Arts10 q4 Week3 v4
Arts10 q4 Week3 v4
Arts10 q4 Week3 v4
4th Quarter
Week 3
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1. Explains the uniqueness of each original performance.
A10PL- IVh-1
2. Analyzes examples of plays based on theatrical forms, and
elements of art as applied to performance. A10EL-IVa-2
3. Illustrates how the different elements are used to communicate
the meaning. A10EL-IVc-3
Learner’s Tasks
Lesson Overview
(Pages 304 - 315 of Learner’s Material)
Theater is the major art form that brings together all the other art forms—
from painting and sculpture to installation art, to music, to dance, to literature,
even to computer arts—in a single production. A story is acted out on stage (or
other performance area) by actors portraying the characters, bringing them to
life and developing the plot through dialogue and actions, and sometimes
through song and/or dance.
Philippines has a rich and thriving theater industry that you may be
interested to venture into, and in the future. Productions range from original plays
with Philippine themes and settings; to renowned theater classics from past
centuries;to contemporary musicals from Broadway or London’s West End. Below
is an overview of some of the more prominent theater and performing groups in
the country and their major productions.
Rhythm in art is possibly one of the most difficult and most important
ingredients required for building an interesting composition. Just like in music, the
music we hear and the different beats produce a physical reaction from us,
making us move our bodies to the rhythm, allowing us to express the inner
sensations sound produced. It is often referred to as the principles of organization
or design principles. Rhythm refers to the movement or the visual flow within a
certain piece. It is sometimes also referred to as a tempo or a beat created that
invites the eye to enter into the journey of the artist’s soul.
Movement is the path our eyes follow when we look at a work of art, and is
generally very important to keep a viewer’s eyes engaged in the work. Without
movement artwork becomes stagnant. A few good strategies to evoke a sense
of movement (among many others) are using diagonal lines, placing shapes so
that they extend beyond the boundaries of the picture plane, and using
changing values.
Balance in art refers to the use of artistic elements such as line, texture,
color, and form in the creation of artworks in a way that renders visual stability. In
general terms, balance refers to the equilibrium of different elements. However,
in art and design, balance does not necessarily imply a complete visual or even
physical equilibrium of forms around a center of the composition, but rather an
arrangement of forms that evokes the sense of balance in viewers. Balance is
important as it brings visual harmony, rhythm and coherence to artwork, and it
confirms its completeness.
Emphasis is a principle of art which refers to the use of visual elements to
draw attention to a certain area, usually a focal point, in an artwork. There are
many ways you could go about using emphasis in your art. Usually, it involves
contrasting different elements against each other. For example, a bright red
object will stand out among dull gray backgrounds or a straight line among curve
lines, or a round object among circular objects.
Proportion is the comparison of dimensions or distribution of forms. It is the
relationship in scale between one element and another, or between a whole
object and one of its parts. Differing proportions with a composition can relate to
different kinds of balance or symmetry, and can help establish visual weight and
Harmony is a good design and achieved through the balance of unity and
variety; the elements need to be alike enough so we perceive them as a
belonging together and different enough to be interesting.
PETA, 2013
The productions of these
groups span the range from
daring new presentations of
classical works, to the
spectacle of Philippine myths
and legends, to commentaries
on current social and political
Tanghalang Pilipino, 2012
Meanwhile, other Philippine theater groups are also staging original and
adapted plays and musical productions, primarily in English. Best known among
these are Repertory Philippines, Trumpets, and New Voice Company. More
recently, Theater Down South has been added to their roster. And championing
the cause of the more classical form of musical performances is the Philippine
Opera Company.
Repertory Philippines
In 1967, theater director Zenaida Amador fulfilled her dream of bringing the
best of Broadway and London’s West End to Filipino audiences. Together with
actress Baby Barredo, Amador established Repertory Philippines, a company that
not only staged English-language plays and musicals year-round but trained
actors and actresses as well. The company continues with this vision to this day.
Multi-awarded theater actress and singer, Lea Salonga, in fact, began her
career as a child lead in productions of Repertory Philippines. From there, she
went on to become an international stage superstar in the lead role of Kim in Miss
Saigon— putting the Philippines on the world map in terms of theater talent.
Lea Salonga in the lead roles of Repertory’s production of Annie, and
London’s Miss Saigon.
Also, among Repertory’s many notable achievements was the 1993 staging
of the international hit musical Les Miserables in Manila with an all-Filipino cast and
production team.
Activity 1.
Directions: Fill in the blanks. Write your answer in the space provided.
1. ________ is the path that our eyes follow when we look at a work of art, and
is generally very important to keep a viewer’s eye engaged in the work.
2. _____________________is form of balance that is even, radiating out from a
central point to all four quadrants of the shape’s constraining plane.
3. ________________is the comparison of dimensions or distribution of forms.
4. _________________ is a principle of arts which refers to the use of visual
elements to draw attention to a certain area, usually a focal point, in an
5. Costume, Mask, Makeup, and Accessories – incorporating ______________
techniques such as painting, paper mache, assemblage, simple sculpture
and industrial design.
Activity 2.
Direction: Reenact the functions/roles in the elements of arts as applied in original
performance with proper attire and costume of the chosen element.
● Take a picture or short video while performing the roles and send it to
your teachers’ social media account or its mapeh page.
● If technology is not available, find a picture from any available
resources that does the role in any of the elements of arts. Paste it in a
bond paper.
For example:
1. Sound and Music – the students will perform or reenact how it should be done
in preparing a performance. Then take a video or picture.
Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs
(5) (4) (3) Improvement
( 2)
Following All directions You You followed None of the
Directions were followed some directions were
followed. most directions. followed
Use of You used your You used You used You did not
Creativity own ideas your own some use your own
and ideas most imagination. ideas or
imagination. of the time. imagination
Effort put You took your You worked You put a You rushed
into artwork time and hard for small effort through and
task worked hard most of the into the did not work
on the art time. artwork. hard
Activity 3.
Directions: Answer the questions in 2-3 sentences. (5 points each)
2. Would you like to attend a stage production of the various theater groups?
What type of play most interests you, and why?
3. How do you feel about the Philippine theater performance who have
become stars on both local and international stage?
Formative Test
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter before the
2. The group of theater in which most of their plays are classical music.
A. Theater Down South
B. The Philippine Opera Company
C. The Philippine Performing Arts
D. The Philippine Theater Convention
4. A form of balance that is even, radiating out from a central point to all four
quadrants of the shape’s constraining plane.
A. asymmetry
B. radial asymmetry
C. radial symmetry
D. symmetry
Activity 1.
Activity 2.
Answers may vary.
Activity 3.
Answers may vary.
Online Resource:
“Roles in A Stage Production”.
“Working in Theatre: Production Management”.