Yes. For the researchers to be able to measure exactly what he wants to know about the research he
has. Its validity must be determined with reference to the particular use for which the test is being
considered. The validity of test must always be considered in relation to the purpose it serves. validity is
always specific in relation to some definite situation.
A reliable survey instrument is consistent; a valid one is accurate. For example, an instrument is reliable
if each time you use it (and assuming no intervention), you get the same information. Reliability, or the
consistency of information gathered by a survey, can be seriously imperiled by poorly worded and
imprecise questions and directions. If an instrument is unreliable, it is also invalid, because you cannot
obtain accurate findings with inconsistent data. A valid survey instrument serves the purpose it is
intended to serve and provides correct information. For example, if a survey's aim is to find out about
mental health, the results should be consistent with other measures of mental health and inconsistent
with measures of mental instability. A valid instrument is always reliable, too. A reliable survey
instrument is one that is relatively free of “measurement error,” in which individuals’ obtained scores
are different from their true scores, ...
3. How do you administer the test- retest method in testing the reliability of a research instrument?
The test-retest reliability method is one of the simplest ways of testing the stability and reliability of an
instrument over time.
For example, if a group of students takes a test, you would expect them to show very similar
results if they take the same test a few months later. This definition relies upon there being no
confounding factor during the intervening time interval.
Survey research is sometimes regarded as an easy research approach. However, as with any other
research approach and method, it is easy to conduct a survey of poor quality rather than one of high
quality and real value. This paper provides a checklist of good practice in the conduct and reporting of
survey research. Its purpose is to assist the novice researcher to produce survey work to a high
standard, meaning a standard at which the results will be regarded as credible. The paper first provides
an overview of the approach and then guides the reader step-by-step through the processes of data
collection, data analysis, and reporting. It is not intended to provide a manual of how to conduct a
survey, but rather to identify common pitfalls and oversights to be avoided by researchers if their work
is to be valid and credible.
5.How are parallel-forms method of estimating the reliability of a research instrument constructed?
Parallel forms reliability (sometimes termed alternate forms reliability) is one of the three
primary classifications of psychometric reliability, along with test-retest reliability and internal
consistency reliability. The three categorizations of reliability differ primarily in the differing
sources of non-trait or non-true score variability, and secondarily in the number of tests and
occasions required for reliability estimation. This entry discusses the construction of parallel
forms and the assessment, benefits, and costs of parallel forms reliability. The creation of
parallel forms begins with the generation of a large pool of items representing a single content
domain or universe. At minimum, the size of this item pool should be more than twice the
desired or planned size of a single test form, but the item pool should also be large enough to
establish that the content domain is well represented.
1. Explain briefly the following research designs and give illustration for each in line with your forte?
a. two-group
The design is an elaboration of the two group design wherein there are two control groups and two
experimental groups.
c. single-group
d. parallel group
A parallel study is a type of clinical study where two groups of treatments, A and B, are given so that
one group receives only A while another group receives only B. Other names for this type of study
include "between patient" and "non-crossover". This is unlike a crossover study where at first one group
receives treatment A and later followed by treatment B while the other group receives treatment B
followed by treatment A. There are, however, certain characteristics that allow for differentiation
between these two types of trials.
e .descriptive-comparative
g. counterbalanced
This design is also called ''rotation design.'' It involves an exchange of two or more treatments taken by
the subjects during the experiment. The arrangement employed in the design is Latin square in which
each variable is a form of square occurring once in each row or column. This is also called quasi-
experimental design.
In a counterbalanced design to control for order effects, we use separate groups of subjects,
each group receiving treatments in a different order. If there are two treatments, (say, A and B),
Group 1 receives treatments in the order AB, and Group 2 receives treatments in the order BA.
If you create a group for each possible order, then the variance due to order effects becomes a
separate source of variance, making for a more powerful design
This experimental design uses a group of a test plants and animals as subjects of the study which are
studied once but subsequent treatments applied are replicated to determine the cause of change. There
is a control in this design and the subjects will undergo randomization process.
2. Explain the five values of historical research to man? What is Historical Research?
Historical research is the process of systematically examining past events to give an account of
what has happened in the past
It is not a mere accumulation of facts and dates or even a description of past events.
It is a flowing, dynamic account of past events which involves an interpretation of the
these events in an attempt to recapture the nuances, personalities, and ideas that
influenced these events.
One of the goals of historical research is to communicate an understanding of past
3.How is biblical research conducted?
Writing a dissertation is a new kind of learning exercise: it is more than an essay, for it must be
innovative, exhaustive, and explicit in both its methodology and its contribution to the
discipline, and it is conducted at a higher level of independence. Advisors certainly advise, but
the onus of the work is on the author, for the dissertation prepares future scholars for
independent research and writing
The three steps of historical research are as follows: (Good and Scats, 1972)
a. Collection of data, with consideration of documents and remains or relics of primary and secondary
sources, of bibliographical procedure, and organization of materials;
b. Criticism of the data collected, including the processes of external criticism; and
c. Presentation of the facts readable form involving problems of organizations, compositions, exposition,
and interpretation.
5. Explain briefly the cycle of case study method and give an example of a research problem.
A case study design is a problem solving technique wherein the study is described from the past ,
present, and future.
Case study design is an intensive investigation of a particular individual, institution, community, or any
group considered as a unit which includes the developmental, adjustment, remedial, or corrective
procedure that suitably follows the diagnose of the causes of maladjustment or of favorable
1. If population is 120, what is the sample size? How do you apply lottery technique?
4. If population is 3800, what is the sample size? How do you apply the table of random numbers to get
the sample size of 3800?
5. When and when not to apply sampling? What are the advantages and disadvantages of sampling?
Advantages of Sampling
b. It is more effective.
Disadvantages of sampling
a. Sample data involve more care in preparing detailed sub classification due to smaller number of
b. If the sampling plan is not correctly designed and followed, the results may be misleading.
c. Sampling requires an expert to conduct the study in an area. If this is lacking, the results can be
d. The characteristics to be observed may occur rarely in a population, for instance, teachers over 30
years of teaching experiences or teachers outstanding performance.
1.Differentiate '' dummy table'' from '' real table''.
"Dummy Tables" are not labeled "dummy" in the way that Books for Dummies are. They are NOT tables
for dummies! They are tables that are virtual, not real. And that term has nothing to do with the
Internet and Virtual Reality. Statisticians have always used "dummy tables" to help them visualize their
data in relationship to their theory, their data gathering methods, and the hypotheses they hope to
support. "Dummy tables" are real world ways to help you visualize. You should never undertake a
research project without exploring "dummy tables" on the project. This the statistician's way of planning
out his/her work
Dummy tables- are helpful in preparing for the data matrix because they are use in planning ,
summarizing, organizing, and analyzing the data on how the differentiate variables differ with each
Real tables- the frequency , mean ,percentage, descriptive interpretation and total are shown.
3. When and where the following statistical tool are used in research design?
a. z-test- is used to determine the significant difference between two percentages f related individuals in
which the data are collected through survey.
c. H-test-
e. t-test
1. How do you account to this statement:” participatory action reseach is people- oriented’’?
Is an attribute of action research in which the problem is determined by the people who believe and feel
that the problem is really a problem in the local setting and the solution to the problem is within the
same seeting without intention of generalizing its results.
2. In your own opinion, which is better, participatory action research or descriptive research? Why?
Support your answer.
Ans. The method used in participatory action research have direct bearing on yhe beliefes and vission of
the participants in the community or the masses,it aims for the sulotion of the problem in order that the
concerned people in the community be benefited as soon as possible,should be the liberation of the
creative potential of human beings and the harnessing of human resources in order to solve social
1. How do you account to this statement, RRSA is entrepreneurial?
A. Chronological- the activities are recorded from the beginning upto its completion.
B. Brief and concise - should be short and clear and direct to the point
C. Narrative - includes the date, itinerary of travel of the research team and researcher, people met,
whathappened, as well as all activities and processes undertaken by the team.
D. Objective - objectivity should be practice by the team process documentor. Subjectivity and biasis
should be avoided
1. Why is significance of the study much important in writing a research paper, thesis or dissertation?
How do you present them?
Ans. Is an important section of a thesis or dissertation. The researcher has to explain that his study has
important implications in relation to (a) solving a problem or a need, (b) accumulating knowledge gap (c)
improving social, economic, and health condition
Ans. The questionnaires are brief and concise and should be readable to the respondents.
3. Explain how to present the summary of findings conclusions, and recommendation and writing of
Ans. It should dovetail with the findings of the study. If there are four summarized results in the findings
there are also four conclusions.
1. Differentiate the bibleography and references.
Ans. Bibliography has many kinds but the most common is the listing of the works cited in endnotes or
footnotes within the body of the research paper, thesis or dissertation while references are concluding
sections in a research paper thesis and dissertation in natural sciences
Ans. Literature cited is most applicable to research paper designed for publication . This is not applicable
for thesis and dissertation . The format is similar with bibliography if research paper is in education,
psychology and sociology.
Ans. Middle heading is placed at the middle most portion of a page, three single spaces from chapter
number of a page and all are capital letters.
Left-side Heading- this is placed in three single spaces after the last line, align with the left margin ; and
all words are bold . Only the first letter of each word is capitalized, except articles , preposition and