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=== System ===

--- Test Routines ---

No routines of this type were run in the session.

=== Networking ===

--- Network Info ---

Name: SUAD-5G
Type: WiFi
State: Online
Active: True
MAC Address: AC:12:03:1E:A1:81
Signal Strength: 71
Frequency: 5560
BSSID: FC:40:09:C6:7B:9D
Security: PSK (WPA or RSN)
IP Address:
Name Servers:,,
Subnet Mask:

--- Test Routines ---

30/3/23 9:31:21 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started

30/3/23 9:31:22 - GatewayCanBePinged - Failed
30/3/23 9:31:22 - LanConnectivity - Started
30/3/23 9:31:23 - LanConnectivity - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:23 - ArcPing - Started
30/3/23 9:31:24 - ArcPing - Unable to run
30/3/23 9:31:24 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
30/3/23 9:31:25 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:25 - DnsResolution - Started
30/3/23 9:31:26 - DnsResolution - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:26 - DnsLatency - Started
30/3/23 9:31:27 - DnsLatency - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:27 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
30/3/23 9:31:28 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
30/3/23 9:31:28 - SignalStrength - Started
30/3/23 9:31:29 - SignalStrength - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:29 - CaptivePortal - Started
30/3/23 9:31:30 - CaptivePortal - Failed
30/3/23 9:31:30 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
30/3/23 9:31:31 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Failed
30/3/23 9:31:31 - HttpsFirewall - Started
30/3/23 9:31:32 - HttpsFirewall - Failed
30/3/23 9:31:32 - HttpFirewall - Started
30/3/23 9:31:33 - HttpFirewall - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:33 - HttpsLatency - Started
30/3/23 9:31:34 - HttpsLatency - Failed
30/3/23 9:31:34 - ArcHttp - Started
30/3/23 9:31:35 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
30/3/23 9:31:41 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
30/3/23 9:31:42 - GatewayCanBePinged - Failed
30/3/23 9:31:42 - LanConnectivity - Started
30/3/23 9:31:43 - LanConnectivity - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:43 - ArcPing - Started
30/3/23 9:31:44 - ArcPing - Unable to run
30/3/23 9:31:44 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
30/3/23 9:31:45 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:45 - DnsResolution - Started
30/3/23 9:31:46 - DnsResolution - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:46 - DnsLatency - Started
30/3/23 9:31:47 - DnsLatency - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:47 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
30/3/23 9:31:48 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
30/3/23 9:31:48 - SignalStrength - Started
30/3/23 9:31:49 - SignalStrength - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:49 - CaptivePortal - Started
30/3/23 9:31:50 - CaptivePortal - Failed
30/3/23 9:31:50 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
30/3/23 9:31:51 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Failed
30/3/23 9:31:51 - HttpsFirewall - Started
30/3/23 9:31:52 - HttpsFirewall - Failed
30/3/23 9:31:52 - HttpFirewall - Started
30/3/23 9:31:53 - HttpFirewall - Passed
30/3/23 9:31:53 - HttpsLatency - Started
30/3/23 9:31:54 - HttpsLatency - Failed
30/3/23 9:31:54 - ArcHttp - Started
30/3/23 9:31:55 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
13/4/23 8:54:55 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
13/4/23 8:54:59 - GatewayCanBePinged - Passed
13/4/23 8:54:59 - LanConnectivity - Started
13/4/23 8:55:00 - LanConnectivity - Passed
13/4/23 8:55:00 - ArcPing - Started
13/4/23 8:55:01 - ArcPing - Unable to run
13/4/23 8:55:01 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
13/4/23 8:55:02 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
13/4/23 8:55:02 - DnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 8:55:03 - DnsResolution - Passed
13/4/23 8:55:03 - DnsLatency - Started
13/4/23 8:55:04 - DnsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 8:55:04 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 8:55:05 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
13/4/23 8:55:05 - SignalStrength - Started
13/4/23 8:55:06 - SignalStrength - Passed
13/4/23 8:55:06 - CaptivePortal - Started
13/4/23 8:55:07 - CaptivePortal - Passed
13/4/23 8:55:07 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
13/4/23 8:55:08 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
13/4/23 8:55:08 - HttpsFirewall - Started
13/4/23 8:55:26 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 8:55:26 - HttpFirewall - Started
13/4/23 8:55:28 - HttpFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 8:55:28 - HttpsLatency - Started
13/4/23 8:55:38 - HttpsLatency - Failed
13/4/23 8:55:38 - ArcHttp - Started
13/4/23 8:55:39 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
13/4/23 10:28:30 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
13/4/23 10:28:34 - GatewayCanBePinged - Passed
13/4/23 10:28:34 - LanConnectivity - Started
13/4/23 10:28:35 - LanConnectivity - Passed
13/4/23 10:28:35 - ArcPing - Started
13/4/23 10:28:36 - ArcPing - Unable to run
13/4/23 10:28:36 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
13/4/23 10:28:37 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
13/4/23 10:28:37 - DnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 10:28:38 - DnsResolution - Passed
13/4/23 10:28:38 - DnsLatency - Started
13/4/23 10:28:39 - DnsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 10:28:39 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 10:28:40 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
13/4/23 10:28:40 - SignalStrength - Started
13/4/23 10:28:41 - SignalStrength - Passed
13/4/23 10:28:41 - CaptivePortal - Started
13/4/23 10:28:43 - CaptivePortal - Passed
13/4/23 10:28:43 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
13/4/23 10:28:44 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
13/4/23 10:28:44 - HttpsFirewall - Started
13/4/23 10:29:01 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 10:29:01 - HttpFirewall - Started
13/4/23 10:29:02 - HttpFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 10:29:02 - HttpsLatency - Started
13/4/23 10:29:12 - HttpsLatency - Failed
13/4/23 10:29:12 - ArcHttp - Started
13/4/23 10:29:13 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
13/4/23 10:40:47 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
13/4/23 10:40:51 - GatewayCanBePinged - Passed
13/4/23 10:40:51 - LanConnectivity - Started
13/4/23 10:40:52 - LanConnectivity - Passed
13/4/23 10:40:52 - ArcPing - Started
13/4/23 10:40:53 - ArcPing - Unable to run
13/4/23 10:40:53 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
13/4/23 10:40:54 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
13/4/23 10:40:54 - DnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 10:40:55 - DnsResolution - Passed
13/4/23 10:40:55 - DnsLatency - Started
13/4/23 10:40:56 - DnsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 10:40:56 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 10:40:57 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
13/4/23 10:40:57 - SignalStrength - Started
13/4/23 10:40:58 - SignalStrength - Passed
13/4/23 10:40:58 - CaptivePortal - Started
13/4/23 10:40:59 - CaptivePortal - Passed
13/4/23 10:40:59 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
13/4/23 10:41:00 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
13/4/23 10:41:00 - HttpsFirewall - Started
13/4/23 10:41:17 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 10:41:17 - HttpFirewall - Started
13/4/23 10:41:18 - HttpFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 10:41:18 - HttpsLatency - Started
13/4/23 10:41:25 - HttpsLatency - Failed
13/4/23 10:41:25 - ArcHttp - Started
13/4/23 10:41:26 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
13/4/23 11:02:28 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
13/4/23 11:02:32 - GatewayCanBePinged - Passed
13/4/23 11:02:32 - LanConnectivity - Started
13/4/23 11:02:33 - LanConnectivity - Passed
13/4/23 11:02:33 - ArcPing - Started
13/4/23 11:02:34 - ArcPing - Unable to run
13/4/23 11:02:34 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
13/4/23 11:02:35 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
13/4/23 11:02:35 - DnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 11:02:36 - DnsResolution - Passed
13/4/23 11:02:36 - DnsLatency - Started
13/4/23 11:02:37 - DnsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 11:02:37 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 11:02:38 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
13/4/23 11:02:38 - SignalStrength - Started
13/4/23 11:02:39 - SignalStrength - Passed
13/4/23 11:02:39 - CaptivePortal - Started
13/4/23 11:02:40 - CaptivePortal - Passed
13/4/23 11:02:40 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
13/4/23 11:02:41 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
13/4/23 11:02:41 - HttpsFirewall - Started
13/4/23 11:03:01 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 11:03:01 - HttpFirewall - Started
13/4/23 11:03:02 - HttpFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 11:03:02 - HttpsLatency - Started
13/4/23 11:03:12 - HttpsLatency - Failed
13/4/23 11:03:12 - ArcHttp - Started
13/4/23 11:03:13 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
13/4/23 18:44:01 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
13/4/23 18:44:05 - GatewayCanBePinged - Failed
13/4/23 18:44:05 - LanConnectivity - Started
13/4/23 18:44:06 - LanConnectivity - Passed
13/4/23 18:44:06 - ArcPing - Started
13/4/23 18:44:07 - ArcPing - Unable to run
13/4/23 18:44:07 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
13/4/23 18:44:08 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
13/4/23 18:44:08 - DnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 18:44:09 - DnsResolution - Passed
13/4/23 18:44:10 - DnsLatency - Started
13/4/23 18:44:11 - DnsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 18:44:11 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 18:44:12 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
13/4/23 18:44:12 - SignalStrength - Started
13/4/23 18:44:13 - SignalStrength - Passed
13/4/23 18:44:13 - CaptivePortal - Started
13/4/23 18:44:14 - CaptivePortal - Passed
13/4/23 18:44:14 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
13/4/23 18:44:15 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
13/4/23 18:44:15 - HttpsFirewall - Started
13/4/23 18:44:17 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 18:44:17 - HttpFirewall - Started
13/4/23 18:44:18 - HttpFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 18:44:18 - HttpsLatency - Started
13/4/23 18:44:19 - HttpsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 18:44:19 - ArcHttp - Started
13/4/23 18:44:20 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
13/4/23 20:48:18 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
13/4/23 20:48:22 - GatewayCanBePinged - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:22 - LanConnectivity - Started
13/4/23 20:48:23 - LanConnectivity - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:23 - ArcPing - Started
13/4/23 20:48:24 - ArcPing - Unable to run
13/4/23 20:48:24 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
13/4/23 20:48:25 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:25 - DnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 20:48:26 - DnsResolution - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:26 - DnsLatency - Started
13/4/23 20:48:27 - DnsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:27 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 20:48:28 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
13/4/23 20:48:28 - SignalStrength - Started
13/4/23 20:48:29 - SignalStrength - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:29 - CaptivePortal - Started
13/4/23 20:48:30 - CaptivePortal - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:30 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
13/4/23 20:48:31 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:31 - HttpsFirewall - Started
13/4/23 20:48:33 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:33 - HttpFirewall - Started
13/4/23 20:48:34 - HttpFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:34 - HttpsLatency - Started
13/4/23 20:48:35 - HttpsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 20:48:35 - ArcHttp - Started
13/4/23 20:48:36 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
13/4/23 22:50:19 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
13/4/23 22:50:22 - GatewayCanBePinged - Failed
13/4/23 22:50:22 - LanConnectivity - Started
13/4/23 22:50:23 - LanConnectivity - Passed
13/4/23 22:50:23 - ArcPing - Started
13/4/23 22:50:24 - ArcPing - Unable to run
13/4/23 22:50:24 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
13/4/23 22:50:25 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
13/4/23 22:50:25 - DnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 22:50:26 - DnsResolution - Passed
13/4/23 22:50:26 - DnsLatency - Started
13/4/23 22:50:27 - DnsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 22:50:27 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 22:50:28 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
13/4/23 22:50:28 - SignalStrength - Started
13/4/23 22:50:29 - SignalStrength - Passed
13/4/23 22:50:29 - CaptivePortal - Started
13/4/23 22:50:30 - CaptivePortal - Passed
13/4/23 22:50:30 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
13/4/23 22:50:31 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
13/4/23 22:50:31 - HttpsFirewall - Started
13/4/23 22:50:33 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 22:50:33 - HttpFirewall - Started
13/4/23 22:50:34 - HttpFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 22:50:34 - HttpsLatency - Started
13/4/23 22:50:36 - HttpsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 22:50:36 - ArcHttp - Started
13/4/23 22:50:37 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
13/4/23 22:52:11 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
13/4/23 22:52:15 - GatewayCanBePinged - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:15 - LanConnectivity - Started
13/4/23 22:52:16 - LanConnectivity - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:16 - ArcPing - Started
13/4/23 22:52:17 - ArcPing - Unable to run
13/4/23 22:52:17 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
13/4/23 22:52:18 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:18 - DnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 22:52:19 - DnsResolution - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:19 - DnsLatency - Started
13/4/23 22:52:20 - DnsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:20 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
13/4/23 22:52:21 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
13/4/23 22:52:21 - SignalStrength - Started
13/4/23 22:52:22 - SignalStrength - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:22 - CaptivePortal - Started
13/4/23 22:52:23 - CaptivePortal - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:23 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
13/4/23 22:52:24 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:24 - HttpsFirewall - Started
13/4/23 22:52:26 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:26 - HttpFirewall - Started
13/4/23 22:52:27 - HttpFirewall - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:27 - HttpsLatency - Started
13/4/23 22:52:28 - HttpsLatency - Passed
13/4/23 22:52:28 - ArcHttp - Started
13/4/23 22:52:29 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
14/4/23 0:08:07 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
14/4/23 0:08:11 - GatewayCanBePinged - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:11 - LanConnectivity - Started
14/4/23 0:08:12 - LanConnectivity - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:12 - ArcPing - Started
14/4/23 0:08:13 - ArcPing - Unable to run
14/4/23 0:08:13 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
14/4/23 0:08:14 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:14 - DnsResolution - Started
14/4/23 0:08:15 - DnsResolution - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:15 - DnsLatency - Started
14/4/23 0:08:16 - DnsLatency - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:16 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
14/4/23 0:08:17 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
14/4/23 0:08:17 - SignalStrength - Started
14/4/23 0:08:18 - SignalStrength - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:18 - CaptivePortal - Started
14/4/23 0:08:19 - CaptivePortal - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:19 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
14/4/23 0:08:20 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:20 - HttpsFirewall - Started
14/4/23 0:08:22 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:22 - HttpFirewall - Started
14/4/23 0:08:23 - HttpFirewall - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:23 - HttpsLatency - Started
14/4/23 0:08:24 - HttpsLatency - Passed
14/4/23 0:08:24 - ArcHttp - Started
14/4/23 0:08:25 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
14/4/23 9:08:02 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
14/4/23 9:08:05 - GatewayCanBePinged - Passed
14/4/23 9:08:05 - LanConnectivity - Started
14/4/23 9:08:06 - LanConnectivity - Passed
14/4/23 9:08:06 - ArcPing - Started
14/4/23 9:08:07 - ArcPing - Unable to run
14/4/23 9:08:07 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
14/4/23 9:08:08 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
14/4/23 9:08:08 - DnsResolution - Started
14/4/23 9:08:09 - DnsResolution - Passed
14/4/23 9:08:09 - DnsLatency - Started
14/4/23 9:08:10 - DnsLatency - Passed
14/4/23 9:08:10 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
14/4/23 9:08:11 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
14/4/23 9:08:11 - SignalStrength - Started
14/4/23 9:08:12 - SignalStrength - Passed
14/4/23 9:08:12 - CaptivePortal - Started
14/4/23 9:08:13 - CaptivePortal - Passed
14/4/23 9:08:13 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
14/4/23 9:08:14 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
14/4/23 9:08:14 - HttpsFirewall - Started
14/4/23 9:08:36 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
14/4/23 9:08:36 - HttpFirewall - Started
14/4/23 9:08:37 - HttpFirewall - Passed
14/4/23 9:08:37 - HttpsLatency - Started
14/4/23 9:08:47 - HttpsLatency - Failed
14/4/23 9:08:47 - ArcHttp - Started
14/4/23 9:08:48 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
14/4/23 13:00:33 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
14/4/23 13:00:37 - GatewayCanBePinged - Passed
14/4/23 13:00:37 - LanConnectivity - Started
14/4/23 13:00:38 - LanConnectivity - Passed
14/4/23 13:00:38 - ArcPing - Started
14/4/23 13:00:39 - ArcPing - Unable to run
14/4/23 13:00:39 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
14/4/23 13:00:40 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
14/4/23 13:00:40 - DnsResolution - Started
14/4/23 13:00:41 - DnsResolution - Passed
14/4/23 13:00:41 - DnsLatency - Started
14/4/23 13:00:42 - DnsLatency - Passed
14/4/23 13:00:42 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
14/4/23 13:00:43 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
14/4/23 13:00:43 - SignalStrength - Started
14/4/23 13:00:44 - SignalStrength - Passed
14/4/23 13:00:44 - CaptivePortal - Started
14/4/23 13:00:46 - CaptivePortal - Passed
14/4/23 13:00:46 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
14/4/23 13:00:47 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
14/4/23 13:00:47 - HttpsFirewall - Started
14/4/23 13:01:04 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
14/4/23 13:01:04 - HttpFirewall - Started
14/4/23 13:01:05 - HttpFirewall - Passed
14/4/23 13:01:05 - HttpsLatency - Started
14/4/23 13:01:15 - HttpsLatency - Failed
14/4/23 13:01:15 - ArcHttp - Started
14/4/23 13:01:16 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
16/4/23 21:37:49 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
16/4/23 21:37:53 - GatewayCanBePinged - Failed
16/4/23 21:37:53 - LanConnectivity - Started
16/4/23 21:37:54 - LanConnectivity - Passed
16/4/23 21:37:54 - ArcPing - Started
16/4/23 21:37:55 - ArcPing - Unable to run
16/4/23 21:37:55 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
16/4/23 21:37:56 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
16/4/23 21:37:56 - DnsResolution - Started
16/4/23 21:37:57 - DnsResolution - Passed
16/4/23 21:37:57 - DnsLatency - Started
16/4/23 21:37:58 - DnsLatency - Passed
16/4/23 21:37:58 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
16/4/23 21:37:59 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
16/4/23 21:37:59 - SignalStrength - Started
16/4/23 21:38:00 - SignalStrength - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:00 - CaptivePortal - Started
16/4/23 21:38:01 - CaptivePortal - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:01 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
16/4/23 21:38:02 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:02 - HttpsFirewall - Started
16/4/23 21:38:04 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:04 - HttpFirewall - Started
16/4/23 21:38:05 - Inflight Routine Cancelled
16/4/23 21:38:17 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
16/4/23 21:38:21 - GatewayCanBePinged - Failed
16/4/23 21:38:21 - LanConnectivity - Started
16/4/23 21:38:22 - LanConnectivity - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:22 - ArcPing - Started
16/4/23 21:38:23 - ArcPing - Unable to run
16/4/23 21:38:23 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
16/4/23 21:38:24 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:24 - DnsResolution - Started
16/4/23 21:38:25 - DnsResolution - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:25 - DnsLatency - Started
16/4/23 21:38:26 - DnsLatency - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:26 - ArcDnsResolution - Started
16/4/23 21:38:27 - ArcDnsResolution - Unable to run
16/4/23 21:38:27 - SignalStrength - Started
16/4/23 21:38:28 - SignalStrength - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:28 - CaptivePortal - Started
16/4/23 21:38:29 - CaptivePortal - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:29 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Started
16/4/23 21:38:30 - HasSecureWiFiConnection - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:30 - HttpsFirewall - Started
16/4/23 21:38:32 - HttpsFirewall - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:32 - HttpFirewall - Started
16/4/23 21:38:33 - HttpFirewall - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:33 - HttpsLatency - Started
16/4/23 21:38:34 - HttpsLatency - Passed
16/4/23 21:38:34 - ArcHttp - Started
16/4/23 21:38:35 - ArcHttp - Unable to run
16/4/23 23:17:49 - GatewayCanBePinged - Started
16/4/23 23:17:53 - GatewayCanBePinged - Failed
16/4/23 23:17:53 - LanConnectivity - Started
16/4/23 23:17:54 - LanConnectivity - Passed
16/4/23 23:17:54 - ArcPing - Started
16/4/23 23:17:55 - ArcPing - Unable to run
16/4/23 23:17:55 - DnsResolverPresent - Started
16/4/23 23:17:56 - DnsResolverPresent - Passed
16/4/23 23:17:56 - DnsResolution - Started

--- Network Events ---

20/3/23 17:11:57 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] started in state Connecting

20/3/23 17:11:59 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] removed
20/3/23 17:12:00 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] started in state Connecting
30/3/23 9:31:21 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] started in state Portal
13/4/23 8:40:55 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] started in state Connecting
13/4/23 8:40:58 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU'
13/4/23 8:40:58 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting to
Not Connected
13/4/23 8:53:58 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] started in state Not Connected
13/4/23 8:54:39 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU' on
access point [A0:93:51:82:F3:6E]
13/4/23 8:54:39 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not Connected
to Connecting
13/4/23 8:54:55 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting to
13/4/23 10:28:27 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Online to
13/4/23 10:28:30 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] on SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU' roamed
from access point [A0:93:51:82:F3:6E] to [A0:93:51:7E:01:CE]
13/4/23 10:28:30 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Online
13/4/23 10:40:42 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Online to
13/4/23 10:40:45 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] on SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU' roamed
from access point [A0:93:51:7E:01:CE] to [A0:93:51:84:37:AE]
13/4/23 10:40:46 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Connected
13/4/23 10:40:46 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connected to
13/4/23 11:02:01 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Online to
13/4/23 11:02:27 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] on SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU' roamed
from access point [A0:93:51:84:37:AE] to [A0:93:51:82:E4:4E]
13/4/23 11:02:28 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Online
13/4/23 11:41:09 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU'
13/4/23 11:41:09 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Online to
Not Connected
13/4/23 11:41:09 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU' on
access point [A0:93:51:82:E4:4E]
13/4/23 11:41:09 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not
Connected to Connecting
13/4/23 11:41:12 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU'
13/4/23 11:41:12 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Not Connected
13/4/23 11:41:23 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'Grup Stucom
Convidats' on access point [82:45:58:88:E8:8E]
13/4/23 11:41:23 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not
Connected to Connecting
13/4/23 11:41:56 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'WLAN_AB'
13/4/23 11:41:56 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Not Connected
13/4/23 11:42:01 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'MiFibra-8E91' on
access point [EC:F4:51:69:8E:93]
13/4/23 11:42:01 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not
Connected to Connecting
13/4/23 11:42:29 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'Grup Stucom
13/4/23 11:42:29 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Not Connected
13/4/23 11:42:30 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'Grup Stucom
Convidats' on access point [22:E8:29:B7:34:02]
13/4/23 11:42:30 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not
Connected to Connecting
13/4/23 11:42:34 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'Grup Stucom
13/4/23 11:42:34 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Not Connected
13/4/23 11:42:37 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'MiFibra-8E91' on
access point [EC:F4:51:69:8E:93]
13/4/23 11:42:37 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not
Connected to Connecting
13/4/23 11:42:48 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'MiFibra-8E91'
13/4/23 11:42:48 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Not Connected
13/4/23 11:42:48 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'MiFibra-8E91' on
access point [EC:F4:51:69:8E:93]
13/4/23 11:42:48 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not
Connected to Connecting
13/4/23 11:42:57 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'MiFibra-8E91'
13/4/23 11:42:57 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Not Connected
13/4/23 11:43:18 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'MiFibra-8E91' on
access point [EC:F4:51:69:8E:93]
13/4/23 11:43:18 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not
Connected to Connecting
13/4/23 11:43:26 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'MiFibra-8E91'
13/4/23 11:43:26 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Not Connected
13/4/23 11:49:00 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'MiFibra-8E91' on
access point [62:F4:51:69:8E:95]
13/4/23 11:49:00 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not
Connected to Connecting
13/4/23 11:49:15 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'MiFibra-8E91'
13/4/23 11:49:15 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Not Connected
13/4/23 11:49:26 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'cap raval nord' on
access point []
13/4/23 11:49:26 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not
Connected to Connecting
13/4/23 11:49:41 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] left SSID 'cap raval nord'
13/4/23 11:49:41 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Not Connected
13/4/23 18:43:58 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] joined SSID 'SUAD-5G' on access
point [FC:40:09:C6:7B:9D]
13/4/23 18:43:58 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Not
Connected to Connecting
13/4/23 18:44:01 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Connected
13/4/23 18:44:01 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connected to
13/4/23 20:48:13 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Online to
13/4/23 20:48:17 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Connected
13/4/23 20:48:17 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connected to
13/4/23 22:50:14 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Online to
13/4/23 22:50:17 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Connected
13/4/23 22:50:17 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connected to
13/4/23 22:52:07 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Online to
13/4/23 22:52:10 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Connected
13/4/23 22:52:10 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connected to
14/4/23 0:08:03 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Online to
14/4/23 0:08:07 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting to
14/4/23 0:08:07 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connected to
14/4/23 9:07:58 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Online to
14/4/23 9:08:02 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting to
14/4/23 9:10:20 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] on SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU' roamed
from access point [A0:93:51:7E:05:C1] to [A0:93:51:84:37:AE]
14/4/23 13:00:30 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Online to
14/4/23 13:00:33 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] on SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU' roamed
from access point [A0:93:51:84:37:AE] to [A0:93:51:7E:01:CE]
14/4/23 13:00:33 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] changed state from Connecting
to Online
14/4/23 13:12:09 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] on SSID 'gencat_ENS_EDU' roamed
from access point [A0:93:51:7E:01:CE] to [A0:93:51:84:37:AE]
16/4/23 21:37:48 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] removed
16/4/23 21:37:49 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] started in state Online
16/4/23 21:38:16 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] removed
16/4/23 21:38:17 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] started in state Online
16/4/23 23:17:49 - WiFi network [AC:12:03:1E:A1:81] started in state Online

=== Keyboard ===

13/4/23 10:55:46 - Key press test - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard

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