Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
As sometimes happens in the systems analysis phase, you have just discovered some information about
the Glassmaster Job Status system that you are not quite ready to use. However, you want to get this
information recorded in the Visible® Analyst repository so it will be available when you need it. In this
lesson, we assume that you conducted several interviews with Glassmaster employees, and you have
developed lists of some data elements that you think will be needed in the new system. Therefore,
although we have not quite reached the data modeling chapter of our textbook (chapter 6), we will go
ahead and record the facts we have learned about the system’s repository now.
We cannot enter the facts about the data elements directly in Visible® Analyst. The software requires
that we create a diagram with objects on it and then add information about the objects. So, we will
create a preliminary entity relationship diagram, add three entities that represent the main objects we
have discovered that we keep will track of, and then add the lists of data elements. We will postpone
dealing with other more formal aspects of data modeling to Lessons 5 and 7.
Lesson 3 Tasks:
Open the GLASSMASTERS project. Close the Zachman Framework window if necessary.
Select New Diagram from the File menu. Choose Entity Relationship from the list of diagram types.
Accept the default settings and click OK.
Using the Entity symbol from the toolbar, add three entities to the diagram.
Now we will add the repository entries for each data entity in the diagram.
Select the Jobs entity, then select Repository from the main menu, then select Define. Type in the
following in the Description box: “This contains data about each job that has been created to fulfill a
client’s commission.”
Click on the symbol to bring up a form that will allow you to enter each attribute as follows.
Enter each attribute name under the Global Name/Type column as shown here.
Job ID
Job Description
Date Contract Signed
Date Promised
Actual Start Date
Actual Finish Date
Job Price
When you have entered all seven attributes, click OK to return to the Define Item screen. We will not
define the Type, Length, and Null characteristics of each attribute now; this information will be added to
the repository in a future lesson.
Repeat this process for the Clients entity and the Job Status entity. The entity description and attributes
you should include for each of these entities is listed here:
Roberta M. Roth
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