L. L. Faulkner
Columbus Division, Battelle Memorial Institute
and Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Logan, Earl.
Thermodynamics: processes and applications / Earl Logan, Jr.
p. cm. — (Mechanical engineering; 122)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-8247-9959-3 (alk. paper)
1. Thermodynamics. I. Title. II. Series: Mechanical engineering (Marcel
Dekker, Inc.); 122.
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621.402'!—dc21 99-15460
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Part I: Fundamentals
1. Introduction
2. Processes of an Ideal Gas
3. Ideal Processes of Real Systems
4. Work
5. Heat and the First Law
6. Entropy and the Second Law
7. Availability and Irreversibility
8. Refrigeration
9. Air-Conditioning
10. Steam Power Plants
11. Internal Combustion Engines
12. Turbomachinery
13. Gas Turbine Power Plants
14. Propulsion
Al: Saturated Steam Tables
A2: Superheated Steam Tables
A3: Compressed Liquid Water
Bl: Properties of Refrigerant R-22
B2: Properties of Refrigerant R-134a
B3: Properties of Refrigerant R-12
C: Compressibility Factors for Nitrogen
D: Enthalpy of Air at Low Pressures
E: Enthalpy of Air at High Pressures
F: Max-well Relations
From physics we know that work occurs when a force acts through
a distance. If a mass is elevated in a gravitational field, then a
force must act through a distance against the weight of the object
being raised, work is done and the body is said to possess an
amount of potential energy equal to the work done. If the effect of
a force is to accelerate a body, then the body is said to have kinetic
energy equal to the work input. When two bodies have different
temperatures, or degrees of hotness, and the bodies are in contact,
then heat is said to flow from the hotter to the colder body. The
thermodynamicist selects a portion of matter for study; this is the
system. The chosen system can include a small collection of mat-
ter, a group of objects, a machine or a stellar system; it can be
very large or very small. The system receives or gives up work
and heat, and the system collects and stores energy. Both work
and heat are transitory forms of energy, i.e., energy that is trans-
ferred to or from some material system; on the other hand, energy
which is stored, e.g., potential energy or kinetic energy, is a prop-
erty of the system. A primary goal of thermodynamics is to
evaluate and relate work, heat and stored energy of systems.
Thermodynamics deals with the conversion of heat into work or
the use of work to produce a cooling or heating effect. We shall
learn that these effects are brought about through the use of ther-
modynamic cycles. If heat is converted into work in a cycle, then
the cycle is a power cycle. On the other hand, if work is required
to produce a cooling effect, the cycle is a refrigeration cycle.
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The term cycle is used to describe an ordered series of proc-
esses through which a substance is made to pass in order to pro-
duce the desired effect, e.g., refrigeration or work. The substance
may be solid, liquid or gas, e.g., steam, and it may acquire heat
from some available heat source, e.g., the sun, a chemical reaction
involving a fuel or a nuclear reaction involving a fissionable ma-
terial such as uranium. Besides a source of heat there is always a
sink or reservoir for heat that is discharged from the substance.
Let us suppose the substance, also known as the working sub-
stance, is H2O, and it undergoes processes typical of those occur-
ring regularly in a power plant. The substance enters a boiler in
which it is heated as a result of a combustion process occurring in
the furnace section. Heat reaches the water and causes it to boil.
The steam thus produced passes from the boiler into an engine
where it creates a force on a moving surface, thus giving up en-
ergy in the form of work. Finally, the steam passes out of the en-
gine and into a condenser which removes heat and produces water.
The water so produced is then returned to the boiler for another
cycle. The work produced by the process is mechanical in nature,
but, by means of an electric generator, it is converted into electri-
cal form and sent out of the power plant for distribution.
The power plant cycle described above illustrates that the
working substance of a thermodynamic cycle undergoes several
processes, e.g., one of heating, one of cooling and another of work
production. Each process occurring in a cycle involves a change of
the state of the working substance. It may change form, as in the
boiler, where water is changed to steam. It may remain in the
same form while changing its temperature, pressure or volume.
Almost always a thermodynamic process will involve a change in
the energy content of the substance.
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1.2 Basic Concepts
The above example illustrates some important concepts in ther-
modynamics. A thermodynamic system interacts with its envi-
ronment when energy is transferred across its boundaries thereby
undergoing changes of state known as processes. The return of the
of the system to its original state corresponds to the completion of
a thermodynamic cycle, the net effect of which is the production
of a net amount of work and the transfer of a net amount of heat.
The concepts of state, process, cycle, work and heat will be dis-
cussed at length in subsequent chapters. They are useful in the
analysis of many practical problems when the first law of thermo-
dynamics, viz., the law of conservation of energy, which states
that energy is neither created nor destroyed, is applied.
The second law of thermodynamics is also important, but it will
be necessary to introduce a new and abstract thermodynamic
property called entropy before the second law can be stated and
applied to practical problems; this will be done after the versatility
of the first law has been demonstrated using a variety of prob-
Thermodynamics employs other artifiices as well, e.g., the con-
cept of equilibrium. Equilibrium implies balance of mechanical,
thermal or chemical forces which tend to change the state of a
system; it also implies an equality of properties such as pressure
and temperature throughout the entire system. Faires and Sim-
mang (1978) explain the concept of thermal equilibrium as the
condition attained after two bodies, originally at different tempera-
tures or degrees of hotness, reach the same temperature or degree
of hotness, i.e., any flow of energy from the hotter body to the
cooler body has ceased, and no further change of state of either
body is evident. The concept is utilized in the zeroth law of ther-
modynamics from Faires and Simmang: ". . .when two bodies . . .
are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, the two are in ther-
mal equilibrium with each other."
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Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
charts or by means of equations of state. The most fundamental of
the thermodynamic properties are pressure, volume and tempera-
ture. Usually these three properties are related by tables, charts or
equations of state. It is necessary to develop some appreciation for
the meaning of these terms, as they will be used extensively
throughout this book.
Pressure is the average force per unit area which acts on a sur-
face of arbitrary area and orientation by virtue of molecular bom-
bardment associated with the random motion of gas or liquid
molecules. For the simplest gas model, viz., monatomic molecules
without intermolecular forces at equilibrium, the pressure p on an
arbitrary surface is
p = —mnv (1-1)
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The density of a substance p is defined as mass divided by vol-
ume, where mass M of the thermodynamic system is given by
M = Nm (1.6)
P=y (1.7)
Specific volume v is the reciprocal of density; thus,
The stored energy for this simple gas is the kinetic energy of
translation; this is also called internal energy U and can be calcu-
lated with
U = -Nmo2 (1.9)
u = ^- (1.10)
A mole of gas is the amount which consists of NA molecules ,
where NA is Avogadro's number and is numerically equal to
6.022x10 molecules per gram-mole, according to Reynolds and
Perkins (1977). The term gram-mole (gmol) refers to an amount of
gas equal to its molecular weight in grams, e.g., oxygen has a
molecular weight of 32; a gram-mole of oxygen is therefore 32
grams of O2; hydrogen, on the other hand, has a molecular weight
of 2, so a gram-mole of it has a mass of 2 grams. The symbol m is
used to denote the molecular weight.
Properties such as pressure (p), temperature (7), density (p),
specific volume (v) or specific internal energy (M) are called in-
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Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
degR. To determine degrees F from degrees C one must multiply
by 1.8 and add 32, e.g., 100°C = 180 + 32 = 212°F.
Although the absolute temperature scales are vital to thermody-
namics, actual temperatures are measured in degrees F or degrees
C. Such measurements are usually accomplished with liquid-in-
glass thermometers, which uses the principle of linear expansion
in volume of a liquid with temperature, with electric resistance
thermometers, in which resistance of a probe varies with tempera-
ture, or with a thermocouple, i.e., a junction of two dissimilar
metals which generates an emf proportional to the temperature dif-
ference between the junction and a reference junction held at a
known temperature. There are many other measurable effects as-
sociated with temperature which can be used to construct ther-
mometers, e.g., the color of surface coatings, the color of visible
radiation emitted from a hot object or the pressure of a confined
gas. The gas thermometer, for example, is regarded as a primary
thermometer and is vital in measuring very low temperatures, e.g.,
in cryogenics. These and others find use in thermometry. For
more information on thermometry the interested reader is referred
to books by Mendelssohn (1960), Benedict(1977), Nicholas and
White (1994) and Pavese and Molinar (1992).
1.5 Pressure
Pressure is average molecular force per unit of surface area; thus,
its units will be units of force divided by units of area. A••)
unit of pressure is the newton per square meter (N/m ) and is
known as the pascal. In the English system a typical unit of pres-
sure is the psi (lb F /in2) or pound per square inch; the psf (lbF/ft2)
or pound per square foot unit is also used. Other commonly used
units are: the atmosphere (atm) = 14.7 psi or 101,325 pascals; the
bar (bar) = 14.5 psi or 100,000 pascals.
The units of pressure involve force units, viz., a pound force
(lbF), which is defined as the force required to cause one slug of
mass to accelerate at one foot per second squared (ft/s2) and the
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Pal,x=Pgage+Pami, 0-11)
Usually the ambient pressure is the barometric or atmospheric
pressure and is determined by reading a barometer. Barometers
usually read in inches of mercury, and such a reading is converted
to psi by use of the conversion factor 0.491. For example, if the
barometer reads 29.5 inches of mercury, the atmospheric pressure
is 0.491(29.5) = 14.49 psia. If the pressure gage connected to a
gaseous system reads 50 pounds per square inch gage (psig), and
the atmospheric pressure determined from a barometer, or from a
weather report, is 29.5 inches of mercury, or 14.49 psia, then the
absolute pressure is 50 + 14.49, or 64.49 psia, where the unit psia
refers to pounds per square inch absolute. This is the pressure
measured above absolute zero or a complete vacuum.
When the symbol p appears in an expression used in thermody-
namics, it always refers to absolute pressure. Pressure readings
should be converted to absolute values routinely in order to avoid
the error of misuse of gage readings for thermodynamic pressure
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
p. The same can be said for the thermodynamic temperature T,
which also always refers to the absolute temperature; thus, quick
conversion of temperature readings in degrees F or degrees C to
absolute degrees constitutes good practice.
1.6 Energy
The concept of energy is tied to the concept of work, e.g., a body
in motion has an amount of kinetic and potential energy exactly
equal to the amount of work done on it to accelerate it from rest
and to move it from a position of zero potential energy to some
other position in a gravitational or other force field. Since work is
defined to occur when a force is exerted through a distance, the
units of work are those of force times distance, e.g., newton-
meters (N-m) or pound-feet (lbF-ft). These are the units of other
forms of energy as well. The newton-meter is commonly called
the Joule (J), and 1000 J makes one kilojoule (kJ).
When a gaseous or liquid system is in contact with a moving
surface the the system is said to do work on the moving boundary.
The displacement dof the surface normal to itself times the area A
of the surface is the volume change AFof the system, i.e., AF =
Ad. Since the force F on the surface is created by the pressure p
and ispA, force times displacement Fd becomes /?AF. Volume has
the dimensions of length cubed, and typical units are ft and m .
The units of the product of pressure times volume are units of en-
ergy, e.g., foot-pounds or newton-meters. These units are the same
as those for work, potential energy, kinetic energy or heat.
Heat is conceptually analogous to work in that it is thought to
be the transfer of energy rather than energy itself. For work to oc-
cur a force must be present, and motion must be possible. With
heat the energy transfer requires a difference in temperature be-
tween adjacent portions of matter and an open path for conduction
or radiation as necessary conditions for atoms or molecules to be-
come thermally excited by the presence of adjacent, more ener-
getic units of matter. At the microscopic level the energy transfer
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Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1.7 Processes
Properties determine the state just as x,y,z coordinates determine
the location of a point in space. The change in a property is the
difference between the final and initial values of the property. For
example, if the initial temperature of a system is 100 degrees
Fahrenheit, and the final temperature of the system is 200 degrees
Fahrenheit, then the change of temperature is 100 degrees F, i.e.,
AT = 100°F. If we use the subcripts 1 and 2 to denote the initial
and final (end) states, then the general statement for the change of
temperature is
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P = p(T,v) (1.14)
u = u(T,v) (1.15)
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Rearranging the variables of (1 . 1 5) we could also write
v = v(T,u) (1.16)
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F = C + 2-f (1.20)
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be determined for any p in the interval p{ > p > p2 . As we will
show in Chapters 4 and 5, the properties of the intermediate states
of a process between the end states are needed to determine the
work and heat. Of course, these quantities will be different for
each path followed. In Chapters 2 and 3 we will learn to determine
properties of commonly occurring systems for a number of impor-
tant processes.
Benedict, Robert P. (1977). Fundamentals of Temperature, Pres-
sure and Flow Measurement, New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Faires, V.M. and Simmang, C.M. (1978). Thermodynamics. New
York: MacMillan.
Howell, J.R. and Buckius, R.O. (1992). Fundamentals of Engi-
neering Thermodynamics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Keenan, J.H. (1941). Thermodynamics. New York: John Wiley &
Mendelssohn, K. (1960). Cryophysics. New York: Interscience.
Moran, M.J. and Shapiro, H.N. (1988). Fundamentals of Engi-
neering Thermodynamics. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Nicholas, J.V. and White, D.R.(1994). Traceable Temperatures:
An Introduction to Temperature Measurement and Calibration.
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Pavese, Franco and Molinar, Gianfranco (1992). Modern Gas-
Based Temperature and Pressure Measurements. New York: Ple-
num Press.
Reynolds, W.C. and Perkins, H.C. (1977). Engineering Thermo-
dynamics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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Chapter 2
Processes of an Ideal Gas
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2.2 The Perfect Gas
The perfect gas comprises molecules which are widely spaced, do
not have force interaction with each other and take up negligible
space themselves. Their movement is competely random, and
there is no preferred direction. If the gas is monatomic., then its
internal, or stored energy, is the sum of the translational kinetic
energy of each molecule in the system. Since there are three Car-
tesian directions, there are three degrees of freedom or three ways
of dividing the total kinetic energy. If the molecules are diatomic,
then they can have rotational kinetic energy about two axes of ro-
tation; thus, the system of diatomic gas has five degrees of free-
dom. This is important because the average energy per molecule
associated with each degree of freedom of a gas in equilibrium at
absolute temperature Tis given by
U kT
fN 2
3 2
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Denoting the number of moles of gas by n, then we can write
pV = v\NAkT (2.5)
pV = nR7 (2.6)
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which is the best known form of the equation of state of a perfect
Equations (2.2) and (2.3) can likewise be put in the molar
form, e.g., substituting (2.4) into (2.2) yields
- = ^~ (2.7)
3 2
or, alternatively,
u = ——- (2.8)
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for a monatomic gas. Similarly, for the diatomic gas with two
additional degrees of freedom, substituting (2.4) in (2.3) yields
——r—— (2.12)
R = NAk (2.13)
U = -r- (2.14)
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of a perfect gas accompanying a process which moves the system
from state 1 to state 2 is given by
pV=MRT (2.17)
r2-Zi) (2.18)
In (2.17) and (2.18) the units of cv and R are energy units divided
by mass units and temperature units, e.g., joules per kilogram-
degree K or Btu per pound-degree R.
An expression for specific internal energy u, or internal energy
per unit mass, can be derived in two steps: first the right hand side
of (2.11) is multiplied and divided by the molecular weight m; the
equation for the internal energy U of a system of mass M becomes
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Next the specific internal energy u is substituted on the left hand
side of (2.19) and, we obtain
u = -~ = cvT (2.20)
i-AI/f i j = r (T — T}
~~~ is v \J. i*
J. -i I nI £*?.£*1Jt1I
cr=—— (2.22)
where the specific gas constant R has a different value for each
gas, e.g., its value for air is 53.3 ft-lbF/lbM-degR; thus, for a given
kind of gas cv has a constant value. Equation (2.20) shows that the
specific internal energy u is a function of temperature only; this
dependence on a single property is a very important characteristic
of a perfect gas.
A similar result is obtainable in a differential form from (1.18)
and (2.9); if both sides of the latter equation are divided by mo-
lecular weight m, then the expression,
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dv (2.24)
=0 (2.26)
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an orderly expansion involving a force on a moving surface; in-
stead the gas pressure first accelerated the gas itself but the kinetic
energy thus created was soon dissipated by internal friction. It can
be shown that (2.26) is strictly true for a perfect gas and only ap-
proximately true for a real gas.
Equation (2.14) can be written more concisely by using the
specific volume v, which is defined by
v=— (2.27)
pv = RT (2.28)
2.3 Processes
The first step in characterizing a process is to provide values for
the properties at the end states of the process, i.e., for the initial
and the final states. Initial and final values of pressure, tempera-
ture and specific volume are usually needed. Often a knowledge of
two properties, e.g., p and T or v and T, allows one to infer which
phase or phases of the substance are present at the beginning and
end of a process. In the present chapter we are considering only
the perfect gas; thus, only the gaseous phase is present, and (2.28)
is the appropriate equation of state. Fixing p and v fixes T, or fix-
ing p and T fixes v. Geometrically the relationship is one for
which there exists a particular surface inpv7"-space.
Visualization of thermodynamic processes by means of graphs
showing the simultaneous variation of two properties is a helpful
artifice for use in the solution of thermodynamics problems.
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Rather than the space coordinates, x, y, and z, used by the
mathematician, the thermodynamicist uses three properties, e.g.,
p, v and T, i.e., absolute pressure, specific volume and absolute
temperature, to form a Cartesian coordinate sysytem. The point
having coordinates (p,v,T) represents the state, and, in the case of
a process, the properties change and the state point moves in pvT-
space; thus, as the state changes during a process, the state point
traces a space curve, which is the geometric representation of the
Projection of this space curve onto the /?v-plane, thepF-plane or
the vT-plane is an aid to understanding property variation for the
process being analyzed. The state point actually moves along a
surface in space that is defined by the equation of state of the
working substance; thus, the surface is the geometric representa-
tion of the equation of state. If the equation of state is that for a
perfect gas,_pF= MRT, where Mis gas mass and R is gas constant,
then the surface is as shown in Figure 2.1.
Process 1-2
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It can be seen that a general space curve might run between any
two states, for example, 1 and 2, but that the intersection of this
pvT-surface with a plane representing T = constant produces a
curve in space, which when projected on the pv-plam, is an equi-
lateral hyperbola as shown in Figure 2.2; such a curve is called an
isotherm. If the intersecting plane is one for which pressure is
constant, and the intersection is projected onto the /?v-plane, then
the curve is a straight horizontal line as shown in Figure 2.3; this
curve is an isobar on the pv-plane.
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choric process, i.e., one in which volume is held constant. Con-
stancy of volume implies that the piston remains fixed. Again us-
ing (2.14) we infer that for F, M and R constant, T must rise with
p. Process 1-2 is an example of Boyle's law, viz., that the product
ofp and F remain constant in an isothermal process. Processes 2-3
and 3-1 are examples of the law of Charles, which states that/> is
proportional to T for V constant and that V is proportional to T for
p constant.
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adiabatic, and the isothermal process is a diabatic one, rather than
an adiabatic one.
The pressure-volume relationship for the adiabatic process is
given by
pV1 = C (2.29)
y=^- (2.30)
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served and plotted; actually Aw is inferred from a measurement of
the electrical energy input. It should be noted that since cv is de-
fined in terms of properties, viz., u and T, the specific heat is itself
a thermodynamic property. Although we are introducing it in this
chapter in connection with a perfect gas, this property, as defined
in (2.31), is perfectly general, i.e., the same definition holds for
real gases, liquids and solids.
The specific heat at constant pressure cp is also a defined prop-
erty, and its definition is equally general for all phases of pure
substances. Its numerical value is also obtained by measurement
in an experiment with a gas confined in a cylinder having a piston
at one end. Moving the piston out as electrical energy from a resis-
tance heater is added to the gas allows the pressure to be con-
trolled at a constant value. This specific heat is calculated from the
measured data from the definition:
= u + pv (2.33)
The specific enthalpy and the two specific heats defined above are
all important thermodynamic properties, as will become evident in
subsequent chapters. The general definition in (2.33) can now be
specialized for the perfect gas by substituting for u using (2.20)
and forpv using (2.28); the resulting expression applies to the per-
fect gas:
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Applying the general definition for cp, viz., that of (2.32), and
differentiating (2.34) gives a relationship between the two specific
cp=cv+R (2.35)
Thus, one needs to measure only one specific heat to have the
other one. Alternatively, one can substitute for cp in (2.35) using
the definition (2.30); the resulting equation (2.36) enables the cal-
culation of specific heats from a knowledge of y alone; thus, we
cv = —— (2.36)
R =— (2.38)
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The universal gas constant R is a universal physical constant,
since, as is observed in (2.13), it is the product of two universal
constants, k and JVA. In the English system the value of R is 1545
ft-lbp/lbmole-degR, and in the System International its value is
8314 J/kmol-degK; thus, the specific heats are easily determined
from (2.36), (2.37) and (2.38).
2.6 The Carnot Cycle
A very famous and useful cycle, known as the Carnot cycle, con-
sists of two adiabatic processes (adiabats) and two isothermal
processes (isotherms). This cycle is depicted in Figure 2.6 for a
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perfect gas system. Note that there are two temperatures T\ and r3,
since Tl = T2 and T3 = T4. As is shown in Figure 2.5 the adiabats
are steeper than the isotherms, and the adiabatic expansion, proc-
ess 2-3, lowers the temperature from T2 to T3, since T2 > T3.
Similarly, the adiabatic compression process, process 4-1, raises
the temperature from T4 to Tj.The four processes of the Carnot
cycle could take place in a piston engine like that depicted in Fig-
ure 2.5.
During the adiabatic processes the wall of the cylinder and
piston must be insulated, so that the processes can be adiabatic;
however, during the isothermal processes the walls must be con-
ducting, so that heat may flow to or from the gas in the cylinder.
Process 1-2 requires the addition of heat from the surroundings in
order to maintain the temperature at a constant value. Since the
gas is giving up energy via work done on the moving cylinder, the
energy must be replaced by allowing heat to flow into the gas
from an external thermal energy reservoir through the conducting
walls. We can represent the process schematically by a block la-
belled HTTER, which is an acronym for high temperature thermal
energy reservoir, as in Figure 2.7. There is also a low temperature
thermal energy reservoir LTTER which receives heat as it flows
out of the the confined gaseous system through the cylinder walls
during process 3-4.
To summarize the events associated with the four processes,
we will set up a table which classifies the processes and indicates
the role of each process in the cycle of events. Heat flows into the
gas during one process and out during another. Work is done by
the gas during two processes, and work is done on the gas during
the other two. It turns out that more work is done by the gas than
is done on it; therefore, the cycle is called a power cycle. The net
heat flow is from the hot reservoir to the cold reservoir.
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• Heat to Engine
Engine Work
to or from Engine
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In a power cycle the state point moves in a clockwise direction
as is seen in Figure 2.6, i.e., from state 1 to state 2, then to state 3,
then to state 4 and finally to state 1 again; thus, the state point has
traced its path in a clockwise sense. If we assume that the state
point moves in the opposite sense, i.e., through states 1-4-3-2-1,
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 2.8 Otto Cycle
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models the reduction of pressure accompanying the opening of the
exhaust valve by means of a constant volume cooling, a non-flow
process. This modeling of the flow process with a non-flow one is
successful despite the obvious difference between model and en-
gine process.
The state point moves through states 1-2-3-4-1 in a clockwise
sense; thus, one can infer that the Otto cycle is a power cycle. Of
course its purpose in automobiles and other vehicles is to provide
power to the wheels of the vehicle.
2.8 The Polytropic Process
In this chapter we have become familiar with several specific
processes of perfect gases. All of those previously considered can
be generalized as polytropic. The polytropic process can be de-
fined as one having the pressure-volume relationship
pV" = C (2.39)
where C is a constant, and n is the polytropic exponent. Each per-
fect gas process previously mentioned will have a distinctive
value of the polytropic exponent;, these are presented in tabular
form below.
Isobaric ( p = constant) 0
Isochoric ( V = constant) 00
Isothermal ( T - constant) 1
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2.9 Mixtures of Perfect Gases
n=£n, (2.40)
where TVj denotes the number of molecules of the ith species pres-
ent in the mixture, which consists of a total of N molecules. Con-
servation of mass requires that
M=£M ; . (2.42)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
and the mass of each component is the number of moles times the
molecular weight, so that
n m
f i (2-43)
pV p.V
£___ _ r\ p,V
-T2 p,V
-r3 /^ A A\
V ;
Since V, R and T are the same for each gas, (2.44) reduces to
Dalton's law, i.e.,
MR = M, Rr + M2 R2 + M3 R3 (2.46)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
which permits the calculation of the gas constant R for the mix-
ture. The principle of conservation of energy is useful in obtaining
the specific heat at constant volume; a statement that the energy of
the mixture is the sum of the energies of the parts is
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
through the use of equations of state other than that of the perfect
gas, the use of variable specific heats and the use of experimen-
tally determined properties not represented by equations; data are
instead presented in tabular and chart form. Property determina-
tion from tables will be introduced in Chapter 3.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Solution: As a preliminary step find the displacement volume VD
of the compressor. This is the cylindrical volume swept out by the
piston moving between its extreme positions (bottom to top dead
center). The pressure- volume diagram above shows the processes
of the compressor cycle.
The displacement volume is
VD - 7rD2L/4 = TT (5)2 (4.5)/4 - 88.36 in3
V = 0.0511ft3
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
V2 = Y! (pi /p2)1/n = 0.0613(14.5/87)1/u
V2= 0.013772 ft3
The volume of the air discharged is V2 - V3 = 0.013772-0.010217
V2 - V3 = 0.003562 ft3
Use the general gas law to find T2;
note that MR = p^/Tj = p2V2/T2; thus,
T2 = (540)(87 /14.5)(0.013772/0.0613)
T2 = 727.9 °R
The density of the air discharged is p2 = p2/RT2
p2 = 87(144)/(53.3)(727.9) = 0.32291 lb/ft3
The mass of air discharged per cycle = p2(V2 - V3)
= 0.32291(0.003562)
Mass of air discharged = 0.0011502 Ib/cycle.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure EP-2.2 Four-process cycle
M= =(14.7)(144)(2)/(1545/28.97)(100+460)
M 0.142 pounds
The pV-diagram showso that p2 = pi = 14.7 psia. It is given that V2
= 2Vi ; thus, V2 = 4 ft . The temperature is found by applying the
general gas law, which follows from the equation of state, pV =
MRT, applied to both states 1 and 2, i.e., piVj/Tj = P2V2/T2; thus,
we find that
T = 560(1)(2) = 1 120 degR
The rise in temperature is interpreted as the result of the addition
of heat; heat addition would have been necessary just to maintain
the temperature, since the motion of the piston would have re-
sulted in energy flow from the gas via the work done on the piston
and hence a lowering of both pressure and temperature. To main-
tain the pressure constant requires more heat addition than that
needed to keep the temperature constant; hence, the temperature
rises in the isobaric expansion.
The next process, in which V3 = V2 = 4 ft3, is a constant volume
cooling. The final temperature is one-half the initial, so that T3 =
T2/2 = 1 120/2; thus, T3 = 560 degR. the pressure p3 is found from
the perfect gas equation of state (2.14); the mass of air M is
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
known to be 0.142 Ibs, and the specific gas constant R for air is
determined from (2.31) as
R = R/m = 15457 28.97 = 53.3 ft-lbF/lbM-degR
Finally, we solve for p3.
p3 = MRT3/V3 = 0.142(53.3)(560)/4 = 1060 lbF/ft2
To convert the units from psf to psi we divide by 144 in /ft ; this
p3= 1060/144 = 7.4 psia
The constant pressure compression process 3-4 is the reverse of
the expansion; thus, work adds energy to the gas and cooling re-
moves this energy plus some additional molecular kinetic energy
necessary to have the same wall pressure with a higher density of
molecules and hence a higher flux of molecules impacting the
wall. Since V4 = V l5 we know that V4 = 2 ft, and since the proc-
ess is isobaric, p4 = 1060 psfa. The temperature is found from the
equation of state in the following way:
T4 = p4V4/MR = (1060)(2)/(0.142)(53.3) = 280 degR
This is a very low (cryogenic) temperature, -180 degF, and the
cooling in process 3-4 would require a very cold reservoir, such a
a liquified gas, to actually effect such a process.
Lastly, we will calculate the change of internal energy for each of
the four processes using (2.15). Since it is a diatomic gas, we must
first use (2.12) to compute the molar heat capacity at constant vol-
ume cv; thus,
cv = 5R/2 = 5(1545)/2 = 3862.5 ft-lbp/lbmol-degR
Noting that division of molar heat capacity by molecular weight
gives specific heat, we find
cv = cv /m = 3862.5/28.97 = 133.3 ft-lbF/lbM-degR
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
We could use the units given above for cv, but we can also convert
to thermal units using the mechanical equivalent of heat; the result
of the conversion is
cv= 133.3/778 = 0.171 Btu/lbM-degR
Using the latter value to compute internal energy changes AUi2,
AU23, AU34 and AU41 for each of the processes 1-2,2-3, 3-4 and 4-
1, respectively, we obtain
AU12 = Mcv(T2 - T,) = 0.142(0.171)(1120 - 560)
= 13.6 Btu
AU23 = Mcv(T3 - T2) = 0.142(0.171X560-1120)
= -13.6Btu
AU34 = Mcv(T4 - T3) = 0.142(0.171X280 - 560)
= - 6.8 Btu
AU41 = MCV(T! - T4) - 0.142(0.171X560 -280)
= 6.8 Btu
Note that the sum of the internal energy changes for the cycle is
zero, i.e., IAU = AU12 + AU23 + AU34 + AU41 = 0. A sum of
changes in the entire cycle for any other property would also be
zero, e.g.,
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
involve work, since there is no moving boundary (no volume
change); thus, there is no moving surface on which a force is act-
ing. During the isochoric processes energy is transferred only as
heat, since none is transferred as work. The isochoric cooling
process, process 2-3, shows an internal energy loss (negative sign)
of 13.6 Btu, which is the result of heat flow to an external thermal
energy reservoir. The isochoric heating process, process 4-1, in-
volves a gain (positive sign) of system internal energy in the
amount of 6.8 Btu which comes as heat from an external hot
thermal energy reservoir.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
cv = R/(y -1) = 22277(1.4 -1) = 5568 J/kg-degK
cp = yR/(y - 1) = 7795 J/kg-degK
e) Write the equations of state for each component and for the
mixture, i.e.,
Pi V = n., RT
p2 V = n2 R T
pV = nRT
Solving the above set of equations for PI /p and P2/P, we find:
Pi = p (n1 / n) and p2 = p (n2 / n) and
n-i = MI / m^ = 1 / 2 = 0.5 moles of hydrogen.
n2 = M2 / m2 = 1 / 28 = 0.0357 moles of carbon monoxide.
n = n., + n2 - 0.5 + 0.0357 = 0.5357 moles
Pi = 2 ( 0.5/0.5357) = 1.867 bars, the partial pressure of H2.
p2 = 2 (0.0357/0.5357) = 0.133 bar, the partial pressure of CO.
Moran, MJ. and Shapiro, H.N.(1988).Findamentals of Engineer-
ing Thermodynamics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2.1 In an experiment modeled after a famous test by Joule in the
19th century a bottle of compressed air of volume V is connected
to an evacuated (empty; p = 0) bottle of the same size (some vol-
ume), and the valve between them is opened so that the gas pres-
sure finally reaches an equilibrium value. The air temperature be-
fore and after expansion was 80 degF. The pressure of the com-
pressed gas before release was 29.4 psia. The molecular weight of
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
the air is 28.97, and the ratio of specific heats y is 1.4. The sytem
is insulated thermally and is surrounded by rigid walls (an isolated
system). Find the final (absolute) pressure: a) in psi; b) in psf c) in
Pa (pascals).
2.2 Using the data given in Problem 2.1 find the specific volume v
of the gas in ft3/lbM before and after expansion.
2.3 Using the data given in Problem 2.1 find the change of spe-
cific internal energy u of the gas. Find the change of specific en-
thalpy h. Hint: Use (2.18), (2.27) and (2.28). Also please note that
Ah,2 = cp(T2 - TI).
2.4 Find the specific heats of the air at constant volume and at
constant pressure (cv and c p) in Btu/lbM-degR using the data in
Problem 2.1.
2.5 Find the volume V in Problem 2.1 if the mass of the system is
one pound.
2.6 One pound of a diatomic gas occupies a volume of two cubic
feet. The absolute pressure of the gas is 100 psia, and its absolute
temperature is 540 degR. Determine its specific gas constant R
and its molecular weight m.
2.7 One bottle of air is at the pressure 20 psia and the temperature
500 degR, and a connected bottle of air having a volume of 2 ft is
at a pressure of 100 psia and a temperature of 600 degR. The
valve between the two bottles is opened, and the gases mix and
equilibrate at a final temperature of 560 degR and a final pressure
of 50 psia. What is the total volume of the two bottles?
2.8 One pound-mole of an ideal gas which is initially at a pressure
of one atmosphere and a temperature of 70 degF is compressed
isothermally to a pressure p2- In a second process, process 2-3, it
is heated at constant volume until its pressure is 10 atmospheres
and its temperature is 200 degF. The molar heat capacity at con-
stant volume for this gas is cv = 5 Btu/lbmol-degR. Find V l5 V2
and p2.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2.9 One pound of air which is initially at 540 degR and occupies a
volume of 14•3 ft is compressed isothermally to state 2 where its
volume is 7 ft . It is then heated at constant pressure until V3 = 14
ft . Process 3-1 returns the air to its original state. The specific gas
constant R is 53.3 ft-lbF/lbM-degR, and y = 1.4. Find p l5 p2 and T3.
2.10 One possible value for the universal gas constant R is 8.314
J/gmol-degK. Find R for: a) units of cal/gmol-degK; b) units of
atm-1/gmol-degK. Hint: Note that 1 atm = 101,325 N/m 2 ,1 liter (1)
= 1000 cm3 and latm-1 = 101.325 J.
2.11 Start with the defining relationship of the polytropic process,
viz., pVn = constant, and derive the relationship between volume
and temperature:
n- 1
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
of y = 1.5 which is initially at 1 atm and 0 degC. Heat is slowly
applied to the gas on the left side of the piston, which raises the
gas pressure until the piston has compressed the gas on the right
side to a pressure of 3.375 atm. Find the T2 and V2 of the gas on
the right side, noting that the process is adiabatic; then calculate
the final temperature T2 for the gas on the left side; note this is a
diabatic process. Hint: Use the result of Problem 2.12 with the
polytropic exponent n set equal to y.
2.15 A cycle utilizes 1.5 kilogram-moles of a diatomic gas having
a molecular weight of 32. The polytropic exponents for the three
processes of the cycle are the following: for process 1-2, n = 1.25;
for process 2-3, n = 0; and for process 3-1, n = y = 1.4. pi = 1 bar;
Tj = 288 degK; V} = 4V2. Find: a) the pressures, volumes and
temperature of the end states; b) the change of internal energy for
each process; c) the change of specific enthalpy for each process.
2.16 A system of M pounds of air confined in a piston and cylin-
der engine executes the Carnot cycle shown in Figure 2.6. Vol-
umes are Vj = 1 ft3, V2 = 2 ft3, V3 = 4 ft3 and V4 - 2 ft3. The low-
est pressure and temperature, p3 and T3, are 14 psia and 540 degR,
respectively. Find the mass M of the system and the highest pres-
sure and temperature in the cycle.
2.17 An automobile engine is modeled by the Otto cycle pictured
in Figure 2.8. Air as a perfect gas comprises the system. The cyl-
inder diameter (bore) is 3.5 inches. The length traversed by the
piston in moving between end states 1 and 2 (the stroke) is 4
inches. The ratio of the volume before compression to that after
compression (Vj / V2) is called the compression ratio and is 8. Air
is taken into the engine at state 1 with pj = 14 psia and Tj = 540
degR. The maximum pressure occurs after the combustion (or
heating) process, i.e., after process 2-3, and it is p3 = 726 psia.
Find the temperature, volume and pressure at each of the four
states and the mass of the air comprising the system.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2.18 Air is modeled as a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. Assume
that the correct mixture comprises 0.21 m3 of oxygen at 1 bar and
288 degK mixed with 0.79 m3 also at 1 bar and 288 degK. Note
that both gases are diatomic, so that y = 1.4 for each gas and for
the mixture. For the mixture at 1 bar and 288 degK and occupying
a volume of 1 m3, find: a) R; b) m; cv; and cp.
2.19 Oxygen is to be produced by liquefaction of the air in Prob-
lem 2.18. Find the number of moles of air that must be used to
produce one mole of oxygen.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3
• critical point
critical isotherm
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the saturated-vapor line and forms the right half of a dome-like
curve known as the vapor dome. The highest pressure on the va-
por dome, which is the point of zero slope, is called the critical
pressure, and the point of highest pressure is called the critical
point. The vapor dome to the left of the critical point has a large
positive slope and is called the saturated-liquid line.
Examination of Figure 3.1 allows us to delineate three regions
of the p-v plane. The first region is one of high specific volume v,
in which the molecules are widely separated, and the gas is gov-
erned by the perfect-gas equation of state. The second region is
located nearer to the saturated-vapor curve and is a region of
dense gas, called the superheated-vapor zone. The third region is
the one bounded on the right by the saturated-vapor curve and on
the left by the sataurated-liquid curve. This is the mixture zone,
and there is a mixture of saturated vapor and saturated liquid in
this zone.
A horizontal line drawn on Figure 3.1 from the saturated-liquid
line to the saturated-vapor line illustrates the proportion of mix-
ture that is vapor or liquid. If the state corresponds to the left end
of such a line, the system is one of 100 percent saturated liquid. If
the state is indicated by the point at the right end of the line, then
100 percent saturated vapor is indicated. A point at the middle of
the horizontal line indicates a state in which half of the substance
is saturated liquid and half is saturated vapor.
3.2 Mixtures
vapor dome. The isotherm passing over the top of the vapor dome
is the critical isotherm. The isotherm which passes through the
vapor dome represents any isotherm. It has branches on three of
the surfaces. The right branch is on the superheated vapor surface;
the middle branch is in the liquid-vapor mixture zone; and the left
branch is on the liquid surface. All three branches of this curve
have the same temperature; pressure varies along the left and right
branches, but pressure remains constant on the middle branch.
Other properties are also different at each point on the iso-
therm. It is necessary to use tabulated properties to determine the
values of properties in each of the three zones traversed by the
isotherm. We will use the steam tables, found in Appendices Al
and A2, to illustrate how properties of real substances can be de-
termined. Such a procedure is equivalent to the use of an equation
of state, if one were one available.
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3.3 Use of Saturated Steam Tables
locus of
' locus of
triple point mixture
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
of one bar and a quality of 0.55, then the enthalpy of the mixture,
which can be calculated from
in which the factor (1 -x) = 0.45, and x = 0.55; thus, the calculated
enthalpy of the mixture becomes 0.45(416.817) + 0.55(2674.37) =
In (3.1) the factor (1 - x) represents the mass fraction of the
mixture which is liquid; thus, the mass of liquid per unit mass of
mixture times the enthalpy of the liquid per unit mass of liquid
contributes the enthalpy of the liquid present in the mixture per
unit mass of mixture. Similarly, the mass fraction of saturated va-
por x times the specific enthalpy of the saturated vapor hg yields
the contribution to the mixture enthalpy from the vapor present.
The units of the mixture enthalpy hmix, or simply h, are then en-
ergy per unit mass of mixture; thus, the mixture enthalpy in the
above example, viz., 1659 kJ/kg, has units of kilojoules per kilo-
gram of mixture.
A parallel process is used to calculate other properties of a
mixture of saturated liquid and saturated vapor. For example,
specific volume v of the mixture is calculated by
Using values from the steam table for p = 1 bar, we find vj- =
0.0010432 m3/kg and vg = 1.694 m3/kg; thus, for x = 0.55, we
have a mixture specific volume v of 0.9322 m3 per kg of mixture.
Other properties, such as density p, specific entropy s, or specific
internal energy u, are handled in the same manner.
= f(p,T) (3.3)
The surface to the left of the vapor dome in Figure 3.2 contains
points representing states of a purely liquid phase, but the liquid is
not saturated unless the state point is on the saturated-liquid line.
Instead the states represented by points in this region are sub-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
cooled liquid or compressed liquid states. As with the superheated
vapor tables, two properties, usually pressure and temperature, are
used to enter a table of experimentally based properties. Appendix
A3 contains tables of this sort for compressed water. The table
contains the properties of compressed, or subcooled, water for
temperatures below the boiling temperature. For example, con-
sider the table for the pressure 60 bars. The saturation temperature
for this pressure is 275.62°C. If the steam has a temperature above
275.62°C, the properties in Appendix A2 will apply to the super-
heated steam at that pressure and temperature. If the temperature
is below 275.62°C, the water is compressed, and the table reflects
an abrupt change in specific volume, specific enthalpy and spe-
cific entropy, which is mostly associated with the phase change
from vapor to liquid.
Tables of this kind are consulted when the pressure for the state
considered is higher than the saturation pressure for a given tem-
perature; thus, they are tables of properties for compressed liquids.
The differences in enthalpy of a liquid at saturation pressure and at
an elevated pressure is not large. Consider the data presented in
Table 3.1 for water at 40°C. The saturation pressure corresponding
to 40°C is 0.07384 bar. The pressure is increased to 100 bars
M = vf(p-PsJ (3.4)
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3.7 Processes of the Rankine Cycle
4. State 1 is that of the steam leaving the steam generator and en-
tering the turbine or other prime mover. The steam is expanded
quickly in the turbine, so that the process may be considered to be
adiabatic, i.e., one without heat loss. Actually heat loss does occur
in the connecting piping and through the casing walls of the ma-
chine itself. Further, fluid friction acts on the steam as it passes
between the turbine blades. The ideal process for this expansion is
both adiabatic and frictionless, and it is governed by equation
(2.29). It will be shown in Chapter 6 that one property is held
constant in such an ideal process, viz., the specific entropy s is
constant during the process. For this reason the adiabatic expan-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The pumping process changes the state from a saturated liquid
to a compressed liquid. The change of enthalpy in this process is
very small and can be estimated by (3.4). The ideal process is
adiabatic and is thus isentropic; thus, we can use the relation s3 =
s4. By fixing p4 and *4 we can easily determine the properties of
the compressed liquid from the tables in Appendix A3.
The steam generating unit or boiler is used to add heat to the
compressed liquid, thus generating saturated or superheated steam.
The state changes from 4 to 1 in the boiler as is indicated in Figure
3.4. State 1 is represented by a point on the saturated vapor line in
Figure 3.5, but state 1 could also be shown in the superheated va-
por region to the right of the saturated vapor line. In either case
the line joining 1 and 4 will be a horizontal, constant pressure line.
The four processes of the Rankine cycle are the following:
1-2 isentropic expansion
2-3 isobaric cooling
3-4 isentropic compression
4-1 isobaric heating
vapor line
liquid line
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
sense that we assume constancy of enthalpy, i.e., /z3 = A4, and this
is a realistic approximation to the situation found in practice;
however, the process is non-ideal in that the energy stored in the
compressed gas is wasted through frictional processes. This effect
will be analyzed more carefully in Chapter 6.
The final process 4-1, which closes the cycle, is one of great
importance, because it is the refrigeration process, i.e., heat from
the surroundings is absorbed by the refrigerant during process 4-1.
The temperature of the refrigerant at state 4 is much lower than
that of the surroundings, so that heat is easily transferred to it from
the warmer surroundings. The ideal process is isobaric and iso-
thermal, since the process is one of vaporization of the liquid in
the mixture at state 4. State 1 is that of a saturated vapor; point 1 is
on the saturated vapor line in Figure 3.7. The refrigerant could exit
the evaporated in a slightly superheated state, in which case the
state point would be displaced to the right of its location in Figure
3.7. The temperature for superheated vapor would be elevated
above the saturation temperature corresponding to the evaporator
pv = ZRT (3.5)
£_ (3.6)
T - (3.7)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Generalized compressibility charts, which allow the graphical de-
termination of Z from a knowledge of reduced pressure and tem-
perature, can be constructed. According to Faires and Simmang
(1978), such charts are based on data for many different gases;
thus, they apply to any gas.
An alternative approach is to use data tabulated from the ALL-
PROPS program. An example of tabulated values of compressi-
bility factor is shown in Appendix C. The values of Z tabulated in
the appendix are for nitrogen, but they are typicasl for other gases
as well. In general, Z deviates significantly from unity when gases
exist at very high pressure or very low temperatures. Engineering
applications, such as the gas turbine, utilize gases at relatively low
pressures and moderate or high temperatures; for these conditions
) (3.9)
pdT (3.12)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3.1 In Chapter 1 the steam and water cycle of a power plant was
discussed. Referring to Figure 3.4, we identify four states between
components employed in the cycle; these states are identified as 1,
2, 3 and 4. The turbine inlet state is state 1. The pressure p{ enter-
ing the turbine is 60 bars and the temperature 7\ is 400°C. De-
termine the specific enthapy and specific volume of the entering
3.2 If the steam exhausts from the turbine at pressure of 1 bar and
a temperature of 99.64°C, determine the quality, specific enthalpy
and specific volume of the exhaust steam at state 2 (refer to Figure
3.4). Assume that s2 = s{.
3.5 The steam generating unit, or boiler, heats the liquid from T4
up to the turbine inlet tmperature T{. If the amount of heat re-
quired to vaporize the water and superheat the steam is equal to
the change of enthalpy h\ - h4, determine the heat addition to the
water and steam per kilogram of steam flowing through the boiler
(see Figure 3.4).
3.7 The exhaust steam from the turbine passes over the cooler
tubes of the steam condenser during process 2 - 3 . Condensed
water, known as condensate, leaves the condenser in a subcooled
state at a pressure of 1 bar and a temperature of 80°C. If the heat
removed from the steam during condensation is given by h2 - h3,
determine the heat removal in the condenser per kilogram of con-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
specific enthalpy and specific internal energy at each of the four
states. Hint: For the isentropic processes use the equalities, s2 - s3
and $i = s4.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 4
~~~ (4.1)
F = mg (4.2)
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When numerical values are substituted in (4.3), one finds that the
constant g has a value of 9.81 m/s2. When (4.2) is compared with
Newton's second law of motion,
F = ma (4.4)
S (4.5)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
negative, but the work of the external force, i.e., the
thermodynamic work, is positive.
If F is replaced with ma from (4.4), and acceleration is
expressed as a derivative of velocity with respect to time, then the
work to accelerate a body from velocity Uj to velocity u2 is given
rrr f t f dv , f du dz , f. . , ,,, „,
W= J\madz = J\m—dz- J \m——dz= ifmujdv (4.7)
dt dz dt *{
where the velocity u of the falling body is substituted for the time
derivative of the vertical coordinate z. Integration of (4.7) yields
W = -m\)\--mv\ (4.8)
Equation (4.8) states that the work done by the gravitational force
on the body during its fall from elevation zl to elevation z2 is equal
to the increase in the kinetic energy of the object, whereas (4.6)
shows that the same work is equal to the loss of potential energy
by the object during the change of elevation. Eliminating W
between (4.6) and (4.8) yields
1 2 1 2
mgzl - mgz2 = - wo2 - - mul (4.9)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
displacement ds', thus, the work for a finite displacement is given
by the integral
W= \F_.ds (4.10)
For the falling body (4.10) yields a positive result, since the force
and displacement vectors both have the same sign.
Equation (4.9) shows that potential energy is replaced by
kinetic energy through the action of the gravitational force acting
through the distance of fall. Equations (4.6) and (4.8) show that
the work equation (4.10) can be used to predict the change of
potential energy and the change in kinetic energy; thus, the work
produces changes in both potential and kinetic energy.
As mentioned above, thermodynamic work is work that
changes the energy stored in a system. The stored energy
comprises three energy forms: internal energy U, potential energy
mgz, and kinetic energy mv /2.
= AE (4.11)
where &E denotes the increase in stored energy of the system, and
E is defined by
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4.3 Moving Boundary Work
F =-\\pdA (4.13)
F = -pA (4.14)
Substitution of (4.14) into (4.10) then noting that the dot product,
A • ds., yields the differential volume, dV, and the expression for
work becomes
W=\pdV (4.15)
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Figure 4.1 Area under Process Curve onp-VPlane
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
W=P2 V2-Pl V, (
which can be used to calulate the work for any value of polytropic
exponent except n = 1. For n = 1 the integration of (4.16) yields
the relation
W = plV1ln(V2/Vl) (4.18)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
processes is the the piston and cylinder, which provides
confinement for the material system and provides a moving
boundary across which energy flows as work and a cylindrical
wall through which energy can flow as heat. Should fluid pass
across system boundaries, e.g., through a valve or port in the wall
of the cylinder, the system would be called an open system, and a
new form of work called flow -work would come into play.
The air compressor of Example Problem 2.1 draws air into the
cylinder during the intake stroke, and then discharges air after the
compression is accomplished during the opposite motion of the
piston. During the outflow process the piston does work on the air,
and the inflowing air does work on the piston. There is no change
of state during these processes, but work is done; this is so-called
flow work, and it is different from moving boundary work
discussed in the previous section for a non-flow system.
In Example Problem 2.1 flow work occurs in process 2-3 as the
piston sweeps air out of the cylinder through a discharge valve.
Like the compression process 1-2 this sweeping process is
negative work, but it is different because the properties of the air
do not change during the sweeping process. Since the pressure is
constant, the work done by the piston in process 2-3 isp2(V2- F3).
In flows through a pipe there occurs flow work across any
arbitrarily chosen cross section. Choosing a parcel of flowing
fluid, say a cylindrical volume of diameter D and length L which
occupies the section of the pipe just upstream of a given section.
Fluid upstream of the parcel acts like the piston in Example
Problem 2.1, i.e., the upstream fluid pushes the parcel across the
given section. The work to accomplish this action is the pressure
times cross sectional area times displacement; thus, the flow work
to move this parcel through the section is puD L/4 or simply
pressure times volume, pV. Flow work per unit mass is then
pressure times specific volume, pv.
The concept of flow work is particularly useful in engineering
analysis of thermodynamics of practical flow machines and
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
devices, e.g., compressors, turbines, pumps, fans, valves, etc. For
analysis of these devices the control-volume method will be
introduced in Chapter 5 and utilized in subsequent chapters. The
control-volume method it utilized to account for the flow of some
property across its boundaries. Applied to thermodynamics the
method accounts for energy flow across the boundaries of the
control volume. Flow work is treated as an energy flow associated
with the fluid flow, as indeed it has been shown to be.
Specific enthalpy h, defined by (2.33) as u + pv, allows the
combination of two forms of energy contained in flows into or out
of control volumes. Even though flow work is, in fact, work and
not conceptually a property, it is the product of two properties and
can be lumped together with specific internal energy to form the
highly useful property enthalpy, which measures two forms of
energy occurring in flowing systems. Thus, flow work usually
appears in flow equations as part of the property enthalpy and is
thereby separated from moving boundary work.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 4.2 Net Work of a Cycle
In Figure 4.2 the state point moves from state a to state b along
the upper path. The area under process a-b represents the positive
work of this process. On the other hand, process b-a moves the
state point along the lower path, and the area under the curve b-a
represents negative work. The two processes together constitute a
cycle, and the enclosed area of the figure represent the net work of
the cycle, i.e., the sum of the works of the two processes, one
positive and the other negative. The net work of a cycle can be
either positive or negative. Since the path a-b from left to right has
a larger area beneath it than does the path b-a, the enclosed area is
positive, and the cycle is said to be a power cycle. Had the state
point moved along the lower path in going from a to b, the
positive work would have been the smaller, and the net work
would have been negative; this is called a reversed or refrigeration
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Net Work
Figure 4.3 A Four Process Cycle
Consider the four process cycle of Figure 4.3. There are four
processes, some of which result in positive work, and some result
in negative work. The net work is represented in the figure by the
enclosed area. The net work can be expressed as the sum of four
work terms, each representing a positive or a negative number.
The net or cyclic work is given by the cylic integral of dW\ thus,
12 23 34 '41 (4.19)
which is a statement that the cyclic or net work is the sum of the
works for the four processes of the cycle. Of course, four is chosen
arbitrarily; there can be any number of processes in a given cycle.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4.6 Work for the Otto Cycle
hand, the work for the adiabatic processes can be calculated from
(4.17) by setting n = y. The cyclic work for the Otto cycle is the
sum of W12 and W34; thus,
1-y 1-y
The first term on the right of (4.20) is negative work. The second
term is positive work and is the larger term; thus, the net work is
positive, and the Otto cycle is a power cycle. The positive net
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
work means that more work is done by the system on the
surroundings than the surroundings do on the system. Referring to
Figure 4.4 it is seen that the enclosed area 1-2-3-4-1 represents the
net work of the cycle.
The system is a perfect gas confined in a cylinder with a piston
as an end wall; then (4.20) becomes
= Ul-U2+U3-U4 (4.22)
Studying (4.19) through (4.22) shows that work for the adiabatic
compression and expansion processes of the Otto cycle can be
expressed alternatively in terms of pressure-volume terms or in
terms of internal energy change.
Since the work processes 1-2 and 3-4 of the Otto cycle are
adiabatic, there is no heat transfer to or from the system; thus,
only work affects the amount of stored energy in the system. By
comparing corresponding terms in (4.19) and (4.22), we can write
some applicable relationships, viz.,
W12=U,-U2 (4.23)
W34=U3-U4 (4.24)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
One could also observe that there are internal changes in
processes 2-3 and 4-1, but these are not associated with work. In
these processes the internal energy change is effected only by the
heat transfers Q2T, and Q4i. Since heat transfer alone changes the
internal energy in these processes, we can write
Q2,=U3~U2 (4.25)
Q4l=Ul-U4 (4.26)
^adiabatic U initial ~ ^ final \*"*' '>
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
internal energy term can represent the sum of the internal energies
of all of the chemical species and their respective phases
comprising the system.
We can observe that the cyclic integral of any property is
zero. This is easily shown for any cycle, but we shall write the
cyclic change of internal energy as a sum of integrals; this is
U2-Ul+U3-U2+U4-U3+Ul-U4 (4.29)
Replacing the work terms by means of (4.19) and noting that the
cyclic heat transfer is the sum of the heat transfers occuring in the
two non-adiabatic processes, we can write
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Setting the integral of internal energy equal to zero for the cycle
we arrive at
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
substances as well, e.g., ammonia and mercury are also used. The
mechanical components needed for the cycle are depicted in
Figure 1.1. The processes are shown in Figure 4.4 on the p-v
plane. The cycle comprises process 1-2, an adiabatic expansion in
a turbine; process 2-3, an isobaric compression (cooling) in a
condenser; process 3-4, an adiabatic compression of liquid; and
process 4-1, an isobaric expansion (heating) in a boiler. The
system is a fixed mass of water or other working substance, which
flows around through the several mechanical components and
undergoes changes of state inside each of them.
The cyclic work for the Rankine cycle is the sum of the works
for the processes, viz.,
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
WI2 and W34 represent works for adiabatic processes; thus, for a
unit of mass in the flowing system, we can apply (4.27) to obtain
where the definition (2.33) has been substituted to obtain the form
given. If the working substance is steam, the work of the cycle is
calculated by substituting values of specific enthalpy found in
Appendix A. To estimate h4 - h3, an equation like (3.4) can be
utilized in lieu of the tables of Appendix A3. Such an equation is
easily developed from (2.33) in differential form, viz.,
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Setting dQ equal to zero and writing the terms of equation (4.33)
as specific energy, we obtain
dh = vdp (4.40)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
integration is taken consists of a set of equilibrium states, i.e., that
the whole system of gas, vapor or liquid has the same properties at
any given time and that the change occurs with infinite slowness.
The very slow process is termed a quasistatic process. A
quasistatic process can be reversed because there are no losses
within the fluid due to fluid friction. In a piston-cylinder system
reversibility would mean that a system once compressed from V\
to V2 could be returned along the same path to Vl with its final
state being identical to its initial state; hence, the term reversible
work mode can be applied to the moving boundary work
calculated by (4.15).
In addition to moving boundary work on or by a compressible
system, Reynolds and Perkins (197 8) and Zemansky and Dittman
(1981) identify a number of reversible work modes used to
describe other work processes occurring in nature. These are: the
extension of a solid, the stretching of a liquid surface, changing
the polarization of a dialectric material by an electric field, and
changing the magnetization of a magnetic material by a magnetic
field. A detailed exposition of the aforementioned reversible
work modes is presented by Reynolds and Perkins and Zemansky
and Dittman.
Several reversible work modes could conceivably occur in the
same thermodynamic system. Each additional work mode would
then add an additional independent variable, thus increasing the
number of properties required to establish the state of the system.
The state postulate mentioned in Chapter 1 requires that the
number of independent variables be equal to the number of
reversible work modes plus one. Each work mode provides an
additional way for energy to flow in or out of the system; the extra
variable required by the 'plus one' part of the statement refers to
either heat transfer or irreversible work, the latter being the
equivalent of heat transfer.
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4.10 Irreversible Work
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Fluid motion involves the sliding of one layer of fluid upon the
other in a manner similar to the sliding of two solids in contact,
and the result is fluid friction. Whitaker (1968) formulated the
expressions for the rate at which irreversible work is done on each
element of fluid per unit volume. The resulting function is called
viscous dissipation and is particularly intense where high
gradients of velocity exist in fluids, e.g., near solid boundaries in a
thin region known as the boundary layer. Another site of high
viscous dissipation is within small vortices or eddies generated by
turbulent flows.
A nozzle is a device, which by virtue of its design, guides a
compressible fluid to an efficient expansion from a higher to a
lower pressure and yields high fluid velocity at its exit. On the
other hand, an uncontrolled expansion of a compressible fluid,
such as occurs in a valve, results in the generation of many
turbulent eddies and high viscous dissipation downstream of the
Irreversible work associated with friction between solid or fluid
surfaces increases the internal energy of the system affected. The
work done by an external force or by the surrounding fluid
resulted in a rise of thermal energy, which is a more random form
of energy. This process is called dissipation or degradation of
energy, i.e., the energy once available as work can no longer be
converted to work and thus remains unaccessible.
Besides mechanical friction McChesney (1971) describes
joule or ohmic heating in electrical conductors, which derives
from the electric resistance of the conductor. The free electrons in
the conductor are accelerated by electric fields, but they give up
kinetic energy when colliding with lattice nuclei. The directed
kinetic energy is thus converted to the vibratory energy of the
lattice and is less accessible for conversion to work. The process is
an irreversible one, and electrical resistance heating is treated as
irreversible work.
The irreversible work processes described above result in
higher temperatures in the affected systems, and the effect of the
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
irreversible work could be produced by heat transfer; hence, the
conception of a mechanical equivalent of heat, which will be
discussed in Chapter 5.
Some other obviously irreversible processes do not involve
irreversible work, e.g., the transfer of heat from a hot to a cold
body cannot be reversed; the mixing of two different gases cannot
be 'unmixed;' and the formation of a compound such as as H2O
from a spontaneous reaction of H2 and O2 will not reverse itself at
ordinary room pressure and temperature. Such non-work
processes as these will be examined in terms of entropy and
availabilty changes in Chapters 6 and 7.
_ P2 V2 -p, V, _ 87(144)(0.01377)-14.5(144)(0.0613)
YV I f "~~ ~*~
" 1-n 1-1.2
Note: The negative sign indicates that work is done on the system
by the surroundings.
Example Problem 4.2. Using the data from Example Problem 2.1
determine the flow work done by the piston during the discharge
process 2-3. During the flow process p2 = p3 = 87 psia.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Solution: The piston acts against constant pressure air and
displaces the volume V2 - F3 from the cylinder during the
discharge process. The volume of air V3 remains in the cylinder
after the discharge process, and the air occupying this volume has
displaced the escaping air by pushing it across the cylinder
boundary. The work of the piston is calculated for a constant
volume process:
- V2) =87(144)(0.010217-0.013377)
= -44.5 ft-lb
The negative sign indicates that the work was done by the
= 14.5(144)(0. 045476) - 87(144)(0. 01021 7)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wml = -68.9'ft -lb/ 'cycle
W~ = Wn+W34=Pl(V3 -Vl
7 = 14,5(6)u =178.15/7^
3000 =
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
= 574.6 ft -Ib
l-y 1-y
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Solution: Utilize (4.37) and (4.41):
, , , . 0.01614(1000-1)144
h4-h3 = v3(p4 -p3) = ———— ^———^—— = 3Btu/lb
/ /o
Power is the mass flow rate of steam times the work output per
unit mass of steam flowing. A conversion factor of 3413 Btu/hr
per kilowatt is need to convert to kW, the usual power unit.
10 (58
Power = mWnet
ml = °^ = 169,939kW
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4.2 Assume the gas in Problem 4.1 obeys the perfect gas equation
of state. What is the temperature change? What is the change in
internal energy of the system during the compression?
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4.7 Six pounds of nitrogen are compressed at constant pressure of
100 psia from a volume of 4 ft3 to a volume of 2 ft3. The gas is
then heated at constant volume until its pressure doubles. A third
process in which pressure varies linearly with volume closes the
cycle. Find the work of each of the three processes and the net
work of the cycle.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
diameter of 3.5 inches and a stroke of 4 inches. The compression
ratio VjlV2 is 8. The engine draws in room air at 14 psia and 80°F,
whch are the pressure and temperature at state 1 of the cycle. The
compression process 1-2 is followed by a constant volume
heating process 2-3. At state 3 the pressure is 726 psia. The
adiabatic expansion process 3-4 is followed by the constant
volume closure process 4-1. Find the work of each process and the
net work of the cycle.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4.14 An insulated cylindrical container is sealed at both ends and
contains two gases. At one end there is one kilogram of air,
initially at a pressure of 5 bars and an absolute temperature of
300°K, and it is separated by means of a conducting free piston
from 3 kilograms of carbon dioxide, which is initially at a pressure
of 2 bars and a temperature of 450°K. When the piston is allowed
to move to an equilibrium position, the pressure of both gases is
2.44 bars, and the temperature of both gases is 413.7°K. Find the
work done by the air, the internal change of the air, the internal
change of the air and carbon dioxide together and the heat transfer
to the air. Use the integrated form of (4.33) to calculate Qn for the
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
change of the air, and the internal energy change of both masses of
air together.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4.21 One gram mole of a gas is expanded adiabatically from 5 atm
and 340°K to a final state in which the volume has doubled. If the
ratio of specific heats for the gas is 4/3, determine the work done.
4.22 Determine the work per cycle for a single cylinder air
compressor having a bore of 3 inches and a stroke of 4 inches. The
clearance volume at the time of discharge is negligible. The
compressor draws in air at 14.7 psia and discharges it at 90 psia.
Find the net work per cycle.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5
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The movement of energy as a result of temperature differences is
called heat transfer.
Heat transfer occurs in three forms: conduction, convection and
radiation. The rate of heat transmission by one of these modes is
governed by a physical law. The law of conduction is that of
Fourier, which may be stated by
q = -M~-
& (5.1)
q = hA(Ts-TF) (5.2)
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q = FvA(T}r-T*) (5.3)
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5.2 Reversible Heat Transfer
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c = dQ (5.4)
Substance c, Bm/lb-°F
asbestos 0.195
bronze 0.086
gasoline 0.500
steel 0.118
water 1.000
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
gas. Specific heats for gases at constant volume and constant
pressure were defined in (2.31) and (2.32), respectively. The
constant volume heating process does not involve work, so that
dW'm (4.33) is zero, and dQ - dU, i.e., all of the heat transfer goes
into the internal energy rise; thus, (5.4) becomes
(5 5)
_ ( }
~ -
which is the same as (2.32). Specific heats of gases are often
tabulated along with other thermophysical properties, e.g., such
tables of properties appear in Incropera and DeWitt (1990). More
often, however, gas specific heats are simply calculated from
(2.36) and (2.37).
It is clear that the amount of heat transferred to or from a
system can be calculated from (5.4). For a system of finite mass
undergoing a temperature change from T: to T2, (5.4) is integrated
between the end states; thus, we have a working equation for the
calculation of heat transfer, viz.,
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Qn=U1-Ul+Wn (5.7)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
or of constant pressure, the specific heats are usually known;
however, if the process is an arbitrary one, the specific heat is
generally unknown. When the first law equation (5.7) is used to
determine heat transfer, the need to know the specific heat of the
system for each kind of process is avoided.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Until now the system has been the basis for applications of the
first law, but the same law can be adapted to the so-called control
volume. Control volume refers to a volume in space, usually a
machine, device or machine component which receives,
discharges or bothe receives and discharges fluids. An example of
a control volume is a valve, a section of pipe or a gas turbine, i.e.,
a device through which fluid flow occurs. Another example could
be a tank with fluid flowing into or out of it. The choice of the
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
control volume is up to the engineer and is a matter of
In developing the appropriate equation for a general control
volume we need to broaden the differential form of the first law
presented in (4.33) so as to include kinetic energy and potential
energy as well as internal energy; thus, we would write the first
law for a system as
inlet Outlet
Fluid Fluid
State 1; State 2
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Additionally, the flow work per unit mass, pv, is passing into the
control volume with the incoming flow and out of it with the
outgoing flow. The sum of the specific internal energy and the
specific flow work is usually written as the enthalpy h, in
accordance with (2.33).
The mass rate of flow in the inlet or exit pipe is the product of
cross-sectional area A of the pipe, velocity u of the fluid and the
density p of the fluid. This can be visualized as the cylinder of
fluid passing a transverse section of the conduit per unit of time,
viz., A\>, which is the correct expression for the volume per unit
time of fluid passing the section, times the mass per unit volume,
i.e., the density p. The mass flow rate is given by
m=Apv (5.10)
which can be used to calculate mass flow at the inlet or exit of the
control volume. If the flow is steady, and the mass flow rate into
the control volume equals the mass flow rate out of the control
volume, then we can write
4PlUl=^2P2U2 (5.11)
where the subscript 1 refers to the inlet and the subscript 2 denotes
outlet properties. (5.11) can be modified to accommodate multiple
streams; in this case the left side would have an additional term
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
for each stream greater than one, and the right side would likewise
have a number of terms corresponding to the number of exiting
streams. Example Problem 5.5 illustrates this kind of problem.
When the flow is steady the properties at any point within the
control volume do not change with time, and the outflow equals
the inflow as indicated by (5.11); however, when the flow is
unsteady, there is no constancy of properties with time, and no
equality of inflow and out flow may be assumed.
Referring to Figure 5.1 and considering the flow of a fluid
system which enters the control volume (CV) at state 1 and leaves
at state 2. At time t the system occupies the regions indicated in
Figure 5.1 as inlet fluid and control volume, but the system moves
to a new position at time t + At when it occupies the region
marked conrol volume (CV) and outlet fluid. During the time
interval At fluid has passed into the CV in the amount AM/ which
is calculated by the expression
iA/ (5.12)
AM2 = p 2 ^ 2 u 2 Ar (5.13)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Jr~i J-JT~**\
— =— + m2(e2+p2v2)-ml(el+p}vl) (5.17)
at at J cv
*) =M (5.18)
dt ) cv dt dt cv
The first term on the right hand side of (5.18) is replaced by the
three terms on the right hand side of (5.17); finally, q and w to
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
replace the heat and work derivatives results in the control-volume
form of the first law, viz.,
where the heat transfer rate and the rate of work in (5.19) express
the rates at which energy is transferred to or from the system at the
instant it is in the control volume. Note that the work term
includes all forms of work except the flow work, which has been
separated from it and is treated as an energy content of the fluid.
It is possible that each term of (5.19) may represent mutiple
terms, e.g., if there are several streams into or out of the control
volume, it will be necessary to add terms of exactly the same form
but with different subscripts. An example of this type of
application is given in Example Problem 5.5.
Equation (5.19) can be applied to unsteady as well as steady
flow problems. In many unsteady problems mass flows in and out
are unequal, and, in fact, the inflow or the outflow can be zero.
The stored energy of the control volume can increase or decrease
as well. Some problems of this type are included in the present
chapter, but most of the applications in this text assume steady
The steady state form of (5.19) has many practical applications
in engineering. For the steady state, or steady flow, case the time
derivative of E is zero and
m} = m2 = m (5.20)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
scheme as in Figure 3.4, we consider the turbine, the condenser,
the pump and the boiler as separate steady flow devices. Figure
5.2 depicts the turbine as a box, and arrows show the flow of
energy in or out. If we assume negligible heat transfer and
negligible changes in kinetic and potential energy, (5.21) reduces
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Q = h3-h2 (5.23)
had the direction of heat transfer been taken as into the control
volume, i.e., in the direction assumed in the first law equation.
Since the heat transfer is out of the control volume, Q in (5.23)
would then carry a negative sign, and, correspondingly, h3 < h2. If
the magnitude of the heat rejected in the condenser is denoted by
QR, and the energy balance is as depicted in Figure 5.3, then the
heat rejected in the condenser is correctly expressed as
QR=h2-h3 (5.24)
Often the latter form will be used, and the direction of heat
transfer is understood.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Heat transfer in the boiler is into the fluid and is therefore
positive; thus, the heat addition is denoted by QA. The energy
balance for the boiler yields the expression
The net heat transfer for the cycle is the algebraic sum of the heat
transfers which is expressed as
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wmt=W,-Wp (5.27)
which indicates that the work is really a negative quantity, but that
the magnitude of work Wp is positive. In this case the direction of
energy flow as work is into the control volume and into the fluid.
Sustitution of (5.22) and (5.28) into (5.27) yields
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
expressing the inability of power cycles to convert all of the heat
added into work is one form of the second law of
thermodynamics, which is to be presented in Chapter 6. The
measure of how well the conversion of heat to work is carried out
is called thermal efficiency and is defined as the ratio of net work
of the cycle to heat added in the cycle; thus, thermal efficiency TI
is defined by
(5 3Q)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wnn =r\
p(V22 -V,)
;/ = 33601^^ J - Ib
——} = 2333ft
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
To calculate the internal energy change, we need the final
temperature T2. First calculate the volume V} using the equation of
state for a perfect gas.
( R \
= Mcv(T2 -T,) = M\——jj(T2 - T,)
Finally, the heat transfer is found from the first law, i.e.,
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
m 0.1
hz,3 = (h,
// - 0.42h
nsti )»// 0.58
/ > « = ——————5———'-
300.43-0.42(267.3) = 324.4LJ
..... / kg
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
From Appendix D this enthalpy corresponds to T3 = 323.9°K, the
temperature of the hot air.
5.1 Two cycles, a-b-c-a and a-c-d-a, appear on the p-V plane as
shown in Figure P5.1 below. The cycles are executed by systems
of the same perfect gases having the same mass and the same
properties. Determine the sign of the heat transfers Qab, Qbc, Qca,
Qac> Qcd, and Qda.
Figure P5.1
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5.3 Which of the two cycles described in Problem 5.1 has the
highest thermal efficiency? Hint: Note that the net work for cycle
a-b-c-a is identical to the net work of cycle a-c-d-a; use (5.30).
5.5 The starting state in the cycle described in problem 4.6 has the
properties p1 = 100 psia, T, = 540°R and Vt = 2 ft3. The system is
air with R = 53.3 ft-Lb/Lb-°R and y = 1.4. Assume perfect gas
properties, determine the heat transfer for each of the four
5.7 Using the data from Problem 4.7 find the heat transfer for each
of the three processes of the cycle. Assume perfect gas properties.
5.8 Solve for the thermal efficiency of the power cycle of Problem
5.7. Hint: Use (5.30).
5.9 Using the data from Problem 4.8 find the heat transfer for each
of the three processes of the cycle. Assume perfect gas properties.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5.11 Using the data from Problem 4.9 find the heat transfer for
each of the three processes of the cycle.
5.13 Using the data from Problem 4.10 for the Carnot cycle to
determine QA and QR for this cycle.
f \
T —T
—— -*3
-J-*! 1
where r denotes the compression ratio Vj/V2 d x=(j-l)/j.
5.17 Use the data given in Problem 4.12. Determine the final
pressure of the air and steam after the electric heater is removed
from the steam. The steam is initially at a quality of x1 - 0.9 with
a pressure of 1 bar. The final pressure of the steam is equal to the
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
5.18 Using the data from Problem 4.18 find the heat transfer for
each of the two processes. Assume perfect gas properties.
5.19 Using the data from Problem 4.19 find the heat transfer for
each process. Assume properties of a diatomic, perfect gas.
5.21 Using the data from Problem 4.23 find Q12 and Q2j.
5.22 Using the data for the three-process cycle of Problem 4.25
determine the heat transfer for each process. Determine QA and QR
for the cycle. Is this a power cycle or a refrigeration cycle?
5.23 Air from the room at p0 = 14.7 psia and T0 - 90°F is allowed
to slowly fill and insulated, evacuated tank having a volume of 33
ft. When the valve is opened, the atmosphere provides the flow
work necessary to push a volume V0 of room air into the tank.
Although no heat is transferred, the temperature of the air in the
tank rises to a final value 7}. Find Tf, the mass of air collected in
the tank after the flow has ceased, the volume of outside air V0,
and the work done by the atmosphere on the air in the tank.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 6
4. = p- (6.3)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
T -T
QA=QR(T,/T3) (6.6)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
dQc=dQa(Tc/TJ (6.7)
ad ia bats
any cycle
jdS = 0 (6.9)
du + pdv
as-——-— (6.12)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If (2.24) is substituted in (6.12), an equation for the calculation of
entropy change can be derived. The first step in the derivation is
7l——1 dv (6.16)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In a similar manner one can derive the second Tds equation.
Eliminating du from (6.12) by using the differential form of (2.33)
where (2.32) has been used in the first term on the right.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6.3 Calculation of Entropy Change
s*-*i=\c,— (6.21)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
c-cv=T(dv/dT)D(d p/3T)v (6.23)
— ffi-)^
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
P\ (6.27)
Properties such as p and K are available in tables such as those
found in Zemansky (1957); they can be estimated from tables ofp,
v and T, such as those in Appendices A and B of this book. Fur-
ther, the Tds equations can be stated in terms of these coefficients;
thus, (6.16) becomes
— + $-dv (6.28)
-}vdp (6.29)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
s2-sI=cpln(T2/T1)-Rln(P2/Pl) (6.31)
where the specific heats are assumed to be constant for the process
considered. If the specific heat varies significantly with tempera-
ture, an average value of specific heat can be used. Another ap-
proach is the use of gas tables, which often provide values for the
integral ofcpdT/T, thus accounting for specific heat variation with
The tacit assumption underlying the derivation of (6.30) and
(6.31) is that the process joining states 1 and 2 is a reversible
process; however, it is observed that the integrated form of the
equation does not depend on the path that joins the end states. The
change of entropy calculated by (6.30) and (6.31) will be correct
for any process, reversible or irreversible, joining the two end
states. The reason is that entropy is a property, and its change is
independent of path, even when the path is an irreversible one.
Qn = [TdS (6.32)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 6.2 Heat and the T-S Diagram
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
rized in (4.32), viz., the net heat transfer of a cycle equals the net
work for the cycle.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
negative heat transfer as the state point moves from right to left.
The fact that every power cycle includes processes in which heat
is rejected allows the following inference to be made: an engine,
operating in a (power) cycle, cannot convert all of the energy it re-
ceives from heat transfer into work. To paraphrase this statement,
we can say that no heat engine can have a thermal efficiency as
high as 100 percent; this principle is one form of the second law
of thermodynamics..
Zemansky (1957) writes that the Kelvin-Planck version of the
second law of thermodynamics states that " it is impossible to
construct an engine that, operating in a cycle, will produce no ef-
fect other than the extraction of heat from a reservoir and the per-
formance of an equivalent amount of work." The reason for this is
that the engine, working in a cycle, must reject heat during at least
one process of the cycle.
To facilitate thinking about heat engines it is convenient to
imagine an arrangement like that shown in Figure 6.4. The reser-
voirs are for thermal energy or mechanical energy. Thermal en-
ergy reservoirs may be at any temperature, but the main point is
that they are so vast in size that the temperature is not changed by
a gain or loss of energy by heat transfer. Heat transfer takes place
reversibly, heat that is added can be extracted at will, i.e., the sys-
tem with which the reservoir exchanges heat is at the same tem-
perature as the reservoir itself. The mechanical energy reservoir
can be imagined as a device for mechanical energy storage, e.g., a
spring of some sort might be used to save mechanical energy. It
must be frictionless, so that the exact amount of mechanical en-
ergy stored can be withdrawn at any time. The Carnot engine is a
perfect example of an engine which exchanges heat with thermal
energy reservoirs (TERs) and mechanical energy reservoirs
(MERs). The acronyms TER and MER were coined by Reynolds
and Perkins (1977).
The Carnot engine can be conceived as a single-cylinder piston
engine filled with a gas. The Carnot cycle executed by the gaseous
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
system is depicted in Figure 6.3. During process 1-2 the gas re-
mains at temperature Tj, the temperature of the high-temperature
TER, as heat transfer Q12 occurs. The heat transfer Q}2 is added to
the gaseous system and is denoted by QA. The entropy change of
the high-temperature TER resulting from the negative heat trans-
fer is
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
&S43=QR/T3 (6.34)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 6.5 Heat Transfer between Reservoirs
For the two TERs the quantity of energy transferred is the same;
thus, the area under the process curves a-b and e-f, which repre-
sents Q, is the same area. The net entropy change for the isolated
system comprising the two reservoirs is
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The net effect of friction or other dissipative effects is to trans-
fer organized or directed energy, such as work, into randomly di-
rected or chaotic forms, such as those found in molecular motion
or atomic lattice vibrations. Thus, the internal energy of the af-
fected system is increased. The ultimate effect of this transforma-
tion of mechanical energy to thermal energy is the same as that of
positive heat transfer, and the dissipated energy produces a posi-
tive change in the entropy of the system just as would heat addi-
If the isolated system depicted in Figure 6.4 involved irre-
versible heat transfer or irreversible work, then the net entropy
change would be positive rather than zero; thus, we could write
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is impossible to construct a device that, operating in a cycle, will
produce no other effect than the transfer of heat from a cooler to a
hotter body."
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
voir in violation of the Clausius statement of the second law.
Additionally, the net entropy change is
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
to a final temperature of 200°F. Find the change of entropy of the
Solution: Use (6.22) with cp = 1 Btu/lb-°R to find the specific en-
tropy change.
200 + 46
l ((l)ln
J ° = 0.2776 Btu /lb- deg
40 + 460
Example Problem 6.2. Use the steam tables to estimate the dif-
ference between cp and cv for water at 1 bar and 20°C. Hint: Use
the property changes to evaluate the derivatives in (6.23).
Solution: Select property values from the steam table in Appendix
In evaluating the volume derivative of (6.23) we select values of
specific volume and temperature at 1 bar and above and below
20°C; these values are: v, = 0.0010001 m3/kg; T, = 0°C; v2 =
0.0010079 m3/kg; T2 = 40°C. The value of the derivative is ap-
(d v\ ^ v2 -v, = .0010079-0.0010001
(d TJ ^ T£ 2-T,~1
40-0 p
The temperature difference in the denominator is 40° and can be
written as °C or as °K.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The next step is to evaluate p using the definition (6.26); using
the data available above, we find
0 1.95xlO~7 , _ . _ 1 A - 4 , „-!
B » ————— = 1.942x10 deg K
—iffLll / (0.0010014-0.0010018\
v U / J r * 0.0010016\ (lO-l)xlO5 )
= 4.44x10'10m2/N
c - cv = (293)(1.95x10'"')(437,387) = 25 J/ kg - deg K
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Zemansky (1957) gives cp = 4182 J/kg-°K for water at 20°C;
therefore, the difference beteen cp and cv is less than one percent.
This difference is often neglected in the calculation of heat trans-
fer or entropy change.
Using (6.31) to find entropy change, (2.37) to find cp, and (2.38)
to determine R, we find
r<. dT 45207-288
tJ£.\Jl 18
imniti r I l r rs
= 1.01043kJ /kg- deg K
where the value of the integral in the numerator of the above ex-
pression is obtained from the enthalpies found in Appendix D.
Using the average value of specific heat for the range of tempera-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
tures from 288°K to 450°K, the value obtained for the entropy
change becomes 0.053075kJ/kg-degK, which is a better result.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wmax = 15330000 + 270(100000)(0.21)
\ /< / ln
max = 7906080cal
6.1 Sketch the following cycles on the T-S plane: the Otto cycle;
the Rankine cycle; the reversed Carnot cycle; and the vapor-
compression refrigeration cycle.
6.2 Use the data from Problem 2.1 to determine the change of
specific entropy of the air as a result of the expansion process.
6.3 Use the data from Problem 2.7 to determine the change of en-
tropy of the air as a result of the mixing of the air from the two
6.4 Find the change of entropy for processes 1-2 and 2-3 of the
ideal gas system in Problem 2.8.
6.5 Determine the entropy change for each of the three processes
executed by the system described in problem 2.9.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6.6 Determine the entropy change for each of the three processes
comprising the cycle described in Problem 2.15.
6.9 Determine the entropy change for each of the three processes
comprising the cycle described in problem 3.14.
6.11 Ten pounds of air are heated at constant pressure from 25°F
to 275°F . Determine the heat transfer and the entropy change.
6.13 Eight kilograms of water at 10°C are mixed with ten kilo-
grams of water at 65°C. The process occurs in a vessel with adia-
batic walls at a pressure of 1 bar. Determine the increase of en-
tropy for the isolated system.
6.14 Compressed air enters a valve at 440°R and 220 psia and ex-
its the valve at 60 psia. This process is a throttling process. Apply
the steady flow energy equation to determine the exit temperature.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Assume an adiabatic flow with negligible change in kinetic energy
from inlet to outlet. What change of specific entropy takes place
during the throttling process.
Figure P6.15
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
the flow rate of steam is 33000 kg/hr, what is the turbine power in
kW? Determine the change of specific entropy of the steam.
6.21 Five cubic feet of nitrogen at 14.7 psia and 200°F are con-
fined in a tank with five pounds of oxygen at 14.7 psia and 100°F.
Initiallly the two gases are separated by a partition which is later
removed so that the gases mix by diffusion. The tank walls are
adiabatic, and no stirring is done. Assuming the gases behave as
perfect gases determine the final temperature of the mixed gas and
the change of entropy of the isolated system.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7
= \TdS (7.1)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
such a reversible heat transfer there would be no change of en-
tropy for the ensemble comprising the system and the TER sup-
plying the energy. More realistically modeled the net entropy
change would, of course, be positive.
Another useful artifice is that of a Carnot engine which exe-
cutes a cycle having an upper temperature equal to the temperature
of the system at any value between T, and T2 and always discharg-
ing energy as heat transfer to a TER at temperature T0. The col-
lective work done is found by summing the infinitesimal quanti-
ties produced during each cycle as the upper temperature of the
Carnot cycle varies from T{ to T2. The area under the process
curve 1-2 in Figure 7.1 represents the transferred heat QA. The
heat rejected QR by the Carnot engine is represented by the area
T0&S, where AS1 is the entropy change from state 1 to state 2. The
net work done by the engine is the same as the net heat transfer,
viz., QA - QR.
Clearly the net work is increased when QR is reduced, i.e.,
when the temperature T0 at which the heat is rejected is lowered.
The lowest value T0 can have is called the lowest available cold
body temperature. This will usually correspond to a large body of
water or the atmosphere, i.e., a reservoir where energy as heat can
be dumped. When T0 denotes the lowest available cold body tem-
perature, then T0t±S is called the unavailable energy, whereas the
corresponding net work, QA - I^AS is known as the available en-
ergy. It is the part of any heat transfer which could theoretically be
converted into work, given the lowest available sink temperature
T0 in the local environment.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
cal energy reservoir (MER). If irreversibilities exist in heat trans-
fer or work processes, then there will be an incremental increase
Isolated System
dW dS™, = dS + dS
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
TER is the magnitude of dQ divided by the temperature T. The
entropy change dS of the system includes the changes arising from
both internal friction and temperature difference. The resulting
expression for entropy production dP is
7.3 Availability
dWCE=dQ(l-T0/T) (7.3)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ronmental conditions, i.e., the atmospheric pressure and tempera-
ture, T0 and p0.
Atmospheric Work
+ p0dV
Heat Transfer
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
volume dV. The useful work dW of the system and the Carnot en-
gine is reduced by the atmospheric work p0dV done on the envi-
ronment at the boundaries of the system; thus, the first law of
thermodynamics applied to this system yields
dS = dQu / T0 (7.5)
Substituting (7.5) into (7.4) and solving for the useful work gives
Integration over the states from the original system state to the
dead state yields an expression for the availablity A, which is the
equivalent to the maximum value of the useful work in going from
the given state to the dead state; this is
= Wma3i=U-U0+Po(V-V0)-T0(S-S0) (7.7)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
thus, the maximum useful work obtainable between states 1 and 2
is given by
W=A,-A,+QA(l-T0/TTER)-T0kSnel (7.10)
where QA denotes the heat added to the system from the TER at
temperature TTER, and T0 is the atmospheric temperature. Addi-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
tional TERs would simply add additional terms of the same form
to (7.10).
dt dt T dt
dS dS\ ,_ ,_.
— =— +m2s2-mlsl (7.12)
at dtJcv
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
where m/ denotes the mass rate of inflow which carries specific
entropy sl into the control volume, while m2 represents the mass
flow rate carrying specific entropy s2 out of the control volume.
Along with entropy production, resulting from irreversibilities,
and the heat addition, the difference in entropy flow rates in and
out of the control volume also contributes to the rate of increase of
entropy. The substitution of (7.12) in (7.11) results in the modified
dP 1 dQ
——+ _ _ * L c_ e
= + m m
l l 2 2
dt)cy dt T dt
If the heat transfer is directed into the control volume, the second
term on the right hand side of (7.13) is positive, and it is negative
for the outflow of heat. If there are multiple heat transfer points on
the boundary of the control volume, or if there are multiple
streams entering and leaving the control volume, then a separate
term for each heat transfer point or each stream will appear on the
right side of (7.13).
A common situation is that of steady flow. In this case the left
hand side of (7.13) will be zero, and the rate of entropy production
can be determined from a knowledge of heat transfer rates, mass
flow rates and properties of the flowing fluid at the inflow and
outflow points. According to the second law of thermodynamics,
the rate of entropy production must be greater than or equal to
zero. The principle expressed in the second law and the entropy
balance expressed in (7.13) can be utilized to check the validity of
experimental or test data or the claims of inventors or manufactur-
ers. Additionally, the entropy production rate determined from
(7.13) can be used to check the performance of flow devices in
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
operational plants or as a means of predicting efficiencies of plant
components during the design stage.
For the steady flow case mj = m2 = m, and the left side of
(7.13) is zero. If it is further assumed that the control volume ex-
changes heat only with the surroundings at temperature T0 and that
the kinetic energy and potential energy terms of the steady flow
energy equation are negligible, then (5.21) becomes
Substituting for the heat transfer term on the left hand side of
(7.14) using (7.13), and solving for the power, we have
~- = m[(hl-T0sl)-(h2-T0s2)}-T0^ (7.15)
The last term on the right hand side of (7.15) is called the irre-
versibility rate, and the expression h - Tgg is termed the steady-
flow availability function and is denoted by b. If the terms of
(7.15) are divided by the mass flow rate, the result is
= bl-b2-I (7.16)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If kinetic and potential energy terms are included in the steady
flow energy equation, then (7.16) becomes
whereas the definition for work-absorbing machines is
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7.5 Example Problems
The rate of heat transfer through the wall of the gear box is equal
to the irreversible work done by frictional forces within the gear
box; thus, in this problem we have
= 10-9.8 = 0.
— = °'2 = 0.00064kW/°K
dt 40 + 273
Since no Carnot engine is inserted between the gear box wall and
the atmosphere (a TER at T0 = 25°C), the heat is transferred di-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
rectly to the TER, and the entropy production for the isolated sys-
tem, including the atmosphere as a TER, is
dP 0.2
= 0.00067 kW/"K
dt 25 + 273
2 Hot Ammonia 1
——— i*— ^=
3 * Cold Water -t
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Solution: Applying (7.13) successively to the hot and cold sides
of the exchanger and assuming steady flow, the sum of the two
equations yields the sum of the two entropy production rates, i.e.,
— = mA(Sj-sl) + mw(s4-ss)
= 5(2.013 - 5.552) +132(4.18 )Ln——
— = L138kJ/min-°K = 0.019kW/°K
where the specific entropy change for the water is calculated from
(6.22). The steady flow availability functions are calculated from
the given properties, e.g., for state 1 we have
(b4-b}) 132(0.702)
5(16.61 + 68.3)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7.1 Two kilograms of air are heated from 25°C to 275°C. The
lowest available TER temperature is 10°C. Determine the heat
transfer, entropy change, the available energy and the unavailable
7.3 Using the data given in Problem 7.2 determine the available
and unavailable energy in the energy transferred as heat from the
7.4 Using the data from Problem 7.2 find the available and un-
available energy of the energy transferred as heat to the water.
7.5 Using the data from problem 7.2 determine the entropy pro-
duction for the isolated system comprising both water and air.
7.6 Eight pounds of water at 50°F are mixed with ten pounds of
water at 150°F. For the isolated system comprising both masses of
water determine the entropy production associated with the mix-
ing process.
7.7 A tank with adiabatic walls contains ten cubic feet of dry air at
a pressure of 14 psia and a temperature of 80°F separated by a
partition from one cubic foot of saturated steam at a pressure of
0.5057 psia, a temperature of 80°F and a specific volume of 632.8
7.8 The input shaft power of a speed reducer is 100 kW, while the
output shaft power is 96 kW. The temperature of the casing is
75°C, while the the room air is at 26°C. Determine the rate of en-
tropy production and the irreversibility rate in the speed reducer
and in the isolated system which includes the reducer and the sur-
rounding atmospheric air.
7.9 The output shaft power of an electric motor is 100 kW, while
the input electrical power is 106 kW, The temperature of the mo-
tor casing is 65°C, while the the room air is at 26°C. Determine
the rate of entropy production and the irreversibility rate in the
motor and in the isolated system which includes the motor and the
surrounding atmospheric air.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
enters at 800°R and 60 psia. It exits at 1040°R and 50 psia. On the
other side of the conducting wall air enters at 1400°R and 16 psia,
and it exits at 14.7 psia. The outer casing wall is modeled as adia-
batic, and kinetic and potential differences are neglected. Atmos-
pheric pressure and temperature are 1 atm and 520°R, respec-
tively; this is taken as the dead state. Determine the second law
efficiency of this heat exchanger.
7.16 Air flows through a valve at the rate of 10 kg/s. It enters the
valve at an absolute pressure of 15 bars and a temperature of
244°K and exits the valve at an absolute pressure of 11 bars.
Room air is at 288°K. Assuming the walls of the valve and piping
are adiabatic, and neglecting changes in kinetic and potential en-
ergy, determine the maximum power available from the change of
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7.17 Superheated steam enters a well-insulated turbine at the rate
of 11 kg/s with an enthalpy of 2975 kJ/kg and an entropy of 7.15
kJ/kg-°K and is exhausted as wet steam with an enthalpy of 2408
kJ/kg and an entropy of 8.00 kJ/kg-°K. Neglecting kinetic and
potential energy changes, determine the actual power produced
and the maximum available power from the turbine for a dead
state temperature of 288°K.
air in
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 8
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The thermal efficiency r| of a power cycle is given by (5.30).
Applied to a Carnot cycle operating between two thermal energy
reservoirs of temperatures Tj and T3 where, Tj > T3, we find that
the work, represented by the area enclosed by the four processes,
is given by (I1/ - T3)AS where AS represents the entropy change of
the process of heat addition, a positive quantity. Similarly, the
heat added during the cycle is given by T}AS, and the ratio of
work done to heat added is defined as the thermal efficiency of the
cycle. Thus, we find that the thermal efficiency of a Carnot cycle
is given by
T - T1
P= V (8-2)
1 J
2 3
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
formance P = 0.3 means that for each Btu of work input 0.3 Btu
of refrigeration is produced; likewise this value can be interpreted
as a ratio of rates, e.g., 0.3 Btu/hr of refrigeration for each Btu/hr
of power input. Often tons of refrigeration are used in lieu of
Btu/hr units (12000 Btu/hr = 1 ton of refrigeration). A ton of re-
frigeration is the rate of cooling required to freeze a ton of water at
32°F during a 24-hour period.
Another aspect of the reversed Carnot cycle is its use for heat-
ing rather than refrigeration. Just as T3AS represents the heat addi-
tion or the refrigeration, the quantity TjAS represents the heat re-
jection from the working substance to the thermal energy reservoir
at the temperature T{, In a practical situation this thermal energy
reservoir could represent a space to be heated by the heat rejec-
tion, and the low temperature thermal energy reservoir can repre-
sent the source of the heating energy. In this case the cycle is
called a heat pump.
Theoretically the cyclic processes of a real refrigerant could be
modelled by a reversed Carnot cycle providing the machine could
execute nearly isentropic compressions and expansions and the
heat transfers occurred very slowly through highly conductive
walls. Such a hypothetical machine would be of little practical in-
terest, but the theoretical reversed cycle is of interest because it
sets an upper limit for the coefficient of performance of any ma-
chine operating between two reservoirs at fixed temperatures, e.g.,
operation could be between a refrigerated space at some very low
temperature and the atmosphere.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
stant temperature during the process 4-1, and the saturated vapor
is compressed isentropically in process 1-2. Part of the cooling
takes place isobarically in the superheated region, as indicated in
process 2-a, and the remainder is isothermal cooling during proc-
ess a-3. The cooling process would become identical to that of the
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Practically, the vapor-compression cycle is realized through
the utilization of four steady flow devices: the compressor com-
presses the gaseous refrigerant in process 1-2, the condenser cools
the refrigerant until it is liquified in process 2-3, the expansion
valve promotes flashing of a portion of the liquid into vapor which
is accompanied by a drop in temperature and pressure in process
3-4, and the evaporator which absorbs the energy transferred from
the cold surrounding during process 4-1. Figure 3,6 illustrates the
arrangement of the four steady flow elements required by this re-
frigeration cycle.
To evaluate the required work input, the required cooling, the
refrigeration produced, and the coefficient of performance for a
cycle of the type shown in Figure 3.6, we apply the steady flow
energy equation (5.21) to each of the four steady flow devices. Let
us begin the analysis with the compressor.
Defining a control volume which encloses the compressor,
(5.21) reduces to
W = h2-hl (8.3)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
where Qcis the heat transfer from the refrigerant to a coolant, e.g.,
air or water, h2 is the enthalpy of the gaseous refrigerant entering
the condenser, and h3 is the enthalpy of the liquid refrigerant
leaving the condenser. The cooling effect could be provided, for
example, by passing atmospheric air over the tubes containing the
hot, condensing refrigerant. Another heat transfer arrangement
utilizes cooling water insider the tubes of the condenser with the
refrigerant condensing on the outer surfaces of the tubes and col-
lecting in the space below the tube bundle. Liquid from the con-
denser is forced by the pressure of the gas above it into the piping
and through the expansion valve.
Passage through the expansion valve is accompanied by a free
expansion, as the valve connects the high pressure zone of the
condenser with the low pressure zone of the evaporator. This free
expansion is called throttling and involves no work and no heat
transfer. Some of the liquid refrigerant flashes into vapor at the
low pressure of the evaporator. The phenomenon of flashing is, in
effect, a sudden boiling of the liquid which enters the evaporator
at a temperature greater than the saturation temperature at evapo-
rator pressure. Both liquid and vapor are cooled down to evapora-
tor temperature. The enthalpy h4 leaving the valve and entering
the evaporator is found by applying equation (5.21) to a control
volume which encloses the valve. Because there is no work and no
heat transfer, the simplified equation is
h,=h, (8.5)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Since the saturated liquid at temperature T3 is higher than satura-
tion temperature corresponding to the lower pressure p4, boiling
begins when the liquid enters the low-pressure zone, and the frac-
tion x4 of the original liquid is quickly vaporized. According to
equation (8.6), the enthalpy of the saturated liquid at state 4 must
be lower than that of the original liquid at state 3; thus, the tem-
perature must fall until equilibrium is reached at the new pressure.
As a result of the flashing associated with throttling, the tubes
in the evaporator contain low-pressure, low-temperature refriger-
ant; however, the quality x4 is very low at the inlet to the evapora-
tor. The cold mixture of liquid and vapor absorbs energy by means
of radiation, convection and conduction from the cold surround-
ings, which are at a higher temperature than the boiling refriger-
ant. This is the refrigeration effect, and the associated heat trans-
fer is determined from the steady flow energy equation (5.21)
which becomes
QE=hl-h4 (8.7)
where QE is the heat transfer from the cold surroundings to the re-
frigerant flowing in the evaporator, hj is the enthalpy of the gase-
ous refrigerant leaving the evaporator, and h4 is the enthalpy of the
vapor-liquid refrigerant mixtur entering the evaporator. Refriger-
ant exits the evaporator as a saturated or superheated vapor at
very low temperature.
The heat transfer QE is the specific heat transfer. The heat
transfer rate qE is found by multiplying the mass flow rate of re-
frigerant mR by the specific heat transfer, i.e.,
<lE=mR(QE) (8.8)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
and finally discharged as a compressed gas at a temperature con-
siderably above that of the atmosphere. To transfer heat from the
compressed gas to cooling air or cooling water, the refrigerant
must leave the compressor at an elevated temperature.
In effect the refrigeration unit transfers heat from the cold
space to the environment with the aid of a compressor driven by
an external power source. The output of the cycle is the refrigera-
tion QE, and the input is the work of compression; thus, the coef-
ficient of performance for the refrigeration cycle is given by out-
put over input, i.e.,
P»=^ (8.10)
A practical unit which utilizes the heat transfer from the condenser
for heating is called a heat pump. An application of this device
would be in home heating when the surroundings are at a low
temperature. Energy would be absorbed from the cold enviroment
outdoors and transferred to the warmer interior of the home.
Since isentropic processes occur only in ideal cycles, the com-
pression process 1-2 can be made more realistic by replacing it
with process 1-2' (see Figure 8.2). In the latter case some increase
of entropy is indicated. Non-isentropic compression implies en-
tropy production and frictional losses. Zero entropy production
implies 100 percent compressor efficiency. As evident in Figure
8.2 the temperature rise is greater for the non-isentropic compres-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
sion than for the isentropic one; thus, the enthalpy rise, or the
work of compression, is greater for the non-isentropic compres-
sion. If the denominator of (8.9) or (8.10) is replaced with h2> - hh
the coefficient of performance would be reduced; thus, the effect
of non-isentropic compression is to reduce the coefficient of per-
Often the effects of friction and entropy rise are included
through the use of a compressor efficiency r|c; this is defined as
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The continuity equation shows that the mass flow rate mR af-
fects the size of the inlet to the compressor, since the mass flow
rate is also expressed as flow area times velocity by specific vol-
ume, i.e.,
mR = A,u, /v t (8.12)
"V^CtfFJiu (8.13)
mc=mR(Qc)/[cp(Tmt-Tin)] (8.14)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8.3 Refrigerants
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8.4 Gas Refrigeration Cycle
Heat Exchanger
Turbine Power Compressor
Heat Exchanger
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
thalpy occurring during process 4-1. The compressor work done
during process 1-2 is shared by the gas turbine and an external
power source, both of which are connected to the compressor me-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
thalpy changes in processes 1-2', we use the compressor effi-
ciency as defined in equation (8.1 1). For the expansion process 3-
4' we use the turbine efficiency, which accounts for frictional
losses in the turbine and is defined as
In (8.15) the numerator represents the actual turbine work, and the
denominator represents the ideal or isentropic work between the
same pressures. Turbine efficiencies range from 60 to 85 percent
as with compressors depending on the design and speed of the
A gas such as air is used as the working substance for the cy-
cle, it is reasonable to assume that the compressor will take in gas
at low pressure and at a temperature depressed below that of am-
bient air, e.g., at a pressure of 1 atm and a temperature of 273°K.
During compression the pressure and temperature of the gas will
be elevated, but the heat exchanger used in process 2-3 will cool
the air to a temperature somewhat above that of ambient air. After
the gas expands through the turbine, also known as the turboex-
pander, the exhaust temperature will be very low and capable of
absorbing significant amounts of energy at low temperature in a
second heat exchanger. Since the gas discharged from the second
heat exchanger will be at low temperature, a regenerative heat ex-
changer can be added to return the gas to its original state and si-
multaneously provide additional cooling for the compressed gas
prior to entry into the turboexpander. Lower turboexpander inlet
temperatures results in lower exhaust temperatures and greater re-
frigeration capacity. Despite its inherently low coefficients of per-
formance, reversed Brayton cycle refrigeration with regenerative
heat exchangers has a wide variety of applications, including
liquification plants and cryocoolers. Brayton cryocoolers have
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
been developed which provide small amounts of refrigeration at
temperatures as low as 65°K, i.e., see Timmerhaus (1996).
A cycle which uses water as the refrigerant can be used where the
cold room temperature exceeds 4°C. Refrigeration is accom-
plished by flashing liquid water into a space that is maintained at a
very low pressure, say less than 1 kPa, by means of a steam driven
ejector system or other vacuum-producing device. The system is
sometimes called vacuum refrigeration because of the need for
sub-atmospheric pressures in the flash chamber. When an abun-
dance of steam is available, steam jet ejectors are used to remove
the vapor created during the flashing process and to maintain the
vacuum. Steam and flashed vapor are condensed in a separate
condenser, which is kept at low pressure by using secondary
ejectors whose steam is condensed in an after-condenser. The cold
liquid water is collected in the flash tank and is pumped into a
heat exchanger where it receives a cooling load.
Water is also the refrigerant when it is used with a solution of
lithium bromide salt. This is also known as a form of the absorp-
tion system of refrigeration. Figure 8.5 shows the necessary com-
ponents of the lithium-bromide absorption system. When heated
in the generator, the solution of LiBr and water gives off water
vapor, which is condensed in the adjoining condenser. Energy as
heat transfer is removed from the condensing water vapor at the
rate qc. Energy is is transferred to the generator at the rate qG as
heat transfer from an external source, e.g., solar energy could be
used. As the temperature of the solution in the generator rises,
water vapor is driven off to the condenser. The concentration of
LiBr in the solution would rise as water is lost, but the water is
replaced by fresh solution which arrives from the absorber at a
certain mass flow rate mA. At the same time the more concentrated
generator solution is flowing at the mass flow rate ma to the ab-
sorber where water is added before it is pumped back to the gen-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
erator. The concentrated solution from the generator is also hotter
and energy as heat transfer must be removed from the absorber at
the rate qA. Finally the refrigeration takes place in the
Water Vapor
Generator Condenser
Solution Liquid
Water Vapor
Absorber Evaporator
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
P = —— (8.16)
If /-*
The same elements as are depicted in Figure 8.5 for the LiBr-
water system are present in the ammonia-water system. The dif-
ference is that ammonia serves as the refrigerant in the latter case,
whereas water is the refrigerant in the former case. Condensation
of ammonia takes place in the condenser, after which the liquid
ammonia is throttled through a valve and evaporated in an evapo-
rator. The ammonia vapor is then absorbed by water in the ab-
sorber, which is pumped to the generator where it is heated.
Heating in the generator drives off ammonia which goes to the
condenser, and the cycle continues. The four heat transfer proc-
esses have the same directions as for the Li-Br-water system, and
the coefficient of performance is also defined by (8.16).
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Using the state numbers as shown on Figure 8.2, the tables in Ap-
pendix B1 give the following property data:
Noting that states 1 and 2 have the same entropy. State 1 is satu-
rated vapor and state 2 is superheated vapor. The pressure at state
2 lies between table values of 2.5 and 3 Mpa. Using the super-
heated vapor table for a pressure of 2.5 Mpa in Appendix Bl, we
find h = 38711 J/mol at s = 151.777 J/mol-K by linear interpola-
tion. Next we interpolate at p - 3 Mpa and the same entropy to
obtain h = 39141.39 J/mol. A further interpolation between the
two pressures is needed to obtain the enthalpy value at p2 =
2.80806 Mpa; thus, we obtain
= f2.80806-2.5V
^ V 3-2.5 )
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Qc=h2-h3 = 38976.23 - 24908.7 = 1 4067. 53 J/ mol
W 4054.3
The solution of this problem will follow the identical steps used in
Example Problem 8.1 except that the R-134a tables (Appendix
B2) will be used instead of the R-22 tables.; therefore, the results
will be shown without showing the detailed calculations.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Qc=h2-h3 = 44769.659 - 30495.4 = 1 4274.26 J / mol
QE = 9986.2
W 4288.059
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
As (3.1) expresses the enthalpy of a mixture, so the entropy of the
mixture of state 4 is expressed analogously in terms of the specific
or molar entropy of saturated liquid and saturated vapor; thus,
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use the results from Example Problem 8.3, and divide by the mo-
lecular weight as suggested above. The specific refrigeration is
10013.2 =
^ 86.469 *
12000(10) = 0.303622kg
maR = ————-—-— „,„,,„, I, s
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The compressor work is
= cp(T2-Tl) __ 2,04(393.35-275) =
i] 0.75
The temperature of the exhaust is found from the steady flow en-
ergy equation applied to the turbine, i.e.,
W f>7 97
T4 =T,-^-
3 = m--^-~ = 232.3° K
cp 1.004
W... 90.46
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The mass flow rate of air required to produce 25 tons of refrigera-
tion is dividing rate of refrigeration by specific refrigeration; thus,
25(12000) - 2.0Jkg
- ——!_____£_ „., /.s
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
per KW of electrical power supplied. (1 ton = 12000 Btu/hr; 1
= 3413Btu/hr.)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
water in the condenser, the specific work of the compressor, the
compressor efficiency, the coefficient of performance, the mass
flow rate of refrigerant, the mass flow rate of cooling water, and
the motor horsepower required to drive the compressor.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The refrigerant leaves the condenser as a saturated liquid at 160
psia. Cooling water enters the condenser at a temperature of 70°F
and leaves at 90°F. Find the refrigeration in Btu/lb, the specific
work of the compressor, the compressor efficiency, the coefficient
of performance, the mass flow rate of refrigerant, the displacement
volume of the compressor, and the mass flow rate of condenser
cooling water.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
it at 180 psia and 156°F. The refrigerant leaves the condenser as a
saturated liquid at 180 psia, passes through an expansion valve
into the direct contact heat exchanger maintained at 50 psia. Satu-
rated liquid from the heat exchanger passes through a second ex-
pansion valve into the evaporator. Find the heat transfer to the
cooling water in the condenser, the specific work of each com-
pressor, the compressor efficiencies, the coefficient of perform-
ance, the required mass flow rate of refrigerant, and the motor
horsepower required to drive each of the compressors.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ficient of performance, the required mass flow rate of air, and the
required external power input.
LP Heat Exchanger
T4- from
! =268°K to Compressor
Heat Exchanger
T6 = 320°K
HP Heat Exchanger
T2- from
'' T3 =278°K to Turboexpander Compressor
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 9
Air Conditioning
9.1 Scope
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
9.2 Properties of Moist Air
Pm=Pa+P* (9-1)
Ma=(pm-pJV/(RaT) (9.2)
where Ra denotes the specific gas constant of the dry air, V repre-
sents the volume occupied by the air, and T is the temperature of
the air.
Since the vapor pressure is very low at the temperatures en-
countered in air-conditioning systems, (2.17) may also be applied
to the vapor; thus, the mass of water vapor in the same volume F
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Mv=pvV/RvT (9.3)
where ./?v is the specific gas constant for water. Ra and Rv are cal-
culated from (2.38) and are 461.6 J/kg-K for water vapor and
287.08 J/kg-K for air. When these values are substituted into (9.2)
and (9.3) and Mv is divided by Ma, the common quantities divide
out, and the ratio is the mass of vapor per unit mass of dry air.
This ratio is known as the absolute humidity or the humidity ratio
w. The resulting equation for w is
w = 0.622pv/(pm-pj (9.4)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 9.1 illustrates the relationship of pv and psat, the two
quantities appearing in (9.5); the line b-a-d represents a line of
constant pressure pv. The horizontal line e-c-a represents a con-
stant temperature line at the temperature of the mixture. These
lines intersect a point a, which represents the state of the water va-
por in the mixture. For a given mixture temperature the saturated
state, represented by point c, is the maximum pressure the vapor
could have at that mixture temperature; this pressure is psat, which
appears in the denominator of (9.5). The saturation pressure is
easily determined from the mixture temperature and the saturated
vapor tables for water in Appendix Al. Equation (9.5) can be used
to determine^, provided the relative humidity is known.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
vice utilizes a phenomenon known as adiabatic saturation, which
will be discussed in detail in the next section. The steady flow en-
ergy analysis of the adiabatic saturation process in the sling psy-
chrometer results in an equation for the calculation of humidity
ratio w. Equation (9.4) is used with the calculated humidity ratio
to determine the partial pressure of the water vapor in the mixture.
Lastly (9.5) is utilized to calculate the relative humidity of the air-
water vapor mixture.
Besides partial pressures of components, humidity ratio, and
relative humidity, other properties of air-water vapor mixtures are
of interest, viz., density, specific volume, and enthalpy. Density p
is the ratio of mass to volume, and the mass is the mass of water
vapor plus the mass of the dry air. Since the volume of the mixture
is the same as the volume of each component, we can compute the
density of the mixture from the sum of the component densities;
P. = P , + P 0 (9.7)
where pa and pv are found from (9.2) and (9.3), respectively. The
specific volume for the mixture is the reciprocal of the density.
Finally, specific enthalpy of the mixture is usually calculated for a
unit mass of dry air rather than for a unit mass of mixture; thus,
the specific enthalpy is given by
hm=cpT+whg (9.8)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
thalpy. The other assumption in (9.8) is that the enthalpy of the
saturated vapor is that of a superheated vapor at the same tempera-
ture, i.e., the enthalpy of the vapor is a function of temperature
only. This is not strictly true, but it is a very good approximation
in the temperature range of interest, viz., 0-50°C. To illustrate this
point consider an extreme case wherein the pressure of the super-
heated vapor is 2 kPa and the temperature of the mixture is 50°C.
Appendix Al indicates that hg is 2590.38 kJ/kg, whereas the exact
value of the enthalpy, as computed by ALLPROPS, is 2593.06
kJ/kg. The error amounts to 0.1 percent. For air conditioning ap-
plications, one can use hg at the mixture temperature in place of
the enthalpy for the superheated vapor.
In applying the steady flow energy equation to control volume
analyses, we can use (9.8) multiplied by the mass flow rate of the
dry air. If we have evaporation within the control volume, we will
have to use the enthalpy of a saturated liquid for the evaporating
water times the rate at which the water is evaporated. This will be
the situation in the next section in which we assume a process of
humidification which produces completely saturated air, i.e., air in
which the relative humidity is 100 percent.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
the cooler water. This transferred heat provides the energy supply
need for the evaporation of the water.
Control Volume
m a h, m,,rb
where ma is the mass flow rate of dry air in or out of the control
volume, and mw is the rate of evaporation of water into the air
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
stream, which can be expressed in terms of the humidity ratios,
mv=ma(w2-wl) (9.10)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
water is sprayed into the cooling tower, and it is cooled as it falls
by a stream of oppositely directed air. Typically the air is heated
in the cooling tower and, at the same time, is humidified by the
hot condensing water; however, the air may be cooled if the con-
denser cooling water is close to the temperature of the entering air.
The function of the tower is to cool the cooling water, and the
water is cooled by evaporation to the flowing air as it flows slowly
over strips of material which create a large area of wet surface
along its route to the tank at the base of the tower; thus, the
warmer water provides most or all of the energy for its own
evaporation. Updraft fans are usually installed at the top of the
tower to control the air speed and hence the rate of evaporation
and cooling of the water.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
state of water vapor. When the mixture of air and water vapor un-
dergo a cooling or heating at constant pressure, both partial pres-
sures remain constant, as well as the mixture pressure. Equation
(9.4) shows that if the partial pressures remain constant, then the
humidity ratio also remains constant. Condensation begins if the
isobaric cooling is continued past point b, i.e., under the vapor
dome. Point b is known as the dew point.
Cooling of air in air conditioning units is done at constant
pressure and can involve condensation as well as cooling. Refer-
ring to Figure 9.1, it is seen that cooling beyond the dew point,
i.e., to the left of point b, will result in condensation. As the cool-
ing process proceeds from a to b in Figure 9.1, the relative hu-
midity moves towards 100 percent, and the temperature of the
mixture falls towards the dew point. This is called sensible cool-
ing, and there is no change in humidity ratio. If the cooling proc-
ess continues past this point, water is condensed from the air, and
the temperature of the air continues to fall; however, the air re-
mains saturated but at a lower temperature and humidity ratio than
at the dew point. This is called cooling and dehumidification, a
two-stage process. The refrigeration capacity qAC is calculated by
qAC=ma(hl-h2) (9.12)
where hj and h2 are calculated from (9.8), and ma denotes the mass
flow rate of dry air through the air conditioning unit. Simply pro-
viding cooling coils, an air conditioning unit may also provide
heating, humidification, and mixing with return or outside air.
The objective of a design is always to provide air of a certain tem-
perature, humidity, and freshness.
When two streams merge to form a third stream, the steady
flow energy equation and the continuity equation are usually
needed to analyze the problem. The merging air streams, which
are designated streams 1 and 2, have specific enthalpies hf and h2
and humidity ratios w/ and w2, respectively, and the resultant
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
merged stream, stream 3, has specific enthalpy h3 and humidity
ratio Wj. If the dry-air mass flows of streams 1 and 2 are mal and
ma2, respectively, the steady flow equations are the following:
mal+ma2=ma3 (9.15)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
= 158.43 kJ/kg at 38°C, h/5 = 145.89 kJ/kg at 35°C, hgl = 2563.57
kJ/kg at 35°C, and hg2 =2556.35 kJ/kg at 31°C.
Using the give relative humidity, the vapor pressure of the enter-
ing air is
w, = 0.622———— = 0.01417
w,2 = 0.622 = 0.028974
Determine the density and mass flow rate of the dry air stream.
water in
mwh0 t
air in
water out
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7J7 _, ,
p, 1 = -—————————- = 1.117 kg/m 3
Calculate the enthalpies of the air in and the air out of the tower.
Note that the air temperature is in degrees Celsius, since reference
temperature for zero enthalpy is 0°C for water. The specific heat at
constant pressure is calculated from (2.37).
y-1 1.4-1
Solve the steady flow energy equation for the enthalpy hf4 of the
exiting water. Note that all the energy quantities for the energy
equation appear on the figure. The energy equation is
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ma\ + mwhf, + mmuhfs = mah2 + mwh/4
See the saturated steam tables in Appendix Al. The values found
are: psatl = 3.5671 kPa; hgl = 2549.11 kJ/kg; psat2 = 1.4979 kPa;
hg2 = 2523.63 kJ/kg.
Calculate the density and mass flow rate of dry air in the air con-
ditioner. First the partial pressure of the vapor is calculated from
(9.4); then the dry air density is computed from (9.2) using the
mass of the dry air over the volume.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1 + 0.0111/0.622
———-—-———— = l.33kPa
1 + 0.0083/0.622
ma = 210(1.15249) / 60 = 4.034kg I s
. 1.7708
<b, = ——— = 0.496
' 3.5671
, 2 --L¥
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
9.4 A conference hall has a volume of 25,000 m3. If the air in the
hall is at a pressure of 1 atm, a temperature of 27°, and a humidity
ratio of 0.012, determine the relative humidity of the air and the
total mass of water vapor in the hall.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is 100 percent. If the mixture pressure is initially 100 kPa, deter-
mine the final mixture pressure.
9.10 Water at 38°C enters a cooling tower at the flow rate of 4500
kg/hr, and cooled water exits at 27°C. Air at latm, 21°C, and 40
percent relative humidity enters the tower. The air leaves the
tower at 29°C and 90 percent relative humidity. No make-up water
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
is used. Determine the mass flow rate of entering air and the rate
of evaporation of water.
9.12 A ducted air stream flowing at the rate of 18.4 mVmin has a
temperature of 13°C and a relative humidity of 20 percent. This
stream is mixed with a second stream flowing at 25.5 m3/min and
having a temperature of 24°C and a relative humidity of 80 per-
cent. Both ducts are at atmospheric pressure, which is 101 kPa.
Determine the temperature and relative humidity of the mixed
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
it exits as saturated air. Condensate at the same temperature as the
saturated air is collected from the cooling coil and is drained at a
steady rate out of the dehumidifier. The saturated air enters a
heater in which the temperature rises to 24°C and the relative
humidity decreases to 40 percent. Determine the temperature of
the air leaving the dehumidifier, the heat transfer rate in the de-
humidifier, the heat transfer rate in the heater, and the mass flow
rate of the condensate.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
of 15°C and a humidity ratio of 0.0020. Determine the tempera-
ture and humidity ratio of the air stream leaving the humidifier.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 10
10.1 Scope
The devices for a basic steam power plant were first described
in Chapter 1. They were pictured schematically in Figure 1.1 and
again in Figure 3.4. Referring to these figures we note that steam
is generated from water in a boiler and then delivered to a prime
mover, such as a steam turbine. The latter machine converts ther-
mal energy to work which is transferred through a shaft to an
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
electrical generator from which it exits as electrical energy. The
process of the expansion of the steam in the turbine is ideally isen-
tropic, i.e., adiabatic and frictionless. This steam expansion occurs
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
process 3-4 compresses the liquid without significantly changing
its volume. No change of temperature is indicated in Figure 10.1;
rather, the state points appear close together. In state 4 the water is
a compressed liquid, and its enthalpy is slightly higher than the
condensate collected in the bottom of the condenser (state 3). The
cooling process is ideal in the sense that it is internally reversible,
and thus no pressure change occurs as a result of fluid friction,
i.Q.,p2 =P3- In addition, it is assumed that no subcooling of the
condensate below the saturation temperature occurs, i.e., T3 = Tsat.
The condensing process is not externally reversible; thus, cooling
water used in the condenser is at a temperature lower than that of
the condensing steam.
The liquid-compression process, which takes place in a pump,
changes the thermodynamic state from that of a saturated liquid to
that of a compressed liquid. The change of enthalpy in this process
is very small and can be estimated by (3.4). The ideal process 3-4
is isentropic; thus, we can use the relation s3 = s4 and a knowledge
of the pressure to determine state 4. Using known values of p4 and
s4, the properties of the compressed liquid can be determined from
the tables in Appendix A3.
Process 4-1 begins in the hot tubes of the furnace walls of the
boiler. These tubes circulate boiling water to and from the steam
drum which serves as a reservoir for saturated steam. The satu-
rated steam flows from the steam drum into superheater tubes
where its temperature is raised isobarically to throttle conditions at
state 1 prior to delivery to the steam turbine. The change of state
from 4 to 1 takes place in the boiler and is indicated in Figure
10.1. The compressed liquid is heated at constant pressure, and its
temperature rises from state 4 to state a. Ta is the saturation tem-
perature for the pressure/^; thus, boiling begins at a and continues
until state b, which is located on the saturated vapor line. The
process 4-b takes place in the circulatory tube system that gener-
ates saturated steam for the steam drum. The final heat addition
occurs in the superheater tubes which terminate in a header that
conducts the superheated steam at state 1 out of the boiler.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In the boiler the combustion gases in the furnace are much
hotter than the steam or water in the tubes; this large temperature
difference accounts for a high degree of external irreversibility in
the transfer of heat from the gas to the water. To imagine proc-
esses such as 4-a and b-1 in Figure 10.1 without external irre-
versibilty, one would require an infinite number of thermal energy
reservoirs which would allow the heat transfer to proceed in infini-
tesimal steps with no temperature difference between the fluid re-
ceiving the energy and the fluid giving up the energy. This con-
struct is useful in conceiving of completely reversible heat transfer
but, of course, is impossible to realize in practice. The process 4-1
is taken to be internally reversible, i.e., without fluid friction, but
externally irreversible as a result of heat transfer from hotter gases
to a colder fluid.
We will now examine the four basic components of the
Rankine cycle to determine the amount of energy transfer as work
or heat occurring in each device. To accomplish this we will make
use of the steady flow energy equation (5.21). We will neglect the
kinetic and potential energy terms of (5.21) as they are negligible
in this application. The heat transfer term is taken as zero for the
turbine and pump, and the work term is assumed to be zero for the
boiler and condenser.
We will first apply the steady flow energy equation to the
steam turbine. The shaft work leaving the control volume sur-
rounding the turbine is
Wl=hl-h2 (10.1)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Qc=h2~h3 (10.3)
which can be used to determine the heat transfer per unit mass of
flowing steam which accompanies the condensation process; it is
the heat transfer from the hot turbine exhaust steam to the cooling
water. Since the condenser may cool beyond mere condensation,
i.e., the temperature of the condensate may be lower than than the
saturation temperature corresponding to the condenser pressure,
we show the actual temperature T3> on Figure 10.1 as well as the
ideal temperature T3. Although the actual heat transfer will be h2 -
h3; equation (10.3) correctly expresses the condenser heat transfer
for the ideal Rankine cycle, i.e., no subcooling of the condensate
occurs in the ideal Rankine cycle.
Next we apply the energy equation to a control volume which
encloses the pump and find
Wp=h,-h, (10.4)
which is the expression for the ideal pump work. The actual pump
work is h4> - h3 and is greater than the ideal. The pump efficiency
is the ratio of ideal to actual pump work; thus,
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Since the compression 3-4 is isentropic, the pump efficiency is
taken to be 100 percent for the ideal Rankine cycle.
Applying the steady flow energy equation to the boiler we find
that the expression for heat transfer to the boiler feedwater is
given by
QA=h{-h4 (10.7)
which is correct for the ideal Rankine cycle; however, the actual
heat transfer to the feedwater is given by /// - h4~, which accounts
for the pump's frictional losses.
Following (5.30) the thermal efficiency of the Rankine cycle is
ri = ———p- (10.8)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
h2=(l-x2)hf2+x2hs2 (10.10)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
processes, the need for multiple thermal energy reservoirs arises
when the non-isothermal processes are considered.
Referring to Figure 10.1 it is clear that the heating of the liquid
water in process 4-a cannot be isothermal; therefore, one can only
conceive of heat transfer approaching irreversibility if the water
receives energy from a large number of thermal energy reservoirs
at temperatures graduated from T4 and Ta. The same situation
arises in process b-1. Since an infinite number of heat exchangers
would be best, a finite number of heat exchangers, operating at a
finite number of temperatures between the condenser temperature
and the boiler temperature, would be advantageous in process 4-a.
The heating of feedwater in steps is accomplished by extracting
steam from the turbine at various pressures and temperatures and
using this steam to heat the feedwater in stages; the process is
called regenerative feedwater heating. Similarly, process b-1 can
be replaced with a finite number of heat transfer stages; thus, the
saturated steam would be heated in a finite number of heat ex-
changers called reheaters. These approaches to reducing external
irreversibility will be considered in subsequent sections.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
droplets of wet steam in steam turbines cause erosion of the blade
surfaces; however, when a portion of the steam is extracted from
the turbine, the steam continues to expand adiabatically in subse-
quent stages without becoming excessively wet.
The ideal regenerative cycle described by Faires and Simmang
is approximated in practice by multiple steam extractions from the
turbine. The extracted steam at different temperatures intermediate
between the turbine throttle temperature 71/ and and the turbine
exhaust temperature T2 is used to heat boiler feedwater in separate
heat exchangers. This arrangement results in a cost-effective effi-
ciency improvement. Although multiple feedwater heaters are
used in modern steam power plants, we will illustrate the principle
of regenerative feedwater heating by using a single heat ex-
changer, i.e., only one steam extraction from the turbine.
First we will consider that the heat exchanger is an open feed-
water heater, i.e., a heat exchanger in which the extracted steam
and the feedwater come into contact and mix. The resultant mix-
ture is then pumped to boiler pressure and injected into the boiler.
The T-s diagram for a single open feed water heater is shown in
Figure 10.2.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 10.2 shows an expansion of the entire mass flow of
steam from state 1 down to state b. Steam at state b is extracted
from the turbine and is mixed with condensate from the condenser
which has been pumped up to pressure pb. Taken as a control vol-
ume the open feed water heater takes in steam at enthalpy hb and
compressed feedwater at enthalpy h4 Both streams mix and leave
the open heater as a single liquid stream at enthalpy hc, which is
assumed to be the enthalpy of a saturated liquid at extraction pres-
sure. Since there is no heat transfer or work across the control sur-
face, the steady flow energy equation is
yht+(l-y)h4=he (10.12)
^=/i1-A4+(l-^)(A*-^) GO-13)
W=(l-y)(h<-h3) (10.14)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The high-pressure pump handles the entire flow, and the energy
equation for this second pump yields the following expression for
isentropic work:
Wp2=hd-hc (10.15)
QA=h{-hd (10.16)
QA =*,-*. 00.17)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
y = (he-h4)/(hh-hc) (10.18)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 10.3 Regenerative cycle with one closed heater.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 10.4 Reheat-regenerative cycle with one closed heater.
been extracted prior to the process, this must be taken into account
as has been shown in the previous section.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
has its own efficiency, and these efficiencies normally range from
85 to 90 percent.
Typically, in power plants units, there are several heat ex-
changers, e.g., the high-pressure turbine may supply bleed steam
for the last closed feedwater heater, the intermediate-pressure tur-
bine may supply bleed steam to the next two closed heaters, and
the low-pressure turbines may supply bleed steam for three or
more closed feedwater heaters and one open heater. Only the low-
est pressure heater sends its condensate directly to the condenser;
instead, each sends its condensate to the heater just below it in
pressure. With this design all but the lowest pressure stream of
bled steam supplies heat to the feedwater at more than one point.
The open heater serves as a deaerator and allows a freeing of
harmful gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and ammonia.
The performance of power plants or of individual turbines are
usually discussed in terms of heat rates. The heat rate is the recip-
rocal of the thermal efficiency and is commonly given in Btu per
kW-hr. The overall unit heat rate would be found by determining
the rate of chemical energy release in the boiler from the burning
of fuel in Btu/hr and dividing that quantity by the generator output
in kW less the auxiliary power requirement in kW. For example, a
large unit operating using steam at the rate of 2.38 million Ib/hr, a
turbine throttle steam pressure of 2400 psia, a throttle steam tem-
perature of 1000°F, and a condenser pressure of 1 psia, produces
a generator output of 416 MW at a heat rate of 7654 Btu/kW-hr.
The unit thermal efficiency is obtained by taking the reciprocal of
this times the conversion factor 3413 Btu/kW-hr; this calculation
yields a thermal efficiency of 0.446, which is a high thermal effi-
ciency. The combined power plant cycle, in which steam and gas
turbines are used together, can increase the power plant efficiency
to even higher levels. This cycle will be discussed in Chapter 13.
Typically steam for power production is generated from the
combustion of fossil fuels in the furnace of a boiler, although
other fuels and other energy sources are sometimes used; for ex-
ample, nuclear fission reactors and subterranean geothermal steam
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
are also available as energy sources for steam power plants. Most
power is generated using coal, oil, or natural gas as the primary
fuel. The thermochemistry of combustion of hydrocarbon fuels
will be considered in the next chapter.
From the table in Appendix Al we find T, = 357.038 °C, gj =
5.10286 kJ/kg-K, ht = 2508.86 kJ/kg, p2 = 8.2058 kPa, sfl =
0.596294 kJ/kg-K, sg2 = 8.21482 kJ/kg-K, hfl = 175.15 kJ/kg, and
hg2 = 2576.13 kJ/kg. From Appendix A3 we find h4 = 192.5kJ/kg
by interpolation.
First we find the quality x2 of the turbine exhaust from (10.11).
-*>-*' _ 5.10286-0.596294 _
——— ——— '—— \J.*jy ± mj
- s - s , 8.21482-0.596294
o J
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2508.86 -1595.33 - (192.5 -175.15) n ,„
T) = —————————————————————— = 0.387
P = __________
= —— ISOOOOkW ,„ „ / .s
m4 =
WM 896.18kl/kg
Note that the data are the same as in Example Problem 10.1. This
problem provides an opportunity to compare the Rankine and re-
generative cycle efficiencies.
First calculate the quality of the extracted steam. Note that Sj = sb.
Apply (10.11) using subscript b rather than 2.
5.10286-1.98951 0.66034
- ___________ ._„.
x =
* 6.70427-1.98951
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
To determine hb we apply (10.10), again using the subscript b in
place of 2.
y = ———————————————— = 0.2/0
2060.51 -1 75.85
Wp=(l- 0.276 )(1 75.85 - 1 75.15) + 706.68 - 696.47
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wnel = Wt-Wp = 785.16 -10.72 = 774.4V / kg
W 7744
T, = IJSL = "** = o.43
QA 1802.18
This is the result for the ideal regenerative cycle, and it is higher
than that obtained for the ideal Rankine cycle in Example Problem
10.1. We find a thermal efficiency of 43 percent with regenera-
tive feedwater heating and an efficiency of 39 percent without re-
generative heating.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
79.5(2083) + mcw (62.25) = 79.5(175) + mcw (145.89)
mcw= 1813.6kg / s
Example Problem 10.4. Determine the net power output, the rate
of heat transfer in the boiler, and the thermal efficiency for an
ideal reheat-regenerative cycle which operates between a steam-
turbine throttle state defined by_p, = 8 MPa and T, = 460°C and a
condenser temperature of 39°C. The mass flow rate of the steam
at the throttle is 100 kg/s. The expanding steam is extracted from
the turbine at a pressure of 1.0 Mpa. Part of the steam flows into
the reheaters where it is heated to 440°C and returned to the tur-
bine for further expansion. The remainder of the extracted steam is
used for feedware heating; it flows through the shell of a closed
feed-water heater where it condenses, is trapped at the heater and
subsequently flashed into the condenser. Assume that the tempera-
ture of the compressed feedwater leaving the heater is the same as
the saturation temperature for steam at a pressure of 1.0 Mpa.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
he = 766 kJ/kg hs = 170.6 kJ/kg hc = 762 kJ/kg
J^iL, 7.586-0550
-J 8.271-0.5563
766-170.6 .fl.
y = ——————— = n0.296
QA = 3297.2 - 766 + (1- 0.296)(3348.6 - 2776.4)
QA =2934kJ/kg
W, = 3297.2 - 2776.4 + 0.704(3348.6 - 2357)
W, =1218.9kJ/kg
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Compute the pump work.
p=n5-h4 = 170'6 ~ 162~6 = 8U/kg
w*= 1210.9 =
QA 2934
10.2 Determine the net specific work, the heat transfer in the
boiler, and the thermal efficiency for an ideal Rankine cycle which
operates between a steam boiler pressure of 7 MPa and a con-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
denser temperature of 39°C. Assume that the steam leaving the
boiler is saturated vapor.
10.3 Determine the rate of heat transfer in the boiler and in the
condenser for an ideal Rankine cycle which operates between a
steam boiler pressure of 7 MPa and a condenser temperature of
39°C and produces a net power output of 200 MW. Assume that
the steam leaving the boiler is saturated vapor.
10.4 Determine the net power output, the rate of heat transfer in
the boiler, the mass rate of flow of cooling water, and the thermal
efficiency for an ideal Rankine cycle which operates between a
steam-turbine throttle state defined by pj = 8 MPa and Tl = 500°C
and a condenser temperature of 39°C. The mass flow rate of the
steam is 79.5 kg/s. Cooling water enters the condenser at 15°C and
leaves at 35°C.
10.5 Determine the net power output, the rate of heat transfer in
the boiler, the mass rate of flow of cooling water, and the thermal
efficiency for a Rankine cycle which operates between a steam-
turbine throttle state defined by pl = 8 MPa and T, = 500°C and a
condenser temperature of 39°C. Turbine efficiency is 85 percent,
and pump efficiency is 70 percent. The mass flow rate of the
steam is 94 kg/s. Cooling water enters the condenser at 15°C and
leaves at 35°C.
10.6 Determine the net power output, the rate of heat transfer in
the boiler, the mass rate of flow of cooling water, and the thermal
efficiency for an ideal Rankine cycle which operates between a
steam-turbine throttle state defined byp, - 8 MPa and T\ - 540°C
and a condenser temperature of 39°C. The mass flow rate of the
steam is 176 kg/s. Cooling water enters the condenser at 15°C and
leaves at 26.5°C.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.7 Determine the net power output, the rate of heat transfer in
the boiler, the volume rate of flow of cooling water, and the ther-
mal efficiency for a Rankine cycle which operates between a
steam-turbine throttle state defined by/?, = 8 MPa and T, = 540°C
and a condenser temperature of 39°C. Turbine efficiency is 85
percent, and pump efficiency is 80 percent. The mass flow rate of
the steam is 176 kg/s. Cooling water enters the condenser at 15°C
and leaves at 26.5°C.
10.8 Determine the net power output, the rate of heat transfer in
the boiler, the mass rate of flow of cooling water, and the thermal
efficiency for an ideal regenerative cycle which operates between
a steam-turbine throttle state defined by pj = 8 MPa and Tl =
500°C and a condenser temperature of 39°C. The mass flow rate
of the steam at the throttle is 79.5 kg/s. Steam is extracted from
the turbine at a pressure of 0.7 Mpa and mixed in an openfeedwa-
ter heater with condensate from the condenser. The mass fraction
of the steam extracted is such that the mixed stream is saturated
liquid at 0.7 Mpa. Cooling water enters the condenser at 15°C and
leaves at 35°C.
10.9 Determine the net power output, the rate of heat transfer in
the boiler, the mass rate of flow of cooling water, and the thermal
efficiency for an ideal regenerative cycle which operates between
a steam-turbine throttle state defined by PI = 8 MPa and Tj -
500°C and a condenser temperature of 39°C. The mass flow rate
of the steam at the throttle is 79.5 kg/s. Steam, extracted from the
turbine at a pressure of 0.7 Mpa, flows through the shell of a
closed feedwater heater where it condenses, is trapped at the
heater and subsequently flashed into the condenser. Assume that
the temperature of the compressed feedwater leaving the heater is
the same as the saturation temperature for steam at a pressure of
0.7 MPa. Cooling water enters the condenser at 15°C and leaves at
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
10.10 Determine the net power output, the rate of heat transfer in
the boiler, the mass rate of flow of cooling water, and the thermal
efficiency for a (non-ideal) regenerative cycle which operates
between a steam-turbine throttle state defined by pj = 8 MPa and
TI - 480°C and a condenser temperature of 39°C. The steam in
the turbine exhaust has a quality of 84 percent. The mass flow rate
of the steam at the throttle is 197 kg/s. Saturated steam, extracted
from the turbine at a pressure of 0.6 Mpa, enters the shell of a
closed feedwater heater where its condensate is trapped and
flashed the condenser. Assume that the temperature of the com-
pressed feedwater leaving the heater is the same as the saturation
temperature for steam at a pressure of 0.6 MPa. Cooling water
enters the condenser at 15°C and leaves at 35°C.
10.11 Determine the net power output, the rate of heat transfer in
the boiler, the mass rate of flow of cooling water, and the thermal
efficiency for an ideal regenerative cycle which operates between
a steam-turbine throttle state defined by p} = 8 MPa and T} =
480°C and a condenser temperature of 39°C. The mass flow rate
of the steam at the throttle is 83.3 kg/s. Steam, extracted from the
turbine at a pressure of 0.15 Mpa, flows through the shell of a
dosed feedwater heater where it condenses, is trapped at the
heater and then flashed into the condenser. Assume that the tem-
perature of the compressed feedwater leaving the heater is 110°C.
Cooling water enters the condenser at 15°C and leaves at 35°C.
10.12 Determine the net power output, the rate of heat transfer in
the boiler, the mass rate of flow of cooling water, and the thermal
efficiency for an ideal regenerative cycle which operates between
a steam-turbine throttle state defined by pj = 8 MPa and Tt =
480°C and a condenser temperature of 39°C. The mass flow rate
of the steam at the throttle is 181 kg/s. Steam, extracted from the
turbine at a pressure of 0.6 Mpa, flows through the shell of a
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
dosed feedwater heater where it condenses, is trapped at the
heater and subsequently flashed into the condenser. Assume that
the temperature of the compressed feedwater leaving the heater is
the same as the saturation temperature for steam at a pressure of
0.6 MPa. Cooling water enters the condenser at 15°C and leaves at
10.13 Determine the net power output, the rate of heat transfer in
the boiler, and the thermal efficiency for an ideal reheat cycle
which operates between a steam-turbine throttle state defined by
Pi - 8 MPa and Tj = 500°C and a condenser temperature of 39°C.
The mass flow rate of the steam is 79.5 kg/s. The steam is ex-
tracted from the turbine after the pressure reaches 0.5 MPa; it is
reheated 440°C in the boiler and returned to the turbine for further
10.14 Determine the net power output and thermal efficiency for
the ideal Rankine cycle using the steam throttle and condenser
conditions given in Problem 10.13. Compare the Rankine cycle
results with those for the reheat cycle.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 11
11.1 Introduction
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
der (assuming a vertical cylinder axis) to the bottom and back to
the top; thus, the piston makes two full strokes per revolution of
the crankshaft. Since the engine cycle comprises four strokes of
the piston: the intake stroke, the compression stroke, the expan-
sion stroke and the exhaust stroke, the complete cycle for a four-
stroke engine requires two revolutions of the crankshaft.
Figure 11.1 (a) shows the piston moving down during the in-
take stroke. Note that the valve on the left is open and is admit-
ting air to the cylinder as the piston moves down. Figure 11.1 (b)
shows that the valve on the left as well as that on the right closed
as the piston moves up while the piston compresses the fuel-air
mixture previously admitted. When the piston approaches top
dead center, a process of combustion is initiated by a spark cre-
ated in a spark plug located in the center of the cylinder head.
The effect of combustion is to heat the trapped gas and thus to
raise its pressure; its chemical constitution is modified somewhat
as well, e.g., the carbon in the fuel unites with the oxygen in the
air to form carbon dioxide gas, and the hydrogen combines with
the oxygen of the air to form water vapor. At this point Figure
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11.1 (c) applies, and the pressurized piston is forced down as the
hot gases expand. At a crank angle of about 50° before bottom
dead center the exhaust valve on the right side opens, and the gas
in the cylinder blows out through the valve by virtue of the pres-
sure excess of the gas in the cylinder. After bottom dead center is
passed, the upward moving piston sweeps the cylinder almost
clear of the gases formed in the combustion process; this is the
exhaust stroke indicated in Figure 11.1 (d). The sweeping process
is not complete, because a small volume of burned gas, the resid-
ual gas, exists in the cylinder when it is at top dead center. The
residual gases are retained for the next engine cycle because of
the existence of the clearance volume, the volume between the
piston crown and the cylinder head; thus, the residual gas mixes
with and dilutes the newly induced fuel-air mixture.
The processes described above apply to the diesel engine, or
compression-ignition engine, as well as to the spark-ignition en-
gine, except that the diesel engine inducts pure air into the cylin-
der rather than a fuel-air mixture. Instead of a spark plug there is
a fuel injector, which sprays pressurized fuel directly into the
cylinder when the piston is near top dead center. Because the
pressure and temperature of the compressed air are higher in the
diesel engine than in the spark-ignition engine, the fuel ignites
immediately upon contacting the hot air, and the injection of fuel
continues during a portion of the expansion stroke. Otherwise the
two forms of internal combustion engines incorporate the same
kinds of processes in their four-stroke cycles. In both kinds of
machines heating of the gases used to drive the piston is the result
of burning fuel in air.
Because of pre-mixing of fuel and air in the SI, spark-ignition,
engine, the combustion process can be modeled by a constant
volume process. On the other hand, the basic CI, combustion-
ignition, engine uses direct injection of fuel into the compressed
air as it is expanding; thus, this process best modeled by a con-
stant-pressure process. The ideal cycles for the two engines, the
Otto and Diesel cycles, will be considered after fuels and com-
bustion are discussed.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11.2 Fuels
Fossil fuels exist throughout the world and are used in the op-
eration of prime movers. Stationary steam power plants utilize
coal, oil, and gas to generate steam in their boilers. Stationary
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
gas-turbine power plants use oil and natural gas, whereas gas
turbines in aircraft engines utilize kerosene-based jet fuel. For the
most part spark ignition engines use gasoline, although some
engines use natural gas or ethanol. Compression-ignition engines
use diesel fuel. According to Ohta (1994) petroleum and natural
gas reserves may be exhausted in the 21st century, whereas coal
reserves will not be depleted for at least two centuries.
Both gasoline and diesel fuel are mixtures of hydrocarbons
and are derived from petroleum fuels. Petroleum is a fossil en-
ergy resource occurring naturally in subterranean vaults as crude
oil. Crude oil is fractionated into gasoline, kerosene, gas oil and
residual oil. To meet the demand for gasoline it is necessary to
supplement that produced by fractional distillation with that pro-
duced by cracking.
11.3 Combustion
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
are 5.76 moles of reactants and 4.76 moles of products. The air in
the reactants comprises one mole of oxygen and 3.76 moles of
nitrogen. This is the proportion of moles of each of the two com-
ponents found in ordinary atmospheric air. There is also one mole
of carbon, but since it is a solid, its molecules do not exert a par-
tial pressure in its pure form; however, when it combines with
oxygen to become carbon dioxide in the products, it is a gas and
does exert a partial pressure on the surroundings. The gases found
in the reactants or in the products can be treated as perfect gases
and assumed to conform to the principles of Section 2.9.
Equation (2.6) can thus be applied to each component in the
mixture and to the mixture of gases as though it were a single
species. Noting that each component of a mixture has the mixture
temperature and the mixture volume,the ratios of the partial pres-
sure of the ith species to the mixture pressure is given by
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In (11.1) the air-fuel ratio is 137.3 grams of air by 12.01 grams of
fuel which amounts to 11.43. This is an important term for dis-
cussing the combustion of fuels in air and is denoted by A/F.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
called the equivalence ratio and is denoted by <|>. If fuel is burned
in stoichiometric air, the equivalence ratio is unity.
In addition to the air-fuel ratio, the heating value or chemical
energy release associated with the combustion reaction is very
important. This is easily calculated from the chemical equation
and a knowledge of the enthalpies of formation of the compounds
involved in the reaction. Some enthalpies of formation are given
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Uncombined elements, like oxygen and nitrogen, are taken to
have zero enthalpy of formation and are not shown in the table.
This is a very practical value and finds use with internal combus-
tion engines, steam power plants, gas turbine power plants, and
jet propulsion engines. Heating value is used to express the en-
ergy release when fuel is burned in the engine, combustor, or
boiler. The product of fuel mass and heating value is the energy
released from the combustion, and this is available for conversion
to mechanical energy.
The efficiency with which the fuel's energy is converted into
mechanical energy is called the fuel-conversion efficiency, and it
is defined by
T fI , = ——^— (11.4)
where Wnet is the net work of the engine cycle per cylinder, Mf is
the mass of fuel burned per cycle per cylinder, and QHY is the
lower heating value of the fuel used in the engine.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
constant volume. The fact that the piston moves during the burn-
ing, and that the gases change composition from reactants to
products is ignored in the model.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
With the cold air standard the working substance is assumed
to be cold air during all four processes. This means that the ratio
of specific heats y remains at 1 .4, and so do the specific heats cv
and cp. A better modeling could be obtained by approximating the
variation of specific heat ratio y. One linear approximation,
which is consistent with data tabulated by Heywood (1988) for
air at low density, is the following:
7=1.4217-0.0000817' (11.5)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
QA = MfQHy (11.8)
QA=U3-U2 (11.9)
QA = Mcv(T3-T2) (11.10)
T 3 = T 2 \ (11.11)
Since the ratio of volumes Vj/V2 is equal to the ratio V3IV4, we
can compute the temperature T4 at the end of the expansion proc-
ess from the isentropic relation of temperature and pressure, viz.,
T4=T3^y (11.12)
The Diesel cycle is the ideal cycle which models the events in
the diesel engine; this cycle has the same appearance as the Otto
cycle on the T-S plane. During the combustion process the fuel is
ignited as it is sprayed into the cylinder. Since the piston is mov-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ing during the fuel injection process, the pressure variation can be
modeled as constant; thus, the difference between the Diesel and
Otto cycles is that the process 2-3 represents a constant-pressure
heating rather than a constant-volume heating process; therefore,
the equivalent heat transfer in process 2-3 is given by
QA = Mcp(T3-T2) (11.13)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
often given in horsepower. If torque T is reported in Ib-in, and
speed N is in rpm, then the brake power Pb in hp is given by
P--L2— (11.15)
fosfc = _L. (n 17)
T}fh=———-——— (11.18)
I / .if J _/" / yi^l \ ^- /
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
need a value of lower heating value QHV for gasoline, which is
given in Table 11.1 as 44, 000 kJ/kg in SI units; this is equivalent
to 18,918 Btu/lb in English units. With either set of units the re-
sult is r\f = 0.273, which is a typical value of fuel-conversion ef-
ficiency for automotive engines.
Besides fuel-conversion efficiency and specific fuel consump-
tion, there are a number of other parameters which measure en-
gine performance. We have mentioned indicated power Pt and
brake power Pb. Indicated power is the power that flows from the
gases in the cylinder to the piston, and brake power is the power
that flows through the engine shaft at the point where it connects
to the load. The loss of power as it passes through the mechanical
components is the friction power PJ-. The friction power is easily
determined by a test procedure known as motoring. In this case
the dynamometer is used as a motor to drive the engine without
the engine firing, i.e., without any fuel flowing. Using the meas-
ured torque and speed the friction power is calculated from
(11.15). The experimental determination of brake power and fric-
tion power enables the calculation of indicated power, since
Pi = Pb+Pf (11-19)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
of the rectangle is called the indicated mean effective pressure
Pm,i, i-e.,
W^p.M-VJ (11.21)
P =
The brake mep for automotive engines typically lies in the range
of 7 to 10 atmospheres.
An important use of the brake mep is as a measure of the
torque of the engine. If the brake power P in (11.23) is replaced
by torque times speed, then we arrive at the equation
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
which shows clearly that engine torque varies directly with brake
mep and with displacement volume of the engine.
The mean effective pressure defined by (1 1.23) can be related
to several efficiencies by substituting (11.14) in the numerator
and by recognizing that the denominator NVD is proportional to
the mass flow rate of air passing through the engine. A new effi-
ciency, the volumetric efficiency r\v, is defined by
m b
n — ' H
Mm - \l
and we can use the fact that the fuel-air ratio is the same as the
ratio of the mass flow of fuel to the mass flow rate of air; thus, we
™f (11.28)
A m.a
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11.6 Example Problems
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The air-fuel ratio is the mass of air divided by the mass of fuel;
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Example Problem 11.3. Determine the fuel-conversion effi-
ciency of an engine which operates on the Otto cycle with air as
the working fluid. The engine has a compression ratio of 6 and
receives a heat transfer of 400 Btu/lb during process 2-3. Assume
that;?, = 14.2 psia and Tl = 60°F.
Note that the net work of the cycle is the sum of the work for the
two isentropic processes. Work for each of the two isentropic
processes is calculated with (4.17) using n = y. The first step is to
calculate the properties at the end states of the four processes. A
trial value of y is used to determine the temperature; this gives
T2=520(6)°'386 =1038°R
T3 = 1 038 + - = 2934° R
For process 3-4 we use the isentropic relation with a trial value of
y - 1.324; this gives
=2934- =1642°R
( A '
T4=2934\-\ = 1657°R
The net work of the cycle is calculated from (4.17) in the form
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
= 1.986(1038-520) 1.986(1657-2934)
~ 28.96(-0.386) + 28.96(-0.319)
Wnet = -92.03 + 274.52 = 182.5 Btu / Ib
^7 :
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11.4 A mole of propane burns in stoichiometric air. The products
have a mixture pressure of 1 atm. Determine the air-fuel ratio and
the partial pressure of the CO2 in the products.
11.7 Determine the higher and lower heating values for gaseous
methane at 25°C and 1 atm.
11.8 Determine the higher and lower heating values for hydrogen
at standard conditions. Note that hydrogen has zero enthalpy of
11.9 Determine the higher and lower heating values for liquid
methanol at 25°C and 1 atm.
11.10 Determine the higher and lower heating values for gaseous
butane at 25°C and 1 atm. The enthalpy of formation for butane at
standard conditions is -126,150 kJ/kmol, and its molecular weight
is 58.12.
11.11 Determine the higher and lower heating values for natural
gas at 25°C and 1 atm. The molar composition of the gas is the
following: 92% methane; 4% ethane; 4% nitrogen. The enthalpy
of formation for ethane at standard conditions is -84,680 kJ/kmol,
and its molecular weight is 30.07.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11.12 Convert the heating value obtained in Problem 11.11 for
natural gas in kJ/kg units into Btu per standard cubic foot units.
Note that one pound-mole of any gas at 1 ami and 77°F occupies
391.94 ft , and that 2.2046 pound-moles equals one kilogram-
11.14 The engine in Problem 11.13 has four cylinders, and each
cylinder has a displacement volume of 36.56 in . Displacement
volume is defined as Vj - V2. Determine the power produced by
the engine when it is running at 2500 rpm.
11.16 The engine in Problem 11.15 has four cylinders, and each
cylinder has a displacement volume of 400 in . Displacement
volume is defined as Vj - V2. Determine the power produced by
the engine when it is running at 1000 rpm.
11.17 Determine the cutoff ratio V3IV2 and the indicated mean ef-
fective pressure, defined as the net work of the cycle over the
displacement volume, for the engine from Problem 11.16.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- (I-.)'-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11.24 A spark-ignition engine has 6 cylinders, a compression ra-
tio of 8.5, a bore of 89 mm, a stroke of 76 mm, and a displace-
ment of 2.8 liters. If the engine develops a brake power of 86 kW
while running at 4800 rpm, find the brake mean effective pres-
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11.29 A 4-cylinder, 4-stroke SI engine having a displacement of
one liter and a compression ratio of 5.7 produces a brake power
of 13.2 hp at 2000 rpm. The engine inducts air at 2025 Ib/ft and
532°R while burning gasoline at the rate of 8.91b/h. The volu-
metric efficiency of the engine was 0.74. During a friction test on
a dynamometer, the torque to overcome friction was 6.1 Ib-ft at
2000 rpm. Determine the brake mean effective pressure, the brake
fuel-conversion efficiency, the mechanical efficiency, and the
mass flow rate of air inducted.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 12
12.1 Introduction
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
momentum equation. The equations presented in the next section
are general enough to apply as well to all types of turbomachines
considered in other sections of this chapter.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
cross-sectional area A at sections 1 and 2. This equation is based
on the conservation of mass and states that the mass flow rate ni]
equals the mass flow rate m2\ equation (12.1) states that m} = m2.
The angular momentum equation corresponding to (12.1) is
not derived in this book. It is derived from Newton's second law
by Logan (1993) and reads
r = OT(ueir, -u e 2 r 2 ) (12.2)
where T is the torque interaction between the fluid and the rotor
about the i^-axis, m is the mass rate of flow of fluid through the
turbomachine, and ue is the 0 or tangential component of the
fluid velocity. The power P of the turbomachine can be obtained
by multiplying both sides of (12.2) by the angular speed co. The
resulting expression for power is
Since the energy WT transferred between the rotor and the fluid
per unit mass of fluid flowing is the rotor power divided by the
mass flow rate of fluid, we can write
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
where gz denotes the potential energy per unit mass due to the z-
coordinate, which is directed opposite to the gravitational field.
Equations (12.4) and (12.5) are used in concert when a tur-
bomachine is analyzed. It should be noted that WT will have a
positive sign when energy flows from the fluid to the rotor, as is
the case with power producing machines, e.g., turbines. On the
other hand, WT will be negative for fans, pumps, and compres-
sors, since, in this case, energy flows from the rotor to the fluid.
Further, it should be noted that one of the terms in (12.4) can be
zero for some turbomachines, e.g., fluid usually enters a centrifu-
gal pump or compressor in a purely axial direction; therefore, the
fluid entering has no tangential component of velocity, i.e., the
term involving uei will be zero. The energy transfer WT depends
solely on the term involving ue2.
Not all of the terms in (12.6) are needed, e.g., there is little or no
heat transfer and a negligible change in z. The rise of internal en-
ergy u2 - Uj reflects the loss of mechanical energy during the pas-
sage of the fluid through the rotor; this is the energy loss EL due
to fluid friction; thus, the mechanical energy loss per unit mass of
fluid flowing is given by
EL=u2-ul (12.7)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If the control volume is enlarged to include the entire casing of
the pump or fan, then the energy loss EL reflects the frictional
losses in the rotor and in the casing, i.e., the total fluid frictional
loss of mechanical energy during its passage through the turbo-
Fluid Out
Fluid In
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
the pump head H, can also be calculated by setting EL in (12.8)
equal to zero; thus, we obtain an expression for head of a pump,
Ideal work is done when all of the work increases the mechanical
energy, and no mechanical energy is degraded into internal en-
ergy. The ratio of the pump head H to the energy transfer -WT is
called the hydraulic efficiency of the pump; thus, the hydraulic
efficiency r\H is defined by
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
inlet of the rotor. Typically both of the latter efficiencies are close
to unity.
The pump efficiency is useful because it links the ideal work,
i.e., that which is equal to the actual rise in mechanical energy, to
the actual power requirement to drive the pump; thus, the power
required to drive the pump is given by
where m is the mass flow rate of fluid discharged from the pump,
and His the head. The head His also called the total head.
Equation (12.4) is applied to a control volume which encloses
only the rotor, as in Figure 12.1. Since the fluid enters the rotor in
an axial direction, v% = 0, and the magnitude of the energy trans-
fer for a centrifugal pump becomes
-r r =or 2 u 9 2 (12.13)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
u e2 = (12.14)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
rotor exit; thus, the mass flow rate m2 expressed in (12.1) be-
m2 =2nr2b2pvr2 (12.15)
Total enthalpy is needed, since the gas speeds are high in the
compressor rotors. During its passage through the rotor, the gas is
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
compressed adiabatically, and the shaft work done is equal to the
change of the total enthalpy, viz.,
1x7 — z, _ z, ft 9 17\
—"'s — 03 —"01 ^i^.i /^
The ratio of the ideal isentropic total enthalpy rise to the shaft
work is called the compressor efficiency, which is defined as in
(8.11), except that total enthalpy is used in lieu of the enthalpy;
thus, we have
Control Volume
.; compressor
• exit
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
pressure when the gas is passing through the rotor of the com-
pressor. The isentropic compression used to accomplish the same
total pressure rise requires the ideal work, h03is -h01. Equation
(12.18) shows that the compressor efficiency is the ratio of the
ideal work to the actual work. This efficiency is called total-to-
total efficiency and can be applied to axial-flow compressors as
The shaft power can be expressed in terms of temperatures and
pressures. First, we note that the actual shaft work is given
by (12.17) which is modified by (12.18) to read
~Wss=(h03is-h01)/T\c (12.19)
-W =
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Turbomachinery 297
I v
— 1T
~ 0l (12.22)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-w. = P03
-1 (12.23)
The shaft work is equal to the energy transfer from the rotor to
the fluid divided by the mechanical efficiency, and the energy
transfer is given by (12.13), as in pumps. Making these substitu-
tions and solving for the pressure ratio, we have
= Poi 1 + (12.24)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Control Volume
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 12.7 Velocity diagram at rotor inlet
fFr =(cor 2 )
TT/ / \ *•
/ "I ?\ ^ X"\
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
cl=2cp(TOI-T3is) (12.27)
r\l=2(®r2f/c20 (12.29)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-Rotor blades
Stator blades
/-Rotor axis
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4—————————————>4- — >
WT = -corue2 (12.30)
which can be used to determine the energy transfer for the entire
compressor by summing the transfers for all the stages. As with
the centrifugal compressor, the ratio of the isentropic energy
transfer to the actual energy transfer is the compressor efficiency.
If only a single stage is considered, then the overall efficiency is
3 —
Hub Mean Tip
replaced with the stage efficiency t|s. The pressure ratio for the
overall machine can be calculated using (12.24). If the pressure
ratio for the stage is desired, T|C in (12.24) is replaced with r^.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
cor (»r
nr 2 2
W, r = co r (12.31)
where the radius r in (12.31) is the mean radius of the blade, i.e.,
it is the average of the tip and hub radii. Efficiency is obtained
from (12.29), which applies to any single stage of a multistage
turbine; in this case, it is called stage efficiency. It can be applied
multistage turbine, if stations 1 and 3 refer to the first station of
the first stage, and station 3 denotes the last station of the last
stage, and if the WT is replaced with the sum of energy transfers
for all the stages. The spouting velocity c0 for a single stage is
determined from (12.28), as with the radial-inflow turbine, or it
can be applied to the overall multistage turbine.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
12.5 If u62 for the pump of Problem 12.4 is 53 percent of the tip
speed,, calculate the hydraulic efficiency and the energy loss in
ft-lb of energy per Ib of fluid flowing. If the water enters the
pump at a temperature of 80°F, estimate the entropy rise s2 - st of
the water passing through the pump. Hint: As« EL/T.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
12.6 A centrifugal water pump delivers 300 gpm (gallons per mi-
nute) while running at 1500 rpm. The angle P2 made by the rela-
tive velocity with respect to the tip velocity is 30°. The rotor di-
ameter is 6 inches, the axial vane width at the rotor exit is 0.5
inch, and the density of the water is 62.4 Ib/ft . Find the tip speed
of the rotor, the radial component of the velocity at the rotor exit,
and the energy transfer from the rotor to the fluid.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
tions and is discharged at 24. 7 psia. If the compressor is driven
by a 80-hp motor running at 15,000 rpm, determine the compres-
sor efficiency. Assume r\m = 0.96.
12.13 For the air turbine in Problem 12.12 determine the total
pressure p01 required for the conditions stipulated.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
gas leaves the rotor axially at a pressure of 1 atm. Assuming a
total-to-static efficiency of 70 percent, determine the mass flow
rate of gas required to produce an output power of 7 watts.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
12.22 A single-stage, gas turbine has a rotor midspan blade
speed of 600 ft/s and a midspan blade radius of 1.5 feet. Air en-
ters the rotor with a nozzle angle of 27 degrees. The rotor exhaust
velocity is axial. Find the turbine rotational speed and the energy
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 13
13.1 Introduction
Air In
Compressor Turbine
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The gas-turbine engine can be used to produce large quantities
of electric power and thus to compete with the steam turbine
power plant. Gas turbines can also be used to produce small
amounts of power, as in auxiliary power units. They can be used
to power ships as well as ground vehicles like tanks, trains, cars,
buses, and trucks, and, of course, gas turbines are widely used to
power aircraft.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
in the cycle 1-2-3-4-1, the cycle is called the ideal Brayton cycle.
The thermal efficiency of the ideal Brayton cycle is a function of
pressure ratio pjpi, and its value is the highest possible effi-
ciency for any Brayton cycle at a given pressure ratio.
The thermal efficiency of any cycle is defined by (5.30). In the
Brayton cycle the net work is the algebraic sum of the turbine
work Wt, which is positive, and the compressor work Wc, which is
negative; thus, the thermal efficiency is written as
W +Wc
' (13.1)
For the ideal cycle we can assume that the working fluid is cold
air, i.e., a gas having a molecular weight of 28.96 and a ratio of
specific heats y of 1 .4, and that the air behaves as a perfect gas.
The compression and expansion processes are isentropic for the
ideal cycle. According to (5.21) work for compression is given by
Wc=hol-hm (13.2)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
applying (2.34) and (2.35) to the right hand side of (13.2), we
Wc=cp(Tol-T02) (13.3)
where T0] and T02 are the total temperatures at stations 1 and 2,
respectively. Total temperature T0 refers to the temperature
achieved when the flow is decelerated adiabatically to a negligi-
ble velocity; it corresponds to the total enthalpy h0 defined by
Using the same method employed to derive (13.3), when the
steady flow energy equation is applied to the turbine, we find that
wt=Cp(Tm-TM) (13.4)
For the steady-flow energy balance on a control volume that
encloses the combustor, in which the combustion process is sup-
planted by an equivalent heat transfer process between an exter-
nal energy source and the flowing air, the equivalent heat transfer
QA is given by
QA=cf(Tm-Tn) (13.5)
i T -T-*02
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
r -r
^02 ~ -'
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
l,-* 5 (13-11)
W -W
^ = ^-^- (13.16)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Cycle Pressure Ratio
Turbine inlet temperature = 1300 deg K
c. 600
a 400
8 10 12 14 16 18
Cycle Pressure Ratio
then it enters the combustor and leaves at T03. The energy added
in the combustor is thus reduced to
QA (T<n ~TQS) (13.17)
which is clearly less than the heat transfer required to heat the air
fromr 02 .to T03.
Ideally the compressed air, upon passing through the regenera-
tor, could be heated to a temperature equal to the exhaust gas
temperature T04-. Realistically T05 is always less than T04-. How
much less depends on the effectiveness s of the heat exchanger.
Effectiveness is defined by the equation,
T - JT
s= (13.18)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
where the numerator is proportional to the energy received by the
cooler air, and the denominator is the ideal heat transfer to the
cooler air. Values of s. depend on the effectiveness of the heat
exchanger design and the air flow rate, but typical values of ef-
fectiveness lie in the range 0.6-0.8. Procedures for heat exchanger
design are presented by Incropera and DeWitt (1990).
Compressor and turbine work for the Brayton cycle with re-
generation are handled as with the basic cycle. Only the energy
addition in the combustor, as determined from (13.17), is differ-
ent, but this increases the thermal efficiency, since the denomina-
tor of (13.1) is decreased while the numerator remains fixed. The
denominator QA can be written alternatively as
-f (13.20)
where mj denotes the mass flow rate of fuel and P represents the
net power produced by the gas turbine. Usually the power is the
shaft power to the load, as indicated in Figure 13.5, and the sfc is
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Air In
Regenerator Turbine
•*— ——— ——— ^—— Exhaust
.. 04'
02' 03, ^
Compressor Turbine
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Although addition of the regenerator increases thermal effi-
ciency and hence fuel economy, there is no increase in the net
power output of the gas turbine plant; however, an increase in
net power output can be realized by reheating the gas at an inter-
mediate pressure and then allowing the reheated gas to finish ex-
Reheating the gas involves dividing the turbine into two parts, a
high-pressure turbine and a low-pressure turbine. After the gas
passes through the high-pressure turbine it is extracted from the
turbine and admitted to a second combustor. Reheated gas flows
into the low-pressure turbine, which may be on a separate shaft,
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Air In
+ 06
Figure 13.7 Gas turbine plant with reheat and power turbine
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
are able to reduce the compressor work and increase the net work
of the cycle. Intercooling will be discussed in the next section.
03 05
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
actual compression in the first stage compressor. Process 05'-06
is the constant pressure cooling process which takes place in a
heat exchanger. Water or air would probably be used to receive
the energy from the compressed air, and typically the air would
be cooled to its original inlet temperature T01, i.e., T06 = T01.
Compression in the second stage compressor is carried out during
process 06-02'.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
06 01
first stage of compression, after which the air is cooled from T05>
to T06. After the second stage of compression the air is heated in a
regenerator from T02' to T07, where T07 depends on the regenera-
tor effectiveness e, viz.,
ph\*W -MJ2')
T =
-*07 (13.21)
where cpc and cph denote the mean specific heats of the cold- and
hot-side gases, respectively.
Following the combustion process the gas is admitted to the
first stage of the turbine where the gas is expanded in process 03-
08'. At this point the gas enters a reheat combustor where it is
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
heated from T08-to T09, The final expansion of the gas occurs in
the low-pressure turbine stage during process 09-04'. The exhaust
gas at temperature T04< passes through the regenerator where it
loses energy via heat transfer to the pre-combustion air . The rate
of heat transfer can be computed from the temperature rise of the
incoming compressed air; it is
qreg=macpc(TQ1-Tn,) (13.22)
where ma is the mass flow rate of compressed air entering the re-
The rate at which energy is supplied by the combination of
the main combustor and the reheat combustor is
where cpm is the mean gas specific heat in the main combustor,
and cmrh is the mean gas specific heat in the reheat combustor.
The above expression (13.23) is used to calculate the rate at
which chemical energy is supplied to the gas turbine. The output
of the cycle is the turbine power Pt minus the compressor power
Pc. The turbine power is
where cpt denotes the mean specific heat in the turbine stage, and,
similarly, the compressor power can be expressed as
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Air In
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
13.8 Combined Brayton and Rankine Cycles
where ms is the mass flow rate of the steam. For the gas cycle the
net power output is
P +P
£=——f2!_ (13.28)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
world's most efficient combined-cycle (CCGT) power plant was
developing 330 MW of power at a thermal efficiency of 58 per-
cent. IPG reported CCGT units under construction which will
produce 1300 MW of electrical power. At the other end of the
spectrum microturbines are being developed for a variety of ap-
plications, including small aircraft propulsion. Currently large
gas-turbine engines are being utilized to propel a wide range of
civilian and military aircraft. This application will be treated in
the next chapter.
Epstein, A.H. and Senturia, S.D. (1997). Macro Power from Mi-
cro Machinery. Science, vol. 276, p. 1211.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
13.1 Write the expression for the net work of the ideal Brayton
cycle. Show by differentiation that the Wnet is maximum when
-*02 "V 01 03
13.3 Write the expression for the turbine work of the ideal Bray-
ton cycle in terms of T03 and rp. Use the result to conclude how
the turbine work can be increased by changing these quantities.
13.4 Write the expression for the compressor work of the ideal
Brayton cycle in terms of Tol and rp. Use the result to conclude
how the compressor work can be decreased by changing these
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
inlet p03 = 8 atm and T03 = 1000°K. The mass flow rate of air is
11 kg/s, and compressor and turbine efficiencies are 0.85. Assum-
ing that y = 1.4, determine the cycle efficiency and the net power
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
13.12 A Brayton cycle with regeneration uses air as the working
substance. At the compressor inlet p01 = 1 atm and T0] = 300°K,
and at the turbine inlet p03 =14 atm and T03 = 1400°K. The mass
flow rate of air is 5.5 kg/s, and compressor and turbine efficien-
cies are 0.85. The plant utilizes a regenerator whose effectiveness
is 0.75. Assuming that y varies with average temperature in each
process and using (11.5), determine the cycle efficiency and the
net power developed. Compare the efficiency with that found for
Problem 13.11.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
inlet p03 = 4 atm and T03 = 1200°K. The power output of the L.P.
turbine is 100 kW. Compressor and turbine efficiencies are 0.8,
and the regenerator effectiveness is 0.75. Assuming that y varies
with average temperature in each process and using (11.5), de-
termine the cycle efficiency and the mass flow rate of air. Hint:
The work of the H.P. turbine equals the compressor work.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
fuel-air ratio, the net power developed, and the specific fuel con-
sumption. The lower heating value of the fuel is 43,100 kJ/kg.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
temperature is 1472°R. If the gas has the properties of air with a
variable y, find the mass flow rate of air, the compressor power,
the turbine power, the cycle thermal efficiency, the compressor
efficiency for each stage, the turbine efficiency for each stage,
and the regenerator effectiveness.
13.23 A combined gas turbine and steam power plant (see Figure
13.11) draws in air at 1 atm and 520°R at the mass flow rate of 50
Lb/s. The compressor discharge pressure is 12 atm and the en-
thalpy of the compressed air is 270 Btu/lb. In the combustor the
enthalpy of the air is raised to h03 = 675 Btu/lb. The expansion in
the gas turbine reduces the enthalpy to 383 Btu/lb, and, upon exit-
ing the boiler, the exhaust gas has an enthalpy hos — 202 Btu/lb.
The steam pressure at the throttle of the steam turbine is 1000
psia, and the pressure in the condenser is 1 psia. The enthalpy of
the steam at the turbine inlet is h06 = 1448 Btu/lb and at the exit is
h07' = 955 Btu/lb. The enthalpy of the water leaving the con-
denser is 70 Btu/lb, while that leaving the pump is 73 Btu/lb.
Determine the mass flow rate of steam, the net power output for
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
the combine cycle, and the thermal efficiency of the combined
13.24 A combined gas turbine and steam power plant (see Figure
13.11) draws in air at 1 atm and 300°K, and the compressor dis-
charges it at 12 atm and an enthalpy of 670 kJ/kg. In the combus-
tor the enthalpy of the air is raised to h03 = 1515 kJ/kg. The ex-
pansion in the gas turbine reduces the enthalpy to 858 kJ/kg, and,
upon exiting the boiler, the exhaust gas has an enthalpy h05 = 483
kJ/kg. The steam pressure at the throttle of the steam turbine is 80
bar, and the pressure in the condenser is 0.08 bar. The enthalpy of
the steam at the turbine inlet is h06 = 3138 kJ/kg and at the exit is
hor = 2105 kJ/kg. The enthalpy of the water leaving the con-
denser is 174 kJ/kg, while that leaving the pump is 184 kJ/kg. If
the combined plant produces 100 MW of power, determine the
mass flow rate of steam, the mass flow rate of air, and the ther-
mal efficiency of the combined cycle.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 14
14.1 Introduction
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
to the tail nozzle, it is called a turbofan. When the turbojet is
modified to drive a propeller through a gearbox as well as to
suppy gas to the tail nozzle, the engine is called a turboprop. All
of the above air-breathing engines depend on the gas turbine cy-
cle, i.e., the Brayton cycle. In the next section this cycle will be
modified to include the tail nozzle, which constitutes an addi-
tional component.
Figure 14.1 shows the ideal cycle for a turbojet on the T-S
control volume
c B T
1 2 3 4 5 6
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
plane. The sections of the ideal engine are shown above the cycle
In Figure 14.1 the engine is moving to the left at flight veloc-
ity ua through a still atmosphere. Since the x-y coordinate system
and the large control volume in the atmosphere around the en-
gine, indicated by dashed lines, are also assumed to move with
the engine at the flight velocity, the air is entering the left face of
the control volume at velocity ua, and the hot gas leaves the right
face of the control volume at velocity u6. In the ideal cycle the
pressure at the left and right faces of the control volume is taken
to be atmospheric, i.e., gas exits from the nozzle with p6 = pa. In
the non-ideal cycle, however, the pressure at the nozzle exit plane
may be different from atmospheric pressure; typically p6 > pa.
Although the air never slows to zero velocity, it would achieve
the stagnation temperature T02 if it did stagnate, i.e., the first law
applied to a control volume enclosing an imaginary flow diffuser
would yield the energy equation,
Tu=Ta+»2a/(2c.) (14.1)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
cur isentropically, i.e., with no friction and no loss of total pres-
sure; thus, in the inlet p0a -poi ~Po2> an(l in the nozzle p05 = pos-
Performing our analysis from left to right in Figure 14.1, we
consider the compressor first and find that a steady flow energy
analysis of a control volume enclosing the compressor yields the
following expression for the compressor work:
Wc=cp(T03~T02) (14.2)
QA=cp(TM-Tm} (14.4)
QA=(FIA)QHV (14.5)
where F/A is the fuel-air ratio and QHV is the lower heating value
of the fuel (see Table 11.1) being used in the combustor. Compar-
ing (14.4) and (14.5) we see that when more fuel is added, F/A is
increased, and the total temperature T04 of the gas entering the
turbine is increased proportionately. Process 03-04 is assumed to
Wt =c p (r o 4 -r o s ) (14.6)
P 5 I v
'05 ~ I04\
( ° (14.7)
-1 (14.8)
where the right-hand side is derived from (14.6) and the left-hand
side comes from (14.2).
After the turbine exhaust pressure p05 is determined from
(14.8), the nozzle exit velocity u6 can be determined from a
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
steady-flow, first-law, control-volume analysis of the propulsion
nozzle. Assuming adiabatic flow through the nozzle, the energy
equation, based on constancy of total enthalpy, is
T05=T6+»26/(2cp) (14.9)
where T05 and p05 are obtained from (14.6) and (14.8), and the
nozzle exhaust pressure is assumed to be equal to that of the at-
moshere, i.Q.,p6=pa.
The analysis has proceeded, component by component, from
the inlet of the engine to the tail nozzle. The final result of the
analysis has been the tail nozzle exit velocity u6. Next we will see
how this information is utilized in the calculation of thrust.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
m6 = p6A6u6 (14.12)
Some air that enters the left face of the control volume
passes outside the engine and exits through the right face. It is as-
sumed that the x-momentum of this external air is not changed,
so that the velocity ua is present at both the left and the right
faces. Thus changes in x-momentum of the air flowing around the
engine are neglected in this derivation. There is also a mass flow
rate ms out the sides of the control volume and this, too, carries
the x-momentum ua. The side mass flow rate is simply the differ-
ence in mass flow rates around the engine caused by the small
area difference, A6 - A0. Since the x-momentum is the same for
the side flow, the x-momentum, for fluid which by-passes the
engine, is the same out and into the conrol volume.
Since Newton's second law allows us to equate the sum of the
forces on the control volume to the change of momentum flow
rates, and since the pressure forces in the x-direction balance ex-
cept for the area A6 and its projection onto the left face of the
control volume, the only remaining x-wise force, which is the
thrust F, is given by the thrust equation, viz.,
where the first term on the right-hand side is called the jet thrust,
the next term denotes the ram drag, and the last term is the pres-
sure thrust. Note that the pressure thrust can be positive or nega-
tive depending on whether p6 is above or below the atmospheric
pressure /?a.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
One simplification is to neglect the difference between the
mass flow rate at the tail nozzle exit and that at the inlet. The dif-
ference is simply the mass flow rate of fuel injected into the com-
bustor. The fuel flow rate is small by comparison with the air
flow rate; typically F/A « 0.02.
The fuel-air ratio F/A is easily obtained from (14.5), and the
fuel flow rate mj- is the product of the mass flow rate of air into
the engine and the fuel-air ratio. A new performance parameter,
known as the thrust specific fuel consumption tsfc is commonly
applied to air-breathing engines. It is defined as
-- (14.14)
M= .° r (14.15)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
adiabatic processes is observed by the increase in entropy accom-
c B T N
1 2 3 4 5 6
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-1 (14.16)
t =
PL (14.17)
T02s -T1a
'id — (14.18)
02 ~ 1a
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
P02 = Pa (14.19)
Values for nd range from 0.98 to 0.99 for subsonic inlets, which
indicates an almost negligent loss; however, for supersonic flight
the shock waves which attach themselves to the inlet can cause
very large losses of total pressure. Stagnation or total pressure ra-
tio is also used to reflect frictional losses in the tailnozzle and the
combustor; these are denoted by nn and nb, respectively. Accord-
ing to Gates (1988) the value of 7ib lies between 0.93 and 0.98
and nn can be estimated in the range 0.98-0.99.
The sum of the losses of total pressure in the turbojet compo-
nents reduces the total pressure at the exit plane of the nozzle,
viz.,p06. This pressure is important to the performance of the tur-
bojet, because its value determines the jet velocity and the jet
thrust. By definition the relationship between the total and static
properties is an isentropic one. Applying this relationship to the
properties at the exit plane of the nozzle, we have
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
7L ,_ , (H 21)
Recalling that T06 = Tos we note that (14.9) and (14.21) provide
the means for determining the exit velocity u6. Further, the above
equations show that a higher p06 indicates a higher exit velocity
u6; thus, reducing losses of total pressure increases the thrust
produced by the engine.
Another key parameter is the thrust specific fuel consumption
defined by (14.14). A low value of thrust specific fuel consump-
tion is the most efficient. Increasing thrust F, or decreasing the
fuel flow rate mf decreases the tsfc, and when fuel is not burned
as it passes through the combustor, it increases the mass flow of
fuel without increasing the thrust of the engine. This departure
from ideal behavior is indicated in the combustion efficiency T|b,
which is defined by
/ _
•-—Tt r
I F c B T N
\1 2
""" T '•
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
processes found in the turbojet and emerges with momentum
flow (mc + mj)\)6, where mc is the mass flow rate of core air in-
ducted and mfis the mass flow rate of fuel injected in the combus-
To account for the additional momentum flow, it is necessary
to modify the basic thrust equation to include the secondary air
stream; thus,
The turboprop engine is like the turbojet engine, except that the
turbine power is greater than the compressor power, and the ex-
cess of turbine power is used to drive a propeller. Figure 14.4
shows the arrangement schematically. All of the turbojet compo-
nents are present in the engine; however, the turbine work not
longer equals the compressor work. Most of the thrust is pro-
duced by the propeller (indicated by the letter P in the figure), but
some is still produced by the tail nozzle.
The percentage of the power to the propeller that is converted
to useful work is called the propeller efficiency r\p and is defined
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
1 2 3 4
i ip +
i iFn (14.25)
The rocket motor creates gas for the propulsion nozzle by bring-
ing together liquid or solid fuel and oxidizer which in turn creates
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
an exothermic reaction with hot gaseous products. No air is taken
into the rocket; this means that the second term on the right hand
side of (14.13) can be eliminated, i.e., there is no ram drag. The
thrust equation for rockets becomes
F = mp»g+(pt-pa)Ae (14.26)
This is important, because it clearly limits the speed at which air-
craft can fly, since the ram drag term subtracts from the thrust
Because rockets carry both fuel and oxidizer, they do not re-
quire an atmosphere; thus, they can operate in space outside of
the earth's atmosphere, as well as inside the atmosphere of any
planet. The choice of propellants is made on the basis of mission,
since each propellant pair has its own characteristic temperature
T0 and propellant molecular weight m. The rate of reaction in the
combustion chamber of the rocket motor determines the pressure
Po in the chamber. These quantities are used to calculate the
Assuming an adiabatic flow in the nozzle (14.9) can be used to
calculate the rocket exhaust velocity, i.e.,
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
RT (14.28)
' y +1
and the pressure at the throat can be found from the isentropic
relation, i.e.,
Pi =PO\ (14.30)
supersonic nozzle
combustion p0
chamber T0
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The pressure and temperature at the throat can be used to cal-
culate the mass flow rate of propellant mp using the continuity
equation, i.e.,
/, = —— (14.32)
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(239 5)
' (2cJ
p = 223 + ' = 251.5° K
'c =c
0 = 1.005(251.5) (22)3.5-1
Wc = 358.6 kJ / kg
— —
T03 = To2\ — I = 251.5(22)" = 608.3° K
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
= QA/QHV = = 0.0204
Wc == 1.005(251.5)
P04 / POS =
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
It is obvious that p05 is much higher than p02, even for the ideal
cycle, as is indicated qualitatively in Figure 14.1.
Solution: Since p05 = p06 and p0} - p04, we can write the ratio of
total to static pressure at the nozzle exit as
P06 =
T ~- T
•* 2 = 411.8[l + (0.2)(0.8)21= 464.5° R
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
>03 1 T~
= 464.5(15) = W07°K
To find the total temperature T06 in the nozzle, we will use the
equality of compressor and turbine work, i.e.,
P(T03 - TQ2) = cp(TM — T05)
Since this is the ideal turbojet, we assume the specific heats are
the same. Finally, solving for T05 and noting that T06 - T05, we
find that T06=IS35.5°R.
To find the nozzle exit velocity u6, we use (14.9) and find
c, = 3.5(1716) = 6006ft2 / s2 - R
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
macpT03 +mfQHV = (ma
„ ., 2378-1007 nn^nf
Solving the thrust equation (14.13) for the air mass flow rate, we
" (l + F/A)»6-ua (1.01795)(3219.7) - 795.7
/»„a = 3.626sl/s = 1167lb/s
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
b) the total temperature of the gas in the nozzle
c) the total pressure at the turbine inlet
d) the velocity of the gas at the nozzle exit
e) the mass flow rate of air in the engine
f) the mass flow rate of fuel entering the engine
g) the thrust specific fuel consumption of the engine.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
c) the total pressure at the turbine inlet
d) the velocity of the gas at the nozzle exit
e) the mass flow rate of air in the engine
f) the mass flow rate of fuel entering the engine
g) the thrust specific fuel consumption.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
perature ratio, T03/T02 - 2.773. Detennine the compressor effi-
ciency and the compressor work.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
and the compressor discharge pressure p03 is 465 kPa and the fan
discharge pressure p02 is 38.75 kPa. The fuel-air ratio is 0.02817,
and the turbine inlet temperature is 1673°K. At the main nozzle
p06= 78.73 kPa and T06 = 1007°K. Determine the thrust produced
by the engine and the thrust specific fuel consumption.
14.17 Find the value of the rocket exhaust velocity, if the tem-
perature in the combustion chamber is 5000°R.
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix Al
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Water
MPa C m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
Liquid .65707E-3 1.00000 .10001E-2 4.10388 .14994E-1
Vapor .65707E-3 1.00000 192.447 2501.65 9.12515
Liquid .70595E-3 2.00000 .10001E-2 8.25070 .30093E-1
Vapor .70595E-3 2.00000 179.771 2503.49 9.09874
Liquid .75802E-3 3.00000 .10001E-2 12.3992 .45142E-1
Vapor .75802E-3 3.00000 168.026 2505.32 9.07257
Liquid .81346E-3 4.00000 .10001E-2 16.5495 .60144E-1
Vapor .81346E-3 4.00000 157.136 2507.16 9.04665
Liquid .87246E-3 5.00000 .10001E-2 20.7013 .75097E-1
Vapor .87246E-3 5.00000 147.034 2508.99 9.02096
Liquid .93521E-3 6.00000 .10001E-2 24.8546 .90002E-1
Vapor .93521E-3 6.00000 137.657 2510.83 8.99550
Liquid . .10019E-2 7.00000 .10001E-2 29.0095 .104859
Vapor ". 10019E-2 7.00000 128.949 2512.66 8.97028
Liquid .10728E-2 8.00000 .10002E-2 33.1657 .119668
Vapor .10728E-2 8.00000 120.856 2514.49 8.94529
Liquid .11480E-2 9.00000 .10003E-2 37.3233 .134430
Vapor .11480E-2 9.00000 113.331 2516.32 8.92052
Liquid .12281E-2 10.0000 .10003E-2 41.3017 .148449
Vapor .12281E-2 10.0000 106.318 2518.15 8.89592
Liquid .13128E-2 11.0000 .10004E-2 45.4947 -.163231
Vapor .13128E-2 11.0000 99.8025 2519.98 8.87160
Liquid .14027E-2 12.0000 .10005E-2 49.6863 .177956
Vapor .14027E-2 12.0000 93.7345 2521.81 8.84750
Liquid .14979E-2 13.0000 .10007E-2 53.8765 .192625
Vapor .14979E-2 13.0000 88.0802 2523.63 8.82361
Liquid .15987E-2 14.0000 .10008E-2 58.0655 .207238
Vapor .15987E-2 14.0000 82.8088 2525.46 8.79994
Liquid .17055E-2 15.0000 .10009E-2 62.2534 .221797
Vapor .17055E-2 15.0000 77.8916 2527.29 8.77648
Liquid .18185E-2 16.0000 .10011E-2 66.4402 .236302
Vapor .18185E-2 16.0000 73.3025 2529.11 8.75323
Liquid .19380E-2 17.0000 .10013E-2 70.6262 .250753
Vapor .19380E-2 17.0000 69.0173 2530.93 8.73019
Liquid .20643E-2 18.0000 .10014E-2 74.8114 .265152
Vapor .20643E-2 18.0000 65.0139 2532.76 8.70735
Liquid .21978E-2 19.0000 .10016E-2 78.9959 .279499
Vapor .21978E-2 19.0000 61.2720 2534.58 8.68471
Liquid .23388E-2 20.0000 .10018E-2 83.1797 .293795
Vapor .23388E-2 20.0000 57.7726 2536.40 8.66227
Liquid .24877E-2 21.0000 .10021E-2 87.3629 .308040
Vapor .24877E-2 21.0000 54.4984 2538.22 8.64004
Liquid .26447E-2 22.0000 .10023E-2 91.5455 .322235
Vapor .26447E-2 22.0000 51.4335 2540.04 8.61799
Liquid .28104E-2 23.0000 .10025E-2 95.7277 .336380
Vapor .28104E-2 23.0000 48.5631 2541.86 8.59614
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Water
MPa C m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
Liquid .29850E-2 24 .0000 .10028E-2 99.9095 .350476
Vapor .29850E-2 24 .0000 45.8735 2543.67 8.57448
Liquid .31691E-2 25 .0000 .10030E-2 104.091 .364523
Vapor .31691E-2 25 .0000 43.3522 2545.49 8.55300
Liquid .33629E-2 26 .0000 .10033E-2 108.272 .378523
Vapor .33629E-2 26 .0000 40.9875 2547.30 8.53172
Liquid .35671E-2 27 .0000 .10035E-2 112.453 .392474
Vapor .35671E-2 27 .0000 38.7687 2549.11 8.51062
Liquid .37819E-2 28 .0000 .10038E-2 116.633 .406378
Vapor .37819E-2 28 .0000 36.6859 2550.92 8.48970
Liquid .40079E-2 29 .0000 .10041E-2 120.813 .420236
Vapor .40079E-2 29 .0000 34.7298 2552.73 8.46896
Liquid .42456E-2 30 .0000 .10044E-2 124.994 .434047
Vapor .42456E-2 30 .0000 32.8918 2554.54 8.44839
Liquid .44954E-2 31 .0000 .10047E-2 129.174 .447811
Vapor .44954E-2 31 .0000 31.1641 2556.35 8.42801
Liquid .47579E-2 32 .0000 .10050E-2 133.353 .461531
Vapor .47579E-2 32 .0000 29.5394 2558.16 8.40780
Liquid .50336E-2 33 .0000 .10054E-2 137.533 .475205
Vapor .50336E-2 33 .0000 28.0109 2559.96 8.38776
Liquid .53231E-2 34 .0000 .10057E-2 141.713 .488834
Vapor .53231E-2 34 .0000 26.5721 2561.76 8.36789
Liquid .56269E-2 35 .0000 .10060E-2 145.892 .502418
Vapor .56269E-2 35 .0000 25.2174 2563.57 8.34819
Liquid .59456E-2 36 .0000 .10064E-2 150.072 .515959
Vapor .59456E-2 36 .0000 23.9412 2565.37 8.32865
Liquid .62798E-2 37 .0000 .10068E-2 154.252 .529456
Vapor .62798E-2 37 .0000 22.7385 2567.16 8.30928
Liquid .66301E-2 38 .0000 .10071E-2 158.431 .542909
Vapor .66301E-2 38 .0000 21.6045 2568.96 8.29007
Liquid .69972E-2 39 .0000 .10075E-2 162.611 .556319
Vapor .69972E-2 39 .0000 20.5350 2570.76 8.27102
Liquid .73817E-2 40 .0000 .10079E-2 166.791 .569686
Vapor .73817E-2 40 .0000 19.5259 2572.55 8.25213
Liquid .77844E-2 41 .0000 .10083E-2 170.970 .583011
Vapor .77844E-2 41 .0000 18.5733 2574.34 8.23340
Liquid .82058E-2 42 .0000 .10087E-2 175.150 .596294
Vapor .82058E-2 42 .0000 17.6737 2576.13 8.21482
Liquid .86468E-2 43 .0000 .10091E-2 179.330 .609535
Vapor .86468E-2 43 .0000 16.8239 2577.92 8.19640
Liquid .91080E-2 44 .0000 .10095E-2 183.510 .622735
Vapor .91080E-2 44 .0000 16.0208 2579.70 8.17813
Liquid .95903E-2 45 .0000 .10099E-2 187.691 .635893
Vapor .95903E-2 45 .0000 15.2615 25_81.49 8.16001
Liquid .10094E-1 46 .0000 .10104E-2 191.871 .649011
Vapor .10094E-1 46 .0000 14.5434 2583.27 8.14203
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Liquid .10000E-1 45.8161 .101033-2 191.102 .646602
Vapor .10000E-1 45.8161 14.6725 2582.94 8.14533
Liquid .120003-1 49.4294 .101193-2 206.209 .69369:L
Vapor .12000E-1 49.4294 12.3604 2589.36 8.08150
Liquid .14000E-1 52.5584 .10134E-2 219.293 .73405:L
Vapor .14000E-1 52.5584 10.6932 2594.90 8.0277:2
Liquid .16000E-1 55.3255 .10147E-2 230.867 .769428
Vapor .16000E-1 55.3255 9.43244 2599.78 7.98128
Liquid .18000E-1 57.8114 .10160E-2 241.267 .80096:3
Vapor .18000E-1 57.8114 8.44478 2604.15 7.9404:L
Liquid .20000E-1 60.0719 .10172E-2 250.725 .82943!9
Vapor .20000E-l 60.0719 7.64954 2608.11 7.90395
Liquid .22060E-l 62.1475 .10183E-2 259.412 .85542:2
Vapor .22000E-1 62.1475 6.99507 2611.73 7.87102
Liquid .24000E-1 64.0684 .101933-2 267.453 .879330
Vapor .24000E-1 64.0684 6.44675 2615.07 7.8410:3
Liquid .26000E-1 65.8578 .10203E-2 274.946 ,901484
Vapor .26000E-1 65.8578 5.98051 2618.17 7.81348
Liquid .28000E-1 67.5341 .10213E-2 281.967 .922136
Vapor .28000E-1 67.5341 5.57904 2621.06 7.7880:L
Liquid .30000E-1 69.1119 -10222E-2 288.576- .941486
Vapor .30000E-1 69.1119 5.22962 2623.78 7.76434
Liquid .32000E-1 70.6031 .102313-2 294.824 .95969!5
Vapor .32000E-1 70.6031 4.92265 2626.34 7.7422:2
Liquid .34000E-1 72.0174 .1024OE-2 300.751 ,9768916
Vapor .34000E-1 72.0174 4.65078 2628.76 7.721416
Liquid .36000E-1 73.3632 .102483-2 306.392 .993202
Vapor .36000E-1 73.3632 4.40826 2631.06 7.70194
Liquid .38000E-1 74.6473 .10256E-2 311.776 1.00870
Vapor .38000E-1 74.6473 4.19053 2633.24 7.6834,B
Liquid .40000E-1 75.8757 .10264E-2 316.927 1.0234'6
Vapor .40000E-1 75.8757 3.99395 2635.33 7.66598
Liquid ,42000E-1 77.0534 ,102713-2 321.867 1.03761
Vapor .42000E-1 77.0534 3.81555 2637.32 7.64935
Liquid .44000E-1 78.1848 .10279E-2 326.614 1.05113
Vapor .44000E-1 78.1848 3.65289 2639.23 7.63352
Liquid .46000E-1 79.2737 .10286E-2 331.183 1.06411
Vapor .46000E-1 79.2737 3.50397 2641.07 7.61839
Liquid .48000E-1 80.3236 .102933-2 335.590 1.07659
Vapor ,48000E-1 80.3236 3.36709 2642.83 7.60393
Liquid ,50000E-1 81.3374 .10299E-2 339.845 1.08861
Vapor .50000E-1 81.3374 3.24083 2644.53 7.59007
Liquid .52000E-1 82.3177 .10306E-2 343.962 1.10020
Vapor .52000E-1 82.3177 3.12400 2646.17 7.57676
Liquid .54000E-1 83.2669 .10312E-2 347.948 1.11139
Vapor .54000E-1 83.2669 3.01557 2647.75 7.56396
Liquid .56000E-1 84.1871 -103193-2 351.813 1.12222
Vapor .56000E-1 84.1871 2.91465 2649.28 7.55163
Liquid .58000E-1 85.0802 .10325E-2 355.565 1.13270
Vapor .58000E-1 85.0802 2.82048 2650.76 7.53975
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Water
MPa C m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
s K: s= ss = as =s ss
Liquid .60000E-1 85.9479 .10331E-2 359.211 1.14286
Vapor 85.9479 .60000E-1 2.73240 2652.20 7.52827
Liquid 89.9548 .700QOE-1 .10359E-2 376.058 1.18948
Vapor 89.9548 .70000E-1 2.36538 2658.79 7.47618
Liquid 93.5096 .80000E-1 .10385E-2 391.018 1.23046
Vapor 93.5096 .80000E-1 2.08760 2664.57 7.43116
Liquid .90000E-1 96.7121 .10409E-2 404 .508 1.26706
Vapor .90000E-1 96.7121 1.86981 2669.72 7.39153
Liquid .10000 99.6316 .10432E-2 416.817 1.30018
Vapor .10000 99.6316 1.69432 2674.37 7.35614
Liquid .110000 102.319 .10453E-2 428.154 1.33046
Vapor .110000 102.319 1.54981 2678.60 7.32416
Liquid .120000 104.810 .10473E-2 438.678 1.35836
Vapor .120000 104.810 1.42867 2682.49 7.29501
Liquid .130000 107.137 .10492E-2 448.509 1.38427
Vapor .130000 107.137 1.32561 2686.09 7.26821
Liquid .140000 109.320 .10510E-2 457.743 1.40845
Vapor .140000 109.320 1.23682 2689.44 7.24342
Liquid .150000 111.378 .10527E-2 466.455 1.43114
Vapor .150000 111.378 1.15951 2692.57 7.22035
Liquid . .160000 113.326 .10544E-2 474.709 1.45252
Vapor .160000 113.326 1.09156 2695.50 7.19879
Liquid .170000 115.177 .10560E-2 482.555 1.47275
Vapor .170000 115.177 1.03136 2698.27 7.17854
Liquid .180000 116.941 .10576E-2 490.037 1.49195
Vapor .180000 116.941 .977638 2700.88 7.15946
Liquid .190000 118.626 .10591E-2 497.192 1.51022
Vapor .190000 118.626 .929392 2703.36 7.14141
Liquid .200000 120.240 .10605E-2 504.049 1.52766
Vapor .200000 120.240 .885816 2705.71 7.12429
Liquid .210000 121.790 .10619E-2 510.636 1.54435
Vapor .210000 121.790 .846259 2707.95 7.10801
Liquid .220000 123 .280 . 10633E-2 516.977 1.56034
Vapor .220000 123.280 .810182 2710.09 7.09249
Liquid .230000 124.716 .10646E-2 523.090 1.57571
Vapor .230000 124 .716 .777141 2712.13 7.07766
Liquid .240000 126.103 .10659E-2 528.995 1.59050
Vapor .240000 126.103 .746764 2714.09 7.06347
Liquid .250000 127.443 .10672E-2 534.707 1.60475
Vapor .250000 127.443 .718739 2715.97 7.04985
Liquid .260000 128.740 .10685E-2 540.239 1.61851
Vapor .260000 128.740 .692799 2717.78 7.03676
Liquid .270000 129.997 .10697E-2 545.604 1.63182
Vapor .270000 129.997 .668718 2719.51 7.02417
Liquid .280000 131.217 .10709E-2 550.813 1.64469
Vapor .280000 131.217 .646300 2721.19 7.01203
Liquid .290000 132.402 .10720E-2 555.877 1.65717
Vapor .290000 132.402 .625378 2722.80 7.00032
Liquid .300000 133.554 .10732E-2 560.804 1.66928
Vapor .300000 133 .554 .605804 2724 .36 6. 98900
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Liquid .400000 143.641 .108353-2 604.060 1 .7740'7
Vapor .400000 143.641 .462387 2737.51 6.8928:3
Liquid .500000 151.864 .109253-2 639.515 1.8580!5
Vapor .500000 151.864 .374790 2747.54 6.81796
Liquid .600000 158.860 .110063-2 669.826 1.9285:3
Vapor .600000 158.860 -315557 2755.55 6.75650
Liquid .700000 164.980 .110793-2 696.467 1.9895:L
Vapor .700000 164.980 .272744 2762.14 6.7042'7
Liquid ,800000 170.440 .111483-2 720.343 2.0434:2
Vapor .800000 170.440 .240306 2767.67 6.658716
Liquid .900000 175.384 .112123-2 742.052 2.09184
Vapor .900000 175.384 .214853 2772.38 6.6184.3
Liquid 1.00000 179.911 .112723-2 762.013 2.1358'7
Vapor 1.00000 179.911 .194328 2776.44 6.58212
Liquid 1.10000 184.095 ,113303-2 780.532 2.17631
Vapor 1.10000 184.095 .177415 2779.96 6.54909
Liquid 1.20000 187.990 .113853-2 797.838 2.21375
Vapor 1.20000 187.990 .163230 2783.04 6.51874
Liquid 1.30000 191.638 .114383-2 814.108 2.24864
Vapor 1.30000 191.638 .151156 2785.75 6.49066
Liquid 1.40000 195.072 .114893-2 829.482 2.28135
Vapor 1.40000 195.072 ,140749 2788.13 6.46451
Liquid 1.50000 198.320 .115393-2 844.072 2.31216
Vapor 1.50000 198.320 .131685 2790.23 6.44001
Liquid 1.60000 201.403 .115873-2 857.971 2.34130
Vapor 1.60000 201.403 .123715 2792.08 6.41695
Liquid 1.70000 204.340 .116333-2 871.255 2.36896
Vapor 1.70000 204.340 .116652 2793.72 6.39515
Liquid 1.80000 207.145 .116793-2 883.987 2.39531
Vapor 1.80000 207.145 .110347 2795.16 6.37448
Liquid 1.90000 209.831 .117243-2 896.221 2.42047
Vapor 1.90000 209.831 .lo4683 2796.43 6.35480
Liquid 2.00000 212.410 .117673-2 908.005 2.44456
Vapor 2.00000 212.410 .995673-1 2797.54 6.33601
Liquid 2.10000 214.891 .118103-2 919.378 2.46768
Vapor 2.10000 214.891 ,949213-1 2798.51 6.31804
Liquid 2.20000 217.282 .118523-2 930.374 2.48991
Vapor 2.20000 217.282 .906833-1 2799.35 6.30079
Liquid 2.30000 219.590 .118933-2 941.025 2.51134
Vapor 2.30000 219.590 .868013-1 2800.07 6.28420
Liquid 2.40000 221.822 .119343-2 951.356 2.53201
Vapor 2.40000 221.822 .832313-1 2800.68 6.26823
Liquid 2.50000 223.983 .119743-2 961.391 2.55200
Vapor 2.50000 223.983 .799373-1 2801.18 6.25281
Liquid 2.60000 226.079 .120133-2 971.152 2.57136
Vapor 2.60000 226.079 .768883-1 2801.60 6.23790
Liquid 2.70000 228.113 .120523-2 980.657 2.59012
Vapor 2.70000 228.113 .740563-1 2801.92 6.22347
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Water
MPa C m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
Liquid 2 .80000 230 .090 .12091E-2 989. 923 2 .60832
Vapor 2. 80000 230 .090 .71420E-1 2802 .16 6 .20947
Liquid 3. 00000 233 .887 .12166E-2 1007 .80 2 .64323
Vapor 3 .00000 233 .887 .66657E-1 2802 .42 6 .18267
Liquid 3. 20000 237 .493 .12240E-2 1024 .88 2 .67633
Vapor 3. 20000 237 .493 .62469E-1 2802 .41 6 .15728
Liquid 3.40000 240 .931 .12313E-2 1041 .27 2 .70782
Vapor 3. 40000 240 .931 .58756E-1 2802 .15 6 .13314
Liquid 3. 60000 244 .216 .12384E-2 1057 .02 2 .73789
Vapor 3. 60000 244 .216 .55442E-1 2801 .68 6 .11009
Liquid 3. 80000 247 .365 .12455E-2 1072 .21 2 .76668
Vapor 3. 80000 247 .365 .52464E-1 2801 .01 6 .08800
Liquid 4. 00000 250 .389 .12524E-2 1086 .88 2 .79430
Vapor 4. 00000 250 .389 .49774E-1 2800 .15 6 .06679
Liquid 4. 20000 253 .299 .12593E-2 1101 .08 2 .82088
Vapor 4. 20000 253 .299 .47331E-1 2799 .13 6 .04635
Liquid 4. 40000 256 .105 .12661E-2 1114 .86 2 .84651
Vapor 4. 40000 256 .105 .45101E-1 2797 .95 6 .02662
Liquid 4. 60000 258 .815 .12729E-2 1128 .25 2 .87126
Vapor 4. 60000 258 .815 .43059E-1 2796 .63 6 .00752
Liquid 4. 80000 261 .437 .12795E-2 1141 .27 2 .89520
Vapor 4. 80000 261 .437 .41180E-1 2795 .18 5 .98900
Liquid 5. 00000 263 .976 .12862E-2 1153 .96 2 .91841
Vapor 5. 00000 263 .976 .39446E-1 2793 .60 5 .97101
Liquid 5. 20000 266 .439 .12928E-2 1166 .35 2 .94093
Vapor 5. 20000 266 .439 .37840E-1 2791 .90 5 .95350
Liquid 5. 40000 268 .830 .12994E-2 1178 .44 2 .96281
Vapor 5. 40000 268 .830 ..36349E-1 2790 .09 5 .93644
Liquid 5. 60000 271 .155 .13059E-2 1190 .27 2 .98411
Vapor 5. 60000 271 .155 .34960E-1 2788 .17 5 .91978
Liquid 5. 80000 273 .417 .13125E-2 1201 .85 3 .00486
Vapor 5. 80000 273 .417 .33663E-1 2786 .14 5 .90349
Liquid 6. 00000 275 .620 .13190E-2 1213 .19 3 .02509
Vapor 6 .00000 275 .620 .3.2448E-1 2784 .02 5 .88755
Liquid 6. 20000 277 .768 .13255E-2 1224 .32 3 .04485
Vapor 6. 20000 277 .768 .31309E-1 2781 .81 5 .87193
Liquid 6. 40000 279 .864 .13320E-2 1235 .24 3 .06415
Vapor 6. 40000 279 .864 .30239E-1 2779 .51 5 .85661
Liquid 6. 60000 281 .910 .13385E-2 1245 .97 3 .08303
Vapor 6. 60000 281 .910 .29230E-1 2777 .11 5 .84156
Liquid 6. 80000 283 .909 .13450E-2 1256 .51 3 .10152
Vapor 6. 80000 283 .909 .28278E-1 2774 .64 5 .82676
Liquid 7. 00000 285 .864 .13515E-2 1266 .89 3 .11962
Vapor 7. 00000 285 .864 .27378E-1 2772 .08 5 .81220
Liquid 7. 20000 287 .776 .13580E-2 1277 .10 3 .13738
Vapor 7. 20000 287 .776 .26526E-1 2769 .43 5 .79786
Liquid 7. 40000 289 .648 .13646E-2 1287 .16 3 .15480
Vapor 7. 40000 289 .648 .25718E-1 2766 .72 5 .78373
Liquid 7. 50000 290 .570 .13678E-2 1292 .14 3 .16340
Vapor 7. 50000 290 .570 .25329E-1 2765 .33 5 .77673
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Water
MPa C m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
Liquid 8.00000 295.042 .13843E-2 1316.52 3.20525
Vapor 8.00000 295.042 .23524E-1 2758.10 5.74240
Liquid 8. 50000 299. 304 .14009E-2 1340 .13 3 .24543
Vapor 8. 50000 299. 304 .21921E-1 2750 .42 5 .70903
Liquid 9. 00000 303. 377 .14177E-2 1363 .07 3 .28414
Vapor 9. 00000 303. 377 .20487E-1 2742 .30 5 .67645
Liquid 9. 50000 307. 281 .14347E-2 1385 .42 3 .32155
Vapor 9. 50000 307. 281 .19196E-1 2733 .75 5 .64452
Liquid 10 .0000 311. 028 .14521E-2 1407 .27 3 .35782
Vapor 10 .0000 311. 028 .18026E-1 2724 .76 5 .61311
Liquid 10 .5000 314. 634 .14699E-2 1428 .66 3 .39309
Vapor 10 .5000 314. 634 .16960E-1 2715 .35 5 .58213
Liquid 11 .0000 318. 108 .14880E-2 1449 .67 3 .42747
Vapor 11 .0000 318. 108 .15985E-1 2705 .50 5 .55146
Liquid 11 .5000 321. 462 .15067E-2 1470 .35 3 .46108
Vapor 11 .5000 321. 462 .15088E-1 2695 .21 5 .52101
Liquid 12 .0000 324. 704 .15259E-2 1490 .74 3 .49400
Vapor 12 .0000 324. 704 .14259E-1 2684 .47 5 .49070
Liquid 12 .5000 327. 842 .15457E-2 1510 .89 3 .52635
Vapor 12 .5000 327. 842 .13491E-1 2673 .27 5 .46045
Liquid 13 .0000 330. 882- .15662E-2 1530 .86 3 .55820
Vapor 13 .0000 330. 882 .12776E-1 2661 .58 5 .43016
Liquid 13 .5000 333. 832 .15875E-2 1550 .69 3 .58965
Vapor 13 .5000 333. 832 .12107E-1 2649 .39 5 .39975
Liquid 14 .0000 336. 696 .16097E-2 1570 .42 3 .62076
Vapor 14 .0000 336. 696 .11481E-1 2636 .66 5 .36913
Liquid 14 .5000 339. 479 .16329E-2 1590 .11 3 .65165
Vapor 14 .5000 339. 479 .10892E-1 2623 .36 5 .33822
Liquid 15 .0000 342. 187 .16572E-2 1609 .80 3 .68238
Vapor 15 .0000 342. 187 .10335E-1 2609 .44 5 .30691
Liquid 15 .5000 344 .822 .16829E-2 1629 .56 3 .71306
Vapor 15 .5000 344. 822 .98084E-2 2594 .85 5 .27510
Liquid 16 .0000 347. 390 .17101E-2 1649 .43 3 .74378
Vapor 16 .0000 347. 390 .93075E-2 2579 .53 5 .24264
Liquid 16 .5000 349. 892 .17391E-2 1669 .50 3 .77466
Vapor 16 .5000 349. 892 .88295E-2 2563 .39 5 .20939
Liquid 17 .0000 352. 333 .17702E-2 1689 .84 3 .80585
Vapor 17 .0000 352. 333 .83716E-2 2546 .33 5 .17518
Liquid 17 .5000 354. 714 .18038E-2 1710 .56 3 .83748
Vapor 17 .5000 354. 714 .79308E-2 2528 .21 5 .13976
Liquid 18 .0000 357. 038 .18404E-2 1731 .78 3 .86977
Vapor 18 .0000 357. 038 .75044E-2 2508 .86 5 .10286
Liquid 18 .5000 359. 308 .18808E-2 1753 .67 3 .90297
Vapor 18 .5000 359. 308 .70893E-2 2488 .02 5 .06408
Liquid 19 .0000 361. 525 .19260E-2 1776 .46 3 .93744
Vapor 19 .0000 361. 525 .66820E-2 2465 .36 5 .02288
Liquid 19'.5000 363. 690 .19775E-2 1800 .48 3 .97368
Vapor 19'.5000 363. 690 .62781E-2 2440 .38 4 .97849
Liquid 20(.0000 365. 805 .20378E-2 1826 .24 4 .01250
Vapor 20'.0000 365. 805 .58717E-2 2412 .27 4 .92966
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A2
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Water
MPa c m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
100000 100 .000 1.69613 2675 .13 7.35818
100000 140 .000 1.88907 2755 .83 7 .56370
100000 180 .000 2 .07835 2834 .90 7.74637
.100000 220 .000 2 .26596 2913 .86 7.91337
100000 260 .000 2 .45264 2993 .28 8 .06820
,100000 300 .000 2 .63875 3073 .38 8 .21307
100000 340 .000 2 .82449 3154 .32 8 .34956
100000 380 .000 3 .00997 3236 .15 8 .47885
150000 120 .000 1 .18807 2710 .70 7.26699
150000 160 .000 1.31752 2792 .15 7.46434
150000 200 .000 1 .44437 2872 .01 7.64070
150000 240 .000 1.56994 2951 .72 7.80243
150000 280 .000 1.69478 3031 .84 7 .95276
150000 320 .000 1.81916 3112 .61 8 .09374
150000 360 .000 1.94322 3194 .19 8 .22682
150000 400 .000 2 .06707 3276 .65 8 .35311
500000 180 .000 404589 2811 .57 6 .96389
500000 220 .000 444904 2897 .15 7.14493
500000 260 .000 484046 2980 .52 7 .30748
500000 300 .000 522537 3063 .26 7.45713
500000 340 .000 560621 3146 .07 7.59679
500000 380 .000 598434 3229 .30 7.72828
500000 420 .000 636055 3313 .17 7 .85291
500000 440 .000 654811 3355 .39 7 .91296
1 .00000 200 .000 205957 2827 .29 6 .69198
1 .00000 240 .000 227487 2919 .63 6 .87944
1.00000 280 .000 247933 3007 .19 7.04378
1 .00000 320 .000 267799 3092 .93 .7 .19345
1 .00000 360 .000 .287304 3178 .06 7 .33233
1 .00000 400 .000 306569 3263 .18 7.46269
1 .00000 440 .000 .325665 3348 .64 7.58602
1.00000 480 .000 344637 3434 .67 7.70339
4 .00000 260 .000 51757E- 1 2836 .00 6 .13465
4 .00000 300 .000 58837E- 1 2960 .15 6 .35951
4 .00000 340 .000 64981E- 1 3066 .30 6 .53863
4 .00000 380 .000 70667E- 1 3164 .93 6 .69451
4 .00000 420 .000 76080E- 1 3259 .83 6 .83554
4 .00000 460 .000 81313E- 1 3352 .76 6 .96590
4 .00000 500 .000 86421E- 1 3444 .72 7.08803
4 .00000 540 .000 91437E- 1 3536 .32 7.20354
7.00000 300 .000 29480E- 1 2838 .83 5 .93019
7 .00000 340 .000 34205E- 1 2983 .84 6 .17516
7.00000 380 .000 38127E- 1 3102 .43 6 .36264
7.00000 420 .000 41665E- 1 3209 .86 6 .52234
7.00000 460 .000 44976E- 1 3311 .51 6 .66495
7.00000 500 .000 48139E- 1 3409 .92 6 .79566
7'.00000 540 .000 .51197E- 1 3506 .49 6 .91744
7'.00000 580 .000 54179E- 1 3602 .06 7.03217
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8.00000 300.000 .242693-1 2785.51 5.79044
8.00000 340.000 .289723-1 2952.35 6.07246
8.00000 380.000 .326563-1 3079.76 6.27394
8.00000 420.000 .35904E-l 3192.22 6.44112
8.00000 460.000 .38906&-1 3297.18 6.58838
8.00000 500.000 .417503-1 3397.96 6.72224
8.00000 540.000 .444853-1 3496.31 6.84627
8.00000 580.000 .471423-1 3593.27 6.96267
10.0000 320.000 .192613-1 2781.75 5.70995
10.0000 360.000 .23308E-1 2960.97 6.00304
10.0000 400.000 .264153-1 3095.25 6.20888
10.0000 440.000 .29124E-l 3212.50 6.37816
10.0000 480.000 .316093-1 3321.14 6.52642
10.0000 520.000 .339513-1 3424.89 6.66066
10.0000 560.000 .361943-1 3525.74 6.78472
10.0000 600.000 .383643-1 3624.85 6.90092
12.0000 330.000 .150133-1 2727.01 5.56154
12.0000 370.000 ,189293-1 2937.55 5.90056
12.0000 410.000 .217393-1 3083.53 6.12100
12.0000 450.000 .241323-1 3207.62 6.29762
12.0000 490.000 .26297&-1 3320.95- 6.45021
12.0000 530.000 .283193-1 3428.21 6.58723
12.0000 570.000 ,302443-1 3531.82 6.71313
12.0000 610.000 .320973-1 3633.19 6 .a3060
14.0000 340.000 .11990&-1 2670.90 5.42514
14.0000 380.000 .158563-1 2916.70 5.81496
14.0000 420.000 .184443-1 3073.93 6.04890
14 cO000 460.000 .20601E-1 3204.44 6.23207
14.0000 500.000 .225323-1 3322.17 68.38847
14.0000 540.000 .24321E-l 3432.70 6;. 52789
14.0000 580.000 .260153-1 3538.89 6;. 65539
14.0000 620.000 .276403-1 .3642.38 6;. 77394
16.0000 350.000 .975983-2 2615.36 51.30027
16.0000 390.000 .136063-1 2898.96 51.74340
16.0000 430.000 ,160133-1 3066.61 5 ; . 98921
16.0000 470.000 .179863-1 3203.03 6;.17803
16.0000 510.000 .197343-1 3324.79 6.33767
16.0000 550.000 .213443-1 3438.35 6.47913
16.0000 590.000 .228623-1 3546.94 6.60797
16.0000 630.000 .243123-1 3652.41 6.72742
18.0000 360.000 .810563-2 2564.40 5 . 19080
18.0000 400.000 .11910E-1 2884.81 5.68412
18.0000 440.000 .14160E-1 3061.69 5.93976
18.0000 480.000 .159803-1 3203.39 6.13322
18.0000 520.000 .175813-1 3328.81 6.29554
18. oooo 560.000 . 1 9 0 4 a ~ - i3445.15 t; .43867
18.0000 600.000 .204253-1 3555.95 6.56860
18.0000 640.000 .217373-1 3663.26 6.68877
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A3
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Water
P T V H s
MPa C m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg-K
10. 0000 31. 1067 .10003E-2 138. 675 446105
10. 0000 40. 0000 .10035E-2 175. 623 565800
10. 0000 60. 0000 .10127E-2 258. 796 .823263
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix Bl
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-22
MPa K dm3 /raol J/mol J/mol -K
Liquid .448882 270 .000 .66919E-1 16975. 6 85.3094
Vapor .448882 270 .000 4.50288 34921. 9 151.777
Liquid .479613 272 .000 .67269E-1 17177.4 86.0464
Vapor .479613 272 .000 4.22397 34987. 0 151.523
Liquid .511906 274 .000 .67626E-1 17380. 1 86.7809
Vapor .511906 274 .000 3 .96564 35050. 9 151.273
Liquid .545809 276 .000 .67990E-1 17583.7 87.5132
Vapor .545809 276 .000 3.72610 35113. 6 151.027
Liquid .581373 278 .000 .68363E-1 17788 .4 88 .2432
Vapor .581373 278 .000 3.50373 35175. 1 150.785
Liquid .618648 280 .000 .68743E-1 17994. 1 88.9712
Vapor .618648 280 .000 3.29708 35235. 3 150 .547
Liquid .657684 282 .000 .69131E-1 18200. 8 89.6973
Vapor .657684 282 .000 3.10482 35294. 1 150.312
Liquid .698535 284 .000 .69528E-1 18408. 6 90.4216
Vapor .698535 284 .000 2.92577 35351. 6 150.080
Liquid .741250 286 .000 .69934E-1 18617. 5 91.1441
Vapor .741250 286 .000 2.75885 35407. 7 149.851
Liquid .785884 288 .000 .70350E-1 18827. 5 91.8652
Vapor .785884 288 .000 2.60308 35462. 2 149.625
Liquid .832489 290 .000 .70775E-1 19038. 8 92.5848
Vapor .832489 290 .000 2.45756 35515. 3 149.400
Liquid .881118 292 .000 .71211E-1 19251. 3 93.3031
Vapor .881118 292 .000 2.32150 35566. 7 149.178
Liquid .931827 294 .000 .71658E-1 19465. 1 94.0203
Vapor .931827 294 .000 2.19415 35616.4 148.957
Liquid .984669 296 .000 .72116E-1 19680. 1 94.7365
Vapor .984669 296 .000 2.07484 35664.4 148.737
Liquid 1. 03970 298 .000 .72586E-1 19896. 6 95.4519
Vapor 1.03970 298 .000 1.96297 35710. 6 148.519
Liquid 1.09698 300 .000 .73070E-1 20114.4 96.1666
Vapor 1.09698 300 .000 1.85797 35754. 9 148.301
Liquid 1.15655 302 .000 .73566E-1 20333. 8 96.8808
Vapor 1.15655 302 .000 1.75934 35797. 2 148 .084
Liquid 1.21849 304 .000 .74077E-1 20554 .7 97.5946
Vapor 1.21849 304 .000 1.66659 35837. 4 147.867
Liquid 1.28285 306 .000 .74602E-1 20777 .1 98.3084
Vapor 1.28285 306 .000 1.57932 35875. 5 147.649
Liquid 1.34967 308 .000 .75144E-1 21001. 3 99.0222
Vapor 1.34967 308 .000 1.49711 35911. 3 147.431
Liquid 1.41904 310 .000 .75703E-1 21227. 1 99.7362
Vapor 1.41904 310 .000 1.41961 35944. 7 147.212
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-22
MPa K dm3 /mol J/mol J/mol -K
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-22
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
Liquid 1 .49100 312 .000 .76280E-1 21454..9 100 .,451
Vapor 1 .49100 312 .000 1.34649 35975..6 146 .,992
Liquid 1 .56562 314 .000 .76876E-1 21684..5 101. ,166
Vapor 1 .56562 314 .000 1.27744 36003 ..9 146. .769
Liquid 1.64296 316 .000 .. 77-493E-1 21916..1 101. ,883
Vapor 1 .64296 316 .000 1.21217 36029..3 146. ,545
Liquid 1.72309 318 .000 .78132E-1 22149.,9 102. .600
Vapor 1.72309 318 . 000 1.15043 36051..9 146. .317
Liquid 1 .80606 320 .000 .78795E-1 22385..9 103 .320
Vapor 1 .80606 320 .000 1.09196 36071..3 146. . 087
Liquid 1 .89195 322 .000 .79484E-1 22624 ,.3 104. .041
Vapor 1 .89195 322 .000 1.03656 36087..3 145. .852
Liquid 1 .98083 324 .000 .80201E-1 22865..2 104 .765
Vapor 1 .98083 324 .000 .984007 36099.. 9 145. .613
Liquid 2 .07276 326 .000 .80949E-1 23108..8 105. .492
Vapor 2 .07276 326 .000 . 934112 36108 ,.7 145. .369
Liquid 2 .16781 328 .000 .81730E-1 23355..3 106. .222
Vapor 2 .16781 328 .000 .886696 36113 ,.4 145 ,.119
Liquid 2 .26607 330 .000 .82547E-1 23604 . 9 106 .956
Vapor 2 .26607 330 .000 .841592 36113..8 144 .862
Liquid 2 .36760 332 .000 .83405E-1 23857,.8 107. .695
Vapor 2 .36760 332 .000 .798641 36109..6 144 .
Liquid 2 .47248 334 .000 .84307E-1 24114 ..3 108. .439
Vapor 2 .47248 334 .000 .757698 36100 ..3 144. .325
Liquid 2 .58079 336 .000 .85259E-1 24374 ..7 109, ,189
Vapor 2 .58079 336 .000 .718624 36085,.5 144. .042
Liquid 2 .69262 338 .000 .86266E-1 24639..4 109. .945
Vapor 2 .69262 338 .000 .681287 36064 ,.6 143. .748
Liquid 2 .80806 340 .000 .87335E-1 24908..7 110. .710
Vapor 2 .80806 340 .000 .645564 36037..2 143 ..441
Liquid 2 . 92719 342 .000 .88475E-1 25183..2 Ill, .485
Vapor 2 .92719 342 .000 .611333 36002..6 143. .120
Liquid 3 .05011 344 .000 .89696E-1 25463.,5 112. .270
Vapor 3 .05011 344 .000 .578480 35959..8 142. .782
Liquid 3 .1-7692 346 .000 .91009E-1 25750..2 113. .068
Vapor 3 .17692 346 .000 .546889 35907..9 142. .425
Liquid 3 .30773 348 . 000 .92431E-1 26044.,2 113. .880
Vapor 3 .30773 348 .000 .516447 35845.,7 142. .046
Liquid 3 .44266 350 .000 .93981E-1 26346.,6 114 ..711
Vapor 3 .44266 350 .000 .487037 35771..6 141. .639
Liquid 3 .58182 352 .000 .95686E-1 26658..8 115 ..563
Vapor 3 .58182 352 .000 .458537 35683..8 141. .202
Liquid 3 .72535 354 .000 . 97580E-1 26982.,4 116. .440
Vapor 3 .72535 354 .000 .430811 35579.,7 140. ,726
Liquid 3 .87339 356 .000 .99711E-1 27320..1 117. .350
Vapor 3 .87339 356 .000 .403704 35455..8 140. .203
Liquid 4 .02611 358 .000 .102152 27675,.2 118. .302
Vapor 4 .02611 358 .000 .377025 35307..5 139. .621
Liquid 4 . 18370 360 .000 .105010 28052..9 119. .308
Vapor 4 . 18370 360 . 000 .350520 35127 .5 138 , 960
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-22
p T V H S
MPa K dm3 /mol J/mol J/mol -K
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R - 2 2
p T V H S
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-22
p T V H S
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol-K
1. 50000 315 .000 1. 36604 36211..2 147 .704
1. 50000 317 .000 1. 38593 36376..4 148 .227
1. 50000 319 . 000 1. 40539 36539..3 148 .739
1. 50000 321 .000 1.42445 36700..1 149 .242
1. 50000 323 .000 1. 44316 36859..1 149 .736
1. 50000 325 .000 1.46153 37016,.5 150 .221
1. 50000 327 .000 1. 47960 37172..4 150 .700
1. 50000 329 .000 1. 49739 37327..1 151 .171
1. 50000 331 .000 1. 51492 37480..5 151 .636
1. 50000 333 .000 1. 53221 37632,.9 152 .095
1. 50000 335 .000 1. 54928 37784 .4 152 .549
1. 50000 337 .000 1. 56614 37935 .0 152 .997
1. 50000 339 .000 1. 58280 38084 .8 153 .440
1. 50000 341 .000 1. 59927 38233 .9 153 .879
1. 50000 343 .000 1. 61558 38382,.3 154 .313
1. 50000 345 .000 1. 63171 38530,.2 154 .743
1. 50000 347 .000 1. 64770 38677,.5 155 .168
1. 50000 349 .000 1. 66353 38824,.4 155 .590
1. 50000 351 .000 1 .67923 38970 .8 156 .009
1. 50000 353 .000 1. 69479 39116 .9 156 .424
1. 50000 355 .000 1 .71023 39262,.5 156 .835
1. 50000 357 .000 1. 72555 39407 .9 157 .244
1. 50000 359 .000 1. 74076 39553,.0 157 .649
1. 50000 361 .000 1. 75585 39697,.8 158 .051
1. 50000 363 .000 1. 77084 39842 ,.4 158 .451
1. 50000 365 .000 1. 78574 39986,.8 158 .847
1. 50000 367 .000 1. 80054 40131..0 159 .241
1. 50000 369 .000 1. 81524 40275..1 159,,.633
1. 50000 371 .000 1. 82986 40419.,0 160 .022
1. 50000 373 .000 1. 84440 40562..8 160 .408
1. 50000 375 .000 1. 85885 40706,.6 160 .793
1. 50000 377 .000 1. 87323 40850..2 161 .175
1. 50000 379 .000 1. 88753 40993 ..8 161 .555
1. 50000 381 .000 1. 90177 41137.,4 161 .932
1. 50000 383 .000 1. 91593 41280..9 162 .308
1. 50000 385 .000 1. 93002 41424 ..4 162 .682
1. 50000 387 .000 1. 94406 41567..9 163 .054
1 .50000 389 .000 1. 95803 41711.,4 163 .424
1 .50000 391 .000 1. 97194 41855..0 163 .792
1. 50000 393 .000 1 .98579 41998.,6 164 .158
1. 50000 395 .000 1. 99959 42142..2 164 .522
1. 50000 397 .000 2. 01333 42285..8 164 .885
1. 50000 399 .000 2. 02702 42429..6 165 .246
1. 50000 401 .000 2. 04067 42573.,3 165 .606
1. 50000 403 .000 2. 05426 42717..2 165 .964
1. 50000 405 .000 2. 06780 42861..2 166 .320
1. 50000 407 .000 2. 08130 43005..2 166 .675
1 .50000 409 .000 2. 09476 43149..4 167 .028
1. 50000 411 .000 2. 10817 43293 ..6 167 .380
1. 50000 413 .000 2. 12154 43438..0 167 .730
1. 50000 415 .000 2 .13487 43582..5 168 .079
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-22
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
2 ..00000 325 .000 978578 36158 .3 145 .735
2,.00000 327 .000 996604 36349 .6 146 .322
2.. 00000 329 .000 1 .01401 36536 .1 146 .890
2..00000 331 .000 1 .03089 36718 .6 147 .443
2,.00000 333 .000 1 .04729 36897 .5 147 .982
2..00000 335 .000 1 .06327 37073 .4 148 .509
2 .00000 337 .000 1 .07887 37246 .6 149 .024
2 .00000 339 .000 1.09413 37417 .4 149 .530
2..00000 341 .000 1.10908 37586 .0 150 .026
2 .00000 343 .000 1 .12374 37752 .8 150 .513
2 . 00000 345 . 000 1 .13815 37917 .8 150 .993
2 . 00000 347 .000 1 .15231 38081 .3 151 .466
2 . 00000 349 . 000 1 .16624 38243 .4 151 .931
2..00000 351 .000 1 .17997 38404 .2 152 .391
2 . 00000 353 . 000 1 .19351 38563 .9 152 .844
2 . 00000 355 . 000 1 .20686 38722 .5 153 .293
2..00000 357 .000 1 .22005 38880 .1 153 .735
2..00000 359 .000 1 .23307 39036 .9 154 .173
2 . 00000 361 .000 1 .24595 39192 .9 154 .607
2 .00000 363 .000 1 .25869 39348 .2 155 .036
2 .00000 365 .000 1 .27129 39502 .8 .155 .460
2,.00000 367 .000 1 .28376 39656 .8 155 .881
2 .00000 369 .000 1 .29612 39810 .2 156 .298
2..00000 371 .000 1 .30836 39963 .2 156 .711
2,.00000 373 . 000 1 .32050 40115 .6 157 .121
2..00000 375 .000 1 .33253 40267 .7 157 .528
2..00000 377 .000 1 .34446 40419 .3 157. .931
2..00000 379 .000 1.35630 40570 .6 158. .331
2..00000 381 . 000 1 .36805 40721 .6 158 .729
2,.00000 383 .000 1.37972 40872 .3 159 .123
2.. 00000 385 .000 1.39130 41022 .8 159 .515
2..00000 387 .000 1 .40281 411-73 . 0 159, . 904
2.. 00000 389 . 000 1 .41424 41323 . 0 160 .291
2..00000 . 391 .000 1 .42559 41472 .8 160 .675
2..00000 393 .000 1 .43688 41622 .4 161. .057
2.. 00000 395 .000 1 .44811 41771 .9 161. .436
2..00000 397 . 000 1 .45927 41921 .3 161, .813
2 .00000
. 399 .000 1 .47036 42070 .5 162, .188
2..00000 401 .000 1 .48140 42219 .7 162. .561
2..00000 403 .000 1 .49238 42368 .8 162. .932
2..00000 405 .000 1 .50331 42517 .8 163. .301
2..00000 407 .000 1 .51418 42666 .8 163. .668
2..00000 409 .000 1 .52500 42815 .7 164, .033
2..00000 411 .000 1 .53577 42964 .6 164, .396
2 ,, 00000 413 .000 1.54650 43113 .6 164. .758
2,.00000 415 .000 1.55717 43262 .5 165. .117
2 .00000
. 417 .000 1 .56781 43411 .4 165. .475
2..00000 419 .000 1 .57840 43560 .3 165. .831
2..00000 421 .000 1 .58894 43709 .3 166 .186
2 ..00000 423 .000 1.59945 43858 .2 166. .539
2..00000 425 .000 1 .60991 44007 .3 166 .891
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-22
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
2 .50000 335 .000 751792 36152 .0 144 .417
2 .50000 337..000 768971 36372 .7 145 .074
2 .50000 339 .000 785323 36585,.0 145 .702
2 .50000 341 .000 800982 36790 .4 146 .307
2..50000 343..000 816049 36990 .1 146 .890
2..50000 345..000 830601 37184 .8 147 .456
2 .50000 347..000 844702 37375 .3 148 .007
2 .50000 349 .000 858404 37562 .1 148 .544
2 .50000 351 . 000 871749 37745 .6 149 . 068
2 .50000 353 .000 884772 37926 .3 149 .581
2 .50000 355 .000 897503 38104 .3 150 . 084
2 .50000 357 .000 909969 38280 .1 150 .578
2 .50000 359 .000 922192 38453 .9 151 .063
2..50000 361 .000 ' 934191 38625 .7 151 .541
2 .50000 363 .000 945983 38795 .9 152 .011
2 .50000 365.. 000 957584 38964 .6 152 .474
2 .50000 367 .000 969006 39131 . 9 152 .932
2 .50000 369, .000 980262 39297..9 153 .383
2 .50000 371 .000 991362 39462 .8 153 .828
2 .50000 373 .000 1 .00232 39626 .6 154 .269
2-.50000 375 .000 1.01313 39789 .4 154 .704
2 .50000 377 .000 1 .02382 39951 .4 155 .135
2 .50000 379 .000 1 .03439 40112 .5 155 .561
2 .50000 381 . 000 1 .04484 40272 .9 155 . 983
2 . 50000 383 .000 1 .05518 40432 .5 156 .401
2 .50000 385. .000 1 .06542 40591 .6 156 .815
2 .50000 387 .000 1 .07556 40750 .0 157 .226
2 .50000 389 .000 1 .08561 40908 .0 157 .633
2 .50000 391..000 1.09557 41065 .4 158 .036
2 .50000 393..000 1 .10545 41222 .4 158 .437
2 .50000 395..000 1 .11524 41379 .0 158 .834
2 .50000 397 .000 1 . 12495 41535 .1 159 .229
2 .50000 399 .000 1 .13460 41691 .0 159 .620
2..50000 401 .000 1 .14417 41846..5 160 .009
2 .50000 403..000 1 .15367 42001 .7 160 .395
2 .50000 405,.000 1 .16311 42156 .7 160 .779
2 .50000 407..000 1 . 17248 42311 .4 161 .160
2 .50000 409,.000 1 .18180 42465,. 9 161 .538
2 .50000 411..000 1 .19106 42620 .2 161 .915
2 .50000 413,.000 1 .20026 42774 .3 162 .289
2 .50000 415,.000 1 .20941 42928,.3 162 .661
2..50000 417,.000 1 .21851 43082 .1 163 .031
2 .50000 419,.000 1 .22755 43235,.9 163 .398
2..50000 421,.000 1.23655 43389 .5 163 .764
2 .50000 423,.000 1.24550 43543 ,.0 164 .128
2 .50000 425, .000 1.25441 43696 .4 164 .490
2 .50000 427..000 1 .26328 43849 .8 164 .850
2 .50000 429,.000 1 .27210 44003 . 1 165 .208
2 .50000 431 . 000 1 .28088 44156 .3 165 .564
2..50000 433 .. 000 1 .28962 44309..6 165 . 919
2 .50000 435..000 1 .29833 44462 . 8 166 .272
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R - 2 2
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-22
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol-R
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B2
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-134a
MPa K dm3/mol J/molL J/mol-K
Liquid .43287E-1 230 .000 .71512E-1 14712 .8 79.4413
Vapor .43287E-1 230 .000 43.1251 37956 .3 180.500
Liquid .48192E-1 232 .000 .71802E-1 14968 .2 80.5457
Vapor .48192E-1 232 .000 38.9989 38085 .8 180.191
Liquid .53535E-1 234 .000 .72095E-1 15224 .4 81.6435
Vapor .53535E-1 234 .000 35.3384 38215 .2 179.895
Liquid .59345E-1 236 .000 .72392E-1 15481 .3 82.7350
Vapor .59345E-1 236 .000 32.0837 38344 .5 179.613
Liquid .65651E-1 238 .000 .72694E-1 15739 .0 83.8202
Vapor .65651E-1 238 .000 29.1834 38473 .5 179.344
Liquid .72481E-1 240 .000 .72999E-1 15997 .4 84.8993
Vapor .72481E-1 240 .000 26.5934 38602 .3 179.087
Liquid .79867E-1 242 .000 .73309E-1 16256 .5 85.9725
Vapor .79867E-1 242 .000 24.2758 38730 .9 178.842
Liquid .87840E-1 244 .000 .73623E-1 16516 .5 87.0399
Vapor .87840E-1 244 .000 22 .1977 38859 .1 178.608
Liquid . 96433E-1 246 .000 .73941E-1 16777 .3 88. 1017
Vapor . 96433E-1 246 .000 20.3308 38987 .0 178.385
Liquid .105679 248 .000 .74265E-1 17038 .9 89.1581
Vapor .105679 248 .000 18.6504 39114 .5 178.173
Liquid .115612 250 .000 .74593E-1 17301 .3 90.2091
Vapor .115612 250 .000 17.1351 39241 .6 177.970
Liquid .126267 252 .000 .74926E-1 17564 .6 91.2549
Vapor .126267 252 .000 15.7662 39368 .3 177.777
Liquid .137680 254 .000 .75264E-1 17828 .8 92.2956
Vapor .137680 254 .000 14.5275 39494 .5 177.594
Liquid .149888 256 .000 .75607E-1 18093 .8 93.3314
Vapor .149888 256 .000 13.4045 39620 .1 177.418
Liquid .162928 258 .000 .75956E-1 18359 .8 94.3625
Vapor .162928 258 .000 12.3849 39745 .2 177.252
Liquid .176837 260 .000 .76311E-1 18626 .7 95.3889
Vapor .176837 260 . 000 11.4576 39869 .7 177.093
Liquid .191656 262 .000 .76672E-1 18894 .6 96..4109
Vapor .191656 262 .000 10.6130 39993 .5 176.941
Liquid .207423 264 .000 -.77039E-1 19163 .4 97.4284
Vapor .207423 264 .000 9.84246 40116 .6 176.797
Liquid .224179 266 . 000 .77412E-1 19433 .2 98.4418
Vapor .224179 266 .000 9.13849 40239 .1 176.659
Liquid .241966 268 .000 .77792E-1 19704 .1 99.4510
Vapor .241966 268 .000 8 .49440 40360 .8 176. 528
Liquid .260824 270 .000 .78179E-1 19976 . 0 100.456
Vapor .260824 270 .000 7.90427 40481 .6 176 .403
Liquid .280797 272 .000 .78573E-1 20248 .9 101.458
Vapor .280797 272 .000 7.36283 40,601 .7 176.284
Liquid .301928 274 .000 .78974E-1 20523 .0 102.456
Vapor .301928 274 .000 6.86539 40720 .8 176.170
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-134a
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
Liquid .324260 276..000 .79384E-1 20798 .2 103 .450
Vapor .324260 276..000 6.40779 40839 .1 176 .062
Liquid .347839 278..000 .79801E-1 21074 .6 104 .441
Vapor .347839 278..000 5.98629 40956 .3 175 .958
Liquid .372708 280..000 .80227E-1 21352 . 1 105 .428
Vapor .372708 280. .000 5.59756 41072 .5 175 .859
Liquid .398915 282.,000 .80662E-1 21630 . 9 106 .413
Vapor .398915 282 ,.000 5.23861 41187 . 7 175 .763
Liquid .426505 284 .. 000 .81106E-1 21910 .9 107 .395
Vapor .426505 284 .. 000 4 . 90678 41301 .7 175 .672
Liquid .455526 286 ..000 .81560E-1 22192 .2 108 .373
Vapor .455526 286..000 4.59964 41414 .6 175 .584
Liquid .486026 288..000 .82024E-1 22474 .8 109 .349
Vapor .486026 288.. 000 4.31505 41526 .2 175 .500
Liquid .518051 290 ..000 .82499E-1 22758 . 8 110 .323
Vapor . 518051 290 . 000 4 .05105 41636 . 5 175 .418
Liquid .551653 292. . 000 .82984E-1 23044 .2 111 .294
Vapor .551653 292 . 000 3 .80589 41745 .4 175 .339
Liquid .586880 294 ..000 .83482E-1 23331 .1 112 .263
Vapor .586880 294 .000
. 3 . 57797 41853 . 0 175 .263
Liquid .623783 296 . 000 .83991E-1 23619 . 5 . 113 .230
Vapor .623783 296. .000 3 .36587 41959 .0 175 .188
Liquid .662413 298, .000 .84514E-1 23909 .4 114 .195
Vapor .662413 298. .000 3.16828 42063 .5 175 .115
Liquid .702821 300. .000 . 85050E-1 24200 . 9 115 .159
Vapor .702821 300. .000 2 . 98402 42166 .3 175 .044
Liquid .745059 302..000 .85601E-1 24494 . 1 116 .121
Vapor .745059 302. , 000 2 .81202 42267 .4 174 .973
Liquid .789182 304..000 .86167E-1 24789 .0 117 . 082
Vapor .789182 304 ,.000 2 .65132 42366 .7 174 .903
Liquid .835242 306. .000 .86749E-1 25085 .6 118 .041
Vapor .835242 306. ,000 2.50101 42464 .1 174 .834
Liquid .883295 308. .000 .87348E-1 25384 .2 119 .000
Vapor .883295 308. .000 2.36031 42559 .5 174 .764
Liquid .933396 310. ,000 .87965E-1 25684 .6 119 .958
Vapor .933396 310. .000 2.22847 42652 .8 174 .694
Liquid . 985600 312. .000 .88601E-1 25987 .1 120 .916
Vapor .985600 312. ,000 2.10481 42743 .8 174 .624
Liquid 1.03997 314. ,000 .89257E-1 26291 .6 121 .874
Vapor 1.03997 314. ,000 1.98873 42832 .5 174 .552
Liquid 1.09655 316. ,000 .89936E-1 26598 .4 122 .831
Vapor 1.09655 316..000 1.87966 42918 .7 174 .478
Liquid 1.15542 318. ,000 .90637E-1 26907 .4 123 .789
Vapor 1.15542 318. .000 1.77708 43002 .3 174 .402
Liquid 1.21662 320. .000 . 91364E-1 27218 . 7 124 .748
Vapor 1.21662 320.. 000 1.68052 43083 .0 174 .324
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-134a
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
Liquid 1 .28022 322. .000 92117E-1 27532 .6 125 .708
Vapor 1 .28022 322. .000 1.58954 43160 .8 174 .242
Liquid 1 .34629 324. .000 92898E-1 27849 .1 126 .668
Vapor 1 .34629 324, .000 1.50375 43235 .4 174, .157
Liquid 1.41488 326. .000 93711E-1 28168 .3 127 .631
Vapor 1 .41488 326. .000 1 .42277 43306 .7 174 .068
Liquid 1 .48607 328..000 94557E-1 28490 .5 128 .596
Vapor 1 .48607 328. .000 1 .34626 43374 .3 173 .973
Liquid 1 .55992 330. .000 95439E-1 28815 .7 129 .563
Vapor 1 .55992 330, .000 1 .27391 43438 .0 173 .873
Liquid 1 .63649 332, .000 96360E-1 29144 .2 130 .533
Vapor 1 .63649 332, .000 1 .20542 43497 .6 173 .766
Liquid 1 .71587 334, .000 97325E-1 29476 .2 131 .507
Vapor 1 .71587 334, .000 • 1 .14053 43552 .7 173 .652
Liquid 1 .79811 336. .000 98336E-1 29811 .9 132 .485
Vapor 1 .79811 336. .000 1.07898 43603 .0 173 .530
Liquid 1 .88331 338. .000 99399E-1 30151 .5 133 .468
Vapor 1 .88331 338, .000 1.02054 43647 .9 173 .398
Liquid 1 .97154 340, . 000 100520 30495 .4 134 .456
Vapor 1 .97154 340, .000 964985 43687 .2 173 .256
Liquid 2 ..06287 342. .000 101704 30843 .9 135 .451
Vapor 2 .06287 342, .000 912111 43720 .1 173 .101
Liquid 2 .15740 344 ,.000 102959 31197 .4 136 .454
Vapor 2 .15740 344 ,. 000 861725 43746 .2 172 .933
Liquid 2 .25521 346, .000 104295 31556 .4 137 .465
Vapor 2 .25521 346, .000 813641 43764 .6 172 .748
Liquid 2 .35639 348, .000 105722 31921 .4 138 .486
Vapor 2 .35639 348. .000 767683 43774 .4 172 .546
Liquid 2 .46105 350. ,000 107253 32293 .1 139 .519
Vapor 2 .46105 350. .000 723680 43774 . 7 172 .324
Liquid 2 .56930 352. .000 108906 32672 .3 140 .566
Vapor 2 .56930 352. .000 681466 43764 .2 172 .077
Liquid 2 .68124 354. .000 110701 33060 .0 141 .630
Vapor 2 .68124 354. .000 640874 43741 .3 171 .803
Liquid 2 .79699 356, .000 112666 33457 .5 142 .713
Vapor 2 .79699 356, .000 601733 43704 .1 171 .496
Liquid 2 .91669 358. .000 114837 33866 .3 143 .820
Vapor 2 .91669 358. .000 563864 43650 .0 171 .149
Liquid 3 .04049 360. .000 117263 34288 .8 144 .957
Vapor 3 .04049 360. .000 527069 43575 .8 170 .754
Liquid 3 .16855 362. ,000 120014 34728 .0 146 .131
Vapor 3 .16855 362 ,,000 491115 43476 .7 170 .299
Liquid 3 .30106 364. .000 123195 35188 .2 147 .355
Vapor 3 .30106 364. .000 455709 43346 .1 169 .766
Liquid 3 .43824 366. .000 126974 35676 .5 148 .645
Vapor 3 .43824 366, .000 420445 43173 .8 169 .130
Liquid 3 .58036 368 ,.000 131646 36204 .7 150 .035
Vapor 3 .58036 368, .000 384675 42942 .3 168 .343
Liquid 3 .72781 370. .000 137822 36797 .0 151 .586
Vapor 3 .72781 370. .000 347167 42616 .8 167 .315
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-134a
p T V H S
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
.500000 290 .000 4 .22266 41686.,0 175 .846
.500000 292 .000 4 .27015 41883.,8 176 .526
.500000 294 .000 4 .31695 42080..5 177 .198
.500000 296 .000 4 .36313 42276..3 177 .861
.500000 298 .000 4 .40875 42471..4 178 .518
.500000 300 .000 4 .45385 42665..9 179 .169
.500000 302 .000 4 .49848 42860..0 179 .814
.500000 304 .000 4 .54266 43053 .. 8 180 .453
.500000 306 .000 4 .58644 43247,.3 181 .088
.500000 308 .000 4 . 62984 43440..6 181 .717
.500000 310 .000 4 .67289 43633..9 182 .343
.500000 312 .000 4 .71561 43827.,1 182 . 964
.500000 314 .000 4 .75801 44020..3 183 .581
.500000 316 .000 4 .80012 44213 .,5 184 .195
.500000 318 .000 4 .84196 44406..9 184 .805
.500000 320 .000 4 .88353 44600.,4 185 .411
.500000 322 .000 4 .92485 44794..0 186 . 015
.500000 324 .000 4 .96593 44987. 9 186 .615
.500000 326 .000 5 .00679 45181.,9 187 .212
.500000 328 .000 5 .04743 45376.,3 187 .806
.500000 330 .000 5 .08787 45570. 8 188 .398
.500000 332 .000 5 .12811 45765..7 188 . 986
.500000 334 .000 5 .16817 45960., 9 189 .572
.500000 336 .000 5 .20804 46156.,4 190 .156
.500000 338 .000 5 .24775 46352. 2 190 . 737
.500000 340 .000 5 .28728 46548..4 191 .316
.500000 342 .000 5 .32666 46744..9 191 . 892
.500000 344 .000 5 .36589 46941..8 192 .466
.500000 346 .000 5 .40496 47139. 1 193 .038
.500000 348 .000 5 .44390 47336. 8 193 .608
.500000 350 . 000 5 .48270 47534. 9 194 .175
.500000 352 .000 5 .52137 47733 .5 194 .741
. 500000 354 . 000 5 .55991 47932. 4 195 .305
.500000 356 .000 5 .59834 48131. 8 195 .866
.500000 358 .000 5 .63664 48331. 7 196 .426
.500000 360 .000 5 .67483 48532. 0 196 .984
.500000 362 .000 5 .71290 48732. 7 197 .540
.500000 364 .000 5 .75088 48933. 9 198 .094
.500000 366 .000 5 .78875 49135. 6 198 .647
.500000 368 .000 5 .82652 49337. 7 199 .198
. 500000 370 .000 5 .86419 49540.4 199 .747
.500000 372 .000 5 .90177 49743. 5 200 .294
.500000 374 .000 5 .93926 49947. 1 200 .840
.500000 376 .000 5 .97666 50151. 2 201 .385
.500000 378 .000 6 . 01397 50355. 8 201 .927
.500000 380 .000 6 .05121 50560. 9 202 .468
.500000 382 .000 6 .08836 50766 .5 203 .008
.500000 384 .000 6 .12544 50972. 6 203 .546
.500000 386 .000 6 .16244 51179. 3 204 .083
.500000 388 .000 6 .19937 51386. 4 204 . 618
.500000 390 .000 6 .23622 51594. 1 205 .152
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-134a
p T V H S
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
1 .00000 315. .000 2 .10956 43051 .6 175 . 509
1 .00000 317 .000 2 .13854 43278 .9 176 .228
1 .00000 319. .000 2 .16688 43503 .7 176 .935
1 .00000 321. .000 2 .19464 43726 .5 177 .631
1.00000 323, .000 2 .22189 43947 .5 178 .317
1 .00000 325. .000 2 .24866 44167 .0 178 .995
1 .00000 327 .000 2 .27501 44385 .3 179 .664
1 .00000 329 .000 2 .30095 44602 .4 180 .326
1 .00000 331 . 000 2 .32654 44818 .6 180 .982
1 .00000 333. .000 2 .35178 45034 .0 181 .630
1 . 00000 335 . 000 2 .37671 45248 .7 182 .273
1 .00000 337 .000 2 .40135 45462 .9 182 .911
1 .00000 339. .000 2 .42571 45676 .5 183 .543
1 .00000 341, .000 2 .44981 45889 .7 184 .170
1 .00000 343. .000 2 .47367 46102 .6 184 . 792
I .00000 345. .000 2 .49730 46315 .2 185 .410
1 .00000 347. . 000 2 .52072 46527 .5 186 .024
1.00000 349, . 000 2 .54393 46739 .7 186 .634
1 . 00000 351. .000 2 .56694 46951 .8 187, .240
1 .00000 353 ,.000 2 .58978 47163 .8 187, .842
1 .00000 355. .000 2 .61243 47375 .7 188 .440
1 .00000 357. .000 2 .63492 47587 .7 189, .036
1 .00000 359, .000 2 .65725 47799 .6 189, .628
1 .00000 361. .000 2 .67942 48011 .7 190, .217
1 .00000 363. .000 2 .70145 48223 .8 190, .803
1 .00000 365. .000 2 .72335 48436 .0 191, .386
1 .00000 367. .000 2 .74510 48648 .3 191, .966
1 .00000 369. .000 2 .76673 48860 .8 192, .544
1 .00000 371. ,000 2,.78823 49073,.5 193, .118
1 .00000 373. .000 2,.80962 49286,.4 193, .691
1 .00000 375, .000 2 .83089 49499,.5 194, .260
1 .00000 377. .000 2,.85206 49712..8 194 .828
1 .00000 379. .000 2..87311 49926,.4 195, .393
1 .00000 381. .000 2 .89407 50140 .2 195, .955
1.00000 383 .,000 2,.91493 50354..4 196. .516
1.00000 385. .000 2,.93569 50568,.8 197. .074
1 .00000 387. .000 2,.95636 50783 ,.5 197. .631
1 .00000 389. ,000 2..97694 50998..5 198. .185
1 .00000 391. 000 2,.99744 51213 ,.8 198. .737
1.00000 393. ,000 3,.01786 51429,.5 199. .287
1 .00000 395. 000 3..03819 51645.. 5 199. .835
1 .00000 397. 000 3,.05845 51861,.9 200. .382
1 .00000 399. ,000 3,.07864 52078,.6 200. .926
1.00000 401. 000 3 .09875
, 52295,.7 201. .469
1 .00000 403. ,000 3 ,.11879 52513 ..2 202. .010
1 .00000 405. ,000 3..13877 52731,.1 202. .549
1 .00000 407. .000 3 ,.15868 52949,.3 203 ,.087
1 .00000 409. .000 3,.17852 53168,.0 203 ..623
1 .00000 411 .,000 3 .19830
. 53387,.1 204. .157
1 . 00000 413 .,000 3 .21803 53606,.6 204, .690
1 .00000 415.,000 3 ,.23769 53826,.5 205. ,221
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-134a
p T V H S
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
1 .50000 330 .000 1..35202 43601..3 174 .606
1 .50000 332.. 000 1,.37582 43861..3 175 .392
1 .50000 334,.000 1..39883 44116 .4 176 .158
1.50000 336..000 1 .42113 44367 .2 176 .906
1 .50000 338..000 1..44282 44614,.5 177 .640
1 .50000 340..000 1..46396 44858,.8 178 .361
1 .50000 342..000 1 .48460 45100..3 179 .069
1 .50000 344,.000 1 .50480 45339 .6 179 .767
1 .50000 346,.000 1 .52459 45576 .9 180 .455
1 .50000 348,.000 1 .54402 45812 .4 181 .133
1 .50000 350,.000 1 .56310 46046 .5 181 .804
1 .50000 352 .000 1 .58187 46279 .1 182 .467
1 .50000 354 .000 1 .60035 46510 .6 183 .122
1 .50000 356,.000 1 .61856 46741 .0 183 .772
1 .50000 358..000 1 .63651 46970 .5 184 .414
1 .50000 360,.000 1 .65423 47199 .2 185 .051
1 .50000 362 .000 1..67173 47427 .2 185 .683
1 .50000 364,.000 1 .68902 47654 .6 186 .309
1 .50000 366,.000 1..70612 47881,.4 186 . 931
1 . 50000 368,. 000 1..72303 48107,.8 187 .548
1 .50000 370,.000 .1..73976 48333 .7 188 .160
1 .50000 372 .000 1 .75633 48559 .3 188 .768
1 .50000 374,.000 1 .77273 48784,.6 189 .372
1.50000 376,.000 1..78899 49009,.7 189 .972
1 .50000 378 .000 1 .80511 49234 .6 190 .569
1 .50000 380..000 1..82109 49459 .3 191 .162
1.50000 382,.000 1..83694 49683,.9 191 .751
1.50000 384 .000 1..85267 49908 .4 192 .337
1 .50000 386,.000 1..86827 50132 .8 192 .920
1 .50000 388,.000 1..88377 50357,.3 193 .500
1 .50000 390,.000 1..89915 50581 .7 194 .077
1.50000 392 ,. 000 1..91443 50806,.2 194 .651
1 .50000 394,.000 1.. 92961 51030,.8 195 .223
1 .50000 396..000 1..94469 51255,.4 195 .791
1 .50000 398..000 1..95968 51480 .1 196 .357
1 .50000 400..000 1..97458 51705,.0 196 .921
1 .50000 402..000 1..98939 51930,.0 197 .482
1 .50000 404 .000
. 2..00412 52155,.1 198 .041
1 .50000 406..000 2 .01877
. 52380,.5 198 .597
1.50000 408..000 2..03335 52606..0 199 .151
1 .50000 410..000 2..04785 52831,.8 199 .703
1 .50000 412..000 2,.06227 53057..8 200 .253
1.50000 414..000 2..07663 53284,.0 200 .801
1 .50000 416..000 2..09092 53510,.5 201 .347
1 .50000 418..000 2,.10515 53737,.2 201 .890
1 .50000 420.. 000 2..11931 53964 ,.2 202 .432
1. 50000 422..000 2..13341 54191,.5 202 .972
1 .50000 424 .000 2..14745 54419,.1 203 .510
1 .50000 426..000 2,.16144 54647..0 204 .046
1 . 50000 428 .. 000 2..17537 54875 .2 204 .581
1 .50000 430,.000 2.. 18924 55103,.8 205 . 114
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-134a
MPa K dm3 /mol J/mol J/mol -K
2 ..00000 342 .000 963893 43910..2 173 .829
2 .00000 344 .000 985965 44210..0 174 .703
2 .00000
. 346 .000 1.00694 44500..3 175 .545
2 ,.00000 348 .000 1 .02701 44782.. 9 176 .359
2 .00000 350 .000 1 .04629 45059..1 177 .150
2 .00000 352 .000 1 .06489 45329,.8 177 .922
2..00000 354 .000 1 .08290 45595 .9 178 .675
2..00000 356 .000 1 .10039 45858,.0 179 .414
2 .00000 358 .000 1 .11742 46116 .7 180 .138
2 .00000 360 .000 1 .13402 46372 .4 180 .851
2 .00000 362 .000 1 .15024 46625 .4 181 .552
2 .00000 364 .000 1 .16612 46876 .2 182 .243
2 .00000 366 .000 1 .18168 47124 .9 182 .924
2 .00000 368 .000 1 .19695 47371 .8 183 .597
2..00000 370 .000 1 .21195 47617,.2 184 .262
2 .00000 372 .000 1 .22670 47861 .0 184 .919
2..00000 374 .000 1 .24121 48103 .6 185 .569
2 .00000 376 .000 1.25551 48345 . 1 186 .213
2 ..00000 378 .000 1 .26961 48585 .6 186 .851
2 ,.00000 380 .000 1 .28352 48825 .1 187 .483
2 .00000 382 .000 1 .29724 49063 .8 • 188 .110
2 .00000 384 . 000 1 .31080 49301..8 188 .731
2..00000 386 .000 1 .32420 49539 .2 189 .348
2 .00000 388 . 000 1 .33745 49776 .0 189 .960
2 .00000 390 .000 1 .35055 50012 .3 190 .567
2 .00000 392 .000 1 .36352 50248 .2 191 .170
2 .00000 394 .000 1.37636 50483..7 191 .770
2,.00000 396 .000 1 .38907 50718..8 192 .365
2,.00000 398 .000 1 .40167 50953,.7 192 .956
2,.00000 400 .000 1 .41416 51188..3 193 .545
2 .00000 402 .000 1 .42654 51422 .7 194 .129
2..00000 404 .000 1.43881 51657..0 194 .710
2 .00000 406 .000 1 .45099 51891..1 195 .289
2 .00000 408 .000 1 .46308 52125 .2 195 .864
2 .00000 410 .000 1 .47508 52359 .2 196 .436
2 .00000 412 .000 1 .48698 52593 .. 1 197 .005
2 .00000 414 .000 1 .49881 52827..0 197 .571
2..00000 416 .000 1 .51056 53061.. 0 198 .135
2..00000 418 .000 1 .52222 53295.. 0 198 .696
2..00000 420 .000 1 .53382 53529..0 199 .255
2..00000 422 .000 1.54534 53763..1 199 .811
2..00000 424 .000 1 .55680 53997..4 200 .365
2 ..00000 426 .000 1 .56819 54231,. 7 200 .916
2.. 00000 428 . 000 1.57951 54466,.2 201 .465
2,.00000 430 .000 1 .59077 54700..9 202 .012
2 .00000 432 .000 1 .60197 54935..7 202 .557
2..00000 434 .000 1 .61312 55170,.7 203 .100
2 .00000 436 .000 1.62421 55405,.9 203 .640
2 .00000 438 .000 1 .63524 55641 .3 204 .179
2..00000 440 .000 1 .64622 55877..0 204 .716
2..00000 442 .000 1 .65715 56112..9 205 .251
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-l34a
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
3 .00000 360. 000 548111 43764 .6 171 .339
3 .00000 362. 000 573684 44222 .5 172 .607
3 .00000 364. 000 596061 44634 .5 173 .742
3 .00000 366. 000 616260 45015 .8 174 .787
3 .00000 368. 000 634855 45375 .0 175 .766
3 .00000 370. 000 652206 45717 .3 176 .693
3 .00000 372. 000 668558 46046 .3 177 .580
3 . 00000 374. 000 684087 46364 .7 178 .434
3 .00000 376 .000 698922 46674 .2 179 .259
3 .00000 378 .000 713162 46976 .3 180 .061
3 . 00000 380. 000 726884 47272 .0 180 .841
3 . 00000 382. 000 740152 47562 .4 181 .603
3 .00000 384 .000 753016 47848 .1 182 .349
3 .00000 386. 000 765519 48129 .7 183 .080
3 .00000 388. 000 777695 48407 .6 183 .799
3 .00000 390. 000 789576 48682 .4 184 .505
3 .00000 392. 000 801187 48954 .4 185 .201
3 .00000 394. 000 812550 49223 .8 185 .886
3 .00000 396. 000 823685 49490 .9 186 .562
3 .00000 398. 000 834609 49756 .0 187 .230
3 .00000 400. 000 845337 50019 .3 - 187 .890
3 .00000 402. 000 855883 50280 .9 188 .542
3 .00000 404. 000 866258 50541 .1 189 .188
3 .00000 406. 000 876473 50799 .8 189 .827
3 .00000 408. 000 886539 51057 .4 190 .460
3 . 00000 410 .000 896463 51313 .9 191 .087
3 .00000 412. 000 906255 51569 .3 191 .708
3 . 00000 414. 000 915920 51823 .9 192 .325
3 . 00000 416. 000 925467 52077 .6 192 .936
3 ,.00000 418. 000 .934901 52330 .6 193 .543
3 .00000 420. 000 .944227 52582 .9 194 .145
3 .00000 422. 000 .953452 52834 .6 194 .743
3 .00000 424. 000 962580 53085 .8 195 .337
3 .00000 426. 000 971615 53336 .5 195 . 927
3 . 00000 428. 000 980562 53586 .8 196 .513
3 .00000 430 .000 989424 53836 .7 197 .095
3 ,.00000 432. 000 998205 54086 .2 197 .674
3,.00000 434. 000 1 .00691 54335 .5 198 .250
3..00000 436. 000 1 .01554 54584 .5 198 .822
3..00000 438. 000 1.02410 54833 .2 199 .391
3..00000 440. 000 1 .03259 55081 .8 199 .958
3..00000 442. 000 1 .04101 55330 .3 200 .521
3..00000 444. 000 1.04937 55578 .6 201 .082
3..00000 446. 000 1 .05767 55826 .8 201 .639
3..00000 448. 000 1 .06592 56075 .0 202 . 195
3 .00000
. 450. 000 1 .07410 56323 .1 202 .747
3 .00000 452. 000 1 .08223 56571 .2 203 .297
3,.00000 454. 000 1.09031 56819 .3 203 .845
3,.00000 456. 000 1.09834 57067 .4 204 .390
3..00000 458. 000 1 .10631 57315 .6 204 .934
3..00000 460. 000 1 .11424 57563 .9 205 .474
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-l34a
MPa K dm3/mol J/mol J/mol -K
3 .50000
. 368 .000 .426717 43514 .2 169,.986
3,.50000 370 .000 .456729 44123 . 0 171..636
3 .50000
. 372 .000 .480963 44628 .5 172..999
3..50000 374 .000 .501898 45076 .5 174..200
3,.50000 376 .000 .520640 45487 .1 175..295
3..50000 378 .000 .537790 45871 .0 176..313
3,.50000 380 .000 .553721 46235 .1 177..274
3..50000 382 .000 .568681 46583 .6 178 .188
3 .50000 384 . 000 .582844 46919 .5 179 .066
3..50000 386 .000 .596339 47245 .2 179 . 912
3 .50000 388 .000 . 609264 47562 .4 180 .731
3 .50000 390 .000 .621696 47872 .2 181 .528
3 .50000 392 .000 .633693 48175 .8 182..304
3 .50000 394 .000 .645308 48474 .1 183 .063
3 . 50000 396 . 000 .656580 48767 .5 183..806
3..50000 398 .000 .667543 49056 . 9 184 .535
3..50000 400 .000 .678226 49342 .5 185..251
3,.50000 402 .000 .688655 49624 .9 185 .955
3..50000 404 .000 .698851 49904 .4 186 .649
3,.50000 406 .000 .708832 50181 .3 187 .332
3 .50000 408 .000 .718615 50455 .8 188 .007
3 .50000 410 .000 .728213 50728 .2 188 .673
3 .50000 412 .000 .737641 50998 .7 189 .331
3 .50000 414 .000 .746908 51267 .4 189 .982
3 .50000 416 . 000 .756026 51534 .6 190 .625
3 .50000 418 .000 .765004 51800 .4 191 .263
3..50000 420 .000 .773850 52064 .8 191 .894
3 .50000 422 .000 .782572 52328 .1 192 .519
3 .50000 424 .000 .791176 52590 .2 193 .139
3 .50000 426 .000 .799669 52851 .4 193 .754
3 .50000 428 .000 .808057 53111 .8 194 .363
3 .50000 430 .000 .816345 53371 .3 194 .968
3 .50000 432 .000 .824538 53630 . 0 195 .568
3 ,.50000 434 . 000 .832641 53888 .1 196 .165
3 .50000 436 .000 .840657 54145 .7 196 .757
3..50000 438 .000 .848591 54402 .6 197 .345
3 .50000 440 .000 .856446 54659 .1 197 .929
3..50000 442 .000 .864227 54915 .1 198..509
3..50000 444 .000 .871935 55170 .8 199 .086
3 .50000 446 .000 .879574 55426 . 1 199 .660
3,.50000 448 .000 .887147 55681 .1 200..231
3..50000 450 .000 .894657 55935 . 8 200 .798
3..50000 452 .000 .902105 56190 .3 201..362
3 .50000 454 .000 .909494 56444 .6 201 .924
3 .50000 456 .000 . 916827 56698 .7 202 .482
3 .50000 458 .000 .924106 56952 .7 203 .038
3 .50000 460 .000 .931332 57206 .6 203 .591
3 .50000 462 .000 . 938507 57460 .4 204 .142
3 .50000 464 .000 .945633 57714 .2 204 .690
3 .50000 466 .000 .952712 57967 .9 205 .235
3 . 50000 468 .000 .959746 58221 .6 205 .779
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B3
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-12
psia F ft3/lbm BtU/lbm Btu/lbm-R
Liquid 9.31943 -40. 000 .10566E-1 70.5602 .205145
Vapor 9.31943 -40.000 3 .88937 143 .704 .379432
Liquid 12.0078 -30.000 .10678E-1 72.6555 .210066
Vapor 12.0078 -30.000 3.07336 144.847 .378082
Liquid 15.2702 -20.000 .10794E-1 74.7660 .214907
Vapor 15.2702 -20.000 2.45744 145.985 .376890
Liquid 19. 1856 -10 .000 .10915E-1 76.8931 .219673
Vapor 19.1856 -10 .000 1. 98626 147.116 .375837
Liquid 23 .8373 0.00000 . 11040E-1 79.0382 .224370
Vapor 23.8373 0.00000 1.62129 148.236 .374909
Liquid 29.3126 10.0000 .11171E-1 81.2030 .229005
Vapor 29.3126 10.0000 1.33531 149.345 .374089
Liquid 35.7023 20.0000 .11306E-1 83.3889 .233582
Vapor 35.7023 20.0000 1.10881 150.439 .373365
Liquid 43.1008 30.0000 .11449E-1 85.5975 .238107
Vapor 43.1008 30.0000 .927615 151.515 .372723
Liquid 51.6052 40.0000 .11597E-1 87.8305 .242584
Vapor 51.6052 40.0000 .781311 152.572 .372154
Liquid 61.3159 50.0000 .11754E-1 90.0897 .247019
Vapor 61.3159 50.0000 .662145 153.607 .371644
Liquid 72.3356 60.0000 .11919E-1 92.3771 .251417
Vapor 72.3356 60.0000 .564287 154.617 .371184
Liquid 84.7700 70.0000 .12093E-1 94.6948 .255782
Vapor 84.7700 70. 0000 .483308 155.597 .370763
Liquid 98 .7270 80.0000 .12277E-1 97.0450 .260118
Vapor 98 .7270 80.0000 .415807 156.546 .370372
Liquid 114 .317 90.0000 .12474E-1 99.4305 .264433
Vapor 114.317 90.0000 .359154 157.458 .370000
Liquid 131.654 100.000 .12684E-1 101.854 .268730
Vapor 131.654 100.000 .311292 158.328 .369635
Liquid 150.854 110.000 .12910E-1 104 .320 .273015
Vapor 150.854 110.000 .270600 159. 152 .369268
Liquid 172.038 120.000 .13154E-1 106 .832 .277297
Vapor 172.038 120 .000 .235793 159.923 .368886
Liquid 195.328 130 .000 .13420E-1 109.394 .281582
Vapor 195.328 130 . 000 .205840 160.632 .368474
Liquid 220.855 140 .000 -13712E-1 112.015 .285881
Vapor 220.855 140.000 .179908 161.269 .368017
Liquid 248.753 150. 000 .14036E-1 114.700 .290204
Vapor 248.753 150.000 .157319 161.823 .367496
Liquid 279.167 160.000 .14398E-1 117.461 .294565
Vapor 279.167 160.000 .137514 162.276 .366885
Liquid 312.251 170.000 .14810E-1 120.312 .298985
Vapor 312 .251 170 .^000 .120023 162.605 .366152
Liquid 348 .177 180 . 000 .15286E-1 123.271 .303490
Vapor 348.177 180.000 .104445 162.778 .365252
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-12
p T V H S
psia F ft3/lbm Btu/lbm Btu/lbm-R
50 .0000 40.0000 .809203 152 .659 .372799
50 .0000 42.0000 . 813588 152 .965 .373411
50 .0000 44 . 0000 .817953 153 .270 .374019
50 .0000 46.0000 .822299 153 .576 .374624
50 .0000 48.0000 .826628 153 .881 .375226
50 .0000 50.0000 .830940 154 .186 .375825
50 .0000 52.0000 .835236 154 .491 .376422
50 .0000 54.0000 .839517 154 .795 .377017
50 .0000 56.0000 .843783 155 .100 .377609
50 .0000 58 .0000 .848035 155 .405 .378198
50 . 0000 60 . 0000 .852275 155 .709 .378786
50 . 0000 62 . 0000 .856501 156 .014 .379371
50 .0000 64 . 0000 .860715 156 .319 .379954
50 .0000 66.0000 .864917 156 .624" .380535
50 .0000 68.0000 .869108 156 .929 .381114
50 .0000 70.0000 .873288 157 .234 .381691
50 .0000 72.0000 .877458 157 .539 .382266
50 .0000 74 .0000 .881617 157 .844 .382839
50 .0000 76.0000 .885767 158 .150 .383411
50 .0000 78.0000 .889907 158 .455 .383980
50 .0000 80.0000 ..894038 158 .761 .384548
50 .0000 82.0000 .898160 159 .067 .385114
50 .0000 84.0000 .902273 159 .374 .385679
50 .0000 86.0000 .906378 159 .680 .386241
50 .0000 88.0000 .910474 159 .987 .386802
50 .0000 90.0000 .914563 160 .294 .387362
50 .0000 92.0000 .918644 160 .601 .387920
50 .0000 94.0000 .922717 160 .909 .388476
50 .0000 96.0000 .926784 161 .216 .389031
50 .0000 98 . 0000 .930843 161 .524 .389585
50 .0000 100. 000 .934895 161 .833 .390136
50 .0000 102.000 . 938940 162 .141 .390687
50 .0000 104 .000 .942979 162 .450 .391236
50 . 0000 106 . 000 . 947011 162 .759 .391783
50 .0000 108.000 .951037 163 .069 .392329
50 .0000 110.000 .955056 163 .379 .392874
50 . 0000 112.000 .959070 163 .689 .393417
50 . 0000 114.000 .963078 163 .999 .393959
50 .0000 116.000 .967080 164 .310 .394500
50 .0000 118.000 .971076 164 .620 .395039
50 .0000 120.000 .975067 164 .932 .395577
50 .0000 122.000 .979052 165 .243 .396113
50 .0000 124.000 .983032 165 .555 .396649
50 .0000 126.000 .987007 165 .867 .397183
50 .0000 128.000 .990977 166 .180 .397715
50 .0000 130.000 .994941 166 .493 .398247
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-12
p T V H S
psia F ft3/lbm Btu/lbm Btu/lbm-R
100..000 85. 0000 .415794 157. 326 .371631
100 .000
. 87.0000 .418298 157. 663 .372249
100..000 89.0000 .420785 158 .000 .372863
100 ,. 000 91 .0000 .423255 158. 335 .373473
100 ..000 93 .0000 .425710 158. 669 .374079
100..000 95.0000 .428150 159. 003 .374682
100..000 97.0000 .430576 159. 337 .375282
100..000 99.0000 .432989 159. 669 .375879
100 .000 101.000 .435389 160. 002 .376473
100 .000 103 . 000 .437776 160. 334 .377064
100 .000 105.000 .440152 160. 665 .377652
100,.000 107. 000 .442516 160 .996 .378237
100 .000 109.000 .444869 161. 327 .378820
100 .000 111.000 .447212 161. 658 .379400
100 .000 113 .000 .449545 161. 988 .379978
100..000 115.000 .451868 162 .318 .380554
100..000 117.000 .454181 162. 648 .381127
100..000 119.000 .456486 162. 978 .381698
100..000 121. 000 .458781 163. 308 .382266
100.. 000 123 . 000 .461069 163. 637 .382833
100--..000 125.000 .463348 163. 967 .383398
100..000 127.000 .465619 164 .296 .383960
100,.000 129.000 .467882 164. 625 .384520
100..000 131.000 .470138 164. 955 .385079
100..000 133 .000 .472387 165. 284 .385635
100..000 135.000 .474628 165. 613 .386190
100 .000 137.000 .476863 165 .943 .386743
100..000 139.000 .479091 166. 272 .3.87294
100..000 141.000 .481313 166. 601 .387843
100..000 143.000 .483528 166. 931 .388391
100..000 145.000 .485737 167. 260 .388936
100..000 147. 000 .487941 167. 590 .389480
100..000 149. 000 .490138 167. 919 .390023
100..000 151.000 .492330 168 .249 .390564
100,.000 153 . 000 .494516 168 .579 .391103
100,.000 155. 000 .496696 168 .909 .391640
100..000 157. 000 .498872 169. 239 .392176
100..000 159. 000 .501042 169. 569 .392711
100,.000 161.000 .503207 169. 899 .393244
100,.000 163 .000 .505367 170. 229 .393775
100..000 165. 000 .507522 170 .560 .394305
100..000 167. 000 .509673 170 .890 .394833
100..000 169. 000 .511819 171. 221 .395360
100..000 171. 000 .513960 171, 552 .395886
100..000 173 .000 .516097 171. 883 .396410
100..000 175.000 .518230 172. 214 .396933
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-12
p T V H S
psia F ft3/lbm Btu/lbm Btu/lbm-R
120. , 000 100. .000 .349330 158 .913 .371952
120. , 000 102 .000 .351507 159 .260 .372571
120 ..000 104 .000 .353667 159 .606 .373186
120. .000 106 .000 .355811 159 .951 .373797
120. . 000 108 .000 .357940 160 .296 .374405
120. .000 110 .000 .360055 160 .639 .375009
120. .000 112 .000 .362157 160 .982 .375609
120. .000 114 .000 .364246 161 .324 .376206
120. .000 116 . 000 .366322 161 . 665 .376800
120. . 000 118 .000 .368387 162 .006 .377391
120. .000 120 .000 .370440 162 .346 .377979
120 .000 122 .000 .372482 162 .686 .378565
120. .000 124 .000 .374514 163 .025 .379147
120, .000 126 .000 .376536 163 .364 .379727
120, .000 128 .000 .378548 163 .703 .380304
120. .000 130 .000 .380551 164 .041 .380879
120. .000 132 .000 .382545 164 .380 .381451
120. .000 134 .000 .384530 164 .717 .382021
120. .000 136 .000 .386506 165 .055 .382589
120. .000 138 .000 .388475 165 .392 .383154
120. .000 140 .000 .390435 165 .730 . .383718
120, .000 142 .000 .392388 166 .067 .384279
120, .000 144 .000 .394334 166 .403 .384838
120, .000 146 .000 .396272 166 .740 .385395
120 ,.000 148 .000 .398204 167 . 077 .385950
120, .000 150, .000 .400128 167 .413 .386503
120, .000 152 .000 .402047 167 .750 .387054
120. .QOO 154 .000 .403958 168 .086 .387603
120. .000 156 .000 .405864 168 .423 .388150
120. .000 158 .000 .407763 168 .759 .388696
120, .000 160, .000 .409657 169 .096 .389239
120, .000 162 .000 .411544 16,9 .432 .389781
120, .000. 164 .000 .413427 169 .768 .390322
120 .000 166 . 000 .415303 170 .105 .390860
120. .000 168, .000 .417175 170 .441 .391397
120 .. 000 170 . 000 .419041 170 .778 .391932
120 ..000 172, .000 .420902 171 . 114 .392466
120. .000 174 .000 .422758 171 .451 .392998
120. .000 176, .000 .424610 171 .787 .393528
120. .000 178, .000 .426456 172 .124 .394057
120. .000 180 .000 .428298 172 .461 .394584
120. .000 182, .000 .430136 172 .798 .395110
120 ..000 184, .000 .431969 173 .135 .395634
120 ..000 186, .000 .433798 173 .472 .396157
120, .000 188 .000 .435622 173 .809 .396678
120 .000 190 .000 .437442 174 .146 .397198
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
p T V H S
psia F ft3/lbm Btu/lbm Btu/lbm-R
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-12
p T V H S
psia F ft3/lbm Btu/lbm Btu/lbm-R
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of R-12
p T V H S
psia F ft3/lbm Btu/lbm Btu/lbm-R
180 .000 130 .000 .230325 161 .431 .370877
180 .000 132 .000 .232009 161 .812 .371522
180 .000 134 .000 .233674 162 .191 .372162
180 .000 136 .000 .235321 162 .568 .372796
180 .000 138 .000 .236952 162 .943 .373425
180 .000 140 .000 .238566 163 .316 .374048
180 .000 142 .000 .240166 163 .688 .374668
180 .000 144 . 000 .241751 164 . 059 .375283
180 . 000 146 .000 .243322 164 .428 .375893
180 .000 148 .000 .244881 164 .796 .376500
180 . 000 150 . 000 .246427 165 .163 .377103
180 . 000 152 .000 .247961 165 .529 .377702
180 . 000 154 .000 .249484 165 .894 .378297
180 .000 156 .000 .250996 166 .258 .378889
180 . 000 158 .000 .252498 166 .621 .379478
180 . 000 160 .000 .253990 166 .983 .380063
180 .000 162 .000 .255472 167 .344 .380645
180 .000 164 .000 .256945 167 .705 .381225
180 .000 166 .000 .258410 168 .065 .381801
180 .000 168 .000 .259865 168 .425 .382375
180 .000 170 .000 .261313 168 .783 .382946
180 .000 172 .000 .262752 169 .142 .383514
180 .000 174 . 000 .264184 169 .500 .384080
180 . 000 176 .000 .265609 169 .857 .384643
180 .000 178 .000 .267026 170 .214 .385204
180 .000 180 .000 .268436 170 .571 .385762
180 .000 182 .000 .269840 170 .927 .386318
180 .000 184 .000 .271237 171 .283 .386871
180 .000 186 .000 .272628 171 .638 .387423
180 .000 188 .000 .274012 171 .993 .387972
180 .000 190 .000 .275391 172 .348 .388519
180 .000 192 .000 .276764 172 .703 .389065
180 .000 194 .000 .278131 173 .057 .389608
180 .000 196 .000 .279492 173 .412 .390149
180 -.000 198 .000 .280849 173 .766 .390688
180 .000 200 .000 .282200 174 .119 .391225
180 .000 202 .000 .283546 174 .473 .391760
180 .000 204 .000 .284887 174 .827 .392294
180 .000 206 .000 .286223 175 .180 .392825
180 .000 208 .000 .287555 175 .533 .393355
180 .000 210 .000 .288882 175 .886 .393883
180 .000 212 .000 .290205 176 .239 .394409
180 .000 214 .000 .291523 176 .592 .394934
180 .000 216 .0-00 .292837 176 .945 .395457
180 .000 218 .000 .294147 177 .298 .395978
180 . 000 220 .000 .295452 177 .650 .396498
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix C
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Nitrogen
p T Z
psia F
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Nitrogen
p T Z
psia p
500 .000 -200.00 .740109
500 .000 -100.00 .929673
500 .000 0.00000 .979616
500 .000 100. 000 .999084
500 .000 200. 000 1. 00782
500 .000 300. 000 1. 01196
500 .000 400. 000 1. 01389
500 .000 500. 000 1. 01470
500 .000 600. 000 1. 01489
500 .000 700. 000 1. 01475
500 .000 800. 000 1. 01442
500 .000 900. 000 1. 01400
500 .000 1000 .00 1. 01353
500 .000 1100 .00 1. 01305
500 .000 1200 .00 I. 01256
500 .000 1300 .00 1. 01209
500 .000 1400 .00 I. 01163
500 .000 1500 .00 1. 01119
500 .000 1600 .00 1. 01077
500 .000 1700 .00 1. 01037
500 .000 1800 .00 1. 00999
500 .000 1900 .00 1. 00964
500 .000 2000 .00 1. 00930
500 .000 2100 .00 1. 00898
500 .000 2200 .00 1. 00868
500 .000 2300 .00 1. 00840
500 .000 2400 .00 1. 00813
500 .000 2500 .00 1. 00787
500 .000 2600 .00 1. 00763
500 .000 2700 .00 1. 00740
500 .000 2800 .00 1. 00718
500 .000 2900 .00 1. 00698
500 .000 3000 .00 1. 00678
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Nitrogen
psia F
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix D
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Air
p T H S Cv Z
MPa c kJ/kg kJ/kg-K kJ/kg-K
.100000 -100.00 172 .634 6.31711 .716686 .996086
.100000 -90.000 182 .720 6.37373 .716509 .996755
.100000 -80.000 192 .797 6.42731 .716391 .997300
.100000 -70.000 202 .869 6.47815 .716323 .997748
.100000 -60.000 212 .936 6.52652 .716299 .998120
.100000 -50.000 222 .999 6.57266 .716318 .998431
.100000 -40.000 233 .060 6.61676 .716382 .998693
.100000 -30.000 243 .119 6.65901 .716492 .998914
.100000 -20.000 253 .177 6.69955 .716650 .999103
.100000 -10.000 263 .235 6.73851 .716860 .999265
.100000 0.00000 273 .294 6.77603 .717125 .999404
.100000 10.0000 283 .354 6.81220 .717450 .999525
.100000 20.0000 293 .416 6.84712 .717837 .999629
.100000 30.0000 303 .482 6.88089 .718290 .999720
.100000 40.0000 313 .551 6.91357 .718812 .999799
.100000 50.0000 323 .625 6.94523 .719407 .999868
.100000 60.0000 333 .704 6.97595 .720075 .999929
.100000 70.0000 343 .790 7.00578 .720820 .999982
.100000 80.0000 353 .883 7.03477 .721643 1.00003
.100000 90.0000 363 .984 7.06298 .722546 1.00007
.100000 100.000 374 .094 7.09044 .723528 1.00011
.100000 110.000 384 .213 7.11720 .724591 1.00014
.100000 120.000 394 .343 7.14330 .725734 1.00017
.100000 130.000 404 .485 7.16877 .726957 1.00019
.100000 140.000 414 .638 7.19365 .728258 1.00022
.100000 150.000 424 .805 7.21797 .729637 1.00024
.100000 160.000 434 .986 7.24175 .731092 1.00025
.100000 170.000 445 .181 7.26501 .732621 1.00027
.100000 180.000 455 .391 7.28780 .734222 1.00028
.100000 190.000 465 .618 7.31012 .735892 1.00030
.100000 200.000 475 .861 7.33200 .737628 1.00031
.100000 210.000 486 .122 7.35346 .739428 1.00032
.100000 220.000 496 .401 7.37452 .741289 1.00033
.100000 230.000 506 .699 7.39519 .743208 1.00033
.100000 240.000 517 .016 7.41550 .745180 1.00034
.100000 250.000 527 .352 7.43545 .747204 1.00035
.100000 260.000 537 .709 7.45506 .749276 1.00035
.100000 270.000 548 .087 7.47434 .751392 1.00035
.100000 280.000 558 .486 7.49331 .753549 1.00036
.100000 290.000 568 .907 7.51198 .755744 1.00036
.100000 300.000 579 .350 7.53036 .757973 1.00036
.100000 310.000 589 .815 7.54847 .760233 1.00037
.100000 320.000 600 .302 7.56630 .762522 1.00037
.100000 330.000 610 .813 7.58387 .764835 1.00037
.100000 340.000 621 .346 7.60119 .767170 1.00037
.100000 350.000 631 .903 7.61827 .769524 1.00037
.100000 360.000 642 .484 7.63511 .771894 1.00037
.100000 370.000 653 .088 7.65173 .774277 1.00037
.100000 380.000 663 .716 7.66813 .776671 1.00037
.100000 390.000 674 .368 7.68431 .779074 1.00037
.100000 400.000 685 .044 7.70029 .781482 1.00037
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix E
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Thermodynamic Properties of Air
p T H S Cv Z
MPa c kJ/kg kJ/kg-K kJ/kg-K
10.0000 -100.00 96.5917 4.66622 .841075 .658565
10.0000 -90.000 118.261 4.78798 .817680 .728185
10.0000 -80.000 136.977 4.88754 .799789 .783036
10.0000 -70.000 153.737 4.97217 .786423 .826212
10.0000 -60.000 169.173 5.04636 .776237 .860653
10.0000 -50.000 183.668 5.11284 .768289 .888518
10.0000 -40.000 197.468 5.17334 .761966 .911342
10.0000 -30.000 210.735 5.22907 .756862 .930235
10.0000 -20.000 223.585 5.28086 .752700 .946013
10.0000 -10.000 236.098 5.32934 .749285 .959289
10.0000 0.00000 248.338 5.37500 .746474 .970533
10.0000 10.0000 260.350 5.41819 .744164 . 980109
10.0000 20.0000 272.172 5.45922 .742276 .988304
10.0000 30.0000 283 .833 5.49834 .740749 " .995346
10.0000 40.0000 295.356 5.53574 .739536 1.00142
10.0000 50.0000 306.761 5.57159 .738602 1.00667
10.0000 60.0000 318.065 5.60604 .737916 1.01123
10.0000 70.0000 329.280 5.63921 .737454 1.01519
10.0000 80.0000 340.419 5.67121 .737197 1.01864
10.0000 90.0000 351.492 5.70213 .737128 1.02165
10.0000 100.000 362.507 5.73205 .737234 1.02428
10.0000 110.000 373.472 5.76105 .737504 1.02657
10.0000 120.000 384.394 5.78919 .737925 1.02857
10.0000 130.000 395.278 5.81652 .738490 1.03032
10.0000 140.000 406.130 5.84311 .739190 1.03185
10.0000 150.000 416.954 5.86900 .740017 1.03318
10.0000 160.000 427.755 5.89423 .740965 1.03434
10.0000 170.000 438.537 5.91884 .742026 1.03535
10.0000 180.000 449.303 5.94286 .743194 1.03623
10.0000 190.000 460.055 5.96633 .744463 1.03698
10.0000 200.000 470.798 5.98928 .745828 1.03763
10.0000 210.000 481.534 6.01174 .747282 1.03818
10.0000 220.000 492.265 6.03372 .748821 1.03865
10.0000 230.000 502.993 6.05526 .750438 1.03904
10.0000 240.000 513.721 6.07637 .752130 1.03936
10.0000 250.000 524.450 6.09707 .753890 1.03963
10.0000 260.000 535.182 6.11739 .755714 1.03984
10.0000 270.000 545.918 6.13735 .757598 1.04001
10.0000 280.000 556.661 6.15694 .759536 1.04013
10.0000 290.000 567.411 6.17620 .761525 1.04021
10.0000 300.000 578.169 6.19514 .763559 1.04026
10.0000 310.000 588.937 6.21377 .765636 1.04027
10.0000 320.000 599.716 6.23209 .767750 1.04026
10.0000 330.000 610.506 6.25013 .769899 1.04022
10.0000 340.000 621.309 6.26790 .772078 1.04016
10.0000 350.000 632.125 6.28540 .774284 1.04008
10.0000 360.000 642.956 6.30264 .776513 1.03999
10.0000 370.000 653.801 6.31963 .778763 1.03987
10.0000 380 .000 664.661 6.33639 .781029 1.03974
10.0000 390.000 675.537 6.35291 .783310 1.03960
10.0000 400.000 686.429 6.36922 .785603 1.03945
Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Maxwell Relations
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b = h-Ts (2)
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Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Copyright n 1999 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.