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Components 12 Stolen goods Contents

1 Round Tracker Pg. 3-4 Setup Pg. 14-16: Game End and Scoring
1 Game Board (3 Diamonds, 3 Paintings, 3 Antiques)
3 Caper Trackers Pg. 5-8 Round Overview — Thief Round & Gear Rounds Pg. 17-18: The Cities of Caper: Europe
1 Score Pad
Pg. 9-12: Icons and Sets / Pg. 13: Turn Example
2 Player Aids 10 Coins
8 Core Location Cards Becoming the greatest Mastermind to wander Europe is no small feat.
15 Core Thief Cards You’ll need to pull off daring capers in lucrative locations across the
30 Core Gear Cards continent. But watch out! Your rival Mastermind is looking to do the
same and could thwart your best-laid plans. Outwit them with the right
20 City-Based Location Cards • 5 PER CITY crew and latest gear to pull off the perfect heist.
12 City-Based Thief Cards • 3 PER CITY
24 City-Based Gear Cards • 6 PER CITY Locations Deck • 28 Cards
Overview & Objective
Caper is a two-player game that takes place over 6 Rounds across 3 Locations.
Gear Deck • 48 Cards
During a round, each Mastermind will play Thief cards at Locations or Gear cards
on top of Thieves. After playing a card, each Mastermind exchanges their entire
hand of cards—giving the other player access to the cards they just had! Points
will be scored at the end of the game. The Mastermind with the most wins!

ways you’ll score points

LOCATIONS • Move the Caper Tracker closer to your side of the
CREDITS & THANKS • This game was able to be made thanks to the support of our Kickstarter backers! Thank you for your board at the end to win a Location and score its Points and Bonuses.
passion and love for gaming together. We couldn’t do this without you! Happy gaming.
CARDS • Even if you don’t win a Location, your Thief and Gear cards
Game Design: Unai Rubio • Development: Mattox Shuler, Matt Aiken • Illustration: Josh Emrich • Icons and Layout: Mattox may award you standalone points or points through sets.
Shuler • Rules Editing: Press Pot Games - Travis D. Hill, Donny Behne • Rules Layout: Bridgette Indelicato
STOLEN GOODS • Steal unique Stolen Goods from the Locations and
Playtesting: Fero officiatum nestem sus, aut rem hilleni modignist, quam, comnis di consentis susa que.
score you luxiros loot at the end of the game.
1 2
setup 3. Setup the Cards on the Board • Place the shuffled Thief and Gear decks face-down onto their match-
1. Set the Table • Sit across the table from the other Mastermind. Place the board between you with long ing icon slots on the board. From the Locations deck, reveal one Location card into each of the three
side facing each player. On one side of the board, place the 10 Coins within reach to form the supply. location spots on the board. All other Location cards and other City’s cards can be placed back in the box
and will not be used for the game.
2. Setup the Decks • Locate the core Thief, Gear, and Location decks. Choose one City to play in, then
shuffle that City’s Thief cards, Gear cards, and Location cards into their respecitve core decks with a 4. Setup the Stolen Goods • Randomly place four Stolen Goods into their slots at each of the three Loca-
matching back. tions with their icons face up. You can do this by placing the Stolen Goods face-down on the table, shuf-
fling them around, and then revealing them into each Location Stolen Good slot.
5. Setup the Rest of the Board • Place a Caper Tracker in the middle position of each Caper Track at the
For your first, game, we recommend playing in lovely Paris. Crack open Paris’ pack and shuffle in three location areas. Place the Round Tracker in the top slot of the Round Track. You’re ready to play!
its cards into each core deck. Read about the nitty-gritty City details on pg. 13-14

CORE CARD Shuffle the City’s 5 Locations with the 8 core Locations
2 2

City specific Thieves, Gear, and

Locations feature that City’s icon
Shuffle the City’s 3 Thieves Shuffle the City’s 6 Gear
in the bottom left corner; whereas
with the 15 core Thieves with the 30 core Gear
Core cards do not. 3 3
3 3
1 5

4 4 4
5 5 5

3 your side of locations Hideout Area for your Stolen Goods and Discards 4
Round structure Thief Rounds
Each Round begins by referencing the Round Tracker. The icon next to the Round Tracker indicates Thieves are the backbone of a good heist. Three Thief rounds occur across the game.
which adjacent deck to deal cards from and how many cards each player will receive. The icon’s arrow During a Thief round, Masterminds place Thieves on their side of the board at Loca-
points to the current round’s Starting Mastermind. They will play a card first each turn this round. tions. Each Thief comes with skills represented by the icons under their name. Thieves
can help move the Caper Tracker to win a Location, earn you Points through card clor
combos, or give you a pick the Location’s Stolen Goods. In addition, many Thieves will
The first round begins with the Round allow you to gain Coins immediately from the supply for use on later Gear rounds.
Tracker next to this icon. The icon is ad-
jacent to Thief deck and shows 4 pips, so
each Mastermind will start with 4 cards on a thief turn:
in their hand from the Thief deck. 1. Place a Thief at a Location with an open slot
available on your side
2. Gain the number of Coins listed on the Thief
3. Resolve any icons that are triggered (Pg. 9 -10)

On a turn, the Starting Mastermind plays a card from their hand, then
Each Location has a max of 3 Thieves per side
the other Mastermind plays a card from their hand, then both players
2 Thief slots at a Location are denoted by the mark. Once those three slots are filled on
exchange their hand of cards. This will continue until one card is left
your side, you can no longer play Thieves there, but your opponent may as long as they
in each player’s hand. Instead of exchanging hands, the final card
still have open slots available on their side of the board. It does not matter which of the
is discarded to their Hideout area, marking round’s end. Move the
three slots you play the Thief on.
Round Tracker one slot down and start a new round. Rounds alternate
between playing Thieves at Locations and Gear onto Thieves. After Each Mastermind plays a
the final Gear round (FIN), the game ends and is scored.
thief card color
card, then they will exchange
Cream • All Thief cards are a Cream color and pair with icon sets showing this color at a Location
their entire hand.

what’s on draft • The process of playing a card then exchanging hands is called drafting. Be on the It pays to save • Some Thieves have powerful ablities, but bring in little to no Coins. Make sure to plan
lookout for what you need, but also what you’re passing to your opponent. If you aren’t hiring a Thief, then well for the upcoming Gear round where often you’ll need Coins to pay for more powerful Gear. With
they’re headed right over to the other Mastermind to see if they can work for them! each subsequent Thief round, you will start with less and less Thieves.
5 6
Gear Rounds Assembling a Crew
Three Gear rounds also occur across the game, so pairing the right Gear with the right Each Thief and Gear card you play at a Location becomes a
Crew is critical for success. During these rounds, Masterminds play Gear onto their part of your Crew there. All cards in your Crew work together
Thief card. Each Thief can hold a max of 3 Gear cards on top. Some Gear has a Coin at that Location. Therefore, Gear cards do not have to be played
cost that must be paid in order to be played. To pay for a Gear card, simply place the on a specific Thief to trigger that Thief’s icons. As long as the
appropriate number of Coins back into the supply. card is played at the Location, it applies to each icon there.

on a gear turn, you may

1. Select a Gear card to play, paying its cost gear card colors
Discard a Gear card from your
2. Place the Gear card on a Thief with an open slot available OR hand and gain a Coin.
Gear cards also have a Color. These Colors can trigger other
3. Resolve any Icons that are triggered on the card (Pg. 9-10) icons on cards at that Location. In each game, there are 4 Core
4. Check if any Thief or Location effects are also triggered Gear Colors and 1 City Specific Color. Combo card colors with
icons that match to maximize your crew’s effectiveness (Pg. 11).

purple • Helps you move the Caper green • Helps you take Stolen Goods
4 Tracker to win a Location Points from Locations
Gear should be placed onto
a Thief or onto the latest
2 played Gear card on a yellow • Helps you gain Coins to pay Red • Helps you shut down your Oppo-
Thief, so that all icons and for more fancy Gear nent’s plays
1 3
colors of the previous cards
played are visible.
city color • Each city’s Gear has any gear color • This also includes
a unique focus. Only one of these any City-specific Gear
colors will be in each game.

Max of 3 Gear per Thief

Rain Check • You might discard a Gear card if you cannot afford to play it, need money for a card coming what’s to come • If you want to win a Location, sometimes leaving yourself enough slots for Gear is key
back to you, or want to prevent your opponent using a card that works well with their crew. in the later rounds. This can help defend against late game movement of the Caper Tracker.
7 8
icons effects set Effects
Icons and how they interact with other cards is the core of learning Caper: Europe. There are only 5 core Some Icons are paired together to signify that you resolve its effect if certain conditions are met. Most
game icons. We’ll learn what they do and how they interact on these next two pages. For City specific often these effects resolve if you play a specific card color at that Location. These icons are ongoing Set
icons effects, see pages 17-18. Effects and can resolve multiple times.
For each card or set of cards
Set Effects can be read from top to bottom like this
Effects that Resolve Immediately Resolve this effect

Move the Caper Tracker • Move the Caper Tracker at point effects For example, this icon reads “For each Green card in your Crew,
this Location 1 space toward you. (Pg. 11) resolve at Game End move the one space toward you.” So when you play the Con-
ductor to a Crew that already has 2 Green cards, you’d immediately
move the 2 spaces toward you. This effect is ongoing so on
Gain a Coin • Gain a Coin from the supply. (Pg. 12) 5 future turns, when you play a Green card with this Crew you would
Gain POINT(s) also move the one space toward you.
Burn a card • Discard one of the topmost Gear cards on the
Gain a Point for each
Opponent’s side of this Location and revert its Icon. (Pg. 12) Set Effects with Points will resolve at the end of the game. For exam-
star or number of
stars inside. ple, this icon reads “For each Green card + Any Color Gear card in
Steal a Stolen Good • Take the matching Stolen Good from your Crew, score 2 points.” In this example to your left, The Bon Vi-
(Pg. 14)
this Location and place it in your hideout. The allows you vant is currently scoring 2 Points at the end of the game since there
to take any Stolen Good from this Location. (Pg. 14) is one set of a Green + Any Color (Green in this case) in the Crew.

Some Set Effects do not include Card Colors, but Stolen Goods instead. This means you will
For each Icon present on a card, resolve its effect. For example, the Incognito score Points for each Stolen Good of that type in your hideout at the end of the game. For
Tuxedo immediately moves the twice at its location. The Smoke Screen example the reward at this Locations reads, “Score 2 Points per Painting in your Hideout.” So if
immediately moves the once, but its Point scores at the end of the game. you ended the game with 3 Paintings and won the Lourve, this effect would score you 6 Points.

Wombo Combos • Playing cards with overlapping colors in their set effects can help maximize your
perfect Balance • An expert Mastermind knows how to balance the effects they need to come out on Crew’s potential, but that also gives information to your opponent as to what you want to draft. Always
top. Knowing when to move the Caper Tracker or when to take a Stolen Good can make or break the plan. have a backup plan in the case you are unable to pull off your big combo!
9 10
locations and how to win them Burning cards
Location cards depict the scene of the heist. Each of the 3 When you play a card with , choose one of your opponent’s topmost Gear
Locations includes 4 Stolen Goods, a Location Card, a Caper cards on a Thief at this Location and have them discard it. Only revert its imme-
Track, and slots for 3 Thieves on both sides. diate icon effects; do not revert effects previously gained from other Set Effects.
A Location will reward Points to the Mastermind who has If the burned card shows:
moved its closer to their side at the end of the game.
Move the a number of spaces back toward you equal to the
The further a Mastermind moves the to their side, the
number of on the burned card.
Points Location Effect Bonus Points more Bonus Points they can earn. If the game ends with the
Caper Tracker in the middle, neither Mastermind wins the Location.
Your opponent returns the amount of Coins pictured to the supply. If they cannot return the
Locations have a base amount of Points often paired with a Set Effect that awards additional Points for full amount, then they must discard as many Coins as they have.
how well the Mastermind accomplishes it. For example, the Location above awards a Mastermind 5 base
Points plus a Point for each of their Thief cards (Cream color) at this Location. Your opponent returns the depicted Stolen Good from their Hideout to a Stolen Good slot at
Some Location also have an ongoing Location Effect identified by a darker background. These Effects this Location. If you destroy a , then they may choose which type of Stolen Good to return.
provide bonuses to a Mastermind whenever they meet its condition. If they do not have the depicted Icon, then they do not have to return a Stolen Good.

Note: If you should move the and there is not a space closer to you, then you do not move it and that
immediate effect is lost. Destroying a Burn card with a has no effect and destroying has no immediate effect as Points are
scored a game end.

coins in caper - limited supply burn protection - You can protect a card by playing another Gear card over it, or by play-
For example, let’s say you had 4 coins and ing a card with burn protection—meaning your cards of this type are protected in this Crew
There are only 10 Coins in the game. If you are to gain
your opponent has 6. You play a Thief that
Coins and there are none in the supply, gain them from from from being burned.
allows you to gain 2 Coins. If none are in
your opponent while you have less. You should take the the supply, you would take 1 Coin from
indicated amount one Coin at a time from them, until you your opponent, but not the 2nd because
have an number equal or greater than their amount. you are now at an equal amount.

Don’t get ahead of yourself • While getting ahead at a location early can discourage your opponent Third times the charm • There are only 3 Blazeblasters in the core game, but you’ll want to protect your
from playing at that site, it can also draw their full attention to the other locations. valuable Gear by playing other Gear cards on top of them.
11 12
gear turn examples 4 Game end and Scoring
Your Opponent plays Simple Disguise on The Banker. After each Mastermind discards their final card from the 6th round, it is time to score the game. Pull
They move the Caper Tracker 1 space toward their side out the Score Pad and assign each Mastermind a column. There are 4 steps to scoring a game of Caper:
for the on the Simple Disguise and then 1 more Europe. In each step, both players will count up all thier Points from icons and set effects on the relevant
space once for the Set Effect on The Colonel. cards before moving onto the next step.

Your Opponent
Locations - Identify which Mastermind won each location. Then each
Mastermind adds up the Points and any Caper Bonus from the Locations they
On your turn, you respond by paying 2 coins to play a
1 won. Unless otherwise noted, Location bonuses only apply to the Crew on the Fin
Blazeblaster on The Artist. Note — now that the Artist
2 winning Mastermind’s side of the board. Names
has 3 Gear Cards on them, you cannot play any more
Gear on them on your future turns. 3 Thieves - Each Mastermind scores their Thief cards at Locations.

Gear - Each Mastermind scores their Gear cards at Locations.

You choose to burn your opponent’s Plasma Cutter, Score

forcing them to discard that card to thier Hideout and Stolen Goods - Each Mastermind sorts their Stolen Goods into sets with
revert its effect (returning 4 Coins to the supply). unique icons ­— meaning a set cannot contain 2 of the same Stolen Good.
Any single Stolen Good that can’t be paired with another type is worth 2 points. A set containing two
Your Opponent only has 3 coins, so they return as
different Stolen Goods is worth 5 points. A set containing all 3 Stolen Goods is worth 9 points. Different
many as they have. Only the Plazma Cutter’s immediate
4 3 sets can be scored, but a Stolen Good tile cannot be used in more than 1 Set.
effect is reverted when burned. Other effects previously
gained such as the on The Banker are not reverted.

= 2 points = 5 points = 9 points

Your side

Single Stolen Good Set of 2 Different Set of All 3


the best Defense • Playing the Blazeblaster on the Total up each Mastermind’s points! Whoever has the most points is the winner! If the Masterminds are
briefcase doubles as protection as if the top Mastermind tied, compare Coins. If there is still a tie, compare the number of stolen goods. If there is still a tie, agree
were to play a blazeblaster, they could not destroy the to test your skills another time.
briefcase as it wouldn’t be the topmost card.
13 14
Honor Amoung Thieves
Keep your discards visible so that
each Mastermind can see what’s
been played or discarded

For purpose of this example, we will only

score the Points awarded to the pictured
Mastermind who we will call Tess.

Locations - Tess wins the Lourve and

Moulin Rouge because the is closer to
their side of the board at those Locations.
Neither Mastermind wins the Yacht as the
is in the middle of the Caper Track.
The Lourve awards them 3 + 2 Points
per Stolen Painting (which she has 2 in her
hideout) for a total of 7 points. Moulin Rouge awards 5 + 1 Point per Thief card (which she has 3 at Gear - Tess then looks at their Gear cards at Locations. At the Yacht, they have 1 Yellow Gear card with
that Location) for a total of 8 Points. Tess also scores 2 Bonus Points for the position of the Caper Tracker a 1 Point icon. At the Louvre, The False Bottom Briefcase awards (For each Green card score 1
at the Moulin Rouge location. Their total Location score is 17. Point). They have 3 Green cards in their Crew, so that scores 3 points. At Moulin Rouge, there are 2 Plans
Caches, each awarding 1 point per Light Blue card. There are 2 Light Blue card in that crew, so each
Thieves - Tess then looks at each of their Thieves in a Crew. At the Yacht, the Actress awards (2 Plans Caches scores them 2 points to make 4 Points. Their total Gear score is 8.
Points per set of Yellow + any Gear card). Tess can make 1 set with their yellow Plasma Cutter + Light
Blue card scoring 2 Points. Since each card can only be used in 1 set per Set Effect their other Yellow card Stolen Goods - Tess now sorts their Stolen Gooods, making 1 complete set of all 3 unique Stolen Goods
can’t be used to complete a 2nd set. At the Louvre, The Bon Vivant awards , so with their 3 Green for 9 Points and 1 set of 2 unique Stolen Goods for 5 Points. Their total Stolen Goods score is 14.
cards and 1 Red card in that Crew, Tess makes 2 sets scoring 4 Points. At Moulin Rogue, Tess made 1 set
toward the Gentleman’s icon scoring 4 points, and 3 sets for the Dame’s scoring 6 more points. Tess’ final score is 55 point. This is VERY high! What was Danny thinking letting her draft all those com-
Their total Thief score is 16. bos? Typical games average around the 30-40 Points depending on the City.
15 16
The cities of Caper: Europe Rome is a place of emperors and old families. You better watch your back! There’s more movement
Each of the four cities sets the stage for a unique heist experience when you sit down at the table. Here in the Caper Trackers, and this City allows you to increase your Points for winning the Location,
you will find a short description of each city and any unique icons not found in the core set. making each spot a heated battleground.

Paris is home to some of the oldest, most valueable Diamonds, Antiques, and Paintings in the For each card of this type discarded For each card of this type discarded
world! Locations reward extra points for Stolen Goods and the Gear is all about Points combos. to your Hideout, gain a Caper to your Hideout, score a Point

For each Stolen Good in your Hideout at the end of the game, score a Point If you win this Location, For each card of this type in your
score 2 Points Opponent’s Crew here, score a Point

Barcelona is a place of beauty and organization! In this city, the “eye”-con is introduced, granting a London is a center for economic development and commerce! Coins will be moving around more
bonus at the end of the game if one of the topmost Gear colors in your Crew matches the eye’s color. and some will be disappearing. Laundered Coins will be removed from the supply and go into your
Hideout. They cannot be used to purchase Gear and cannot be effected by your opponent. As the
If you have an Orange card as a topmost Coin supply dwindles, remember the Coin supply rules on pg. 11. If you are to gain Coins and there
card in this Crew at the end of the game 3 Score 3 Points
are none in the supply, take from your opponent while you have less.

Place a coin from the supply For each Coin in your Hideout,
For each card of this type in your Crew and into your Hideout. score a Point
your Opponent’s here, score a Point.

For each Coin in your Hideout, move the Caper Tracker one space toward you
In this example, the topmost cards are Purple and Or-
ange. When scoring, all eye-cons with Purple or Orange For each card of this type in
For each card of this type in
would resolve their effects (like the Anarchist and the your Crew and your Oppo-
your Crew, gain a Coin
Memserizer). The Surrealist would not activate their nent’s here, score a Point.
ability as there is not a topmost Green card here.
If you a Gear card with this icon, your opponent returns
Reverting this Effect
a Coin from their Hideout back into the Supply
17 18
Quickstart guide and Overview: WANT HELP WITH ICONS?
Checkout pg. 9-10 to learn the
Choose a City and shuffle its cards into each appropriate Core deck
ins-and-outs, or head to if you
Place 3 Locations onto the board along with the Thief and Gear decks.
want help on a specific icon com-
Randomly place the Stolen Goods out onto the board bo, go to CAPERICONS.COM
Place the Coins, Round Tracker, and Caper Trackers into their areas

1. Begin the Round by drawing cards indicated by Round Tracker.

Number of cards to deal
2. Each turn, the Starting Mastermind plays a card, then the other and from which deck
Mastermind plays a card, then both players exchange hands
3. Continue this until each Mastermind is left with only one card The arrow
4. Instead of exchanging it, the last card is discarded and the signifies the
Thief Starting Gear
Round Tracker moves to the next space down
Round Mastermind Round
5. After the final Gear Round, score the game to see who wins!

score pad running low? head to capergame.com

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