Use of Ridacards Is Subject To These Terms

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RIDACARD Terms & Conditions

1. Use of RIDACARDs is subject to these terms.

1.1 The RIDACARD scheme is promoted and operated by Lothian Buses plc, 31 Waverley Bridge, EDINBURGH, EH1 1BQ. 1.2 RIDACARDs remain the property of Lothian Buses at all times and Lothian Buses reserves the right to withdraw the RIDACARD at any time. 1.3 Drivers and officials of Lothian Buses may inspect the RIDACARD at any time. 1.4 A card issue fee (currently 3) is payable when a RIDACARD is issued. Notice of any change to this fee will be posted in Travelshops and on the Lothian Buses website. 1.5 It is the responsibility of the cardholder to notify Lothian Buses of any change to their contact details. The cardholder must also ensure that the photograph on their card remains a recognisable true likeness. If required, a replacement card can be obtained on payment of the appropriate fee. 1.6 RIDACARDs are not transferable and will be withdrawn without refund if presented for travel by anyone other than the person whose photograph appears on it.

the Direct Debit is cancelled within 12 months of the date of issue. 4.4 Refunds will be paid by cheque. 4.5 Correspondence related to Direct Debit payments, refunds and cardholder details can be e-mailed to: (only available on Annual Ridacards)

Refund Chart

5. Variation
5.1 Lothian Buses reserve the right to vary these Terms and Conditions.

Weeks left

Refund amount

6. Offers
6.1 Lothian Buses from time to time may contact the registered holder with details of special offers or services.

7. Direct Debit Initial Payment

7.1 The Direct Debit initial payment is NOT a deposit. The initial payment (currently 65) is used to pay for travel between the date of issue and receipt by Lothian Buses of the first Direct Debit payment. Subject to 4.3 above, that part of the initial payment which is not used to pay for travel will be refunded after cancellation of the Direct Debit mandate.

2. Use
2.1 RIDACARDs can be used on all Lothian Buses services except Service 98 and Tours. A discount on the Night Buses Night Ticket fare is available on presentation of a valid RIDACARD. 2.2 On boarding a bus, the RIDACARD must be held on the reader tray of the ticket machine with the photograph clearly visible to the driver. The date displayed confirms that the RIDACARD is valid for travel. In case of difficulty, the cash fare for the journey should be paid and the card taken to a Lothian Buses Travelshop within two working days, where it can be checked and replaced if necessary. With the exception of Direct Debit RIDACARDS, for cards which have failed without any sign of visible damage, Lothian Buses will load the replacement card with compensatory time up to a maximum of three days. NOTE - no monetary refund will be paid in respect of any cash fares paid. 2.3 Lothian Buses will withdraw any RIDACARD which it believes has been tampered with or is being misused or has become illegible (see 1.5 above) or electronically unreadable.


3. Loss / Failure
3.1 Cardholders, or in the case of a Junior card the cardholders parent or carer, must report loss or theft of the card or any technical failure in person at a Lothian Buses Travelshop where a replacement card with the same expiry date will normally be issued. The fee for a replacement card (currently 3) will be waived if the failed card is undamaged. 3.2 Once cancelled, RIDACARDs must NOT be re-used. Once a replacement card has been issued, only that replacement card must be used for travel or subsequent RIDACARD purchases.

are only available to pupils of secondary schools in the Lothian Buses operating area and to full-time students in possession of a currently valid photo-ID matriculation card from one of the following Universities and Colleges: Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Napier University, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh, Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburghs Telford College, Newbattle Abbey College, Stevenson College, and Jewel & Esk College. Student RIDACARDs will not be valid for travel beyond the expiry date of the matriculation card which must be presented at the time of purchase. Continued eligibility to purchase a Student RIDACARD beyond that date will require the cardholder to repeat the above process by presenting their new matriculation card at a Lothian Buses Travelshop. are available to passengers aged between 5 and 15 (Direct Debit - 14). Proof of age is required at time of purchase. Junior RIDACARDs are not valid for travel on or after the cardholders 16th birthday. Your 65 initial payment is used to pay for travel between issue of your RIDACARD and your first Direct Debit payment being received. To obtain a refund of money paid but not required to pay for travel, the card must be returned to Lothian Buses when your Direct Debit is cancelled. Valid on all Lothian Buses except Service 98 and Tours. A discount is available on the NIGHTBUSES fare on production of a valid RIDACARD.


4. Refunds
4.1 To apply for a refund, the card must be returned to a Lothian Buses Travelshop. 4.2 Refunds on Advanced Purchase Annual RIDACARDs are paid in accordance with the published scale. The start date for the calculation of any refund will be the date when the card is returned to Lothian Buses. Refunds are only available on Annual RIDACARDs. 4.3 For Direct Debit RIDACARDs, a refund of money paid but not required to pay for travel will be made. In order to ensure that no unnecessary request for payment is made, notice of cancellation must be received five working days before the Monthly Payment date. The start date for the calculation of any refund will be the date when the card is returned to Lothian Buses. An administrative fee of 25 will be charged when

The contents of this publication are believed correct at time of printing. Lothian Buses accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions in the details given. Changes may be made to prices and/or other details shown during the currency of this leaflet. Please check current prices at our Travelshops, visit, or call 0131 555 6363.

52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

95% 93% 91% 89% 86% 84% 82% 80% 77% 75% 73% 71% 69% 66% 64% 62% 60% 58% 55% 53% 51% 49% 46% 44% 42% 40% 38% 35% 33% 31% 29% 27% 24% 22% 20% 18% 15% 13% 11% 9% 7% 4% 2%

everyday travel made easy
Unlimited bus travel on Lothian Buses and AIRLINK* Discount on NIGHTBUSES fare No more searching for loose change Easy to use Ideal for regular travellers Secure smart card technology allows replacement if lost 2 simple ways to pay:

How do I buy a RIDACARD?

1. Fill in Form 1 below (and also Form 2 for Direct Debit customers) 2. Pop into one of our Travelshops Hanover Street,
Shandwick Place, Waverley Bridge, or Dalkeith,

Form 2
Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay Direct Debits
Originators Identification Number

3. Have your photo taken, 4. Tell us which Ridacard option you want (eg Adult Direct Debit) ...and well do the rest!

1 Name and full postal address of your bank or building society branch To The Manager Bank or Building Society

How do I use a RIDACARD?

Board the bus, then:

Address Post Code 2 Name(s) of account holders - also address if different from form 1

Hold your card against the reader with the photo clearly visible. Green light plus "BEEP" Expiry date displayed. Remove card and take your seat.

(if different from form 1)

Our best value RIDACARD simple monthly payments from your bank account. Your RIDACARD remains valid as long as the Direct Debit payments are made. Theyre available from our Travelshops. An initial payment of 65 is followed by:

3 Branch sort code (from the top right hand corner of your cheque)

Form 1
Title Mr

School/Uni/College attended: (Only fill this in if you are applying for a Student RIDACARD)

4 Bank or Building Society account number

Without this information* we will be unable to issue you with a RIDACARD.

*Data Protection Act This information, together with your photograph, will be held on a secure electronic database.

Monthly Payments by Direct Debit of: Adult Student Junior

(this equals: 540 per year,





5 Lothian Buses plc reference number (entered by Lothian Buses)

URN No. Card No.


432 per year,

300 per year)

First name How you want it on your card. e.g William, Bill

6 Instruction to your Bank or Building Society Surname


Please pay Lothian Buses plc Direct Debits from the account detailed on this instruction leaflet subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee Signature of the authorised Bankcard holder


These are ideal if youre only using our buses for a few weeks at a time (during term time for instance). Initial purchase is from our Travelshops, and when you wish to renew, top-ups can also be purchased at the many PayPoint agents in and around Edinburgh.


Signature Date / / 20

Town/City Postcode Phone No. Date of Birth Security Password

Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit instructions for some types of account

Choose from:




1 week 4 week Annual+

16 48 576

+ renewable only at our Travelshops.

13 40 468

9 29 324


The Direct Debit Guarantee

This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits. If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Lothian Buses plc will notify you 14 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Lothian Buses plc to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Lothian Buses plc or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society. If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Lothian Buses plc asks you to. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us.

This could be your mothers maiden name for example.

Direct Debit customers ONLY: Monthly payment date:

(the date each month you wish the payment to be made from your account between the 1st and 28th please) Your payment will be taken on that date or soon thereafter.

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