Open Book: GEE2601 Geotechnical Engineering

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Semester 1 - 2023



Examiner: M MAKALENG Moderator: J SIBANDA

External Moderator: M MAOYI Marks: 50
Weight of Assessment: 30% Duration: 2H00

Open Book Test

This test consists of 3 pages, including this page.


1. Answer all questions and submit within the stipulated timeframe. Late
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2. Read the questions carefully, write clearly using black ink, space your work
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Major Test 1

Question 1 [15 Marks]

The following are the results of tests done on soil sample to determine its maximum dry
density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC):

Table Q1: Determination of MDD and OMC

Dry density mould number B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
Mass of empty mould, g 4649 4649 4649 4649 4649
Mass of mould + Compacted moist Soil, g 9579 9792 9905 9886 9765
Volume of mould, ml 2328 2328 2328 2328 2328

Moisture content sample number W1 W2 W3 W4 W5

Mass of empty tin, g 522 536 550 528 537
Mass of tin + wet soil, g 1034 1086 1120 1075 1033
Mass of tin + dry soil, g 989 1033 1060 1013 973

1.1. Calculate each sample’s moisture content and dry density. (10)
Moisture content
Dry density

1.2. Determine the soil’s maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. (Use
the attached graph paper to plot the moisture content – dry density relationship) (5)
Optimum Moisture Content
Maximum Dry Density

Question 2 [20 Marks]

Table Q2 of a drained shear box test produced three uniform soil samples (S1, S2,
and S3). For all experiments, the soil samples were "undisturbed," with a shear box
area at failure of 3600 mm2.
Shear box test number.
S1 S2 S3
Normal force, (N) 300 300 400
Shear force at failure, (N) 155 230 311
Table Q2: Undrained triaxial test.

Major Test 1
2.1 Draw the failure envelope by way of Mohr-Coulomb plot, determine the soil
strength parameters C and . (Draw neatly and show all your calculations to earn full
marks). (15)
2.2 Using the values of C and ., determine the relationship for strength of the soil,
2.3 If the soil is subjected to a normal stress of 140 kPa, determine the resulting
strength of soil. (3)

Question 3 [15 Marks]

A Vibroflotation is a technique to densify thick layers of soil deposits by means of
vibrating unit. The suitability number (SN) of the backfill material is a function of the
grain size, i.e., D50, D20, and D10.
Table Q3 shows the results from a sieve analysis test for Soil A, B, C and D.

Soil A Soil B Soil C Soil D

D50 1,4 0,45 0,19 4
D20 0,46 0,13 0,06 1,5
D10 0,15 0,09 0,03 0,8
Table Q3

3.1 Determine the suitability number (SN) for Soil A, B, C and D. (8)
3.2 What soil group in the Unified Soil Classification System do these four samples
belong? (4)
3.3 Which soil sample would make a better backfill material and why? (3)

Total [50 marks]
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