An Introduction To Korean Linguistics
An Introduction To Korean Linguistics
An Introduction To Korean Linguistics
Detailed chapters covering the core areas in the field of linguistics, including
phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics
Clear and accessible explanations which effectively demonstrate the intricacies
and subtleties of the Korean language
Exercises designed to complement the factual and analytical issues covered
in each chapter
A comprehensive glossary of central terms.
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xi
Glossary xiii
Abbreviations xxii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Language and Linguistics 1
1.2 Introducing the Korean Language 6
1.3 Conducting Linguistic Research 10
1.4 Road Map 15
Chapter 2: Phonetics 16
2.1 Introduction 16
2.2 Segmental Features in Korean: Consonants 21
2.2.1 States of Vocal Folds 21
2.2.2 Place of Articulation 24
2.2.3 Manner of Articulation 25
2.3 Articulation: Korean Vowels 26
2.3.1 Simple Vowels 27 Tongue Height and Tongue Position 27 Lip Rounding 27
2.3.2 Diphthongs 28
2.4 Suprasegmentals in Korean 29
2.4.1 Length, Pitch, Tone, and Stress 30 Length 30 Pitch, Tone, and Stress 31
2.4.2 Intonation 33 Accentual Phrase 34 Intonational Phrase 35 Phrasing 37
2.5 Exercises 39
Chapter 3: Phonology 43
3.1 Basic Notions in Phonology 43
3.1.1 Phonemes and Allophones 43
3.1.2 Natural Class and Distinctive Features 45
3.2 Syllable Structure 48
3.3 Sound Alternations 50
3.3.1 Phonological Rules 50
3.3.2 Classification of Phonological Rules in Korean 51 Assimilation 52 Dissimilation 58 Epenthesis or Insertion 59 Deletion 62 Fusion 63 Reduction 65
3.4 Exercises 68
Chapter 4: Morphology 72
4.1 Basic Notions of Morphology 72
4.1.1 Structure of Words 72 Paradigms and Morphological Rules 72 Hierarchical Structure of Words 75 Word Categories 77
4.1.2 Morphemes and Allomorphs 78
4.1.3 Morphological Typology 79
4.2 Word Formation Rules in Korean 80
4.2.1 Derivations in Korean 80 Noun Derivation 81 Verb/Adjective Derivation 84 Adverb Derivation 85
4.2.2 Compounding in Korean 86 Noun Compounds 87 Verb Compounds 89
4.3 Korean Lexicon 90
4.4 Inflections in Korean 91
4.4.1 Nominal Inflections 92
4.4.2 Verbal Inflections 95
4.4.3 Word Formation versus Inflection 97
4.5 Exercises 99
Bibliography 248
Index 258
List of Figures
circumstantial (root) modality – modality that arises from the current condi-
tions such as the general circumstances of the situation or a permission or
obligation that is imposed.
classifiers – bound morphemes indicating units of counting and measurement.
clitic – a morpheme that has the function of a word but depends on another
word phonologically.
coda – a consonant sound that follows the nucleus, which is a vowel, in a
coindexation – putting the same number subscript on an antecedent and an
anaphor to indicate that they refer to the same entity.
collective reading – a reading of a predicate in which the subject as a group
performs the described action together.
common ground – the set of propositions that are assumed to be true by both
speaker and hearer.
complement – those units that are required by the head and provide some
sort of information with respect to the meaning of the head, such as location
or a description.
compounding – a word formation process in which two free morphemes are
put together to form a new word, e.g., ‘girlfriend’.
constituents – combinations of words that form a meaningful unit and behave
as a unit in syntactic operations.
content morpheme – a morpheme that carries semantic content. e.g., nouns,
verbs, etc.
copula – ‘be’ verb, which indicates an equation relation between two arguments.
coronal – a consonant that is produced with the flexible front part of the tongue.
counterfactual – a hypothetical situation that is not true in the actual world.
dative – case assigned to a recipient.
declarative – the speech act category of statement.
decoronization – a phonological change where a coronal consonant becomes
a non-coronal consonant.
deep structure – a base or kernel structure, where the basic configuration of
the sentence is established.
delimiter – an inflectional morpheme that provides a special discourse meaning
with little or no syntactic function.
denotational semantics – study of meaning that views meaning as a relation
between linguistic expression and what it refers to.
deontic modality – modality expressing rules and regulations.
derivational rule – a morphological rule that derives a new word by adding
affixes to a word stem.
determiner – an element that precedes a noun to define its meaning, e.g.,
definite and indefinite articles.
diphthong – a sound formed by the combination of two vowels.
disjunct – a proposition that is connected to another with ‘or’.
inclusive disjunction – a disjunction that is true when both disjuncts are true.
indexical – an expression whose interpretation depends on the speech context,
e.g., ‘now’, ‘here’.
indicative – same as declarative, i.e., the speech act category of making a
inflection – the process of creating different grammatical forms of words.
input – an argument that is fed to a function to be mapped to a value.
intensionality – an expression whose interpretation requires more than how
things are currently in the actual world.
intersective – adjectives that intersect the denotation of common nouns and
intersonorant voicing – a phonological process in which a voiceless segment
becomes voiced between two sonorant sounds.
intonation phrase – the highest prosodic phrase level.
irrealis – states of affairs that have not been realized in the actual world.
labial – consonants which are articulated using one or both lips.
lambda notation – logical representation of function that forms a property
when applied to a sentence by abstracting over individuals or predicates.
lateral – a consonant in which the airflow escapes along both sides of the
lateralization – a phonological process where a non-lateral sound becomes
lexical aspect – internal temporal constituency of events expressed by the
lexical meaning of a predicate.
lexical item – a broad term for part(s) of a word, or word(s)
lexical morpheme – free morpheme, i.e., a morpheme that can stand alone as
a word.
licensing – an element is checked or justified by another element in the syntax.
liquid – a sound that is made by a partial obstruction of the airstream without
any friction.
liquidization – a phonological process where a non-liquid segment becomes a
local and long-distance reflexives – reflexives are the pronominal elements
that must obligatorily take their reference from some sentence-internal
nominal. Local reflexives must find their antecedent in the same clause,
whereas long distance reflexives can have an antecedent that is outside its
local domain.
locutionary force – what is said (the denotational meaning of a sentence).
matrix subject – the subject in the matrix sentence when a sentence is
embedded in a sentence. For example, in ‘John said that he loved Mary’, ‘John’
is the matrix subject.
matrix verb – the verb in the matrix sentence when a sentence is embedded
in a sentence. For example, in ‘John said that he loved Mary’, ‘said’ is the
matrix verb.
theme – an entity that undergoes a change of state or has some property, e.g.,
in ‘John fell’ or ‘John is smart’, ‘John’ is a theme.
theta (or thematic)-role – the semantic relations that the entities denoted by
the noun phrases bear towards the action or state denoted by the verb.
tonal contour – a shift from one pitch to another over the course of a syllable
or word.
tone – a contrastive pitch in language to distinguish lexical or grammatical
topic – an entity which the rest of the sentence is about.
trace – an empty category that remains after a constituent moves in syntactic
transformation – a process where a constituent moves from its original position
to a different position.
truth value – the denotation of a sentence, which is either true or false.
two-place predicates – predicates that require two arguments, i.e., transitive
universal quantifier – quantifier that quantifies over everything in the domain.
unrounded vowel – a vowel that does not involve rounding the lips.
velar – a consonant that is pronounced with the back part of the tongue towards
the soft palate.
velum – another term for soft palate, which is the back part of the roof of
the mouth.
voice – the relationship between the event described by the verb and the
participants identified by its arguments.
X-bar theory – a theory that generalizes over different phrases by postulating
a common structure consisting of X standing for any lexical category (noun,
verb, adjective) and other constituents such as complements and specifiers
that help the lexical category head to form a phrase.
A adjective
ACC accusative
Adv adverb
AP accentual phrase
CAU causative
CG common ground
COMP complementizer
CONJ conjunction
COP copula
CL classifier
D domain of individuals or universe
DAT dative
DEC declarative
DET determiner
DP determiner phrase
D.PST double past
EPP Extended Projection Principle
EXH exhortative
F interpretation function
FUT future tense
GEN genitive
HON honorific
I inflection
iff if and only if
IP intonation phrase
INFL inflection
IMP imperative
IP inflection phrase
KP case phrase
M model
MOD modality
NP noun phrase
N noun
NOM nominative
NUM numeral
Op operator
P postposition
PASS passive
PL plural
PRM promissive
PRS present tense
PST past tense
QUE question
RC relative clause
Spec specifier
t trace (syntax)
t truth value (semantics)
T tense
TDL To Do List
TOP topic
TP tense phrase
V verb
VOC vocative
VP verb phrase
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If we were to ask native English speakers what the plural marker is in this
example, the answer would resoundingly be: ‘s’ and indeed they would be cor-
rect. If we ask these same speakers whether the two usages of the plural marker
in (1) are the same sounds, the vast majority of people would also promptly
reply, ‘yes’. This time, however, they would be incorrect. If one examines the
sounds more closely, we find that the sound of the plural marker on ‘cat’ is in
fact an ‘s’ sound. However, the plural marker attached to ‘dog’ actually has a ‘z’
sound. The difference between these two sounds is what is known as voicing.
For the ‘s’ sounds, the vocal flaps (or vocal cords as they are more commonly
known) are open and not vibrating. We therefore say that this is a voiceless
sound. The ‘z’ sound, on the other hand, does have voicing in that the vocal
flaps are vibrating producing an audible noise. For the reader that is still in
disbelief, hold your hand to your larynx (voice box) while saying the phrase in
(1). You can feel that your voice is not vibrating when you say the ‘s’ sound
in ‘cats’, but it most certainly is when you say the final plural marker in ‘dogs’.
The reason for this is that the consonant preceding ‘s’ in ‘cats’ is also voiceless,
while the consonant preceding ‘dogs’ is voiced. It is therefore a rule of the
English sound system (or phonology), that one should voice the plural marker
when following a voiced consonant.
While the fact presented above is certainly compelling in and of itself, what
is even more remarkable is that the average native speaker of English has no
idea that this is what they actually say when they utter a seemingly simple
phrase as in (1). You will see as we progress in our study of language that
speakers are often completely unaware of the true rules of their own language.
In this way, we seem to have no conscious access to many of the rules of our
own language. This is astounding given the fact that humans have such an
intimate connection with the languages they speak. In a very real sense, our
language is an extension of who we are, so to not have complete conscious
knowledge of our own language systems is truly striking.
So far, we have learned that whatever language is, the knowledge of its
rules and structure are largely unconscious. Moving forward then, consider the
analysis given for the sound change phenomenon in (1). Implicit in the explanation
above of the sound patterning of the English plural is the existence of a rule.
We could state this rule as follows:
When we say that this is a rule of English, we are really saying that this is an
algorithm of English that the native speaker has internalized. It is part of his
or her unconscious knowledge of language. As will be seen in this book, all
parts of language comprise various rules that the speaker learned in childhood
and applies effortlessly. In this way, we say that language is a rule-governed
Another property of language pertains to the application of these rules,
in particular to the recursive nature of rule application and the infinite creativity
this leads to. For this example, consider the following rule of English sentence
Given this rule above, we should be able to produce phrases such as those in (4).
Our rule in (3) is recursive in that it implies that when one noun has a prepo-
sitional phrase with a second noun in it modifying the first noun, one can have
yet another prepositional phrase with a third noun in it modifying the second
noun, and so on. In this way, we can generate the sentences in (4a–c). Indeed
we could in theory generate a phrase of infinite length using the recursive rule
in (3). Along the way in our study of Korean we will see many examples of
recursion; it is yet another property of language that makes it so unique. It is
through the processes of rule application and recursion, as well the existence
of a varied and productive vocabulary, that we can produce sentences such as
the following, which has most likely never been produced before.
(5) The big flamboyant door with huge ears listened for the slightest sound
of seagulls pecking at its peculiar pink hinges, which were worn from years
of perfunctory opening and closing and shutting and slamming and general
all-around dolphin-like mistreatment.
While the sentence above may strike one as silly, its mere existence is really
quite profound. The fact one can take a finite number of rules and apply them
in an infinite number of ways leads to the type of unbridled creativity we are
talking about. It is because of these properties that language presents itself as
a system of truly elegant design.
We now know that language is creative, recursive, rule-governed unconscious
knowledge. So, what are linguists concerned with? In a nutshell, linguistics
is the scientific study of language. We employ scientific methodology to
uncover what someone knows when they know a language. Linguistics can be
subdivided into a number of areas of study, as well as methodologies. At a gross
level of classification, linguistics can be divided into theoretical linguistics, applied
linguistics and biological linguistics. Theoretical linguistics is what we will be
doing in this book as we attempt to understand what it is that a Korean speaker
knows when they know the language. Applied linguistics is concerned with those
areas of study that make use of what we know about language through linguistics
and applies these things to real world situations. These situations could be
anything from second language teaching to speech therapy. Finally, biological
linguistics, loosely defined here, are those branches of linguistics that look at
how we process language in the mind and how this is done by the brain –
termed psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics respectively.
In theoretical linguistics we are interested in the rules and knowledge a
speaker has when they know a language. What exactly are we looking at then?
Consider the example in (6) as a starting point.
What must a speaker know in order to produce and/or understand the sentence
in (6)? Perhaps the most obvious thing one would need to know is the sounds
of the language. For example, one would need to know that the word ‘particles’
starts with a ‘p’ sound. In knowing this sound, our speaker would need to know
how to put his or her lips in the proper position and how to properly control the
air from the lungs in order to produce this sound. He would also need to know
how to distinguish this sound from other sounds in order not to get confused
when he hears words such as ‘pin’ versus ‘bin’. These are just a few of the
things that the study of phonetics, the study of sounds, looks at.
Depending on which region our speaker comes from he would also have to
know something about the phonology of the language in order to produce or
understand (6). This area of linguistics deals with the sound system of the
language. Previously we saw how the pronunciation of the English plural varied
depending upon the phonetic context it found itself in. In (6), our speaker would
have to know that in American English there is what is known as a flapping
rule that states that when the sounds ‘t’ or ‘d’ occur between two vowels, they
are changed to what is called a flap. Flaps are produced by tapping the tip of
the tongue rather quickly against the ridge on the roof of the mouth, located
just behind the teeth (i.e. the alveolar ridge). In (6), this is true with the ‘t’ sound
in ‘particle’, which is pronounced as a flap in fluent speech.
Moving on from the sounds of the language and towards the word level,
the speaker must know the words in (6). In addition, he must know how to use
the various markers, or morphemes, that can attach words. This is the mor-
phology of a language. In (6), one must know the rule for forming the past
tense, namely the addition of -ed to the main verb for regular verbs. One must
also know the rule for pluralizing.
Even though this may seem like a lot for a speaker to know, we are only
about half way there regarding what he would need to know to produce and
understand this sentence. For example, the speaker would need to know the
rules of syntax in order to begin to put the sentence together. He would need
to know that sentences comprise verbs and nouns and how to put them together
properly. In addition, he would have to know the rules in such a way that he
would not accidently produce incorrect syntactic structures. For example, it must
be part of the speaker’s knowledge of language that one cannot have two
determiners modifying one noun, as shown in (7).
He also must know various rules about word order, as any native speaker would
know that any of the following are simply incorrect.
And these are just a few of the things about syntax he would need to know.
It is at this point that one really begins to appreciate the scope of linguistics as
an object of study, as what it takes to know a language can be quite complicated
and the number of rules necessary quite numerous. Even so, we are still not
done, as our theory of language still has no way for the speaker to make any
sense of the meaning of a sentence. In other words, within our linguistic study
of language, we must make room for the semantics. Semantics is the study of
meaning in language. Not only do we need to understand how it is that a speaker
knows the meaning of the words in (6), we need to also understand what these
words mean in combination with each other. Things become even more com-
plicated when we begin to try and understand what it is a speaker knows when
they are interpreting sentences in the context of other sentences.
While we have just scratched the surface of what theoretical linguistics
covers, we have begun to see that there are basic modules of grammar that
we are interested in explaining the workings of. In this book, we will follow this
approach and illustrate how these modules, or domains, of grammar play out
in Korean.
The first things that should be discussed before moving on to any specifics of
the language are the Korean script, romanization, and glossing. The first line in
the example above is written in the Korean script known as Hangul. Hangul
was invented in 1443 under the reign of King Sejong and with his active
involvement. Previously, Chinese characters were used in all writing, making it
difficult for the average Korean to learn to read and write. They have since fallen
out of heavy usage and are generally only found in some newspapers, scholarly
articles and legal documents. Hangul symbols are similar to English in that one
symbol stands for one sound. In Korean, however, there is much less variation
than in English, as Hangul is almost perfectly phonemic. This will be elaborated
on in Chapter 2. Unlike English, however, each syllable in Hangul is represented
by a cluster of symbols into what we will call a syllable block. We can think of
the syllable block as having at least three slots. The first has a consonant or a
place holder symbol if there is no syllable initial consonant. The second slot
contains a vowel. The third slot contains a consonant if the syllable in question
requires one. These are arranged from left-to-right and from top-to-bottom.3
There are other rules that go into the creation of properly formed syllable blocks. We
refer the reader to Grant (1982).
Moving on to the second line in (9), this is the romanization of the Hangul.
This allows those who are not familiar with the Korean script to follow the
discussion. Here we employ the Yale Romanization system, because it is the
established standard among linguists. The basic Hangul symbols and corres-
ponding Romanization are given in Table 1.1 below.
The third line in the example in (9) is what is called a gloss. What this does
is to provide the reader with a word-by-word translation of Korean into English.
In addition, it provides the names of the markers used. A ‘-’ indicates a bound
morpheme boundary (see Chapter 4 for more information on this). The morpheme
glosses used in this book are given below.
Finally, in line 4 we have an English translation, which may or may not follow
the grammar of the original sentence. This is given to provide the reader with
a sense of what the sentence might mean, or how it may function. Now that
we have the technicalities out of the way, we can move on to a discussion of
the fundamentals of Korean. Let’s look at our example in (9), listed again here
for convenience.
If unfamiliar with Korean, perhaps the first thing one notices is that there are a
number of markers, or morphemes, that seem to be bound to their stems. In
(10) these are: the -ka nominative marker on the subject Inho, the -lul accusa-
tive marker on the object and the past tense -ess and the declarative marker
-ta on the verb. The exact functions of these markers will be discussed in detail
later on. For the time being, however, it will serve us well to simply notice the
way the language puts its words together. We can see that each marker – in
these cases we can call them affixes – has one meaning and it is joined to the
‘chunk’ of word, or base, that precedes it. Furthermore, we can have more than
one affix joined to a base, as evidenced by the verb. These kinds of languages
are called agglutinating languages.
Another salient characteristic of the sentence in (10) is its word order, which
is subject–object–verb. Like English, the subject begins the sentence. Unlike
English, the object precedes the verb.
We will see later in Chapter 5 that word order in Korean is relatively free, a
phenomenon known as scrambling. SOV is, however, the basic underlying word
order in the language.
In addition to different morphology and word order, Korean has many more
features that are very different from more extensively studied European lan-
guages. Subject-prominence vs. discourse/topic-prominence is a commonly
assumed typological distinction between languages (Li and Thompson 1976).
Whereas subject-prominent languages such as English and many European
languages require main grammatical arguments to be present for a well-formed
sentence, discourse-prominent languages like Korean (as well as Japanese and
Chinese) allow frequent omission of subjects and objects when they are con-
textually recoverable, which is called zero anaphora. (12a–b) below are perfectly
grammatical sentences given the contexts.
Yet another characteristic of Korean that stands out to most newcomers to the
language is its extensive use of honorifics. Honorifics are a system of morpho-
logical modifications that pertain to the relation between the speaker of the
sentence and the addressee, or the person about whom one is talking. For
example, consider the sentence (9) where the agent is a person of honorific
(superior) status, such as a teacher, as shown in (13).
Two things are immediately noticeable in the example above. First, the nomina-
tive case marker is different from the example in (9). -Kkeyse is the nominative
marker a speaker uses to talk about someone of honorific status. In addition,
we notice the verb for ‘eat’ is a completely different verb, specifically used when
the agent or addressee of the sentence is of a higher status than the speaker.
Finally, the verb also takes a specialized honorific morpheme, -si. This system
is extremely rich and the rules for its usage can be quite complex depending
on various social situations. These will be detailed more in Chapters 4 through 6.
Most of the time, what counts as new in linguistic research is a new way
of looking at an already known empirical phenomenon. The new data we find
in various languages can often provide us with valuable insight regarding the
theories we are considering. Often it is only by viewing theories through the
lens of other languages that we see the shortcomings of these theories. This
can lead to revisions of the theory so that it more correctly predicts the data
that is out there. One way to do this sort of research is to use an argumentation
structure such as number 2 above. With argumentation structure 2, Hypothesis
A versus Hypothesis B, we can begin to start looking at real world data as it
applies to various theories. The actual structure of this style of argumentation
will look something like the following outline:
Phenomenon in Question
Hypothesis A Hypothesis B
If one looks closely at the above outline, what becomes apparent is that we are
employing the scientific method in order to conduct our research and ultimately
create our arguments. In the scientific method, we do the following:
As there is an almost limitless number of resources that delve very deeply into
the scientific method, we will not cover it here in any detail. We will, however,
note that our basic approach to linguistic research is most often some variant
In (15), ‘himself’ is the reflexive in question. The subscripts indicate who ‘himself’
can and cannot refer to. In this case, ‘himself’ can refer to the subject ‘Jim’, but
cannot refer to anyone outside the sentence. One question about this phenom-
enon might be something such as: what determines which noun can be a refer-
ent for a reflexive? Referring back to the section on the scientific method, this
would be our research question.
Now we need some hypotheses to test regarding our research question.
These can be obtained from current theories in the literature, or they can be
created by you the researcher as a ‘best guess’. For now, let’s consider two
reasonable guesses that may explain the above data. There are two possibilities
given the sentence in (15). One could be that any noun in the sentence could
be a referent for the reflexive. However, since there is only one noun, it could
also be that only the closest noun to the reflexive could be a referent. This gives
us two hypotheses.
Now that we have our hypotheses, we can begin to go looking for data that
would have something to say about them. We can look to hypothesis B for a
clue as to what a testable piece of data should look like. Since, hypothesis B
states that any noun in a sentence could be a referent for a reflexive, perhaps
we should attempt to construct a sentence with more than one noun in it order
to test these hypotheses. Just such an example is given in (17) below.
(17) shows that ‘himself’ can refer to the noun ‘Bill’, but not the noun ‘Jim’, nor
anyone outside the sentence. Obviously, there are some restrictions on which
noun can be the reference for ‘himself’. The next step is to plug this data into
our hypotheses and see which one best predicts the sentence.
Hypothesis A predicts that the noun closest to the reflexive will be a pos-
sible referent. This prediction is borne out in that only the closest noun, ‘Bill’, is
a possible referent. Hypothesis B, however, makes an incorrect predication as
it predicts that ‘Jim’ should be a possible referent, which it is not. Given the
analysis above, we can therefore reject hypothesis B and accept hypothesis A.
Admittedly, this is an extremely over-simplified example. In reality, you will often
need many data points to properly decide between various hypotheses. This
format, however, should suffice the beginning linguist in at least attempting to
begin research of their own.
Moving on to argument type 3, it is often the case that when studying lan-
guages we stumble on a piece of data that supports a current theory we are
familiar with. This is a perfect way to get one’s foot in the research door, so to
speak. This sort of thing is well worth looking at, and may lead to further refine-
ments of the theory and a better understanding of its implications. Therefore,
whenever data is encountered that seems to support a contested theory, one
should certainly follow that line of inquiry.
Finally, argument type 4 makes itself available when one finds data that
a current theory predicts should not exist. One can even go looking for such
data by constructing examples that should not be possible under the theory
and asking native speakers if these examples, or any like them, are in fact
correct. When you do find data that suggests a theory is incorrect, it then
becomes your burden to present a theory that accounts not only for your data,
but also for the original data that previous researchers used to construct their
incorrect theory.
Hopefully in this section we have given the beginning linguist a head start
in doing independent research. In the rest of this section, we will make note of
some of the finer points of argumentation that students often miss. First, when
constructing an argument make sure that you use examples to prove your point.
Again, linguistics is the scientific study of language and we use data to prove
our points, just as any other science would.
Secondly, never list examples without explanation. For example, one should
never say something such as:
While it may be clear to you what the implications of your example are, it may
not be so clear to the reader. One should spell out in as much detail as neces-
sary exactly what the example has to say about the hypothesis in question.
Just as important as example usage is how you present the individual pieces
of your argument. It is extremely important that one thought leads to the next.
When writing up your analysis, always ask yourself, is what I just wrote relevant?
Does it relate to what I just wrote in the last sentence? Does my current point
logically follow from the last point I made?
Finally, when presenting your solution to a problem, make sure that it will
be considered by the reader as a logical necessity. You must construct your
argument in such a way that the reader has no choice but to say, ‘Yes, there
could not possibly be any other solution. Logically, this is the only possible one’.
In order to do this, you must argue in such a way as to exclude all other pos-
sible explanations and lead the reader to the conclusion that yours must be this
way, out of logical necessity. This is perhaps the hardest thing to do and often
the only way to truly master this style of argumentation is to read the work of
other linguists who are successful at doing so.
While the majority of this book deals with theoretical linguistics, as noted in
Chapter 1, this chapter focuses more on some of the physical and perceptual
processes associated with language, namely phonetics. In a broad sense,
phonetics is the study of the different aspects of speech sounds in a language.
These aspects include speech production (articulatory phonetics), speech
acoustics (acoustic phonetics), and speech perception (auditory phonetics).
In this book, however, we will mostly be dealing with speech production, as this
is the most accessible area of phonetics to begin with.
Let’s first begin briefly thinking about perception and try to imagine what
is going on when you hear an utterance. What you are hearing is a sequence
of speech sounds, which includes both consonants and vowels. We can refer
to the individual sounds as segments or segmentals. Along with the segments
of the utterance, you also hear a tonal contour. As phenomena such as tonal
contours often occur independently of the segments, and, as will be seen, are
often subject to their own sets of rules, we call these sorts of things supraseg-
mentals. In other languages, it is in this domain that we find things such as
stress and tone. This chapter deals with the inventory of Korean segments and
suprasegmentals, in terms of their characteristics and categories based on their
physical aspects as well as their production mechanism using human speech
It is very common for adult learners of a foreign language to rely on ortho-
graphy (i.e. a language’s writing system) when learning the sound system of a
language. Indeed, it is common for many beginning linguistic students to do the
same. Some languages such as Spanish, Polish, and Indonesian are considered
to have phonetic writing systems. That is, once you learn the sound representa-
tion for each of the letters in the alphabet, it is quite predictable how to read
most of the words found in a dictionary even if you have never heard them
before. In this context, phonetic refers to a (near) one-to-one correspondence
between the actual speech sound and an orthography’s representing sym-
bol. English in many ways has a phonetic writing system, but as any elementary
school student can attest to, there are many words that are not phonetic. In this
way, we can say that English is relatively less phonetic than Spanish and Polish.
In fact the discrepancy between the spelling and the actual pronunciation of a
sound can be relatively severe so that many foreign learners of English have
difficulty reading words that are new to them. Moreover, one single sound can
be represented by multiple sets of letters. For example, all of the following words
contain the same vowel sound in General American or RP accents: be, achieve,
see, key, pea, slowly. Numerous other examples abound. In Korean, on the other
hand, the sound–spelling correspondence is much more consistent than in
English. However, foreign learners of Korean soon realize that the spelling does
not necessarily reflect the exact pronunciation in all instances. For example,
hankwuke ‘Korean’ is read as [hɑŋgugʌ]. The nomenclature in this example
makes use of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), which will be dis-
cussed in detail below. For the time being, however, note that each symbol
simply represents a sound as it is actually pronounced. So, if we look at
the way the spelling of the word dictates things should be pronounced, we get
[hɑn.kuk.ʌ]. In actual usage, however, the pronunciation is [hɑŋgugʌ]. Note, that
there are some discrepancies in these two representations. If Korean was a
purely phonetic language we would expect them to be identical. Korean is,
therefore, known as a morpho-phonemic language, which will be discussed in
more detail in Chapter 3.
Obviously, attempting to use the Korean spelling system to represent this
sort of discrepancy will fall short. In point of fact, as we proceed in the next two
chapters, it will become very clear that languages often group many sounds
under one orthographic symbol. Given these issues, it is necessary for linguists
to have a way to discuss these things. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
can be used to show these subtle differences. The IPA does not reflect the
writing system of a particular language, but instead, is a standardized notation
system, which includes sound symbols that can cover the sound sequences of
all known human languages. One major benefit of this is that linguists can
discuss the sounds of a language unfamiliar to some or all of them. Although
the IPA contains unfamiliar symbols, it is necessary to become familiar with it
in order to accurately represent Korean speech sounds. Below are the IPA
symbols for consonants and vowels in Korean, which will be used instead of
the Yale Romanizations in this and the next chapter. In what follows, we will
discuss in detail what kinds of sounds each symbol represents.
In the following sections, the inventory of the Korean sound system will be
divided into two major classes: consonants and vowels. In order to understand
the notions of consonants and vowels, and their respective categories, we need
to know how these sounds are produced physiologically. The following figure
illustrates the main parts of the human vocal tract that are responsible for
producing different sounds in any human language. Different sounds can be
produced depending on what parts of the vocal tract are being used and how
they are used with the airflow that comes from the lungs.
Speech sounds are considered to be different from the mere human voice
or any other sound in terms of their production. Speech sounds are produced
by the human vocal organ known as the vocal tract. For a better understanding
of the production of speech sounds, let us consider the analogy of a stringed
instrument such as the violin. One can play a violin by plucking one of its strings,
and the body of the violin will amplify the sound by resonating its body. One
can produce different notes or tunes by putting one’s fingers on the strings
near the handle so that the length of the strings can be adjusted to produce
higher or lower pitches. So, a violin can produce beautiful tunes and notes only
when there is a bowing or plucking of the strings, a resonating body, and string
adjustment to produce different notes. Similarly, the human body can also pro-
duce speech sounds by forcing out the airstream from the lungs, and resonat-
ing it through the vocal tract, which includes the larynx, the oral cavity, and
the nasal cavity. The vocal folds play a fundamental part in the production of
speech sounds. By opening them to let the air flow freely, partially opening them,
or closing them so that the air will just pass through, the folds vibrate, creating
a buzzing sound that resonates through the rest of the vocal tract. Different
positioning of the tongue in relation to different parts of the oral cavity can
also modify the speech sound. When the vocal folds are closed to vibrate and
Hard palate
cavity Teeth Vocal folds are closed when we swallow.
Soft palate
Vocal folds
Air causes vocal folds to vibrate between
open and closed positions when we talk.
Larynx (voice box)
Trachea (windpipe)
A ir from lunqs
Vocal folds are open when we breathe quietly.
Figure 2.1 Structures involved in speech production and states of the glottis
(Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health,
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.)
resonate the outgoing airflow without any further intervention within the vocal
tract, vowels such as [i], [o], and [ɑ] can be produced. When the outgoing
airflow passes the vocal tract with further intervention or no intervention but
vocal folds open, consonants such as [p], [t], and [k] are produced. In Korean,
no consonant can stand alone without a vowel to produce an intelligible word.
The following are some examples of oral and nasal speech sounds:
In Korean, there are only three nasal sounds, all being consonants, but in some
languages such as French, there are nasal versions of some regular vowels
as well.
The example words in (a) and (b) are phonetically identical in the General
American accent (their pronunciation is identical) except for the first consonants
that differ only by their voicing where the states of the glottis play an important
role. These types of pairs of words are known as minimal pairs where only
one feature of a consonant differs from the other word in the pair. In the Eng-
lish example word ‘bay’, the consonant [b] is considered voiced because it is
produced by the vibration of the vocal folds as the airstream passes through
the closed folds, as in Figure 2.3 (a) below. In the example word ‘pay’, on the
other hand, the consonant [p] is produced by the airstream that passes the open
vocal folds without any vibration, as in Figure 2.3 (b) below, and therefore, it is
voiceless. Therefore, voicing can be used as a distinctive feature in a minimal
pair in English, the only feature that makes the two words different from each
Plain and aspirated obstruents were clearly distinguished in terms of VOT in older
generations (Cho and Keating 2001, Cho et al. 2002) but such a distinction is being
lost in younger generations in the Seoul dialect (especially among females).
As the shapes of the Korean alphabet letters show, the three-way obstruent is
the most popular and well-known classification of Korean obstruent consonants:
(a) plain, such as [p], [t], [tɕ], [k]; (b) aspirated, such as [ph], [th], [tɕh], [kh]; and
(c) tense, such as [p’], [t’], [tɕ’], [k’].
An obstruent consonant can be aspirated when it is produced by an
additional and explosive airflow. In English some obstruent consonants have
aspiration: the sounds [ph] as in ‘pot’, [th] as in ‘top’, [kh] as in ‘cop’. An extra puff
of air is pushed out when these sounds begin a word or stressed syllable in
English. Hold a piece of paper close to your mouth when producing the [p]
consonants in ‘pin’ and ‘spin’. You should notice extra air when you say ‘pin’. As
you can see, the English obstruent consonants such as [p] and [t] are aspirated
only if they are word initial or in a stressed syllable initial position.
In Korean, on the other hand, there are some obstruent consonants that are
always aspirated, some that are always unaspirated, and some that are slightly
aspirated in word-initial positions as in the table below. Speakers of English
without prior knowledge of Korean might think that Korean consonant [p] as in
pata [pɑdɑ] ‘sea’ is equivalent to English [b] as in ‘boy’ or [p] as in ‘pea’. However,
none of these two English consonants are the exact counterpart of the Korean
consonant [p]. English [b] as in ‘boy’ is a voiced stop and [p] as in ‘pea’ is a
voiceless aspirated stop, while Korean [p] as in pata ‘sea’ is a voiceless lax stop.
For this reason, consonants and vowels are often described according to their
features or with IPA.
The consonants in the middle column, also known as plain consonants, are
slightly aspirated in word initial positions. These four consonants [p], [t], [tɕ], and
[k] were introduced earlier as the [±voiced] group. The tense obstruents in the
last column are always unaspirated.
Korean obstruents can also be tense when the vocal folds are tensioned
and do not completely open, as in cases when voiceless obstruents are produced
(Kim and Duanmu 2004). However, because the folds are not placed together
so closely as in the case of voiced sounds, the tense consonants are voiceless
like the aspirated ones. Korean tense obstruents are similar to Spanish and
French obstruents [p], [t], [k].
So far, we have looked at different ways of categorizing Korean consonants based
on the states of the vocal folds. In the next section, two additional categories will
be introduced in terms of place of articulation and manner of articulation.
counterparts [tɕ], [tɕh], and [tɕ’] are produced slightly more toward the front of
the oral cavity, and therefore, they are classified as palato-alveolar instead of
Liquids are made by a partial obstruction of the airstream without any friction.
While the tongue tip touches the alveo-dental area, the air escapes the oral
cavity at the sides of the tongue. For instance, when [l] is produced, one can
feel the air escaping within the oral cavity on the two sides of the tongue body.
Glides are produced with little or no obstruction of the airstream in the
mouth. When occurring in a word, they must always be either preceded or
followed directly by a vowel. The Korean glides always precede a vowel, never
follow one. Glides are transitional sounds, being partly like consonants and partly
like vowels, and they are sometimes called semivowels. In producing the
palatal glide [y], the blade of the tongue is raised toward the hard palate. The
bilabial glide [w] is produced by both raising the back of the tongue toward
the velum and simultaneously rounding the lips.
Now that we have all three ways of classifying Korean consonants, we can
summarize all these features into a single table above: states of the glottis, place
of articulation, and manner of articulation. Voicing is not included in this chart
because it is not a clear criterion in classifying Korean obstruents, as mentioned
earlier. A similar problem arises with aspiration, since all plain stop consonants
are slightly aspirated in word-initial positions. However, we will keep these
categories in the summary table to simplify the classification.
2.3.2 Diphthongs
Simple vowels are sometimes preceded by glides that can be considered as
semi-consonants or semi-vowels [w] and [ j] sounds to form vowels such as
those in English ‘boy’ [bɔɪ], lie [laɪ], ‘bow’ [baʊ], where two vowels appear in
sequence as in [ɔɪ], [aɪ], and [aʊ], among others. In Korean, diphthongs are formed
when simple vowels appear right after a glide, either [w] or [ j]. Examples of [w]
and [ j] glides and simple vowels are as follows:
There is an off-glide diphthong which is a combination of [ɯ] and [i]. The high
back unrounded vowel [ɯ] becomes the velar approximant [ɰ].
Now, going back to the two rounded front high and mid vowels [y] and [ø], these
two vowels differ from the listed diphthongs in the following aspects. All diph-
thongs differ from monophthongs or simple vowels in terms of their length and
the shape of the lips. Diphthongs are longer in timing when compared to simple
vowels because there are two different sounds combined together. In addition,
the position of the tongue at the beginning of the production is different
from that at the end of production. In other words, the two components of the
diphthongs require the vocal tract to use two different ways of producing them.
For example, in the vowel [wɑ], the beginning of the vowel is produced by round-
ing the lips, but the ending of the vowel requires the mouth to open wide to
produce the low back vowel [ɑ]. However, the two simple vowels [y] and [ø] have
shorter production times when compared to regular diphthongs. However, as
we have mentioned, they are becoming more like diphthongs in the speech of
younger generations.
Once that is finished, what would you add to this string of consonants and
vowels to make it more like human utterance? You would probably add a short
juncture between taum cwumal-ey ‘next week’ and chinkwu manna-kilo haysse
‘have you decided to meet a friend’, and a rising tone at the end of the sentence
to make it sound like a yes–no question. When you play back what you have
just created, you will notice that the sentence is too flat and that it needs some
tonal contours applied to the entire sentence, in addition to the ending tone.
You would then need to figure out which part of the sentence will have promi-
nence such as longer duration and higher tone placed on certain vowels. In
phonetics, the longer duration applied to certain speech sounds within a sentence
or phrase is expressed in terms of length, and the tonal contour in terms of
Taum cwumal-ey chinkwu manna-kilo haysse?
‘Have you decided to meet your friend next weekend?’
Figure 2.4 Segmental and suprasegmental
In any given language, segments are the ones that express the actual mean-
ing. Other linguistic properties, such as length, stress, pitch, and loudness, are
applied to one or more segments to make them more noticeable than others.
Combination of some of these features creates a melody type of contour gen-
erally known as intonation, and each of these properties applied to the segments
are called suprasegmentals.
All languages have segments and suprasegmentals, but their inventories vary
across languages. For instance, the number and types of consonants and vowels
vary among languages. In a similar way, types of suprasegmental properties also
vary across languages. Let us have a closer look at the most common properties
included in this category, and see what salient features are included in Korean. Length
Length refers to the extended duration of a speech sound compared to other
sounds. There are distinctively long vowels as well as long consonants. In some
languages, the length of a segment has an effect on meaning. That is, substitut-
ing a long segment for an identical short segment can result in a different word,
as in the following examples:
In this case, two of the same words are different only in terms of their vowel
length, as in mal ‘horse’ versus ma:l ‘language’. The lengthening of the second
noun ma:l is lexically inherent, in which case the lengthening is called phonemic
or contrastive. Traditionally, this vowel lengthening is regarded as a sequence
of two short vowels. However, there is a general consensus that this vowel
length distinction is disappearing in Standard Korean and only survives in certain
dialects.3 In fact, many of these example words are still included in major Korean
dictionaries and are reinforced by the media.
Gyungsang, Chung-Cheong, and Jeonla dialects are known to maintain this vowel
lengthening. However, some research suggests that there is variation among speakers
(Park 1994).
(9) 가고 싶으면 가:
ka-ko siph-umyen ka:
go-want-if go
‘Go if you want to (go).’
What then determines which syllable will take a high pitch or low pitch in
intonation languages such as standard Korean and English? Let us consider
English first since Korean has a rather unique system.
In the case of English, as in many other intonation languages such as Span-
ish, Italian, and Swedish, the relative prominence is placed on a certain syllable
within a word and is manifested through higher pitch, loudness, and lengthening
known as stress. In this way, the domain of stress is the syllable and different
words carry stress in ultimate, penultimate, or antepenultimate syllables, as in
‘result’, ‘republic’, and ‘democracy’. In some languages, more than one syllable
within a word may be stressed as in nationality and confidential, where the bold
is the primary stress and the underlined is the secondary stress.
In English, stress may be used as the only clue in differentiating two words
spelled the same but with different meaning, such as noun versus verb, as in
the following examples:
In addition, the placement of stress changes when the word category changes
as a result of added derivational suffixes.
2.4.2 Intonation
We have said that the domain of stress is the syllable. However, when a differ-
ent range of high and low pitches is applied over a phrase or sentence in
an utterance, the contiguous pitches together form an melody type of contour
known as intonation. Intonation is a variation of pitch used to convey meaning
that cannot be expressed with words alone. Speakers use intonation to signal
sentence types, discourse structure, emotion and attitude toward the utterance
as well as the hearer. Intonation is found in every language including tone
languages, but its structure and function differ from language to language.
For instance, in English, yes–no questions have a rising intonation whereas
declarative statements and wh-questions have a falling intonation. Intonation can
also be used in shaping discourse structure to signal the beginning and the end
of a speech turn, emphasis, contrast, and various other phenomena at this level.
In English, lexical stress plays an important role in the way the tonal contour
is shaped over a phrase or sentence. That is, some of the stressed syllables
within a phrase or sentence will lead into either a high or low pitch when shap-
ing a tonal contour, which is called pitch accent. English pitch accents are not
lexically inherent whereas stresses are. Now, let us see how Korean speakers
determine where to place a high and low pitch over a phrase or sentence(s). In
Korean, intonation contour is determined mainly at the phrasal level, since there
is no lexical stress that could result in prominence at the sentence level.
Standard Korean has two intonation units, the Intonation Phrase (IP) and
the Accentual Phrase (AP). An IP can have one or more APs and is marked
by a boundary tone and final lengthening. The final syllable of all utterances
is marked with a boundary tone, which will be labeled with either a high (H)
pitch or a low (L) pitch followed by (%) which means the end of the IP. The
smaller unit AP can contain one or more words and is marked by phrase-initial
LH or HH tones, the choice between which is determined by the initial segment
type, and phrase final LH tones, but without lengthening (Jun 1998, 2000).
More details on AP and IP will be provided in the next section.
In the example above, both the first and second AP have an initial L tone
because of the AP initial consonant [m]; however, the first AP has a LHLH tonal
pattern because it has four syllables, whereas the second AP has a LLH tonal
pattern because it has only three syllables. The sentence (12) has three APs
but all of them together form a single tonal contour IP.
In example (14), in contrast, the AP initial tone is H because its initial segment
is an aspirated stop [ph] in phaiyeyo ‘it is an arm’. The AP final H is also over-
ridden by IP final L%.
Below are pitch tracks illustrating the IP contours of sentences (13) and (14).
L H L L% H H L L%
G 㧊G 㠦G 㣪 䕪G 㧊G 㠦G 㣪
pal i ey yo phal i ey yo
Figure 2.5 Pitch tracks of (13) and (14)
In example (15) below, the IP boundary tone is H%, since the sentence is a
question. H% is the typical tone used in Korean yes–no questions.
In other circumstances, speakers may use a different IP boundary tone for the
same greeting Annyengha-se-yo? as in (16) below, where the IP boundary tone
is HL% instead of H%. In such a case, the greeting does not sound like a
yes–no question, but like a formulaic greeting expression.
tone is realized on the final syllable of the IP, and depending on sentence type,
its pragmatic meaning, or the shape of the tonal contour, it may carry a L initial
boundary tone such as L%, LH%, LHL%, LHLH%, LHLHL%, or a H initial
boundary tone such as H%, HL%, HLH%, HLHL%. These tones can be grouped
in monotonals (H% and L%) as in (15), bitonals (HL% and LH%) as in (16),
and multitonals with three or more tonal elements as in (17) and (18). In fact,
regardless of the number of tonal elements within a boundary tone, the final
one is more closely related to the meaning of the sentence, whereas the initial
one is related to the overall contour shape (e.g., the number of syllables, the
tone assigned to the penultimate syllable). Phrasing
When an IP has more than one AP, it can have a variety of tonal contours depend-
ing on the meaning of the sentence or the intention/attitude of the speaker.
Consider the following two types of questions in (19) and (20) which are the
same sentences except for their tonal contours as well as phrasing strategies.
Example (19) is a typical case of a wh-question where the wh-word eti ‘where’
and the verb kayo ‘go’ are within the same AP. At its IP level, the LH% tone is
usually used for this type of wh-question. Example (20), on the other hand, is
a typical case of a yes–no question where the same word eti ‘where’ is now
used as an indefinite pronoun ‘somewhere’ instead of ‘where’. This sentence has
one IP, but also two APs. Notice that each of the two words eti ‘where’ and
kayo ‘go’ forms an AP on its own.
Native speakers distinguish the meaning between these two questions, (19)
and (20), in terms of their phrasing and tonal shape, especially the type of
boundary tone. All other wh-words and indefinite pronouns such as nwukwu
‘who’, mye ‘what’, encey ‘when’ are differentiated with the same prosodic strategy.
In this way, phrasing provides important information in processing sentence
meaning and discourse structure.
Phrasing is also used in organizing sentence constituents, so that sentence
elements are grouped accordingly in expressing intended meaning. In the fol-
lowing examples (21)–(23), depending on the way the two APs within each
sentence are parsed, all three can have different meanings.
Phrasing is also related to the notion of topic, as in example (24), and focus,
as in example (25). In this case, the topical and focused phrase usually forms
its own IP and therefore has a boundary tone with a bigger juncture.
(24) [[민수]AP]IP [[여행 못 간대.]AP]IP
Minswu yehayng mos ka-n-tay
‘As for Minsu, he cannot make the trip.’
(25) [[미나가]AP]IP [[반에서]AP [제일 예뻐.]AP]IP
Mina-ka pan-eyse ceyil yeyppu-e.
‘MINA is the prettiest in class.’
1. Fill in the consonant and vowel charts using the phonetic symbols in the
2. Have a native speaker read the following words and transcribe what you
hear using IPA. Don’t forget to put the transcription in brackets.
3. Write out the following words transcribed in IPA using Hangul and Yale
(1) [pul] ‘fire’
(2) [phul] ‘grass’
(3) [p’ul] ‘horn’
(4) [tʌldɑ] ‘reduce’
(5) [thʌldɑ] ‘shake’
(6) [t’ʌldɑ] ‘tremble’
(7) [tɕɑdɑ] ‘sleep’
(8) [tɕhɑdɑ] ‘kick’
(9) [tɕ’ɑdɑ] ‘salty’
(10) [kɯn] ‘pound’
(11) [khɯn] ‘big’
(12) [k’ɯn] ‘string’
(13) [sɑl] ‘flesh’
(14) [s’ɑl] ‘rice’
4. Read the following sentence or have a native speaker read it, then find all
the consonants and vowel sounds and write them down.
민수가 살던 곳에는 좋은 식당이 아주 많다.
[민수가 살던 고세는 조은 식땅이 아주 만타]
Minswu-ka sal-ten kos-ey-nun coh-un siktang-i acwu manh-ta.
Minswu-NOM live-RC place-LOC-TOP good restaurant-NOM very many-DEC
‘There are many good restaurants where Minswu used to live.’
[minsukɑ sɑltʌn kosenɯn tɕoɯn sikt’ɑŋi ɑtɕu mɑnthɑ]
Consonants: ____________________________________________________
Vowels: ________________________________________________________
5. Practice saying the sounds of the Korean alphabet to see if you can
identify the places and manner of articulation in the mouth.
6. From the sentence in 1, Minswu-ka sal-ten, list three consonants and three
vowels, and provide distinctive features as in the example in (a). You should
provide all relevant features that make each of the following consonants
different from others.
7. Now, given the distinctive features as in the example (a), provide the
consonants representing the features.
(a) [ p’ ] stop, bilabial, tense
(b) [ ] fricative, alveo-dental
(c) [ ] nasal, alveo-dental
(d) [ ] fricative, glottal
(e) [ ] affricative, palate-alveolar, aspirated
(f) [ ] stop, velar, plain
(g) [ ] liquid, alveo-dental
8. Given the distinctive features as in the example (a), provide the vowels
representing the features.
(a) [ i ] high front unrounded
(b) [ ] high front rounded
(c) [ ] high back unrounded
(d) [ ] high back rounded
(e) [ ] mid front unrounded
(f) [ ] mid back rounded
(g) [ ] low back unrounded
9. Write down the Korean sounds and describe how these sounds are produced.
(a) Bilabial consonants:
(b) Palatal stops:
(c) Nasals:
(d) Glides:
(e) Back vowels:
(f) Rounded vowels:
10. Label each of the following words with the AP initial tone.
수세미 swuseymi [susemi] ‘scouring pad’
해바라기 haypalaki [hεpɑɾɑgi] ‘sunflower’
금요일 kumyoil [kɯmjoil] ‘Friday’
까마귀 kkamakwi [k’ɑmɑgy] ‘crow’
우렁이 wulengi [ulʌŋi] ‘snail’
피라미 philami [phiɾɑmi] ‘minnow’
11. Using the brackets, label the AP and IP of the following sentences.
(a) 무슨 노래예요?
Mwusun nolay-yey-yo?
what song-be-Q
‘What song is that?’
(b) 무슨 소리예요?
Mwusun soli-yey-yo?
what sound-be-Q
‘Was it some sort of noise?’
(c) 뭐 먹었어요?
Mwe mek-ess-eyo?
what eat-PST-Q
‘Did you eat something?’
(d) 누가 간대요?
Nwuka ka-n-tayyo?
who go-PRES-Q
‘Who’s going?’
In English, the phoneme /t / has two allophones. [th] and [t], depending on
its environment, but whether you pronounce the word ‘top’ with [th] or [t], its
meaning does not change – that is, the two sounds are non-contrastive. How-
ever, the /th/ and /t / in Korean are two different phonemes, and by replacing
the phoneme /th/ with /t /, the word can have a different meaning. Therefore,
these two sounds are contrastive. For instance, for the Korean word [thal] ‘mask’,
if the initial consonant [th] changes into [tal] it becomes a totally different word,
‘moon’. In this case, the two words [thal] and [tal] are considered minimal pairs,
where the two words are exactly the same in terms of their pronunciation except
for the contrastive sounds that are two different phonemes in that particular
On the other hand, in the case of Korean examples tal ‘moon’ and tal-i
‘moon-subj’, the [l] in the two examples is realized in two allophones [l] and [ɾ]2
respectively, and they occur in different environments: syllable final versus
syllable initial. That is, where [l] occurs, [ɾ] will not occur, and vice versa. The two
Korean allophones [l] and [ɾ] are in complementary distribution.
[ɾ] is the IPA symbol for alveolar tap (or flap).
Now, one might ask questions such as why in Korean words such as han ‘one’
and kwuk ‘nation’, all phonemes are realized as predicted as in [han] and [kuk]
respectively, but in the case of the word hankwuke ‘Korean’, it does not follow
its prediction. Instead, it is pronounced as [hɑŋgugʌ], and most people learning
Korean at the beginning level have difficulty trying to grasp this discrepancy.
The Korean writing system is known to be phonemic in that each and every
letter has its own contrastive sound being represented. However, this is true
only within a morpheme boundary. Therefore, Korean is called a morpho-
phonemic language in that the connection of the sound and letters is fully
realized only within a morpheme boundary. For instance, the phoneme [n] in han
is pronounced as [ŋ] because the next morpheme begins with a [k]. This change
of sound is known as phonological rules or sound alternation rules because
the change is not permanent and it occurs only under certain conditions. There
are many predictable and non-predictable sound alternations in words, and
phonological rules will be able to explain why and when to apply them.
These three consonants share some common features such as ‘voiced’ and
‘nasal’. Since these are the only nasal consonants in Korean, you can remove
the properties about their place of articulations and name this group as ‘Korean
nasals’ since all nasals are voiced. When you use the term ‘Korean nasals’ you
are referring to these three consonants, which are produced by letting the airflow
out through the nasal cavity instead of the oral cavity. Therefore, the consonants
[m, n, ŋ] form the natural class of Korean nasals, which is a set of sounds in
a language that share one or two features, and there should be no other sounds
in the language that have the same features. All the members of a natural class
are affected in the same way in the same environment. Similarly, all members
of a natural class have the same effect on other sounds that occur in their
environment. Therefore, when applying a phonological rule, it affects the entire
natural class instead of just one single sound when they are found in the same
In the English examples above, the plural marking suffix -s is pronounced either
as voiceless fricative [s] or voiced fricative [z] depending on the voice feature of
the word final consonants, which are all oral stops in this case. Therefore, this
rule is applied to all word final oral stop (or plosive) consonants and depending
on their voice features, the plural -s is realized in the same voice feature. In this
case, the phonological rule applies to the entire natural class of plosives.
If you consider the consonant chart provided in the Phonetics chapter, all
consonants can be categorized based on another property used to describe
natural class and which divides all consonants into two groups: obstruents and
sonorants. Obstruents are speech sounds produced with an obstruction of the
airflow, such as stops, fricatives, and affricates. Sonorants, on the other hand,
are speech sounds produced with a relatively open passage to the airflow such
as nasals, liquids, glides, and vowels.
As you can see from the examples above, phonological rules act upon
phonetic features instead of on the consonants or vowels themselves. That is,
phonological rules alter some phonetic features of the target segment and all
other segments that are members of the same natural class are all subject to the
same alternation. This implies that all segments are composed of various phonetic
features and they can be categorized according to either one of the features
they share in common, known as distinctive features. Many of these features
are represented in pairs, such as [+voice], which is the opposite of [−voice],
[+nasal] being the opposite of [−nasal], where the [+] sign means the presence
of such a feature and [−] its absence. As you can see, these features are based
on the phonetic descriptions of consonants and vowels mentioned in the previous
chapter. The most commonly used distinctive features are as follows:
(6) (a) Major class features represent the major classes of sounds.
[± syllabic]: syllabic sounds refer to vowels and syllabic consonants.
[± consonantal]: consonantal sounds include all consonants except
for glides.
[± sonorant]: sonorants are produced with open passage to the airflow.
Sonorants include vowels and glides.
(b) Laryngeal features describe the glottal states of sounds.
[± voice]: voiced sounds are produced with the vibration of the vocal
[± spread glottis]: represents the vocal folds being spread apart for
frication to occur. Examples of [+spr.glot]: [h], [ph], [th], [kh].
[± constricted glottis]: represents the vocal folds being held closely
together to block the airflow momentarily. Examples of [+const.glot]:
[p’], [t’], [k’].
(c) Manner features represent the manner of articulation.
[± continuant]: continuant feature describes the passage of the airflow
through the vocal tract.
[± nasal]: nasal sounds are produced by lowering the velum to let the
airflow go through the nasal tract.
[± lateral]: lateral sounds are produced by letting the airflow pass
along the sides of the tongue.
[± delayed release]: describes the delayed release of the airflow that
distinguishes stops from affricates.
(d) Place features describe the place of articulation.
[± labial]: labial sounds involve constriction at the lips.
[± round]: sound produced with lip rounding.
[± coronal]: coronal sounds are articulated with the tip or blade of the
[± anterior]: anterior sounds are produced by placing the tip or blade
of the tongue at the alveolar ridge.
[± high]: sounds produced by raising the dorsum of the tongue close
to the palate.
[± low]: sounds produced with the dorsum to a low position in the
[± back]: sounds produced with the dorsum retracted slightly to the
back of the mouth.
This sound alternation can be described using the above distinctive features as
(b) rule
As shown in the above example, distinctive features [+stop] include all plain,
aspirated, and tense stop consonants in Korean, and not all tense stop con-
sonants occur at the syllable final position. Therefore, [+stop] will be enough
to describe [p, t, k, ph, th, kh] from the description above. Korean [+nasal] are
also [+voiced] and include only the three nasal consonants [m], [n], and [ŋ].
Therefore, the description in (a) can be summarized using distinctive features
as in (b).
Features for vowels are often described with [+high] for high vowels such
as [i], [ɯ], or [u]. [+low] is used for low vowels such as [ɑ]. Mid vowels such as
[e] and [o] are described with [−high][−low], which means neither high nor low,
mid vowel. The two high vowels [i] and [u] can be differentiated by adding
[+round] to the vowel [u], so [i] is [+high][−round] whereas vowel [u] is [+high]
In Section 3.3, some of the major rules will be provided according to their
In addition to these four types of syllables, more are found when glides (G) are
added before the nucleus, as in:
Although there is variation between dictionary entries and spoken forms, among
these eight syllable types, the CVC type is known to be the most frequent,
followed by the CV type. The GV and CGVC types are the least frequent among
all Korean words.
These changes can be described using the distinctive features in formal notation
form as follows:
(12) X → Y / A__B
In this notation, the sound X becomes Y when the sound is found in an environ-
ment where A precedes it and B follows it. Following this format, the sound
changes provided above can be represented using the distinctive features as
In this case, the feature [+coronal] includes consonants that are either alveolar
or palatal, and [−coronal] implies consonants that are non-coronal, bilabial or
velar in Korean. Therefore, [n] becomes [m] if the following consonant is bilabial,
and [n] becomes [ŋ] if the following consonant is velar.
Different phonological rules will be provided in the next section according
to their types.
(1) Common categories-based (e.g., Choi 2008, Kang 2011, Bae 2013, Baek
et al. 2013) classification includes general types of commonly occurring
rules in most languages in the world, e.g. assimilation, insertion, deletion.
(2) Automaticity-based (e.g., Sohn 2001) classification includes two types
of rules: automatic and non-automatic. Automatic rules are applied within
a syllable or across syllable boundaries regardless of the nature of the
grammatical information contained within these syllables (known as mor-
phemes, which will be covered in Chapter 4). The non-automatic rules,
on the other hand, are applied across syllable boundaries based on the
grammatical information contained within the corresponding syllables.
(3) Unit-based, such as morpheme and syllable (e.g., Shin et al. 2013),
classification is based on the boundary types, whether they are across
morpheme or syllable boundaries. Assimilation
Being one of the most representative automatic rules, assimilation affects one
of two adjacent sounds so that one of them becomes more similar to its adja-
cent sound in terms of its phonetic properties, so that overall articulation becomes
smoother and easier. This rule is one of the most common phonological rules
in any language, although detailed rules may vary from language to language.
Assimilation can be progressive (e.g., AB → AA) or regressive (e.g., AB →
BB) depending on the direction in which a sound affects its adjacent sound.
When the two sounds involved in the process become identical sounds, it is
called total assimilation, as in liquidization. When the two are not identical, it
is called partial assimilation, as in decoronization, palatalization, and many
others. Assimilation can result in a different phoneme, as in most cases provided
below, or in an allophone of the original sound, as in intersonorant voicing.
Assimilation can occur between (i) two consonants, as in nasalization,
liquidization, and decoronization; (ii) a consonant and a vowel, as in palatalization;
or (iii) two vowels, as in umlaut and vowel harmony.
The easiest way to explain assimilation is feature spreading (Iverson and
Sohn 1994). Assuming that sonorants are more marked than obstruents among
consonants (Clements 1990), feature spreading from more marked sites to less
marked ones provides a simple explanation for a wide variety of assimilation
processes in Korean. For example, the feature [+nasal] spreads to obstruents
in nasalization, and [+liquid] speads to [+nasal] in liquidization.
(15) (a)
있는데 /it.nɯn/ → 인는 [innɯn] ‘exist-but’
봅니다 /pop.nitɑ/ → 봄니다 [pomnidɑ] ‘see-deferential’
닦니? /tɑ → 당니 [tɑŋni] ‘clean-interrogative’
십년 /sip.njʌn/ → 심년 [simnjʌn] ‘ten years’
앞문 /ɑph.mun/ → 암문 [ɑmmun] ‘front door’
잇몸 / → 인몸 [inmom] ‘gum (of teeth)’
덧니 /tʌ → 던니 [tʌnni] ‘snaggletooth’
각막 /kɑk.mɑk/ → 강막 [kɑŋmɑk] ‘retina’
막내 /mɑk.nɛ/ → 망내 [mɑŋnɛ] ‘the youngest (of the family)’
저녁 먹었어? /cɛnjʌk mʌk/ → 저녕 먹 [cenjʌŋmʌk] ‘Did you eat dinner?’
꽃 너무 이뻐. /k’ot nʌmu/ → 꼰 너무 [k’onnʌmu] ‘The flower is so pretty.’
In some cases, however, the sequence of [n]-[l] does not result in [l]-[l] as
expected, but [n]-[n] instead. When Sino-Korean suffixes are attached to some
nouns, as in examples (18), the liquidization process does not occur. Instead,
[l] is assimilated to the preceding [n]. In either case, this process is a Total
Assimilation, where the two consonants involved become identical.
This discrepancy of /n-l/ → [n-n] instead of /n-l/ → [l-l] was first observed in
the seventeenth century in written Middle Korean texts, and it seems to have
been increasing since then in terms of frequency among young native speakers.
(20) (a)
신문 /sin.mun/ → 심문 [simmun] ‘newspaper’
덧문 /tʌt.mun/ → 덤문 [tʌmmun] ‘outer door’
돗보기 /tot.pogi/ → 돕보기 [toppogi] ‘magnifying glass’
곳간 /kot.kɑn/ → 곡간 [kokkɑn] ‘warehouse’
전구 /tɕʌn.ku/ → 정구 [tɕʌŋgu] ‘light bulb
벗꽃 /pʌt.k’ot / → 벅꽃 [pʌkk’ot] ‘cherry blossom’
When consonants /n/, /l/, and /s/ are affected, they are replaced by their
respective allophones palatal nasal [ ɲ], palatal lateral approximant [ʎ], and post
alveolar fricative [ʃ], as in examples (22a), (22b), and (22c). If you carefully
pronounce the plain version and palatalized version of the consonants, you will
notice that when palatalized, the relevant consonants are articulated around the
hard palate area whereas the plain consonants are all articulated in the alveo-
dental area. In these palatalization processes, the glide [ j] is not fully pronounced
but is fused within the palatalized consonants.
The next case is the palatalization of /t / and /th/. When followed by suffixes
that begin with [i], [ j], or [hj], the consonants are replaced by other phonemes
/tɕ/ and /tɕh/, respectively, due to their palatal feature. Different from the pre-
vious three cases of palatalization, this non-automatic alternation occurs only if
there is an intervening affixal boundary, as in examples (23). This rule does not
occur across the word/compound boundary.
All Korean words contain either bright or dark vowels, but there are some words
that historically shared some semantic similarities and developed into bright–dark
pairs toward more specific meanings.
One of the most commonly used Korean speech style ending is the Polite style
-eyo/ayo. This is a single suffix with an option of two initial vowels depending
on the vowel found in the verb or adjective stem, to which the suffix is attached
for conjugation. When a verb or adjective stem contains a bright vowel [ɑ] or
[o], -ayo is attached to the stem. When the stem contains a dark vowel, -eyo is
used. The same rule applies to similar suffixes that begin with a vowel [ɑ] or [ʌ]
such as -ese/ase ‘because’, -eto/ato ‘even if’.
(g) Umlaut: In this vowel alternation, central vowels are fronted when followed
by a syllable containing a high front vowel [i]. In this case, the central vowels
are moved toward the front preserving their height. For instance, [ɑ] goes
to [ɛ], as in examples (29a), and [ʌ] goes to [e], as in examples (29b).
Although younger generation Korean speakers no longer distinguish the
front mid [e] from front low [ɛ], older generation speakers still do.
(29) (a)
아기 → [애기] [ɑgi] → [ɛgi] ‘baby’
남비 → [냄비] [nɑmbi] → [nɛmbi] ‘kettle’
학교 → [핵교] [hɑk’jo] → [hɛk’jo] ‘school’
다리미 → [대리미] [tɑɾimi] → [tɛɾimi] ‘iron (for pressing clothes)’
방망이 → [방맹이] [pɑŋmɑŋi] → [paŋmɛŋi] ‘bat’
어미 → [에미] [ʌmi] → [emi] ‘mother (animal)’
먹이다 → [멕이다] [mʌgidɑ] → [megidɑ] ‘to feed’
버리다 → [베리다] [pʌɾidɑ] → [peɾidɑ] ‘spoil, ruin’
There are some exceptions where umlaut is not observed. The change does not
occur between a root and a suffix, as in [kɑɾɑŋbi] ‘light shower’, and when the
intervening consonant is coronal, as in [mɑʃit’ɑ] ‘delicious’. Umlaut is widely used
in Southern dialects. Dissimilation
The opposite to the assimilation process, dissimilation involves changes in two
adjacent sounds to become less alike with respect to some phonetic properties.
Some dissimilation examples exist in Korean, which are more historical changes
rather than sound alternations. Tensification is the only phonological rule that
can be considered as dissimilation process.
(30) (a)
국수 / → 국쑤 [kuk.s’u] ‘noodle’
각도 /kɑ → 각또 [kɑk.t’o] ‘angle’
잡지 /cɑ → 잡찌 [tɕɑp.tɕ’i] ‘magazine’
업보 /ʌp.po/ → 업뽀 [ʌp.p’o] ‘karma’
닭-고기 /tɑk-kogi/ → 닥꼬기 [tɑk.k’ogi] ‘chicken (meat)’
덮-밥 /tʌp.pɑp/ → 덥빱 [tʌp.p’ɑp] ‘rice topped with toppings’
낮-잠 /nɑ → 낟짬 [nɑt.tɕ’ɑm] ‘nap’
목-살 /mok.sɑl/ → 목쌀 [mok.s’ɑl] ‘neck (of animal)’
덥-지만 /tʌp.cimɑn/ → 덥찌만 [tʌp.tɕ’imɑn] ‘hot-but’
죽-도록 /cuk.toɾok/ → 죽또록 [cuk.t’oɾok] ‘to death’
먹-습니다 /mʌk.sumnidɑ/ → 먹씀니다 [mʌk.s’umnidɑ] ‘eat-deferential’
영국 가봤니? / jʌŋ.kuk kɑ/ → 영국 까봔니 [jʌŋ.kuk k’ɑ] ‘Have you
been to England?’
집 샀어. /tɕip sɑs’ʌ/ → 집 싸써 [tɕip s’ɑs’ʌ] ‘(I) bought a house.’
각 잡아봐. /kɑk tɕɑbɑbwɑ/ → 각 짜바봐 [kɑk tɕ’abɑbwɑ] ‘Get the angle.’
(31) Rule summary: [p, t, k].[p, t, s, tɕ, k] → [p’, t’, s’, tɕ’, k’]
(a) /n/ insertion: In this rule, an epenthetic /n/ is prefixed to a word or stem
that begins with [i] or [ j], if the word or stem is preceded by another word
or stem that ends in a consonant other than [l]. If you consider the examples
in (a), they are all compounds composed of a combination of two words.
If the second word of this combination begins with [i] or [ j] as in example
[hɑn-jʌɾum], and the first noun ends in a consonant other than [l], /n/ is
inserted before [i] or [ j] as in [hɑn-ɲjʌɾum].
In fact, /n/ epenthesis might trigger another rule by inserting /n/ in a word.
The appearance of [n] will bring the possibility of nasalization as long as the
preceded consonant is a stop, as in examples (34).
(b) [t] insertion: in epenthesis, one of the most typical types of non-automatic
rule, /t / appears between the morphemes that compose a word or
compound, generally a modifier + a head. In this case, the two words must
be native Korean words, or a combination of a native word and a Sino-
Korean word. The /t / tensifies the following lax consonant and it also
becomes a nasal before a nasal consonant. The [t] insertion rule can be
applied in two different ways: (35a) [t] insertion in spelling and (35b)
insertion in sound only. In spelling, the letter ‘s’ is inserted between word
boundaries, and therefore, this rule is also called ‘middle s’ in Korean. When
both words are Sino-Korean words, [t] insertion takes place without the
spelling change, as in examples (35c).
(c) Glide insertion: Very often, a glide is inserted between two vowels for
smoother articulation. One of the most typical uses is the [ j] insertion
between a noun that ends in a vowel and the vocative -a. This suffix is
attached to a person’s first name when calling out the person’s attention
in a non-polite way (i.e. intimate form), as in examples (36a). [ j] insertion
is also common between a vowel such as [ɛ, o, u, i] and a vowel initial
suffix such as particle -ey, and verb suffixes -ese as in examples (36b). In
addition to the glide [ j], [w] may also be inserted between a syllable final
[u] and a suffix [ʌ], as in examples (36c).
(36) (a)
미순-아 [misun-ɑ] ‘Misun’
순미-야 [sunmi-jɑ] ‘Soonmi’
영민-아 [jʌŋmin-ɑ] ‘Youngmin’
철수-야 [tɕhʌlsu-jɑ] ‘Cheolsu’
저기-에 /cʌgi-ɛ/ → 저기예 [tɕʌgi-jɛ] ‘there-at’
뒤-에서 /ty-ɛsʌ/ → 뒤예서 [ty-jɛsʌ] ‘behind-from’
내-어 /nɛ-ʌ/ → 내여 [nɛ-jʌ] ‘put out-and then’
되-어서 /tø-ʌsʌ/ → 되여서 [tø-jʌsʌ] ‘become-and then’
나누-어 /nɑnu-ʌ/ → 나누워 [nɑnu-wʌ] ‘divide-and then’
가두-어 /kɑdu-ʌ/ → 가두워 [kɑdu-wʌ] ‘lock up-and then’
(d) vowel insertion: The high vowel [ɯ] or [i] is inserted in the loanwords
to break consonant clusters, or in the word-final position, to avoid
unwanted sound alternation rules applying (Kim and Kochetov 2011).
All non-syllabic consonants, except the post-alveolar [tɕ] and [tɕh], trigger
insertion of [ɯ] to form an independent syllable, as in examples (37). The
English word ‘desk’ has three consonants, but there is only one vowel [ɛ].
This means that neither [s] nor [k] are followed by a vowel. These stranded
consonants cannot be pronounced in Korean. Therefore, [ɯ] vowel is
inserted to create a syllable on its own. The English word ‘desk’ becomes
[tɛsɯkhɯ] with two additional vowels [ɯ] inserted at surface level in Korean.
When the stranded consonant is either [tɕ] or [tɕh], [i] vowel is inserted instead,
as in examples (38). Deletion
In addition to assimilation, dissimilation, and insertion, this section deals with
deletion of a segment for smoother, easier, and economic articulation. There are
several types of deletion but only three most commonly used cases will be
introduced in this section. Consonant types: [l] deletion and [h] deletion, and
vowel type: [ɯ] deletion.
(a) [l] deletion: In compound words, the word final consonant [l] of the first
word is deleted when the following word begins with its homorganic
consonants [n], [s], [t], or [tɕ], as in examples (39a). Some verb stem finals
[l] also undergo deletion when the verb suffixes begin with [n], [s], [p], [m],
[l], or [o], as in examples (39b).
(39) (a)
솔+나무 → 소나무 [sonɑmu] ‘pine tree’
바늘+질 → 바느질 [pɑnɯcil] ‘sewing’
활+살 → 화살 [hwɑsɑl] ‘arrow’
아들+님 → 아드님 [ɑdɯnim] ‘son-honorific’
불+동산 → 부동산 [pudoŋsɑn] ‘real estate’
만들+는 → 만드는 [mɑndɯnɯn] ‘make-suffix’
살+시는 → 사시는 [sɑsinɯn] ‘live-suffix’
놀+세요 → 노세요 [nosɛjo] ‘play-suffix’
멀+ㄴ → 먼 [mʌn] ‘be far-suffix’
살+ㅂ시다 → 삽시다 [sɑpsidɑ] ‘live-suffix’
(b) [h] deletion: a verb stem final [h] is deleted when a vowel initial suffix is
used, as in examples (40a). When [h] is in syllable initial position but not
at a word initial position, it may be deleted depending on the formality of
the speech situation, as in examples (40b).
(40) (a)
좋-아요 [조아요] [tɕoɑjo] ‘be good-suffix’
많-이 [마니] [mɑni] ‘a lot-suffix’
잃-은 [이른] [iɾɯn] ‘to lose-suffix’
놓-여 [노여] [nojʌ] ‘to place-suffix’
넣-어서 [너어서] [nʌʌsʌ] ‘to put-suffix’
미혼 [미혼/미온] [mihon/mion] ‘unmarried’
영화 [영화/영와] [jʌŋhwɑ/jʌŋwɑ] ‘movie’
전화 [전화/저놔] [tɕʌnhwɑ/tɕʌnwɑ] ‘telephone’
(c) [ɯ] deletion: when [ɯ], the least sonorant among all Korean vowels, is
followed by a vowel-initial suffix, it gets deleted, as in examples (41a).
Likewise, when a suffix with [ɯ] at the initial position is preceded by a
word-final vowel, it gets omitted too, as in examples (41b).
(41) (a)
쓰-어요 → 써요 ssu-eyo [s’ɯ.ʌjo] → sseyo [s’ʌjo] ‘to write-suffix’
크-어요 → 커요 khu-eyo [khɯ.ʌjo] → kheyo [khʌjo] ‘be big-suffix’
바쁘-어서 → 바뻐서 pappu-ese [pɑp’ɯ.ʌsʌ] → pappese [pɑp’ɑsʌ] ‘be busy-suffix’
잠그-아서 → 잠가서 camku-ase [tɕɑmkɯ.ɑsʌ] → camkase [tɕɑmgɑsʌ]
‘to lock-suffix’
차+으로 → 차-로 cha-ulo [tɕh.ɯɾo] → chalo [tɕhaɾo] ‘car-suffix’
자+으면 → 자-면 ca-umyen [tɕɑ.ɯmjʌn] → camyen [tɕɑmjʌn] ‘sleep-suffix’
오+을 것 → 올 것 o-ul-kes [o.ɯlk’ʌt] → olkes [olk’ʌt] ‘come-suffix’
가+으시고 → 가-시고 ka-usiko [kɑ.ɯʃigo] → kasiko [kaʃigo] ‘go-suffix’ Fusion
This is the type of sound alternation in which two sounds are fused or contracted
to make a simpler and economic articulation. By combining two elements,
a vowel or a consonant will be eliminated, and therefore, a whole or partial
syllable will disappear from a word. Two phonological rules will be introduced in
this section: Aspiration and Vowel Contraction.
(a) Aspiration: When the initial or final lax stop of a morpheme and the initial
or final [h] of another morpheme become contiguous, they merge into an
aspirated stop. This is a mirror image rule as it applies whether the lax
stop precedes or follows [h]. Phonologically speaking, the prominent feature
of [h], [+spread glottis] is being added to the main features of lax stops
[−son, -cont], resulting in the features representing aspirated stops as in
[−son, −cont, +spr.glot]. This way, the two consonants [h] and [p, t, tɕ, k]
are merged into a single consonant [ph, th, tɕh, or kh].
(42) (a)
입학 /ip.hɑk/ → 이팍 [iphɑk] ‘matriculation’
녹화 /nok.hwɑ/ → 노콰 [nokhwɑ] ‘recording’
막히다 /mɑk.hitɑ/ → 마키다 [mɑkhidɑ] ‘be blocked’
걷히다 /kʌt.hitɑ/ → 거치다 [kʌtɕhidɑ] ‘be cleared off’
좋-고 /coh-ko/ → 조코 [tɕokho] ‘be good-and’
넣-고 /nʌh-ko/ → 너코 [nʌkho] ‘to insert-and’
옳다 /olh.tɑ/ → 올타 [olthɑ] ‘be correct, right’
싫-지만 /silh. tɕimɑn/ → 실치만 [siltɕhimɑn] ‘do not like-but’
(43) Rule summary: [p, t, tɕ, k] → [ph, th, tɕh, kh] / _____[h] or [h]____
(b) Vowel Contraction: This can also be seen as a glide formation, where
two consecutive vowels are contracted to undergo glide formation. This
rule is different from glide insertion in which the number of syllables is not
affected. In vowel contraction, on the other hand, the total number of
syllables within the word is reduced by one, as a result of the contraction.
There are two different types of glide formations:
(i) when a verb stem ending in [i, o, u] is followed by a suffix that begins
with -e/a, the two vowels are contracted to undergo glide formation,
as in examples (44a). When the first vowel is [i], the glide [ j] is formed,
but for the back vowels [o, u], the glide [w] is formed.
(ii) a sequence of vowels such as [ɑ, o, u, ɛ] + [i] may also undergo glide
formation preserving the height of the first vowel as in examples (44b).
(44) (a)
보아요 /po- ɑjo/ → 봐요 [pwɑjo] ‘see-(polite)’
놓아요 /noh- ɑjo/ → 놔요 [nwɑjo] ‘to place something somewhere’
주어요 /tɕu-ʌjo/ → 줘요 [tɕwʌjo] ‘to give something to someone’
마시어요 /mɑsi-ʌjo/ → 마셔요 [mɑsjʌjo] ‘to drink-polite’
기다리어요 /kitɑli-ʌjo/ → 기다려요 [kidɑɾjʌjo] ‘to wait-polite’
먹이어요 /mʌk-i-ʌjo/ → 먹여요 [mʌkjʌjo] ‘to feed-polite’
아이 /ɑ.i/ → 애 [ɛ ] ‘child’
오누이 /onu.i/ → 오뉘 [ony] ‘brother and sister’
어이고 /ʌ.iko/ → 에고 [ɛgo] ‘oh my’
사나이 /sɑnɑ.i/ → 사내 [sɑnɛ] ‘man’
조이다 /tɕo-ita/ → 죄다 [tɕødɑ] ‘to tighten’
(45) Rule summary: [V1] + [V2] → [GV]
PHONOLOGY 65 Reduction
In this rule, some phonological distinctions or number of consonants are reduced
in a particular environment, syllable final position in case of Korean.
(a) Coda Neutralization: In Korean, aspirated and tense stops, affricates, and
fricatives in coda position are all reduced to lax stops. These consonants
at the end of a syllable are not released completely, but replaced with
unreleased consonants that share similar places of articulation. Labial stops
in coda position (46a) become unreleased [p], marked with the diacritic
[ㄱ] in IPA, which symbolizes unreleased consonant. Alveolar and post-
alveolar stops, affricates, and fricatives in coda position (46b) are all
neutralized into [t], which is the closest lax stop to these three types of
consonants. Finally, all velar stops become unreleased lax velar stops [k]
as in (46c). All sonorant consonants (i.e., nasals and lateral) are free from
this phonological rule. Therefore, in surface forms, only seven consonants
can occupy the coda position in Korean: /m, n, ŋ, l, p, t, k/.
(46) (a)
입 ip → [ip] ‘mouth’
잎 iph → [ip] ‘leaf’
곧 kot → [kot] ‘immediately’
곳 kos → [kot] ‘a place’
있다 iss → [it] ‘to be, have’
빚 pitɕ → [pit] ‘debt’
빛 pitɕh → [pit] ‘light’ (N)
밭 pɑth → [pɑt] ‘a field’
히읗 hiɯth → [hiɯt] ‘consonant ㅎ’
박 pɑk → [pɑk] ‘gourd’
밖 pɑk’ → [pɑk] ‘outside’
부엌 puʌkh → [puʌk] ‘gourd’
(47) Rule summary: /C, C’, Ch/ → [Cㄱ] / → __# (# = syllable boundary)
It appears that laryngeal (tense and aspirated) and continuant (as opposed to
stop, i.e., fricatives and affricates) sounds cannot occur in the coda position,
which is summarized as the Korean coda condition in (11). * means ‘not permit-
ted’ and σ marks the syllable boundary.
(b) Consonant cluster simplication: In the first type in (44), the second
consonants are not permitted sounds in the coda position in Korean, and
thus get deleted.
Noting that the second sounds in (49b) are exactly those that are subject to
neutralization, as we have seen in (46) above (Whitman 1985), some attempts
have been made to relate consonant cluster simplification to other coda pro-
cesses such as neutralization and assimilation, rather than giving separate rules
for consonant cluster simplification and coda neutralization (Cho 1990a, Oh
1994, Y. Kim 2002).
For the type in (49a), the fact that the second consonant survives seems
arbitrary at first because both sounds are permitted in a coda in Korean. More-
over, there is a dialectal variation: in Gyungsang dialect, it is the first segment
that survives. To explain this, two additional rules are needed, namely align R
and coda sonority, given in (51). Align R has been proposed by many researchers
as a constraint on syllable structure (McCarthy and Prince 1993, Ito and
Mester 1994, Lombardi 1995, Prince and Smolensky 2004, among others).
Coda conority is motivated by cross-linguistic preference for sonorant sounds
at the end of a syllable (Clements 1990, Iverson and Lee 1994, Prince and
Smolensky 2004).
(51) a. Align R: Align the right edge of a stem with the right edge of a
b. Coda sonority: In syllable codas, parse sonorant segments.
In (49) above, we see that [p, t, m] survive at the expense of [l]. This means
that align R is observed rather than coda sonority in Seoul dialect (Y. Kim 2002).
In Gyungsang dialect, by contrast, coda sonority takes precedence over align R,
resulting in [hɯl] ‘soil’.
There are some exception cases for consonant combinations such as /lp/
and /lk/, as in (52). These example verbs and adjectives are the most frequently
used ones that show irregularity in terms of dropping the consonant in the
reduction process. For nouns such as talk ‘chicken’ and hulk ‘soil’, the first con-
sonant /l/ is dropped. However, some verbs and adjectives such as ilk ‘to read’
and palp ‘to step on’ are subject to confusion, since the cluster reduction is not
regular compared to other examples. According to the Regulation of Standard
Korean Pronunciation (2012), this process is quite regular except for the
examples in (52a).
(52) (a)
밟다 /pɑlp/ → [pɑl/pɑp] ‘to step on’
넓다 /nʌlp/ → [nʌl/nʌp] ‘be wide’
읽다 /ilk/ → [il/ik] ‘to read’
맑다 /mɑlk/ → [mɑl/mɑk] ‘be clear’
밟다 /pɑlp/ → [pɑl/pɑp] 밟-고 /palp/ → [pɑp-ko]
밟-지 /palp/ → [pɑp-tɕi]
넓다 /nʌlp/ → [nʌl/nʌp] 넓-죽 /nəlp/ → [nəp-tɕuk]
넓-둥글 /nəlp/ → [nəp-tuŋkɯl]
읽다 /ilk/ → [il/ik] 읽-게 /ilk/ → [il-ke]
맑다 /mɑlk/ → [mɑl/mɑk] 맑-고 /malk/ → [mɑl-ko]
For instance, for verb [palp-tɑ] ‘to step on’, the second consonant /p/ is kept
when the verb stem is followed by suffixes with initial consonants such as
/t, tɕ, k, s, n/; for verb [nʌlp-tɑ] ‘be wide’ the second consonant /p/ is kept
when followed by suffixes tɕuk- and [tuŋ-] as in (52b). Similar irregularity is
shown in /lk/ cluster, as in [ilk-tɑ] ‘to read’ and [mɑlk-tɑ] ‘be clear’. When these
stems are followed by a suffix with initial /k/, the first consonant /l/ is kept
instead of the second one, as in (52a).
However, native speakers of Korean tend to go against this rule by showing
a high rate of discrepancy in dropping either the first or second consonant in
/lk/ and /lp/ consonant cluster verbs such as [ilk-tɑ] ‘read’, [mɑlk-tɑ] ‘clear’,
[nʌlp-tɑ] ‘wide’, and [pɑlp-tɑ] ‘step on’. Several studies have attempted to provide
a rationale for this rather confusing rule by incorporating some key features
such as [±continuant], [±sonority], and [±coronal] (Kim-Renaud 1991, H.S. Lee
1980, Y. Kim 2002, Shin et al. 2013) involved in this complex phonological
processes, but more clarification is needed. There is a claim that Korean South-
ern dialect speakers as well as younger generation Seoul speakers tend to
keep the first consonant /l/ even when it is followed by suffixes [−ko] and
[−tɕi], going against the rule because of the generalization made from the high
rate of environments where /l/ is preferred (Nam and Oh 2009).
1. Based on the phonetic features provided below, write down in ( ) what
Korean sound(s) they represent.
(a) ( u ) (b) ( ph )
(c) ( l ) (d) ( e )
3. Provide a minimal pair to show that the allophones [p] and [ph] are not
allophones in Korean. Be sure to use a phonetic transcription of the two
words you choose.
4. From the following two word lists, find out in what environments the Korean
consonants [s] and [ ʃ] are used. In general, phonemes occur under more
than one condition or environment, whereas allophones of a phoneme
occur in one environment of the relevant phoneme that is in complemen-
tary distribution. Based on that, which of these two are the phoneme and
its allophone? Why?
5. In the following Korean words, consider the distribution of [tɕ] and [tɕh]
Determine whether the sounds [tɕ] and [tɕh] are allophones of the same
phoneme or separate phonemes.
6. In the following Korean words, consider the distribution of [p] and [b].
(a) List the distribution of the two allophones (be careful not to miss
some cases because some words contain both allophones).
(b) Classify the distribution of the two allophones (complementary or
(c) Are [p] and [b] allophones of the same phoneme? If yes, provide the
phonological rule that captures their realization.
(d) Which is basic and which is derived?
7. Provide the syllable structure of the Korean words below. Use the initials
O(nset), N(ucleus), and C(oda).
(a) 차 ‘tea’ [tɕhɑ] (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
10. Read the sentence below and find examples of the phonological rules
specified in (a) – (d):
11. Consider the following words and their pronunciation outputs in [ ]. Provide
all the relevant phonological rules applied in the right order to get the
desired output. Do so as in example (a).
(1) shows a paradigm where the morpheme ‘-s’, which consistently adds the
meaning of plurality to the word to which it is attached, appears repeatedly in
the given list of words, and everything before it is different. This allows us to
place a morpheme boundary before this morpheme.
Now that we have identified two separate morphemes and identified the
meanings associated with each, we can proceed to write rules specifying how
words such as ‘cats’ and ‘dogs’ are formed. (2a) below states that a noun may
consist of a noun and a plural morpheme. This is a word structure rule. This
rule has to be accompanied by a supplementary lexical entry rule such as (2b),
which specifies the actual shape of the plural morpheme in English.1
In the phonology chapter, we have seen the phonological rule that alternates [s] and [z]
depending on the voice feature of the coda of the base noun. In morphology, we are
not concerned with this type of sound alternation but treat -s as a single morpheme.
Note however that this sound change is conditioned by morpheme boundaries and
thus constitutes a non-automatic phonological rule.
(2) a. N → N - PLURAL
b. PLURAL → ‘-s’
The rules that form the word ‘cats’ out of ‘cat’ are systematic in nature, since
a similar pattern occurs for nouns in general in English. Morphological patterns
that can be systematically extended are called productive. The plural formation
rule is productive because almost any (countable) noun can be turned into its
plural counterpart by putting a plural morpheme after it. Due to this productivity
and predictability, there is no separate entry for cats in an English dictionary. The
singular and plural forms are considered to be instantiations of the same word.
In this case, the different forms of words are constructed by applying rules that
are termed inflectional. Inflection contributes grammatical, rather than lexical,
meaning, such as the plural. Dictionary makers assume that such inflectional
rules are part of language users’ knowledge and therefore need not be listed
Now let us look at Korean examples to see if the same principles apply. In
the paradigm below, what we need to identify, along the different columns and
rows, is the same string of sounds that contribute a common meaning. In the
second column, [tul] appears continuously, adding the meaning of plural. In each
row, a different noun is listed. Given this data set, we can conclude that the
Korean morpheme -tul is a plural morpheme. A rule of inflection (4), similar to
the one in (2a) above, is applied here to generate a plural counterpart of a
singular noun.
(4) a. N → N - PLURAL
b. PLURAL → -tul
The set of word forms koyangi and koyangi-tul should be distinguished from the
set of related words pal ‘foot’ and men-pal ‘bare foot’. These words are not
forms of the same word, but different words that each have their own entry in
the dictionary. Such word formation rules are called derivational. In this case,
it takes pal ‘foot’ and forms a new word men-pal ‘bare foot’ by adding men- ‘bare’
at the beginning. To capture this, rules such as the following can be written:
(6) a. N → PREFIX - N
b. PREFIX → 맨 men ‘bare’
c. N → 밥 pap ‘cooked rice’, 발 pal ‘foot’, 손 son ‘hand’, 주먹 cwukmek
‘fist’, 정신 cengsin ‘mind’, 살 sal ‘skin’
To understand (6), we need some terminology. The morphemes pap ‘boiled rice’
and pal ‘foot’ are called free or lexical morphemes, because they can occur
as words by themselves. By contrast, men- ‘bare’ is an affix and a bound
morpheme, which cannot function as a word on its own. The lexical morpheme
pap to which a bound morpheme men- is attached is called the root of the
word. The root is the core of the word, typically a free morpheme with rich
meaning (such as an entity, a situation, or a property). If an affix appears before
the root, it is a prefix; if it appears after the root, it is a suffix. So men- is a
prefix, whereas -tul is a suffix.
Note that the rules in (4) and (6) are quite different in terms of productivity.
While (4) can be applied to any (countable) noun, most nouns cannot be
preceded by men-, e.g., *men-cip ‘(intended) bare house’. Unlike inflectional
affixes, derivational affixes are not completely productive. For this reason, the
set of nouns to which the particular derivational affix can be attached must be
listed separately, as in (6c). In addition to derivation, word formation processes
include compounding. In compounding, the constituents of a word are them-
selves words, whereas in derivation this is not the case. For example, men- is
not a word, and hence men-pap is a case of derivation. By contrast, pap-sang
‘dining table’ is an example of compounding, because pap ‘cooked rice’ and
sang ‘table’ can occur as words by themselves. Table 4.1 shows different types
of morphological rules.
(7) 먹다 처먹다 먹기
mekta ‘eat’ che|mekta ‘devour’ mek|ki ‘eating’
넣다 처넣다 넣기
nehta ‘put in’ che|nehta ‘shove in’ neh|ki ‘putting in’
들어가다 처들어가다 들어가기
tulekata ‘enter’ che|tulekata ‘invade’ tuleka|ki ‘entering’
부수다 처부수다 부수기
pwuswuta ‘break’ che|pwuswuta ‘destroy’ pwuswu|ki ‘breaking’
(8) a. V → PREFIX - V
b. PREFIX → 처 che- ‘recklessly, randomly, overly’ (derogatory intensifier)
c. V → 먹다 mekta, 들어가다 tulekata, 부수다 pwuswuta, 넣다 nehta
(e.g., 처먹다 che-mek-ta ‘devour’)
(9) a. N → V - NOMINALIZER
b. NOMINALIZER → 기 -ki
c. V → 먹다 mekta ‘eat’, 자다 cata ‘sleep’, 달리다 talita ‘run’ (e.g., 먹기
mek-ki ‘eating’)
A very important thing to decide is the order of application of the two rules in
(8) and (9) to form complex words such as chemekki ‘devouring’. If (9) applies
first, the result is a noun. Then (8) cannot apply because it requires a verb to be
its input. Therefore, we know that che- is attached to mek- first to form another
(intensified) verb and then -ki is attached to the resulting verb che-mek to change
it into a noun. This suggests that words must have a hierarchical structure,
as in (10), reflecting such a derivational history, rather than a flat structure, as
in (11).
(10) N
㻮 ⲏ ₆
che mek ki
Figure 4.1 Hierarchical structure of words
(11) N
㻮 ⲏ ₆
che- mek- -ki
Figure 4.2 Flat structure of words
In che-mek-ta, mek- is the verb root to which the prefix che- is attached. The
root is also called a stem when it is complex. That is, roots may be turned into
stems by adding more morphemes. For example, che-mek-, which is complex,
is the stem to which -ta is attached.
Table 4.2 shows that the distinctions between free vs. bound and content vs.
function morphemes interact in the morpheme categorization. As we see in the
table, Korean verbs, unlike English verbs, are not free morphemes so they must
be followed by the declarative sentence ender -ta to be used as a citation form
(the form found in dictionaries). Affixes are bound morphemes, but not
all bound morphemes are affixes. There are many roots from Classical Chinese
that are used in so-called Sino-Korean compounds but do not occur as words
by themselves. They are called bound roots. For example, so-nye ‘girl’ consists
of bound roots so ‘small, young’ and nye ‘female’, but so and nye do not occur
by themselves and therefore are not words.
In light of this, we need to revise our lexical entry rule in (2b) above to (14):
The plural morpheme in English has allomorphs -s, zero, and -en, each of which
applies to specific class of nouns. This type of allomorphy is determined by word
classes and must be memorized separately.
In the introduction chapter, we discussed that Korean is an honorific language.
Korean exhibits suppletive morphology in honorifics, as shown in (15).
As we can see in (15), the non-honorific and honorific forms of the same verb
have totally different forms.
Languages are different in terms of how much morphology they utilize. Analytic
languages are made up of a sequence of free morphemes, that
is, each word is a single morpheme which is used by itself with a consistent
meaning. English is an analytic language. Purely analytic languages, also called
isolating languages, such as Mandarin Chinese and Vietnamese, do not use
prefixes or suffixes at all to create words.
On the other hand, synthetic languages attach affixes or bound morphemes
to other morphemes, making up words consisting of several meaningful units.
e.g. Hungarian, Turkish, Korean. Synthetic languages are further divided into
three sub-types. In agglutinating languages, such as Korean, it is usually easy
to determine the morpheme boundaries. In fusion languages, the affixes may
not be easy to separate from the stem, e.g. Spanish. In polysynthetic languages,
such as Greenlandic and Sora (an Indian language), highly complex words are
formed by combining several stems and affixes, incorporating nouns (subjects,
objects, etc.) into part of the verb forms.
In Korean, an agglutinating language, each bound morpheme carries only
one meaning and is concatenated serially. As shown in (18), it is easy to separate
the root cip ‘house’ and the suffixes with various grammatical meanings.
prefix al- ‘naked’ to the root mom ‘body’. Mom-tungi ‘body’ is an example of
suffixation, where the diminutive/pejorative derivational suffix -tungi is attached
to the root mom.
Table 4.3 exhibits possible derivations in Korean and some representative
examples. As we can see, Korean prefixes do not change the word category,
i.e., they are only used to form either nouns from nouns or verbs from verbs.
Korean suffixes, on the other hand, are category determining, i.e, they may
change the category of their base words. In Table 4.3, NK means Native Korean,
and SK stands for Sino-Korean. Derivational prefixes and suffixes are from
both the NK and SK stock. SK affixes are only used to derive nouns. Korean
is a suffix-heavy language and there are a relatively small number of prefixes
(Sohn 2001). For example, all inflectional affixes are suffixes in Korean, as
we will see in Section 4.4, whereas derivational affixes are either prefixes
or suffixes.
(a) Category-changing suffixes: The derivational rule in (19) states that verbs
can be turned into nouns by putting a nominalizing suffix after them. One
such suffix is -(u)m. Since only a limited set of verbs can combine with
this suffix, they are listed in the lexical insertion rule in (19c).
(19) a. N → V – NOMINALIZER
b. NOMINALIZER → 음-(u)m
c. V → 죽다 cwuk-ta ‘to die’, 울다 uwl-ta ‘to cry’, 자다 ca-ta ‘to sleep’ . . .
(20) contains a list of representative Korean suffixes that turn verbs into nouns
and some example words.2 They are all from NK.
For more extensive lists of derivational affixes, see Sohn (2001) and Lee and Ramsey
(21) a. N → N - SUFFIX
b. SUFFIX → 쟁이 cayngi ‘someone who practices N or who is full of
N (practitioner, overindulger)’
c. N → 점 cem ‘fortune’, 심술 simswul ‘tantrum’, 욕심 yoksim ‘greed’,
멋 mes ‘fashion’, 거짓말 kecismal ‘lie’
(22) and (23) present lists of typical Korean suffixes that derive nouns, also
from Sohn (2001) and Lee and Ramsey (2000). Most Native Korean (NK)
noun-deriving suffixes are attached to a noun denoting an activity or a property
and change it into a person who does the activity or has the property, as shown
in (22). Sino-Korean (SK) suffixes are more varied in meaning and often add
more abstract concepts, as in (23). Korean derivational processes are subject to
stratal constraints. A stratum is a layer of the lexicon of a particular historical
origin (Booij 2007, 65). In general, a native affix occurs with a native root or
stem. There are some exceptions: am-saca (native ‘female’ + SK ‘lion’) ‘lioness’,
sayk-kkal (SK ‘color’ + native intensifier) ‘color’, and seuwul-sik (native ‘Seoul’ +
SK ‘style’) ‘Seoul style’.
(25) contains a list of typical NK prefixes that derive nouns (Sohn 2001, Lee
and Ramsey 2000).
(28) is a list of verb-deriving suffixes in Korean, all of which are from NK stock.
SK affixes only derive nouns and they are not category changing.
(28) a. 지 -ci ‘be characterized by’, 그늘지다 kunul-ci-ta (shade-) ‘get shaded’
and 밑지다 mith-ci-ta (bottom-) ‘suffer a loss’
b. 겹 -kyep ‘be full’ in 흥겹다 hung-kyep-ta (fun-) ‘be fun’ and 눈물겹다
nwunmul-kyep-ta (tear-) ‘be sad/touching’
c. 맞 -mac ‘give the impression of’ in 익살맞다 iksal-mac-ta (humor-)
‘be humorous’ and 방정맞다 pangceng-mac-ta (rashness-) ‘be rash’
d. 스럽 -sulep ‘be suggestive of, seeming’ in 사랑스럽다 salang-sulep-ta
(love-) ‘lovely’ and 수다스럽다 swuta-sulep-ta (chat-) ‘be talkative’
e. 답 -tap ‘be like’ in 정답다 ceng-tap-ta (affection-) ‘be affectionate’
and 남자답다 namca-tap-ta (man-) ‘manly’
(29) a. V → V – CAUSATIVE
b. CAUSATIVE → 이/히/리/기/우/구/추 -i/hi/li/ki/wu/kwu/chwu
c. V → 먹다 mek-ta ‘eat’, 굽다 kwup-ta ‘bend’, 울다 wul-ta ‘cry’, 웃다
wus-ta ‘laugh’, 지다 ci-ta ‘carry on the back’, 돋다 tot-ta ‘rise’, 낮다
nac-ta ‘low’
(31) a. V → PREFIX – V
b. PREFIX → 짓 cis- ‘roughly’
c. V → 이기다 iki-ta ‘knead’, 누르다 nwulu-ta ‘press’, 밟다 palp-ta ‘step on’
There are a few other suffixes that derive adverbs from adverbs with a change
in meaning.
(36) a. 이-i in 나날이 na-nal-i (day-) ‘day by day’ and 낱낱이 nath-nath-i
(units-) ‘one by one’ (occur after reduplicated noun)
b. 히 -hi in 확실히 hwaksil-hi (certainty-) ‘surely’ and 속히 sok-hi (speed-)
‘quickly’ (SK noun)
c. 껏 -kkes ‘to the utmost’ in 마음껏 maum-kkes (heart-) ‘with full
satisfaction’ and 힘껏 him-kkes (strength-) ‘with all one’s might’
We can assume that the following word formation rules apply to generate the
compounds in (37).
(38) a. N→N–N
b. V→N–V
c. V→V–V
d. ADV → N – N
The derivational tree can show the difference between the compounds in (40)
and those in (41).
(42) a. N b. N
N Root Root N
There are also verbal compounds (e.g., babysitter, bull-fighting), which have a
predicate–argument structure. As we see in (46), verbal compounds are formed
by the nominalizing suffixes -i, -um, and -ki.
Sino-Korean verbal nouns are similar to verbal compounds in that they also have
a predicate–argument structure, as shown in (47).
grammatical relations (Sohn 2001). Numbers up to 99, basic color terms, kinship
terms for three generations, and classifiers (see 6.2.3) are also native Korean
words. In addition, native Korean words include several thousand sound-symbolic
(or ideophonic) words. Many sound-symbolic words come in pairs observing vowel
harmony, where bright (Yang) vowels connote brightness, sharpness, lightness,
smallness, thinness, and quickness, whereas dark (Yin) vowels connote dark-
ness, heaviness, dullness, slowness, deepness, and thickness (Sohn 2001). Some
examples are given in (52).
We have seen the rule for determining the plural form in (4) above, which
is repeated in (55) below. The rule states that if we add the ending -tul to
the stem form of a (countable) noun, we create a noun with the feature
(55) a. N → N - PLURAL
b. PLURAL → 들 -tul
(56) a. N → N - CASE
NOMINATIVE → 이 -i / C___ & 가 -ka / V___
ACCUSATIVE → 을 -ul / C___ & 를 -lul / V___
GENITIVE → 의 -uy
Note that nominative and accusative cases have allomorphs: -i and -ul after a noun
ending with a consonant, and -ka and -lul after a noun ending with a vowel.
In addition to the three structural case markers, namely, nominative, accusative,
and genitive, Korean has many postpositions marking other semantic relations.
Postpositions are more or less like prepositions in English, except that they are
bound morphemes in Korean. The specific case of the noun indicated by post-
positions expresses a specific semantic relation of the noun to the verb. Therefore,
it is called an inherent case. Unlike structural case markers, postpositions are
not optional in colloquial speech.
(57) CASE
인호에게 Inho-eykey ‘Inho-to’ DATIVE
학교에 hakkyo-ey ‘school-to’ DIRECTIVE
학교에서 hakkyo-eyse ‘school-at’ LOCATIVE
학교까지 hakkyo-kkaci ‘school-till’ GOAL
학교하고 hakkyo-hako ‘school-and’ CONJUNCTIVE
학교나 hakkyo-na ‘school-or’ DISJUNCTIVE
학교보다 hakkyo-pota ‘school-than’ COMPARATIVE
칼로 khal-lo ‘knife-with’ INSTRUMENTAL
We can write rules such as the following to specify this inflectional process.
(58) a. N → N – POSTPOSITION
b. POSTPOSITION → eykey (dative), ey (directive), eyse (locative), kkaci
(goal), etc.
(59) 미나한테까지만은
‘only up to Mina’
(60) contains the list of inflectional suffixes that come after nominal
The inflectional nominal suffixes have a fixed order, as shown in (61a). An ex-
ample is given in (61b).
(63) a. Comp1 allow none of the other verbal suffixes, e.g., 아/어 -a/e 잡아
보다 cap-a po-ta ‘try holding’ *잡으시어 보다 cap-usi-e po-ta
b. Comp2 allow only the honorific suffix, e.g., 지 -ci, 고 -ko 잡으시지
않다 cap-usi-ci ahn-ta ‘does not hold’ *잡았고 있었다 cap-ass-ko
iss-ess-ta ‘was holding’
c. Comp3 allow honorific and tense markers but not mood or discourse
suffixes, e.g., 아/어야 -a/eya 잡으셨어야 했다 cap-usi-ess-eya ha-ta
‘should have held’ *잡으셨어야다했다 cap-usi-ess-eya-ta hay-ss-ta
d. Comp4 allow mood but not discourse suffixes, e.g., 고 -ko 잡으시었다고
했다 cap-usi-ess-ta-ko hay-ss-ta ‘said that (a respected person) held’
잡으시었다네고 했다 *cap-usi-ess-ta-ney-ko hay-ss-ta
The verbal suffixes follow the order given in (64a). This is in line with the
generalization that aspect markers tend to appear more closely to the stem
than tense markers, and tense markers more closely than mood markers
(Bybee 1985:35). The ordering may reflect the degree to which the meaning
expressed by the verbal root is affected by these different markers. For instance,
aspect markers, which are closest to the verbal root, have a direct effect on the
kind of event that is denoted by the verb. Tense markers do not affect the
meaning of the verb directly but express the temporal location of the described
event. In addition to these inherent inflections on the verbs, verbs also exhibit
contextual inflections of speech level in Korean. As with the nominal inflection,
contextual inflection is peripheral to inherent inflection. An example is given
in (64b).
Delimiters, which we saw in the previous section, can also occur as verbal in-
flections when the verb is followed by either a complementizer or a mood marker
(Yoon 2005).
c. 보기조차 싫어요
Po-ki-cocha silh-eyo.
see-NOM-EVEN hate-MOOD (Indicative, Polite)
‘(I) hate even seeing (it).’
d. 잡으셨다고만
do-HON-PST-MOOD (Indicative, Deferential)
‘(A respected person) said that he/she only held (it).’
Some verbs have allomorphic variation when an inflectional suffix is attached. They
are called irregular verbs and Korean has a few of them. Let’s look at an
example. In (66), the final consonant [p] is weakened to [w] when followed by an
inflectional suffix beginning with a vowel. In the citation form and the last form in
which the verbs are followed by a suffix beginning with a consonant, [p] is preserved.
In such cases, we choose one form as more basic (underlying form) than
the other and derive one allomorph from the other. We know that tep - is the
basic form because it has wider distribution (elsewhere condition) and tew- is
observed in a limited context (only before a vowel). A derivation shows the steps
from the input to the output.
In this view, rules of contextual inflection will have the function of checking mech-
anisms: they check if the morpho-syntactic features of the words in a particular
syntactic configuration can go together. If not, the sentence is ungrammatical.
There are several arguments for lexical treatment of inflectional suffixes in
Korean. For example, the ordering of noun and verb suffixes is more rigid than
that of syntactic ordering in Korean. As we will see in the next chapter, word
order is relatively free in Korean. Moreover, the verbal form to which affixation
of delimiter particles applies must be at least disyllabic. If these delimiters are
not attached lexically, then the syntax would have to be given sensitivity to the
syllabic phonological condition.
(70) a. 먹어만 주세요 mek-e man cwuseyyo ‘give the favor (only) of eating’
b. *가만 주세요 *ka-man cwuseyyo ‘give the favor (only) of going’
We will not settle this issue in this introductory book. Interested readers should
read the relevant literature and construct their own argument in favor of either
position. More discussion on inflection and its treatment will follow in the Syntax
1. In the paradigm below, identify the phonological material in each column or
row that contributes the meaning of that column or row.
2. Circle free morphemes and underline affixes. Which ones are compounds?
Which ones are derived words?
3. In each group of words that follows, identify the part of speech of the root
word and the part of speech of the whole (derived) word.
알몸 al-mom ‘naked body’
홀몸 hol-mom ‘unmarried person’
숫놈 swus-nom ‘male animal’
덧신 tes-sin ‘overshoes’
전사장 cen-sa-cang ‘former president’
중공업 cwung-kong-ep ‘heavy industry’
가건물 ka-ken-mwul ‘temporary building’
구시대 kwu-si-tay ‘old age’
모가지 mok-aci ‘neck’ (derogatory)
끝장 kkuth-cang ‘the very end’
멋쟁이 mes-cengi ‘dandy’ (N)
걸레질 kelllay-cil ‘mopping’
비과학적 pi-kwa-hak-cek ‘unscientific’
동창회 tong-chang-hoy ‘alumni association’
비상구 pi-sang-kwu ‘fire exit’
역사상 yek-sa-sang ‘in history’
늦되다 nuc-toy-ta ‘ripe/grow late’
비웃다 pi-uws-ta ‘scorn’
설익다 sel-ik-ta ‘be half-cooked’
엿보다 yes-po-ta ‘spy on’
밑지다 miph-ci-ta ‘suffer a loss’
배다 pay-ta ‘conceive’
빗다 pis-ta ‘comb’
띠다 tti-ta ‘tie a belt’
눈물겹다 nwun-mwul-keyp-ta ‘be touching’
익살맞다 ilksal-mac-ta ‘be humourous’
수다스럽다 swuta-selep-ta ‘be talkative’
정답다 ceng-tap-ta ‘be affectionate’
같이 kath-i ‘together’
멀리 mel-li ‘far away’
재미있게 caymiiss-key ‘with fun’
급하게 kupha-key ‘hurriedly’
참기름 cham-kilum ‘sesame oil’
이슬비 isul-pi ‘drizzle’
철새 chel-say ‘migratory bird’
물개 mwul-kay ‘seal’
전답 cen-tap ‘paddies and dry fields’
천지 chen-ci ‘universe’
주야 cwu-ya ‘day and night’
이해 i-hay ‘advantages and disadvantages’
계란후라이 keylan-hwulai ‘fried egg’
짚차 ciph-cha ‘jeep’
통근버스 thong-kun-pesu ‘commuting bus’
양담배 yang-tampay ‘American cigarette’
가셨습니다 ka-si-ess-supnita ‘(a respected person) has gone.’ (talking to a
respected person)
가겠다고만 했어 ka-key-ta-ko-man hay-ss-e ‘(she/he) said that she/he
will only go.’ (talking to a friend)
가고 싶니? Ka-ko siph-ni? ‘Do you want to go?’
가기만은 했어야 했다 ka-ki-man-un hay-ss-eya hay-ss-ta ‘(I) at least should
have gone.’
The study of syntax pertains to the discovery and examination of the rules and
principles that govern phrasal and sentential structure. In this chapter, we discuss
how these rules and principles of syntax play out in Korean. One of the most
intriguing discoveries we will make is that by employing just a few simple rules
of syntax, we can generate an infinite number of sentences. We will also explore
how what we find in our examination of Korean can be applied to the study of
syntax in a more general, cross-linguistic sense.
The study of syntax as it is presented in this chapter can be termed theoretical
syntax. Similar to what was discussed in Chapter 1 regarding the theoretical
study of language in general, theoretical syntax is the study of what a speaker
knows when he or she knows syntax. It can be thought of like this: just as
a physicist uses mathematics to create a model of how the universe works,
theoretical syntacticians use rules, axioms, transformation algorithms, etc. to
build a model of what it is a person knows when she or he knows syntax.
In order to begin a study of syntax, we first need data to analyze. Often, this
data comes in the form of grammaticality judgments. In fact, the vast majority
of work on syntax relies on the notion of grammaticality, and an understanding of
it will be crucial as we proceed. Grammaticality can be thought of as the intuition
that a native speaker of a given language has with regard to the well-formedness
of a sentence. For example, consider the following sentence in (1) below.
above, the rule that is being violated is that, in Korean, verbs must appear at
the end of the sentence. A native speaker of Korean has internalized this rule
during childhood. As we will discuss later, while verbs in general must occur at
the very end of a sentence, the word order for other parts of the sentence is
much freer. For the time being, however, the basic observations above will
suffice to illustrate the notion of grammaticality.
In doing syntax research, the notion of grammaticality is the central tool
used to gather data. A syntactician uses the native speaker’s intuitions of
grammaticality and ungrammaticality to uncover the rules and principles that
underlie the structure of the language. For example, we could begin a study of
word order in Korean by starting with the above observation that a verb must
appear at the end of a sentence, which was derived from the native intuition
that (1) was ungrammatical. Following this, we may create a hypothesis about
the language with respect to word order.
(2) Korean Word Order Hypothesis: Verbs must appear in the sentence-final
Given this hypothesis, we can begin to look for counter-examples to this gen-
eralization and perhaps refine our model of the grammar. One process a syn-
tactician might use along this line of research is to first develop a fundamental
understanding of how the language is built, say by reading books like this.
Following this, he or she can begin to build sentences that contradict his theory
and question a native speaker as to their grammaticality. For example, one can
indeed say the grammatical sentence in (3).
In the grammatical sentence in (3), the verb is not in the final position, but rather
the adverbial cikum ‘now’ is. The reading that this sentence has, however, is one
of emphasis, where the speaker is showing his or her strong feelings regarding
the situation. Having found this exception to the hypothesis we previously pro-
claimed, we need to make the exception that, for the purposes of emphasis,
the verb-final requirement can be violated at least by the adverb cikum. In short,
our theory needs to be changed or something must be added to it in order to
account for how Korean syntax works. From here all sorts of questions could
be addressed that may or may not lead to further changes in the theory:
The above are just a few possibilities and we will not discuss them here. The
purpose of the above argumentation is simply to show how grammaticality
judgments can be used to conduct syntax research. This is the basic paradigm
of theoretical syntax research.
Now that we have a basic understanding of what we are researching and
how we can go about doing it, we can begin to explore the fundamentals of
Korean syntax. In the following section, we will discuss how words and groups
of words, or constituents, combine together in predictable ways to form parts
of sentences. A thorough understanding of this phenomenon will be important,
as later it will be shown that syntactic rules operate on these units almost
In this section, we will address the idea that syntax operates on meaningful
units or chunks of information called constituents. Furthermore, we will illustrate
that while there is obviously a word-level and a sentence-level in syntax, there
is also an intermediate level called the phrase. This notion is best illustrated
with a series of examples. Consider the example in (4) below.
In the above example, it is clear that there are words such as namca ‘man’ and
sakwa ‘apple’ that make up the sentence. As Korean is an agglutinating language
(as discussed in Chapter 1), these words also have various morphemes attached
to them, such as the topic marker -un/nun and the accusative marker -ul/-lul.1
Exactly what these morphemes do will be examined in due course. For the time
being, we will assume that, as far as the syntax is concerned, these markers
are morphologically and syntactically part of the word and they perform some
grammatical function. Later in this chapter, we will explore the possibility
that these markers are in fact separate units manipulated independently by
the syntax.
These are phonologically conditioned morphemes. For the topic marker, -un is used
after a stem ending in a consonant and -nun is used following a stem ending in a
vowel. Likewise for the accusative, -ul is used after a stem ending in a consonant and
-lul is used following a stem ending in a vowel.
While these words can easily and intuitively be seen as coherent and mean-
ingful units of the sentence, what are less obvious are the larger units within the
sentence. Consider the sentence in (4) above again. In (4), there is a natural
intuition that there are certain chunks of words that seem to go together and
other chunks that do not. For example, the following word groupings appear to
form coherent chunks or meaningful units:
(5) a. 그 남자는
ku namca-nun
that man-TOP
‘that man’
b. 빨간 사과를 먹었다.
ppalkan sakwa-lul mek-ess-ta.
red apple-ACC eat-PST-DEC
‘ate the red apple.’
(6) a. *남자는 빨간
ku namca-nun ppalkan
that man-TOP red
b. *그 남자는 빨간 사과를
ku namca-nun ppalkan sakwa-lul
that man-NOM red apple-ACC
Given this sort of data based on native speaker intuitions, the groupings of
words in (5) can be seen as constituents which form meaningful units, while
those in (6) cannot.
Another way to show that there are constituents in a given sentence is
through the examination of structural ambiguity.
In (7) above, there are actually two separate interpretations. Firstly, if twukkewun
‘thick’ modifies chayk ‘book’ only, forming a constituent, then the meaning is that
there is a thick book and this book has a cover, which can be of any thickness.
The grouping of the constituents in this case would look like the following:
In (8), you can see that the adjective twukkewun ‘thick’ is grouped with chayk
‘book’ to represent that these two words form a meaningful unit, or a constituent.
Furthermore, this constituent is grouped with phyoci ‘cover’.
The other meaning, illustrated in (9), occurs when the adjective twukkewun
‘thick’ modifies both chayk ‘book’ and phyoci ‘cover’. In this case, the meaning
would be that there is a book, which could be of any thickness, and the cover
of that book is thick. In this reading, book and cover are acting as a constituent,
with ‘thick’ modifying them.
Given the above analysis, what is ambiguous in (7) is the possibility of having
two different structural representations, hence the sentence is structurally
ambiguous. What one can begin to see here is that, through the use of basic
intuitions and the examination of structural ambiguity, we can show that con-
stituents are in fact real parts of sentence structure. Indeed they must be if we
are to explain the meaning differences in (7).
What we have shown in the above argumentation is that not only are there
words within a sentence, but there is certainly another size constituent that is
bigger than the word, but smaller than the sentence. In the next section we will
show that this constituent is what we call the phrase.
meaning of the head more specific, while complements are those units that
are required by the head and provide some sort of information with respect
to the meaning of the head, such as location or a description.
In syntax, we graphically represent phrasal structure (and sentential structure)
with tree diagrams. The following in (10) is the general schematic for a phrase
in syntax. A more concrete example is given in (11), which we will dissect in
detail below.
(10) XP
(complement) (head)
Figure 5.1 General schematic for a phrase in syntax
(11) VP
N′ 먹었다
mek-ess-ta ‘ate’
pap-ul ‘rice-ACC’
Figure 5.2 Schematic for an example phrase in syntax
structural relationship of the specifier and complement to the head, a few basic
notions of phrase structure are required. Luckily, we have certain terms at our
disposal we can use to discuss how various parts of the tree above are related
to other parts of the tree. In short, these terms relate to the structural relations
within the sentence.
First consider the notion of a node. In simple terms, a node is any point on
the tree where a branch, represented by lines, terminates. The point at XP is
a node, as is the point at X′, etc. Now, when one node is higher in the tree than
another node is, we say that the higher node dominates the lower one. In the
phrase diagram above, XP dominates YP, X′, X and ZP. Furthermore, when one
node is only one node above another, we say that that node immediately
dominates the other. For example, X′ in (10) immediately dominates ZP
and X. (12a–b) below outlines these ideas in a concise and formal manner. A
thorough understanding of these terms is necessary for a serious study of
syntax. It is therefore recommended that the reader become entirely familiar
with these notions before moving on in his or her study of syntax.
the relative ordering of complements and adjuncts, while the structure remains
the same.
(13) XP
(head) (complement)
Figure 5.3 Major structural relations in English
The above discussion of structural relations, however brief, will suffice to carry
us through our discussion of phrasal syntax. All of this technical information
about the structure of the phrase may seem a bit abstract at first. However, a
few concrete examples will help you begin to understand. We will continue our
discussion of phrases with the traditional lexical categories nouns and verbs.
Each noun and verb is the main unit of the phrase they are the head of. More
technically, we say that these heads project their phrase.
Beginning with nouns, we see that a diagram of the noun phrase for sakwa-lul
‘apple-ACC’ would look as follows.
(14) NP
sakwa-lul ‘apple-ACC’
Figure 5.4 Noun phrase for sakwa-lul ‘apple-ACC’
In (14), the noun heads the noun phrase. If we would like to make the noun
more specific, we could add the demonstrative ku ‘that’, which will force the
reading that there is a specific set of apples the speaker is referring to. Ku
‘that’ would be in the position of the specifier as follows. Later on, we will see
that the demonstrative may head its own phrase, but we will simplify for now
with the following.
(15) NP
그 N
ku ‘that’
sakwa-lul ‘apple-ACC’
Figure 5.5 Noun phrase with a specifier
(16) NP
그 AP N′
ku ‘that’
A′ N
A 사과를
sakwa-lul ‘apple-ACC’
ppalkan ‘red’
Figure 5.6 Noun phrase with an adjunct
With the phrase in (16) above, we see the structure of a phrase, consisting of
a head, a specifier and an adjunct conforming to X-bar theory. While the above
seems simple enough, there does exist in Korean linguistics some controversy
as to the nature of the adjective phrase and its relation to the head. This will
be discussed later in this chapter, but for now the simplification above will do.
Moving on to verbs, we see in the following example that mekessta ‘ate’ is
a verbal head that projects a verb phrase.4
Mekessta, is in fact composed of a verb stem, mek-, a past tense marker, -ess, and
a declarative marker, -ta. In Section 5.4.2 we discuss these in detail. For now, however,
we gloss over these details for the sake of making our point about phrase structure
(17) VP
mek-ess-ta ‘ate’
Figure 5.7 Verb phrase
One thing we have not seen yet in our empirical look into X-bar theory is a
complement. In the case of mekessta ‘ate’ we can use the object noun sakwa
‘apple’ as the complement. Recall that complements are structurally defined as
sisters to heads and daughters of bar-level projections, here illustrated in (18).
(18) VP
N′ 먹었다
mek-ess-ta ‘ate’
sakwa-lul ‘apple-ACC’
Figure 5.8 Complement
We could also add an adjunct to the above phrase, say masisskey ‘tastily’.
(19) VP
AdvP V′
AdvP′ NP V
Adv N′ 먹었다
mek-ess-ta ‘ate’
맛있게 N
sakwa-lul ‘apple-ACC’
Figure 5.9 Adjunct
This sort of thinking stems from what is known as Occam’s Razor, stemming from the
works of William of Ockham (c1287–1347). The approach to logic and argumentation
states that, when choosing between two or more hypothesis, the one with the fewest
assumptions should be selected.
(20) PP
N′ P
-eykey ‘to’
Figure 5.10 Postpositional phrase
Unlike English, however, these markers are in fact bound morphemes (as
discussed in Chapter 4) as they always occur attached to a noun. They are
‘postpositional’ in Korean, as they only occur after the noun. It is at this point
we begin to see that it might in fact be possible to account for other bound
morpheme markers in Korean as heading their own phrases. This will be discussed
later in the chapter when we discuss the possibility of almost all agglutinating
morphemes heading their own projections.
First, consider the pronoun replacement test. The idea behind this test
is that if some sequence of words can be replaced by a pronoun and convey
the same meaning, then that sequence of words must be a phrasal constituent
of the same type as the pronoun. This type of example is illustrated in (21)
In (21), the constituents ce cal sayngkin namca-lul ‘that handsome man’ and
kyay ‘that person’ can refer to the same man. In this scenario, kyay not only
refers to the man, but also carries with it the meaning that he is handsome. We
can see from this test that both constituents are full-fledged NPs regardless of
how many words they contain. This type of data gives credence to our analysis
of the noun phrase in the previous section, where both of these constituents
would be treated as NPs. The trees in (22a–b) illustrate this line of thinking,
showing that both constituents, regardless of word length, are NPs.
(22) a. NP b. NP
D N′ N′
㩖 AP N′ N
A′ N Ẫ
kyay ‘that person’
A ⋾㧦⯒
namca-lul ‘man-ACC’
calsayngkin ‘handsome’
Figure 5.11 Pronoun replacement
The meaning of this sentence is that Inho went home and Mina also went home.
The verb kulihata ‘do the same’ essentially replaces, or substitutes for, cipey
kassta ‘went home’. We can therefore assume that these phrases are both VPs,
regardless of the fact that one phrase has more words than the other. This is
illustrated in the trees below.
(24) a. V′ b. VP
NP P′ Ṫ┺ V
kassta ‘went’
N’ P ⁎⨂┺
kulay-ess-ta ‘do the same’
N -㠦
-ey ‘to’
cip ‘home’
Figure 5.12 Substitution
The above argumentation gives us some empirical proof that the idea of a
constituent is in fact viable. Furthermore, we see that regardless of how many
words these phrases contain, the syntax treats them the same. That is, the
syntactic operations of substitution and coordination operate on the level of
the phrasal constituent.
In the above example, sakwa ‘apple’ and kes ‘thing’ both stand for ‘apples’. In
addition, they are both preceded by a demonstrative. Finally, they both are able
to take topic marking. These pieces of evidence indicate that they are both the
heads of NPs.
Following this type of analysis, consider the sentence below.
We can see from the above example that kes ‘thing’ stands not only for an apple,
but a tasty one at that. In other words, kes must be replacing a phrase at least
as big as masissnun sakwa ‘delicious apple’. However, kes has a demonstrative
preceding it, and therefore cannot be an entire NP, as we know that an NP
cannot have two demonstratives.
(28) *그 그 사과
ku ku sakwa
DEM DEM apple
Therefore, we must draw the conclusion that there is in fact some sort of
intermediate projection between the word and phrasal level, as kes in the
above sentence targets exactly that. By employing our X-bar schema, we directly
account for such a phrase.
(29) a. VP b. VP
V′ V′
⁎ AP N ⁎ N
A′ ㌂ὒ⯒ ộ㦚
As can be seen above, kes in (29b) targets the entire N′ projection in (29a).
As illustrated by the circles, we can see that this phrasal projection is N′ for
both constructions. Without the X-bar schema, providing the proper structure
for these kinds of facts would be difficult.
(30) XP
(complement) (head)
Figure 5.14 General schematic for a phrase in syntax (repeated)
If we assume that the sentence level also follows this structure, we will need to
then figure out what the head of this phrase will be. Using an English example,
we see that the most likely candidate for the head of a sentence is a category
called inflection – INFL for short. In ‘Jim will go home’, for example, all other
material in the sentence is contained in other phrases, therefore the auxiliary
‘will’ seems to be the only head left. If we assume that the auxiliary is generated
under an inflectional category, INFL, and this heads an inflection phrase IP, then
our X-bar schema would necessitate the following tree.
(31) IP
Jim I VP
will go home6
Figure 5.15 Change into inflectional phrase
A triangle is used as a kind of shorthand in drawing trees. Its use indicates that one
can assume the structure of the phrase in question to be present, but due to the
non-relevance of the phrase to the current argument, the author chooses not to fully
represent the structure – thus making one’s argumentation more concise.
Given this type of data, it is not wholly unreasonable to assume that these ele-
ments are initially generated in the same position. The assumption then, is that
all inflectional material, whether auxiliaries or tense markers, is base-generated
under I (inflection) and thus project, via the projection principle, an IP according
to the X-bar schema. While the auxiliary material stays there, the tense material
is lowered to the verb, i.e. affix lowering. This type of movement is assumed to
leave behind a trace, commonly labeled as t.
(33) IP
Jim I VP
t V′
walk-ed home
What we are seeing here is not only the extension of X-bar theory to the level
of the sentence, but we are also approaching the notion that there are different
levels to the generation of a sentence. It seems reasonable at this point to
assume some sort of base or kernel structure, where the basic configuration of
the sentence is established. After this level, transformations apply, in this case
a movement transformation. After the application of any transformations, we
reach a sort of surface, or output, structure.7 We will discuss this in depth in the
The notions of deep and surface structure have changed over the years. Indeed, in modern
Chomskyan grammars (post 1995), the notions of deep and surface structure are done
away with entirely (see Hornstein et al. 2006 for a particularly clear explanation of this).
following sections. For now, however, we will simply note that sentences
begin their life in some sort of canonical form and various transformations apply
to them to yield a grammatical output form. This is in essence a generative
approach to syntax pioneered by Chomsky, arguably beginning in the 1950s
with Syntactic Structures (1957).
Extending this type of argumentation to Korean, we might assume that tense
is base-generated under I. However, we should be cautious and see what the
Korean data has to tell us. In fact, we do not need to make the assumption
that tense is lowered onto the verb. Given the SVO word order in Korean, the
correct order of the verb and its tense marker is already there at the deep
structure level.
(34) TP
㧎䢎Ṗ VP T
V′ 㞮㠊
-ass-e ‘PST-DEC’
㰧㠦 Ṗ
cip-ey ka- ‘to go home’
Figure 5.17 Base generation of tense
With an analysis such as that in (34), we can see that there is no need to assume
that affix hopping or lowering occurs in Korean.8 Not all scholars agree, however,
that the verb stays put in sentences such as (34). There is good reason in fact
to assume that it does not. We saw with English, that the verb was combined
with its tense marker in the syntax. It seems reasonable then, to postulate that
the same sort of mechanism applies in Korean. One of the reasons we assume
this about English is that a verb and its tense markers form a phonological
word, in that it cannot be separated. The same holds true for Korean, only this
time the verb moves to the T (tense) position.
The tense marker -ess/ass- is phonologically conditioned via a vowel harmony rule
(see Chapter 2) that requires agreement in vowel quality with the final vowel in the
verb stem.
(35) TP
㧎䢎Ṗ VP T
V′ ṖT㞮㠊Gka-ass-e ‘go-PST-DEC’
㰧㠦 t
If we look at the above sentence, we see that the object of malhata ‘say’ is in
fact the entire clause Bill-i kimchi-lul mek-ess-ta-ko ‘that Bill ate kimchi’. In
this clause, we have a verb, a past tense marker, and what appears to be the
declarative morpheme seen in the matrix clause example. This marker, -ko is
often called the quotative marker -ko (Sohn 2001). What concerns us here are
the morphemes -ta and -ko: the ones our theory, until now, has no real room
for. In the literature concerning these markers, there is little consensus on the
syntactic status of these elements. Some authors treat -ta as a complementizer,
at least in monoclausal situations and others treat it is a modal category, which
we will explain as we proceed to mood markers. Here, however, we will follow
the analysis of J. Cho (1995). Cho illustrates that there are two types of com-
plementizers. First there are the ones that have some type of illocutionary
force, meaning that these complementizers somehow encode the speaker’s
intention when he/she utters the sentence. The other type is those that do not
have any illocutionary meaning whatsoever. The marker -ko is a type of com-
plementizer that has no illocutionary force; it merely encodes the grammatical
status of the verb’s complement as being an entire clause. The morpheme -ta,
however, is seen as a mood marker which does have an associated illocution-
ary force, in this case, marking the clause as a declarative statement. Both
of the categories head their own projections, yielding the following structure
(C = Complementizer, CP = Complementizer Phrase).
(38) CP
MoodP C
TP Mood
Figure 5.19 Complementizer and complementizer phrase
Given this sort of structure, the tree for the sentence in (36) would look like
the following.
(39) MoodP
TP Mood
NP T′ -┺ -ta ‘DEC’
㧎䢎Ṗ VP T
㰧㠦GṖ- -㞮-
cip-ey ka- -ass- ‘home-LOC go-PST’
Figure 5.20 Tree diagram for (36)
(40) CP
NP T′ -┺ -ta ‘DEC’
㧎䢎Ṗ VP T
Inho-ka ‘Inho-NOM’
V′ -㞮- -ess- ‘PST’
MoodP C
TP Mood
NP T′ T┺ -ta ‘DEC’
ア㧊 VP T
ₖ䂮⯒GⲏT -㠞
kimchi-lul mek- -ess- ‘ate kimchi’
Figure 5.21 Tree diagram for (37)
As can be seen in the tree above we can account for all of the markers at the
left periphery of the sentence (and embedded clause) by making a distinction
between mood markers and complementizers and assuming that they head their
own projections.
(42) DP TP
Spec D′ Spec T′
Spec N′ Spec VP
N ... ... V′
Figure 5.22 Tree diagrams for (41a) and (41b)
(43) DP
Jim D NP
’S N′
(44) DP
⁎ 㺛
ku chayk ‘that book’
Figure 5.24 Noun with demonstrative
While the above diagram looks nice enough, we would like to see some evidence
that this sort of structure is in fact empirically correct. First of all, Abney’s
original idea that DPs are parallel in structure to TPs rests on the assumption
that like T, D would have to host some sort of agreement function. Since
morphological agreement in Korean is almost completely lacking,10 this is not
the best source of evidence.
See the sections on honorifics and plurality for possible exceptions.
In an example such as (45), the assumption is that the genitive fills the D-head
and thus disallows the use of a determiner. If we assume that the genitive
clitic in English is the head of its own phrase, then it makes sense that (45) is
ungrammatical because the head is already filled with the clitic and the extra
determiner cannot be employed.
(46) DP
the woman D NP
’s book
Figure 5.25 Genitive as D head
In Korean, however, we can see that both a genitive case marker and a demon-
strative may be used in the same phrase (Suh 2005).
(47) 나의 그 책
na-uy ku chayk
I-GEN that book
‘that book of mine.’
Given this sort of analysis for English, why is it that Korean (47) is acceptable?
Does this mean that the DP hypothesis does not hold for Korean? The crucial
difference here lies in the incorrect assumption that the genitive case element
functions as the head of D in all languages. Instead, the genitive in Korean seems
to function as a case marker and we do not want to assume that case markers
are D-heads (Suh 2005). For now, at least, there seems to be no reason to
accept the DP-hypothesis in Korean nor to reject it.
There is at least some indirect evidence to assume that demonstratives in
Korean head their own phrase. Consider the following paradigm below:
The example in (48a) shows that plural marking in Korean seems to be optional,
as a bare plural (i.e. a noun without plural marking) can be plural or singular.
When a plural marker is added, however, only a plural reading is possible in
(48b). (48c) is where things get interesting. In this example, we see that when
the demonstrative is employed, only a singular reading is available. If a plural
reading is intended, then when a demonstrative is used, the plural marking must
be overtly used.
Now, consider what the above data means. If by using a demonstrative we
must obligatorily mark plurality, then where does the plural marker go? Further-
more, is this sort of thing number agreement? C. Kim (2005), suggests that in
Korean, a D-head forces the projection of a number phrase, NumP, for purposes
of agreement.
(49) DP
D NumP
⁎ Num′
ku ‘that’
N NumP
㺛 ✺
chayk tul ‘book-PL’
Figure 5.26 Number phrase
As shown above, if we assume that there is in fact a DP in Korean, we can
neatly account for the existence, or lack thereof, of plural markers. So, there
does seem to be some sort of evidence for the existence of DPs in Korean.
However, whether or not all nouns have an obligatory DP structure is still open
for future research.
A basic distinction made in most languages are case forms in the subject
versus object positions. In English, this is relatively straightforward and can be
seen only in pronouns.
In (50), the pronoun in the subject position takes what is called the nominative
form, as opposed to its object, or accusative, form ‘me’. The pronoun in the
object position appears in its accusative form ‘him’, as opposed to its nominative
form ‘he’. Here we see the morphological form of the pronoun changing depend-
ing on its grammatical relation to the verb. Unlike languages such as English,
Korean has case markers that are affixed post-positionally as bound morphemes
(as opposed to the suppletive English forms) to the nouns they modify, which
we will see in the section below.
It is important to understand that Case forms and their grammatical relations
do not correlate perfectly with thematic roles. For example, ‘I’ in (50) is syn-
tactically the subject of the sentence. In addition, it is also the agent of the verb
‘saw’. It might be tempting to conclude that grammatical relations and thematic
ones are the same thing. This would also make our theory more streamlined as
we could collapse two parts of the theory into one. There are times, however,
where the nominative form may appear when the pronoun is not an agent.
Consider the passive sentence below in (51).
‘I’ in (51) is certainly the nominative form of the first person pronoun. However,
the thematic role of this pronoun is theme and the agent is the dog. So, we
can see that thematic roles do not drive which case forms surface. Instead, it
is the syntactic grammatical relation the pronoun has to the verb that does so;
in this case it is the subject of the verb, just as it is in (50). In the following
sub-section we explore case in Korean in some detail and provide some things
to think about along the way that do not necessarily fit so neatly into the above
definition of case.
In the above sentence, if we follow the SOV order of Korean, it is easy to see that
Inho is the subject of the sentence and kimchi is the object. The subject is normally
marked with the nominative marker -i/-ka, while the object takes the accusative
case using -ul/-lul.12,13 One must be very careful not to assume that precedence
defines what a subject or an object is. Word order in Korean is relatively free,
leading to a phenomenon known as scrambling. Consider (53) below:
In (53) we can see that the subject, Inho, has been inverted with the object
kimchi. This inversion provides no significant change in meaning between the
two sentences. Since word order is not strict in Korean, what is the subject and
what is the object is marked with the post-nominal case markers.
Scrambling is usually viewed as a transformation where a basic SOV sentence
is modified to generate a sentence with a new word order. This makes good
theoretical sense, as one would like to maintain the assumption that grammatical
roles are assigned in certain structural configurations relative to the verb. Otherwise,
we would have to have a different explanation of how grammatical roles are assigned
for all possible word orders. The former is clearly a more elegant solution. If this is
so, we still need to figure out where the original nominative marked subject and
accusative marked object reside. We will begin be examining the nominative subject.
The tree in (54) is a basic SOV sentence. We can see structurally where
this subject resides.
(54) MoodP
TP Mood
NP T′ -┺ -ta ‘DEC’
㧎䢎Ṗ VP T
ₖ䂮⯒Gⲏ- -㞮-
kimchi-lul mek- -ess- ‘ate kimchi’
Figure 5.27 Basic SOV sentence
Our technical definition of where the nominative case marked subject resides
would be as follows:
What we have done thus far is simply describe in what position a noun needs
to be in order to appear with the nominative case. On the other hand, we do
not have any explanation of how this has happened or why this must be the
case. Many syntacticians have made the claim that case is in fact assigned or
checked by another element in the syntax. In the case of the nominative, we
will assume that it has to do with the head of TP. This is because, technically,
the nominative case occurs in the specifier of a finite T. We know this because
the nominative case cannot occur in the specifier position of a non-finite verb,
as shown below.
In (56), the nominative ‘I’ cannot occur in the embedded specifier or T. The
reason for this is that there is no tense in the embedded clause, as it contains
infinitival ‘to’, which lacks any sort of tense or agreement. From here we assume
that there is then some connection between finite, or tensed T and the nomina-
tive case we find in its specifier. Ultimately, we would like to provide the same
sort of argumentation for Korean. However, a true infinitival T has yet to be
reliably shown to exist in Korean. For now, we will have to employ an analogous
analysis for Korean without a complete analysis. As in English, then, we will
assume that finite T is required to have the nominative case in Korean.
There are many ways to formalize this sort of analysis. Here we will adopt
a fairly theory neutral, case checking system involving case features. Consider
again the sentence in (52) reproduced below in (57).
(58) MoodP
TP Mood
NP T′ -┺
㧎䢎Ṗ VP T
ₖ䂮⯒Gⲏ- -㠞-
Figure 5.28 Feature checking of nominative case
Moving on to the accusative case, let’s take a closer look at the structure of
the VP in our example sentence.
(59) VP
ₖ䂮⯒ 먹
Figure 5.29 Structure of VP in (57)
Just like the nominative, accusative nouns appear in certain positions, namely as
complements of V. Again, we can view case as a checking procedure, wherein
features are checked off between the case-bearing noun and, in this case, the verb.
(60) VP
ₖ䂮⯒ 먹
Figure 5.30 Feature checking of accusative case
The dative marker in Korean seems at first glance as though it may be a case
marker, and indeed many languages have such things. The indirect object Hwun
in the example below takes the dative case marker.
Another form the dative takes is -eykey, being a little less colloquial than -hanthey,
and -kkey, which is used when the indirect object is of honorific status.
In (61), the dative marker -hanthey marks the direct object position. There is at
least some reason to be suspicious of the Korean dative as a true case marker,
however. Numerous scholars instead view -eykey/hantey as postpositional markers
such as the ones discussed above. The reasons for this are both syntactic and
semantic. We will stick to the syntactic reasons here, most notably proposed by
O’Grady (1989).
First, -eykey can co-occur with a topic marker as well as a delimiter. These
are behaviors that are consistent with postpositions, but not case markers.
Also, as with postpositions, dative markers are not optional, while case markers
These are some arguments that suggest that the dative in Korean patterns is
more of a postpositional marker, rather than a true case marker. Therefore,
as we did in Section 5.3, we will consider it as having the same PP structure
as illustrated below.
(64) PP
N 에게
-eykey ‘to’
Figure 5.31 Dative case as postposition
Finally, we will move on to the genitive case. The genitive case can be thought
of as being analogous to a possessive, although there are other semantic func-
tions associated with its use.15 The true possessive meaning is given in (65).
In fact, there are researchers such as An (2014) who have attempted to show that
-uy is not a case marker at all (see An 2014 for a discussion of -uy as an allomor-
phic variant of an abstract K-suffix).
(66) DP
the woman D NP
’s book
Figure 5.32 Genitive in English
This being true, it is assumed that both the genitive case marker and the
determiner occupy the same head, as in (66). Remember also, that determiners
and genitive morphology are not in complementary distribution in Korean. One
way to account for this, as suggested by Suh (2005), is to use the idea of a
Case Phrase (KP) in the tradition of Jo (2000). In this sort of analysis, all case
markers head a KP. Consider the following structure in (68) – I have left out
X-bar details in order to simplify our discussion.
(68) KP1
인호 -의 친구 -가
Inho -uy chinkwu -ka ‘Inho’s friend-NOM’
Figure 5.33 Case phrase
In the structure in (68), the genitive case marker heads a KP phrase with the
possessor in the specifier position, much as in the English example above.
However, we can also account for the non-complementarity of determiners and
case markers, as there is an open determiner position in the DP under KP1.
Apart from syntax, there is a semantic relationship between the two nominative
marked nouns, namely that of the part–whole relationship. For example, in (69a)
the first noun Yumi is the whole and the second noun phal ‘arm’ is a part of
her. One thing these examples show us is that the nominative case seems to
have little or nothing to do with thematic roles. For example, the nominative
marked NPs we have shown until now have all been agents, as is often the
case with subjects. However, the NP ‘Yumi’s arm’ is a theme. To make matters
worse, we have the part–whole relationship, which the nominative markers seem
to have nothing to say about. If we abandon the idea that thematic roles have
some correspondence with case markers, then we still need to decide how case
is assigned to multiple NPs. The possible analyses are numerous.
The most intuitive analysis would appear to be one that involves an analogous
analysis of possessive constructions. Another possible approach is a case-
agreement of some sort, where V assigns case to one NP and the other one
agrees with that NP and its case feature percolates up to it. Yet another option
put forth by Mailing and Kim (1992), is that the verb independently assigns two
separate cases. The controversy over a correct analysis continues today. For our
purposes here, it is enough to simply acknowledge the issues and problems
that stem from such a construction.
Just as with the multiple nominative constructions shown above, Korean can
also employ the use of multiple accusative marked nouns.
Again, note that there is a possessive reading where the first accusative marked
noun is the whole of which the second is a part. These constructions are not
limited to just two accusative marked nouns, and instead seem to be able to
have an unlimited number of them.16
It is worth noting that Japanese is restricted to just two accusatives in these sorts
of constructions. This is call the double-o constraint (Harada 1973).
SYNTAX 139 Pronouns
The Korean system of pronouns is unique in many ways. First of all, there is a
distinction between polite usage and plain, more intimate usage. This can be
seen in the chart below.
It can be seen from the above table, that the first and second person pronouns
have various forms. In the first person, there are two forms. Firstly, the intimate
na ‘I’ is used among close friends, peers, with/among children, or more gener-
ally in a situation where the use of honorifics is not called for. The other form
is the humble form, ce ‘I’, which is used in a situation which requires the speaker
to employ some sort of deference with respect to whom he or she is speaking
to or about. The plural forms of these pronouns are wuli ‘we’ and cehuy ‘we’,
The plural marker -tul can be added to both of the first person pronouns: cehuy-tul
and wuli-tul ‘we’. Apparently there is little change in meaning between the plural form
with or without -tul. This is, however, a question that remains open for further research,
as some researchers claim that the addition of the plural marker does in fact change
the meaning and/or function in slight ways. One example is that the usage of -tul
makes a distributive reading possible, whereas a bare noun does not allow a dis-
tributed reading, exemplified in i) below.
i) 학생들이/#학생이 각자 선생님께 질문을 했다.
Haksayng-tul-i/haksayng-i kakca sensayngnim-kkey cilmwun-ul heyssta.
student-PL-NOM/student-NOM each teacher-DAT question-ACC did
‘The students each asked the teacher a question.’
The choice of which second person pronoun to use is also dictated by the
context of the utterance. The plain form ne ‘you’ is used with intimates, while
the non-honorific form tangsin ‘you’ is mainly used between spouses, but may
also be used in a rude way when the speaker is involved in a confrontation.
There are many other second person pronoun-like words such as: caney, elusin,
kuccok, tayk, kwiha and kutay. The usage of all of these pronouns is limited by
the context the speaker finds himself in. Since these do not directly relate to
matters of syntax, we will set these aside for now.
Unlike the first and second person, the third person has only one basic form.
It should be noted that the existence of the third person pronoun in Korean is
relatively recent and is most commonly understood to be used in written form
rather than spoken Korean. It has in fact been stated in the literature that ku
as a pronoun actually sounds quite awkward to native Korean speakers as a
pronoun in spoken discourse (Park 1985). In actual conversational usage, what
would be used would be best considered a complex demonstrative, meaning
that a noun is combined with a demonstrative to refer to a third person. In this
way, all third person forms have at least some roots in a demonstrative or complex
demonstrative form. For example, when referring to a third person, the phrase
ku salam is often used, literally meaning ‘that person’.
There are some complex demonstratives that are phonologically reduced
and in such wide usage colloquially that we may want to seriously consider them
as third person pronouns. A few examples are kunye ‘she’ a contracted form of
ku yeca ‘that woman’ and kyey, a contracted form of ku ay ‘that child’. While we
will not cover these here, what the reader should be aware of is that to classify
something as a pronoun, one would ideally like to see an analysis where the
word in question is shown to behave syntactically in all respects like other well-
known pronouns.
In the example above, him can refer to Jim or some other person outside the
sentence, as indicated by the subscripts. What is striking is that him cannot
refer to Bill. What we can extract from this sort of example, is that it appears
that a pronoun cannot have an antecedent in the same clause as itself. It is
examples like this that led Chomsky to outline what is today known as the
Binding Theory (Chomsky 1981). The Binding Theory is an attempt to explain
the distribution of referential elements in the syntax. The behavior captured in
(73) above points to a principle in the theory known as Principle B.
인호1가 [훈2이 그1/*2/3를 TV에서 봤다고] 했다.
Inho-ka Hwun-i ku-lul tv-eyse po-ass-ta-ko hay-ss-ta.
Inho-NOM Hwun-NOM he-ACC tv-LOC see-PST-DEC-COMP say-PST-DEC
‘Inho said that Hwun saw him on TV yesterday.’
In the above example, the third person pronoun ku ‘he’ refers to either the
matrix subject Inho or a referent outside the sentence. It seems difficult, however,
to refer to the embedded subject Hwun unless a special context is supplied.
This is congruent with Condition B of the binding theory, as Hwun and ku
are both in the same clause – indicated by the brackets. It seems then, that
Chomsky’s Binding Theory makes the correct predictions about Korean. We will
see in the following sections, however, that this is not always the case.
In the example in (76) above, the only possible referent for ‘himself’ is the
local subject Bill. The long-distance matrix subject ‘Jim’ is strictly out, as is any
extra-sentential antecedent. What we see here is a pattern that seems to be
in complementary distribution with pronouns in terms of syntactic distribution.
In plain terms, the antecedent for reflexives must be found locally. According to
the binding theory, this is because of Condition A.
This condition correctly predicts the behavior of English reflexives. We will see
in the following section that the story for Korean is not so simple.
Consider the chart below which lists the Korean reflexives.
As can be seen in the chart above, there is no system of politeness with regard
to the morphological form of the reflexives as there is with the pronoun system.
Another difference relates to the third person which is divided into local and
long-distance reflexives (Kim and Yoon 2009a). This difference between these
two categories will become clear below.
(78) shows that caki-casin cannot take an antecedent in the first or second
person. In addition, it also cannot refer to an inanimate noun.
In (80), the long-distance noun is not a possible antecedent, while the local one
is. Given only this example, we can say that Korean reflexives obey condition A.
Local reflexives in Korean begin to diverge from English when we look at
embedded clauses. Caki-casin can be found in a nominative subject position,
as shown in (81b) (Yang 1983, Sung 1990). This is not, however, possible in
English (81a).
look at how one might go about solving this problem. Remember that when
developing any theory, such as the Binding Theory, one approach is to treat the
theory as a hypothesis. One can test a hypothesis by constructing sentences
that should be ruled out by the hypothesis. After this, we can ask native speak-
ers whether the proposed sentence is good or bad, which in essence tells us
whether the theory is correct or not. In this case, our hypothesis is Condition A.
Having constructed a sentence such as the one in (81b) and checking with a
few native speakers, we find out that Condition A gives us an incorrect predic-
tion. We then assume that our hypothesis is somehow incorrect, at least for
Korean, and we head back to the drawing board to change our theory to account
for all of the new data.
The first suggestion someone might make is that caki-casin is in fact not
subject to a locality restriction at all. This is in fact not true, given examples
such as (82). In short, we need some definition of locality in Condition A. It could
be that we need a different definition from that for English, or it could also be
that there is something different about Korean that should be included in the
original theory. How do we begin to test this? An obvious data point that we
need to answer this question is one that will tell us if (81b) is subject to any
constraints regarding distance of potential antecedents at all. In order to do this,
we need to construct a sentence such as (81b) where caki-casin has potential
antecedents that are even further away. Consider (82) below:
The only potential antecedent in (82) is the closest one Mary, while John is not
allowed as a potential antecedent. Going back to our hypothesis Condition A, it
does appear that we need a definition of locality, but for Korean at least, that
definition cannot be the TP containing the reflexive, as is the case with English.
From here, we again go back to the drawing board, and imagine how we might
redefine Condition A so as to account for the new data without losing the ex-
planation of all previous data.
However, before diving into the syntactic distribution of caki, we will first consider
the restrictions it places on its potential antecedents.
The examples in (83a–b) illustrate that not only does caki require an animate
antecedent, but also requires its antecedent to be human (83b). Also, like caki-
casin, caki only allows third person antecedents, as shown below.
(85) shows that caki can be bound not only by the local antecedent Hwun, but
also by the long-distance antecedent Mina. In fact, caki can be bound by an
antecedent potentially an infinite distance away. Showing this is difficult, as
Korean is an SOV language, and is head final (i.e., the head comes after the
complement). Because of this, when embedded in clauses, all of the subjects
of the sentence follow each other at the beginning of the sentence. It very
quickly becomes very difficult to keep all of these subjects in one’s memory
while waiting for the verbs to which they are agents of. Even so, the following
example shows an example with three available long-distance antecedents. Casin
Finally, we will discuss casin. In the table above, it is described as a long-distance
anaphor which can take an antecedent of any person. Indeed it is true that
casin can take any person as its antecedent.
Much like caki and caki-casin, however, it does require an animate antecedent.
In (89) we can see that casin can have an antecedent which is indefinitely far
away, making it a true long-distance anaphor.
The idea of long-distance anaphors has been known for some time, as
mentioned in the section on caki. They have been shown to exist in numerous
languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Hindi just to name a few. Exactly
what the properties of these anaphors are is still the subject of much debate. It
is important however, to look into such questions, especially in Korean. Consider
that, given the analyses above, we might want to classify caki and casin as being
essentially the same thing, other than the fact that casin can take an antecedent
in the first and second person. This, however, is certainly not warranted when
one looks further.
Consider a well-known effect in long-distance anaphors known as the block-
ing effect. The observation here is that a pronoun of a different person cannot
intervene between a long-distance anapahor and its antecedent. Here is an
example in Chinese.
In this example, the first person pronoun wo, intervenes between the anaphor
ziji and the long-distance antecedent Zhangsan. The presence of the pronoun
‘blocks’ that ability of the reflexive to take the potential antecedent Zhangsan.
Knowing this about LD reflexives, consider an example with casin.
Here we see the same behavior with casin as we do with Chinese ziji. A first
person pronoun blocks potential antecedents higher up in the sentence. Now
consider an analogous example using caki.
Here we do not see a blocking effect with caki. We will not give a full explana-
tion here of what caki in fact is, and in reality there is no real consensus in the
current literature. The point of the story here is that one must be very careful
when making a comparison between two given elements in syntax. If we are
going to say that something is a long-distance anaphor, it must behave like all
other long-distance anaphors in all ways.
In the syntactic theory presented thus far, we would say that the auxiliary moves
to the head of CP, as shown in the tree in (94). Furthermore, we assume that
the auxiliary moves to check off a question feature located on the head of C.
(94) CP
C[+Q] TP
Can DP T′
Jim T VP
As discussed earlier, inherent in the analysis presented above is the idea that
there is some sort of kernel sentence, or deep structure, and that transforma-
tions are then applied to this structure to provide a surface structure. The
transformation in (94) above can be formalized in the following way:
(96) a.
Nacwungey kathi mek-ulkeya.
later together eat-will
‘Would you like to eat with me later?’
In the above examples, the curved line represents the intonational contour
of the sentences. In order to form a question, as in (96a) the intonation is
simply raised at the end of the sentence. This is in contrast to a declarative
statement, which has a more falling intonation, as in (96b). What we can see is
that movement is not necessary in Korean to form yes–no question as it is in
While movement may not necessarily be needed to account for the Korean
data, we can actually use Korean data to show that the feature component of
the analysis, which drives the movement in English, is a reasonable feature to
assume – even though it is not morphologically realized. Recall the case features
we used previously to explain the relationship between the case-marked nouns
and the heads that dictate which case they may be marked with. We assumed
these features exist because there is a morphologically overt marker that
appears on the nouns. Ideally, we would like all proposed features to have a
morphologically overt marker that indicates their presence. While English lacks
such a marker indicating question features, Korean does not. Consider the fol-
lowing sentences which make use of the formal sentence ender.
Note that the formal sentence particle is followed by a question marker, -kka
and the declarative sentence ends with a declarative marker, -ta. While there
may not be movement involved with yes–no questions, the existence of these
markers is evidence that languages do indeed have a question feature on C,
since that is where these markers are located. In some languages this would
be overt, as in Korean, and in others it would be covert, as in English.
What we have provided above are rules that a native speaker has internalized
with respect to forming yes–no questions. There are many such rules in natural
language. For example, when asking a wh-question in English (i.e. questions
using who, what, when, where, how) there are actually two transformations
involved. First, we apply the T-to-C rule above. Following this, the question word,
or wh-word as it is commonly referred to, is moved from its canonical position
as the object of the verb to the specifier of the CP. Consider the derivation of
(98b) from (98a) illustrated in the tree diagram in (99).
(99) CP
DP[+WH] C′
What C[+Q] TP
will DP T′
Jim T VP
t V′
V t
Not surprisingly, Korean works differently than English in that movement is not
required. These sorts of language are called wh in-situ languages. An example
is as follows:
As can be seen from the example, it is not necessary to move the wh-word to
the front of the sentence. It will also be noted that the end of the sentence has
a question morpheme. While this is allowed, just as with the yes–no questions
above, it is optional provided the proper intonation is used.
At this point, many students find this type of theorizing a bit abstract. The
fact is, we could just as easily postulate that that (98b) is base-generated instead
of assuming that (98a) is the base-generated sentence. But think of what we
will lose if we make this kind of postulation. We must assume at some level
that the verb assigns thematic meaning to its object in a canonical position.
Since ‘what’ in (98) is questioning the object, it makes sense that we keep this
intact. Also, by assuming transformations, we can keep our theory simpler by
first assuming a canonical order, and applying transformations to get surface
representations. Without this type of mechanism, every sentence that contains
a displaced element would need a new rule. The grammar would quickly become
In this section we have seen that some of the major movement transforma-
tions that we see as central to theorizing about English syntax actually do not
involve movement at all in Korean. This is not to say that movement is absent
from Korean syntax, as will be shown in the following sub-sections.
5.7.1 Scrambling
The most obvious form of movement in Korean is scrambling, which is best
described as a change in word order with no appreciable difference in meaning.
Some examples of this are given below:
Later in the section we will see that scrambling in Korean is restricted in some
ways. However, the facts in (101a–b) still remain and need to be accounted
for in our syntax at some basic level. How then are we to characterize this
sort of phenomenon in the syntax? Perhaps the most common way is to use
adjunction.18 First consider that adjuncts are distinct from the complements
we have seen thus far. For example, how are we to diagram the following
There is much debate in the literature about what sort of operation scrambling is in
Korean. The other option here is that movement is not involved at all and that so-called
scrambled NPs are base-generated in their surface position.
Given the X-bar framework we have developed up to this point, there seems to
be no room for the adverb ppali ‘quickly’. We wouldn’t necessarily want to call
the adverb a complement of the verb, as adverbs are optional, which is a feature
unlike complements. Perhaps even more importantly, the sub-categorizational
frame of the main verb allows for only one complement. What then are we to
do? The answer lies in a slight modification to our X-bar theory. In order to allow
for adjuncts, we need to allow multiple X-bar projections. In this way, the
definition of an adjunct is as follows:
(105) MoodP
TP Mood
NP T′ -┺ -ta ‘DEC’
㧎䢎Ṗ VP T
V′ -㞮- -ass- ‘ PST’
AdvP V′
‘quickly’ ₎㦚 Ị⍞Ṗ- kil-ul keneka- ‘cross the street’
Figure 5.37 Tree diagram of (103)
(106) MoodP
TP Mood
㧎䢎Ṗ VP T
V′ -⓪- -num- ‘PRS’
t V
ⲏ- mek- ‘eat’
Figure 5.38 Tree diagram of (101b)
While the explanation seems rather cut and dried, the facts of scrambling in
Korean are rather complicated. In the remainder of this section we will provide
a brief introduction to these issues. First of all, the mere description of the
process of scrambling implies that word order is free in Korean. While this is
an intriguing idea, the facts suggests otherwise. First consider that there seems
to be no rightword scrambling allowed over a verb.
(108) a. 구름이 비가 된다
kwulum-i pi-ka toy-n-ta
cloud-NOM rain-NOM become-PRS-DEC
‘The cloud becomes the rain.’ (E. Lee 2007)
b. *비가 구름이 된다
pi-ka kwulum-i toy-n-ta
rain-NOM cloud-NOM become-PRS-DEC
In reality, precedence is not the real issue. If it were, then ‘Jim’ and ‘himself’
would be grammatical, and it is not (in standard English).
In this example we see that while Jim does indeed precede the reflexive, it
cannot be co-indexed with it. The entire NP ‘Jim’s brother’, on the other hand,
can be coindexed with the reflexive. The actual rule being violated here is that
an antecedent must c-command its reflexive. C-command can be thought of
in the following way:
(112) C-command: The structural relation between two syntactic nodes such
1. Node 1 and node 2 do not dominate each other,
2. The lowest branching node that dominates node 1 also dominates
node 2.
With this definition, we can see the following C-command relationships in the
(113) A
C-command Relations
D c-commands E
E c-commands D
B c-commands C, F, G, H and I
C c-commands B, D, and E
F c-commands G, H, and I
G c-commands F
H c-commands I
I c-commands H
Figure 5.39 C-command relationships
Moving back to our example in (111), we see the reason that Jim cannot be
an antecedent for himself is that Jim does not c-command the reflexive, as il-
lustrated below.
(114) TP
Jim D NP V′
’s brother V DP
hates himself
Figure 5.40 Tree diagram of (111)
In (114), we can see that while the entire DP ‘Jim’s brother’ c-commands
‘himself’, the NP Jim, does not. It is therefore thought that reflexives must have
a c-commanding antecedent.
Moving back to our examples of reconstruction, listed again in (115) below,
we are now in a position to see what is really going on.
In (115b), the antecedent does not c-command the reflexive. While this seems
to be a problem, we can account for this data by simply assuming that the
moved phrase returns to its original position, hence reconstruction, at that point
in the derivation after the sentence has reached surface structure, or spell-out.19
Through assuming that reconstruction takes place, then we can account for the
binding facts.
This level of syntax is often referred to as LF, or logical form, and in theoretical linguistics
refers to those aspects of semantic interpretation that are determined by syntax.
a Condition A violation again as the NP ‘Tom Hanks’ would not c-command the
So, with that rather lengthy explanation, what have we learned? We have
learned that when it comes to reconstruction, it is generally only possible with
instances of A-bar movement. How then do we apply this to scrambling?
As stated above, Cho (1994) used reconstruction effects to show that Korean
exhibits A-bar scrambling. Given our previous discussion of reconstruction, the
prediction would be that if Korean exhibits A-bar scrambling, a scrambled phrase
should be able to undergo reconstruction and show no Condition A violations.
Consider the example in (116).
In (116), the accusative marked phrase caki-uy atul-ul ‘his son-ACC’ is scrambled
to the front of the sentence. This is indicated by the co-indexed trace between
the subject and the verb. In addition, we see that caki can be bound by ku
‘he’. Given that caki does not c-command ku at the surface structure, we must
assume that the phrase undergoes reconstruction. A tree illustrating this process
is given in (117) below.20
Note we have collapsed MP and TP for the sake of convenience.
(117) TP
caki D NP ku-ka VP T
-uy atul-ul V′
t1 V
Looking at the diagram, we can see that indeed the scrambled DP must
reconstruct if we are to account for the binding facts. Since we have seen that
reconstruction is a property of A-bar movement, we can therefore conclude
that Korean does exhibit A-bar scrambling.
Having shown that Korean exhibits A-bar scrambling, we can examine
whether or not A-scrambling also exists. Given that previously we described
scrambling as movement that involves no appreciable change in meaning, we
would think that A-scrambling should not exist, since A-positions involve some
sort of thematic role assignment. Even so, there is reason, however, to believe
that Korean scrambling does take the form of A-scrambling.
Looking back to the work of Cho (1994) and also E. Lee (2007), we can
think about what kind of data we would like to see to prove whether or not
A-scrambling exists in Korean. First of all, ask yourself, what would I expect to
see? If we take the binding of anaphors as a case study again, perhaps we
would expect to see a binding relation that can only be created by the scrambled
NP in surface form and not by its underlying form. E. Lee (2007) provides the
following examples.
In the canonical sentence in (118a) that binding of selo ‘each other’ is not pos-
sible. This is because there is no c-commanding antecedent for selo. However,
when the object Chelswu-wa Yenghuy ‘C and Y’ is scrambled to the beginning
of the sentence, we can see that a binding relation is indeed possible. If this
was A-bar movement and reconstruction took place, we would expect it to be
ungrammatical as is the canonical sentence. We therefore draw the conclusion
that because it is grammatical, that reconstruction must not take place and it
is therefore A-scrambling. This is the sort of thing we see with movement to
A passive construction is one where the theme is the subject of the sentence
rather than the agent. (119a) is a canonical active English sentence, where the
subject is the agent of the sentence and the object is the theme. The opposite
is true in (119b), where the subject is now the theme, but the agent has been
demoted, so to speak, to an oblique by-phrase.
The traditional assumption is that (119b) is derived from the following kernel
With (120) being our basic sentence with which to start the derivation of a
passive, we can still maintain our account of the fact that the complement of
the verb receives a theme role in both (119a–b). From here, we assume that Jim
moves to the subject position of the sentence. Why this happens is because the
passive participle gets rid of the accusative case it usually assigns. Remember
that in the section on case we suggested that all NPs need case to be legitimate
objects. In (120), T still has nominative that it can assign and the subject position
is open. Therefore, Jim moves to the subject position to receive the nominative
case. Another reason relates to satisfying what has been called the Extended
Projection Principle or EPP for short. This principle states that all sentences
must have subjects, which is in fact true. If we assume that this is a requirement,
then perhaps also the theme object moves to the subject of the sentence to
satisfy this requirement. In addition, we need some sort of operation that will
insert the optional agentive by-phrase. We will ignore this issue here and instead
focus on the movement of the object to the subject position.
It is generally assumed that there are two different kinds of passives in
Korean. These are the lexical or morphological and the periphrastic passive
or syntactic passive. Periphrastic passives are the ones like we have seen in
English, which consist of an auxiliary and a main verb participle. Lexical passives
are created only by adding a specific morpheme to the main verb stem. These
are as follows: -i-, -hi-, -ki-, -li-. In the literature, the passives are commonly
called -hi passives. The set of verbs that can be passivized with these morphemes
is rather small and certainly fixed. An example is given in (121).
A periphrastic passive employs the use of auxiliary, namely -ci-, shown below.
This question now is, can we give the passives in (121) and (122) the same
analysis as in the English example above? As we will see, they answer comes
down to whether or not movement is happening or not in these constructions.
We will look at two properties from the argumentation presented by Park
(2001) and Park and Whitman (2005) as a guide in attempting to understand
this issue.
The first piece of evidence we will consider has to do with idiom chunks,
specifically object idiom chunks. An example of an object idiom chunk is given
Object idioms, are particular noun objects licensed by the verb in a fixed way
in that we often find these two in combination together in a very restricted way.
In simple terms, these two elements are interpreted as one thematic chunk. If
we find the verb and the object separated then, and the basic meaning intact,
then it is logical to assume that the two originated together in underlying struc-
ture. This is indeed the case with -ci passives.
With the morphological passives, however, idiom chunks are not passivizable,
as shown below. This idiom chunk involves the object nai, meaning ‘age’ and
mek-, meaning ‘eat’. Together, this combination means that one is advanced
in years.
This indicates that the matrix subject, in morphological passives, was never
actually the object of the verb and was instead base-generated in subject posi-
tion, hence involving no movement. In summary, what these examples show us
is that periphrastic passives seem to involve movement of the object to the
matrix subject, while morphological passives do not (see Park 2001 for further
The e in the above examples stands for an ‘empty’ category or a null noun of
sorts with no phonetic content. This may seem strange at first, assuming there
is a covert syntactic object. But there are good theoretical grounds to assume
it does in fact exist. We assume that there is some sort of null noun in the
subject of the embedded clause in order not to lose our earlier observation that
all verbs have a subject. Indeed there is some sort of subject there, as there
must be an agent for ‘cooking’ in (126a) and ‘leaving’ in (126b).
Now let’s consider the thematic roles in the above sentences. In (126b),
Jim is not only the one is promising, but he is also the one who will be cooking
dinner. It makes little sense to assume that Jim has two theta-roles, and we
have no evidence that verbs can assign additional theta-roles at a distance.
Therefore, we assume that there is an embedded silent subject that receives
the embedded verb’s theta-roles and there is the matrix subject that receives
the matrix verb’s theta-role. Furthermore, we assume that the two are somehow
construed together, because we also need to establish that these two positions
represent the same person. This is known as a subject control sentence, as it
is the matrix subject which is in a sense controlling the embedded null one,
as they share the same features. The example in (126b) is an object control
sentence in that it is the object of the matrix verb, ‘Bill’, which controls the
embedded null subject. Before jumping into a theory of control, we will first
examine some analogous Korean sentences.
The sentence in (127a) is a subject control sentence in that the matrix subject
Inho is the one going home and the one who is promising. (127b) is an object
control sentence because the matrix object is the one performing the action in
the embedded clause.21
There are many other types of control: partial control, adjunct control, split control,
etc. For a more thorough review of control structures, including in Korean, please
see Madigan (2008) and Landau (2001, 2013).
Up until this point in our theory, each noun can only have one thematic role.
How then are we to represent this fact in our model of syntax? In some way
we must relate the embedded silent noun to the matrix one. There are two
possibilities in current syntax, movement or a system that involves Agreement.
The movement approach, championed by Norbert Hornstein, suggests just that
the matrix subject begins the derivation as the subject of the embedded clause
in Spec TP and is subsequently moved to Spec TP of the matrix clause. A
sample derivation of (127a) would look like the following:
(128) CP
NP T′ -┺ -ta ‘DEC’
㧎䢎Ṗ VP T
V′ -㞮- -ess- ‘PST’
t1 T′ -┺-G-ta- ‘DEC’
Ṗ -Ỷ-
ka ‘go’ -keyss- ‘FUT’
Figure 5.42 Sample derivation of (127a)
There are a few assumptions that need to be made with respect to the deriva-
tion above. First of all, we need to make the assumption that one noun can
have multiple thematic roles. It is also an assumption of this approach that
thematic roles are in fact features. Given this, in the embedded clause, the
noun Inho would check for a theta-role feature and check another in the matrix
subject position. The motivation for its movement would be to check nominative
case in the matrix clause, as there would be none available in the embedded
clause. In addition, it would check an EPP feature.
Another possibility is that there is in fact no movement, but rather an agree-
ment operation between the matrix subject and the embedded null subject
(see Landau 2001, 2013). In this way, all of the features would be checked in
the usual way, while thematic roles are left to be assigned by the verbs in ques-
tion. While each of the analyses seem plausible, only empirical evidence can
differentiate which one is correct. Due to a lack of space, and a large amount
of theoretical ground that would need to be covered, we certainly cannot cover
this argument here. We will say this, however, in order to guide the student along
the way in exploring this topic. If the proper analysis is a movement-related one,
it should obey all restrictions that other types of A-movement obey. If the Agree-
ment approach is the correct one, we should find similar parallels in other forms
of agreement. It is only by these types of comparisons that a proper analysis
can be arrived at. This can be seen as a classic case of Hypothesis A versus
Hypothesis B style of argumentation covered in the first chapter.
In (129), we can see that the relative clauses (RCs) modify the nouns they are
a complement of. Note too, we assume that the wh-words in RCs move, just as
in our analysis of regular wh-questions. This is illustrated by the trace in the
subject position of the RC in the subject relative in (129a) and the trace in
the object position of the RC in the object relative in (129b).
So, our analysis of RCs seems cut and dried. As is usually the case in
linguistics, however, things are not always so simple once we look a bit deeper.
Consider the followings RCs that do not contain wh-words.
We have an issue regarding the arguments, or lack thereof, of the verbs in the
RCs. ‘Wrote’ in (130a) has no subject and ‘fed’ in (130b) has no object. It is
standard to assume that there is an empty/null wh-word, often called a null
operator, which occupies these places (see Chomsky 1982). This way our
theory remains congruent with our assumptions about subcategorization frames.
Our sentences in (130a–b) now look like those in (131a–b).
The assumption here is that null wh-operators also move to check a +wh
feature. In this way we can have an analysis which is parallel to those examples
that contain overt wh-operators. This is the basic analysis of the English RC.
Relative clauses in Korean are quite frequent in daily usage. This is in part
due to the morphosyntactic similarities between adjectives and verbs. In this
section, we present the basic structure of the Korean relative clause in all its
variations and provide a syntactic analysis of them.
Relative clauses are clauses which modify the meaning of a noun. In Korean,
there is a straightforward way of marking relative clauses, as shown below.
(132) a. 산을 덮는 눈
san-ul teph-nun nwun
mountain-ACC cover-RC snow
‘the snow which covers the mountain’
b. 김치를 먹은 노인
kimchi-lul mek-un noin
kimchi-ACC eat-RC elderly.person
‘the elderly person who ate kimchi’
c. 책을 쓸 학자
chayk-ul ssu-l hakca
book-ACC write-RC scientist
‘the scientist who will write a book’
The relative clauses above are marked with a special relative clause marker.
Second, tense is encoded in those markers. Example (132a) uses the present
tense RC marker -nun. The past tense RC marker -(u)n is used in (132b) and
the future tense RC marker -(u)l in (132c).
How then are we to analyze these structures? Do we assume that there is
movement of a null wh-operator, as in English? The proof would lie in some sort
of argumentation that shows empirically that movement of some null operator
must exist. In order to do this, we must first consider why it is that we assume
that null operators move in English. Following Ross (1967), we can look to
restrictions on wh-movement called islands.22 It turns out the wh-words cannot
just move out of any phrase at all.
This has been further illustrated by countless textbooks; see Radford (1988) for a
particularly detailed exposition.
(136) *someone Op1 that the government collapsed after the downfall of t1.
We are now in a position to apply this analysis to Korean RCs. The prediction
is that if Operator movement is involved in Korean RCs, we should see move-
ment violations in the proper environments. The following examples provided
by Han and Kim (2004) show violations involving operator movement (i.e.
relativization) out of a complex NP island, and an adjunct respectively.23
See D.W. Yang (1983) for a more complete analysis.
It would seem as though we have arrived at an analysis of RCs in Korean. In reality,
however, there is still much debate regarding whether or not there is movement of
null wh-operators in Korean RCs. Some of this evidence comes from island constraints
that are not violated. The most notable island violation that we see not violated in
Korean is a kind of Complex NP Constraint, expressed in Korean as a double relative
clause. As mentioned above, a complex NP is essentially a noun plus a clausal
complement. So, it would make sense that one could not relativize out of a relative
clause embedded in another relative clause. It turns out that Korean actually allows
this possibility. According to our analysis so far, this should not be possible. Consider
the following example:
i) 좋아하는 강아지가 죽은 아이
[RC1[RC2ei ej cohaha-nun] kangaci-kaj cwuk-un] aii
like-RC dog-NOM die-RC kid
‘the kid who the dog which [he] liked died.’ (Han and Kim 2004)
This example is extremely difficult for a non-native speaker of Korean to grasp. The
meaning, paraphrased and translated, is that there is a kid who liked a dog and
that dog died. The subject in RC1, has been relativized out of RC2; this is not an
issue. The issue is that the noun ai ‘kid’, has been relativized out of RC2, which is
structurally contained with RC1. This should be an island violation as the null
operators should not be able to move through a complex NP. See Han and Kim
(2004) for a thorough discussion of the issues and an analysis that involves
(138) a. 저 예쁜 여자
ce yeppu-n yeca
that pretty-RC girl
‘that pretty girl’
b. 어제 떠난 남자
ecey ttena-n namca
yesterday left-RC man
‘the man who left yesterday’ (M. Kim 2002)
We can see from these examples that the adjective clause and the true relative
clause use the same morphology, namely -(u)n, which is added to the end of
the adjective or verb. The implication here is that the syntactic structure is
identical. In other words, they are both relative clauses. As Kim states, the mere
fact that an adjective cannot modify a noun without being in a relative clause,
suggests that they in fact are not adjectives at all.
Kim provides further evidence that for declassifying adjectives and suggest-
ing they are part of some sort of verbal relative clause by noting that in certain
instances they can take tense markers.
(139) 저 예뻤던 여자
Ce [e1 yeppu-ess]-ten1 yeca
that [pretty-PST]-RC woman
‘That woman who used to be/was pretty’
The existence of tense in (139) shows that the ‘adjective’ must be inside a full
TP, and not an NP, which would be normal for an adjective.
In addition she shows that when adjectives are used like a predicate they
do not occur with a copula. This is a behavior associated with verbs, rather than
Kim’s final argument is that Korean ‘adjectives’ do not inflect for comparison, a
trait commonly associated with true adjectives – i.e. greener. However, we do
not find any special marking for comparative meaning and instead, just as with
verbs, we must use the lexical item te ‘more’.
What Kim has done in her analysis is to utilize syntactic and morphological data
to show that with respect to these domains, we need to consider adjectives in
Korean as some sort of verb. Kim goes on to argue that what appear to be
adjectives are in fact stative verbs that denote some sort of state. We refer
the reader to the original source for details regarding this semantic aspect of
her analysis.
As briefly mentioned in Chapter 1, Korean has a rich system of honorification
that manifests itself through the use of specialized pronouns, verbal marking
and certain case markers. In this section, we explore the syntactic components
of this system.
Since the subject in this example is of honorific status relative to the speaker
and the speaker wishes to show deference, the honorific marker -si is used on
the main verb. In addition, the nominative case marker takes the honorific form
-kkeyse as opposed to the normal -i/ka.25
In addition to honorific marking, there are many cases where a separate honorific
form of the verb must be used – i.e. mek-ta -> tusi-ta ‘to eat’.
(145) MoodP
TP Mood
㍶㌳┮℮㍲ VP T[+HON]
㑯㩲⯒ AdvP V
→→䧞 Ỗ㌂䞮- kkomkkomhi kemsaha- ‘check
homework carefully’
In the tree above, we can see that the subject of the sentence has an honorific
feature, [+HON], that the verb either inherits, values, or agrees with depending
on your theory of agreement. For our purposes here, simply noting that there
would need to be some feature involved in syntactic agreement is sufficient. In
addition, the verb also has some sort of honorific feature. This is a reasonable
assumption to make, as we have already postulated various features that
correspond to overt morphemes, i.e. tense, case, etc. So, how do we prove that
this is actually syntactic agreement?
The first issue is that what at first seems like morphological agreement
between the subject and the verb is in fact not strictly required. In the following
example, it is perfectly acceptable for a student to sometimes drop the honorific
-si verb marker.
We can see from the example in (147) that when we place the honorific noun
teacher inside the genitive phrase ‘teacher’s dog’, we no longer can employ
the use of the honorific marker on the verb. This is because ‘teacher’ no longer
c-commands the verb.
In short, it seems as though we are building a solid case for at least some
sort of syntactic agreement in Korean. There are scholars, however, who disagree
with this approach. Kim and Sells (2007) provide a rather detailed analysis
suggesting that subject honorification is in fact not agreement, but rather best
handled in semantics and pragmatics.
1. Identify all of the bound morphemes and their functions in the following
sentences. You may need to consult a traditional grammar, and/or locate a
Korean speaker to help you along.
(a) 이번 일요일에 무엇을 할까요?
ipen ilyoiley mwuesul halkkayo?
‘What should we do this weekend?’
(b) 철수는 차동자를 얼마에 샀어요?
Chelswunun chadongcalul elmaey sassayo?
‘How much did Chelswu buy the car for?’
(c) 인호는 민수한테 집에 가라고 말했다.
Inhonun minswuhanthey cipey kalako malhayessta.
‘Inho told Minswu to go home.’
3. Use constituent tests to identify the following phrases in bold. You may need
to locate a Korean speaker to help you along.
(a) 강아지가 먹이를 먹는다.
Kangaci-ka meki-lul meknunta.
Puppy-NOM eats
‘The puppy eats dog food.’
(b) 예쁜 여자를 시장에 만났다.
Yeyppun yeca-lul sicang-ey mannassta.
pretty girl-ACC market-LOC met
‘(I) meet a pretty girl at the market.’
(c) 요즘에는 나의 태도가 변했다.
Yocum-ey-nun na-uy thayto-ka pyenhayessta.
recently-LOC-TOP 1st-GEN attitude-NOM changed
‘Recently, my attitude has changed.’
(d) 어느 나라에서 왔어요?
Enwu nala-eyse wasseyo?
Which country-from came
‘Which country do (you) come from?’
4. In the following sentences, indicate whether each word (and its associated
morphemes) is an open or closed class word and provide its word category
(i.e. part of speech). In addition, provide at least one reason why you choose
to place a word in a particular part of speech.
(a) 지난 주에 제주도에서 맛있는 매운탕을 먹었다.
Cinan cwuey Ceycwutoeyse masissnun maywunthangul mekessta.
last week tasty spicy.stew ate
‘I ate spicy stew last week in Ceycwuto.’
(b) 한국 영화는 요즘에 인기가 많다.
Hankwuk yenghwanun yocumey inkika manhta.
Korean movie lately popularity a lot
‘Korean movies are very popular these days.’
(c) 치타가 빨리 달릴 수 있다.
Chithaka ppalli talliltwuissta.
Cheetah fast run.can
‘Cheetahs can run very fast.’
(d) 호랑이가 쥐를 잡고 먹었다.
Holangika cwilul capko mekessta
tiger mouse catch.and ate.
‘The tiger caught and ate the mouse.’
(e) 뉴스에서 날씨가 나빠질 거라고 들었다.
Nwusueyse nalssika nappacilkelako tulessta.
news.from weather will.get.bad heard
‘On the news I heard the weather will get bad.’
5. Draw tree structures for the following phrases. Indicate whether each word
is a specifier, head or complement.
(a) 그 책
ku chayk
that book
(b) 음식을 요리하다
umsik-ul yoli-ha-yess-ta.
Food-ACC cook-do-PST-DEC
(c) 맛있는 케이크
masiss-nun kheyikhu
tasty-RC cake
(d) 집에 가라고 명령했다
cip-ey ka-la-ko myenglyeng-ha-yess-ta
home-to go-IMP-C order-do-PST-DEC
6. Identify all phrases in the following examples and provide full tree diagrams
for the sentence.
(a) 이 빨간색 사과를 먹을 거예요.
i ppalkansayk sakwa-lul mek-ul keyey-yo
this red apple-ACC eat-FUT-DEC
(b) 친구가 집에 갔어요.
Chinkwu-ka cip-ey ka-ss-eyo
friend-NOM home-LOC go-PST-DEC
(c) 그 남자 정말 짜증 나.
Ku namca cengmal ccaccung na
that man really annoying
(d) 빨리 와!
ppalli wa
fast come
(e) 엄마한테 그렇게 말하지마.
emma-hanthey kulehkey malhacima
mom-to that.way
(f) 인호는 미나가 친절하다고 생각한다.
Inho-nun Mina-ka chincel-ha-ta-ko sayngkakha-n-ta
Inho-TOP Mina-NOM kind-do-DEC-COMP think-PRS-DEC
7. Korean has another anaphoric word not mentioned in the text, kucasin
‘himself’. Given the following data, create an argument using Binding Theory
that identifies kucasin as a pronoun, a reflexive or a long-distance reflexive.
(a) 철수가 그자신을 자랑한다.
Chelswu1-ka kucasin1/*2-ul calanghanta.
Chelswu-NOM kucasin-ACC proud
‘Chelswu is proud of SELF.’
(b) 영수는 철수가 그자신을
Yengswui-nun Chelswuj-ka kucasin*i/j/*k-ul
Yengswu-TOP Chelswu-NOM himself-ACC
너무 믿는다고 생각한다.
nemwu mit-nun-ta-ko sayngkakhanta.
too.much trust-PRS-DEC-COMP think
‘Yengswu thinks Chelswu trusts SELF too much.’
8. Korean syntax is often said to be very similar to Japanese. There are how-
ever, many differences if one looks closely. Identify the differences in data
sets below and come up with an explanation for what is going on.
(a) Mary-ga John-*o/ni hon-o yom-ase-ta
Mary-NOM John-ACC/DAT book read-CAUS-DEC
‘Mary made John read the book.’
(b) 메리가 존을/에게 책을 읽게 했다.
Mary-ka John-ul/eykey chayk-ul ilk-key ha-yess-ta
Mary-NOM John-ACC/DAT book read-CAUS do-PST-DEC
‘Mary made John read the book.’
One simple answer is that we are able to ‘compute’ the meaning of sen-
tences from the meaning of their parts (words) and the way they are put together
(syntactic rules). This requires knowledge of the meaning of words, which we
discussed in the morphology chapter, and knowledge of semantic compositions
corresponding with syntactic operations, the latter of which were the main topic
of the syntax chapter. Assuming that a language has only a finite number of
words and syntactic rules, combining them in various ways as well as applying
the rules recursively (i.e., over and over again) will generate an infinite number
of sentences. This explains the productivity of language, in spite of our limited
memory. It would be implausible to assume that we learn language by memoriz-
ing all the sentences we hear. Moreover, if there is a tight one-to-one corre-
spondence between syntactic rules and semantic interpretations, the latter will
simply fall out from the former. This is called the Principle of Compositionality
or Frege’s Principle.1 In the next section, we will see how this principle plays
out with simple sentences in which subjects and predicates are combined.
Gottlob Frege was a late nineteenth-century German philosopher who started symbolic
logic and the formal semantics of natural language.
following the first occurrence of a variable, which stands for no particular objects
but rather indicates what the property applies to, as in (3b). (3b) is read ‘the set
of all x such that x is a dog’.
Second, two sets can intersect with each other, as in the diagram below. Inter-
section of set A and set B, ‘A ∩ B’, includes common members of A and B. In
the diagram below, intersection of A and B only includes the members in the
overlapping area. Union of set A and B, ‘A ∪ B’, includes all members of A and
B. Complement ‘A – B’ includes all members of A which are not in B.
Finally, two sets can be disjoint if they have no common member, as illustrated
in the diagram below.
If we have two objects x and y, we can form an ordered pair <x, y>. Ordered
pairs and sets are different. Since two sets with identical members are them-
selves identical, the order does not matter, i.e., {a, b} = {b, a}. This is not the
case with ordered pairs, i.e., <a, b> ≠ <b, a >. A function is a set of ordered
pairs in which the second member of each pair is uniquely determined by the
first. Let us call the first member of an ordered pair an argument and the
second member a value. We can think of a function as a machine that, when
fed an argument as its input, gives a value as its output by operating on the
argument. Every function has a domain and a range, which are sets of indi-
viduals. When A is the domain and B is the range of f, we say that f is from A
and to B and write it as ‘f: A → B’. Whenever f is a function and x is an element
of its domain, there is a unique y in its range such that <x, y> ∈ f.
Just like sets, a function can be defined by listing its elements, as in (4), in
the form of a table, as in (5), or in words, as in (6). F is a function because,
although both a and c are mapped to the same element in the range (that is,
b), the value of each member of the domain (a, c, and d) is uniquely determined.
By contrast, a set of ordered pairs {<a, b>, <a, c>} is not a function, because
a is mapped to both b and c, and we cannot determine the unique value of a.
In such a case, it is called a relation, but not a function.
(6) f is a function with domain {a, c, d} such that f(a) = f(c) = b and f(d) = e.
In (5), the left column lists the domain and the right column lists the range and
an arrow points from each argument to the value it is mapped to. In (6), the
symbol ‘f(a)’ is read as f applied to a or the value of f for the argument a. In
this instance, it is b, i.e., f(a) = b.
Just as we define sets by specifying the conditions on their members, we
can define functions in a similar way, especially for those with infinite domains.
(7) is an example. The function in (7) adds 1 to the set of natural numbers.
It will map 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, and so on and so forth.
The syntactic structure of (8) is given in (9). Our task is to figure out how the
subject NP Mina combines with the VP talinta to derive the denotation of the
whole sentence.
(11) {0, 1}
Now we have to determine the denotation of the VP. Given the individual denoted
by the subject NP as an argument, the VP must produce the value of the whole
sentence. Here is where the functional application kicks in. The denotation of
the VP-node must be a function from individuals such as Mina to truth values.
In the case of (8), it denotes a function that maps those who run to 1 and all
The full composition process is laid out in (13). We use double brackets to
represent the denotation of an expression: For any expression a, [[a]] is the
denotation of a. [[Mina]], the denotation of Mina is the person Mina, as in (13a).
[[talinta]], the denotation of the VP talinta ‘runs’, is the function from the domain
of individuals to the set of truth values such that for any individual x in the
domain, f(x) = 1 if and only if x runs and f(x) = 0 if and only if x does not run,
as in (13b). (13c) shows the process of this function denoted by VP being
applied to the argument [[Mina]] to produce the truth condition of the whole
sentence. Note that the argument [[Mina]] appears in the double brackets on
the right side of the function [[talinta]], following the general format of f(x). The
sentence denotes a truth value: it is 1 iff Mina runs and 0 iff Mina does not
(15) The characteristic function of a set A is the function f such that, for any
x ∈ A, f(x) = 1, and for any x ∉ A, f(x) = 0.
(12) above is a characteristic function. This function will generate a set of all
runners, like (16).
Given this, we can define the truth condition of sentences like (8) in set
theoretic terms equally well. For example, [[talinta]] denotes a set of all runners
and [[Mina-ka talinta]] ‘Mina runs’ is true iff Mina is a member of this set.
(19) contains the syntactic phrase structure for (18). The transitive verb combines
with its direct object to form a VP, and the VP combines with the subject to
form a sentence.
We have seen that the denotations of NP-nodes dominating proper names are
individuals. Therefore, [[Inho]] = Inho and [[Mina]] = Mina. The denotation of
VP-nodes are functions from individuals to truth values. Then, the denotation of
a transitive verb is a function embedded in a function <e, <e, t >> (a function
from individuals to functions from individuals to truth values). To define such
The function denoted by the transitive verb, [[cohahanta]], takes individuals who
are liked (direct object) as arguments. When we apply this function to an object
argument such as Mina, we get (21). It is a function that maps those who like
Mina to 1 and all others to 0. The direct object, the argument that is closest to
a transitive verb, is dealt with before the subject. This is reflected in the formula
f(x)(y), in which the direct object argument x comes as the first argument f.
Finally, we apply this function to the subject argument Inho. The whole sentence
is true if Inho is a member of the set of all individuals who like Mina.
We need a new rule for the semantic treatment of transitive verbs, which is
given in (23). A transitive VPt is a function that takes its direct object as an
We have observed that sets and their characteristic functions are interchange-
able. (24) presents the truth condition of (18) in the set theoretic notation. Here,
the transitive verb cohahanta is a set of ordered pairs of individuals in which
the first member of the pair likes the second member. If the ordered pair <Inho,
Mina> is a member of this set, the sentence is true.
Perhaps now it would do well to reconsider what we have up to this point. The
possible denotations so far include individuals (for proper names), truth values
(for sentences), functions from individuals to truth values or a set of individuals
(for intransitive verbs), and functions from individuals to functions from individuals
to truth values or a set of ordered pairs of individuals (for transitive verbs).
Throughout the rest of the chapter, we will expand our inventory of possible
denotations to cover a variety of more complex constructions in Korean. Before
we do so, let us introduce a convenient way of dealing with complex denotations
in the next section.
By using just the two basic types of denotations, namely individual (type e) and
truth value (type t), we can define any number of functional types. For instance,
intransitive verbs denote functions from individuals e to truth values t. Therefore,
they are of semantic type <e, t>. In <e, t>, we put the domain of the function
on the left and the range on the right separated by a comma in brackets (re-
member an ordered pair <x, y> is a function if there is a unique y for each x
in the domain?). Here is the definition of this functional type.
The denotation of transitive verbs is of type <e, <e, t >>, a function from indi-
viduals to a function from individuals to truth values. As we can see, it is a
function embedded in a function.
(28) a. [[tali-n-ta]] = f: D → {0, 1} such that for all x ∈ D, f(x) = 1 iff x runs.
b. lx[talinta(x)]
We can add an argument to yield the truth condition. The argument replaces
the variable x occurring after the verb, and at the same time deletes the lambda
term (this is called lambda conversion).
Now let us look at the lambda notation of the function expressed by transitive
verbs. Compare the full-fledged functional specification of cohahanta ‘like’ in
(30a) with its corresponding l notation.
Let us see how arguments are added to produce a complete sentence to which
a truth value can be given. In (31a), x is replaced with Mina, yielding a function
that maps those who like Mina to 1. In (31b), y is replaced with Inho, which
would make the whole sentence true if Inho likes Mina. Note that the function
applications proceed from the object argument (because the transitive verb
combines with the object first) indicated by the outer lambda operator lx to the
subject argument indicated by the second lambda operator ly.
As we can easily see, lambda (l) notation takes much less space and is easier
to read than set theoretic or functional notation while providing basically the
same information. We will frequently use this notation from now on while also
making reference to sets and functions when necessary. Negation
Negation is a one place truth-functional operator: it combines with a sentence
to yield another sentence with the opposite truth value. We can represent this
in the following truth table. ¬ is the symbol for negation. The table shows that,
if S is true (1), then the negation of S, ¬S, is false, and vice versa.
One will easily be able to provide the truth condition of this sentence. (33) is
true iff Inho does not sleep, i.e., Inho is not a member of the set of sleepers in
our model.
In addition to the negative form in (32) above, which is called short form
negation, Korean has another type of negation: one where the marker of nega-
tion anh- follows the verb, called long form negation, as exemplified in (34).2
The negative auxiliary verb anh- can be inflected for tense and selects a verbal
complement with the complementizer -ci.
This is consistent with the observation made in Dahl (1979) and Dryer (1988) that
SOV languages have two typical negation patterns. It is usually the case that inflected
negative markers appear in the long form negation; preverbal negators are uninflected
particles, which holds true for Korean.
The truth condition for (33) and (34) is the same: both short form and
long form reverse the truth value of the sentence in its scope. Then why does
Korean have two separate forms of negation? It is controversial what exactly
the difference between the two forms of negation is, or whether the difference
is semantic or simply pragmatic. One obvious observation is that the long form
can be employed to do something additional that the short form cannot, because
it is an auxiliary verb, not a particle, that can be inflected and stressed, and is
separated from the main verb by the complementizer (Carston and Noh 1996).
For example, the long form may optionally assign overt case or topic marking
to this complement for emphasis, as shown in (35). This option is not available
for the short form negation.
Because of this extra function, it has been argued that the long form is used
for so-called meta-linguistic negation (Horn 1972, 1985). Meta-linguistic
negation is a negation of linguistic expressions themselves, rather than negation
of the state of affairs, as illustrated in (36). Conjunction
The conjunction -ko ‘and’ and the disjunction -kena ‘or’ connect two independent
sentences, as shown in (37).
SEMANTICS 191 Implication
The last logical connective to be discussed is implication. The symbol for
implication is →, and the truth condition is given in the following table. In
implication S1 → S2, S1 is called the antecedent and S2, the consequent.
S1 → S2 is false only when the antecedent is true and the consequent is false;
in all other cases, it is true. This makes sense because, if the antecedent is
false, there is no way of falsifying the whole implication.
In natural languages, since we cannot be 100 percent sure whether the conclu-
sion drawn is a logical consequence, the implication or conditional often indicates
the relation between the speaker’s epistemic states, meaning that the knowledge of
the truth of the antecedent is a sufficient condition for concluding the truth of the
consequent. Conditionals in natural language are often used for imagining a
hypothetical situation that is not true in the actual world and drawing a conclusion
from it. This is called a counterfactual marker, which implies that the anteced-
ent is false. The conditional conjunction -myen ‘if’ in Korean can be used as a
factual antecedent. This contrasts with the English conditional ‘if’, which cannot
be used in such a situation, as the English translation shows. In this case, -myen
has temporal meaning, not conditional. The counterfactual -tamyen ‘if’ cannot
be used as a factual antecedent, as shown in (41b) (Han 2006, Noh, 2009).
(41) a. 봄이 오면 꽃이 핀다.
Pom-i o-nyen kkoch-i phi-n-ta.
spring-NOM come-if flower-NOM bloom-PRS-DEC
‘When/*If spring comes, flowers bloom.’
b. *봄이 온다면 꽃이 핀다.
Pom-i on-tanyen kkoch-i phi-n-ta.
spring-NOM come-if flower-NOM bloom-PRS-DEC
‘*If spring comes, flowers bloom.’
Let us verify the truth of the following sentences relative to this model.
An interesting aspect of model theory is that there are some logically true
properties of expressions about and relations between them no matter how the
model is set up; logicians and formal semanticists have spent a great deal of
time and effort discovering such properties and relations. For example, if p and
q are sentences, p and q = 1 iff p = 1 and q = 1 regardless of what the actual
content of p and q are. P could be ‘John is smart’ or ‘it is raining’, or any other
arbitrary sentences. Entailment
A sentence S1 entails a sentence S2 iff whenever S1 is true, S2 is true as
well. If S1 entails S2, S1 and not S2 is contradictory. For example, (44a)
entails (44b).
b. 인호가 달린다.
Inho-ka tali-n-ta.
Inho-NOM run-PRS-DEC
‘Inho runs.’
An entailment relation can hold between one sentence or any number of sen-
tences and another sentence. (45a) and (45b) together entail (45c). The entailed
sentence, (45c), is a valid conclusion we can draw when the entailing sentences,
(45a) and (45b), are true. An entailment relation is a semantic relation that holds
by virtue of the truth of sentences.
(45) a. 미나는 학생이다.
Mina-nun haksayng-i-ta.
Mina-TOP student-COP-DEC
‘Mina is a student.’
b. 미나는 키가 크다.
Mina-nun khi-ka khu-ta.
Mina-TOP height-NOM big-DEC
‘Mina is tall.’
c. 미나는 키가 큰 학생이다.
Mina-nun khi-ka khu-un haksayng-i-ta.
Mina-TOP height-NOM big-RC student-COP-DEC
‘Mina is a tall student.’ Implicature
Language users are in general very good at going beyond what is explicitly said
to what is only contextually implied. It is important to distinguish semantic entail-
ment from conversational (pragmatic) implicature, the latter of which derives
from rules of conversation, not from the invariable truth of sentences. Among the
different types of implicatures, so-called scalar implicature has received a lot of
attention. It is based on the Gricean maxim of cooperation, especially the maxim
of quantity (say only what you believe true) and quality (be only as informative
as required for current conversational purposes).3 In (46), if the speaker knew
that all students did well on the test, based on the maxim of quantity and quality,
she/he would have said so. Since the speaker did not, one can infer (46b).
A number of linguistic scales can be formed (some < every; warm < hot; good <
excellent; possible < necessary, etc.) and an item lower on the scale implicates
the negation of the item higher on the scale (Horn 1972). For example, ‘some’
or ‘several’ implies ‘not all’. Likewise, ‘good’ implies ‘not excellent’.
Paul Grice provided a systematic account of the principles governing pragmatic implica-
tion. He proposed that conversation is regulated by principle of cooperation between
speaker and hearer, which he calls maxims, to achieve the purpose of their conversation.
The other two maxims are relation (be relevant) and manner (be brief and orderly and
avoid obscurity and ambiguity).
The last kind of implication to be discussed is presupposition. Presupposition, as
the name suggests, is a sentence that is assumed to be already part of the back-
ground knowledge or taken for granted by speaker and hearer. For example,
(48a) presupposes (48b). In this instance, the verb kkunh-ta ‘quit’ triggers the
Let us first deal with the common noun part, haksayng ‘student’, that follows the
quantificational determiners motun ‘every’ and etten ‘some’. Unlike proper names,
common nouns such as haksayng ‘student’ do not refer to any particular student, but
to students in general or the property of being a student. Hence, common nouns
denote a function from individuals to truth values or a set of individuals. For example,
‘student’ denotes a set of students in the world or a characteristic function that
yields 1 (true) only when an individual in the domain D is a student. (51a), (51b),
and (51c) equally define the meaning (denotation) of a common noun ‘student’.
(51) [[student]]M =
a. f: D → {0, 1} such that for all x ∈ D, f(x) = 1 iff x is a student
b. {x : x is a student}
c. lx[student(x)]
This is the same denotation as that of intransitive verbs. For example, the
intransitive verb canta ‘sleep’ also denotes a function from individuals to truth
values; it gives 1 only if an individual sleeps, generating the set of all sleepers.
Both common nouns and intransitive verbs are one-place predicates, i.e., they
require one argument.
(52) [[sleep]]M =
a. f: D → {0, 1} such that for all x ∈ D, f(x) = 1 iff x sleeps
b. {x : x sleeps}
c. lx[sleep(x)]
Since common nouns denote sets of individuals, they cannot directly combine
with verbs, which also denote a set of individuals, to make a sentence. In order
to combine with the verbs, they need a determiner such as ‘a’, ‘every’, or ‘the’.
Now let us discuss the semantics of quantifiers. Motun ‘every/all’ in (50a)
is called a universal quantifier because it quantifies over everything in the
domain. What does ’quantify over’ mean? We can think of the truth conditional
meaning of (50a) by pointing at a different student until each student in the
domain has been pointed at. Let us employ a variable assignment function
g for this purpose. As we have seen when we introduced lambda notation and
set abstraction, unlike proper names, a variable does not have a fixed denotation
but its value ‘varies’ or changes depending on a given condition. We can think
of the variable assignment function as something that can keep replacing the
value of a variable with an individual in D, similar to the pointing. In this case,
the function g will assign a student as the denotation of a variable x and see
if the sentence comes out true under this assignment. It will repeat this process
until every student in the domain serves as the value of x. If each student, when
it replaces x, satisfies the predicate canta ‘sleep’, then (50a) is true.
(53) is the truth condition of (50a). ∀ (all) is the logical symbol for universal
quantifier. The variable x occurs right after the universal quantifier and again
in the formula that is in the scope of the quantifier. This means that x in the
formula is bound by the universal quantifier, i.e., x’s value must be determined
by what ∀ does. Since we employ variable assignment functions, we will relativ-
ize the denotation of an expression not only to the model M but to the variable
assignment function g as well, putting both of them as superscripts after
the double bracket. In (53), g[u/x] means the variable assignment function g
assigns u as the value of a variable x. (53) basically means that for all indi-
viduals u in our domain, if u is a student, then u sleeps. The logical implication
→ reads ‘if . . . then’. It requires that if a variable satisfies the predicate in the
antecedent, it also has to satisfy the predicate in the consequent. The interpre-
tation function F assigns values to the descriptive vocabulary and proper names,
as usual.
Let’s see how the truth value of a universally quantified sentence is computed
with respect to the following model in (54).
Let us calculate the truth value of (50b) in the model in (54). Let g assign Inho
as the denotation of x first. Then (55) is true iff [[sleep]]M,g[Inho/x] = 1. Since this
is indeed the case, (55) is TRUE. Note that, if we had tried Mina first for the
value of x, we would have had to continue with Inho to make sure that no stu-
dent is sleeping, in order to falsify the existentially quantified formula.
It would be ideal if we could give a separate denotation to the quantified
NPs themselves, rather than the whole sentences. After all, we are interested
in how the sentence meaning is compositionally obtained by putting together
words and phrases that occur in it (principle of compositionality!). We can utilize
the lambda operator to accomplish this. Although we have only seen lambda
abstraction over an individual, we can also abstract over predicates. In (56), the
predicate is abstracted, so any VP can combine with motun haksayng ‘every
student’ and etten haksayng ‘some student’ to yield the desired truth condition
of the whole sentences.
(57) and (58) show how these quantified NPs combines with the predicate
canta ‘sleep’. As we can see, when VP combines with a quantified NP, it becomes
an argument of the subject NP. Note that this is the opposite of what we
observed with proper names. Proper names, which denote individuals, are
arguments of the VPs, which denote a set of individuals. Quantified NPs are
not individuals and do not refer to a particular object. As we have seen, they
are specifications on what kind of operations are performed on a variable.
Therefore, they are functions that take VP as argument.
(57) a. 모든 학생이 잔다
Motun haksayng-i ca-n-ta.
‘Every student sleeps’
b. lP∀x[student(x) → P(x)](sleep)
= ∀x[student(x) → sleep(x)]
whether the English sentence in (59a) is ambiguous, and what are possible
interpretations. (59a) could mean that every man loves the same woman, or that
every man loves a different woman. Scope ambiguity is represented by two
distinct formulas with different quantifier scope. (59b) has the universal quanti-
fier wide scope reading: for every man, there is a (possibly different) woman
that he loves. In (59c), the existential quantifier takes a wide scope with respect
to the universal quantifier, yielding the meaning that there is a unique woman
whom every man loves.
Korean also exhibits the scope ambiguity between quantified NPs, as shown in
Let us compute the truth value of the universal wide scope reading of (60) with
respect to a model M in (61).
Let us compute the universal quantifier wide scope reading first, i.e., for every
man, there is a (possibly different) woman that he loves. [[∀x[man(x) →
∃y[woman(y) ∧ x loves y]] ]]M,g = 1 iff for all u ∈ D, if u ∈ F(man), then [[∃y[woman(y)
∧ x loves y] ]]M,g = 1. Since Inho and Hun are in F(man) in M, we have to com-
pute [[∃y[woman(y) ∧ x loves y] ]]M,g[Inho/x] and [[∃y[woman(y) ∧ x loves y] ]]M,g[Hun/x].
[[∃y[woman(y) ∧ x loves y] ]]M,g[Inho/x] = 1 iff for some u′ ∈ F(woman), [[x loves
y]]M,g[[Inho/x]u′/y] = 1. Mina and Yuna are in F(woman) so let us compute [[x loves
y]]M,g[[Inho/x]Mina/y] first. It turns out that <Inho, Mina > is in F(love), so [[x loves
y]]M,g[[Inho/x]Mina/y] is true. This also makes [[∃y[woman(y) ∧ x loves y] ]]M,g[Inho/x] true,
because Inho loves some woman is true. Now let us move on to computing
[[∃y[woman(y) ∧ x loves y] ]]M,g[Hun/x]. Again, this formula is true iff for some
u′ ∈ F(woman), [[x loves y]]M,g[[Inho/x]u′/y] = 1. Let us assign Yuna for u′ and see.
(62) a. 학생 두 명/ 두 명의 학생
haksayng twu myeng/ twu myeng-uy haksayng
student two CL(person) two CL(person)-GEN student
‘two students’
b. 사과 두 개
sakwa twu kay
apple two CL(item)
‘two apples’
c. 물 두 잔
mwul twu can
water two CL(glass)
‘two glasses of water’
The truth condition of (63a) is given in (63b). In this case, g has to find
two successful instances of x replaced by a student that satisfies the
(63) a. 학생 두 명이 잔다.
haksayng twu myeng-i ca-n-ta.
student two CL-NOM sleep-PRS-DEC
‘Two students sleep.’
b. ∃x∃y[student(x) ∧ student(y) ∧ sleep(x) ∧ sleep(y) ∧ x ≠ y]M,g = 1 iff
for two u, u′ ∈ D, u, u′ ∈ [[student]]M,g and [[sleep]]M,g[u/x] = 1 and
[[sleep]]M,g[u′/x] = 1
A very interesting feature of Korean numeral classifiers is that they ‘float’ quite
freely. English quantifiers can float sometimes, as in the students all came, but
in general it is prohibited (*students two sleep). As you can see in (64), the
classifier is outside the subject NP and optionally takes a case marker. It
appears that a floating quantifier falls outside the subject NP. For instance,
adverbs such as ecey ‘yesterday’ and uwyenhi ‘by chance’ can appear between
the host NP and the floating quantifier. This means that a floating quantifier
forms an independent constituent from its host NP (Hong 1990).
There are two different approaches to floating quantifiers. The first approach
treats them as noun modifiers like determiners. An alternative approach views
them as verbal modifiers like adverbs (see Kang 2002 for discussion and
Because these forms must be licensed by the negation, they are called Nega-
tive Polarity Items (henceforth NPI). NPIs are those items that must occur
inside the scope of some kind of negative operator. English ‘any’ is an example.
As shown in (66), like the Korean amwuto ‘anyone’, ‘any’ cannot occur in an
affirmative sentence.
However, unlike English ‘any’, Korean NPIs cannot be licensed by modals (e.g.,
can in (67b)), conditionals (e.g., if in (68b)), or questions (e.g., (69b)). They can
only be licensed by negated predicates (Nam 1994). This means that NPIs in
different languages have different strengths: English ‘any’ is a weak NPI because
it is licensed by a variety of loosely negative (i.e., non-affirmative) contexts,
whereas Korean amwu-to ‘anyone’ is a strong NPI because it is only licensed
by an overt negation in the predicate.
NPIs only occur in negative contexts because they are typically minimizers,
which denote the lowest element on a scale (Fauconnier 1975). Compare the
sentences in (71). (71a) entails that John can solve easier problems as well.
(71b) does not trigger such an implication; we cannot determine whether he
can also solve more difficult problems. In fact, (71b) sounds somewhat awkward
because it does not say much and therefore we wonder why someone would
say something like this. The situation changes if we negate the sentence.
(71c) expresses a much stronger statement than (71b), because it implies
that John cannot solve any problem whatsoever. In other words, if he cannot
solve the easiest problem, he certainly cannot solve more difficult ones. We
observe that the direction of entailment goes from the easiest to hardest, thanks
to negation.
smallest entity has the described property, the whole sentence makes a very
strong statement.
hardest problem
easiest problem
To reflect this, Korean NPIs often include the smallest cardinal number, one, as in
hana-to ‘even one thing’, han salam-to ‘even one person’, etc. If it is true that ‘not
even one person came’, we know that nobody came. An example is given in (72).
In (73) above, ‘lift a finger’ refers to a minimal action. By denying that John did
it, it makes a strong statement that John did not do anything to help.
Korean, by contrast, does not require obligatory determiners, and bare common
nouns can stand alone, occupying an argument position by themselves. In fact,
bare nouns are the most frequently used NP forms in Korean. The interpretation
largely depends on context when a noun is not overtly marked with determiners.
For example, (75) can mean, depending on context, that a student, the student,
or students came. Definiteness and number are totally underspecified. Of course,
when overtly marked with a determiner, such ambiguity disappears, as we saw
in (50) and (62) above.
Given that the denotation of common nouns is a set of individuals, how can
they combine with the VP without a determiner in Korean? There are two ways
to go about this. First, we can assume that there is an empty determiner that
is underspecified in definiteness and number in (75). Alternatively, we take what
we see at face value, i.e., bare common nouns ARE arguments in Korean. Note
that bare plurals such as ‘dogs’ and mass terms such as ‘water’ also can occur
as arguments without a determiner in English. Languages that allow bare nouns
as arguments are often claimed to be languages that treat all nouns as mass
nouns (Gil 1989, Chierchia 1998). As evidence, Korean does not seem to dis-
tinguish between count and mass nouns and employs classifier systems for
both, as we have observed in Section 6.2.3 above. The denotation of bare
singular nouns in languages such as Korean, and mass nouns and bare plurals
in English has been claimed to be names of a kind, rather than a set of indi-
viduals (Chierchia 1998, Krifka 1995). For example, sakwa is the name of the
kind ‘apple’. Then, just like proper names Inho and Mina, it can be an argument
for the VP to yield a sentence. (75) above means the ‘student’ kind came. This
explains the flexible interpretation.
If we assume that bare nouns exclusively refer to names of kinds, however,
we cannot explain how they can combine with determiners or classifiers, as
in (76a), and occur as predicates, as in (76b). For example, (76b) is true iff
Inho is a member of the set of students. We have also observed in the previous
sections that Korean also has quantificational determiners such as motun
‘every’ and etten ‘some’ as well as numeral classifiers that precede the common
b. 인호는 학생이다.
Inho-nun haksayng-i-ta.
Inho-TOP student-COP-DEC
‘Inho is a student.’
For this reason, we need some operation that turns kinds to sets of individuals
after all. Let us postulate a realization relation R which maps between names
of kinds and predicates; lxR(x, k) where R maps kind k to individual specimens
of k (Krifka 1995).
(77) a. NP → N
b. [[ [NP[N a]] ]]M,g = lx.R(x, k)
We assume that the bare noun denotes a name of the kind by default, and the
other use is derived by the rule in (77). Assuming an operation such as (77) in
Korean that turns names of kinds to individuals, we can explain how they can
occur with or without a determiner and as predicates. Plurals
Korean has a plural suffix -tul, but it is not obligatory, as we can see from the
fact that bare singular nouns can refer to plural entities, in (75) above. When
overly marked with -tul, as in (78), the NP only refers to plural entities.
The plural NP ‘students’ will denote a set containing only plural individuals, i.e.,
the set in (79b) minus the set of singular students (79a), i.e., [[*P]] – [[P]]. (80)
contains such a set of plural individuals.
A question arises as to why the meaning of Korean singular nouns includes that
of plural nouns. In other words, why does Korean have plural nouns if singular
nouns can express the plural meaning? The suffix -tul must have a function other
than delivering plural entities. The suffix -tul in fact has properties that are quite
different from a simple plural suffix. It can be attached to various syntactic cate-
gories other than nouns, such as locative NPs and adverbs, as shown in (81b).
Moreover, -tul attached to elements inside the VP gives rise to the so-called
distributive reading. (81a) is ambiguous between the distributive reading and
the collective reading. In the former, each child happily played at possibly dif-
ferent parks at different times. In the latter, children happily played together at
the same park. (81b), in which -tul occurs after the locative phrase and the
adverb, on the other hand, only has distributive reading. For (81b) to be true,
for each child, there must have been a separate event of playing at a park.
Given this, the plural suffix -tul delivers the plurality (or distributivity) of the
events rather than plural individuals when it is attached to constituents other
than NPs (Kwak 1996, Song 1997). Similar to floating quantifiers, -tul in this
case seems to function as a verbal modifier, like an adverb.
according to tense + head noun. A relative clause precedes a head noun because
Korean is a head-final language. In contrast, an English relative clause follows
the head noun because English is a head-initial language. When we look at
examples such as (82b), we get the sense that something is missing in the
relative clause and it is in fact what the head noun refers to. We represent this
as a coindexation between the head noun totwuk ‘thief’ and a gap ( __ ) inside
the relative clause.
(82) a. 빨간 꽃
[ppalka-n] kkoch
red-RC flower
‘a red flower’
b. 도망가는 도둑
[___1 tomangka-nun] totwuk1
run away-RC thief
‘a thief who is running away’
6.3.1 Adjectives
There are three types of adjectives: intersective, subsective, and non-intersective.
Intersective adjectives, as the name suggests, simply intersect the denotation
of common nouns and adjectives, as shown in the following diagram.
red flower
Because the set includes both red objects and objects that are flowers, (83a)
and (83b) are logically equivalent.
Subsective adjectives do not make (84a) and (84b) logically equivalent. Note
that even small elephants are pretty big.
One must say that Dumbo is small for an elephant. In this case, the set of small
elephants must be a subset of the set of elephants.
(86) a. 빨간 꽃
[ppalka-n] kkoch
red-RC flower
‘a red flower’
b. lx[red(x) ∧ flower(x)]
Unlike English, Korean adjectives take the adnominal suffix with tense, as
shown in (86). However, a non-intersective adjective such as cencik ‘former’
does not, as shown in (87b) (M. Kim 2002). It forms a compound NP, as
in (87a).
(87) a. 전직 상원의원
cencik sangwonuywon
former senator
‘former senator’
b. *전직인 상원의원
*cencik-in sangwonuywon
former-RC senator
[intended] ‘former senator’
This seems to suggest that Korean only has intersective adjectives, which take
an adnominal suffix conjugated with tense and interpreted as a set intersection.
Contrary to this expectation, Korean also allows subsective adjectives to modify
the head noun with adnominal suffixes. Subsective adjectives such as ‘skillful’,
‘big’, etc. must denote a set of skillful individuals who are subsets of a set of
individuals in the noun denotation. In other words, (89) means Inho is skillful as
a surgeon, but does not necessarily mean that Inho is skillful (at everything)
because he could be a lousy cook. In this case, the set of skillful individuals
must be a subset of the set of surgeon.
Since both intersective and subsective adverbials have the same morpho-
syntactic structure (adnominal suffix + tense), it would be desirable to assign
the same kind of denotation as well. We can achieve this by assuming that
subsective adjectives such as ‘skillful’, ‘big’, etc., contain an implicit argument
supplied by context (Heim and Krazter 1998, M. Kim 2002), as in (90).
running away. Korean also allows object relativization as in (91b), and post-
positional phrase relativization as in (91c). In the case of postpositional phrase
relativization, the postposition (in this example, locative -eyse) is dropped from
the head noun.
Whereas English has only one type of relative clause, namely, a gappy one,
Korean has another type: so-called an internally headed relative clause.
Unlike regular relative clauses, in which a gap is co-indexed with the head noun,
internally headed relative clauses are gap-less since the head noun occurs inside,
and it is followed by kes ‘thing’.5 There is also an important semantic difference
between a regular relative clause and an internally headed one. While the former
restricts the head noun, the latter restricts the embedding clause or is asym-
metrically coordinated with it, as indicated by the English translations. For an
internally headed relative clause to be acceptable, there has to be some kind
of causal relation or temporal overlap relation between the embedded clause
and the embedding clause (M. Kim 2007).
There are other languages (South and Central American and African languages) that
have internal heads (Keenan and Comrie 1977).
We can treat kes as a pronoun that is coindexed with an argument inside the
relative clause and it serves as the object of the matrix verb. In the case of (94),
kes would be coindexed with totwuk ‘thief’ and the argument of the catching.
Then, internally headed relative clauses can be given the same semantic rep-
resentation as regular relative clauses as set intersection.
The challenge to such analysis is that what an internally headed relative clause
refers to depends on discourse context. (95a) can mean the speaker caught a
cat, a mouse, or even both (Chung and Kim 2003).
Therefore, what kes can be coindexed with must be given more flexible inter-
pretation. Some scholars have argued that what kes refers to in internally headed
relative clauses is events, rather than individuals (see Chung and Kim 2003,
and M. Kim 2007, for further discussion). Assuming this, kes can refer to any
participant in the described event.
a. 인호는 훈의 동생이 예쁘다고 생각한다.
Inho-nun Hun-uy tongsayng-i yeppu-ta-ko sayangkakha-n-ta.
Inho-TOP Hun-GEN sister-NOM pretty-DEC- COMP think-PRS-DEC
‘Inho thinks that Hun’s sister is pretty.’
b. 미나는 훈의 동생이다.
Mina-nun Hun-uy tongsayng-i-ta.
Mina-TOP Hun-GEN sister-COP-DEC
‘Mina is Hun’s sister.’
c. 인호는 미나가 예쁘다고 생각한다.
*Inho-nun Mina-ka yeppu-ta-ko sayangkakha-n-ta.
Inho-TOP Mina-NOM pretty-DEC- COMP think-PRS-DEC
‘Inho thinks that Mina is pretty.’
Tense and modality create intensional contexts, as well. For example, the
truth value of the past tense sentence (98b) cannot be determined by the
denotation of is hungry in M. To determine whether (98b) is true or not, we
need to know the denotation of is hungry in situations that held in earlier times.
6.4.2 Tense
(103) a. [[F S]]M,w,t,g = 1 iff. for some t′ ∈ T such that t < t′, [[S]]M,w,t′,g = 1
b. [[P S]]M,w,t,g = 1 iff. for some t′ ∈ T such that t′ < t, [[S]]M,w,t′,g = 1
Tense logic based on tense operators and temporal instants, however, is not
best suited to account for natural language tenses. First, the treatment of tense
as a logical operator needs further examination. This point can be brought home
by looking at sentences in which tense and other operators interact (we saw in
the section on scope ambiguity that logical operators can interact with one
another causing ambiguity). For example, (105a) below does not mean that in
any past time, there was no event of turning off the stove, which is the negation
wide-scope interpretation, represented in (105b). Nor does it mean that there
was a time in the past that the speaker did not turn off the stove, which is the
existential past tense wide-scope interpretation, given in (105c). It means that,
at a particular time in the past which is contextually salient, the speaker failed
to turn off the stove.
Assuming that ecey ‘yesterday’ introduces an operator Y, neither PY(S) nor YP(S)
correctly represent the truth condition of (106). Note that both make Inho going
to school sometime before yesterday true: PYp is true if p is true at some time
before yesterday, and YPp is true if p is true at a day earlier than some past time.
Second, evaluating sentences at instants of time is also problematic.
Natural language tensed sentences often cannot be evaluated at moments. In
(107a), ‘Mina was sleeping’ at t is true iff ‘Mina’ belongs to the extension at t
of ‘asleep’. However, it is difficult to set up the model such that at the instant t
‘Mina’ and ‘a letter’ stand in the ‘write’ relation at t in (107b). Note that we are
not justified in concluding from some letter-writing type of activity holding at a
moment t the whole event of letter writing.6
This is called the ‘imperfective paradox’ of the progressive, and has been extensively
discussed in the literature (Dowty 1979, Landman 1992).
So far, verbs denote relations of nominal arguments, i.e., a function from individuals
to truth values. For example, nolta ‘play’ is a function that, when applied to an
argument x, yields 1 if x plays. In (108) above, talita ‘run’ denotes a function from
individuals to events, rather than a function from individuals to truth values.
Assuming an extra event argument e for action verbs, we no longer need
to treat tense as a sentential operator.7 Tense can be represented as a simple
conjunction specifying the temporal relation between the described event and
the utterance time n in (109). Adverbial modification can be treated as a simple
conjunction as well, explaining why Inho went to school yesterday entails Inho
went to school. We end up with an existentially quantified event, instead of a
truth value for the denotation of a sentence. In other words, sentences no longer
denote truth values but make statements about the existence of certain events.
Besides tense, there is ample evidence to justify the use of event semantics in Korean
(Kwak 1996). We observed that the plural suffix -tul not only pluralizes individuals but
also events. In order to represent the meaning of -tul as an event pluralizer, we must
modify the semantics of the VP to include atomic and plural events. In addition, what
the internally headed relative clause refers to appears to be an event, rather than an
individual. As we will observe, topic and focus markers as well as case markers can
be attached to verbs in addition to nouns, restricting the interpretation of events, rather
than individuals, in Korean.
Other thematic roles include patient, which refers to an object that is affected by an
action, and theme, which denotes someone who undergoes a change of state or has
a certain property.
Now that we have become acquainted with general issues in temporal seman-
tics, let us briefly discuss the specifics of the Korean temporal system. Tense
is by no means an obligatory grammatical category. Languages can locate situ-
ations in time by recourse to other linguistic means such as mood, aspect and
temporal adverbials (Bybee et al. 1994). Korean is not a tenseless language
such as Mandarin or Burmese in that it has overt verbal suffixes -ess and -nun/
zero for past and non-past distinction. There are two forms that are related to
past time reference in Korean, namely, the simple past -ess, the double past
-essess. We have seen a past tense sentence in (106) above. (110b) describes
the use of the so-called double past marker -essess, which indicates that
the result state of the described event no longer obtains at the speech time.
Therefore, with a verb with some salient result state, there is a clear semantic
difference between -ess and -essess (E.H. Lee 2007).
-Ess introduces a past tense rule, as in (111a), whereas -essess entails that
the result state no longer obtains at the utterance time, as in (111b) (Lee 1987).
In (111b), e ⊃⊂ s means that the state s and the event e abut, i.e., s starts
immediately after e ends. This holds when s is a resulting state of the event e.
It specifies that the absence of such a state is temporally included in the utter-
ance time n, ensuring that the result state no longer obtains at the speech time.
The present (or non-past) time reference is indicated by the suffix -(nu)n or
zero in Korean. Adjectives take zero while verbs take -nun. Aspect
While tense locates a situation in time, aspect refers to the internal temporal
constituency of an event (Comrie 1976, 1985). Aspect is further divided into
lexical aspect and grammatical aspect. Verbs have inherent lexical aspect
categories by virtue of their lexical meanings. The most basic lexical aspectual
distinction is that between events and states. Among events, there are sub-
categories such as activities, accomplishments, and achievements, depending
on whether the event described by the verb has a natural end point (called
telicity) and whether durative or punctual (Vendler 1967). Activities in (114a)
indicate events that do not have a natural end-point (called atelic). Accomplish-
ments, as in (114b), describe durative events that have built-in goals or culmi-
nation (those verbs with a natural endpoint are called telic). Achievements, as
in (114c), consist just of their culmination points; the phase leading up to the
culmination point is not part of such an event. They are ‘instantaneous’ transi-
tions in a semantic or conceptual sense.
running in which Inho is the argument, and the utterance time n is included in
the event time.9
Semantics of the progressive is a complex issue that has been much discussed in
the literature. It is commonly assumed that it creates an intensional context, like tense
and modals. For example, it is claimed that the progressive operator PROG quantifies
over possible worlds in which future events follow the course of development most
compatible with the past course of events, called inertia world (Dowty 1979, Landman
1992). However, in sentences such as ‘John was hit by a truck when he was crossing
the street’, if the truck is seconds away from John, it will hit him in all inertia worlds,
making the progressive sentence false. This is against our intuition and calls for a
different approach than postulating inertia worlds. Here we use event semantics to
avoid problems with intensional analyses of the progressive.
6.4.3 Modality
Modality specifies the speaker’s attitude (degree of certainty) towards a prop-
osition (Kratzer 1977, 1991). Like tense, modals create intensional contexts,
where knowing the denotation is not sufficient to know their truth conditions.
For example, to evaluate ‘Inho may/must pass the test’, knowing the truth of
‘Inho passes the test’ is not sufficient. It might be that Inho has never passed
the test or never will. But the speaker perceives it as quite possible or even
necessary. We have employed possible worlds semantics to evaluate and
represent modal sentences. As we have observed, possible worlds are every
possible assignment to constants, describing all non-actual, alternative situations.
In a possible world semantics, a predicate such as paykophuta ‘is hungry’ is a
function from possible worlds to a set of individuals; we call this a property.
The denotation of paykophuta ‘is hungry’, therefore, can vary from one world
(possibility, situation) to another. If it happens to be the case that Inho in fact
is not hungry, the denotaiton of be hungry does not contain Inho in the actual
world (let’s say w0), but it does include him in the worlds that are compatible
with what the speaker of (99) above, which is repeated in (118), presumes.
In modal logic, the necessity operator ¨ and the possibility operator ◊ are
prefixed to a proposition. ¨p means it is necessarily the case that p, and ◊p
means it is possibly the case that p. The former universally quantifies over all
the possible worlds (scenarios) compatible with the speaker’s assumptions, while
the latter existentially quantifies over the possible worlds.
Natural language modals are more varied and require more than a simple
universal or existential quantification over all possible circumstances. Modalized
sentences are often interpreted against a particular conversational background.
A basic distinction among subtypes of modality is that between situational or
circumstantial (also called root) modality and epistemic modality. Situational
possibility and necessity arise from the current conditions, which can be
either general circumstances of the situation or a permission or obligation
that is imposed. The latter is called deontic modality. English employs the
same auxiliary verbs must and can for both epistemic and circumstantial
(123) a. The ancestors of the Maoris must have arrived from Tahiti.
b. All Maori children must learn the names of their ancestors.
(Kratzer 1977:338, 2012:4)
The ‘can’ in (122a) meaning ‘possible in view of the available evidence’ and the
‘must’ in (123a) meaning ‘necessary in view of what is known’ encode epistemic
modality, which relates to our knowledge of the worlds where what we know is
true. The ‘can’ in (122b) meaning ‘possible in view of what you are permitted
to do’ and the ‘must’ in (123b) meaning ‘necessary in view of what their tribal
duties are’ encode circumstantial modality, which has to do with the relevant
Modal constructions express various forms of necessity and possibility
in Korean. First, situational (circumstantial, root) possibility is expressed by
the internally headed relative clause -(u)l swu iss, in which the adnominal
suffix with future meaning -ul and a bound noun swu ‘means; possibility’ occurs
with the copula (or existential verb) -iss ‘be; exist; have’, as in (124) (Nauze
This construction can also express epistemic possibility (Wymann 1996, Ammann
and Auwera 2002), as in (125).
(126) 너는 가도 된다.
Ne-nun ka-to toy-n-ta.
‘You may go.’
(128) 비가 올 것 같다.
Pi-ka o-l kes kath-ta.
rain-NOM come-MOD-DEC
‘It may rain.’
The table below presents central modal constructions of Korean (Ammann and
Auwera, 2002:110)
(130) a. The ancestors of the Maoris must have arrived from Tahiti.
b. All Maori children must learn the names of their ancestors.
(131) a. In view of what is known, the ancestors of the Maoris must have
arrived from Tahiti.
b. In view of what their tribal duties are, the Maori children must learn
the names of their ancestors.
The ‘in view of’ phrase denotes a function f from possible worlds to sets of
propositions: for any world w, f(w) = the set of propositions which the speaker
knows in w for epistemic modal, as in (132). For circumstantial (root) modals,
f(w) will generate a set of propositions that are true and relevant for the
described situation. By simply adjusting the modal base, then, we can account
for the context-dependency of modal expressions.
(132) f(w) = {p, q, r, . . .} where p, q, r are propositions that the speaker knows
to be true.
(133) a. f(w) = {{w1, w2}, {w1, w2, w3}, {w1, w2, w4}}
b. ∩f(w) = {w1, w2}
Once the modal base is determined, -ul swu iss-ta ‘can’ and ‘might’ express
consistency with the given modal base and -a /eya ha-ta ‘must’ states that
something is a logical consequence of a given modal base.
6.5 CONTEXT Indexicals
The interpretation of (137b), unlike that of (137a), depends on who produced
the sentence. If Inho uttered the sentence in (135b), the two sentences denote
exactly the same proposition. If somebody else said (137b), it will express a
different proposition than (137a). The truth of (137b) not only depends on which
individuals are tired in circumstances <w, i>, but on the extralinguistic context
in which it is uttered. The first person pronoun na ‘I’ in (137b) refers to the
speaker, whoever it is at the time of speech.
However, if (139b) holds, replacing ‘I’ with ‘the speaker’ should not result in
a change in meaning. This is not the case, as we observe in (139). (139a)
sounds fine, whereas (139b) is contradictory (Chierchia and McConell-Ginet
set of hungry individuals at 1 o’clock. If he is, then the sentence is true; if not,
it is false.10
Kaplan provided such a two-step interpretation procedure for indexicals and called
the function from context to content a character of an expression.
(141) 그가 왔다.
Ku1-ka o-ass-ta.
he-NOM come-PST-DEC
‘He (pointing at Inho) came.’
(141) above will always mean Inho came. In (142), w0 and t0 indicate the actual
world and time, respectively.
This is the traditional Russellian treatment of definite descriptions. More recently, Heim
(1983, 1992) advocated the ‘familiarity’ theory of definites. She argues that definite
NPs need not be unique, but only require to be familiar to the discourse participants.
For the sake of completeness, let us see how ku haksayng ‘the student’ com-
bines with a VP to form a sentence. The intransitive verb oassta ‘came’ is an
argument of the definite NP ku haksayng ‘the student’. When applied to the
subject NP function, the lambda operator is deleted, as the verb replaces the
predicate variable P.
(147) a. 내일 떠나마.
Nayil ttena-ma. (PROMISSIVE)
tomorrow leave-PRM
‘I will leave tomorrow.’
b. 지금 떠나라.
Cikum ttena-la. (IMPERATIVE)
now leave-IMP
‘Leave now!’
c. 지금 떠나자.
Cikum ttena-ca. (EXHORTATIVE)
now leave-EXH
‘Let’s leave now.’
This is the same grammatical mechanism used to mark clause types that are
universal, declaratives and interrogatives.
(148) a. 어제 떠났다.
Ecey ttena-ass-ta (DECLARATIVE)
yesterday leave-PST-DEC
‘I left yesterday.’
b. 어제 떠났니?
Ecey ttena-ass-ni? (INTERROGATIVE)
yesterday leave-PST- QUE
‘Did you leave yesterday?’
Ttena-ass/-(u)l kes i/-(nu)n-ta.
‘I left.’ ‘I will leave.’ ‘I am leaving.’
Ttena-ass/-(u)l kes i/-(nu)n-ni?
leave-PST/ FUT/ PRS- QUE
‘Did you leave?’ ‘Will you leave?’ ‘Are you leaving?’
How can we semantically analyze these different speech act types and the
forces that accompany them? We have already stated that declaratives denote
a proposition. The illocutionary force of declarative sentences is assertion. In
order to understand what assertion does, let us introduce the notion of common
ground. Common ground (CG) or discourse context is the set of propositions
that are assumed to be true by both speaker and hearer (Stalnaker 1978).
(151) CG(c) = {p, q, r, . . .} in which for all p ∈ CG(c), sp(c) and adr(c) believe
p ∈ CG(c)
(152) c* = ∩CG(c) = ∩{p, q} = ∩{{w1, w2}, {w1, w2, w3, w4}} = {w1, w2}
As we add more sentences to the existing context set, the latter is bound to
shrink because we keep eliminating those worlds in which the new proposition
is not true by intersecting the new proposition with others that are in CG. This
way of looking at meaning is very different than what we have observed so far.
It is useful to model presuppositions and other context-dependent phenomena.
Let us move on to sentential force created by interrogatives. We assume
that interrogatives denote possible answers to a question, i.e., sets of proposi-
tions (Hamblin 1973). For example, the meaning of (153) is something like
{^Inho came, ^Mina came, ^Hun came}.
(153) 누가 왔니?
Nwu-ka o-ass-ni?
who-NOM come-PST- QUE
‘Who came?’
Just as assertions are associated with context set, interrogatives can be analyzed
using the parallel notion of question set (Roberts 2012). Since a question
denotes a set of propositions (possible answers), the question set is a set of
sets of propositions. The questions in the question set are those that the par-
ticipants in conversation mutually agree to try to answer; they represent issues
which the conversation will resolve.
Let us now discuss jussives. Unlike statements and interrogatives, jussive
sentences seem to denote properties rather than propositions. This is supported
by the fact that jussive sentences do not allow tense markers, as we saw in
(150) above. The illocutionary force of imperatives is requiring and it adds the
required property to the addressee’s so-called To Do List (Portner 2005, Pak
et al. 2008, Zannutini et al. 2012). We assume that To Do List (TDL) function
is a function that takes a property and updates the TDL with a new set of
properties. TDL is associated with certain discourse participants. TDLadr(c) is a
function from the addressee of the context to his/her TDL.
For promissives, the property is added to the speaker’s To Do List, and exhortatives
add the described property to the speaker and hearer’s mutual To Do List.
The table below nicely summarizes the different sentential forces of different
speech act categories (Portner 2005).
b. 그 분이 떠나셨다.
Ku pwun-i ttena-si-ess-ta.
that person(HON)-NOM leave-HON-PST-DEC
‘That (honorable) person left.’
c. 그 사람이 떠났습니다.
Ku salam-i ttena-ass-supnita.
that person-NOM leave-PST-POL
‘That person left.’ (talking to an honorable addressee)
(158) A context is admissible only if CHON contains exactly one triple aRb,
where a is the speaker and b is the addressee or a salient individual
in the discourse, and R is a numerical relation ranging from −1 to 1
encoding the social hierarchy between a and b. For example, if CHON
contains a[0.5, 1]b, this represents a situation where the speaker a
honors b to a significant degree (Potts 2006, Kim and Sells 2007).
Second, not only is a topic definite but it is also exhaustive, i.e., there is only
one individual (or a group of individuals) marked as the topic in the domain of
discourse. Therefore, if a quantificational NP is marked with -nun, it usually has
One way to formally represent topic is to treat -nun as an operator TOP(ic) that
binds the topicalized entity. When we discussed quantification, the common noun
part after a quantifier served as a restriction on quantification. For example, in
‘every student sleeps’, the quantification must be performed in the restricted
domain of a set of students, rather than the entire domain. Likewise, whatever
is predicated, it must be about the topicalized entity in the domain but about
nothing else. In other words, TOP operator restricts what kind of topic is under
discussion, and the rest of the sentence has to be about this topic (Han 1998).
(161b) represents this.
triggering an implication that the negation holds for the other members of the
set. As far as the presupposed set is concerned, Contrastive Topic is part of old
information; which member among the presupposed set is discussed, however,
is new, thus marking CT as new information.
The topic marker -nun can appear on verbs, which is often called predicate cleft
construction. In such a case, it invariably triggers a contrastive reading. (163)
implies that Inho read the book but he did not go beyond that, e.g., he did not
understand it.
The topic marker -nun also indicates genericity when attached to a common
noun. We have observed that bare common nouns in Korean are names of kinds.
For example, sakwa ‘apple’ in (156) is the name of the kind ‘apple’. Like proper
names, they denote some definite group of apples, although they are spatio-
temporally scattered in the world (Carlson 1977). (164a) means in general,
apples are delicious, and (164b) means in general, dogs bark.
Let us propose, in this case, that the topic marker -nun indicates restriction for
the GEN(eric) operator. The GEN operator is similar to the universal quantifier,
but allows exceptions.
(165) a. GENx[apple(x)][delicious(x)]
b. GENx[dog(x)][bark(x)]
(166) asserts that, among those alternative people, Inho is the only one who
went to the party. This can be represented something like the following: go to
the party(Inho) is what is asserted, and for all individuals x in the alternative set
(i.e., ALT(Inho)), if x went to the party, then x is Inho, ensuring that only Inho is
in [[went to the party]] among the alternatives.
(169) semantically represents the meaning of -man ‘only’. The individual argu-
ment x is focused and thus triggers a set of alternatives; it says the individual
argument is the only element in the set that satisfies the predicate argument.
Now let us turn to another focus particle -to ‘also,’ as illustrated in (170).
NP-to triggers a presupposition such that there is an entity that is distinct from
the individual denoted by the NP and it satisfies the predicate. (171) represents
this intuition.
-To is sometimes interpreted as even, when it has a high pitch on it. Then it
triggers a scalar implicature that NP in NP-to is the least likely individual who
satisfies the predicate, as illustrated in (173b).
We have said that focus triggers a set of alternatives, ALT(x). We can form a
scale among the alternative individuals in the alternative set ALT according to
the likelihood of going to the party. That is, we can line the people up and rank
a person higher on the scale if she or he is more likely to go to the party. An
implication relation holds among the members of this scale. Let’s say Mina, who
is a party animal, is more likely to go to the party than Inho, who is a nerd. Then,
Mina will be ranked higher than Inho on the scale, based on the likelihood of
party-going. A unilateral implication relation holds from an entity lower on the
scale to an entity higher on the scale. Based on this, we infer that if Inho went
to the party, Mina must have gone, too. (173) implies that Inho is at the lowest
boundary of the scale. Therefore, (173) above implies that since the least likely
person Inho went to the party, other candidates in the alternative set must have
gone to the party.
1. Write down the results of the following set theoretic operations.
(a) {a, b} ∩ {a, c, d} =
(b) {a, b} ∪ {a, c, d} =
(c) ∪{{a}, {b}, ∅} =
(d) ∩{{a, b, c, d}, {a, b, d}, {a, d}} =
(e) ∩{{a, b}, {c, d}} =
(f) {a, b, c} – {a, d} =
Compute the value of the following formulas and state whether it is true
or false with relation to M.
(a) [P(m) ∧ Q(j)]
(b) ¬[[Q(m) ∨ P(j)]↔K(m, m)]]
(c) ∃xP(x)
(d) ∀x1∃x2K(x1, x2)
(e) ∃x1∀x2K(x1, x2)
4. Draw a tree diagram for each Korean sentence below and state its
truth condition. Give a lambda notation for each denotation and show a
computation of each sentence.
(a) 인호가 잔다
Inho-ka ca-n-ta
Inho-NOM sleep-PRS-DEC
‘Inho sleeps.’
(b) 인호가 미나를 만난다
Inho-ka Mina-lul mana-n-ta
Inho-NOM Mina-ACC meet-PRS-DEC
‘Inho meets Mina.’
B: 미나가 떠났다.
Mina-ka ttena-ass-ta.
Mina-NOM leave-PST-DEC
‘Mina left.’
(b) A: 인호가 미나의 손을 잡았다.
Inho-ka Mina-uy son-ul cap-ass-ta.
Inho-NOM Mina-GEN hand-ACC hold-PST-DEC
‘Inho held Mina’s hand.’
B: 인호가 미나와 접촉했다.
Inho-ka Mina-wa cepchokhay-ss-ta.
Inho-NOM Mina-with touch-PST-DEC
‘Inho touched Mina.’
(c) A: 인호와 미나는 결혼했다.
Inho-wa Mina-nun keylhonhay-ss-ta.
Inho-and Mina-TOP be married-PST-DEC
‘Inho and Mina are married.’
B: 인호와 미나는 부부이다.
Inho-wa Mina-nun pwupwu-i-ta.
Inho-and Mina-TOP married couple-be-DEC
‘Inho and Mina are a married couple.’
(d) A: 나는 매일 수영을 했었다.
Na-nun mayil swuyeng-ul hay-ssess-ta.
I-TOP every day swimming-ACC do-D.PST-DEC
‘I used to swim every day.’
B: 나는 매일 수영을 하지 않는다.
Na-nun mayil swuyeng-ul ha-ci anh-nun-ta.
I-TOP every day swimming-ACC do-NEG-PRS-DEC
‘I do not swim every day.’
(e) A: 인호는 언어학을 공부한 것을 후회한다.
Inho-nun enehak-ul kongpwuha-n kes-ul hwuhoyha-n-ta.
Inho-TOP linguistics-ACC study-fact-ACC regret-PRS-DEC
‘Inho regrets studying linguistics.’
B: 인호는 언어학을 공부했다.
Inho-nun enehak-ul kongpwuhay-ss-ta.
Inho-TOP linguistics-ACC study-PST-DEC
‘Inho studied linguistics.’
(f) A: 백점을 맞은 사람은 미나이다.
Paykcem-ul mac-un salam-un Mina-i-ta.
perfect score-ACC get-RC person-TOP Mina-be-DEC
‘It is Mina who got the perfect score.’
B: 누군가 백점을 맞았다.
Nwukwunka paykcem-ul mac-ass-ta.
someone perfect score-ACC get-PST-DEC
‘Someone got a perfect score.’
10. Give the truth conditions of the following sentences. If the sentence is
ambiguous, specify all the readings.
(a) 모든 아이가 빵을 안 먹었다.
Motun ai-i ppang-ul an mek-ess-ta.
every child-NOM bread-ACC NEG eat-PST-DEC
‘Every child did not eat bread.’
(b) 아무도 안 왔다.
Amwu-to an o-ass-ta.
anybody-CONJ NEG come-PST-DEC
‘Nobody came.’
(c) 모든 학생이 어떤 책을 읽었다.
Motun haksayng-i etten chayk-ul ilk-ess-ta.
every student-NOM some book-ACC read-PST-DEC
‘Every student read a book.’
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A-bar position 155 complement 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113,
accusative 8, 80, 89, 92, 94, 105, 126, 131, 119, 126, 127, 145, 152, 155, 168, 175
132, 134, 138, 158, 160 complementary distribution 44, 69, 120, 137,
adjuncts 109, 110, 111, 152 142
affix 8, 9, 53, 55, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, complementizer 8, 89, 95, 96, 123, 124, 125,
86, 87, 91, 94, 98, 99, 100, 120, 121, 131 190
affricates 25, 46, 47, 65 compounding 31, 75, 86, 89, 90, 97
agent 9, 10, 131, 138, 146, 160, 162, 220 compounds 59, 61, 78, 86, 87, 88, 89, 99
agglutinating 9, 80, 105, 114 conjunction 8, 77, 78, 80, 189, 190, 191,
agglutinating language 9, 80, 105, 114 192, 199, 212, 219
allomorphs 78, 79, 85, 92 consequent 192, 199
allophone 43, 44, 50, 52, 55, 68, 69, 78 consonants 7, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
alveolar ridge 5, 24, 47 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 40, 41, 43,
A-movement 155, 157, 165 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58,
argument 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 88, 89, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72
93, 98, 105, 131, 155, 183, 186, 188, constants 224, 229, 230, 231
198, 200, 207, 212, 214, 219, 220, 223, constituency test 114, 115, 116
232, 236, 240 constituents 38, 75, 86, 105, 106, 107, 109,
aspect 28, 95, 96, 220, 221, 222, 223 115, 209
aspirated 22, 23, 26, 34, 35, 39, 41, 43, 44, context 4, 5, 9, 16, 43, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98,
48, 63, 65 140, 141, 179, 191, 195, 204, 205, 207,
aspiration 22, 23, 26, 63 212, 214, 215, 216, 218, 223, 227, 228,
assertion 233, 234 229, 230, 231, 232, 234. 235, 236, 237,
assimilation 50, 51, 52, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71 238, 240
automatic rules 51, 52, 73, 87 context change potential 234, 237
contrastive 30, 32, 43, 44, 45, 69, 78, 238,
bare common nouns 207, 208, 239 239
bilabial 24, 25, 26, 39, 41, 51 control 4, 43, 162, 163
binding 139, 141, 142, 144, 146, 155, 157, counterfactual 192, 193
159, 176
bound morpheme 7, 74, 77, 78, 87, 93, 114, dark vowel 57
173, 202 declarative 8, 33, 35, 78, 100, 112, 123, 124,
boundary tone 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 149, 150, 232, 233, 235
bright vowel 56, 57 decoronization 52, 54
definite 208, 231, 232, 237, 238, 239
case 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 23, 89, 92, 93, 94, deletion 51, 52, 62, 63, 71
126, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, delimiters 92, 93, 94, 96, 98
137, 138, 149, 154, 157, 160, 165, 170, demonstrative pronouns 140, 228, 229, 230
171, 172 denotation 179, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187,
c-command 156, 157, 158, 159, 173 193, 198, 199, 200, 205, 207, 208, 210,
coda 31, 48, 49, 50, 65, 66, 67, 73 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 219, 223, 224,
coindexation 210 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237,
common ground 234, 235 242, 244
derivation 33, 50, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, inflectional 73, 75, 78, 81, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 90, 94, 97, 100, 150, 97, 98, 100, 119, 120, 122
157, 160, 163, 164 information structure 38, 77, 108, 110, 237, 240
derivational 33, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83, inherent case 30, 31, 93, 94, 149
85, 87, 94, 100 input 76, 77, 83, 84, 86, 97, 98, 182, 193
diphthongs 7, 26, 27, 28, 29 insertion 51, 52, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 71, 82,
disjunction 189, 190, 191, 192 88, 97
dissimilation 52, 58, 59, 62 intensional contexts 213, 214, 219, 225
distinctive feature 21, 22, 30, 32, 40, 41, 45, internally headed relative clause 189
46, 47, 48, 51 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) 17, 18,
domain 6, 16, 32, 33, 53, 116, 170, 180, 23, 39, 40, 44, 50, 55, 65
182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 193, 197, intersection 181, 199, 211, 212, 214
198, 199, 208, 216, 223, 231, 237, 238 intersective adjectives 210, 212
DP hypothesis 127, 128, 129 intonation 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
149, 151
embedded clauses 104, 123, 143, 145, 165, Intonation Phrase (IP) 34, 35, 36
168, 213, 228 irregular verbs 67, 68, 97
entailment 194, 195, 196, 205, 206, 242 island constraint 167, 168
event semantics 209, 214, 217, 219, 220,
221, 223, 245 jussives 233
exhortatives 233, 235
existential quantifier 197, 199, 201, 202, 231 kernel sentence 149
non-contrastive 43, 44, 45, 78 prefix 59, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85,
natural class 45, 46, 100 100, 217, 224
nasalization 47, 52, 53, 60, 71 presupposition 196, 197, 234, 241, 242
negation 189, 190, 195, 197, 204, 205, 218, principle of compositionality 180, 200
239 productive 3, 73, 75, 86, 89, 90, 98
numeral classifier 202, 203, 207 project 98, 110, 111, 112, 114, 118, 120,
negative polarity items 204 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 129, 152, 160
nominative 8, 10, 80, 92, 93, 94, 98, 126, pronouns 38, 77, 78, 130, 139, 140, 141,
127, 131, 132, 133, 134, 137, 138, 143, 142, 170, 228, 229, 230
157, 160, 165, 171 property 3, 46, 55, 75, 79, 82, 95, 98, 159,
nasal cavity 18, 20, 25, 26, 45 180, 181, 188, 197, 198, 206, 211, 217,
nasal 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 39, 41, 35, 46, 47, 220, 222, 224, 231, 235
48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 60, 65, 68 propositions 224, 227, 228, 234, 235
obstruent voicing 22, 26, 52, 56 quantification 197, 198, 207, 225, 230, 237,
obstruents 20, 22, 23, 26, 46, 52, 56, 58, 59 238
one-place predicates 193, 198 question 8, 13, 29, 31, 32, 33, 148, 149,
onset 22, 31, 48, 49, 50, 66 150, 151, 155, 234, 235
operator 166, 167, 168, 187–200, 202, 204,
208, 230, 232, 238, 239 reconstruction effect 155, 158
oral 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 45, 46 reduction 52, 74, 66, 67
oral cavity 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 45 reflexive 13, 14, 139, 142, 143, 144, 145,
ordered pair 182, 186, 187, 193, 194 146, 147, 155, 156, 157
output 50, 54, 60, 70, 71, 77, 97, 120, 121, romanization 6, 7, 17, 18, 40
182, 193 root 53, 58, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82,
85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 94, 96, 99, 100,
palatalization 52, 55, 56 140, 225, 227
paradigm 72, 73, 75, 98, 99, 105, 129, 155
passives 85, 180 scrambling 9, 132, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155,
patient 220 158, 159
phoneme 43, 44, 45, 48, 50, 52, 55, 56, 68, segmentals 16, 29, 30, 72
69, 78 semantics 5, 15, 94, 146, 168
phonemic 6, 17, 30, 45, 50, 59, 66, 132 semantic type 187, 188, 217
phonetics 4, 15, 16, 29, 46, 58 semi-vowels 20, 28
phonological rules 45, 46, 50, 51, 52, 63, 70, set 1, 11, 16, 110, 127, 180, 193, 194, 214,
71, 73, 79, 98, 105 216, 217, 219, 222, 224, 227, 229, 230,
phonology 2, 3, 4, 15, 43, 73, 78 234, 235, 237
phonotactic constraints 48 scope ambiguity 200, 201, 218
phrase 2, 3, 5, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, Sino-Korean 53, 54, 60, 61, 78, 81, 82, 83,
43, 51, 53, 58, 72, 80, 89, 90, 92, 93, 86, 87, 89, 90
98, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, singular 46, 73, 74, 79, 92, 129, 133, 207,
113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 122, 208, 209
123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 137, sonorants 20, 46, 52
140, 155, 157, 158, 160, 167, 168, 173, sound alternation rules 43, 45, 46, 50, 51,
174, 175, 176, 185, 191, 200, 209, 213, 52, 61, 63, 73
227 specifier 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 119,
pitch 18, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 127, 133, 136, 137, 150, 175
pitch accent 34 speech acts 232, 236
place of articulation 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 40, states 90, 192, 216, 221, 223
45, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55, 63, 65 stem 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 31, 32, 45,
plural 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 46, 72, 73, 74, 79, 80, 91, 53, 57, 58, 59, 62, 64, 67, 68, 72, 73, 76,
92, 94, 128, 130, 140, 206, 207, 208, 77, 78, 80, 82, 91, 92, 96, 100, 105, 112,
209, 219 113, 121, 138, 160
possible worlds semantics 214, 223, 224, stops 25, 41, 44, 46, 47, 50, 53, 58, 63, 65
225, 227, 228 stress 16, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 62
postpositions 77, 78, 92, 93, 94, 107, 135 structural case 92, 93, 106, 107, 111, 112,
pragmatics 173, 179 132, 133
structural relations 92, 93, 109, 110, 156 transformation 103, 120, 121, 132, 148,
subset 181, 211, 212 149, 150, 151
suffix 33, 46, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, tree diagram 100, 108, 109, 124, 125, 126,
64, 67, 68, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 150, 153, 154, 157, 171, 172, 176, 242
86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, truth conditions 178, 179, 180, 183, 194,
123, 136, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 219, 217, 223, 229, 244, 245
220, 221, 225, 226 truth value 179, 193, 211, 213, 215, 217,
suppletion 79 219, 224, 229, 234, 237, 242
suprasegmentals 16, 29, 30, 72
syllable 6, 23, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, umlaut 52, 57, 58
44, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, universal quantifier 198, 201, 202, 239
61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69
syntax 5, 91, 98, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, variable assignment function 198, 199, 216,
109, 110, 113, 117, 119, 121, 122, 123, 230, 231
130, 133, 138, 139, 140, 141, 148, 151, velar 24, 25, 26, 28, 39, 41, 45, 50, 51, 53,
152, 157, 162, 163, 168, 171, 177, 179, 54, 65
180, 183, 236, 237 velum 20, 24, 25, 26, 47
vocal folds 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 47
tense 5, 8, 23, 26, 31, 34, 39, 41, 48, 58, vocal tract 10, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29,
59, 65, 95, 96, 99, 100, 112, 119, 120, 47, 50
121, 122, 123, 133, 166, 169, 172, 190, voiced 2, 3, 21, 22, 23, 45, 46, 48, 56
191, 210, 211, 212, 215, 216, 217, 218, voiceless 2, 3, 21, 22, 23, 31, 46
219, 220, 221, 223, 233, 235 voicing 2, 21, 22, 26, 52, 56
tensification 58, 59 vowel harmony 52, 56, 57, 78, 91, 121
thematic roles 131, 137, 138, 162, 165, 220 vowels 4, 7, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26,
theme 131, 138, 160 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 41, 43, 45, 46, 48, 50,
tone 16, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 52, 56, 57, 61, 63, 64, 68, 72, 78, 91
38, 41
topic marker 93, 105, 237, 240 X-bar theory 111, 112, 117, 120, 127, 152