hearing is intact after of age. Arch Dis Child 1983;58:598-604.
treatment for an ear infection. The responsibility is 2 de Vries LS, Dubowitz LMS, Dubowitz V, et al. Predictive
perhaps less well defined in the perinatal period value of cranial ultrasound in the newborn baby: a reappraisal.
where the effectiveness of treatment for the mother 3 Lancet 1985;ii:137-40.
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The follow up systems developed by most special 4 Neurol 1987;29:3-11.
care nurseries provide a continuing clinical service Bax MO. Forward from neonatology. Dev Med Child Neurol
for patients and their parents and have a counselling 5 Kiely JL, Paneth N. Follow up studies of low birthweight
and supportive role as well as being a means of infants: suggestions for design, analysis and reporting. Dev Med
assessing overall health and development. Carefully 6 Child Neurol 1981 ;23:96-9.
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Sackett DL. Evaluation of neonatal intensive care programs. N
within these systems, but a fine balance needs to be Engl J Med 1981;305:489-94.
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.64.10_Spec_No.1394 on 1 October 1989. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on February 11, 2023 by guest.
1402 Mutch, Johnson, and Morley
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