Carr Technology (OTC X1) by Julio C. Gobbi

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The document discusses Otis Carr's invention of a craft capable of anti-gravity flight using rotating mercury devices and magnetic fields. Key aspects include an 'Utron' electric generator, magnetic propulsion, and an artificial gravity system.

The craft works by using Utron devices to generate energy and magnetic fields. Oppositely rotating platforms create gravitational fields to overcome Earth's gravity and provide inertial mass.

The central electric system uses batteries housed in an Utron generator to power the craft. The Utron can function as a generator and produces intense magnetic fields.

Carr Technology

Julio C. Gobbi1
2021, 30 January

ABSTRACT: This article aims to demonstrate that Otis Carr developed a complete craft
with autonomous energy and propulsion systems. His experiments on rotating mercury
devices like Utron and magnetic fields gave him the knowledge to build a functioning
craft with these technologies. The base of all his technology is the rotation of metallic
parts to produce magnetic fields. It will be developed a first mathematical approach to
quantify his “Amusement Device”, that is a model for a flying saucer.

KEYWORDS: Utron device, biconic device, regenerating accumulator, capacitor plates,

rotating platform, flying saucer, inertial mass, artificial gravity.

1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................1
2 Description of the “Amusement Device”.........................................................................................4
3 How the Craft Works........................................................................................................................7
4 Central Electric System....................................................................................................................9
5 Utron Electric Regenerative Accumulator......................................................................................10
5.1 Utron Mathematical Model.....................................................................................................13
5.1.1 Coil for the Utron............................................................................................................13
5.1.2 Separation of Electric Charges from the Electrolyte.......................................................14
5.1.3 Gathering of Electrostatic Charges from the Atmosphere..............................................17
6 Peripheral Magnetic System...........................................................................................................19
7 Magnetic Propulsion System of Capacitor Plates...........................................................................24
8 Gravitoinertial Propulsion System.................................................................................................25
9 Artificial Gravity System................................................................................................................27
10 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................29

1 Introduction
Over a period of three years, Otis T. Carr had the opportunity to talk to Nikola Tesla about
various discoveries, during the period of seclusion at a hotel where Tesla lived in New York. From
this knowledge and his understanding of the simple principles of Nature, he began his investigations
in 1937, which culminated with the invention of an energy generator called Utron and a levitating
device capable of overcoming the planet's gravitational force.
In 1938, Carr and his team actively made models and in 1942 reached the basic principles.
In 1947 Carr finished his research on the flying saucer and tried to arouse interest from various
governments and universities, but all in vain because there was more interest, at that time, in atomic
fission. So, he decided to patent his invention as if it were an educational and recreational device,

1 E-mail:
2 Carr Technology

and in 1959 he registered US patent No. 2,912,244 – Amusement Device. This patent accurately
describes the proportions and design of his anti-gravity vehicle.
In May 1995, FATE Magazine published on its page 17 the following news title: “Gravity
Machine?”. Such news referred to the statements of Otis T. Carr, president of OTC Enterprises, Inc.,
about his model of circular motion device that was the principle of a "free energy circular blade"
spacecraft that he could build, if someone raised the resources.
According to Carr, the device could be adapted to machines of any size to produce
continuous energy absolutely free of dissipation. Its immediate application would be on a spaceship
and its associates claimed that their discoveries were based on the simplest practical applications of
natural laws and discoveries in science and mathematics.
He claimed that the same free energy that causes
the Earth to rotate on its axis and its translation around
the Sun would move a device that he described as being
biconic – two cones joined in their circular bases. This
was the central component of Carr's disk; it was called
Utron and consisted of bicones that turned in high
rotation, having a hollow interior with a spherical shape,
as each cone contains a semi-spherical hollow space. Its
shape is unusual: seen from the side, it is shaped like a
square, seen from above or below, it is shaped like a
circumference. In the technical specifications it was Figure 1: Utron device shape.
called "regenerating accumulator". Mounted on a
circular base, when the rotation of such a base reached a certain speed relative to the Earth's orbital
speed, the equipment would take flight, that is, when the speed of the external circumference of the
model rotated at a speed greater than the speed of the Earth in the equator.
Carr also claimed that the central part of his spaceship would be a huge battery that would
rotate at the ship's external speed and that it would be recharged by its movement. The principle by
which such a circular motion machine would operate was that "any vehicle accelerated to an axial
rotation relative to its mass of inertial attraction (the Earth), would immediately become activated
by the free energy of space and act as an independent force".
In August 1995, FATE Magazine published on its page 32 the following news: “The Saucer
that didn't Fly” by W. E. Du Soir. This news refers to a public launch scheduled in April of the same
year for a flying saucer prototype, the O.T.C. X1 with six feet (1.8 m) in diameter, working with
Utron energy. But the launch would have been delayed due to technical difficulties. Publicly, there
has never been such a launch.
According to Raph Ring [1], a technician who worked with Carr, he built some flying
saucers that worked… before his experiments were forcibly terminated by government agents. Carr
built several working prototypes with varying size, from experimental models of a few feet in
diameter to a 45-foot (13.5 m) diameter and 30-tonne disk, where Ring with two others was a co-
pilot, and pass through a distance of 10 miles (16 km) instantly. It was a dramatically successful
experience. Carr was seriously interested in taking his ship to the moon. However, two weeks after
the dramatic experiment, his laboratory was forcibly closed by government officials and all files and
documents were confiscated. In early 1961, his laboratory was robbed and destroyed, the group of
engineers was forced to disband, cease contact with each other and the project was never
“You must always work with Mother Nature. Force is never necessary. The laws of the
physical universe are really very simple.” He described when the disk models were powered and
reached a particular rotation speed “…the metal turned to Jell-o. You could push your finger right
into it. It ceased to be solid. It turned into another form of matter, as if it was not entirely here in this
reality. That's the only way I can attempt to describe it. It was uncanny, one of the weirdest
sensations I've ever felt.”
Carr Technology 3

Ring described his “flight” in the Utron craft saying that: [1]

Fly is not the right word. It traversed distance. It seemed to take no time. I was with two
other engineers when we piloted the 45' craft about ten miles. I thought it hadn't moved – I thought
it had failed. I was completely astonished when we realized that we had returned with samples of
rocks and plants from our destination. It was a dramatic success. It was more like a kind of
What's more, time was distorted somehow. We felt we were in the craft about fifteen or
twenty minutes. We were told afterwards that we'd been carefully timed as having been in the craft
no longer than three or four minutes. I still have no complete idea how it worked. We just built it
exactly according to Carr's instructions. Everything had to be perfect … it all had to be just so, or it
he said it would not work: a kind of symbiotic state between man and machine.
The Utron was the key to it all. Carr said it accumulated energy because of its shape, and
focused it, and also responded to our conscious intentions. When we operated the machine, we
didn't work any controls. We went into a kind of meditative state and all three of us focused our
intentions on the effect we wanted to achieve. It sounds ridiculous, I know. But that's what we did,
and that's what worked. Carr had tapped into some principle which is not understood, in which
consciousness melds with engineering to create an effect. You can't write that into equations. I
have no idea how he knew it would work. But it did.

Figure 2: OTC-X1 model.

4 Carr Technology

2 Description of the “Amusement Device”

Basically, Otis Carr's craft consists of three parts:
1. Device composed of a platform that rotates in direct rotation (clockwise) together with the
central battery (under the cabin) where the six capacitor plates are equally spaced and
interspersed with the six regenerating accumulators (Utron devices) that rotate in counter
rotation (counterclockwise).
2. Device composed of a platform fixed to the outer hull of the disc, which rotates in counter
rotation (counterclockwise) together with twelve electromagnets equally spaced and
distributed in the external perimeter.
3. Stationary device composed of the central cabin where the crew members are housed, fixed
to the central axis of the ship where the lower support in the form of a tripod is attached and
by which, through bearings, it forms a single set with the first two parts.

Figure 3:Design of the amusement device from Carr's patent.

While the internal platform, which has the six Utron regenerating accumulators, the central
accumulator and the six capacitor plates, rotates in one direction, the external platform, which has
the twelve electromagnets, rotates in the opposite rotation. The cabin, located at the top and center
of the rotating mechanism, remains stationary due to the various coupling bearings, as stated by
Carr: [2]

We have this cabin as the center of the craft and the battery below the cabin and the
electromagnets are the total outside of the circular foil. The shaft of the accumulator goes through
the cabin and there is a bearing. Now, just as this stays stationary when this is rotated, so will the
Carr Technology 5

cabin because there are two rotating forces. You have the clockwise rotation of the accumulator,
the capacitor plates, the generative coils, you have a counter-rotation of the entire circular area of
the craft, the larger diameter which houses the electromagnets; therefore, when you have rotation
in both directions, the cabin itself is like a bearing and extension of the shaft. We've built models
and proved this is correct.

To start the rotation movement of the motor, it is necessary to create a flow of electric
current through the set of coils distributed on the periphery of the craft, as stated by Carr: [2]

… We have a tremendous spin here.

An electric motor operates the same way.
You set up an electromotive force inside a
magnetic field and you get rotation. So
what we actually have here is an improved
electrical motor which in itself is a circular
device, and we say we make energy out of
the air, from another dimension.
To clear your analogy up also, we
would like to demonstrate the fact that this
earth itself is literally a space craft
demonstrating what we're talking about; it's
rotating and orbiting at a certain constant
speed with a magnetic field and it is in
itself a spacecraft.

They (the coils) individually
operate by circuit breakers and the first
motion begins to start a repetition. The
same we have in a motor that has the
opposite of a commutator, which is an
accumulation of contact points where each
coil is energized as the current flows
through this coil. Then this starts the
motion, the repetition of this motion brings
the whole motor into phase in the same
sense our accumulator and magnets
become speeded up and the circuits are Figure 4: Central axis bearing system.
made and broken as they rotate.

When asked if the central battery set activates the electromagnets in the outer perimeter, and
it is recharged by them, Carr replied: [2]

This is true. We do this by contacting this lead wire from the positive and negative poles of
these batteries to the electromagnets and then we have circuit breakers from these electromagnets
and we have counter-rotation. These electromagnets will rotate counter-clockwise while the
internal area is rotating clockwise.

The coils of wire inside the ring (ferromagnetic core) are regenerative coils; they are
electromotive force coils and they assist in regenerating the battery, because they are loops of wire
brought through a magnetic field which sets up an electromotive force. These others are capacitor
6 Carr Technology

plates and these are also activated by the central power core, but these plates, which can accept a
very high charge in neutral conductance also through the process of ionization utilize atmospheric

The central cabin is coupled to the two moving plataforms, which rotate in direct rotation
and in opposite rotation, through bearings mounted on the central axis of the cabin. These allow free
movement of the moving parts while the central cabin remains stationary.
The central battery pack rotates in direct rotation just below the cabin and is coupled by
bearings mounted on the central axis. On its circular platform, the six Utron devices that rotate in
counter rotation are mounted on bearings.

Figure 5: Platform with capacitor plates and Utron regenerating accumulators.

Utron devices that rotate in counter rotation have fins that force their rotation like a turbine.
This occurs when the central battery is put to spin, therefore, after a certain rotation, they work as
energy generators by the same principle as the Faraday disk. They have a coil of enameled copper
wire on their outer surface which produce a magnetic field that interacts with the electromagnets
that rotate together with the hull of the craft in counter rotation.
Initially, the electromagnets are powered by the central battery to rotate the battery platform
as a motor in direct rotation. After a certain speed, the six Utrons produce enough magnetic energy
to feed the central battery through its passage inside the air gap of the electromagnets.
Carr Technology 7

3 How the Craft Works

According to Carr, when two electrically charged bodies rotate in opposite directions on the
same axis, the effect is to create a gravitational center that makes the craft independent of external
gravitational forces: [2]

"Any vehicle accelerated to an axis rotation relative to its attractive inertial mass,
immediately becomes activated by free-space-energy and acts as an independent force… We have
shown that a charged body, accelerated to an axis rotation relative to this attractive inertial mass,
indicates polarity in a given direction. The dip-needle points, say, up toward the top of the body.
But mount this while rotating body, with its spindle, on another platform and rotate this platform
on a spindle, then if the counter-rotation is greater than the inertial forward rotation of the body, a
dip-needle on the second platform will point down while the first dip-needle points up, indicating
complete relativity of polarity. When the exact counter-rotation matches the forward rotation the
body loses its polarity entirely and immediately becomes activated by free-energy (tensor stresses
in space) and acts as an independent force… The above-described assembly of counter-rotating
charged masses becomes weightless and will escape the immediate attraction of gravitational

Carr uses an internal platform rotating in direct rotation and places several devices in
counter-rotation with its axes fixed by bearings on this first platform. There are six counter-rotating
devices, equally spaced along the perimeter of the internal platform and are called Utron
regenerative accumulators. There is another external platform that rotates in counter-rotation, as
opposed to the first platform, with twelve electromagnets that produce electrical energy during the
passage of the Utrons in their air gaps, when the system works as a regenerative generator.
This second external platform rotating in counter-rotation aims to compensate for the
rotation of the first internal platform and keep the central cabin stationary. The fact is that the
internal platform works like a rotor, while the external platform works like a stator (armature). In
another statement by Carr, we can confirm that to create an artificial gravity inside the craft, as well
as to keep the central cabin stationary, it is necessary to rotate two systems in opposite rotation: [2]

Yes, this is the beginning of an answer to your question: we have capacitor plates and
electromagnets as a part of this system. Now, this is counter-rotating; the electromagnets rotate in
one direction, and the batteries rotate in another. The capacitor plates rotate in conjunction with the
battery so that we have a clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. Now the third system is the
cabin that keeps the crew. This does not rotate; it is fixed due to the fact that the two bodies are
rotating clockwise and counterclockwise. Therefore the system causes the craft to escape from the
gravity pull. The craft itself due to this system still has internal gravity because it still has the same
weight that it had in the beginning.

As we can see, one of the functions of Utron devices and electromagnets is to make the
system work like a motor, where the rotor and stator (armature) rotate in opposite rotation freely,
which keeps the cabin stationary in the center. The switching of the electromagnets is done in a
similar way to the present brushed motors and the supply of this “motor” is done by the central
battery. However, switching the electromagnets also allows the energy regeneration of the batteries,
when the system reaches a minimum rotation that allows the rotor (where the Utron accumulators
are) and the stator (where the electromagnets are) to function as a generator. We can describe the
central Utron as an energized rotor or, in other words, as a rotor that contains its own battery in
motion and that is also capable of continually re-energizing itself.
Otis Carr knew that bodies in high rotation create a gravitational field in the direction of the
angular velocity vector, parallel to the spin axis. This principle was demonstrated in the chapter
8 Carr Technology

Gravitational Neutralization of the article Inertial Field [3], by analogy to the balance of forces that
keeps a satellite in orbit around the planet. This gravitational neutralization was further studied in
the section Gravitational Potential Neutralization in the article EM-GI Propulsion Systems [4]. We
saw that when an object is in high rotation, it is possible to overcome the planet's gravitational field
force, and we performed calculations that allow quantifying this phenomenon, known as the
gyroscopic effect. This effect explains why, when asked about the square shape of the Utrons, Carr
replied: [2]

Dimensionally it is; it is square in these dimensions and when this rotation starts and builds
up to a certain velocity, this form is very important because we have the total equation of action
and reaction. Now this is done by a system of coil winding wherein we start at a point, expand to
an equator, and continue our winding down to a point. With this physical expansion and
contraction, is an electromagnetic field. Gravity enters the picture in the form of this relative
rotation. When the relative rotation – inertial effective mass –, it's a matter of dimension. So that is
the earth, say, is 8,000 miles in diameter, we know its fixed rotation is 1 in 24 hours. If we were 1
mile in diameter its rotation would be 8,000 in 24 hours. And by the same system, our 45-foot craft
has a rotation of 580 rpm and when it reaches this rotation it is totally independent of its inertial
attractive mass, in an electromagnetic field.

This model was spun at 40,000 rpm and when it did it set a pressure pattern of 1,000 tons;
the horsepower reading was a little over 700. Six engineers checked this out. Now the relative
rotation of this model would be about 68,000 rpm, and when it reaches this rotation, it would
immediately take off.

To overcome the gravitational pull of planet Earth, the relative rotation speed of the
platform would be equal to the rotation speed of the Earth at the equator, that is, around 580 RPM.
As the rotation of the electromagnets would be 580 RPM and the rotation of the central battery
would also be 580 RPM, however, in the opposite direction, the total rotation, in relation to the
other, would be 1,160 RPM. Mr. Colton, in an interview continues: [2]

We're not giving it for a certain rotation for the sake of rotation but for the sake of relativity
to the attractive mass. The earth at 8,000 miles diameter rotating once in 24 hours is relatively
equal to a 45-foot craft rotating at 580 rpm, and 580 rpm would calculate to be the approximate
rotational speed of an automobile tire on a car moving at about 25-30 mph.

The rotation at which the 45-foot disc would be independent of its inertial attractive mass
presented by Mr. Colton in the interview is not correct. The approximate correct value is 660 RPM:

Diameter Turns Time

8,000 miles (12,800 km) 1 24 h (24*60 = 1,440 min)
1 mile (1,600 m) 8,000 24 h (24*60 = 1,440 min)
45 foot (13.5 m) 658.4 ≈ 660 1 min

The six capacitor plates that rotate in direct rotation create a magnetic field on the central
axis of the system in the same way as seen in the chapter Magnetic Propulsion Through Mass
Rotation of the article EM-GI Propulsion Systems [4]. This central rotating magnetic field collects
the ions from the atmosphere, as seen in the section Electric Charge Gathering by Magnetic Vortex
of the article Power from Electrostatic Charges [5], and projects the negatively charged particles to
the craft's periphery. Capacitor plates are bombarded by these negative electrostatic charges because
Carr Technology 9

they are on their path to the periphery and absorb them becoming superconducting due to the
structural change in their atoms. The same occurs with the hull surface that is in the projection
direction of these particles. This structural change is commented as being similar to jelly, that is, the
metal becomes soft. The superconducting characteristic of these plates increases the central
magnetic field by more than a thousand times and the projection of particles also multiplies. In this
way, the central magnetic field is amplified and allows the disk to float magnetically in the vertical
component of the Earth's magnetic field.
Carr's craft used several propulsion systems that, taken together, produced a gravitational
center that moved the entire craft together, without the effects of inertia. In addition to the central
electrical system, which provides electrical energy to the disk, we can identify the magnetic system
of capacitor plates, which provides magnetic levitation, the peripheral magnetic system, which
works as a motor and generator, and the gyroscopic system of gravitational propulsion.
There are two other systems that may be explored based on the electrostatic charges
projection to the periphery, that we will not describe again in here. The first is the gathering of these
charges to get free energy, because it was widely described in the article Power from Electrostatic
Charges [5]. The second is the magnetic propulsion system caused by the circulation of these
charges in the periphery of the disk. This creates a repulsion between this magnetic field and the
vertical component of the terrestrial magnetic field, but it was widely described in the article EM-GI
Propulsion Systems [4].
In addition to these systems, there is a secondary effect of producing etheric particles that
provides an increase in the mental capacity of the crew. This allows control of the craft's direction
according to the will and controlled imagination of its crew. We will not discuss this phenomenon.

4 Central Electric System

According to Carr, the set of batteries that feeds the entire electrical system of the craft
consists of the electrical connection of countless electrical cells of any known type (lead-acid,
nickel-cadmium, metal hydride, etc.), which form an accumulator of large capacity, mounted inside
a device in the form of double overlapping cones (central Utron). [2]

We could use any of the kinds you mentioned; what we have here is tremendous power size
in comparison to other batteries; therefore, it's very easy to put 1,000 2-volt cells inside this one
unit as you see it. It has functioned very well. In our 45-foot craft we plant to have 12,000-volt
batteries which will extend an electromotive force which will energize the electromagnets and the
capacitor plates. The generative coils will put back into the batteries in this system the same
amount of volts going out until there is a breakdown of electro-chemicals or wear-out of
equipment. But it could last as long as average storage batteries in automobiles.

As described above, the battery pack provides an electrical potential of 2,000 Volts DC for
the prototype, but the 45-foot craft will have a battery pack that will provide 12,000 Volts DC for
the production of the magnetic fields of the Utrons and electromagnets from the periphery. In order
to function as a motor/generator, the Utrons and peripheral electromagnets are powered by
synchronized pulses. For electromagnets, which have a ferromagnetic core, the pulsating current is
calculated to not saturate the core, but in the case of Utrons, which do not have a ferromagnetic
core, the pulsating current must be calculated to provide a minimum magnetic field sufficient to
separate a large part, if not all, the electrical charges of mercury (its electrons in the conduction
layer). This means that these current pulses can reach 1,000 A or more for the prototype, and 10,000
A or more for the 45-foot craft.
During operation, when the platform (which contains the six Utron regenerative
accumulators and the six capacitor plates) rotates in the opposite direction to the external structure
10 Carr Technology

(which contains the electromagnets), an intense magnetic field is formed in the center of the disk,
all powered by the central battery bank. [2]

Our system utilizes gravity, electromagnetism, and electromotive force and a relative field
to get its functional operation. We use an electrified sender. It's a sensor power core. Now this is
what we call an accumulator… It is a storage cell, an accumulation of storage cells which provide
an electromotive force in the same manner that any known battery produces an electromotive

In operation, the central battery pack releases electromotive force to power the entire ship
and, at the same time, is recharged by the energy collected in the coils of the electromagnets that
rotate in counter rotation on the external platform. It is the central energy system for the space
vehicle. As Carr describes: [2]

This starts out electrochemically the same as other batteries, but we do have a regenerating
system that is very unique. We are able here, for the first time to our knowledge, to use
atmospheric electricity as a recharging system. This is done as part of the operational principle of
the craft.

We have electrochemical systems to provide us with all the energy that we need and have a
regenerating system in the manner of a regenerative coil that recharges this battery in the same
manner that the storage battery in the automobile is recharged now, by a generator.

5 Utron Electric Regenerative Accumulator

The Utron regenerative accumulator is described as a device composed of an electrically
isolating or conductor material with a biconic geometric shape that rotates inside a magnetic field. If
it is made with a metal, must resist to mercury dissolution and don’t make amalgam. Its interior is
hollow with a spherical shape, where the electrolyte is stored, so it is also called a battery, according
to the text: [2]

This [the Utron] is a dimensional product. It was designed with the dimensions of space
itself. We say it is truly the geometric form of space, because it is completely round and
completely square. It has been proven in scientific laboratories that the very smallest unit of mass
matter ever photographed in the electron microscope are square in shape… We have applied this
principle into an electrified system, which is the power core of our space vehicle. Now what makes
this unique and novel from a battery is the fact that this is a piece of moving machinery that
rotates. Our average storage battery is an inanimate object set in an inertial spot and then the
electromotive force is conducted by wires from this battery to animate some object.

The battery rotates in this magnetic field. The average armature today in any electrical
system is usually the permeability, iron wound with copper, then through a magnetic field acts as a
motor, or it becomes a generator, depending upon the lead. The great novelty here in the area in
which an armature is normally used, we have a power unit, and this is a battery, and this is a
moving power unit.

Seen from the side, it is shaped like a square, seen from above or below, it is shaped like a
circle. Furthermore, it has fins, similar to a conical drill, which are reactive channels that make the
accumulator to spin in counter-rotation like a turbine, when the platform rotates in direct rotation.
Carr Technology 11

Carr confirms this when he answers a question on a number of ridges looking like gears would fit
in: [2]

No, those are in a sense turbine; they are reactive channels and where there is atmosphere a
flow of air there aids in rotation.

This is right. This is a storage cell for electrical energy. In operation it generates electricity
at the same time it puts out electromotive force. This is the central power system for our

It is a sphere, yes. And each unit is a hemisphere. We call the center of this large dimension
the equator and of course it contracts and expands to a point on each side. It's the union of two
presto-conical sections; that is what it is, two right angle sections, and we say it is the dimensions
of space and we have shown how this comes about…

The blades are fixed on the surface of each cone through spacers to be over the coil, which
is wound directly on the assembled bicone, and follow a line in straight or spiral form, as showed in
the figure bellow. The spiral line offers better performance because the area offering air resistance is
larger. The sectional shape of the blades is triangular, with straight or curved lines, so that the air is
not deflected on one side of the bicone when the platform rotates, and creates a torque force that
makes the Utron turns in high rotation.

Figure 6: Cone model with spacers and blades.

The battery of the Utron (bicone with metallic electrolyte) is surrounded by a magnetic field
produced by a biconical shaped coil. However, as the coil rotates with the bicone, it must be
energized through brushes placed at the apex of the upper and lower cones. When the platform
rotates, the air pressure on the bicone blades sets it in free rotation within the magnetic field and,
due to its circular movement, generates electricity. As Carr describes: [2]

All energy comes from these two cones [Utron]. This in vernacular is a battery. The big
novelty is that we have put a battery in motion. We have designed it within the accepted
knowledge of total dimensions of space-matter and we have activated it electrochemically
[electrolyte in the hollow center] and used the force through chemical activation to activate the
entire craft, after which we have motion as the feature of this accumulator.
12 Carr Technology

Another option is to mount the biconical coil fixed on the platform and far enough away
from the bicone that it rotates without touching it, with the blades fixed directly on the bicone. This
assembly has the drawback that the air speed is reduced due to the coil, so it must be wound in an
intricate way, to present numerous “holes” that allow the free flow of air.
The coil can also be wound with a smaller amount of turns but with a copper tube, in which
case it is necessary to use high electric current. In both situations, the set (bicone with its blades and
coil) must be dimensioned properly so that it passes freely in the air gap of the electromagnets that
are in the external perimeter.
The coil is energized by the disc's central battery bank with pulsating DC current, and must
be sized to produce a pulsating magnetic field of at least 1 Tesla. However, as there is no
ferromagnetic core that saturates, this field can be increased several times, ensuring the proper
functioning of the separation of electrical charges in the electrolyte, as well as guaranteeing the
repulsion/induction of potential in the peripheral electromagnets.
Carr and his team found that the Utron obtains energy from the outside, that is, from the
atmosphere, indicating that the spatial rotation cycle of a magnetized object is related to the
production of electrical energy, as he explains: [2]

This is due to its circular motion. Electrical forces are motions where they manifest. Now
we have cycles in alternating current; AC gives you 60 cycles per second; we have discovered in
our experiments that there is a space cycle related to electricity, and if we join the cycle we get
energy from it.

In 1958, Otis Carr published the plans of the OTC-X1 spacecraft with drawings and
descriptions of the various parts that comprise it as a way of publicizing his works, to encourage
public interest in his discoveries. The specifications for the Utron electric accumulators are
described on the page entitled “The Geometry of Space in Fourth Dimensional Physical Form with
the Revolutionary Utron Electrical Accumulator”. The following statements stand out from the text:

… One such characteristic which is basic in novel concept, and important as new and
profound translation of natural physical phenomena, is one manner in which the Utron may be
coil-wound to act as an armature in an activated magnetic field: The winding is begun at the
Utron’s conical apex, spiraled to and across its equator, and terminated at the opposite apex… As
contrasted to the common conventional techniques employing looped rotating circuits, the Utron
uses the full potential of the eddy currents set up at its equator on an elliptical angle of 45 degrees,
thus uniting the straight lines of magnetic pressure force with motion to develop a fourth-
dimensional space-time energy pattern which becomes uni-polarized in the inertial attraction of the
affected mass and is actively repelled by the mass. When the equation becomes relative it is
entirely released from such attraction and becomes an independent force in a universal field.

Here it is the same as in the Faraday unipolar generator, where the magnetic field acts on a
rotating electrical conductive material producing electrical energy. The expression “uniting the
straight lines of magnetic pressure force with motion” means that the vector of the magnetic field is
perpendicular to the vector of the linear speed (tangent) of the bicone. The “eddy currents”
mentioned are produced by the Lorentz force when the bicone rotates within this magnetic field,
that is, the electrons in the electrolyte (metallic mercury) conduction layer are displaced to the
periphery and the rotation of the device produces an electric current. The expression “uni-polarized”
refers to the unipolar magnetic field, different from the multipolar motors/generators referred to in
“looped rotating circuits”. The expression “actively repelled by the mass” is due to the phenomenon
of the Lorentz force that pushes electric charges towards the bicone equator.
Carr Technology 13

The initial magnetic field is produced by the winding with biconical shape that starts at the
apex of one cone and ends at the apex of the other. When the Utron is in rotation, a difference in
electric potential is produced between the center and the periphery (equator) of the bicone due to the
electric charges separation. The electric current, produced by the rotation of these charges,
reinforces the initial magnetic field, so the fins of the bicones must be fixed such that the rotation
produces a magnetic field in the right direction (defined by the right hand rule), that reinforces the
original magnetic field. If the rotation is sufficient, the device enters positive feedback.
For the purposes proposed for the Utron, the electrolyte used in the hollow spherical interior
of the bicone is metallic mercury (Hg), precisely used by Faraday in his first unipolar engine
experiment in 1821. There are also references to a spherical Marconi dynamo based on the rotation
(vortex) of metallic mercury and, as Marconi was a student of Nikola Tesla, it is to be expected that
he obtained his information from the same source as Otis Carr, namely Tesla. In this way, Marconi's
dynamo and Carr's Utron would have the same operating principle, as well as Dr. Korovyakov's
unipolar electric motor with fluid mercury rotor.
Marconi developed the dynamo after his association with Tesla in the 1920s. It was an
electric dynamo that had a hollow spherical stator, with coils wrapped around the outer surface. The
sphere was partially filled with metallic mercury, which performed the function of a fluid rotor,
rotating around a vertical axis (or any other).

5.1 Utron Mathematical Model

There are some principles involved in the rotation of metallic masses that have already been
developed mathematically and that allow to establish the conditions that satisfy the production of
energy and propulsion:
1. Gravitational field induction in the direction of the angular velocity vector, that is, its axis of
rotation, described in the chapter Gravitational Potential Neutralization of the article EM-GI
Propulsion Systems [4]. This subject will be discussed in the section Gravitoinercial
Propulsion System below.
2. Separation of electric charges from the electrolyte when the centrifugal potential energy
exceeds the energy of the first ionization potential of the atoms that make up the material,
described in the chapter Separation of Electrical Charges Through Mass Rotation of the
article EM-GI Propulsion Systems [4].
3. Separation of electric charges from the electrolyte when the rotating mass is subjected to a
magnetic field, as a result of the Lorentz force ⃗F =q E ( ⃗v × ⃗
B) .
4. Gathering and projection of electrostatic charges from the atmosphere that flow to the
magnetic vortex produced by the rotation of the magnetic field of the Utron, described in the
chapter Electric Charge Gathering by Magnetic Vortex of the article Power from
Electrostatic Charges [5].

5.1.1 Coil for the Utron

The coil used to produce the initial magnetic field on the Utron's bicone, and which is also
used to move the ship's platforms as a motor/generator when passing through the air gap of the
peripheral electromagnets, does not have a ferromagnetic core, however the surface density of the
magnetic charge B=μ0 H must be sufficient to separate the electrons from the conducting layer of
the metallic mercury inside the bicone. This means that the pulsating electric current applied to the
coils must be calculated for an air core coil.
Initially, we can consider the generation of a surface density of magnetic charge equivalent
to a neodymium magnet (B = 1.25 T), that is, the magnetic field is approximately 1 MA/m (10⁶
14 Carr Technology

The biconical shape of the coil creates difficulties in the calculation, so as an approximation,
we will use the equation for calculating the magnetic field for a cylindrical coil, without introducing
magnetic material:

Hl Bl .
N I E=H l ⇒ I E= =
N μ0 N
N = Number of turns;
IE = Electric current [A];
H = Magnetic field [A m-1];
B = Surface density of magnetic charge [Wb m-2] [T];
μ0 = Magnetic permeability of free space = 1.2566*10-6 Wb A-1 m-1;
l = Coil length [m].

Biconical coil made of copper tube with 100 turns and 30 cm high.
H l 10 ∗0.3
I E= = =3,000 A .
N 100
IE = Electric current [A];
H = 106 A m-1;
l = 0.3 m;
N = 100.

We see that it is a very high current, which can be decreased by increasing the number of
turns. The switching circuit for these coils must be properly dimensioned.

5.1.2 Separation of Electric Charges from the Electrolyte

The second and third principles of electric charges separation allow the mercury vortex to
behave like an electric current loop. The high rotation of Utron, subjecting metallic mercury to the
magnetic field generated by energizing the coil around the bicone, produces an electric current that
reinforces the original magnetic field. The higher the rotation, the more intense the magnetic field
that will induce, in the passage through the air gap of the electromagnets fixed on the external
platform, an electric potential that will recharge the central battery bank.
The electric current that circulates inside the regenerative accumulators is calculated by
knowing the amount of electric charges (free electrons) in the volume of liquid mercury that
circulates per second in the internal vortex of the bicone. In the condition of maximum separation,
when all electrons of the last electronic layer of the electrolyte atoms are rotating at the edge of the
bicone equator, we will have the maximum electrical current that can be produced by Utron.
Applying the equivalent electric charge formula, we have:

q E =ne e S l=ne e V .
qE = Electric charge [C];
ne = Volumetric density of electric charges [electron m-3];
e = Electric charge of electron = 1.602*10-19 C;
V = Volume of mercury = 4/3*πr3 [m3].
Carr Technology 15

Applying the equivalent electric current formula, we have:

I E =q E f =ne e V f .
IE = Electric current [A];
qE = Electric charge [C];
f = Frequency of the rotation = vRPM/60 [cycle s-1] [Hz].

The central area of the accumulators will be subjected to 100% of the magnetic field and the
outermost areas will have a magnetic field proportional to the electric currents that are inside their
diameters. Applying the formula of the magnetic field without the introduction of magnetic
material, we have:

H= ⇒ B=μ0 H .
H = Magnetic field [A m-1];
B = Surface density of magnetic charge [Wb m-2] [T];
μ0 = Magnetic permeability of free space = 1.2566*10-6 Wb A-1 m-1;
IE = Electric current [A];
r = Average internal radius (of the electrolyte) [m].

The concentration of ions ne (which in the case of mercury is equal to the concentration of
free electrons, since each atom contributes an electron), can be computed from the density of
mercury ρHg = 13.58 g/cm3 and its atomic mass MHg = 200.59 g/mol. Atomic mass is the mass of one
mole of atoms, and with the number of Avogadro NA = 6.022×1023 atom/mol, we have:

NA 6.022∗1023
ne =ρHg =13.58 =4.077∗1028 electronm−3 .
M Hg 200.59

Example 1:
Utron accumulator made with electrical insulating material (nylon, celeron, bakelite etc.)
with 25 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height, it has a hollow spherical center of 20 cm in diameter
where metallic mercury is deposited until it fills its volume. The accumulator spin at 12,000 RPM.

Applying the equivalent electric charge formula, we have:

q E =ne e V =4.077∗10 28∗1.602∗10−19∗4.189∗10−3 =2.736∗10 7 A

IE = Electric current [A];
ne = 4.077*1028 electron m-3;
e = 1.602*10-19 C;
V = 4/3*πr3 = 4/3*π(0.1)3 = 4.189*10-3 m3.

Applying the equivalent electric current formula, we have:

7 8
I E =q E f =2.736∗10 ∗200=5.472∗10 A
IE = Electric current [A];
qE = 2.736*107 C;
16 Carr Technology

f = vRPM/60 = 12,000/60 = 200 Hz.

Applying the formula of the magnetic field without the introduction of magnetic material,
we have:

IE 5.472∗10
9 −1
H= = =5.472∗10 A m .
2r 2∗0.05
H = Magnetic field [A m-1];
IE = 5.472*108 A;
r = 0.05 m.

B=μ0 H=1.2566∗10−6∗5.472∗10 9=6.876∗103 T .

B = Surface density of magnetic charge [Wb m-2] [T];
μ0 = 1.2566*10-6 Wb A-1 m-1;
H = 5.472*109 A m-1.

In the real condition, only part of this separation will be achieved, which depends on the
Lorentz’s Force ⃗ F =q E ( ⃗v × ⃗
B ) produced by the rotation of the electrolyte within the magnetic field
of the coil. The separation of electric charges produces an electric field ⃗ E=⃗v ×B⃗ that can be used
to calculate the amount of electric charges separated from the electrolyte, a phenomenon also
known as the Hall effect. The electric field is created by a distribution of electric charges, as with
capacitors, so we can determine the amount of electric charges and the electric current as a function
of the rotation of the electrolyte.
The separation of electric charges in the electrolyte occurs in the direction perpendicular to
the applied magnetic field and to the rotation of the bicone, therefore the charges will be displaced
to the edge of the bicone equator creating a radial electric field perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
In this situation, the distribution of electric charges can be approximated by that of a capacitor,
whose average surface is determined by height (half the diameter of the sphere) and length
(perimeter of the sphere in half the radius). The unfolding of the equations below shows this

⃗ =ε ⃗ ⇒ D= =ε E=ε ⇒ q E =ε S E=ε V E=C E V E ;
S l l

E=⃗v ×B
⃗ ⃗ ⇒ q E =ε S E=ε S v B .
qE = Electric charge [C];
D = Surface density of electric charge [C m-2];
ε = Electric permittivity [C V-1 m-1] [F m-1];
E = Electric field [V m-1];
VE = Electric potential [V];
CE = Electric capacitance [F];
B = Surface density of magnetic charge [Wb m-2];
v = Average linear velocity of electrolyte = 2πr/2 * f = πr vRPM/60 [m s-1];
S = Average surface of capacitor = r * 2πr/2 = πr2 [m2];
l = Distance [m].
Carr Technology 17

The electric current is determined by the amount of electric charges calculated above and by
the frequency of rotation of the electrolyte:

I E =q E f =ε S v B f .
IE = Electric current [A];
qE = Electric charge [C];
f = Frequency of rotation = vRPM/60 [cycle s-1] [Hz].

Example 2:
Utron accumulator made with electrical insulating material (nylon, celeron, bakelite etc.)
with 25 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height, it has a hollow spherical center of 20 cm in diameter
where metallic mercury is deposited until it fills its volume. The accumulator spin at 12,000 RPM
and the applied magnetic is 1 MA/m (1.25 T).

Applying the equivalent electric charge formula, we have:

q E =ε S v B=1.2566∗10 ∗3.1416∗10 ∗6.2832∗10 ∗1.25=3.100∗10 C .
−6 −2 −6

qE = Electric charge [C];
ε = 1.2566*10-6 C V-1 m-1 [F m-1];
B = 1,25 Wb m-2;
v = πr vRPM/60 = 6.2832*101 m s-1;
S = πr2 = 3.1416*10-2 m2.

We see that the amount of electric charge separated in the electrolyte is very small,
compared to the condition of total charge separation. Applying the equivalent electric current
formula, we have:
−6 −4
I E =q E f =3.100∗10 ∗200=6.200∗10 A .
IE = Electric current [A];
qE = 3.100*10-6 C;
f = vRPM/60 = 200 cycle s-1 [Hz].

It is a very small electric current, even multiplying the magnetic field and the rotation by a
factor of 10, it would still fall short of the needs in relation to an increase in the initial magnetic
field. There are two possibilities, the first is that the operation of the Utron does not depend on this
separation of charges from the electrolyte, the second is that the coil is generating a magnetic field
much more intense than that calculated to effectively separate a much larger amount of electrical
charges from the electrolyte.

5.1.3 Gathering of Electrostatic Charges from the Atmosphere

The rotating magnetic fields of the Utron displace electrostatic charges from the atmosphere
and project them around the periphery, producing an electric current that also reinforces the original
magnetic field. In the vicinity of Utron, the density of electrostatic charge decreases because the
magnetic field always projects these charges to the periphery, but more charges from the
atmosphere move to maintain density, and the cycle remains as long as the Utron rotates.
The magnetic vortex of each of the six Utrons distributed on the internal platform collects
and projects the electrostatic charges from the atmosphere directly onto the capacitor plates. The
18 Carr Technology

biconic shape of the Utron causes these charges to be projected by their equator and reach the upper
part of the capacitor plate on the right and the lower part of the capacitor plate on the left of each
Utron. Thus, all capacitor plates receive the same amount of electrostatic charges (called Carr of
neutral conductance) which, when accumulated in large quantities, ionize the plates. They also
produce a high electric current with the rotation of the platform and, therefore, a high magnetic field
in the spin center of the platforms.
In addition, the rotating movement of the inner platform where the Utrons are located
displaces their magnetic fields around the spin center and also displaces a very large amount of
electrostatic charges from the atmosphere around the disk that, as commented by technician Ring,
makes the hull of the ship to behave like jelly (by absorbing these charges and altering its atomic
The mathematical development for calculating the gathering and projection of electrostatic
charges is already carried out in the chapter Electric Charge Gathering by Magnetic Vortex of the
article Power from Electrostatic Charges [5]. In the example below we will use the equations
already demonstrated.

Utron accumulator with 25 cm in diameter and 25 cm high, has an initial magnetic field H =
1 MA/m applied by its coil. The accumulator spin speed is 12,000 RPM.

The approximate amount of electrostatic charge that is under the influence of the magnetic
field will be estimated by the volume of the cylinder minus the volume of the bicone:
25 4
q E =ne e V =4∗10 ∗1.602∗10 ∗8.181∗10 =5.243∗10 C .
−19 −3

qE = Electric charge [C];
ne = Volumetric density of electric charge of the atmosphere = 4*1025 electron m-3;
e = 1.602*10-19 C;
V = Volume = 2/3*πr2*h = 2/3*π*0.1252*0.25 = 8.181*10-3 m3.

The initial surface density of magnetic charge is:

B=μ0 H=1.2566∗10−6∗106 =1.2566T .

B = Surface density of magnetic charge [Wb m-2] [T];
μ0 = 1.2566*10-6 Wb A-1 m-1;
H = 106 A m-1.

The average linear speed of the bicone rotation is taken at the average radius and it will be
considered the velocity of atmospheric air inside the magnetic field of the Utron coil:

2π r 2π r
v RPM = π v RPM r = π 12,000∗0.125=78.54 m s
ω= v ⇒ v̄ =ω = .
60 RPM 2 60 2 60 60
v̄ = Average velocity [m s-1];
vRPM = Spin velocity = 12,000 RPM;
r = bicone radius = 0.125 m.

The force on the electrostatic charge is:

Carr Technology 19

F=e v B=1.602∗10−19∗78.54∗1.2566=1.579∗10−17 N .
F = Force [N];
e = 1.602*10-19 C;
v = 78.54 m s-1;
B = 1.2566 T.

The acceleration of charges is defined as a function of its mass:

F 1.579∗10 13 −2
a= = =1.733∗10 m s .
m e 9.109∗10 −31

a = Acceleration [m s-2];
F = 1.579*10-17 N;
me = Mass of electron = 9.109*10-31 kg.

lm 0.0625
t1 =

√ √
=6.01∗10 s .

t1 = Acceleration time [s];

lm = Magnetic field length (half radius) = 0.0625 m;
a = 1.733*1013 m s-1.

Charges velocity after acceleration:

v o =√ a l m=√ 1.733∗10 13∗0.0625=1.04∗10 6 m s−1 .

d2 0.5 −7
t2 = = 6
=4.81∗10 s .
vo 1.04∗10
t2 = Constant velocity time [m s-1];
d2 = Distance between Utron and capacitor plate ≈ 0.5 m;
vo = 1.04*106 m s-1.

The average time of the charge path from the center of the magnetic field to the capacitor
plates is:

t=t 1 +t 2=6.01∗10−8 + 4.81∗10−7 =5.41∗10−7 s .

The amount of electric charges that each capacitor plate receives per second is:

10 −1
I E= = =9.69∗10 C s .
t 5.41∗10

This is just an estimate of the amount of electric charges projected by a small Utron unit that
has an initial magnetic field corresponding to a common magnet. It is clearly defined why the name
of the plates is “capacitor plates”, because these plates accumulate lots of electric charges. In
operation, this magnetic field is greatly amplified, which makes this device very suitable as an
energy generator.
20 Carr Technology

6 Peripheral Magnetic System

The peripheral magnetic system consists of two parts:
1. A set of six Utron regenerative accumulators that rotate in counter-rotation with their axis of
rotation at 45° from the vertical, distributed 60° from each other around the perimeter of the
internal platform, that rotates in direct rotation;
2. A set of twelve electromagnets distributed at 30° from each other around the perimeter of
the external structure of the disc that rotates in counter-rotation near the ship's hull.

The shape of the twelve electromagnets fixed on the external structure of the hull is similar
to a horseshoe, or also, like the “C” cores of transformers. A coil of enameled copper wire is wound
around the central leg of each core and the Utron accumulators pass through the core air gap, which,
because of their magnetic fields, induce an electric potential in the electromagnetic coils. Of the
twelve electromagnets, only six are energized at a time in the passage of the six accumulators,
therefore, we have two circuits lagged by 30°. In the beginning, the system works as a motor but,
after a certain rotation, it function as a self-sustaining generator, supplying energy to recharge the
central battery.
A consequence of the shape of the Utron accumulators is that, when the system works as a
generator, only a fraction of the magnetic field produced by them is transferred to the core of the
electromagnets in the periphery. This is necessary because its magnetic fields become very intense
and could saturate the core.

Figure 7: Utron device inside transformer air gap.

When the Utron accumulator pass in the air gap of the core, there is a sinusoidal variation in
the surface density of the magnetic charge of the core that induces an electric potential inversely
proportional to the time of this variation (magnetic induction). The electric potential induced in each
coil will be proportional to the number of coil turns:

dq M dB
f =1/t , q M =B S ⇒ V E =−N =−N S =−N S B f .
dt dt
VE = Electric potential [V];
N = Number of coil turns;
Carr Technology 21

qM = Magnetic charge [Wb];

B = Surface density of magnetic charge [Wb m-2] [T];
S = Core section area [m2];
t = Time of senoidal wave [s];
f = Frequency of senoidal wave [cycles s-1] [Hz].

Each accumulator that passes through the air gap of the ferromagnetic core induces an
electric potential in the coil, so the frequency of the sine wave will be multiplied by the number of
accumulators that pass through the core:

f =N r .
f = Frequency of induced sinusoidal electrical potential [Hz];
Nr = Number of accumulators;
vRPM = Translation speed of rollers around the plate [RPM].

As an example, in each coil, with 6 accumulators surrounding the platform, it will be

induced a sine wave of frequency equivalent to:

f =6∗ = Hz .
60 10

The energy that can be extracted depends on the magnetic energy density of each
accumulator and their magnetic volume, and corresponds to the energy of the magnetic field:
1 1 B
U= B H S d= μ S d .
2 2
U = Energy [J];
B = Surface density of magnetic charge of the accumulator [Wb m-2] [T];
H = Magnetic field intensity of the accumulator [A m-1];
μ = Magnetic permeability of the accumulator [Wb A-1 m-1] [H m-1];
S = Magnetic surface of the accumulator [m2];
d = High of the accumulator [m].

The passage of each accumulator through the peripheral coils determines a frequency that
defines the electrical power that can be extracted from the set of accumulators in one coil:
1 B
P=U f = Sdf .
2 μ
P = Power [W];
U = Energy [J];
f = Frequency of induced sinusoidal electrical potential [Hz].

If the device has 12 coils, we will have 12 times this power. The calculation of each coil
follows the conventional procedure for calculating transformers. The classic formula for calculating
transformers is:
22 Carr Technology

N= .
4,44 BMAX S f
N = Number of coil turns;
VE = Electric potential (RMS) applied to coil [V];
BMAX = Maximum surface density of magnetic charge of ferromagnetic core [Wb m-2] [T];
S = Core section area [m2];
f = Operating frequency [Hz].

Six Utron accumulators made with electrical insulating material (nylon, celeron, bakelite,
etc.) with a diameter of 1 m and a height of 1 m, have a hollow spherical center of 0.8 m in diameter
where metallic mercury is deposited until filling its volume. An intricate coil of enameled copper
wire is wound on the outer surface starting at the apex of one cone and ending at the apex of the
other cone. The final rotation of each accumulator is 12,000 RPM.
In the outer perimeter, 12 electromagnets in “C” shape are made of ferromagnetic material
(silicon steel sheets) with a relative magnetic permeability of 4,000, withstand a surface density of
magnetic charge (magnetic induction) of 1.2 T [Wb/m 2]. Their air gaps have a height of 1 m and a
square section of 20 x 20 cm. In this condition, when the accumulators pass through the air gap,
there will be spaces of 15 cm above and below.
The relative rotation between the internal platform (where the accumulators are) and the
external platform (where the electromagnets are) is 24,000 RPM. The output voltage of each coil is
12,000 Volts and only six electromagnets are energized at a time in the passage of the six
accumulators, therefore, we have two 30° lagged circuits, which are used as a motor and, after
reaching self-sustained speed, work as generator. The coils are connected in parallel to supply the
central battery of the disc.

The electric current that circulates inside the regenerative accumulators is calculated by the
amount of electric charges (free electrons) of the volume of liquid mercury that circulates per
second. The mathematical development to calculate this field was done in the section Rotation of
Volumetrically Charged Masses of the article EM-GI Propulsion Systems [4]. Applying the
equivalent electric current formula, we have:

I E =ne e V f =4.077∗1028∗1.602∗10−19∗8.533∗10−2∗200=1.115∗1011 A
IE = Electric current [A];
ne = Volumetric density of electric charge = 4.077*1028 electron m-3;
e = Electric charge of electron = 1.602*10-19 C;
V = Volume of mercury = 4/3*πr3 = 4/3*π(0.4)3 = 8.533*10-2 m3;
f = Frequency of rotation = vRPM/60 = 12,000/60 = 200 Hz.

The central area of the accumulators will be subjected to 100% of the magnetic field and the
outermost areas will have a magnetic field proportional to the electric currents that are within their
diameters. Applying the formula of the magnetic field without the introduction of magnetic
material, we have:

IE 1.115∗10
H= = =1.115∗1011 A m−1 .
2r 2∗0.5
H = Magnetic field [A m-1];
Carr Technology 23

IE = 1.115*1011 A;
r = Internal radius = 0.5 m.

B=μ0 H=1.2566∗10−6∗1.115∗1011 =1.401∗105 T .

B = Surface density of magnetic charge [Wb m-2] [T];
μ0 = 1.2566*10-6 Wb A-1 m-1;
H = 1.115*1011 A m-1.

The frequency of the electric potential induced by the passage of six accumulators is
calculated by:

v RPM 24,000
f =6 =6 =2,400 Hz .
60 60
f = Frequency of sinusoidal wave [Hz];
vRPM = 24,000 RPM.

Only a fraction of the calculated magnetic field will induce electric potential in the
electromagnetic coils and the 15 + 15 cm air gap ensures that the core material does not saturate, so
we will consider that the value of B does not exceed the maximum value allowed by the
ferromagnetic cores. Coil calculation:

V RMS 12,000
N= = =23.46≈24 turns
4.44 BMAX S f −2
4.44∗1.2∗4∗10 ∗2,400
N = Number of coil turns;
VRMS = 12,000 V;
BMAX = 1.2 T;
S = 400 cm2 = 4*10-2 m2;
f = 2,400 Hz.

The electrical power delivered by the external magnetic system (Utron accumulators +
electromagnets) can be evaluated by the magnetic energy produced by the Utron accumulators. The
amount of magnetic field that induces electric potential in the electromagnetic coils is proportional
to the area of the core section relative to the area of the circumference of the accumulators. As the
current turns in the liquid metal are at varying distances from the axis of rotation of the
accumulators, the magnetic field tends to be larger on the axis than on the periphery. Therefore, if
the accumulators pass through the air gap in an average position between the axis and the periphery,
we will have an average magnetic field smaller than the calculated total. The list of areas is:
1. Core section area = 4*10-2 m2;
2. Accumulator circumference area = πr2 = π(0.5)2 = 5.854*10-1 m2.

Considering that the difference in the areas is approximately 20 times and that the magnetic
field is smaller than calculated, we will approximate the reduction of the field to 100. The amount
of energy in the magnetic field that passes through the air gaps is given by:

1 1 2
U= μ 0 H 2 V = 1.2566∗10−6∗( 1.115∗109 ) ∗2.8∗10−2=2.187∗1010 J .
2 2
24 Carr Technology

U = Energy [J];
μ0 = 1.2566*10-6 Wb A-1 m-1;
H = 1.115*109 A m-1;
V = Magnetic field volume = A*l = 4*10-2 * 0.7 = 2.8*10-2 m3.

The available electrical power of the magnetic field that can be extracted from each coil in
the passage of the six accumulators is:
10 13
P=U f =2.187∗10 ∗2,400=5.249∗10 W .
P = Electrical power [W];
U = 2.187*1010 J;
f = 6*24,000/60 = 2,400 Hz.

All this power will not be available on electromagnets because there are limitations related
to the materials used, however, it is an available power that can be used when magnetic materials
with very high permeability are developed.

7 Magnetic Propulsion System of Capacitor Plates

The capacitor plate system has the purpose of storing a high amount of electrical particles
(called neutral conductance by Carr) using so-called atmospheric electricity. In working condition,
the plates become ionized and have a corona-like effect with a very soft bluish-green luminescence,
as stated by Carr when asked if the disk gets warm because its high rotation: [2]

No, it won't because it has its own protection field which is its electromagnetic actuation.
We described it as a self-contained unit. This ionization of the capacitor plates sets up a glow
brilliantly with a very soft luminescent light.

It would be in the nature of blue-green or very similar to the electric arc you see in
welding. This is the field we are testing. It does not have a heat barrier in forward velocity at all.
This electromagnetic field is being tested out now in conventional aircraft and proved very

The luminescence observed is due to the projection of electrostatic charges and ions to the
periphery of the craft, which ionizes the atmospheric air and, due to the low pressure of the ionized
air, presents the corona effect, similar to that observed in evacuated tubes.
We saw above that the capacitor plates are charged by atmospheric electricity, so that they
absorb and accumulate the electrostatic charges deflected by the equipment. The accumulation of
charges makes the plates superconducting and multiplies the intensity of the magnetic field created
on the central axis of the craft, as we saw in the chapter Magnetic Propulsion Through Mass
Rotation of the article EM-GI Propulsion Systems [4]. There are two ways of absorbing
electrostatic charges:
1. Each of the six rotating Utron generators produces a 45° inclined magnetic field that deflects
the electrostatic charges from the atmosphere and rotates them around their circumference,
so these charges collide with the adjacent capacitor plates;
2. The central magnetic field produced in the form of a vortex deflects the electrostatic charges
from the atmosphere and projects them from the center to the periphery of the craft. In this
path, the charges collide with the capacitor plates.
Carr Technology 25

In this way, the capacitor plates in high rotation speed, having excess electric charges,
behave like a high-intensity electric current, sufficient to create an intense vertical magnetic field on
the craft axis that repulses the vertical component of the terrestrial magnetic field and allows the
craft to float magnetically in the atmosphere.

Internal platform with a diameter of 15 m, central battery diameter of 3 m, with six metal
capacitor plates folded in “C” format, so that their surface doubles. The capacitor plates have a
length of 5 m, an external width of 3 m and an internal width of 2 m. The thickness of these plates is
10 mm and the material is copper. The platform rotates at 12,000 RPM. We will consider that the
capacitor plates absorb an additional electrostatic charge that multiplies the free electrons density of
copper by 1,000, that is, the plates become superconducting.

Applying the equivalent electric current formula, we have:

I E =ne e S l f =8.46∗1031∗1.602∗10−19∗150∗10−2∗200=4.066∗1015 A .
IE = Electric current [A];
ne = Volumetric density of electric charge = 8.4538*1031 electron m-3;
e = Electric charge of electron = 1.602*10-19 C;
S = Area of plates = 6 * 2 (5 * 2.5) = 150 m2;
l = Plate thickness = 10-2 m;
f = Rotation frequency = vRPM/60 = 12,000/60 = 200 Hz.

The central area of 5 m radius will be subjected to 100% of the magnetic field and the
outermost areas will have a magnetic field proportional to the electric currents that are within their
diameters. Applying the formula of the magnetic field without the introduction of magnetic
material, we have:

IE 4.066∗1015
H= = =8.132∗1014 A m−1 .
2r 2∗2.5
H = Magnetic field [A m-1];
IE = Electric current = 4.066*1015 A;
r = Internal radius = 2.55 m.
14 9
B=μ0 H=1.2566∗10 ∗8.132∗10 =1.022∗10 T .

B = Surface density of magnetic charge or magnetic induction [Wb m-2] [T];
μ0 = Magnetic permeability of atmosphere = 1.2566*10-6 Wb A-1 m-1;
H = 8.132*1014 A m-1.

The repulsion force between the magnetic field created in the center of the ship and the
vertical component of the terrestrial magnetic field is:
14 7
F=q M H =B S H =10 ∗19.635∗8.132∗10 =1.597∗10 N .

F = Repulsion force [N];
B = Vertical component of terrestrial surface density of magnetic charge = 10-9 T;
S = Area submitted to the magnetic field = πr2 = π(2.5)2 = 19.635 m2;
26 Carr Technology

H = 8.132*1014 A m-1.

The amount of gravitational charge (mass) that can be levitated with this force is:
F 1.597∗10 6
qG = = =1.628∗10 kg .
G 9.80665
qG = Gravitational charge (mass) [kg];
F = 1.597*107 N;
G = Terrestrial gravitational field [N kg-1] = g = gravitational acceleration = 9.80665 m s-2.

8 Gravitoinertial Propulsion System

The theoretical development that allows to neutralize the gravitational attraction in function
of the speed of an object was made in the chapter Gravitational Neutralization of the article Inertial
Field [3], by analogy to the balance of forces that keeps a satellite in orbit on the planet. This
gravitational neutralization was further studied in the section Gravitational Potential Neutralization
in the article EM-GI Propulsion Systems [4]. We saw that when an object is in high rotation, it is
possible to overcome the planet's gravitational force, and we performed calculations that allow
quantifying this phenomenon, known as the gyroscopic effect.
If the external platform rotates at high speed, it can help neutralize the weight of the discoid
craft considering that the inertial current is the square of the speed and this induces a gravitational
potential. The equations are:

2 2V G
I I =v =ω r = ω ( r 2−r 1 ) =V G ⇒ ω= 2 2 .

2 2 2
2 2

r 2−r 1

II = Inertial current [m2 s-2];

ω = Angular speed of object [rad s-1];
r1 = Internal radius of object [m];
r2 = External radius of object [m];
VG = Gravitational potential [m2 s-2].

The gravitational potential on the planet's equatorial surface is:

QG −11 5.976∗10
7 2 −2
V G=k g =6.6739∗10 6
=6.253∗10 m s .
R 6.378∗10
VG = Gravitational potential [N m kg-1] [m2 s-2];
kg = Universal gravitational constant = 6.6739*10-11 N m2 kg-2 [m3 kg-1 s-2];
QG = Gravitational charge (mass) of the Earth = 5.976*1024 kg;
R = Equatorial radius of Earth = 6.378*106 m.

In the case of a discoid craft, in which the total weight is greater than the weight of the
rotating mass, we must calculate the additional gravitational potential by matching the inertial
energy of the amount of rotating gravitational charge with the gravitational energy of the total
gravitational charge of the device:
Carr Technology 27

2V G q G 2 2 kg QG qG 2

U=qG 1 V G 1=q G 1 I I =q G1 ω ( r 22−r 21 ) =qG 2 V G ⇒ ω= 2 2

2 r 2−r 1 q G 1
= 2 2

( r 2−r 1 ) R qG 1

U = Energy [J];
qG1 = Rotating gravitational charge [kg];
qG2 = Total Gravitational charge [kg];
VG1 = Gravitational potential of the rotating object [m2 s-2];
VG = Gravitational potential of the planet [m2 s-2];
II = Inertial current of the rotating object [m2 s-2];
ω = Angular speed of the object [rad s-1];
r1 = Internal radius of platform [m];
r2 = External radius of platform [m].

A discoid flying saucer is constructed with an external platform 15 m in diameter with
25,000 kg of total mass. The mass of the external platform that turns in counter-rotation, due to the
weight of the electromagnets, is 6,000 kg, distributed in the last meter of the ship's radius. Calculate
the speeds to cancel 30% and 100% of the total weight.

In the case of eliminating 30% of the weight we have:

2kg QG q G 2 −11
5.976∗10 ∗25,000
√ ( r 22−r 12) R qG 1
√ 2 2
( 15 −14 ) 6.378∗10 6
3 −1
=2.322∗10 rad s .

60 60
v RPM = ω= 2.322∗10 3=2.22∗10 4 RPM .
2π 2π
vRPM = Rotation speed [RPM];
qG1 = Rotating gravitational charge = 6,000 kg;
qG2 = Total Gravitational charge = 25,000 kg;
r1 = Internal radius of platform = 14 m;
r2 = External radius of platform = 15 m;
kg = Universal gravitational constant = 6.6739*10-11 N m2 kg-2 [m3 kg-1 s-2];
QG = Gravitational charge (mass) of the Earth = 5.976*1024 kg;
R = Equatorial radius of Earth = 6.378*106 m.

In the case of eliminating 100% of the weight we have:

2kg QG q G 2 2∗6.674∗10
−11 24
5.976∗10 ∗25,000
√ ( r 22−r 12) R qG 1
√ 2 2
( 15 −14 ) 6.378∗10 6
=4.239∗103 rad s−1 .

60 60 4 4
v RPM = ω= 4.239∗10 =4.05∗10 RPM .
2π 2π

9 Artificial Gravity System

We know that the counter rotation of the internal and external platforms maintain the cabin
stationary. But there is the counter rotation of the Utrons devices mounted on the direct rotation
28 Carr Technology

internal platform, so we have two masses at opposite rotations. In the chapter Gravitational
Potential Neutralization of the article EM-GI propulsion Systems [4], we developed a mathematical
approach for the induction of a gravitational potential with the rotation of masses, so with two
masses at opposite rotations we have, at the meeting point of these two gravitational fields, an
artificial gravitational center.
On the internal platform that rotates in direct rotation, in addition to the capacitor plates,
there are six Utron accumulators that rotate in counter rotation. These opposite rotations allow the
formation, in the axis of rotation of the platform and the Utrons, a center of gravitational attraction
to which the ship and everything under the influence of this gravitational field will be pushed. In the
axis of rotation of the internal and external platforms that rotate in opposite rotations, a gravitational
center of less intensity also forms. It is what we can call artificial gravity.
The gravitational center is proportional to the amount of inertial energy of the same amount
for opposite rotations, that is, the amount of inertial energy that one platform has more than the
other will result in a gravitational force in that direction.
The gravitational potential associated with this gravitational center is calculated from the
same equations already seen:
2 2
I I =v =ω r = ω ( r 2−r 1 ) =V G ⇒ U=qG V G =qG I I =qG ω ( r 2−r 1 ) .
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2
II = Inertial current [m2 s-2];
ω = Angular velocity of object [rad s-1];
r = Distance from object to spin center [m];
r1 = Internal radius of platform [m];
r2 = External radius of platform [m];
VG = Gravitational potential [m2 s-2];
U = Energy [J];
qG = Rotating gravitational charge [kg].

On the other hand, considering what was exposed in the article Gravitational Charge [6], the
energy associated with a gravitational field may be expressed by:

1 2 1 2
u= γ0G ⇒ U= γ0 G V .
2 2
u = Volumetric density of energy [J m-3];
U = Energy [J];
γ0 = Gravitational permeability of vacuum = 1.19230*109 [kg2 N-1 m-2];
G = Gravitational field [N kg-1] = acceleration [m s-2];
V = Volume of the gravitational field [m3].

Matching the two energies, we can estimate the value of the artificial gravitational field
produced by the rotation of a quantity of gravitational charge (mass):

1 2U 2q G qG 2 2 2
U=qG ( ω r ) 2=q G ω ( r 22−r 21 )= γ 0 G2 V
2 2
⇒ G=
√ γ0V

γ0 V
( ω r ) 2=
√γ0 V
ω ( r 2−r 1 ) .

A flying saucer is built with an internal platform of 12 m in diameter with six Utrons evenly
distributed at 60° from each other around the circumference. According to the original design, the
Carr Technology 29

Utrons are mounted at an angle of 45° in relation to the central axis of the craft. Their centers are 4
m away from the axis and each Utron has a mass of 200 kg with a diameter and height of 50 cm. Its
counter-rotation is such that it balances the direct rotation of the platform, which is 24,000 RPM.

The inertial energy of the set is given by:

2 3 2 11
U=qG ( ω r ) =1,200∗( 2.513∗10 ∗4 ) =1.2125∗10 J .
U = Energy [J];
qG = 6*200 = 1,200 kg;
ω = 2π/60 vRPM = 2π/60*24.000 = 2.513*103 rad s-1;
r = 4 m.

To simplify the calculations, we will estimate that the volume occupied by the gravitational
field projected at 45° is given by the sum of six cylinders with the same diameter and height as the

2U 2∗1.2125∗1011


γ0 V
√ 9
1.19230∗10 ∗9.817∗10 −2
=45.517 N kg =45.517 ms

G = Gravitational field [N kg-1] = acceleration [m s-2];

U = 1.2125*1011 J;
γ0 = 1.19230*109 [kg2 N-1 m-2];
V = 6*πr2*h = 6*π(0.25)2*0.5 = 9.817*10-2 m3.

This gravitational field value occurs within the volume occupied by both opposite fields,
which is formed 4 meters above the platform. The above value is sufficient to overcome the strength
of the Earth's gravitational field and transport everything inside the ship without the effects of
A gravitational field is also formed inside the ship centered on the axis of rotation of the two
platforms that rotate in opposite directions. The volume occupied by the opposite gravitational
fields is determined by the height of the craft (here estimated in 3 meters) and the area of the
circumference whose radius is the distance from the Utrons to the center of rotation (4 meters in this

2U 2∗1.2125∗10 11

√ γ0 V
√ 9
1.19230∗10 ∗1.508∗10 2
=1.161 N kg =1.161m s

G = Gravitational field [N kg-1] = acceleration [m s-2];

U = 1.2125*1011 J;
γ0 = 1.19230*109 [kg2 N-1 m-2];
V = πr2*h = π(4)2*3 = 1.508*102 m3.

10 Conclusion
We see that the “Amusement Device” patented by Otis Carr is a description of the complete
schematic and parts for a flying saucer based on rotating devices. Its fundamental Utron device is an
application for the Faraday’s disc, geometrically adapted to function as an energy generator and
magnetic propulsion device. There is a lot of genius in this project.
30 Carr Technology

The central energy of the project, that starts the opposed rotation of two platforms, is a set of
batteries housed inside an Utron device that function as a generator and produces an intense
magnetic field in the center of the craft. Initial calculations with modest dimensions for this field
gave B = 106 T, more than sufficient to recharge the central set of batteries.
The peripheral magnetic system, composed of six Utron devices that pass through the air
gap of the external electromagnetic coils, can work as motor or generator. Each Utron device is a
unipolar generator with rotating metallic mercury inside it. Its dimensions, for a craft, can release an
excess of energy of 1010 J and, depending on rotation, a power of 1013 W, with first approximations,
although only part of this is necessary to power up the entire craft electrical systems.
The metallic capacitor plates distributed in the perimeter of the internal platform accumulate
electrostatic charges projected radially and change its atomic structure to become a superconductor.
This makes it possible the magnetic buoyancy with the created magnetic field and the terrestrial
magnetic field. First calculations shows that it is possible to neutralize the weight of 106 kg.
The mass of the external platform in rotation may be used to give gyroscopic propulsion,
and simple calculations with a 15 m in diameter craft gave the possibility to neutralize the weight of
its 25 tons with 4*105 RPM. This is a good result for simple mass rotation.
The possibility to create an artificial gravitational center considering the opposed rotation of
two masses showed that the Carr’s craft used this method as a gravitational shield, to overcome any
external gravitational field, turning the craft as a little planet with its own gravity center.
It was demonstrated that the technology developed by Otis Carr is complete, that is, it is
able to produce energy and propulsion for flying saucers with actual and already established
technology. There is no need for any type of fuel other than what nature itself freely gives.

1: CASSIDY, Kerry, Ralph Ring Interview, , August, 2006,
2: NEBEL, 'Long John', Otis Carr Interview, WOR Radio, , 1959,
3: GOBBI, Julio C., Inertial Field, The General Science Journal, June, 2019,
4: GOBBI, Julio C., EM-GI Propulsion Systems, The General Science Journal, March, 2020, http://
5: GOBBI, Julio C., Power from Electrostatic Charges, The General Science Journal, November,
6: GOBBI, Julio C., Gravitational Charge, The General Science Journal, July, 2017,

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