Chapter 8

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 An important engineering goal is to device systems that accomplish desired types of

energy conversion.
 The objective of the present chapter is to study vapor power plants in which the
working fluid is alternatively vaporized and condensed.

8.1 Modeling Vapor Power Systems

 The vast majority of electrical plants are variations of vapor power plants in which
water is the working fluid.
 The basic components of a simplified fossil-fuel vapor power plant are shown
schematically in figure.

Figure 8.1 Components of a simple vapor power plant.

 To facilitate thermodynamic analysis, the overall plant can be broken down into the
four major subsystems identified by the letters A through D on the diagram.
 The focus of our considerations in this chapter is subsystem A, where the important
energy conversion from heat to work occurs. But first let us briefly consider the other
o The function of subsystem B is to supply the energy required to vaporize the
water passing through the boiler.
 In fossil fuel plants, this is accomplished by heat transfer to the working fluid
passing through tubes and drums in the boiler from the hot gases produced by
the combustion of a fossil fuel.
 In nuclear plants, the origin of the energy is a controlled nuclear reaction taking
place in an isolated reactor building.
Pressurized water, a liquid metal, or a gas such as helium can be used to
transfer energy released in the nuclear reaction to the working fluid in specially
designed heat exchangers.
- Regardless of the energy source, the vapor produced in the boiler passes
through a turbine, where it expands to a lower pressure.
The shaft of the turbine is connected to an electric generator (subsystem D).
- The vapor leaving the turbine passes through the condenser, where it
condenses on the outside of tubes carrying cooling water.
- The cooling water circuit comprises subsystem C.
- For the plant shown, the cooling water is sent to a cooling tower, where
energy taken up in the condenser is rejected to the atmosphere.
- The cooling water is then recirculated through the condenser.
 Each unit of mass periodically undergoes a thermodynamic cycle as the
working fluid circulates through the series of four interconnected components
in subsystem A.
 You will recall that the conservation of energy principle requires that the net
work developed by a power cycle equals the net heat added.
 An important deduction from the second law is that the thermal efficiency,
which indicates the extent to which the heat added is converted to a net work
output, must be less than 100%.
 Improved thermodynamic performance accompanies the reduction of
8.2 Analyzing Vapor Power Systems-Rankine Cycle
 The object of this chapter is to introduce the Rankine cycle, which is a thermodynamic
cycle that models the subsystems labeled A.
 The presentation begins by considering the thermodynamic analysis of this subsystem.

8.2.1 Evaluating Principle Work and Heat Transfers

 The principle work and heat transfers of subsystem A are illustrated in Figure 8.2.

Figure 8.2 Principal work and heat transfers of subsystem A.

 In subsequent discussions, these energy transfers are taken to be positive in the

directions of the arrows.
 The unavoidable stray heat transfer that takes place between the plant components and
their surroundings is neglected here for simplicity.
 Each component is regarded as operating at steady state.
 General forms of the mass and energy rate balances are given as, respectively,
dm cv  
  mi   me
dt i e

dE cv     Vi
2    Ve
2 

 Q cv  W cv   m i h i   
 gz i   m e h e   gz e 
dt  2  e  2 
i    
TURBINE (Process 1-2)
 Vapor from the boiler at state 1, having an elevated temperature and pressure, expands
through the turbine to produce work and then is discharged to the condenser at state 2
with relatively low pressure.

 Neglecting heat transfer with the surroundings, the mass and energy rate balances for a
control volume around the turbine reduce at steady state to give
  V 2  V2 2 
 g  z1  z2  
 
0  Q cv  W t  m  h1  h2  1
 2 
V12  V2 2
 0 , and g  z1  z2   0

with Q cv  0 ,


 h1  h2

m : the mass flow rate of the working fluid,


: the rate at which work is developed per unit of mass of steam passing through
the turbine.
CONDENSER (Process 2-3)
 In the condenser, there is heat transfer from the vapor to cooling water flowing in a
separate stream.

 The vapor condenses and the temperature of the cooling water increases.
 At steady state, mass and energy rate balances for a control volume enclosing the
condensing side of heat exchanger give

Q out

 h2  h3

Q out

: the rate at which energy is transferred by heat from the working fluid to the
cooling water per unit mass of working fluid passing through the condenser.
 This energy transfer is positive in the direction of the arrow.
PUMP (Process 3-4)
 The fluid condensate leaving the condenser at 3 is pumped from the condenser into the
higher pressure boiler.

 Taking a control volume around the pump and assuming no heat transfer with the
surroundings, mass and energy rate balances give


 h4  h3


: the rate of power input per unit of mass passing through the pump.
 This energy transfer is positive in the direction of the arrow.
BOILER (Process 4-1)
 The working fluid completes a cycle as the liquid leaving the pump at 4, called the
boiler feedwater, is heated to saturation and evaporated in the boiler.

 Taking a control volume enclosing the boiler tubes and drums carrying the feedwater
from state 4 to state 1, mass and energy rate balances give

Q in

 h1  h4

Q in

: the rate of heat transfer from the energy source into the working fluid per unit
mass passing through the boiler.
 The thermal efficiency gauges the extent to which the energy input to the working fluid
passing through the boiler is converted to the net work output.
net work output
energy input
 Thermal efficiency of the power cycle is of Figure 8.2

 h1  h2    h4  h3 
   
W t m W p m
= 

Q in m

h1  h4

 The net work output equals the net heat input. That is,
    
W cycle = W t  W p  Q in  Q out
 Thus the thermal efficiency can be expressed alternatively as
     
Qin m  Q out m Q out m h2  h3
=  1  1

Qin m
 
Qin m

h1  h4

 Another parameter used to describe power plant performance is the back work ratio, or
bwr, defined as the ratio of the pump input to the work developed by the turbine. Thus,
the back work ratio for the power cycle, subsystem A
 
Wp m h4  h3
bwr = 
Wt m
 
h1  h2
8.2.2 Rankine Cycle: The Ideal Cycle for Vapor Cycles
 If the working fluid passes through the various components of the simple vapor power
cycle without irreversibilities, frictional pressure drops would be absent from the boiler
and condenser, and the working fluid would flow through these components at constant
 In the absence of irreversibilities and heat transfer with the surroundings, the processes
through the turbine and pump would be isentropic.
 A cycle adhering to these idealizations is the ideal Rankine cycle shown in Figure 8.3.

Figure 8.3 Temperature - entropy diagram of the ideal Rankine cycle

 Pump is idealized as operating without irreversibilities. Thus, pump work

  
W p
  v dp

 m 
 int

where the minus sign has been dropped for consistency with the positive value for pump
work in figure.
 The specific volume of the liquid normally varies only slightly as the liquid flows from
the inlet to the exit of the pump. By taking the specific volume at the pump inlet, v3, as
constant for the process
  
W p  v p  p 
   3 4 3
 m int

  
W p   h4  h3  v3  p4  p3 
 m 
 int

The working fluid undergoes the following series of internally reversible processes
Process 1-2: Isentropic expansion of the working fluid through the turbine from
saturated vapor at state 1 to the condenser pressure.
Process 2-3: Heat transfer from the working fluid as it follows at constant pressure
through the condenser with saturated liquid at state 3.
Process 3-4: Isentropic compression in the pump to state 4 in the compressed liquid
Process 4-1: Heat transfer to the working fluid as it follows at constant pressure through
the boiler to complete the cycle.
 The ideal Rankine cycle also includes the possibility of superheating the vapor, as in
cycle 1'-2'-3-4-1'.
Study Question 1:
Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. Boiler pressure is 7 MPa and
condenser pressure is 8 kPa. Determine the cycle efficiency if water enters the turbine
(a) as a saturated vapor and
(b) at 600oC.
(c) Show the cycle on the T-s diagram relative to the saturation lines.
Answer: (a) 36.6% (b) 41%
8.2.3 Effects of Boiler and Condenser Pressures on the Rankine Cycle
 Thermal efficiency of the cycle can be increased in two ways:
(1) increasing the boiler pressure
(2) decreasing the condenser pressure.

Figure 8.4 Effects of varying operating pressures on the ideal Rankine cycle. (a)
Effects of boiler pressure. (b) Effects of condenser pressure.
 Figure 8.4a shows two ideal cycles having the same condenser pressure but different
boiler pressures.
 The average temperature of heat addition is seen to be greater for the higher-pressure
cycle 1'-2'-3-4'-1' than for cycle 1-2-3-4-1.
 Increasing the boiler pressure of the ideal Rankine cycle tends to increase the thermal
efficiency. That is,
cycle (1'-2'-3-4'-1') > cycle (1-2-3-4-1)
But it also increases the moisture content of the steam to unacceptable levels.
 Figure 8.4b shows two cycles with the same boiler pressure but two different condenser
 One condenser operates at atmospheric pressure and the other at less than
atmospheric pressure.
 The temperature of heat rejection for cycle 1-2-3-4-1 condensing at atmospheric
pressure is 100 oC (212 oF).
 The temperature of heat rejection for the lower pressure cycle 1-2"-3"-4"-1 is
correspondingly lower, so this cycle has the greater thermal efficiency. That is,
cycle (1'-2''-3''-4''-1) > cycle (1-2-3-4-1)
 Decreasing the condenser pressure tends to increase the thermal efficiency.
 The lowest feasible condenser pressure is the saturation pressure corresponding to
the ambient temperature.
 Illustration used to compare the ideal Rankine cycle with the Carnot cycle is given in
Figure 8.5.

Figure 8.5 Illustration used to compare the ideal Rankine cycle with the Carnot cycle.

 The ideal Rankine cycle 1-2-3-4-4'-1 has a lower thermal efficiency than the Carnot
cycle 1-2-3'-4'-1 having the same maximum temperature TH and maximum temperature
TC because the average temperature between 4 and 4' is less than TH. That is,
ideal Rankine cycle (1-2-3-4-4'-1) < Carnot cycle (1-2-3'-4'-1)
 Despite the greater thermal efficiency of the Carnot cycle, it has two shortcomings as a
model for the simple vapor power cycle.
 Heat passing to the working fluid of a vapor power plant is usually obtained from hot
products of combustion cooling at approximately constant pressure. To exploit fully
the energy released on combustion, the hot products should be cooled as much as
possible. The first portion of the heating process of the Rankine cycle, Process 4-4',
is achieved by cooling the combustion products below the temperature TH.
With the Carnot cycle, however, the combustion products would be cooled at the
most to TH. Thus, a smaller portion of the energy released on combustion would be
 The second shortcoming of the Carnot vapor power cycle involves the pumping
process. Note that the state 3' is a two-phase liquid-vapor mixture.
Significant practical problems are encountered in developing pumps that handle two-
phase mixtures, as would be required by Carnot cycle 1-2-3'-4'-1.
It is far easier to condense the vapor completely and handle only liquid in the pump,
as is done in the Rankine cycle.
Pumping from 3 to 4 and constant-pressure heating without work from 4 to 4' are
processes that can be closely achieved in practice.

Study Question 2:
A steam power plant operates between a boiler pressure of 10 MPa and a condenser
pressure of 8 kPa. Water enters the turbine as a saturated vapor. Determine the cycle
efficiency for a
(a) Carnot cycle, and
(b) Rankine cycle.
(c) Show the cycles on the T-s diagram relative to the saturation lines.
Answer: (a) 46.1% (b) 37.8%
8.2.4 Principal Irreversibilities and Losses
 In this section the irreversibilities and losses associated with the Rankine cycle are
 Fluid friction and heat loss to the surroundings are the two common sources of

 Heat transfer from the turbine to the surroundings represents a loss, but since it is
usually of secondary importance, this loss is ignored in subsequent discussions.
 As illustrated by Process 1-2 of Figure 8.6, an actual adiabatic expansion through the
turbine is accompanied by an increase in entropy.

Figure 8.6 Temperature-entropy diagram showing the effects of turbine and pump

 Figure 8.6 shows no pressure drops for flow through the boiler and condenser or
between plant components.
 The work developed per unit of mass in this process is less than for the corresponding
isentropic expansion 1-2s.
 Isentropic turbine efficiency is
  

W t m  h h
t       1 2
  h1  h2 s
W t m 
 s
where the numerator is the actual work developed per unit of mass passing through the
turbine and the denominator is the work for an isentropic expansion from the turbine
inlet state to the turbine exhaust pressure.
 Irreversibilities within the turbine significantly reduce the net power output of the plant.

 The work input to the pump required to overcome frictional effects also reduces the net
power output of the plant.
 In the absence of heat transfer to the surroundings, there would be an increase in
entropy across the pump.
 Process 3-4 of Figure 8.6 illustrates the actual pumping process.
 The work input for this process is greater than for the corresponding isentropic process
 The isentropic pump efficiency is
  

 W m 
p     s  h4 s  h3

 
 h4  h3
W p m 
 
  
    v 3 p 4  p 3 
 Wp 
 m 
 s
 In this expression, the pump work for the isentropic process appears in the
 The actual pump work, being the larger quantity, is the denominator.
 Because the pump work is so much less than the turbine work, irreversibilities in the
pump have a much smaller impact on the net work of the cycle than do
irreversibilities in the turbine.

Q in

 h1  h4


Q out

 h2  h3

       
W cycle m Q in m  Q out m Q out m h2  h3
  1 1
     
h1  h 4
Q in m Q in m Q in m
 The pump and turbine irreversibilities mentioned above are internal irreversibilities
experienced by the working fluid as it flows around the closed loop of the Rankine
 Frictional effects resulting in pressure drops are source of internal irreversibility as the
working fluid flows through the boiler, condenser, and piping connecting the various
 The most significant sources of irreversibility for a fossil-fueled vapor power plant,
however, are associated with the combustion of the fuel and the subsequent heat transfer
from the hot combustion products to the cycle working fluid.
 These effects occur in the surroundings of the subsystem labeled A on Figure 8.1 and
thus are external irreversibilities for the Rankine cycle.
 Another effect that occurs in the surroundings is the energy discharge to the cooling
water as the working fluid condenses.
o Although considerable energy is carried away by the cooling water, its utility is
extremely limited.
o For condensers in which steam condenses near the ambient temperature, the
cooling water experiences a temperature of the surroundings in passing through
the condenser and thus has limited usefulness.
o Accordingly, the significance of this loss is far less than suggested by the
magnitude of the energy transferred to the cooling water.
 Figure 8.6 shows no pressure drops for flow through the boiler, condenser, or between
plant components.
 When the pressure drop occurs in the condenser
o At state 3, the temperature of the working fluid exiting the condenser would be
lower than the saturation temperature corresponding to the condenser pressure.
o This is disadvantageous because a greater heat transfer would be required in the
boiler to bring the water to saturation.
Study Question 3:
A steam power plant uses water as the working fluid. Boiler pressure is 7 MPa, and
condenser pressure is 10 kPa. Steam enters the turbine without any superheating. Cycle has
a net power output of 40 MW. Cooling water is supplied from a lake through the tubes of
the condenser at a rate of 1600 kg/s. Isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 85 percent, and
the isentropic efficiency of the pump is 90 percent. Assuming no pressure losses in the
condenser and boiler, show the cycle on T-s diagram with respect to saturation lines, and
(a) the thermal efficiency of this cycle,
(b) the back work ratio,
(c) the mass flow rate of the steam, in kg/s, and
(d) the temperature rise of the cooling water, in oC.
(e) Show the cycle on the T-s diagram relative to the saturation lines.
Answer: (a) 30.5% (b) 0.99% (c) 50.95 kg/s (d) 13.62oC
8.3 Improving Performance - Superheat and Reheat
 Various modifications are usually incorporated to improve overall performance of vapor
power cycle.
 Two cycle modifications: superheat and reheat.
 Superheat and Reheat protect the turbine, and increase TH.
 An increase in the boiler pressure or a decrease in the condenser pressure may result in
a reduction of the steam quality at the exit of the turbine.
 This can be seen by comparing states 2' and 2" of Figure 8.4a and b given below to
the corresponding state 2 of each diagram.

Figure 8.4 Effects of varying operating pressures on the ideal Rankine cycle. (a)
Effects of boiler pressure. (b) Effects of condenser pressure.

 If the quality of the mixture passing through turbine becomes too low, the impact of
liquid droplets in the flowing liquid-vapor mixture can erode the turbine blades, causing
a decrease in the turbine efficiency and an increased need for maintenance.
 Common practice is to maintain at least 90% quality (x0.9) at the turbine exit.
 Increasing the boiler pressure increases the thermal efficiency of the Rankine cycle,
but it also increases the moisture content of the steam to unacceptable levels.

 Further energy can be added by heat transfer to the steam, bringing it to a superheated
vapor condition at the turbine inlet.
 This is accomplished in a separate heat exchanger called a superheater.
 The combination of boiler and superheater is referred to as a steam generator.
 Figure 8.3 shows an ideal Rankine cycle with superheated vapor at the turbine inlet:
cycle 1'-2'-3-4-1'.
Figure 8.3 Temperature - entropy diagram of the ideal Rankine cycle

 The cycle with superheat has a higher average temperature of heat addition than the
cycle without superheating (cycle 1-2-3-4-1), so the thermal efficiency is higher.
That is,
Tavg( 4a 11)  Tavg( 4a 1) and cycle(12341)  cycle(12341)

 The quality at turbine exhaust state 2' is greater than at state 2, which would be
turbine exhaust state without superheating. That is,
x 2  x 2

 A further modification normally employed in vapor power plants is reheat.
 With reheat, a power plant can take advantage of the increased efficiency that results
with higher boiler pressures and yet avoid low-quality steam at the turbine exhaust. That
cycle(1234561)  cycle(1234561) and x 4  x 4

 In the ideal reheat cycle shown in Figure 8.7, the steam does not expand to the
condenser pressure in a single stage.
Figure 8.7 Ideal reheat cycle
 The steam expands through a first-stage turbine (Process 1-2) to some pressure between
the steam generator and condenser pressures.
 The steam is then reheated in the steam generator (Process 2-3).
 Ideally, there would be no pressure drop as the steam is reheated.
 After reheating, the steam expands in a second-stage turbine to the condenser pressure
(Process 3-4).
 The principal advantage of reheat is to increase the quality of the steam at the turbine
 This can be seen from the T-s diagram of Figure 8.7 by comparing state 4 with state
4', the turbine exhaust state without reheating.
 For an ideal reheat cycle, Figure 8.7,
  

 h1  h 2   h 3  h 4   h 6  h 5 
W cycle Wt Wp

 
 
m m m

=  h1  h6    h3  h2 
Q in


Q out

= h4  h5

h1  h 2   h 3  h 4   h 6  h 5 
 
W cycle m
 

Q in m

h1  h 6   h 3  h 2 
 The temperature of the steam entering the turbine is restricted by metallurgical
limitations imposed by the materials used to fabricate the superheater, reheater, and
 High pressure in the steam generator also requires piping that can withstand great
stresses at elevated temperatures.
 Although these factors limit the gains that can be realized through superheating and
reheating, improved materials and methods of fabrication have permitted significant
increases over the years in the maximum allowed cycle temperatures and steam
generator pressures, with corresponding increases in thermal efficiency.
 This has progressed to the extent that vapor power plants can be designed to operate
with steam generator pressures exceeding the critical pressure of water 22.1 MPa, and
turbine inlet temperatures exceeding 600oC.
 Figure 8.8 shows an ideal reheat cycle with a supercritical steam generator pressure.

Figure 8.8 Supercritical ideal reheat cycle

 Observe that no phase change occurs during the heat addition process from 6 to 1.
Study Question 4:
Steam at 10 MPa and 360oC enters the high-pressure turbine of an ideal Rankine cycle, and
it is expanded to the pressure 1.5 MPa. After expansion process in the high-pressure
turbine, it is reheated to the temperature 320oC. Then it enters the low-pressure turbine,
and it is expanded to the condenser pressure 8 kPa. If the mass flow rate of the steam is 80
kg/s, determine
(a) the power output of the high- and low-pressure turbines, in kW,
(b) the pump power, in kW,
(c) the net power developed, in kW,
(d) the heat rejected from the working fluid in the cycle, in kW,
(e) the thermal efficiency of the cycle, and
(f) the mass flow rate of condenser cooling water, in kg/s, if the cooling water undergoes a
temperature increase of 25oC. (Hint: cp = 4.18 kJ/kg∙oC)
(g) Show the cycle on the T-s diagram relative to the saturation lines.

Answer: (a) 30144 kW, 71480 kW (b) 806.4 kW (c) 100817.6 kW

(d) 161161.6 kW (e) 45.4% (f) 1542.2 kg/s
8.4 Improving Performance-Regenerative Vapor Power Cycle

 Another commonly used method for increasing the thermal efficiency of vapor power
plants is regenerative feedwater heating, or simply regeneration.
 Consider Figure 8.3 once again.

Figure 8.3 Temperature - entropy diagram of the ideal Rankine cycle

 In cycle 1-2-3-4-a-1, the working fluid would enter the boiler as a compressed liquid
at state 4 and be heated while in the liquid phase to state a.
 With regenerative feedwater heating, the working fluid would enter the boiler at a
state between 4 and a.
 As a result, the average temperature of heat addition would be increased, thereby
tending to increase the thermal efficiency.
8.4.1 Open Feedwater Heaters
 Regeneration can be accomplished using an open feedwater heater, a direct contact-type
heat exchanger in which streams at different temperatures mix to form a stream at an
intermediate temperature.
 Shown in Figure 8.9 are the schematic diagram and the associated T-s diagram for a
regenerative vapor power cycle having one open feedwater heater.

Figure 8.9 Regenerative vapor power cycle with one open feedwater heater.

 For this cycle, the working fluid passes isentropically through the turbine stages and
pumps, and flow through the steam generator, condenser, and feedwater heater takes
place with no pressure drop in any of these components.
 Steam enters the first-stage turbine at state 1 and expands to state 2, where a fraction
of the total flow is extracted, or bled into an open feedwater heater operating at the
extraction pressure, p2.
 The rest of the steam expands through the second-stage turbine to state 3.
o This portion of the total flow is condensed to saturated liquid, state 4, and then
pumped to the extraction pressure and introduced into the feedwater heater at state
 A single mixed stream exits the feedwater heater at state 6.
 The liquid at state 6 is then pumped to the steam generator pressure and enters the
steam generator at state 7.
 Finally, the working fluid is heated from state 7 to state 1 in the steam generator.
 Referring to the T-s diagram of the cycle,
o Heat addition would take place from state 7 to state 1, rather than from state a to
state 1, as would be the case without regeneration.
- Accordingly, the amount of energy that must be supplied from the combustion
of a fossil fuel, or another source, to vaporize and superheat the steam would
be reduced.
This is the desired outcome.
o Only a portion of the total flow expands through the second-stage turbine (Process
2-3), however, so less work would be developed as well.
o In practice, operating conditions are chosen so that the reduction in heat added
more than offsets the decrease in net work developed, resulting in an increased
thermal efficiency in regenerative power plants.
 Consider next the thermodynamic analysis of the regenerative cycle illustrated in Figure
 Taking a single control volume enclosing both turbine stages, the mass rate balance
reduces at steady state to
  
m 2  m 3  m1

m1 : the rate at which mass enters the first-stage turbine at state 1.

m 2 : the rate at which mass is extracted and exits at state 2.

m3 : the rate at which mass exits the second-stage turbine at state 3.

 Dividing by m1 places on the basis of a unit of mass passing through the first-stage
 
m2 m3

 
m1 m1
 
 Denoting the fraction of the total flow extracted at state 2 by y (y= m 2 / m1 ), the fraction
of the total flow passing through the second-stage turbine is


1 y
 The fraction of the total flow at various locations are indicated on Figure 8.9.
 The fraction y can be determined by applying the conservation of mass and conservation
of energy principles to a control volume around the feedwater heater.
 Assuming no heat transfer between the feedwater heater and its surroundings and
ignoring kinetic and potential energy effects, the mass and energy rate balances reduce
at steady state to give
0  y h2   1  y  h5  h6

Solving for y
h6  h5
h2  h5
This equation allows the fraction y to be determined when states 2, 5, and 6 are fixed.
 Expressions for the principal work and heat transfers of the regenerative cycle can be
determined by applying mass and energy rate balances to control volumes around the
individual components.
 The total turbine work is the sum of the work developed by each turbine stage.
 Neglecting kinetic and potetial energy effects and assuming no heat transfer with the
surroundings, the total turbine work on the basis of a unit of mass passing through
the first-stage turbine is

  h1  h2    1  y  h2  h3 

 The total pump work is the sum of the work required to operate each pump individually.
On the basis of a unit of mass passing through the first-stage turbine, the total pump
work is

  h7  h6    1  y  h5  h4 

 The energy added by heat transfer to the working fluid passing through the steam
generator, per unit of mass expanding through the first-stage turbine, is

Q in

 h1  h7
and energy rejected by heat transfer to the cooling water is

  1  y  h3  h4 
Q out

  
W cycle  W t  W p

W cycle
 
Study Question 5:
An ideal regenerative steam cycle operates between 14 MPa and 10 kPa. The temperature
of the steam entering the turbine is 520oC. Steam extraction occurs at 2 MPa and an open
feedwater is employed. If the mass flow rate of steam entering the first-stage turbine is 100
kg/s, determine
(a) the temperature of the steam diverted to the open-feedwater, in oC,
(b) the mass flow rate of steam diverted to the open-feedwater heater, in kg/s,
(c) the net power developed, in kW,
(d) the heat added to the working fluid in the cycle, in kW,
(e) the thermal efficiency of the cycle, and
(f) the mass flow rate of condenser cooling water, in kg/s, if the cooling water undergoes a
temperature increase of 20oC. (Hint: cp = 4.18 kJ/kg∙oC)

Answer: (a) 233.90oC (b) 26.49 kg/s (c) 109197 kW (d) 245489 kW (e) 44.5%
(f) 1630.2 kg/s
8.4.2 Closed Feedwater Heaters
 Regenerative feedwater heating also can be accomplished with closed feedwater
 Closed heaters are shell-and-tube recuperators in which the feedwater temperature
increases as the extracted steam condenses on the outside of the tubes carrying the
 Since the two streams do not mix, they can be at different temperatures.
 The diagrams of Figure 8.10 show two different schemes removing the condensate from
closed feedwater heaters.

Figure 8.10 Examples of closed feedwater heaters.

 In Figure 8.10a, this is accomplished by means of a pump whose function is to pump

the condensate forward to a higher-pressure point in the cycle.
 For this cycle, the working fluid passes isentropically through the turbine stages and
pumps, and there are no pressure drops accompanying the flow through the other
 The T-s diagram shows the principal states of the cycle.
 The total steam flow expands through the first-stage turbine from state 1 to state 2.
o At this location, a fraction of the flow is bled into the closed feedwater heater,
where it condenses.
o Saturated liquid at the extraction pressure exits the feedwater heater at state 7.
o The condensate is then trapped into the condenser, where it is reunited with the
portion of the total flow passing the second-stage turbine.
 The expansion from state 7 to state 8 through the trap is irreversible, so it is shown
by a dashed line on the T-s diagram.
 The total flow exiting the condenser as saturated liquid at state 4 is pumped to the
steam generator pressure and enters the feedwater heater at state 5.
 The temperature of the feedwater is increased in passing through the feedwater
 The feedwater then exits at state 6.
 The cycle is completed as the working fluid is heated in the steam generator at
constant pressure from state 6 to state 1.
 Although the closed heater shown on the figure operates with no pressure drop in
either stream, there is a source of irreversibility due to the stream - to - stream
temperature differences.
 In Figure 8.10b, the condensate is allowed to pass through a trap into a feedwater
heater operating at a lower pressure or into the condenser.
o A trap is a type of valve that permits only liquid to pass through to a region of
lower pressure.
 A regenerative vapor power cycle having one closed feedwater heater with the
condensate trapped into the condenser is shown schematically in Figure 8.11.

Figure 8.11 Regenerative vapor power cycle with one closed feedwater heater.
 The schematic diagram of the cycle shown in Figure 8.11 is labeled with the fractions of
the total flow at various locations.
 The fraction of the total flow extracted, y, can be determined by applying the
conservation of mass and energy principles to a control volume around the closed
 Assuming no heat transfer between the feedwater heater and its surroundings and
neglecting kinetic and potential energy effects, the mass and energy rate balances
reduce at steady state to give
0  y  h2  h7    h5  h6 

Solving for y
h6  h5
h2  h7
 The work developed by the turbine per unit of mass entering is the sum

  h1  h2    1  y  h2  h3 

 For the pump


 h5  h4
 The heat added is

Q in

 h1  h6
 The thermal efficiency is
 
Wt Wp

 

  m1 
Q in

8.4.3 Multiple Feedwater Heaters
 The thermal efficiency of the regenerative can be increased by incorporating several
feedwater heaters at suitably chosen pressures.
 The number of feedwater heaters used is based on economic considerations, since
incremental increases in thermal efficiency achieved with each additional heater must
justify the added capital costs (heater, piping, pumps, etc.)
 Figure 8.12 shows the layout of a power plant with three closed feedwater heaters and
one open heater.

Figure 8.12 Example of a power plant layout.

 Power plants with multiple feedwater heaters ordinarily have at least one open
feedwater heater operating at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure so that
oxygen and other dissolved gases can be vented from the cycle.
This procedure, known as deaeration, is needed to maintain the purity of the working
fluid in order to minimize corrosion.
Study Question 6:
Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. Superheated vapor enters the turbine
at 10 MPa, 600 oC. Vapor expands to the pressure of 1 MPa where some part of the vapor
extracted and sent to the closed feedwater heater. The remaining part of the vapor is heated
in the boiler to 600 oC, and vapor enters the turbine at 10 MPa and 600oC and expands to
the condenser pressure 10 kPa in which 1200 kJ heat is rejected to the cooling water.
(a) Determine the thermal efficiency for the cycle?
(b) Show the cycle on the T-s diagram relative to the saturation lines.
Answer: (a) 47.5%
8.5 Other Vapor Power Cycle Aspects
 In this section we consider aspect of vapor cycles related to working fluid
characteristics, binary vapor cycles, and cogeneration systems.


 Water is used as the working fluid in the vast majority of vapor power systems because
it is plentiful and low in cost, nontoxic, chemically stable, and relatively noncorrosive.
 For water, the back work ratios achieved are characteristically quite low.
 Undesirable characteristics of water:
 requires costly piping and heat exchanger tubes capable of withstanding great
 its saturation pressure at ordinary condenser temperatures is well below atmospheric
 As a result, air can leak into the system, necessitating the use of special ejector pumps
attached to the condenser or deaerating feedwater heaters to remove the air.
 Cycles that operate at relatively low temperatures may perform best with a refrigerant
such as ammonia as the working fluid.
 Water may be used together with some other substance in a binary vapor cycle to
achieve better overall performance than could be realized with water alone.
 increases the efficiency.
 a combination of two cycles,
 one in the high temperature region, and
 the other in the low-temperature region.
 For example, Figure 8.13 shows a schematic diagram and an accompanying T-s diagram
of a binary vapor cycle using water and a suitable liquid metal, with each substance in
both the liquid and vapor phases.

Figure 8.13 Water-metal binary vapor cycle

 In this arrangement, two ideal Rankine cycles are combined, with the heat rejection
from the high-temperature cycle (also called the topping cycle) being used as the
energy input for the low-temperature cycle (also called the bottoming cycle).
 The condenser of the high-temperature cycle serves as the boiler of the low-
temperature cycle.
o That is, the heat output of the high-temperature cycle is used as the heat input to
the low-temperature cycle.
 Some working fluids found suitable for the high-temperature cycle are mercury,
sodium, potassium and sodium-potassium mixtures.
 This energy transfer is accomplished in an interconnecting heat exchanger, which
serves as the condenser for the metal cycle and the boiler for the water cycle.
 Thermal efficiency of the binary cycle is
     
 net 
W   W net 

W cycle   topping   bottoming
 
cycle cycle
 
Qin Q in

       
W t  W p   W t  W p 

W cycle   topping  bottoming
 
cycle cycle
  
Qin Q 41  Q ea

      
 W net    Wt  Wp 
  cycle
topping   cycle

      
 W net    Wt  Wp 
  cycle
bottoming   cycle


W t ,lm  m lm h1  h 2 
 

W p,lm  m lm h 4  h 3   m lm v 3 p 4  p 3 
  

W t ,s  m s h a  h b 
 

W p,s  m s h d  h c   m s v c p d  p c 
  

For the liquid metal condenser/steam boiler:

m lm h 2  h 3   m s h e  h d 
 
Study Question 7:
Consider a water-ammonia binary vapor cycle consisting. In the steam cycle, superheated
vapor enters the turbine at 7 MPa, 450 oC, and saturated liquid exits the condenser at 55 oC.
The heat rejected from the steam cycle is provided to the ammonia cycle, producing
saturated vapor at 45 oC, which enters the ammonia turbine. Saturated liquid leaves the
ammonia condenser at 1 MPa. For a net power output of 24 MW from the binary cycle,
(a) the mass flow rates for the steam and ammonia cycles, respectively, in kg/s,
(b) the power output of the steam and ammonia turbines, respectively, in MW,
(c) the rate of heat input to the ammonia cycle, in MW,
(d) the rate of heat addition to the binary cycle, in MW, and
(e) the thermal efficiency of the binary vapor cycle.
(f) Show the cycle on T-s diagram with respect to saturation lines.
Answer: (a) 19.35 kg/s, 31.80 kg/s (b) 21.87 MW, 2.30 MW (c) 37.27 MW
(d) 59.00 MW (e) 40.7%
 The production of more than one useful form of energy (such as process heat and
electric power) from the same energy source is called cogeneration.
 Direct combustion heating and the generation of process steam together account for a
substantial portion of industrial energy resource use.
 But because the heat and steam are often required at a relatively low temperature, good
use is not made of the relatively high temperature products of combustion obtained by
burning fuel.
 This source of inefficiency can be reduced with a cogeneration arrangement in which
fuel is consumed to produce them individually.
 A schematic of such a cogeneration system is shown in Figure 8.14.

Figure 8.14 Schematic of a cogeneration system in which process steam is bled from the

 The figure is labeled with the fractions of the total flow entering the steam turbine
that remain at various locations.
 On the basis of a unit of mass entering the turbine at state 1, a fraction y is extracted
at an intermediate point 2 and diverted to some process that requires steam at this
 The remaining fraction, 1 - y, expands to the turbine exit at state 3, producing power
in addition to that developed by the first turbine stage.
 Eventually this fraction rejoins the amount extracted and the combined stream is
returned to the steam generator.
 When no process steam is required, all of the steam generated by the steam generator
is allowed to expand through the turbine.

 Thermal efficiency of the cycle is

W  W
      
W cycle W t 1  W t 2  W p1  W p 2
  
t p
  
Qin Q in Qin

= 1- y  h 2 - h 3  , and = h 6 - h 5 = v 5  p 6 - p5 
= h1 - h 2 ,
  
t1 t2 p2

 m1
 m1

= h1 - h 6


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