Ass in Creative Writing No. 3
Ass in Creative Writing No. 3
Ass in Creative Writing No. 3
I n rhetoric, accumulation is a figure of speech in Your teeth are like a flock of sheep about to be sheared,
which a speaker or writer gathers scattered points who are coming up from being washed.
and lists them together. Also known as congeries.
6. Adnomination refers to the repetition of root words,
And the places on her body have no names. where (for example) "some" is the root word shared by both
And she is what’s immense about the night. "someone" and "somewhere". So, if a man were to wonder
And their clothes on the floor are arranged to there is someone, somewhere, who would have any
for forgetfulness. interest in what he is talking about, this would be an
Amassing similar or dissimilar things in a list so as to
provide a sort of climax. Moist, Hoist, etc
Nobody, Nowhere, nothing, etc
Lipsmackin’, thirstquenchin’, acetastin’, motivatin’, Somebody, Somewhere, somehow, etc
goodbuzzin’, cooltalkin’, highwalkin’, fastlivin’, evergivin’,
coolfizzin’ Pepsi.
Margaret Atwood
John Archambault