What is syngas.
Syngas era and energy issue.
Syngas production technologies.
Syngas production methods.
What is Syngas ? 3
Theendothermic reaction of steam reforming is carried out at
750-850 oC and 20-30 atm.
The catalyst used is nickel.
The reaction that takes place is shown bellow:
CH4 + H2O CO +3H2 1.
Thewater-gas shift reaction which is exothermic also occurs
simultaneously with the above reaction.
CO + H2O CO2 + H2 2.
Syngas Production methods – 1. Steam 12
Reforming (cont.)
The steam reform method can generate syngas with H2/CO
≥ 5.
The major drawback of the steam reforming method is due
to deactivation of the nickel catalyst.
Witha high syngas ratio, hydrogen produced is mainly used
in ammonia production and fertilizer synthesis.
Syngas Production methods – 2. Partial 13
The exothermic reaction can generate syngas with syngas ratio of
This method is desirable for methanol production plants or
The reaction is demonstrated in reaction 3:
CH4 + ½ O2 CO +2H2 3.
The catalyst used is nickel based.
Syngas Production methods – 2. Partial 14
Oxidation (cont.)
This process also has a drawback as the is catalyst deactivation
due to coke formation.
oxidation is advantageous compared to steam reforming
because it includes autothermal operation.
Partialoxidation can also be carried out in the absence of a
Syngas Production Methods – 3. CO2 Dry 15
quantities of CO2 in the atmosphere causes global
warming or greenhouse effect.
Researchactivities on the activation of CO2 to useful products is
gaining more and more importance.
Theendothermic reaction of methane and carbon dioxide
proceeds assisted by a nickel based catalyst.
Syngas Production Methods – 3. CO2 Dry 16
Reforming (cont.)
Research shows that the presence of CO2 in the feed for steam
reforming reduces the syngas ratio.
Therefore, this method may be used to if the presence of CO2 in
the feed is appreciable.
CH4 + CO2 CO + 2H2 4.
The syngas produced is desirable for the production of liquid
hydrocarbons or petrochemical products.
Syngas Production Methods – 4. 17
Autothermal Reforming
Autothermal reforming uses oxygen and CO2 or steam in a
reaction with CH4 to form syngas.
Autothermal reforming is steam reforming with oxygen input.
Theheat required for endothermic steam reforming is
supplied by the exothermic partial oxidation.
Theprocess also requires the availability of low-cost oxygen
Syngas Production Methods – 4. 18
Autothermal Reforming (cont.)
Thereactions can be described in the following equations,
using CO2:
2CH4 + O2 + CO2 3H2 + 3CO + H2O 5.
And using steam:
4CH4 + O2 + 2H2O 10H2 + 4CO 6.
Syngas generated from autothermal reforming method
assisted by a catalyst is desirable for gas to liquid (GTL)
Syngas Production Methods – 5. 19
Syngas production via gasification has a very bright future
regarding sustainable development of fuel supplies.
A wide range of carbonaceous material have been used as
feedstock for gasification.
coal is converted to coke by pyrolysis (destructive distillation).
Subsequently, alternating blast of steam is contacted with coke
Syngas Production Methods – 5. 20
Gasification (cont.)
The major reactions involved are combustion, Boudourd
reaction and steam gasification.
The reactions are written as:
C + ½ O2 CO (Gasification with O2) 7.
C + O2 CO2 (Combustion with O2) 8.
C + CO2 2CO (Gasification with CO2) 9.
C + H2O CO + H2 ( Gasification with steam) 10.
Syngas Production Methods – 5. 21
Gasification (cont.)
Gasificationof coal for syngas production accounts for the
largest amount.
Gasification is also compatible with biomass.
The presence of very low sulphur contents in biomass
favours these feedstocks as cleaner syngas in produced.
The large ash content in coal (>41 – 46 %) may cause
problems in the gasifier.
H.- W. Häring (ed.), Industrial gases processing, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and
Co.,Weinheim (2008).
P.L. Spath and D.C. Dayton, Preliminary Screening–Technical and Economic
Assessment of Synthesis Gas to Fuels and Chemicals with Emphasis on the
Potential for Biomass-Derived Syngas, Technical Report, NREL/TP-510-34929,
December 2003.
K. Liu, C. Song, and V. Subramani (Eds.), Hydrogen and Syngas Production and
Purification Technologies, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
D. J. Wilhelm, D. R. Simbeck, A. D. Karp, R. L. Dickenson, Fuel Proces. Technol.
71,139 (2001).