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1967 - McLuhan - Invisible - Environment New

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There is a recent book by Jacques Ellul.

It is In 1963 Eric Havelock published a study called t o experience on making contact w i t h the
called Propaganda. Ellul's book has as a theme Preface t o Plato. It is a study of what happened In mechanized societies of the West
that propaganda is not ideology. It is rather Greece before Plato. "Preface" means h o w
the hidden, but complete, image of a social way of did the Greeks educate each other before writing? Paul Goodman has a book recordtng one aspect
life that is imbedded in the social technologies What were the processes by which they educated of the situation. It is titled Growing U p Absurd.
and social patterns just as it is imbedded in, say, their young people before Plato? He calls this To grow u p today is to be absurd, because w e
t h e English language. Ellul would say that the process that preceded Plato the "tribal live In t w o worlds, and neither one of them
action of the English language or the action encyclopedia." The young memorized the poets. inclines you t o grow up. I have a friend w h o once
of the French language-that is propaganda. That The poets were operative purveyors of practical pointed out t o me something that struck me
presents a total psychic and environmental wisdom and counsel. Homer, Hesiod, and the w i t h great force. He said. "You know, the only
Image t o men, whereas the ideologies, explicit rest actually provided the young people w i t h work that royalty has'to do is t o g r o w up, and
verbalized messages, are relatively insignificant models of perception and models of behavior and for a young prince or prlncess growing u p and
compared t o this overall image. Ellul's theme strategies for overcoming all sorts of difficulties acquiring all the types of knowledge and language
In a word is t h i s : Propaganda consists in using all and obstacles. The great Odysseus was above necessary for survival is a fantastically difficult
the available means of one's society t o create all a Greek hero because of his resourcefulness- job." It would seem that w e have paradoxically
a w a y of I ~ f eWhatever
. that way may be. IS his unfailing initiative and skill in every type of created on a democratic scale a situation of
propaganda-that is action that is total and opaque and threatening situation. Havelock first education for royalty. Our youngsters today are
invisible, and invincible. describes this education that went on through mainly confronted w i t h the problem of just growing
the poets, and then describes the advent of up-that is our n e w work-and it is total. That
This is another mysterious feature about the new writing and the complete change that came over is w h y it is not a job; it is a role. Growlng u p
and potent electronic envlronment w e n o w live education as a result of that. With the coming has become, in the age of electrically processed
in. The really total and saturating environments are of writing, education shifted from the memorizing of information, the major task of mankind. We still
invisible. The ones w e notice are qulte fragmentary the tribal encyclopedia that made education a sort have our eyes fixed on the rear-view mirror
and insignificant compared t o the ones w e of "singing commercial." With writing came looking firmly and squarely at the job that is
don't see. The Engllsh language, for example, the classification of knowledge, the ideas, the receding into the 19th Century past. The job,
as it shapes our perceptions and all our habits of categories. Plato's detestation of the poets was which w e feel w e should have by rights, belongs
thought and feeling, is ltttle perceived by the mainly a rivalry between the n e w and the old t o the old mechanical technology of classified data
users of the English language. I t becomes much educational establishments. The poets had and of fragmented tasks. Yet w e are n o w
more perceptible if w e switch suddenly t o French. naturally failed t o come t o grips w i t h the n e w surrounded by a n e w environment, of integrated
But in the case of environments that are created technology of the written word. tasks, integrated knowledge, and that demands
by n e w technologies, while they are quite pattern recognition. The kind of contrast
Invisible In themselves, they do tend t o make Havelock's book has a fascinating quality, because between those t w o situations creates an absurdity
visible the old environments. We can always see the it really tells the story of what w e are going that has launched the theatre of the absurd.
Emperor's old clothes, but not his n e w ones. through right now. We are playing that tape (the The theatre of the absurd itself is postulated on
situation he describes) backwards-the change this kind of dichotomy between these t w o cultures
I want t o use this theme a little bit for my purposes from tribal man t o individual man. As w e move that never seem t o get any closer together.
here. If the n e w environment is invisible, it does into the world of integral, computerized knowledge.
serve t o make very visible the preceding mere classification becomes secondary and I have started then w i t h the theme of the
environment. The obvious and simple illustration inadequate t o the speeds w i t h which data can imperceptibility of n e w environments, and that
of that is the late show. On the late show on n o w be processed. As data can be processed very what is perceptible In typical human situations is
television w e see old movies. They are very rapidly w e move literally into the world of the old environment. It is plain that the content
visible; they are very noticeable. Since television, pattern recognition, out of the world of mere data of Plato's work, of his n e w written form, was
the movie form has been re-processed. The classification. One way of putting this is t o say the old oral dialogue. The content of the print
form of movie which once was environment that our children today live in a world in which technology of the Renaissance was medieval
and Invisible has been re-processed into an the environment itself is a teaching machine writing. For 200 years after printing there was
art form, and, indeed, a highly valued art form. made of electric information. The young person hardly anythlng printed except medieval texts-
Indirectly, the n e w art films of our time have today is a data processor on a very large scale. think of poor Don Qulxote! Don Quixote was the
received an enormous amount of encouragement Some people have estimated that the young victim of the current Renaissance craze for
and impact from the television form. The person, the infant and the small chlld, growing u p medieval comic books or medieval romances.
television form has remained quite invisible- in our world today works harder than any child This went on for another century. What got
will only become visible the moment that television ever did in any previous human environment- printed in the main, for t w o centuries and more
itself becomes the content of a n e w medium. only the work he has t o perform is that of data after the printlng press, was the medieval tale,
The next medium, whatever it is-it may be processing. The small child in 20th Century medieval Books of Hours, medieval liturgies,
the satellite environment or the extension of America does more data processing-more- and medieval philosophy. Shakespeare lived in the
consciousness-will include television as its work than any child in any previous culture in the Renaissance world, and the content of
content, not as its environment, and will transform history of the world, according t o Jacques Shakespeare's plays, as Tolstoy complained, is
television into an art form; but this process Ellul, among others. We haven't really cottoned medieval. His politics, his world picture-the
whereby every n e w technology creates an t o the fact that our children work furiously, Eltzabethan world picture. The Elizabethans
environment that translates the old or preceding processing data in an electrically structured looked back firmly and squarely at the receding
technology into an art form, or into something information world; and when these children enter medieval forms. But the middle ages were the late
exceedingly noticeable, affords so many a classroom-elementary school-they encounter a show for the Renaissance. By the 19th Century
fascinating examples I can only mention a few. situation which is very bewildering t o them. the Renaissance had come into full view in the
The youngster today, stepping out of his nursery rear-view mirror. As the industrial environment
or TV environment, goes t o school and enters a formed, this progressive time firmly and squarely
world where the information is scarce but is confronted the Renaissance. The content of
ordered and structured by fragmented, classified the 19th Century mind was the Renaissance;
patterns, subjects, schedules. He is utterly the content of the 20th Century mind is the 19th
bewildered because he comes out of this intricate Century. We are obsessed w i t h it. It is not as
and complex integral world of electric information
and goes into this 19th Century world of
classified information which still characterizes the
educational establishment. The educational
establishment is a 19th Century world of classified
data much like any factory set u p w i t h its inventories
and assembly lines. The young today are
baffled because of this extraordinary gap between
these t w o worlds. Perhaps w e feel n o w a
confusion similar t o that which preliterates used
easy t o banish that mirage as one m ~ g h wish.
t But I think the computer is admirably suited t o the If the environment or process of change gets
one of the most b~zarregrowths In this development artist~cprogramming of such an envlronment. of going at a clip consistent w i t h electronic ~ n f o r m a t ~ o n
occurred when ra~lwaysand factories came In. taking over the task of programming the movement, ~t becomes very easy t o percelve
The content of t h ~ snew industrial, mechanical envlronment itself as a work of art, Instead of social patterns for the first time In human history.
envlronment was the old agrarian world. and programming the content as a work of art. This In the pre-electric age patterns were ~mperceptible
there was this upsurge of awareness and delight situation suggests some considerable changes because change occurred just slowly enough t o
in the old agrarian environment of arts and in the human state. It suggests that the role of art be invisible. Was it Bertrand Russell w h o asked
crafts-the pastoral world T h ~ sdiscovery of in the past has been not so much the making ~fw e were in a bath whose temperature rose
the receding age was called the "romantlc of envlronments as m a k ~ n gof counter-environments half a degree an hour, h o w would w e k n o w when
movement." or anti-environments. Flaubert, a hundred years t o scream? The pattern recognit~onthat is quite
ago, said : "Style is a way of seeing." Ever ~mpossibled u r ~ n gprocesses of slow change,
The sudden d~scoveryof nature was made poss~ble since that time the painters and artists have been becomes qulte easy when the same changes are
by the r a ~ l w a yand the factor~eswhlch were so quite conscious of their jobs as teach~ngpeople speeded u p even t o movle or cinematic levels.
very d~fferentfrom nature The romantlc movement h o w t o perceive the world they h e In. "It is So, the artist, as a creator of anti-environments or
was a product of the mechan~calage by way above all that you may see," s a ~ dConrad, counter-environments, created t o permit
of a contrapuntal envlronment It was not a apropos the meanlng of h ~ work. s The training of perception of environments, has a very pecul~ar
repeat of the mechan~calage rather ~twas the perception upon the otherw~seunheeded role in our soclety.
content of the mechan~calage, and the artlsts environment became the bas~sof experlmentatlon
and poets turned t o processing the old agrarlan In what is called modern art and poetry. The The artlst as a maker of anti-env~ronments becomes
world lnto del~ghtfullandscapes and del~ghtful artist, Instead of expressing himself in varlous the enemy In soclety He doesn t seem t o be
pastoral poems T h ~ swas In turn altered by patterns and packages of message, turned his very well adjusted He does not accept the
the rlse of electr~ctechnology w h ~ c hwent around senses and the work of art t o the bus~nessof envlronment w ~ t hall ~ t sb r a ~ n w a s h ~ nfunct~ons
the old mechan~calworld of a few decades ago p r o b ~ n gthe environment. The symbol~sts,for w ~ t hany passlvlty whatever he just turns
When the electr~ctechnology jacketed the example, broke up the old romantic landscape into upon ~tand reflects h ~ anti-enwonmental
mach~neworld, when clrcultry took over from the fragments which they used as probes t o explore perceptions upon ~t The artlst. for the past century,
wheel, and the clrcult went around the old the urban and metropolitan environments. has ~ncreas~ngly fused or merged w ~ t hthe
factory, the mach~nebecame an art form Then they turned t o probing the inner life of man c r ~ m ~ n In
a l popular estlmatlon, as he has become
Abstract art, for example, IS very much a result of w i t h the same verbal instruments In hand. anti-env~ronment S ~ n c eBaudelawe, the artlst,
the electr~cage golng around the mechan~calone Instead of uslng the verbal as a way of expresslon, the sleuth-the Sherlock Holmes type, the
they turned ~t inward for the purpose of James Bond type, the Raymond Chandler-Marlow
In our time w e can see that pop art conslsts in exploring and d~scoveringthe contours of the inner type-these men have turned a vlslon onto
t a k ~ n gthe outer environment and putting it in life. The psychiatrist took over in the same soclety that I S very anti-env~ronmental, very
the art gallery, or indoors somewhere, suggesting pattern and began t o erode the unconscious. If the self-consc~ous,and the artlst has myster~ously
that w e have reached the stage where w e have unconsclous has an important and irreplaceable a l the anti-soc~al
been h y b r ~ d ~ z ewd~ t hthe c r ~ m ~ nor
begun t o process the environment Itself as an function in human affairs, w e had best look to it- f ~ g u r e By the same token, crlme has become
art form. We may be catching u p w ~ t hourselves. ~t is being eroded at a furlous pace; ~t is b e ~ n g obsess~onalIn our soc~etyas a form of artlstlc
When w e b e g ~ nt o deal w ~ t hour actually exlstlng Invaded by dazzling ~nvestigationsand insights, expresslon T h ~ sI S not lost on ch~ldrenThe
new envlronment as an art form, w e may be and w e could quickly reach a stage In which del~nquentc h ~ l dI S often a very b r ~ g h and t
reaching that stage the planet Itself seems t o have w e had n o unconsclous. T h ~ swould be l ~ k e keenly perceptive person It IS not lost on h ~ m that
reached. W ~ t hsatell~teand electron~cantennae dreaming awake. Such may well be the prophet~c the k ~ n d of overwhelm~ng,b r a ~ n w a s h ~ nforces
g of h ~ s
as probes, the planet ceases in a way t o be the meaning of Finnegans Wake by James Joyce. enwronment really call for a l ~ t t l eanti-soc~al or
human envlronment and becomes an old nose-cone His Idea b e ~ n gin that book, among may others, artlstlc and exploratory a c t ~ v ~ tThe y ch~ld,by
satellite itself-a probe into space, creatlng that tribal man lived a dream and modern man 1s del~nquentbehav~or,I S aplng the exploratory
n e w space and envlronments for the planet If "back again F~nnegan"into the cycle of the artlst Dostoevsk~was aware of t h ~ sIn Crime and
the planet itself has thus become the content of a t r ~ b a l~nvolvement;but t h ~ st ~ m eawake. T h ~ s Pun~shment He saw the cr~mlnalas a sort of
n e w space created by ~ t ssatell~tes,and its possib~litythat w e are act~velyengaged In cross between the salnt and the artlst
electron~cextenslons, if the planet has become liqu~datingthe unconscious for the first time in
the content and not the environment, then w e can history. behooves us t o pay some attention t o h o w ~t Our newspapers create an ~nformationenvironment,
confidently expect t o see the next few decades is structured and t o what f u n c t ~ o nit serves in yet without crime as content w e would not be
devoted t o turnlng the planet lnto an art form. human affairs. It may prove t o be ~nd~spensable to able t o perceive the envlronment. The newspapers
We w i l l caress andshape and pattern every sanity. have t o have bad news, otherw~sethere would
facet, every contour of this planet as if it were a not be any newspapers, but only ads, or good
work of art, just as surely as w e have put One overall consideration for our tlme I S t o news. Without bad news w e could not discern the
a n e w environment around ~ t . cons~derhow. In the past, the enwronment was ground-rules of the environment. T h ~ sdoes not
invisible In its operation upon us. Environments are necessarily mean the envlronment is bad, but
not just containers, but are processes that ~t means its operation upon us is total and
change the content totally. N e w media are new ruthless. The enwronment is always the brainwasher,
environments. That is w h y the media are the so that the well-adjusted person, by d e f ~ n ~ t ~ o n ,
message. One related cons~derat~on is that has been brainwashed. He is adjusted. He's
anti-environments, or counter-environments had ~ tThere
. is a book by Erwin Strauss recently
created by the artist, are ~nd~spensable means of which throws new hght on Pavlov's operations
becoming aware of the envlronment, in which (the Russlan psychologist). He d ~ d n ' tget h ~ s
w e live and of the environments w e create for condition~ngeffects by means of stimuli or
ourselves technically. John Cage has a book signals t o h ~ experimental
s subjects. Rather he d ~ d
called Silence In which, very early in the book, he it by env~ronmentalcontrols. He put h ~ subjects
explains that silence conslsts of all of the in environments in which there was n o sound,
unintended noises of the environment. All the things in w h i c h the heat and other sensory controls
that are going on all the tlme in any environment, were very carefully adjusted and maintamed
but things that were never programmed or steadily. Pavlov discovered that ~fyou t r ~ e dt o
intended-that I S silence. The unheeded world condition animals in an ord~naryenvlronment. ~tdid
is silence. That is what James Joyce calls not work. The enwronment is the real conditioner,
thunder in the "Wake." In the "Wake" all the not the stimulus or the content. So the Pavlov
consequences of social change-all of the story needs t o be turned around in order t o be
disturbances and metamorphoses resulting from observed; but the role of crime as a wav of
technological change create a vast e n v ~ r o ~ m e n t a l
roar or t h u n b that IS yet completely inaud~ble.
It is hke heat that in organic or other systems
creates "noise."
perceivrng society IS a mysterious one. I am not Xerography is bringing a relgn of terror into the thls would be possible if you knew In the
going t o make any moral observations on i t world of publishing because it means that first place ~ t spresent sensory thresholds and,
whatever. I t has increasmgly pushed the artist and every reader can become both author and publisher. second, if you had established what kind
the scientist into the role of being an enemy. It decentrakes the long-centralized publishing of sensory effect a given technology like radio
process. Authorship and readership alike can or literacy had upon sensory life as a whole.
Let me resume a moment. We have, in the Electric become production-oriented under xerography.
Age, come suddenly t o the end of the Neolothic Anybody can take any book apart, insert parts On this continent the sensory levels have changed
Age. After several thousands of years of of other books and other materials of his drastically since television. The visual component
specialized habits and technology and fragmentary o w n interest, and make his o w n book in a relatively in our lives has been dropped dramatically and
tool-making, w e discovered the electric circuit. fast time. Any teacher can take any ten textbooks the visceral, the kinetic, the audltory modes of
It is the clrcuit that has ended the Neolithic Age. on any subject and custom-make a different response have shot u p t o compensate for
The Neolithic Age, just lhke ~ t sultimate phase, the one by simply xeroxing a chapter from this one the drop in the visual component of our culture.
factory age in the 19th Century, was dedicated and a chapter from that one. The problem is This sensory shift has changed the taste in design,
t o specialism, fragmentation, and extensions copyrighting, and Congress is n o w pondering these In packaging, in every form of entertainment.
of this or that limb of man. With circuitry w e have. problems-how t o protect the old technology as well as in every form of vehicle, food, and in
instead of extensions of hand or foot, or back, from the n e w technology by legislation. They clothing.
or arm, a kind of involvement of the whole will not succeed. There is no possible protection
nervous system, an extension of the nervous from technology except by technology. When you The "Beatles" stare at us w i t h eloquent messages
system itself. a most profoundly involving operation. create a n e w environment w i t h one phase of a of changed sensory modes for our whole
The form and function of the telegraph press technology, you have t o create an antl-environment populatlon, and yet people merely think h o w
can help our observations here. One of the w i t h the next. But xerography is electricity whimsical, h o w bizarre, h o w grotesque. The
mysterious things about newspapers is that the invading the world of typography and ~t means a Beatles are trying to tell us by the anti-environment
items In them have n o connection except the total revolution in this old sphere, or this old they present just h o w w e have changed and
dateline. The only connecting factor in any technology, a revolution which is belng felt In the in what ways.
newspaper is the dateline, and it is thls dateline classroom itself.
that enables us t o enter the world of the news, as To repeat, and t o make toward a conclusion,
i t were, by golng through the looking glass. Just I invite you t o consider that perhaps the best every n e w technology creates a n e w environment
as Alice in Wonderland went through the looking way of estimating the impact of any n e w just as a motor car does, as the railway did,
glass, when you enter the world of the telegraph environmental technology I S t o notlce what or as radio and airplanes do-any n e w technology
or of the circuit, you really become lnvolved in happens t o the older technologies. You can never changes the whole human environment, and
the information process. When you enter through perceive the Impact of any n e w technology envelops and includes the old environments. It
the dateline, when you enter your newspaper, directly; but ~t can be done in the manner of turns these o l d environments into "art forms" :
you begin t o put together the news-you are Perseus looklng at the Gorgon In the mirror of art. -old Model T's become precious art objects,
producer. And this is a most important fact You have t o perceive the consequences of the as d o old coach lamps, old anything. The world
t o understand about the electric tlme, for it is an n e w environment on the old environment of Camp, for example. is the world of the nursery of
age of decentralism. It is hard t o face thls. We before you k n o w what the n e w environment is. thirty years ago being turned into a conscious
st111like t o look In the rear-vlew mlrror. We You cannot tell what it is untll you have seen it d o art form. By simply taking into the shop
still tend t o thlnk of the electric age as a things t o the old one. The need, however, t o w i n d o w old toys, old ornaments, and the things
mechanical age. I t I S in effect organic, and understand the processes and changes brought M o m used t o wear thirty years ago, you turn them
decentralist. But the reader of the news, when about by the n e w technology gets stronger into art forms and you have CAMP, this
he goes through his dateline apertures, enters the as the technology does. mysterious n e w archetype. The n e w environment
n e w world as a maker. There is n o "meaning" in is always creating new archetypes, n e w art
the news except what w e make-there is no We are engaged in Toronto in carrying out a forms, out of the old environment. This process
connection between any of the Items except the unique experiment-it is far too big for us-we can provide invaluable information for those
instant dimension of electric circuitry. News items need a lot of help and a lot of collaboration. w h o want t o have some autonomy in controlling
are like the parts of the symbolist structure. The We are carrying out an experiment t o establish their destinies and their environments. I think
reader is the co-creator. In a newspaper as In a what are the sensory thresholds of the entire w e are rapidly moving toward a time when
detective story in whlch the reader has t o make the population of Toronto. That is, w e are attempting w e might say, w i t h full awareness of cause and
plot as he goes. The detective story was one of t o measure, quantitatively, the levels at which effects: "In our present sensory condition I don't
the very flrst anticipations of electric technology. the entire populatlon prefers t o set its visual, think w e could properly accommodate 200
Edgar Allen Poe was a considerable innovator In auditory, tactile, visceral, and other senses as a more lines on T.V." Colored T.V. will considerably
the matter of antl-environments for the electrlc matter of dally use and preference-how change the whole sensory life of the public.
age. The newspaper I S also very much lhke much Ilght, h o w much heat, h o w much sound, It is a much more tactlle form than black and white.
the world of the delightful films of Stan Vanderbeek; h o w much movement-as a threshold level. For the latter is seen only w i t h the periphery
the world of multl-screen projection I S the world Anything that alters a sensory threshold alters the of the eye. But what would happen t o the
of the newspaper where umpteen news stories outlook and experience of a whole society. North American world if w e did as the French and
come at you without any connection and The sensory thresholds change without warning or Germans have done: ~f instead of 450 lines on
without connected themes. So, what the n e w fllm indications t o the users thereof, for it is new our television, w e were t o put 8 0 0 ? The
is dolng I S stripping off the story line In favor technological envlronments that shift these levels. results might be most gratifying t o the educational
of this mosaic pattern of simultaneous projectlons, We are concerned w i t h what shifts occur in a establishment. If w e raised the visual intensitv
which is very much in accordance w i t h electric sensory threshold when some n e w form comes in.
technology. It I S the fllm world receiving its What happens t o our sensory lives w i t h the
baptism by electrlclty. Thls hybridizing, this advent of televlslon, the motor car, or radio? If
crossing of one technology w i t h another, goes on w e can establish this sort of knowledge
all the time. The Internal combustion engine quantitatively, w e w i l l have something which the
was a weddlng of the old machine and the electric computer can really bite Into. A child is a
clrcuit. Perhaps the most startling and most genius till he IS flve because all h ~ senses
s are in
upsetting electrlc innovation is coming in the active interrelation. Then his senses specialize.
matter of Xerox and xerography. The computer will be in a position t o carry
out orchestrated programming for the sensory life
of entire populations. It can be programmed
in terms of their total needs, not just in terms of the
messages they should be hearing, but in terms
of the total experience as picked u p and
patterned by all the senses at once. For example,
if you were t o write an ideal sensory program for
Indonesia or some area of the world in which you
wanted t o leap-frog across a lot of old technology,
or the visual component of the T.V. image. Suppose w e were t o brlef 50,000,000 people under conditions of very rapid movement-
it might serve enormously t o ease the transition on some extremely dlfflcult problems faclng takes on a totally n e w meaning. The motor car
from the old mechanical age t o the electronic age. top-level sclentlsts Inevitably, some dozens. has served to destroy the city as it existed under the
What w o u l d be the chances of getting an hundreds. of the 50,000,000 audlence w o u l d see railway conditions. The future of city may be
experimental study of such a change in our time? Instantly through any type of opaque problem, very much like a world's fair-a place t o show off
I don't know. Lindegren would say the chances even on the hlghest s c l e n t ~ f ~levels
c Robert n e w technology-rather than a place of work
were not good. Anything that is serious is Oppenhelmer IS fond of saylng that "there are or residence. It is also fascinating t o consider the
out of bounds. I think ~twas David Riesman w h o chlldren playlng here In the street w h o could solve future of language. We know right n o w some
said n o social scientist would ever study anything some of m y t o p problems In physlcs, because very important structural things about language
Important. To be sc~entificyou must study they have modes of sensory perceptlon that I lost that are new. The future of language w i l l not
the fragmental, the ~nsignlflcant.H o w else can you long ago ' There are enormous p o s s ~ b ~ l ~ t ~ e s be as a system of classifled data or meanings. The
glve assurance of your precis~onand concentratlon? for uslng an aud~enceas work force In sclent~flc future of language, as a complex structure
Perhaps t h ~ satt~tudeexplalns why, In our research, or any other type of research It IS which can be learned without learning the words
world, w e tend to substitute moral indignation slmply that w e lnslst on beaming lnstructlon at at all, is a possibility that the computer presents
for observation. Moral vehemence is proof them instead of allowing them t o participate increasingly. A child does not learn language
posltlve of superior perceptlon. For example, w e In the actlon of dlscovery as a series of classified meanings. He learns language
n o w experience s~rnultaneouslythe drop-out as he learns to walk, or t o hear, or to see. He learns
and the teach-in. The t w o forms are correlative. For example, when printing was new, ~t created language as a way of feeling and exploring his
They belong together. The teach-in represents what was known as the Public. In the 16th environment. Therefore, he is totally involved. He
an attempt t o shift education from Instruction t o Century and after Montaigne's phrase "le publlque," learns very fast because of this enormous sensuous
dlscovery, from brainwashing students t o came into use. The 16th Century created the involvement and the resulting depth of motivation.
brainwashing instructors. It IS a big dramatic public as a n e w environment. Thls completely It will be possible in this generation, I hope,
reversal. Viet Nam, as the content of the teach-~n.I S altered politics and altered all social arrangements t o program the environment in such a way that
a very small, misleading Red Herring. It really in education, In work, and in every other area. w e can learn a second language as w e learned our
has nothing t o do w l t h the teach-in as such Electric circuitry did not create the public; mother tongue, rapidly and totally, as a means
anymore than w i t h the drop-out. The drop-out it created the mass, meaning an environment of of perception and of discovery. The future
represents a rejection of 19th Century technology information that involved everybody In everybody. of language presents the possibility of a world
as man~festedin our educational establ~shments. Now, t o a man brought u p in the environment without words, a wordless, Intuitive world,
The teach-in represents a creatlve effort t o of the public, the mass audience is a horror- like a technological expression of the action of
swltch the educational process t o discovery, it is a mess. In the same way, the public was a consclousness. E.S.P.
from package t o probe. As w i t h the Hawthorne many-headed monster t o a feudal aristocrat. He
experiment, its strategy is t o use the audience and never bothered t o study its structure any I had a friend visiting from Harvard the other
the student body as work force-one of the more than w e study the mass. C~rcuitrybrings day w h o said : "You see, my generation does not
great thlngs that is happening under electr~c people into relation w i t h each other in total have goals." (He was a young architect.)
conditions. As the aud~encebecomes particlpant, involvement w h l c h creates the possibility of "We are not goal-oriented. We just want t o know
involved in the total electric drama, it can dialogue and discovery on an enormous scale. The what is going on." N o w that means not a point
become a major work force: and the classroom. structure of the public had less of such of vlew but total ecological awareness. I was
as much as any other place, can become a possibility. The public consisted of fragmented reading aloud from Finnegans Wake for a
scene in which the audience can perform an separate individuals w i t h separate points of view. moment, and he said : "When you take LSD, the
enormous amount of exciting dlscovery. The The public was an additive structure. The mass whole world takes on a multi-dimensional
aud~enceas work force has unlimited Possibilities. audience is a quite d~fferentstructure, enormously and multi-sensuous character of d~scovery,and
richer-enormously more capable of integrated when I listened t o Finnegans Wake I got the
creative activity than the old public was. All same experience as LSD." (Perhaps Finnegan
the old public could d o was t o enunciate w o u l d be safer, and also more rewarding.)
private points of view which they clashed into each
other furiously. A t the present moment in The point this person was making was that it is
Canada, ~fyou want a DEW line warning, w e are absurd t o ask us t o pursue fragmentary goals
having an election in which n o one is interested. In an electric world which is organized integrally
There I S n o involvement because the old and totally. The young today reject goals-
political forms d o not permit participation. You they want roles-ROLES-that is, involvement.
simply register a fragmented, unrelated-to-anything They want total involvement. They don't want
vote. The population has dropped out of the fragmented, speclallzed goals or jobs. N o w
polltical setup. Yet when these changing structures that is not easy to explain nor t o prescribe for. I
are studled they yield enormous meaning. have touched upon the future of language.
the future of consciousness, the future of the city,
Let me suggest that ~t may be poss~blet o write the future, perhaps f~nally,of work.
programs for changes, not only In consciousness
but in the unconscious In the future. One
could write a kind of science fiction story of the
future of consciousness, the future of the
unconscious, "the future of an erosion." The
future of consciousness is already assuming a
very different pattern, a very different character.
The future of the child is changing beneath
our gaze. The child as a separate social fact was an
invention of the 17th Century, according t o
the historian Philippe Aries; historically the child
came out of the 1 7 t h Century and did not
exlst, so t o speak, in Shakespeare's day. The c h ~ l d
had, u p until that time, been so completely
merged i n the adult world that there was nothing
that could be called childhood In our sense
at all. And so i t is w i t h the family, another
17th Century discovery. Suddenly today the child
is merging w i t h the total adult environment
under electric information processing and is
disappearing from the scene as child. The future
of child may resemble the future of city. The c ~ t y -

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