Popular Indicators

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Series NamSeries Cod Country N Country Co2007 [YR202008 [YR202009 [YR202010 [YR202011 [YR202012 [YR20

Bank nonperFB.AST.NPECzech RepuCZE 2.366447 2.805464 4.577953 5.386067 5.217252 5.239479

Bank nonperFB.AST.NPEEstonia EST .. 1.944685 5.202311 5.375486 4.045307 2.622667
Bank nonperFB.AST.NPELatvia LVA .. 2.09771 14.27911 15.93401 14.0548 8.723792
Bank nonperFB.AST.NPELithuania LTU .. 6.083719 23.99008 23.33377 18.84312 14.80169
Bank nonperFB.AST.NPEHungary HUN .. 3.229771 8.236627 10.03716 13.67749 16.04283
Bank nonperFB.AST.NPEPoland POL .. 2.822082 4.287724 4.912423 4.662877 5.20204
Bank nonperFB.AST.NPESlovenia SVN .. 4.215747 5.791231 8.214184 11.81402 15.18008
Bank nonperFB.AST.NPESlovak RepSVK .. 2.486045 5.293444 5.836314 5.61287 5.222511
Bank nonperFB.AST.NPERomania ROU 2.585394 2.746503 7.891844 11.85386 14.32796 18.23744
Bank nonperFB.AST.NPEBulgaria BGR .. 2.403907 6.422934 11.91771 14.97361 16.62632
GDP growth NY.GDP.MKCzech RepuCZE 5.570339 2.686412 -4.657331 2.434902 1.76036 -0.785004
GDP growth NY.GDP.MKEstonia EST 7.57358 -5.088943 -14.43387 2.690328 7.443936 3.124846
GDP growth NY.GDP.MKLatvia LVA 10.0271 -3.3273 -14.25972 -4.406824 6.46885 4.251723
GDP growth NY.GDP.MKLithuania LTU 11.10748 2.614423 -14.83861 1.651241 6.039008 3.843865
GDP growth NY.GDP.MKHungary HUN 0.242181 1.058289 -6.699554 1.122178 1.937108 -1.380623
GDP growth NY.GDP.MKPoland POL 7.061544 4.199962 2.832185 3.740518 4.757638 1.324891
GDP growth NY.GDP.MKSlovenia SVN 6.980161 3.509842 -7.548438 1.343748 0.861328 -2.639439
GDP growth NY.GDP.MKSlovak RepSVK 10.83203 5.574886 -5.455533 5.871256 2.847218 1.896742
GDP growth NY.GDP.MKRomania ROU 7.233808 9.307467 -5.517394 -3.901236 1.906068 2.040665
GDP growth NY.GDP.MKBulgaria BGR 6.557081 6.085628 -3.374838 0.559446 2.354557 0.356587
UnemploymenSL.UEM.TOCzech RepuCZE 5.32 4.39 6.66 7.28 6.71 6.98
UnemploymenSL.UEM.TOEstonia EST 4.59 5.46 13.55 16.71 12.33 10.02
UnemploymenSL.UEM.TOLatvia LVA 6.05 7.74 17.52 19.48 16.21 15.05
UnemploymenSL.UEM.TOLithuania LTU 4.25 5.83 13.79 17.81 15.39 13.37
UnemploymenSL.UEM.TOHungary HUN 7.41 7.82 10.03 11.17 11.03 11
UnemploymenSL.UEM.TOPoland POL 9.6 7.12 8.17 9.64 9.63 10.09
UnemploymenSL.UEM.TOSlovenia SVN 4.82 4.37 5.86 7.24 8.17 8.84
UnemploymenSL.UEM.TOSlovak RepSVK 11.14 9.51 12.03 14.38 13.62 13.96
UnemploymenSL.UEM.TORomania ROU 6.41 5.79 6.86 6.96 7.18 6.79
UnemploymenSL.UEM.TOBulgaria BGR 6.88 5.61 6.82 10.28 11.26 12.27
Inflation, FP.CPI.TOTCzech RepuCZE 2.853124 6.358664 1.019377 1.472727 1.917219 3.287623
Inflation, FP.CPI.TOTEstonia EST 6.601326 10.36236 -0.078408 2.972045 4.981901 3.9334
Inflation, FP.CPI.TOTLatvia LVA 10.09298 15.40232 3.534107 -1.084636 4.370736 2.257789
Inflation, FP.CPI.TOTLithuania LTU 5.737174 10.92589 4.453045 1.319214 4.130276 3.089983
Inflation, FP.CPI.TOTHungary HUN 7.958745 6.042513 4.211712 4.855558 3.929921 5.652145
Inflation, FP.CPI.TOTPoland POL 2.458743 4.164972 3.795392 2.580694 4.239401 3.560372
Inflation, FP.CPI.TOTSlovenia SVN 3.657496 5.647424 0.839262 1.80117 1.802852 2.597414
Inflation, FP.CPI.TOTSlovak RepSVK 2.756724 4.59818 1.615105 0.957018 3.919286 3.606103
Inflation, FP.CPI.TOTRomania ROU 4.837329 7.850803 5.58742 6.091417 5.789253 3.334923
Inflation, FP.CPI.TOTBulgaria BGR 8.402534 12.34872 2.753202 2.438991 4.219903 2.954568

Data from database: World Development Indicators

Last Updated: 05/25/2021
2013 [YR202014 [YR202015 [YR202016 [YR202017 [YR202018 [YR202019 [YR2019]
5.197281 5.607418 5.484052 4.594898 3.74172 3.140117 2.702824
1.474622 1.388236 0.981874 0.869768 0.698391 0.453036 0.360874
6.40704 4.597737 4.644654 6.255744 5.506978 5.288402 5.001571
11.58603 8.18605 4.949569 3.660646 3.177096 2.270149 1.044385
16.82573 15.62153 11.66313 7.423562 4.167788 2.4653 1.509119
4.977912 4.823819 4.341512 4.046359 3.944271 3.853512 3.800549
13.31132 11.73193 9.962115 5.071377 3.203634 6.009217 3.364773
5.139376 5.346893 4.870872 4.443661 3.701005 3.077562 2.871183
21.87297 13.9377 13.50622 9.621565 6.411894 4.956546 4.08548
16.87852 16.74653 14.61205 13.17307 10.43445 7.801562 6.621299
-0.045904 2.262103 5.388381 2.537285 5.168724 3.181314 2.335309
1.346185 2.987325 1.844887 3.187817 5.499155 4.355465 4.996444
2.310176 1.073634 4.006874 2.372924 3.25072 4.024311 2.054082
3.550073 3.53701 2.024584 2.518828 4.282597 3.936846 4.338861
1.860752 4.228951 3.819428 2.139996 4.316781 5.405294 4.57819
1.125768 3.378578 4.236326 3.141731 4.830655 5.353705 4.54092
-1.029283 2.768159 2.210082 3.191853 4.793549 4.384502 3.184342
0.666535 2.64159 4.8149 2.132728 3.04328 3.768632 2.317023
3.770962 3.608724 2.953674 4.702998 7.319449 4.474524 4.152627
0.325769 1.885465 3.989852 3.820435 3.502752 3.092448 3.694308
6.95 6.11 5.05 3.95 2.89 2.24 2.01
8.63 7.35 6.19 6.76 5.76 5.37 4.45
11.87 10.85 9.87 9.64 8.72 7.41 6.31
11.77 10.7 9.12 7.86 7.07 6.15 6.26
10.18 7.73 6.81 5.12 4.16 3.71 3.42
10.33 8.99 7.5 6.16 4.89 3.85 3.28
10.1 9.67 8.96 8 6.56 5.11 4.45
14.22 13.18 11.48 9.67 8.13 6.54 5.75
7.1 6.8 6.81 5.9 4.93 4.19 3.91
12.94 11.42 9.14 7.58 6.16 5.21 4.23
1.438298 0.343989 0.309365 0.683504 2.450534 2.149495 2.847876
2.780567 -0.106175 -0.492326 0.148685 3.417235 3.436327 2.277259
-0.029455 0.620491 0.174242 0.140633 2.930363 2.534454 2.811409
1.047479 0.103758 -0.884097 0.905525 3.722889 2.697928 2.334509
1.7332 -0.227566 -0.061645 0.394769 2.348243 2.850248 3.338586
0.991983 0.053821 -0.874126 -0.664767 2.075936 1.812952 2.227479
1.769201 0.199344 -0.525552 -0.055 1.429107 1.738609 1.630523
1.400474 -0.076165 -0.32522 -0.52001 1.311946 2.514037 2.664561
3.984712 1.06831 -0.594156 -1.544797 1.339021 4.625484 3.827854
0.890094 -1.418184 -0.104633 -0.798749 2.064355 2.811868 3.103729
Code License Type
Indicator Name
Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans (%)
GDP growth (annual %)
Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO esti
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
Long definition
Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans are the value of
Annual percentage growth rate of GDP at market prices based on
Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is wi
Inflation as measured by the consumer price index reflects the
International Monetary Fund, Financial Soundness Indicators.
World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts
International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retr
International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics a
Financial Sector: Assets
Economic Policy & Debt: National accounts: Growth rates
Social Protection & Labor: Unemployment
Financial Sector: Exchange rates & prices
Aggregation method

Weighted average
Weighted average
Statistical concept and methodology
The ratio of bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans is t
Growth rates of GDP and its components are calculated using the least squares method and constant price data in the local cu
The series is part of the ILO estimates and is harmonized to ensure comparability across countries and over time by accounting
Development relevance
The size and mobility of international capital flows make it inc
An economy's growth is measured by the change in the volume of
Unemployment is a key measure to monitor whether a country is on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of pro
Limitations and exceptions
Reporting countries compile the data using different methodologies, which may also vary for different points in time for the
To obtain comparable series of constant price data for computing aggregates, the World Bank rescales GDP and value added b
However, women tend to be excluded from the count for various reasons. Women suffer more from discrimination and from s
General comments
t methodologies, which may also vary for different points in time for the
for computing aggregates, the World Bank rescales GDP and value added by industrial origin to a common reference year. Because rescali
National estimates are also available in the WDI database. Cau
License URL

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