Practical Research 1 Subject Code Shs Resrch 1: Learning Module For Independent Learning

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Learning Module for Independent Learning
Marilou B Sannadan

Learning Module for Independent Learning 1

Cover page ……………………………………………………… 1

Table of Contents………………………………………………. 2

Introduction of the Module……………………………………... 3

Subject Code and Title ………………………………………... 4

Subject Description ……………………………………………. 4

Requirements of the Subject …………………………………. 4


Content Standard ……………………………………………….. 4

Performance Standard ………………………………………….. 4
Most Essential Learning Competencies ………………………. 4
Module Map …………………………………………………….. 5
List of Written Works ......................……………………………. 6
Pre- Activity ……………………………………………………… 7


Lesson 1 Importance, Characteristics, and Processes of

Research ………………………………………………… 7
1 Definition of Research ……………………………….. 7

2 Characteristics of Research …………………………. 8

3 Steps in Doing Research ……………………..……… 9

4 Strengths and Weakness of Research ………….... 9

Written Work 1 ………………………………..…………. 9

Written Work 2 …………………………………………… 11

Lesson Closure ………………………………………….. 10

Lesson 2 The Qualitative Research Design ……………………… 12

1 Characteristics of Qualitative Research ……………. 14

2 Data Gathering Tools for a Qualitative Research ……. 12

3 Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative Research ….. 14

Learning Module for Independent Learning 2

Lesson 3 Ethics in Research ………………………… ………… 16

1 Importance of Ethics in Research …………………. 13

Written Work 3 ………………………………………… 17

2 Plagiarism …………………………………………… 18

Written Work 4 ………………………………………… 15

Mini Task 1 ……………………………………………. 19

Lesson Closure ……………………………………….. 17

Lesson 4 Designing a Research Project Related to Daily Life 17

1 Preparing the Research Title ……………………… 21

Mini Task 2 ……………………………………………. 22

2 Writing the Rationale of the Study ……………….. 23

Mini Task 3 ……………………………………………. 20

Lesson 5 Writing the Objectives of the study …………………. 25

Mini Task 4 …………………………………………… 26

Lesson Closure ………………………………………. 27

References……………………………………………………………… 28

Answer Sheets…………………………………………………………. 29


This self-regulated learning module was designed for the flexible learning modality of University of
Baguio High School for the academic year 2022-2023. Designed for independent learning, it contains lessons
and activities anchored on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) which you are expected to have
developed during the duration of the subject. Additional readings and video links are also provided to enrich
your understanding of the lessons.

If you are an online learner, you could complement the lessons through your regular attendance to the
synchronous sessions, however, if you are an offline learner, seek help from the teacher through constant
communication with him/her. Your ability to pass the subject depends on the completeness, quality and
relevance of outputs that you turn in to your teacher. Be sure to fully comply with the requirement of the subject
as schedule. It is expected that upon finishing the module, you are equipped with the relevant knowledge, skills,
and values that prepare you to the next level of learning.

Learning Module for Independent Learning 3

SUBJECT CODE & TITLE: SHS RESRCH 1 (Practical Research 1)

SUBJECT DESCRIPTION This course develops critical thinking and problem-

solving skills through qualitative research.

Requirements of the course:

At the end of the course, you will be required to propose a research title. The following are other
requirements of the course:

1. Required four-hours weekly. Your attendance and active participation in class is expected.
There will be lecture-discussion and activities were for you.

2. Research subjects require you to Read, Write, and more Readings, and Re-writing. You will
be required to do editing (most of the time).

3. There will be individual tasks and group tasks. In group activities, coordinating with your
group mates makes tasks easier. Be Proactive. Ask what you can do or help your group.
Remember, when you are not helping, you are placing your group mates in a difficult

4. Submit requirements/assignments on submission dates. In any platform, it is important for

you to participate in the activities: reciting in the virtual classroom; by giving comment/s in the
comment section, comment boxes, polls, or submitting any assignment you are required to
do on time.

5. Join in the google classroom or FB chat/group or any social platform your research teacher
requires you.

6. All submitted works must be original, not copied from online sources or from classmates,
otherwise there will be no recorded outputs if proven that work/s is/are plagiarized.


Based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) for RESRCH 1, the following
objectives must be attained. You should be able to:

1. decide on suitable qualitative research in different areas of interest

2. describe adequately qualitative research designs, sample, instrument used,
intervention (if applicable), data collection, analysis, and procedures
3. state clearly the statement of research problem
4. select, cite, and synthesize properly related literature;
5. use sources according to ethical standards; and
6. present objectively written review of related literature and conceptual

Learning Module for Independent Learning 4

Module Map

Present objectively the written

review of literature

3 Literature reviews
Formulate the conceptual

Orient about ethical considerations

in research

2 Ethics in Research Discuss about plagiarism

Write the design, sample, tools,

data collection, procedures, and
data analysis/treatment plan
1 Nature and Inquiry
of Research
State the Statement of the
Problem/objectives of the study
Decide on a suitable qualitative
research in different areas of

Note to the students: The following are the written works and the mini-task/scaffolds that you must
accomplish for recording purposes. Performance
1 Written Work 1 : Research products through the years should be able
2 Written Work 2 : Research Process to decide on a
3 Written Work 3: QL or QN suitable
4 Written Work 4: Writing an Ethical research
clearly the
MT 1 MT 2 MT 3 MT 4 and present
Spot the Identifying the Selecting Writing objectively
Plagiarized correct format appropriate title objectives written reviews
of related
of a research

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In this lesson you will be sharing your experiences in research, explaining the importance of research,
describing the characteristics and processes of research, differentiating quantitative from qualitative
research, and providing examples of research in various fields of interest.


Pre-Activity 1. My Research Experiences (Formative Assessment, 100-150 words only)

Write about any of your experiences relating to research. It could be about an unforgettable experience
during a research subject or about doing a research requirement. Be specific with the details such as when it
happened, subject/s where required, who were with you if it is a group task, were you able to present it; where
did you present and who are the audience; and what you learned from the experience.

If in case you never had a research writing before, then you can write about your expectations from this
subject; what would you like to study about, or problems that you would like to provide solutions for. Write it in
the answer sheet provided, or do it in clean sheet of paper.Be ready to share your experiences when called.

Processing: Research subjects entail you to write a scientific paper. This is one of those times
that you will apply those you learned in your English subject, especially in organizing your
thoughts, checking contents of your write-up, grammar, paraphrasing, citing, among others.

Research is a skill. We can develop a research skill just like any other skills. You cannot
learn a skill by simply listening or watching others. You need to engage, so be active and
engaged in your Research subject.


Definition of Research
Research is not something new to you. It is an infamous word in the world of science and the academe.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, Research as word is something that we often hear and see in the social
Let us investigate some articles:

Learning Module for Independent Learning 6

(Lennon, 2021)

(WHO, 2021)

Those were screenshots of articles that published the findings of scientific investigations related to
COVID-19. Science encourages us to believe only those that were research proven and from research
findings. Why do you think so?
Based on the discussions, how would you define research? From these definitions, what characteristics
of research can we derive from these definitions?

Characteristics of Research
What are the characteristics of research that you know? Your Research Teacher will give you two to
three minutes to search any meaning of the characteristics provided, Be ready for a recitation:

Methodical cyclical objective empirical

Validity Reliability scientific rigorous

Learning Module for Independent Learning 7

Steps in Doing Research
1. Identify a problem (should be a researchable problem)
2. Review the Literature (this can also be the first step for you to determine area(s)/variable(s) where
there are limited studies conducted)
3. Design the Study (identify your methodology)
4. Collect data 5. Analyze the data 6. Interpret the data
7. Draw-out Conclusions 8. Draft the recommendations to address the identified issue/problem
9. Publish/report findings

Written Work 1: Summative Activity1 (As an active and life-long learner and critical thinker) – SDG#4

Over the years, research was conducted to make things easier for us, and to improve our quality of life.
For this activity, identify investigations done in the past, which are continuously developed over the
years, and being used at present to make things easier for most people. These investigations or
researches were done in the different fields such as in the agriculture, economics, medical, engineering,
science, technology, etc. Provide pictures of these inventions to illustrate your answer. Add a caption on
how this research/product of research helps people. Be guided with the guide below:

How does the first invention of How are the invention/product Based on your readings, how or
the product/item look like the first looks like as it is being used at what it may look like in the future
time it was invented? present? as it is being developed now?

How are people being helped with this invention/product?

If you were to make additional features to this item, what would that be and how would that become more
useful to its users?

Learning Module for Independent Learning 8

This are in terms of the physical sciences, technology, and engineering. Some of you may have
identified studies helpful for the biological sciences and medical field. There are also studies conducted to
understand, explain, and predict human behaviors.


The IMRAD format and the Research Process

At this early on, you need to be familiar with the format of the research paper required for research
subjects in our university. This is the IMRaD format, which its acronym means Introduction-Methods- Results
and Discussion. Table 1 presents the step/process of research required for you to do along with the IMRaD
Table 1. IMRAD vis-à-vis Steps in Research
IMRAD part Steps in Research
Title formulation IDENTIFY A PROBLEM: Initial research assessment (e.g. topic to work
on) and identifying the research gap or identifying the need for the study
Formulating research problems/objectives
REVIEW THE LITERATURE: Intensive literature review (Literature
survey, establishing the research gap; justifying the problem
Introduction present –1. what is the topic, why the need for the study?
2. studies done in other countries (international)
3. studies done in the country (national)
4. studies done in the City or in the institution
5. theories (theoretical framework/conceptual framework)
6. significance of the study
7. objectives of the study (what are you going to measure, to
Methodology DESIGN THE STUDY –
Study Design 1. what research design you are going to utilize to attain your objectives
2. who will be the participants/respondents of the study; why are you
Sample and Locale of the choosing them? What are their qualifications so that they can participate
Respondents in the study (inclusion criteria)? What will disqualify them to join in your
study (exclusion criteria)? Where will the participants be coming from
(location)? How will you obtain the number of participants (sample
population; sample design)?
3. What are your data gathering tools you will use to obtain the
Data Gathering Tools information you need from your participants/subjects?
- (have your tool validated and tested for reliability)
4. What is the process of your data collection?
Data Gathering Procedures 5. How are you going to treat (analyze and interpret) your data?
Treatment of Data 6. What are the ethical considerations you are going to observe when
Ethical Considerations dealing with your participants? With your data?

NOTE: Attach in your proposal the following:

a. References
b. Ethics Application Form and Ethics Review Form for Proposal
c. Data gathering tool (Validated)
d. Certificate of Tool Validation
FINAL MANUSCRIPT (IMRaD – complete parts)
Results and Discussion Presentation of gathered data for Objective 1
-analysis of data

Learning Module for Independent Learning 9

-interpretation of data (corroborate results with the findings of other

Presentation of gathered data for Objective 2 ….

-analysis of data
-interpretation of data (corroborate results with the findings of other
Conclusions and - (providing overall picture of your findings)
Recommendations -giving recommendation for Objective 1; then for Objective 2…etc.
References -only those you cited in the research paper
Acknowledgment Naming people whom you are grateful for helping you finish the paper
a. Ethics Review Form for final manuscript (approved)
b. Data gathering tool (Validated; google survey form)
c. Communication Letters to gather data
d. Sample generated IBM_SPSS data (if any)
e. Sample Transcribed interviews
Curriculum Vitae -one cv for each author

For the research proposal in Research 2, you will be doing the Introduction-Methods; then in
CONIMM 1, you will now continue the Introduction-Methods by gathering data, then writing your Results and
Discussion, and conclusions and recommendations.

Written Work 2. Research Process Flowchart (Individual task, 20 points, as Active and Life-long Learner;
and as Critical and Creative Thinker) SDG#4

Create your own flowchart to illustrate the steps of doing research based on the discussion or
the list provided above. Refer to the rubric for scoring guide.
Indicator 3 2 1 Total
Clarity of Accurate and clear 2 or 3 steps in the Distorted illustration; *2
presentation presentation of the process are not the steps in doing
steps; clear/not accurate research is not clearly
Creativity of innovatively illustrated the Adopted a style from a Need more thought to *2
presentation steps in doing research; source to illustrate the present the steps in
task required doing a research
Originality The output is carefully Several Copied from a *2
planned to illustrate icons/ideas/styles were classmate; almost all
ideas/steps discussed in lifted from a source; but are obtained from a
the lecture; adds there is an effort to source
information that were illustrate the topic in
missed in the lecture. his/her/their output.
Total Points (plus 2 bonus pts for effort)



Learning Module for Independent Learning 10

Before we discuss the Qualitative Research, let us have an overall picture of what Methodology is to
include Research Design, data gathering tools, data gathering procedures, and treatment of data.

Types of Research According to Methodology

There are different types of research, but our focus is more on the types of research according to
Methodology: The Qualitative and the Quantitative research designs. For RESRCH 1, our subject is
qualitative research, although we will be discussing the quantitative research for you to have options when
you will propose your research title.
First, let us understand what a research design is. What is a Research Design? A research design is
(“Research Design”, n.d.):
“… refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different components
of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively address
the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis
of data.”

A design is a blueprint or a plan that a researcher will use to answer a research question or to test a
hypothesis. In doing research, you need a design to answer your research problem. Say for example, you want
to know the number of trees along the camp trail at Camp John Hay, then you devise a plan by which you can
count the trees. However, if you want to know the experiences of those hikers or walkers who completed the
trail from its all areas, then plan an interview guide to ask them each of them or gather them in a focus group
discussion. Table 2 summarizes the difference between qualitative research design and quantitative research
design in terms of types of approach, sample designs, data gathering tools, treatment of data.

Table 1. Research Designs According to Methodology

Types/Kinds/Variants of Research Approaches
Historical Design Descriptive
Grounded Theory -correlational
Phenomenology -survey
Case Study -status
Discourse Analysis -analysis
Narrative Approach -classification
Ethnography -evaluation
Descriptive Ex-Post-Facto
-True Experimental
Sampling designs
Referral/Snow-ball sampling Random sampling
Purposive Stratified sampling
Quota Cluster sampling
Convenience Kth/nth sampling
Total enumeration
Data Gathering Tools
Interview guide/schedule Questionnaires
-in-depth interview (Key- -dichotomous (yes or no/agree or
informant interviewee Disagree)
-KII) -Likert-scale (strongly disagree to strongly
agree – 1 to 4 scale)

Learning Module for Independent Learning 11

-Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Tests (multiple choice type test)
-Focus Group Interview (FGI) Checklist (check that applies…)
Experiment (Controlled grp vs
Experimental grp)
Treatment of Data/ Data
Analysis Plan
Coding Descriptive Statistics
-Open coding Inferential statistics (use of IBM-SPSS)
-Axial Coding
Theming (identifying themes/patterns)/
Thematic analysis (use of Nvivo)

Be informed that if you decide on using the qualitative research design, then strictly use the column for
the qualitative from the study design to the treatment of data. This holds true for the quantitative design.
Exception is if you are intending to use the mixed research design then you will not be bound by one study
design because one of your objectives can be attained using quantitative approach, and another objective is
attained using the qualitative approach.


Qualitative Research Design

In this lesson you will know more about the value of qualitative research; its kinds,
characteristics, uses, strengths, and weaknesses; and the importance of qualitative research
across fields of inquiry

Ormston et al. (2013) cites Flick (2009) that qualitative research is “naturalistic, interpretative approach,
and concerned with exploring phenomena from ‘within’, and takes perspectives of the participants” (p. 3).
Qualitative researchers study things in their natural environment by making sense or understand or interpret a
phenomenon in terms of how people (participants) see and/or understand such phenomenon. The qualitative
researchers look into the meanings the participants convey to these events/happenings/phenomena.

For the various types of qualitative research design, please refer to the list below:
Specific Approaches of Qualitative
Research Design
Historical Design
Grounded Theory
Case Study
Discourse Analysis
Narrative Approach

Here are brief descriptions of each type/approach of qualitative research:

1. Historical Research Design – process of critical inquiry into past events, in order to produce an
accurate description and interpretation of those events.
2. Grounded Theory – founded on symbolic interactionism; analyzes society by addressing the
subjective meaning that people impose on objects, events, and behaviors.
3. Case study – an intensive study of single person, an incident, an organization/community.
4. Discourse Analysis – usually used in literature studies; studies languages or meanings behind
statements in essays, novels, songs, etc.
5. Narrative Approach – personal experience story
6. Ethnography – a qualitative approach that studies the cultural patterns and perspectives of
participants in their natural settings; participant-observation

Learning Module for Independent Learning 12

7. Phenomenology – study of people’s perception of the world; one of the ways to interpret gathered
data is through the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)
8. Descriptive – determines and describes the way things are; this is suggested when you are not going
to do the IPA

For more information on the different variants of qualitative research design, you can watch from the link
below (Kahn, 2020):

Characteristics of Qualitative Research

You might ask about the characteristics of Quantitative Research to compare with
Qualitative research. Here is a glimpse about Quantitative research (Marketing21, 2021):
1. Requires large sample size
2. Structured research methods (use of questionnaires, polls, and surveys)
3. Reliable outcome that can be used to generalize majority of the population
4. Numerical outcome

Your research teacher may want to discuss more about this in preparation for a quantitative research
such as experimental or correlational studies.

Data Gathering Tools for a Qualitative Research

-Key Informant Interviews– in-depth interviews
-Group Interview
-Focus Group Discussion -

Learning Module for Independent Learning 13

Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative Research

What can be drawn as strengths and weaknesses of Qualitative research? Is qualitative research
important based on the discussions?

Formative Activity: Based on the discussions, what can you draw to be strengths and weaknesses of a study
utilizing the qualitative study design? Give at least 2 for each:
Strengths Weaknesses


Written Work 3. I can tell a QL from QN (As active life-long learner; Individual task, 15 points)

Can you identify the Qualitative Research from Quantitative Research? Write QL if the
statement refers to a Qualitative Research; write QN if it is Quantitative Research. Write your answers
on the space provided for. The offline learners will place their answers in the answer sheet.

Statement/description Answers here

1 The researcher is the main instrument in the research.
2 Seeks to understand the participant’s experiences.
3 Analyzes numbers using statistics.
4 Collects data consisting largely of words (text) or image (pictures)
5 Uses small size sample sizes chosen purposely.
6 Requires descriptions and analysis of words for themes
7 Regression analysis, t-test, Kruskal-wallis, Cochran’s, etc…
8 This involves processes, feelings, motives, and produces in-
depth and holistic data.
9 Uses large sample sizes that are representatives of the
10 Methods include census, survey, experiments and secondary
11 This method usually starts with a hypothesis between two or more
12 Aims to characterized trends and patterns.
13 This involves processes, feelings, motives, and produces in-
depth and holistic data.
14 Uses questionnaires that can be dichotomous or Likert-scale.
15 Key-informant, Focus- groups

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In this lesson you will be oriented on the use of sources according to ethical standards.

(Lifted from a lecture by Dr. Corpuz in 2020)

Importance of Ethics in Research

It is the right thing to do;
1. It protects and provides advocates for the research participants;
2. It preserves credibility, trust, and accountability;
3. It reduces liabilities, wasted time, and resources; and
4. It obeys laws

Why do we have to strictly observe ethics in research?

Components of Ethical Research:
A. social value
B. scientific soundness
-ethical soundness
-competence of researcher
-community involvement
-review by independent committee

A. Social value (what is good for the person?)

1. Past experiences will tell us about “good people” acting bad; and lives of peoples were exchanged
with scientific breakthroughs
2. There are correct (and legal) ways to do research
3. Participants must be valued (beneficence, protect from harm, respected as a person, fairness/equality
with other people
B. Scientific soundness (is data valid and credible? considers social value to results of the study))
-feasibility; attainability of objectives; no harm done to participants, rigorous process, precise inclusion
and exclusion criteria, withdrawal criteria, justification of the conduct of the study; qualification of
researcher; meticulous data gathering, accurate recording of data, use of appropriate statistical or non-
statistical analysis; objective interpretations; well-founded conclusions; practical recommendations; peer

Learning Module for Independent Learning 15

Types of risk
1. Physical risk – refers to minor discomfort or pain, possibly serious or disabling; could result to
permanent disability
2. Psychological risk – results to stress, feeling of guilt or embarrassment, or even depression, loss of
self-esteem, confusion, etc
-also refers to invasion of privacy, and breach of confidentiality
3. Social harm – could result to being labelled or stigmatized causing embarrassment or even criminal
4. Economic harm – could result to loss of employment

With ethics review, the risks to participants are minimized and reasonable (from the powerpoint
presentation of Dr. Jun Corpuz in 2020).

Written Work 4. Writing an Ethical Research (individual task, 20 pts.; as active and lifelong, reflective

Read the following example of an Ethical Considerations. Identify the statements which pertain to
observing ethics in doing the research. Write at least 5 statements in the spaces provided for.

After an orientation of the purpose of the study, the participants were given the consent form. All of
them voluntarily joined and all were notified that they are free to withdraw or quit at any time without feeling
obligated to explain their decision if they become uncomfortable answering the questions. The tourism
students who plan to visit the city's museums scheduled during the gathering of the data do not need to give
a justification for leaving the study.
The participants were reassured that responses will be kept strictly confidential. The identity of
participants was assured to be kept anonymous. The real names of the participants were not used in any of
the documents, instead, their names were coded.

Learning Module for Independent Learning 16

After the data analysis and interpretation for the data, the respondents were again invited to a group
session for the presentation of the research's findings. This is also to ask their confirmation and clarification
if their responses were obtained and interpreted correctly. The results of the study will be shared in the
department and shall be presented in a forum hosted by the university if any.

(Adapted from Langbay et al., SIHTM, 2022, unpublished final study)

1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________

When it comes to ethics in research, plagiarism usually comes to mind. It is often the easiest to commit
especially when a requirement is something that needs time to prepare and the student did not do anything at
those times or days they were asked to think and create the requirement. Instead, they asked classmates to
“help”, or they re-use assignments submitted for other subjects, or simply copy-paste from available sources.
Chances are, if the teacher discovers this kind of cheating, they could fail the subject, suspended from the
classes, or in other cases, students who owns something they do not own were expelled and stripped of any
grade/degree they were given before the discovery of their criminal acts.

Examples of plagiarism:

Learning Module for Independent Learning 17

Bench accused of plagiarism by student, says it is willing to settle

Coconuts Manila (2015)

CHED head? Lapuz plagiarized parts of his UST book

[EXCLUSIVE] Editors of an academic journal find that some parts of Jose David Lapuz's book were lifted without attribution or
acknowledgment of the original source (Gavilan, 2016)

Five types of Plagiarism (Zalani, 2021):

1. Verbatim/mosaic/copy-paste Plagiarism – it is copying-and-pasting directly from a source without
citing the author; it is using exact words of the author
2. Patchwork/ Plagiarism – taking different statements from other sources and make it into a whole;
also known as mosaic plagiarism
3. Paraphrasing/find-replace Plagiarism – most common; paraphrasing means does not make the
idea your own, so you still need to cite your source of the idea
4. Global/direct/clone Plagiarism – taking all the work of someone and reporting it as your own; this
also includes getting someone to write an essay for you then submitting to your teacher as your
5. Self-plagiarism – submitting a paper you already submitted for another class; includes editing your
work developed from previous assignment which you have received credit already.

Learning Module for Independent Learning 18

Mini-task 1: Spot the Plagiarized (individual task, 2 points each; as critical and creative, active and
lifelong learner) SDG#4

A. Identify the kind of plagiarism done in the submitted outputs:

Source text Copied text Answer

1 Data from the National Assessment of Data from the National Assessment
Educational Progress (NAEP) in 2015 show of Educational Progress (NAEP) in
that about one in five students missed three 2015 indicate that about one in five
days of school or more in the month before students were absent for three days
they took the NAEP mathematics of school or more in the month before
assessment (Garcia & Weiss, 2018) the NAEP mathematics assessment.
2 Results also revealed that student Results also revealed that student
absenteeism differed in respect to parents’ absenteeism differed in respect to
educational level and income (Balkis et al. parents’ educational level and
(2016) income.
3 This Research Paper is submitted by Maria This Thesis Proposal is submitted by
Makiling in partial fulfillment for the Boy Tapang in partial fulfillment for
requirements in CORENG 1 this 1st the requirements in RESEARCH 1
Semester SY 2021-2022. this 1st Semester SY 2022-2023.
4 The average screen time in the UK stands at The researcher found out that the
3 hours 23 minutes per day (Zalani, 2021) average screen time in the UK
stands at 3 hours 23 minutes per
More schoolers spend more hours of screen day. More school children consumed
time nowadays (Ambalan, 2018). more hours of checking phones as
observed by the researcher.
5 A Position Paper on the Required Anti- Required Anti-COVID 19 vaccine for
COVID 19 vaccine for people with co people with co morbidities
morbidities Submitted in partial fulfilment in
Submitted in partial fulfilment in CORENG 1 CONRES 1

B. Rephrase, paraphrase, or summarize the following paragraph. Your output will be checked using the
following rubric for your score:

15 – the student exerted effort to summarize or paraphrase the text; no

plagiarism committed; the output is commendable; the source is cited
10 – efforts were made to summarize or paraphrase the text but there
were still texts/parts which is/are not acceptable; several plagiarized
words were spotted
5 – needs more improvement/ not done properly

Learning Module for Independent Learning 19

Source text Your work
(source: Balkis, 2016)
Student absenteeism is defined by
Teasley (2004) as a period when a student
does not attend school, has become major
and continuous problem among high school
students in many countries. Indeed,
numerous studies conducted to answer a
question that is why high school students
miss classes. In this notion, Teasley have
noted numerous risk factors that contribute to
student absenteeism such as family health,
low income, poor school climate, drug and
alcohol use, transportation problems, and
community attitudes towards education.
Pehlivan (2006) found that the major reason
given by students for non-attendance at
lecture or school were bored at school, dislike
of school and lessons, encouragement of
friends, and lack of expectations about



In this lesson you will formulate clearly the statement of research problem by writing a
research title, providing justification for the conduct of such study and for whom the study
will be conducted for, and presenting the SOP.

Preparing the Research Title

The research title is usually read first. If you were required to look for a related study with your intended
topic, you scan the available studies online or printed by reading research titles. The requirement for writing a
research title following the IMRaD format contains at least 12 words but not more than 15 words.

Enago Academy (2021) and Balch (2012) provide characteristics and tips on how to generate a
research title.

1. It catches attention and interest of readers (encourages curiosity from readers)

2. It provides a glimpse on the content of the research paper.
3. It contains keywords that will make your study recognizable, visible, and different from other
studies; (searchable)
4. It does not contain technical language

Learning Module for Independent Learning 20

5. It does not use of abbreviations and jargons
6. Not opinionated
7. Not humorous

To explain how to write title better, please have time to watch Ana Ph
(2020) in

Research titles can be checked if it is appropriate using SMART. If you obtain more Nos than Yeses,
then consider rephrasing, or reframing your intended title:

Specific? Yes No
Measurable? Yes No
Attainable? Yes No
Resource Available? Yes No
Time-bound? Yes No

Let us scrutinize the following:


Coping Strategies and Psychological Outcomes: The Moderating Effects of Personal


A qualitative study of the perceptions of first year college students regarding technology and
college readiness

GRAMMPS: A generalized mission planner for multiple mobile robots in unstructured environments

A quantitative study of teacher perceptions of professional learning communities’ context, process, and

A quantitative study of course grades and retention comparing online and face-to-face classes

Quantitative studies of water and sanitation utilities: A literature survey

Examples of Bad Titles

1. Why online selling becomes a trend during the pandemic? (avoid interrogative; avoid the obvious)
2. UB as most preferred school in Baguio City (this could be an article title which presents the findings
of a research that was conducted about School preferences of students in Baguio City)
3. 50 years is long enough
4. The effectiveness of JnJ Anti-Covid 19 vaccine
5. Should the kindergarteners be given mobile phones for their education?

Learning Module for Independent Learning 21

Min-Task 2: Which one is correct a research title? (Critical Thinker, SG#4) (1 pt each)

A. Please check which among the following is a correct format for a research title:
Titles Answers
1. Factors contributing to the grade consciousness of the Senior High School
2. The streak of tigers in the Indian jungle
3. A correlational study on the impact of perceived social loafing on academic
4. The uses of google in the life of a student
5. The life of Pi
6. Food business establishments in Baguio City: Its impact to tourism in
Baguio City
7. The Belgian Malanois Longcoat
8. The impact of the UB senior high school research curriculum to its alumni in
the tertiary level
9. The research competencies between a single author versus Group
research: A comparative research
10. How many tourists come to Baguio during Holidays?


Writing the Rationale of the Study

A part of writing the introduction of your research proposal is presenting the importance of your study or
the rationale of the study. It is on this part where you are presenting what about your paper or what is its focus,
and why is it being done. The Rationale is the part where you justify the need for the study or you provide
reasons why this study needs to be conducted. You provide issues/problems encountered in that area and that
doing your study will help solve or provide solutions to those problems/issues. You can cite what is happening
in the society/community where this issue is met. Remember that it is not enough being interested in a topic
because you want to, or simply based on your observation that this study needs to be done is not enough.
Your justifications must be supported by other studies conducted on the area. And these studies show that
they have not much studied that, or their focus does not provide solution to the concern that you want to
provide solutions for.

This part is where we read the research gap. Ajit’s Voice (2022) defines research gap as those not
much studied or not studied areas about the topic that you are interested to do. The other term for this
research gap is also called the gray areas because there is an important scope of the topic that needs to be
studied about however, other researchers did not work on those areas yet, or they have limited discussions
about it. Another perspective about research gap is it presents a new understanding or a solution to certain
problem. For such reason, this now becomes your justification as a researcher to do your intended study.

Learning Module for Independent Learning 22

Note: Granting that you presented studies conducted on the topic you are interested to do; you now
make synthesis/summary by highlighting the research gap.


In this proposed study, the researchers would like to conduct this study in order to determine whether
there is a significant relationship between the level of emotional intelligence and the level of forgiveness
among 1st, 2nd, and 4th-year psychology students from the dean's list of the school year 2021–2022 of the
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts. There are no conducted studies on this subject in the
Philippines and there is a lack of studies on the relationship between forgiveness and emotional intelligence.
The aim of the study is to further understand the relationship between emotional intelligence and forgiveness
among students with high academic performance.
(Adopted from Domingo et al., a research proposal from students in STELA, 2022)

This activity requires you to look for a study in any field related to your strand. Look for studies
from these sources. Since learning modality becomes high flexed, or blended, published studies
online are more preferable. We refer to them as primary sources. This activity tests whether you can
choose properly or not a study which is published. There are many studies online, and you have
various interests, so it should not be that you will collect similar studies.

Learning Module for Independent Learning 23

Mini Task 3: Selecting an appropriate Literature (As an active-lifelong and critical thinker,

Accomplish this template and attach a copy of the study you are discussing about. Remember,
you are not working on an Abstract of the study. Provide a complete copy of the study.
Title of Study:

Author/s If book/e-book/magazine/
newspaper: Year and name
of publisher:

If online, URL:

Findings of the study/ Other important notes that

What is the study all mentioned in the paper that can be used in writing the
about? Introduction/Theoretical of the Study Summarized/
(can be copied as is or presented in bullet form) paraphrased statement of the copied statement
What is the study all Example: 12% of students suffered from clinically relevant
about? psychological complaints. Compared to 1994, self-reported
(focus, place of study, mental health problems have significantly decreased.
group of people -number it or in bullet form
studied, design of the
study, tool to gather
data, method of



Objectives of the Study refers to your goals or those that you want to attain in your study. This
part is usually located at the last part of the Introduction part of the research paper. As objectives imply,
reviewers look for that measurable, specific, and realistic behavior that you want to do. In another
research format, the Objectives of the Study is presented as the Statement of the Problem. The
format we use in the University is the former, so we state in declarative form; while the latter uses the
interrogative sentence/s.

In research, we have two parts of the Objectives of the Study/Statement of the Problem:

1. General statement of the problem

Learning Module for Independent Learning 24

2. Specific Statement of the problem

The general statement of the problem is often expressed in one or two sentences. The
specific statement of the problem shows actually that you want tomeasure. It presented often in
bullet form, and starts with the following (IMRAD, 2019):
1. to identify …
2. to determine….
3. to compare …
4. to evaluate ….
5. to understand … (suggested for qualitative research)

In measuring, we use the statistical tool for the quantitative research to attain our objectives.
In Qualitative research, we identify patterns or themes tounderstand a certain phenomenon.

Example 1:

Title: Effectiveness of Policy on the Submission of Requirements among the Offline Learners

statement of

This study intends to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of

the policy on submission of requirements for offline learners in the Senior High
School of UBHS. Specifically, it aims to:
1. to determine the level of effectiveness of the implementation of policy
on the submission of assignments among the Grade 11 and Grade 12
2. to identify the concerns experienced by offline learners; and
3. to suggest program to help offline learners in their online learning.

Notice in Example 2 below ( ), the italicized is the general statement of the problem,and the
emboldened is the specific problem of the study. In the actual writing, it should not be italicized or

Example 2:

This research aims to know the experiences of Grade 12 students in

Research classes who are outside Baguio City, particularly this study seeks to
understand the lived experiences of grade 12 students who are residing
outside of Baguio City and is enrolled in RESRCH 2.

Learning Module for Independent Learning 25

Performance task/ Mini-Task 4 (Critical and Creative
Thinker; Effective Communicator)

A. In this activity, you will be asked to write the objectives of the following proposed studies:

1. Alcohol-related crimes in Baguio City

General Objective:
Specific objectives:
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. The knowledge of students about medicinal plants

General Objective:
Specific objectives:
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. Service quality and customer satisfaction on selected bazaars selling shoes and clothes in Baguio City
General Objective:
Specific objectives:
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________

4. Lived experiences of caretakers of senior patients with co-morbidities

General Objective:
Specific objectives:
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________

Learning Module for Independent Learning 26

B. You are going to propose a research title. Accomplish the template below:

 What are the issues or concerns related to your field/in your community that you want to
provide solutions for, understand, or wanted to be enlightened about?

Draft a title for this study you have in mind?

Using the SMART checklist, is your proposed study

Resources are available?

Based on your observations and readings, why do you want to make a study on this topic? Justify
the need for this study; you might want to establish the need for this by looking into the findings of
similar studies; cite your sources).


Hopefully, you get skills on writing required parts of the research paper. Learning the skills by doing the
tasks will at least give your ideas on how you will be drafting these parts and placing them appropriately in your
research proposal one day. Prepare to look for more literatures and cite them accordingly in the next quarter.

Learning Module for Independent Learning 27


Ajit’s Voice. (2022). How to select research topic.
Armstrong, N. (n.d.). Research is creating new knowledge [image].
Ana Ph. (2020). How to write a research title.
Balch, T. (2012). How to compose a title for your research paper.
Balkis, M., Arslan, G., Duru, e. (2016). The school absenteeism among high school students: Contributing
factors. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 16(6), 1819-1831. DOI. 10.12738/estp.2016.6.0125
Coconuts Manila. (2015). Bench accused of plagiarism by student, says it is willing to settle.
Enago Academy. (2021). Writing the title page.
Focus Group Discussion. (n.d.).
Garcia, E. &, Weiss, E. (2018). Student absenteeism.
Gavilan, J. (2016). CHED head? Lapuz plagiarized parts of his UST book.
Khan, M. (2020). Qualitative research: Definition and characteristics.
Key Informant Interviews. (n.d.).
Lennon, A. (2021). Are COVID-19 vaccine booster way forward?
Marketing91. (2021). What are the characteristics of quantitative research.
Ormston, R., Spencer, L, & Barnard, M. (2013). The foundations of qualitative research. Sage.
Research Design. (n.d.).
Research Gap. (n.d.). [image].
World Health Organization. (2021). Global research on conronavirus disease (COVID-19).
UB Thesis and Dissertation Manual. (2021). University of Baguio, Baguio City.

Zalani, R. (2021). 5 types of plagiarism.

Learning Module for Independent Learning 28


NAME: Section:

Date Submitted: Due Date of Submission:

Pre-Activity 1. My Research Experiences (Formative Assessment, 100-200 words only)


NAME: Section:

Date Submitted: Due Date of Submission:

Written Work 1: Summative Activity1 (As an active and life-long learner and critical thinker) – SDG#4
How does the first invention of the How are the invention/product looks Based on your readings, how or
product/item look like the first time it like as it is being used at present? what it may look like in the future as
was invented? it is being developed now?

How are people being helped with this invention/product?

If you were to make additional features to this item, what would that be and how would that become more useful to
its users?

Learning Module for Independent Learning 29

NAME: Section:

Date Submitted: Due Date of Submission:

Written Work 2. Research Process Flowchart (As creative learner, Individual task, 20 points)
Create your own flowchart to illustrate the steps of doing research based on the discussion or the list provided above. You can draw it on a
clean sheet of paper and send a picture to your Teacher. Refer to the rubric for scoring guide.

Indicator 3 2 1 Total score

Clarity of presentation Accurate and clear presentation 2 or 3 steps in the process are Distorted illustration; the *2
of the steps; not clear/not accurate steps in doing research is
not clearly presented
Creativity of presentation innovatively illustrated the steps Adopted a style from a source Need more thought to *2
in doing research; to illustrate the task required present the steps in doing
a research
Originality The output is carefully planned to Several icons/ideas/styles Copied from a classmate; *2
illustrate ideas/steps discussed in were lifted from a source; but almost all are obtained
the lecture; adds information that there is an effort to illustrate from a source
were missed in the lecture. the topic in his/her/their
Total Points (plus 2 bonus pts for effort)

NAME: Section:

Date Submitted: Due Date of Submission:

Written Work 3. I can tell a QL from QN (Individual task, 15 points)

Can you identify the Qualitative Research from Quantitative Research? Write QL if the statement refers
to a Qualitative Research; write QN if it is Quantitative Research. Write your answers on the space
provided for. The offline learners will place their answers in the answer sheet.

Statement/description Answers here

1 The researcher is the main instrument in the research.
2 Seeks to understand the participant’s experiences.
3 Analyzes numbers using statistics.
4 Collects data consisting largely of words (text) or image (pictures)
5 Uses small size sample sizes chosen purposely.
6 Requires descriptions and analysis of words for themes
7 Regression analysis, t-test, Kruskal-wallis, Cochran’s, etc…
8 This involves processes, feelings, motives, and produces in-
depth and holistic data.
9 Uses large sample sizes that are representatives of the
10 Methods include census, survey, experiments and secondary
11 This method usually starts with a hypothesis between two or more
12 Aims to characterized trends and patterns.
13 This involves processes, feelings, motives, and produces in-
depth and holistic data.
14 Uses questionnaires that can be dichotomous or Likert-scale.
15 Key-informant, Focus- groups

Learning Module for Independent Learning 30

NAME: Section:

Date Submitted: Due Date of Submission:

Written Work 4. Writing an Ethical Research (individual task, 20 pts. )

1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________

Date Submitted: Due Date of Submission:
Mini-task 1: Spotting the Plagiarized (individual task, 2 points each)

Source text Copied text Answer
1. Data from the National Assessment of Data from the National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) in 2015 show Educational Progress (NAEP) in 2015
that about one in five students missed three indicate that about one in five students
days of school or more in the month before were absent for three days of school or
they took the NAEP mathematics more in the month before the NAEP
assessment (Garcia & Weiss, 2018) mathematics assessment.
2. Results also revealed that student Results also revealed that student
absenteeism differed in respect to parents’ absenteeism differed in respect to
educational level and income (Balkis et al. parents’ educational level and income.
3. McLeod, S.A. (2019, July 30). Qualitative vs. Mcleod. (2019, July 30). Qualitative vs.
quantitative research. Simply Psychology. quantitative research. Simply Psychology.
4. The average screen time in the UK The average screen time in the UK
stands at 3 hours 23 minutes per day stands at 3 hours 23 minutes per
(Zalani, 2021) day as per Code Computer Love.
5. A Position Paper on the Required Anti- Required Anti-COVID 19 vaccine for
COVID 19 vaccine for people with co people with co morbidities
morbidities Submitted in partial fulfilment in
Submitted in partial fulfilment in CONRES 1

Learning Module for Independent Learning 31

Source text Your work
(source: Balkis, 2016)
Student absenteeism is defined by Teasley (2004) as a
period of time when a student does not attend school,
has become major and continuous problem among
high school students in many countries. Indeed,
numerous studies conducted to answer a question
that is why high school students miss classes. In this
notion, Teasley have noted numerous risk factors that
contribute to student absenteeism such as family
health, low income, poor school climate, drug and
alcohol use, transportation problems, and community
attitudes towards education. Pehlivan (2006) found
that the major reason given by students for non-
attendance at lecture or school were bored at school,
dislike of school and lessons, encouragement of
friends, and lack of expectations about education.

Mini-Task 2: Which one is correct a research title? (Critical Thinker, SG#4) (1 pt each)

Please check which among the following is a correct format for a research title:
Titles Answers
11. Factors contributing to the grade consciousness of the Senior High School students
12. The streak of tigers in the Indian jungle
13. A correlational study on the impact of perceived social loafing on academic
14. The uses of google in the life of a student
15. The life of Pi
16. Food business establishments in Baguio City: Its impact to tourism in Baguio City
17. The Belgian Malanois Longcoat
18. The impact of the UB senior high school research curriculum to its alumni in the
tertiary level
19. The research competencies between a single author versus Group research: A
comparative research
20. How many tourists come to Baguio during Holidays?

Learning Module for Independent Learning 32

Date Submitted: Due Date of Submission:

Mini Task 3: Selecting an appropriate Literature (As an active-lifelong and critical thinker,

Accomplish this template and attach a copy of the study you are discussing about. Remember,
you are not working on an Abstract of the study. Provide a complete copy of the study.
Title of Study:

Author/s If book/e-book/magazine/
newspaper: Year and name
of publisher:

If online, URL:

Findings of the study/ Other important notes that

What is the study all mentioned in the paper that can be used in writing the
about? Introduction/Theoretical of the Study Summarized/
(can be copied as is or presented in bullet form) paraphrased statement of the copied statement
What is the study all Example: 12% of students suffered from clinically relevant
about? psychological complaints. Compared to 1994, self-reported
(focus, place of study, mental health problems have significantly decreased.
group of people -number it or in bullet form
studied, design of the
study, tool to gather
data, method of

Learning Module for Independent Learning 33

Date Submitted: Due Date of Submission:

Mini-task 4

I. In this activity, you will be asked to write the objectives of the following proposed

1. Alcohol-related crimes in Baguio City

General Objective:
Specific objectives:

2. The knowledge of students about medicinal plants

General Objective:
Specific objectives:

3. Service quality and customer satisfaction on selected bazaars selling shoes and clothes in Baguio City
General Objective:
Specific objectives:

4. Lived experiences of caretakers of senior patients with co-morbidities

General Objective:
Specific objectives:

Learning Module for Independent Learning 34


II. You are going to propose a research title. Accomplish the template below:

 What are the issues or concerns related to your field/in your community that you want to
provide solutions for, understand, or wanted to be enlightened about?

Draft a title for this study you have in mind?

Using the SMART checklist, is your proposed study

Resources are available?

Based on your observations and readings, why do you want to make a study on this topic? Justify
the need for this study; you might want to establish the need for this by looking into the findings of
similar studies; cite your sources).

Learning Module for Independent Learning 35

2nd Quarter

Learning Module for Independent Learning 36

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