Answer Key: Lease
Answer Key: Lease
Answer Key: Lease
Your outlines must be similar to the following. There may be some differences as long as they do not
affect the content. As you can see in each outline, there are only two sentences (topic and concluding
I. Topic Sentence: Landlords are usually required a renter to sign a very complicated contract called a
A. Length of time and amount of rent (if you wrote length of time as A and amount of rent as B, if is OK.)
B. Number of people and pets (if you wrote number of people as C and pets as D, if is OK.)
C. Subletting and provision for breaking the contract
D. Landlord’s responsibilities
1. heat
2. garbage removal
3. exterior maintenance
Concluding Sentence: It is important to have this contract and read it carefully when you want to
rent an apartment.
I. Topic Sentence: Perhaps it is because of the terrifying and effective teeth that the shark has always
been one of man’s most hated and feared enemies.
A. Location and number of teeth (if you wrote location as A and number of teeth as B, if is OK.)
B. (Teeth) Movement (It is not necessary to write teeth because the topic sentence specifies that the paragraph is about the shark’s teeth.)
C. (Teeth) Replacement
D. (Teeth) production
E. Bite
Concluding Sentence: These characteristics make these creatures the terror of all.
I. Topic Sentence: Painting a mural can be a very rewarding activity, but the artist should do a lot of
preparation before getting started.
A. Location
1. Indoors or outdoors
2. Size and type of paints
B. Design
1. Amount of paint and the types of brushstrokes
a. spray or traditional brushes
C. Proportion of the visual
1. small-scale representations
Concluding Sentence: After these things are completed, the process of creating the work of art can
I. Topic Sentence: Being a celebrity is often difficult.
A. look almost perfect all the time
1. unflattering picture
2. Old clothes
B. sacrifice their private lives
1. personal struggles
2. divorces
3. family tragedies
C. are in constant danger
Concluding Sentence: Threatening letters and even physical attacks from crazy fans are things a
celebrity must contend with.
I. Topic Sentence: Serious depression, as opposed to the fleeting kind we all feel at times, has
definite warning signs.
A. a change in sleep patterns
1. sleeplessness
2. sleeping (too much)
B. abnormal eating patterns
1. eating (too much)
2. loss (appetite)
C. trouble in thinking or concentrating
D. a general feeling of hopelessness
Concluding Sentence: Threatening letters and even physical attacks from crazy fans are things a
celebrity must contend with.
I. Topic Sentence: My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped blond guitar--the first
instrument I taught myself how to play.
A. a Madeira folk guitar
1. scuffed
2. scratched
3. finger-printed.
B. copper-wound strings
1. personal struggles
2. divorces
3. family tragedies
C. shaped like an enormous yellow pear
D. The blond wood
1. gouged gray
Concluding Sentence: No, it's not a beautiful instrument, but it still lets me make music, and for
that I will always treasure it.