1st-Flight Operations Web Conference QUESTIONS
1st-Flight Operations Web Conference QUESTIONS
1st-Flight Operations Web Conference QUESTIONS
On the 05-May-2009, Thierry PAYA-ARNAUD presented the Flight Operations Web Conference
on “RTOW charts, Frequently Asked Questions”.
During the conference, the participants asked questions to the speaker, and we tried to answer as
many questions as possible in due time.
After the conference, we compiled a summary, based on the questions asked during and after the
conference. Here is an extract from this Questions & Answers session.
For the same conditions, if there is the same TOW for CONF 2 and CONF 3, which one is
more favorable?
According to FCOM, use the configuration that gives the highest flex. If both of them provide
the same level of flex thrust or if you cannot flex, use the one with the highest flaps setting.
This may change in specific conditions. Please refer to FCOM 2.02.14. P2.
I understand that when the code changes between 2 boxes, one can interpolate between the
take off weights.
But can we also interpolate for the speeds, which at times change dramatically?
Yes. Interpolation shall be done for all parameters (weight and speeds).
Sometimes, ATC requires the aircraft to enter the runway using alternate runway entrance.
The take off runway distance available is then reduced. And the crew needs to update the
take off speeds accordingly.
How can we handle this?
There is no simple way to handle that with paper RTOW charts. A specific chart may be
used for a very often used taxiway, but that increases the number of charts. The use of LPC
(software on board) allows this type of computation.
I've checked the landing distance performance of our A320-211 using the FOVE landing
module. The difference between normal landings distance vs. abnormal, especially on
contaminated runways seem to be negligible.
The impact of failure during the flight depends on the failure case. This impact is given in the
QRH with failure coefficients. Some of them are low (1.1 or 1.2) because the failure only
requires higher speed and has no effect on braking capability of the aircraft. In any case,
keep in mind that the distances given by the QRH or the LPC are reference landing
distances and that the crew shall retain a runway with sufficient margins.
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Similar for takeoff, how do you calculate MIN ACC ALT and MAX ACC ALT for go-around with
Engine Out?
There is no MIN ACC ALT or MAX ACC ALT definition for go-around. What has to be
checked in case of a go-around is that the aircraft remains above the plane (i.e. surface)
defined by the missed approach gradient.
You can refer to the presentation held in Paris Conference this year for more details on go-
around procedure check.
The Anti-ice corrections increase is linked to an Octopus change. You can refer to PEP 4.4
reasons for change.
The principle of anti-ice corrections on takeoff charts have been modified: the reduced
temperatures list (below 10°C OAT) is used only to determine weight and speed corrections,
the complete temperatures list is used for flex temp correction.
The same principle is used in the FCOM.
As a consequence, Flex corrections for anti-ice may have been updated in the FCOM
and takeoff charts corrections must be recomputed.
With TmaxFlex of ISA+75, for sure you would go below 25% max legal thrust reduction? Can
you explain?
Airbus re discussed this 25% max reduction and obtained a new certification from authorities
for this modification. Keep in mind that it was already possible for other manufacturer to go
beyond 25% using Flex on Derate.
Can you please discuss Airbus philosophy for operations with the A320 on runways with a
width less than 45 meters?
Operating on a runway with a width lower than 45 m implies an increase in VMCG to be able
to control the aircraft inside the limits of the runway as described in the regulation. This
VMCG increment is automatically taken into by the software provided the runway width has
been correctly entered.
If you have further questions on this topic, please use the usual email address for Flight
Operations / Performance related questions:
02 April 2010 2
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02 April 2010 3