1 s2.0 S002074032200844X Main
1 s2.0 S002074032200844X Main
1 s2.0 S002074032200844X Main
Keywords: The damage mechanism of ultra-thick laminates widely used in aerospace and marine industries was obviously
Ultra-thick laminate different from that of thin laminates. However, compression testing and simulation methods were generally
Carbon fibre limited to relatively thin laminates. To explore the compressive failure behavior of ultra-thick laminates, Firstly,
Damage mechanics
a layered pre-compaction scheme was proposed to ensure the curing quality of ultra-thick laminates. A heavy-
Finite element analysis (FEA)
duty compression test equipment (accuracy reached 0.001 mm) was then developed, and a novel compression
test method for ultra-thick composite laminates was proposed. The results showed that delamination played a
key role in the failure behavior of ultra-thick laminates. The low interlaminar normal strength of ultra-thick
laminates (55% of the 2 mm thin laminate) led to premature delamination, and wrinkle defects seriously
reduced the compressive strength (11%). The compressive behavior for the matrix-dominant failure specimen
predicted by the Puck criterion was the smallest (0.07%), while Tsai-Wu 3D predicted the smallest error (5.1%)
for the delamination-dominant specimen. Finally, these findings are helpful for the design of ultra-thick com
posite structures.
* Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic System, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
310027, China.
E-mail address: pangding@zju.edu.cn (H. Ding).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 4 October 2022; Received in revised form 17 November 2022; Accepted 20 November 2022
Available online 22 November 2022
0020-7403/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
Fig. 1. Manufacturing process of ultra-thick specimens: (a) Process of automated fiber placement (AFP); (b) Process pre-compaction; (c) Process of curing the
specimens; (d) Nondestructive testing including A-scan, B-scan and C-scan.
Fig. 2. (a) Dimensions of the compression specimens; (b) Micrographs of layups at the outer free edges of 30-A and 30-C specimens; (c) 800t high-precision
compression test equipment; (d) Composition of uniaxial Loading unit.
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
Fig. 3. Comparison of Longitudinal strains (Y) and transverse strains (X) of 30-C and 30-A specimens along the surface to the interior of A and B specimens.
bending moment area, A was the cross-sectional area of the specimen, the thickness of the specimen exceeded 30 mm, and the damage load
and kc was a constant reflecting the end support condition. When the reached a hundred tons, the existing test platform could not meet the test
compression specimen had a rectangular cross-section, I = bt3 /12 (b and requirements. Therefore, an 800t high-precision compression test
t were the width and thickness of the specimen, respectively), then the equipment was developed, as shown in Fig. 2(c). Different from the
critical length Lbuckle of the specimen could be expressed as: traditional hydraulic control equipment, servo motor was adopted to
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ drive lead screw movement, and the large load was transmitted to the
0.67kc E end of the specimen through the thrust platform. The control accuracy
Lbuckle ≤ πt (2)
12σcr reached 0.001 mm. Further, the horizontal level was adjusted through
the Z-direction support platform, as shown in Fig. 2(d). Three-
For muti-directional laminate, kc was assumed to be 5/6, and the
directional strain gauges were placed on the surface and thickness of
values of E and σcr were shown in Table 1. On the other hand, when the
the specimen to monitor the failure process, as shown in Fig. 2(e).
gauge length was too short, the insufficient load transmission distance of
the testing machine could easily lead to interlaminar failure rather than
3. Results and discussion
compression failure. Thus, the minimum gauge length Lmin could be
expressed as
In this section, the uniaxial compression mechanical behavior of the
( )
t σ cr ultra-thick laminate was first discussed, and then the influence of the
Lmin ≤ ln t0 (3)
t0 τc manufacturing process and the layups on the failure mechanism of the
ultra-thick laminates was discussed. The dominant compressive failure
where τcwas the in-plane shear strength. t/t0 was the stress concentra behavior was summarized through the electron microscope analysis of
tion factor, which was taken as 1.5 here. To satisfy Eqs. (2) and (3) at the the fracture surface. Finally, the compressive mechanical behavior of the
same time, the gauge length L must be within the following interval, and ultra-thick laminate was predicted by FEM method.
L was selected 180 mm here.
Lmin ≤ L ≤ Lbuckle (4) 3.1. Validation of test method
2.2.2. Test fixture and mechanical tests In order to verify the validity of the compression test method, a very
In this study, both ends of the ultra-thick specimens were restrained important criterion was whether the specimen was bent or Euler buck
by metal frames. The resin and quartz sand mixture were filled between ling. As shown in Fig. 3, the longitudinal strains (Y) and transverse
the specimen to increase the contact area of the end and prevent the end strains (X) from the surface to the interior of samples 30-C and 30-A
from being damaged prematurely. The specific dimensions of the spec were extracted by FEM method. The longitudinal strains from the sur
imen were shown in Fig. 2(a). It could also be seen from Fig. 2(b) that the face to the center of the specimens showed good consistency, while the
ultra-thick laminate had better interlayer compaction after curing. Since transverse strains (X) of the two specimens changed at the thickness of
22 mm, which was mainly due to the selection of two different ply
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
where tplywas the thickness of the single-layer prepreg, Lgwas the lateral
distance between the two symmetrical layers, Lgwas measured to be
5.14 mm here, thus, θ = 4.17◦ .
The stress-displacement curves of the two specimens with and
without wrinkle defects were compared in Fig. 7. The displacement
shown in the figure was the relative displacement of the two ends in the
loading direction, and the point of occurrence for critical damage was
marked on the loading curve. Both specimens exhibited linear me
chanical behavior in the initial loading stage. As the loading continued,
Fig. 5. Comparison of modulus, compressive strength and failure strain of the the specimen with wrinkle defects first suffered shear cohesive failure
30-C and 30-A specimens. between wavy layers. Before reaching the peak load point, delamination
between wavy layers began to flex and expand toward the free edge,
sequences in this paper. Each ply sequence contains two different ply leading to fiber micro-buckling failure of the wavy layers [55,56]. This
blocks, and the strain changes at the ply changes due to the Poisson’s micro-buckling failure then expanded from the inside to the outside at
ratio effect [37]. In fact, for the structural designer, the strain test results higher compressive stress, eventually leading to a significant drop in
of the two specimens along the longitudinal strains (Y direction) are load. Therefore, for the specimens with wrinkle defects, the failure was
more concerned. Therefore, three strain gauges (SG-1, SG-2 and SG-3) mainly dominated by the micro-buckling of the fibers. Compared with
were also arranged on the surface and thickness of the specimen to the full brittle fracture of the wrinkled specimens, for the 30-C specimen,
monitor whether the specimen was bent. As was shown in Fig. 4, the an off-axis split was first observed in the 45◦ layer near the outermost
monitoring data of the three strain gages were in good agreement for fixed end, and with a slight load drop. Subsequently, microbuckling of
both the 30-C and 30-W specimens, indicating that the specimen did not the 0◦ ply occurred in the intermediate region of the specimen, which
bend. induced matrix shear failure of the 90◦ layer. Finally, the crack propa
gated from the inside to the outside leading to complete fracture of the
specimen, which was also found in the Ref. [34]. The entire failure
3.2. Mechanical response process of 30-C specimen was shown in Supplementary Material 1. For
the 30-C specimen, although the crack propagation was caused by the
Fig. 5 compared the average values of compressive strength, internal delamination, the failure was mainly dominated by the internal
modulus and failure strain for various compression specimens. During matrix shear failure. On the other hand, due to the premature fiber
the AFP process of ultra-thick laminates, there were laying defects such micro-buckling, the failure stress and strain of the 30-C-W specimen
as tow gaps and overlaps, resulting in the fiber wrinkle after curing were far away lower than 30-C specimen.
[48–54]. (For a discussion of the specific reasons, see chapter 3.2.1.) The
wrinkle seriously reduced the compressive strength by about 11%, while 3.3.2. Effect of layups
this defect had little effect on the modulus. Compared to the 30-C Compared with the 30-C specimen, the initial damage of the 30-A
specimen, the compressive strength decreased by about 4% despite the specimen also occurred on the outside, but it was delamination be
higher number of 0◦ plies for the 30-A specimen. This phenomenon tween the 45◦ and 0◦ layers on the upper and lower surfaces. This
occurred mainly due to the premature delamination of the 30-A spec resulted in two slight drops in the compressive load, respectively. Then,
imen during the compression process, and the gradual inward expansion under the combination of high bending stress and compressive stress
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
Fig. 6. Morphology of the ultra-thick specimen without (a) and with (b) fiber wrinkle in the thickness section.
Fig. 7. Stress-displacement curves of 30-C and 30-C-W specimens, and the typical failure behavior of the two specimens was shown at the point where the
load changes.
generated in the outermost layer, delamination occurred in multiple 3.3.3. Characteristics of fracture surface
places along the thickness direction, and the laminate was divided into To further investigate the formation mechanism of initial damage
multiple sub-layers. Eventually, the crack propagated to the middle re and damage evolution, the fracture surface of the sample was analyzed
gion, resulting in matrix shear failure in the 90◦ layer and fiber breakage by S-3700N scanning electron microscope, as shown in Fig. 9(a). "①"
in the 0◦ layer, and the structure lost its bearing capacity (see Fig. 8). The represented the location of initial damage, and "②" was the location of
entire failure process of 30-A specimen was shown in Supplementary crack propagation. For the wrinkled specimen 30-C-W, obvious delam
Material 2. Therefore, the failure mechanism of the 30-A specimen was ination was first observed inside, and the dominant failure causing the
mainly driven by delamination. load drop was microscopic kink-band of the 0◦ layer. The formation
mechanism of this microscopic kink-band was explained in detail in
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
Fig. 8. Stress-displacement curves of 30-C and 30-A specimens, and the typical failure behavior of the two specimens was shown at the point where the load changes.
Fig. 9. (a) Comparison of SEM images of fracture surface at typical locations for the three kinds of specimens, where "①" represented the location of initial damage,
and "②" was the location of crack propagation; (b) formation mechanism of typical failure modes.
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
Fig. 10. FE model of thick laminate, showing the cross section of the half of the specimen along the thickness.
Fig. 9(b), the wavy layer underwent obvious bending deformation due to 3D criteria (Tsai Wu 3D and Hashin 3D) was lower than the corre
the action of shear stress, and the high bending stress caused by this sponding 2D criterion, mainly because the 3D criterion considered the
deformation led to fiber fracture. stress state in 3 directions, which led to relatively conservative predicted
Compared with the thin laminate, the out-of-plane shear stress of the results. On the other hand, based on the Mohr-Coulomb model, Puck and
ultra-thick laminate along the thickness direction could not be ignored, Schuermann distinguished different fracture modes according to the
and a high stress concentration was generated at the free edge during the stress combinations appearing on the detected fracture surface, which
loading process [35]. Although the initial damage of 30-C and 30-A further predicted the matrix failure between fibers. According to the
specimens occurred at the outermost side, the subsequent crack propa previous summary, the failure of the 30-C specimen was mainly domi
gation directions were different. For the 30-C specimen, serious matrix nated by the matrix fracture, so the strength value predicted by the Puck
damage occurred in the inner 90◦ layer, and then the cracks gradually criterion was the closest, with an error of only 0.07%. In contrast, the
spread from inside to outside. In contrast, the cracks in specimen 30-A strength predicted by the LaRC05 was lower, mainly because LaRC05
gradually spread from the outside to the inside after delamination took into account the local fiber kinking and splitting caused by the
occurred on the outside (see Fig. 9 (b)). matrix failure on the basis of the matrix failure predicted by Puck,
making the prediction result more conservative. For the prediction of
3.4. Prediction of compressive behavior failure strain, except for Hashin3D and LaRC05 criteria, the rest of the
prediction errors were not more than 6%.
For ultra-thickness composite components, there is currently no The eight failure criteria only consider in-plane damage and did not
applicable failure model that can accurately predict their mechanical involve delamination failure criteria. For the 30-A specimen, the failure
properties. Therefore, in order to provide a reference for the design of was mainly dominated by delamination, so it can be seen from Table 3
ultra-thick composite structures, several classical failure criteria were that the prediction and test error of compressive strength was large. The
used here to predict the in-plane performance of the laminates: compressive strength predicted by Tsai-Wu 2D/3D was the closest, with
maximum stress/strain [55,56], Tsai-Wu2D/3D [57], Tsai-Hill [58], errors of 10.1% and 5.1%, respectively. In addition, for the 30-A spec
Hashin2D/ 3D [59–63,27], Puck [64], and LaRC05 [65], while the imen, the delamination from the outside to the inside was mainly caused
stress-based Ye secondary stress separation criterion [66] was used to by the normal stress in the 3 directions, which were considered in the
analyze the interlaminar damage. These failure criteria were imple failure judgment of the 3D criterion compared with the 2D criterion
mented in ABAQUS by UVARM subroutine because UVARM subroutine (S13, S23, S33) on the structure, so the prediction results of the 3D
was more suitable for structural engineering analysis or strength pre criterion were closer. For the prediction of failure strain, except that the
diction in the early stage of structural design, and had a wide range of error of Puck criterion reached 14%, the error between the other pre
application [55]. The GETVRM of UVARM subroutine was used to dicted results and test was not more than 10%.
obtain the stress and strain information at the material integration point In general, each failure criterion focused on the evaluation of
in the current analysis step, and then the state variable UVARMn (n = 1, different failure modes, so the predicted results were different. For the
2,3…) of different failure criteria was defined with this information, 30-C specimen, the dominant failure mode was matrix fracture, the
where n represented the number of failure modes in the failure criteria. strength and failure strain predicted by the Puck criterion were therefore
Once the state variable UVARMn was equal to 1, the structure was the closest. The mechanical behavior predicted by the Tsai-Wu 3D and
considered to be damaged. As the layup was symmetric, only half of the Hashin 3D criteria considering the stress state in 3 directions was closer
sample model was established along the Z direction (see Fig. 10). The to that of the 30-A specimen with delamination as the dominant failure
laminate used 8-noded reduced integration solid elements (C3D8R), and mode.
the whole model contained 135,120 elements. One end was fixed, the
other end adopts displacement loading. 3.4.2. Evaluation of failure modes
The traditional Tsai-Wu and Tsai-Hill criteria combined the different
3.4.1. Evaluation of mechanical response fundamental failure mechanisms through only one equation that in
Firstly, the stress-strain data at four points on the surface of the cludes all stress components. Different from them, the failures of lami
sample were compared with the FEM results. As shown in Fig. 11, the nates were classified as fiber-dominated and matrix-dominated modes
simulation results were in good agreement with the test results in the by Hashin, Puck, and LaRC05 criteria. It could be seen from Fig. 12 that
linear segment. The specific values were compared with the test in three failure criteria accurately predicted the initial damage of fiber
Table 3. The moduli predicted by the simulation of the two specimens fracture in the outermost 45◦ layer of the 30-C specimen, and the fiber
had a small error compared with the test, and the error did not exceed splitting failure of the 45◦ layer was analyzed by the LaRC05 criterion.
4%. For the 30-C specimen, the strength predicted by the two selected On the other hand, the simulation accurately captured the matrix
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
Fig. 11. Comparison of the test results and FEM results of the Representative stress-strain curves of four strain gauges (SG-4, SG-5, SG-6 and SG-7) at the outer
surface for 30-C and 30-A specimens.
damage of the inner 90◦ layer and the subsequent 0◦ -layer fiber predict the interlaminar failure. However, during the design of large-
breakage, which was consistent with the test. Similarly, for 30-A spec thickness composite structures, the number of cohesive elements inser
imen, the outside matrix damage and the internal fiber breakage that ted layer by layer led to a large number of mesh elements in the thick
ultimately resulted in the loss of bearing capacity were all observed by ness direction, which seriously reduced the computational efficiency.
three failure criteria (see Fig. 13). Therefore, based on the Ye secondary stress separation criterion, addi
In addition to predicting the damage behavior of the ultra-thick tional failure criteria were added to the UVARM subroutine to initially
laminate, the interlaminar failure was also a key factor affecting the judge the delamination damage position. As shown in Fig. 14(a), the
mechanical properties. Insertion of cohesive elements was often used to initial delamination damage positions of 30-C and 30-A specimens were
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
Table 3 inside and outside the laminate respectively, which was mainly because
Comparison of compressive strength, modulus and failure strain predicted by high normal stress S33 generated in the inner and outer 0◦ layers during
different failure criteria with experimental results. deformation (see Fig. 14(b)). Through the out-of-plane tensile test of the
Specimen Failure Compressive strength Failure Modulus ultra-thick laminate (see Appendix A), it was found that the interlaminar
Criteria (MPa) strain (GPa) normal strength of the ultra-thick plate was only 55% of that of the thin
(%) laminate. The main reason for this phenomenon was that the thickness
30-C Test 525.5 1.30 65.9 of the laminate was too large, and the internal heat dissipation effect was
Max stress/ 519.4(1.2%) 1.25 63.9(3.0%) poor during the curing process, resulting in the low interlaminar
strain (4.00%)
strength [67]. Further, as shown in Fig. 14(c), high stress concentration
Tsai-Wu 2D 515.5(1.9%) 1.24
(4.67%) generated in the middle layer and outer side of the inner surface of 30-C
Tsai-Wu 3D 509.7(3.0%) 1.23 and 30-A specimen, respectively. This also verified the "inside-to-out
(5.38%) side" direction of crack propagation for the 30-C specimen and "out
Tsai-Hill 512.3(2.5%) 1.23 side-to-inside" for the 30-A specimen mentioned earlier.
Hashin 2D 512.3(2.5%) 1.24(4.6%)
Hashin 3D 440.7(16.3%) 1.18(9.2%) 4. Conclusions
Puck 529.3(0.07%) 1.30(0%)
LaRC05 490.2(6.7%) 1.2(7.7%)
The uniaxial compression mechanical behavior and failure mecha
30-A Test 504.5 1.00 75.4
Max stress/ 603.5(19.6%) 1.10 72.7(3.6%)
nism of 31.79 mm ultra-thick composite laminates were studied by
strain (10.00%) means of experiments and numerical simulations. The effects of layups
Tsai Wu 2D 555.7(10.1%) 0.98 and manufacturing defects on the compressive properties of ultra-thick
(2.00%) laminate were compared and analyzed, and the failure evolution
Tsai Wu 3D 530.4(5.1%) 0.96
mechanism was summarized by observing the fracture surface of ultra-
Tsai Hill 591.9(17.3%) 1.08 thick specimens.
(9.00%) A heavy-duty compression test equipment was developed, and the
Hashin 2D 602.5(19.4%) 1.08 control accuracy reached 0.001 mm. Further, a uniaxial compression
test method for ultra-thick composite laminates was also proposed.
Hashin 3D 582.3(15.4%) 1.03
The fiber wrinkle defect seriously reduced the uniaxial compressive
Puck 621.3(23.2%) 1.14 strength by about 11%, but had little effect on the modulus. Delami
(14.00%) nation played a key role in the compressive failure behavior of ultra-
LaRC05 598.5(18.6%) 1.09 thick laminate. Due to the premature delamination, the compression
strength of axial specimens with larger modulus was lower than that of
Note: The value in () represents the deviations between FEM and Test. circumferential specimens with lower modulus, which decreased by
about 4%. The failure of the axial specimens expanded from outside to
inside, which was dominated by the lateral lamination, while the crack
propagation of the circumferential specimens was from inside to outside
due to the internal matrix fracture.
Fig. 12. Comparison of typical failure behavior locations for the 30-C specimen predicted by different failure criteria (Hashin, LaRC05 and Puck) and test results.
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
Fig. 13. Comparison of typical failure behavior locations for the 30-A specimen predicted by different failure criteria (Hashin, LaRC05 and Puck) and test results.
Fig. 14. Prediction of delamination location showing (a) distribution of normal stress S33 (b) and contours of maximum principal stress on the inner surface of 30-C
and 30-A configuration.
The error between the simulation and experimental results of The test method and results of ultra-thick laminate proposed in this
compression modulus was less than 4%. For the circumferential speci study can provide guidance for the testing of deep-sea composite ultra-
mens with matrix-dominant failure, the strength predicted by the Puck thick structures, and the results predicted by various failure criteria can
failure criterion was the closest, with an error of only 0.07%. For axial provide a theoretical basis for the design. Further research can be carried
specimens where delamination dominated failure, the Tsai-Wu 3D cri out on how to suppress delamination and improve the interlaminar
terion prediction the closest, with an error of 5.1%. On the other hand, normal strength of ultra-thick laminates.
the large out-of-plane normal stress S33 inside the ultra-thick laminate
was the main cause of delamination, and the interlaminar normal Supplementary material
strength of the ultra-thick laminate was only 55% of that of the 2 mm
thin laminate. Supplementary Material 1. Video of failure process of 30-C specimen
Y. Gao et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 241 (2023) 107966
propagation, white paint was applied to the surface of the specimen [69,
25]. Finally, the assembled specimen was connected to an Instron5985
universal testing machine with a loading speed of 0.1 mm/min (see
Fig. A1). It was observed that the smooth horizontal delamination
appeared in the middle plane of the specimen, and there was no phe
nomenon of migration (see Fig. A1(b)). The failure mode of debonding
and fiber fracture coupling appeared on the cross section (see Fig. A1
(c))). On the other hand, it could be seen from Table A1 that the
out-of-plane tensile strength of the ultra-thick laminate decreased by
about 44% compared with that of the thin laminate.
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