Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Definition of Adjective:
Categories of Adjectives:
b) Opinion Adjectives:
3. When we have more than one fact adjective used with the same
noun, we generally follow this order:
When there are two or more colors adjectives used with the same
noun, we use “and” at the end of the list of color adjectives.
2. Compound Adjectives:
The form of the adjective is the same for singular nouns and plural
E.g.1. Paul is holding a red apple.
a) Comparative Adjectives:
1. When we compare two or more things, people in the group
we use the comparative form.
E.g. Africa is hotter than America. “Than” is used in here
because we are comparing two things.
2. When the adjective is less than two syllables (one- syllable
adjective) the comparative is formed by adding “er” to the
e.g . It is easier than the other test. (Comparison of two tests)
Adjective comparison
Small Smaller
Fast Faster
Tall Longer
Short Shorter
Long Higher
cheap cheaper
3. The comparative of a one-syllable adjective ending in a
consonant is formed by adding another consonant+ er.
e.g. bigger, hotter, fatter, slimmer.
Exception: adjectives ending in “w” and “y” do not double
their last consonant. Slower, narrower, newer, gayer.
4. The comparative of two-syllable adjectives ending in “y”
take “er” and the “y” is changed to “I”.
5. Comparative of equality:
a) Affirmative form: it is formed by adding “as” before and
after the adjective. E.g. My time is as expensive as yours.
b) Negative form: it is formed by adding “ not as” or “not
so” before the adjective and “as” after the adjective.
E.g. your handwriting is not as good as mine.
heavy heavier
healthy healthier
muggy muggier
b) Superlative Adjectives:
It is used to compare one thing in a group with all of the other
things in a group.
one first
two second
three third
four fourth
Adjective Superlative
Adjective Superlative
Adjective Superlative
Busy Busiest
Funny funniest
Easy Easiest
6. Two syllable adjective ending in “er”, “ie”, “ow” we
usually add “est”.
Adjective Superlative
Example: Islam is the cleverest boy in the class.( this means that
he is the most intelligent.
Adjective Superlative
Example: This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.
Happier than
The best
Bigger than
Worse than
the prettiest
Most dangerous
More famous