Real-Time Collision Detection
Real-Time Collision Detection
Real-Time Collision Detection
O'Sullivan, C. Dingliana, J.
Image Synthesis Group, Trinity College Dublin.
In this paper we introduced a method of collision
handling which produces a refineable approximation of
the behaviour of objects due to collisions. The computing
cost for the response phase is fairly minimal so there is
more time available for other parts of the system
including collision detection and rendering, making it
suitable for an interactive real-time system. An
approximate model of collision response is implemented
in the attempt to generate plausible motion as opposed to
mathematically accurate motion, which would be
computationally more expensive. This is usually justified
as there is always a certain degree of uncertainty in the
real world which prevents us from predicting how exactly
an object will behave. The question that needs to be
answered is how to get the best return from the speed-
accuracy trade-off.
The model of collision perception which we use is
very specific. It represents typical human reactions to
Figure 6: How the response data automatically gets collision anomalies, where large numbers of
refined as we go deeper into the sphere tree homogeneous objects are being animated. Work is in
progress to make it applicable in more general cases.
The response mechanism will only have an Other factors, such as location and direction of motion,
approximation of the actual values at the moment of velocity, acceleration, colour and luminance can have
collision. A conservative approximation of the state of the very strong effects under certain circumstances, and if
objects, the point of collision and the collision plane necessary must also be included if the model is to be truly
would be obtained by taking the states of the objects the representative of human behaviour.
frame before inter-penetration of sphere-trees was At present all collision events are prioritised on a
detected. This would ensure that no inter-penetration of scheme based on tests, which were done with a number of
the actual objects ever takes place. However, as the subjects to determine how sensitive they were to
sphere tree bounds themselves are conservative approximate collision events occurring on different parts
approximations of the space occupied by objects such an of the scene. So far, this has largely been a test of how
restriction would even further increase the inaccuracy. A collision detection can be prioritised effectively. Similar
simpler approximation would be the states of the objects tests might be done to determine how sensitive viewers
at the instance when collisions were detected. This would are to approximations of particular responses to collisions
mean that our spatial model of the objects (i.e. the sphere and implement this in our prioritisation scheme. Inter-
tree representations) would in fact overlap over the course penetration is a major source of inaccuracy and needs to
of the animation. Again because the spheres are be minimised (or ideally eliminated) in order to ensure the
overestimates of the object volume, overlap to a certain robust and consistent operation of our system. However it
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