B2 Activity 9 - Autoinstructivo 11th Grade
B2 Activity 9 - Autoinstructivo 11th Grade
B2 Activity 9 - Autoinstructivo 11th Grade
Dear student,
Today you will work on the book you have chosen as part of the reading plan and also on the Solo
platform. In order to accomplish the tasks proposed in today’s session you will need to know the
● Online exercises
● Reading log / format
● Internet connection per moments
● Notebook
● Pen or pencil, color pencils
● Earphones or headphones
Now, you will see the activities proposed in order for you to achieve the objective:
Step 2: Remember that Voxy will assign you the activities based on the test you
have to take when getting access to the platform. Remember you should also
complete some information about yourselves as it will let the platform know what
your needs and interests are.
Step 3: Continue working on the activities on the units section for, at least, fifty
minutes. In case you have doubts, let me know or check the links above.
Step 4: In case you finished with the activities above, you can do these ones:
Finally, here you have a chart that summarizes key aspects of today’s session:
What is the product you have to Where should you upload it? What time will I be able to
present? give you support?
Keep going!