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English 7 Quarter 2 Week 5

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Quarter 2 Week 5

Name:____________________________________Grade &Section:________________
Teacher: Mrs. Leslie Fe J. Ila Date:___________________Score: _____________

Brief Introduction:
Why Summarize? It teaches you how to discern the most important ideas
in a text. It helps you learn to consolidate vital details that supports them. Teaching how
to summarize improves memory and focus.

Competencies (Essential Competencies)

EN6OL-IVj-3.6 Summarize key information from a text


In this module, you are expected to:

a. Rewrite the sentences in logical order to form a one-paragraph
b. Extract information from a text using a summary
c. Extract information from a text listened to
d. Make a news report based on the news you heard from a radio or
television using techniques in summary writing

Let’s Recall (Review)

Do you remember the story of David and Goliath? What do you think happened in the
A. Arrange the events from the story David and Goliath. Put numbers 1-5 in the
box before the sentence.

David used a slingshot at Goliath, the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell
face down on the ground.

There was once a giant named Goliath. He challenged the people that whoever
beats him will become his master.

The giant cursed at the boy, hurling threats and insults.

David approached Goliath with only three smooth stones and a sling in his

No one wants to come out and face the giant but a boy named David said that
He will fight against him.


B. Rewrite the sentences in one paragraph following the correct order of events
Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

A summary is a brief in statement or expression that gives the most important points of

something. It helps you retell a story or an essay in a few statements. Hence, it should

be brief and easy to read.

Remember the following:

 Base your summary on the original piece.

 Keep your summary short.

 Use your own wording.

 Refer to the central and main ideas of the original piece.

 Read with who, what, when, where, why and how questions in mind.

 Avoid putting in your opinion the issue or topic discussed in the original piece.

Characteristics of a good summary

Can be understood without reference to the original;

Is a faithful reproduction of, or contains only the ideas or information of the original;

Is brief without any unnecessary detail;

 Is a readable unified whole

Look at the example text and its summary below:

Lessons One Can Learn About Life From A Dog

There are so many lessons one can learn about life from a dog. Imagine this
scenario: it is raining heavily outside and you need to leave for someone’s house. The
dog is up and eager, to go with you. You tell it to stay home. As you leave, you see it
squeezing out through the gap in the doorway. You scold it and order it back home.
Then at every turn you make, you suddenly see it following you sheepishly at a
distance. It follows at the risk of being reprimanded for the sore reason of being
somewhere nearby. How else can we experience so selfless an instance of love and
faithfulness? WE can learn a lifelong lesson from this sincere warm display of
perpetual companionship.
Observe the eating habits of your dog. It does not ear, except when hungry. It
does not drink, unless it is thirsty. It does not gorge itself. It stops eating when it has
had enough.
A dog also sets a perfect example of adaptability. If it is moved to a strange
place, it is able to adapt itself to that place and to its thousand peculiarities without a
murmur of complaint. It is able to learn and adapt to a new family’s ways and
customs. It is quick and ready to please. Man, being accustomed to comfort and
wealth will be lost if suddenly stripped of all he is accustomed to.
A dog also teaches us a thing or two about, unselfish love. When a dog knows
death is approaching, it tries, with its last vestige of strength, to crawl away elsewhere
to die, in order to burden its owners no more.
A dog does things with all vigor. However, when there is nothing to do, it lies
down and rest. It does not waste its strength and energy needlessly. Many working
people are burning the candles at both ends. Many suffer nervous breakdowns due to
stress. Perhaps, they should learn to rest like a dog does.
A dog above all is truly man’s best friend.


Dogs can teach us many lessons of life. It can teach us through its acts of love
and faithfulness, endangering itself just to accompany you. We can also learn from its
eating habits. It will never over-indulge and knows which food to avoid. Dogs are also
able to adapt to its surroundings quickly without complaining as compared to man
who complains at the slightest change. Dogs are also unselfish, choosing not to
burden his loved ones but to go away and die. Dogs also know when to work and
when to play. They do not waste their efforts unnecessarily like some of us do at
work. Thus, dogs can set us great examples through their day-to-day living.
Source: English Learner’s Material 7 pp. 171
Guide Questions:
1. Did the writer base its summary to the original text?
2. Did the summary have the main idea of the text?
3. Did the writer use his own wording in summarizing the text?
4. Was the important information from the text seen in the summary?
5. Did the writer include his opinions in the summary?

Let’s Apply

Let us have some brain exercise with some vocabulary booster to better understand the


Task 1 Match the words on the left to its meaning on the right.

Word Meaning

1. Peeped - the line at which the earth's surface and the sky

appear to meet

2. Seized - a curved pointed horny nail on each digit of the foot

in birds, lizards, and some mammals.

3. claws - take hold of suddenly and forcibly.

4. horizon - to take into the stomach by drawing through the


5. swallow - to secretly look at something for a short time,

usually through a hole

Did You Know

*The Visayans believe that an eclipse of the moon is caused by an enormous animal that
seizes the moon, and holds her in his mouth.
Cf. this Journal, vol. xix (I906), p. 209. 2

*The large percussion instruments in Mindanao that were widely used by the wild tribes
were made by the Chinese, imported from Singapore.

Task 2 Read the story below and answer the questions that follow:


Before time began, very long ago, a great bird called "minokawa"' swallowed the
moon. Seized with fear, all the people began to scream and make a great noise. Then the bird
peeped down to see what was the matter, and he opened his mouth. But as soon as he opened
his mouth, the moon sprang out and ran away. The minokawa-bird is as large as the Island
of Negros or Bohol. He has a beak of steel, and his claws too are of steel. His eyes are
mirrors, and each single feather is a sharp sword. He lives outside the sky, at the eastern
horizon, ready to seize the moon when she reaches there from her journey under the earth.
The moon makes eight holes in the eastern horizon to come out of, and eight holes in the
western horizon to go into, because every day the big bird tries to catch her, and she is
afraid. The exact moment he tries to swallow her is just when she is about to come in
through one of the holes in the east to shine on us again. If the minokawa should swallow
the moon, and swallow the sun too, he would then come down to earth and gulp down men
also. But when the moon is in the belly of the big bird, and the sky is dark, then all the
Bagobo scream and cry, and beat agongs,2 because they fear they will all "get dead." Soon
this racket makes the minokawa-bird look down and "open his mouth to hear the sound."
Then the moon jumps out of the bird's mouth and runs away.
Source: www.thephilippineliterature.com/category/short-stories/

Guide Questions:

1. What is the story about?

2. How will you describe the characters in the story?

3. What happened in the beginning? What happened after that? How about the end?
Task 3: Summarize the story in your own words using the guide questions above


Let’s Analyze

You are done summarizing a story you have read. What about an article? Let’s try!

Read and study the news report below:

Mindanao Researchers Develop Vitamin A- Rich Noodles With Alugbati

Published on June 22, 2020
By Michael Angelo Francisco

Widely cultivated in the Visayas region, alugbati (Basella alba) is rich in various vitamins
and minerals, and regarded as a good source of vitamin A.
•Researchers from the University of the Philippines Mindanao developed a type of egg
noodle product with powdered fresh alugbati leaves.
•The team believes that these vitamin A-enriched noodles can help fight Vitamin A
Deficiency (VAD) in the country. With its heart-shaped leaves and soft stem, the edible
vine known in the Philippines as alugbati (Basella alba) is one of the most common leaf
vegetables around. It’s also called the Indian spinach, Malabar spinach, Ceylon spinach, or
vine spinach. However, it isn’t actually a type of spinach (though some use it as a spinach
substitute in many recipes). Widely cultivated in the Visayas region, this fast-growing
plant is a good source of vitamins A and C, iron, potassium, calcium, and other vitamins
and minerals.
Realizing alugbati’s potential to address one of the leading forms of malnutrition in the
world, a team of researchers from the University of the Philippines Mindanao came up
with a new way to serve the vegetable: Via a bowl of everyone’s favorite egg noodles.
Novel noodles
It’s possible to enhance the nutritional content of noodles by adding certain plant-based or
animal-based ingredients to the mix. This can make a seemingly ordinary bowl of noodles
an effective carrier of nutrients.
Egg noodles are typically made of wheat flour, eggs, and water. The team tweaked the
recipe a bit, substituting part of the wheat flour with various percentages of powdered
alugbati leaves. Previous studies have shown that fresh alugbati leaves are relatively high
in crude ash and crude protein. This indicates high mineral content, making them effective
at addressing protein energy malnutrition.
Source: www.flipscience.ph/news/

It is important to ask all the WH-questions in mind when writing the summary of the
news report.
Supply important information from the news using graphic organizer below:


Main Idea

in the

Supporting Detail 1 Supporting Detail 3
____________________ Supporting Detail 2
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

Name:___________________________________Grade & Section:_____________

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Summarize the following article in not more than 5 sentences. Put your answer in
the box below.

WHO reviewing new evidence on airborne coronavirus range

Agence France-Presse / 03:54 PM July 08, 2020

World Health Organization pointed Tuesday to “emerging evidence” that the corona
virus might spread by air further than previously thought, and warned the pandemic was
still accelerating.The WHO said it would put out a new scientific brief within days, after an
international group of scientists concluded the virus could travel far beyond two
meters.The two-meter physical distancing guideline has been a major element in the fight
against COVID-19, which has killed more than 538,000 people and infected over 11.6
million since it emerged in China last December.Meanwhile, WHO director-general Tedros
Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the pandemic was showing no signs of slowing down, after
400,000 new cases were reported over the weekend. It took 12 weeks for the world to reach
the first 400,000 COVID-19 cases.“The outbreak is accelerating and we’ve clearly not
reached the peak of the pandemic,” Tedros said.“While the number of deaths appears to
have leveled off globally, in reality some countries have made significant progress in
reducing the number of deaths, while in other countries deaths are still on the rise.”The
virus has “taken the world hostage”, he concluded.

Source: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1303786/who-reviewing-new-evidence-on-airborne-coronavirus-range#ixzz6RcB7Blwe

(Cut this portion to be submitted to your adviser)

Let’s Create

Goal : You are required to summarize a news report on your barangay about Covid 19

updates and present it in a creative way in order to convince the news anchor to choose

your news scoop to be presented live on TV.

Role : You are a news reporter assigned to write a summary of the news update in your


Audience : Your family or relatives as the news broadcasting producers

Situation: You are encouraged to write a news report about the Covid-19 updates in

your barangay since you are a news reporter from the city that has the greatest number of

covid-19 cases.

Product Performance : You will write a summary of the News report and present it

creatively before the producers.


Criteria 4 3 2 1
The summary The summary The summary The summary
Content includes all the includes includes few includes very
important several events events in the limited events
information. in the story. story. in the story.
Organization The news was The news was The news was The news was
summarized summarized weakly poorly
excellently. All well. Some summarized. A summarized. It
events follow a events are in number of has no logical
logical order. logical order. events are order of events.
Mechanics The summary The summary The summary The summary
has no error in has very few has several has too many
grammar and errors in errors in errors in
spelling. grammar and grammar and grammar and
spelling. spelling. spelling.
Source: English Learner’s Material 7 pp. 263 revised

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